• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,590 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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July 3rd - July 20th, the Year MCCCXLV

July 3rd, the Year MCCCXLV


The drought has come to an end. Three days ago, my chief weather-tamers reported that a massive storm was brewing off our western coast- a powerful one, if left unchecked. A team of our best fliers were dispatched to recon the growing storm, reporting a monstrous squall line that was going to intercept the Vanhoover coast if we did nothing.

Knowing few better, I called for Rainbow Dash of Ponyville to head a team. She was enthusiastic and immediately took to her duties, heading a team of five to power through and tame the storm. It was not until the next day that they even returned, battered and exhausted, but undeniably successful. What could have been a potential disaster instead has turned into a blessing. Vanhoover reported yesterday that a thick series of rainclouds were covering the coastline, delivering a pleasant-yet-steady stream of rain along its path. Enough to soften the soil, but gentle enough so that it would not cause flash flooding. Now, it has come through the mountains, and hopefully strong enough to keep pushing through to the east.

The city is celebrating. Cups and dishes, even pots and pans dot the city’s windows and rooftops, everyone eager to collect as much fresh rainwater as they can. I encourage it, even counseling the Solar Guard to gather what they can. Fresh rainwater, untouched, is a welcome drink to slake thirst, and is often used for more potent drinks. This stock will be a prized one as time goes on.

The rains do not mean that our heatwave is gone for good. We do not know when the next line of weather will pass through, nor if the heat will dissipate. Also, the more affected areas are under watch in case flash flooding does indeed occur. We are grateful, but we do not want to let down our guard.

I have ordered that some of the stocks be kept hidden for now, locked away for our Medicine Guilds in case of potential disease outbreaks in the future. Something already purified is critical for treatment of the ill. We will always prepare for the future.

However, for now, we celebrate. Celebrate and be thankful for this gracious relief.

When I returned to my quarters, on the nightstand beside my bed, I found a mason jar of clear rainwater, along with a small vase that bore a solitary, lovely arum-lily.

It is now the fourth gift he has secretly brought to my chambers, and I have yet to discover how he has remained undetected, or even how he has managed to enter my chambers. I am not sure I want to know, but I am certain that I do not wish for him to stop.

July 6th, the Year MCCCXLV

Ford intrigues me. I believe today is the first time I have ever seen a flaw in his character. He has always been very reserved, very respectful towards me. I think this is the first time he has shown anything less than that.

At first, I noticed nothing of concern. I performed my daily duties, attended to the needs of myself and that of my people. I rose and carried the sun, I bathed and prepared for the day, I ate and commenced the Day Court. There was nothing that I saw that would possibly have alerted me to something being amiss.

The day went on as many often had; Day Court brought its share of joys and challenges; noblemen and lords intermingled with visitors and guests bringing gifts and tidings from afar. The sun rose strong and harsh, the humidity brought by the rains becoming unrelenting. I did my best to soothe those in the throne room, but the temperature was oppressive. I began to hope we would soon have another reprieve.

A break for lunch was when I finally noticed something amiss: Ford had yet to make an appearance. I felt concerned, but nothing in the demeanor of his fellows hinted at something amiss. Even if I was genuinely worried, there was nothing I could do. To inquire as to his whereabouts would only raise suspicion. Still, it was strange. I often came across him in the halls while he was on duty, I often wondering if he made a habit of trying to see me. Instead, he was simply absent.

The day went on, Day Court continued, and still no sign of my champion. It was quite unlike him, and when I brought Day Court to a close I half-wondered if I should consider searching for him. Thankfully, common sense chastened my haste. It would do no good for Ford’s position for a Princess to have a sudden, public interest into his condition.

Accepting that I would simply not see him, I decided to adjourn to dinner, when I heard the sound of water sloshing against tile. I turned to one of the guest’s lavatories to see –to my utter surprise- Ford, head bowed and busying himself with a mop and bucket.

