• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,538 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Making Amends

Shorter chapter this time. I'm bringing this story to a close...

Just chapter 10 plus an epilogue and then I'm finished.



Chapter 7: Making Amends!


"Hold it! This isn't what it looks like!"

Nopony makes a move. Thunder, still frozen in the spot. You turn to Fluttershy. She realises what she had just done and is now in shock. You look over back to Rainbow Dash. She's nowhere to be seen. You catch a glimpse of a Rainbow tail exiting the cafe. You can hear Fluttershy break down into tears. She also proceeds to hoof it out of the building.

You're left alone, at the back of the cafe. You look around but somehow the cafe staff are also nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, you feel yourself being rammed into the cold, concrete wall. You feel a sharp sting in your wings as they are crushed between you and the wall. You look up and spot Thunder, hoisting you up with one hoof. You can see the tears running down his face but you feel the anger in his heart.

You grab his other hoof, intent on choking you. You use whatever energy you have stored inside of you to keep his huge hoof away from your fragile neck. You do so in vain. HE quickly overpowers you and you can feel your airway slowly constricting.

You see the darkness creep into the corner of your eyes. You feel the strength in your body fade away, as your brain and muscles are gasping for air. Your lungs are working overtime to provide the much needed oxygen for your body but you can feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness...

Just before you think you're blacking out. You feel Thunder release his grip. You drop to the linoleum flooring. Easing your neck and gasping for breath. You take a minute to stumble back onto all fours but you look up and spot Thunder, still gazing down at you. You manage a weak smile.



"Jeez, calm down Thunder..."


"Look, it’s not my fault-"

"Oh yeah. How many mares do you need to be satisfied?"

"It's not like that!"

"You and Rainbow Dash really had something. Then you start hitting on