It was not my safest choice of words, considering I was not certain we were alone. “What are you doing?”

Ford gave a start, turning to me and his face gave a flash of cold shame. “Your Majesty!” he cried, bending down onto his knee.

He was always cautious in the open. I peered about, searching the hallways for a sign of life and discovered nothing. “We are alone,” I told him. “What are you doing here?”

Ford was hesitant to answer, that cold shame turning his features to stone. “I’m cleaning the lavatories,” he answered each word seeming to cut his throat as it escaped him.

I was confused. There were staff whose duty it was to attend to such things. My Solar Guard occasionally performed such tasks, but almost totally in regards to their own personal quarters. For one of my Royal Guard to do such a thing was… unusual. “May I ask why?”

Ford could hardly look me in the eye, trying to find his voice and eventually resigning to turning his face. “I… I failed to report this morning,” he answered, his voice flat. “So because I began my duties late, I was told that I would instead remain late as punishment. Sergeant Coal gave this to me as my task. I am free to leave when I am complete.”

I didn’t quite know what to say. His world, the militaristic world of rank and order, was unfamiliar to me. I knew it, but to be part of it was another thing entirely. I couldn’t imagine his shame, what this humiliation had dealt to him.

“I’m sorry,” I began to say.

“Don’t be,” he replied quickly. “I deserve this. I should not have failed in my duties. It is a reflection upon you.”

“I hardly see the connection,” I said mildly.

“We are what the world sees when they see you. We are supposed to be the best of all your kingdom, hand-picked to serve you and you alone. If I falter even once, it brings shame upon all of us- and upon you. Please forgive me.”

He knelt to the ground once more, hand outstretched in supplication and his head bowed.

“Of course I do,” I said, taking his hand and bringing Ford to his feet. “There is no one here, allow me to help you finish-”

“No!” his voice cut sharp as a blade, his eyes flashing. His expression of anger quickly turned to panic, his gaze flickering back and forth down the halls. “No,” he said again, this time far more quietly. “This is my failing, certainly not yours. Let me do this, I… I deserve this shame.”

I was taken aback, but saw I would find no way to reason with him. “Would you like to join me tonight?” I asked him. “I will be studying in the astrellarium tonight. I would be glad of your company.”

“Princess, I do not believe tonight I will make for fine company,” Ford answered, his voice regaining its sharpness. “I do not wish-”

“Do you not wish to see me?” I asked, feeling rather hurt by the thought of it.

“No, of course not,” he blustered, “I merely- I wish to-” he gave a defeated sigh. “I am sorry. Right now I do not know what I want.”

The sound of footsteps in the distance met my ears. “I will wait for you tonight,” I told him. “I do hope you find it in yourself to see me tonight.”

I departed for my evening meal, turning round the bend and disappearing from sight. Somewhere behind me I heard voices call Ford’s name, friendly banter emerging in their conversation.

I set the sun and dined quietly, a simple meal making do for a long evening. I bathed once more, relieving myself of the sweat and grime that had come from the day, and finding a gown I often preferred in the summer days. It was a loose-fitting sheet of satin the color of the dawn sky. I had been gifted it long ago, a present from the Arabian Nations.

The night air was still warm, the sun-scorched rock of the mountains holding on to the heat of the day. The stars began to shine as I made my way to the astrellarium, a simply building in the westernmost corner of the tower. I had built it for Luna soon after she had been freed, a place where she could gaze upon her cherished stars in solitude and peace. Luna appreciated it greatly, but told me she preferred to be out amongst the starlight instead of merely gazing at them through a telescope. I decided to convert it into a place of study of the solar system, manning it with as much technology and equipment as could be managed.

I began my work, gazing out into the oceans above. It had become a hobby of mine to study the starlight- perhaps my connection to one particular star had given me an appreciation for the dazzling tapestry above. Despite my best efforts, I was distracted. My ears remained pricked, eager for the sound of Ford’s approach.

As the moon rose higher into the sky, I began to give up hope. Thankfully, I soon heard the sounds of his arrival and soon saw Ford appear from the shadows, still in his armor and looking rather worn down. I came forward to greet him and immediately saw the shame upon his face.

“Princess, I am truly sorry for what I said, I-”

I cut him off before he could finish. “You have nothing to apologize for,” I told him.

“Yes, yes I do.” His voice was hot, as scorching as the summer sun. “I know what you are trying to do, but please do not downplay failure.”

I had underestimated how much it truly bothered him. Hesitating, I slowly reached for his hand and found it, leading him over to a nearby bench and settling himself beside me.

“Tell me what is the matter, please,” I said to him. “This is not like you.”

His anger remained. “I do not enjoy making a fool of myself,” he said. “Nor do I take pride in failure.”

“Neither does anyone else,” I reminded him.

“Not everyone else is a member of the Royal Guard,” he countered. “I am supposed to be better, I am better. Instead, I was the only one of your Guard that failed today. Me alone! And as if to make it worse, you have to stumble upon me and bear witness to it all!” Ford became so distressed that he left his seat, beginning to pace the floors of the astrellarium. “You shouldn’t have to see this,” he said. “You deserve better than this.”

I felt sympathy for him. Ford was proud- too much so. But to him, it was all connected. His duties were linked to his peers who were linked to himself, and all of them were linked to me. In his mind, he had let everyone down and lost his honor- a blow very difficult for him to bear.

“Please know that I understand your feelings, but you simply will not be perfect at all times,” I said, rising up to join him. “No one is capable of it, not even I.”

“You’re certainly better at attempting perfection than I am,” he said bitterly.

I laughed, coming up behind him and laying my arms across his chest. “If you do not recall, I believe I spent a good portion of a month sexually tormenting you,” I reminded him. “And that only last month, I was jealous and insecure because of the admirations of a laundry maid. I hardly doubt that I am perfect.”

“That was nothing, that was-”

“Enough!” I said, feeling a tinge of frustration at his bull-headedness. “I am the Princess of the Sun, ruler of a mighty kingdom. I have lived for many years, seen and done many things,” I told him. “Yet there I was, turned green with jealousy because of the affections of a young girl for no reason. That is very poor form for anyone, particularly a Princess.”

Ford kept silent, perhaps agreeing but too irritated to admit it aloud.

“I understand your standards. To aim for perfection at all times is what we should all do,” I counseled him. “But do not be surprised if you falter. And when you do, simply chalk it up to experience and learn from it. Failure is a far better teacher than success could ever hope to be.”

Ford gave a sigh, his body releasing the tension pent up within. “I’m sorry, Celestia,” he whispered. “That was…”

“Poor form of you?” I said, kissing him gently on the cheek. “You will do better the next time. One mistake does not make me think any less of you.”

He took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze of thanks. “I have never seen this place before,” he remarked, releasing himself from my arms and walking about. “What did you hope for me to see?”

I showed him around my beloved hall, eager for him to see the world above that I so ardently adored.

July 19th, the Year MCCCXLV

He is gorgeous.

Oh heaven, I wish I could erase that. Sort of.

This is embarrassing. I am certainly capable of more self-control than this! Aren’t I?

It’s not something so easily forgotten, seeing as it was a sort of ‘first’ for me. Not in the sense that I haven’t bore witness to the physical aspect- the physique- the look of a man-

I’m not doing a very good job of handling this. Perhaps I should let this night close out, for I certainly seem incapable of self-control right now, perhaps because I am more aroused than I care to admit-

I am retiring for the night, and may heaven grant me a cure to this girlish foolishness!

July 20th, the Year MCCCXLV

I am, at the very least, calmer than I was last night. To say that it relieves me of embarrassment, however, would be false. I am not sure what overtook me.

Ford is outside my door, standing watch as dutifully as the night he first kissed me. I hope he is in better spirits than he was that night. I would be willing to believe he is quite tired from yesterday’s events.

Oh heaven, I can feel it within me again. This is not my proudest moment. I believed I possessed more self-control than this. Instead, here I am, positively making a fool of myself. At least I am more controlled than when it began.

Where to begin…

The Royal Guard conducted a series of sparring drills and duels yesterday morning, wishing to take advantage of a somewhat cooler day than normal. A fair wind had blown from the north and helped to settle the temperature and Captain Hearth Fire believed it would be an ideal opportunity to take advantage of. To have so many of the Guard unavailable at once required my word of approval, but I saw no reason for my best soldiers to fall behind on training. I agreed, while two veteran soldiers were left as my guards for the Day Court.

The day went well, the relief from the prolonged heat rousing the good spirits of those who came to visit. I was given forewarning that a new delegate from the Griffon Kingdom was on his way, however. He will be here in five days, giving me time to prepare. I wonder what has caused this unexpected arrival.

As Day Court continued, it seemed many of the visitors and nobles that came to pay court were easily resolved. By mid-afternoon the Day Court had seen all visitors, resolved all inquiries. I suddenly found myself with little to do, and thankfully little paperwork as follow-up. It was a rare day that I did not have mounds of parchment awaiting my hand.

My mind turned to Captain Hearth Fire’s planned combat training. It had been some time since I had seen any of my soldiers in action, particularly those of the Royal Guard. It would be good to see the level of skill they possessed once more. I turned to my guards and requested they accompany me and the three of us went down to the barracks courtyard.

The event was larger than I had expected, several off-duty soldiers of the Solar Guard somehow finding their way into the events. Ford explained to me once of the inter-unit rivalries that formed, a way to continuously keep the Guard well-trained and sharp. I hadn’t expected it to be so popular- perhaps I still underestimated my men.

Hearth Fire was the first to notice I had arrived, his cry echoing across the courtyard as all present bowed before me.

“As you were, soldiers,” I called, “I mean no interruption.”

“Is everything well, Your Majesty?” Hearth Fire asked of me.

“Certainly. I am merely hoping I can observe your training,” I explained. “It has been some time since I’ve last seen the Solar Guard in combat. I hope they’re keeping up nicely.”

“They are, Your Majesty, your Solar Guard remains well-trained,” Hearth Fire reported. “As we continued, several other factions requested to participate, and our training has become a sort of trial-by-fire. Your Solar Guard has fared quite well against their brothers.” He turned back to the awaiting group of Guards. “Alright, the Princess will be observing your performance. So give it your all- and watch what you say!”

A pair of soldiers stepped forward, bearing the colors of the red sun- the City Guard, keepers of the Canterlot Walls. “We request a duel against the Royal Guard.”

Hearth Fire stared out at his group of soldiers, perhaps mulling over his choices. “Sergeant Coal, Private Ford- center ring!”

I perked up at the sound of his name, watching as Ford and his mentor came to the circle. Ford looked considerably younger than both of his opponents, fresh-faced and clean compared to the weathered appearances of the City Guard.

“Alright gentlemen, what are the terms?” Hearth Fire asked.

“May the Judge decide,” Sergeant Coal replied.

“May the Judge decide!” Hearth Fire proclaimed, eliciting calls of excitement from the crowd. He brought forth a small pouch from his hip, plunging his hand in and extracting a series of marks. “The first mark is… combative trial! The second… Submission trial! The third… hand-to-hand!”

The crowd of soldiers were eager, fiery as the terms were settled. I admit, I at first didn’t understand until Hearth Fire leaned and whispered to me their meaning. “They will fight rather than display who has better skills, Your Majesty,” he said. “To the Submission means that would be to disarm or cause your opponent to tap out. They will fight with their hands, rather than with a blade.”

“Will they come to any serious harm?” I asked, feeling somewhat unsure for Ford. He did not appear as burly or well-built as his opponents, or even his team-mate.

“They will certainly be sore, but they will not come to any real harm,” Hearth Fire answered. “Some bruises perhaps, but little more.” He turned back to the awaiting crowd. “You have one minute to prepare!”

To my surprise, the four men began to relieve themselves of their armor, setting it aside and going down to their bare clothes. Ford and Sergeant Coal looked at one another, nodded, and proceeded to relieve themselves of their shirts, eliciting a cry of excitement from the crowd of soldiers that bore the green sun of the Outer Wall.

I am sincerely glad that no one was paying me any heed, for I surely gave an audible gasp at the sight of Ford, who had taken me quite by surprise. He was unblemished to the touch, his body beautifully crafted, well-toned and fit. He bore no signs of damage or wear at all. True, his frame was simple- but sleek, cut and fleet rather than bulky or ironshod. Perhaps it was because I already fancied him, but suddenly I found myself caring about little else but the sight of him.

Hearth Fire began to laugh next to me under his breath. “The Outer Wall strikes again,” he remarked to me. “Barbarians, but such fighters! You will have a sight to see, Your Majesty.”

“Pardon?” My voice was breathless, hardly a whisper. I could barely keep my eyes off of Ford. Somewhere in the back of my mind I realized that I was easily giving myself away- I needed to regain control immediately!

I do not remember much of his first fight, only that Ford and Sergeant Coal won their duel. They were challenged again, this time by some of their former companions on the Outer Wall. Having regained some semblance of self-control, I was able to observe in a more subdued fashion. Ford and Sergeant Coal won handily, the two having a seamless teamwork that helped them. Ford was faster, more fleet of foot and quicker on the draw, but did not possess the power that his partner did. When one began to struggle, the other would jump in to aid him.

The third came, this one against other members of the Royal Guard. Ford and Sergeant Coal won once more, but struggled. They were more evenly matched than the rounds before, but eventually won out. The two were impressive. At least I believe so. Part of me kept replaying the image of Ford through my mind until it seemingly dominated my thoughts.

“Thank you for letting me observe, Captain,” I told to Hearth Fire, rising to my feet.

“You’re certainly welcome, Your Majesty,” Hearth Fire said with a bow. “I hope you find your soldiers to be well-trained.”

I nodded and quickly departed, heading to my chambers so I could be alone and find a way to get a grip on my rapidly deteriorating composure. That was much closer than I had meant to be- what thought I had next I do not know, as the sight of Ford’s unblemished body continued to surface in my mind over and over.

The end of my duties came and I forced myself to leave my bedroom, departing for the parapet where I would lower the sun. As I watched the sun fall, I peered down into the courtyard, seeing that the boisterous crowd of soldiers had long dissipated. I wondered how Ford was doing now, and how his body had fared. Not a single blow had been held back.

I walked down the hallways to where I would dine and saw, to my delight, Ford walking through the corridor- and bearing a brilliant black eye.

Without thinking, I grabbed hold of him and pulled him into a secluded corner. “What happened? Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” he laughed, his voice extremely worn. “I am merely exhausted, that is all. Sergeant Coal and I had several more rounds after you left and-”

I cut him off with a kiss, so strong and passionate that I felt the breath in his lungs flee from him. I held him tight until, several moments later, I finally released him, somehow dissatisfied.

“Whoa,” Ford breathed, looking up at me with stars in his eyes.

I kissed him again and departed, worrying that I was about to lose self-control entirely. I returned to my chambers and stayed there, declining to eat lest I make a fool of myself once more.

I have never felt anything like that moment, before or since. Such strong passions- and so difficult to control! I am not sure I wish to feel it again, unless I am secluded with Ford- or very, very alone.

Author's Note:

"Echo 27, since when do you update so often? You're only supposed to update once every other month."

Yeah, I know. But I've had two 24-hour shifts this week alone, and it seems me being nearly manic helps me write. I don't get it either.

Comments and corrections below. This chapter was far more fun to write than the last one.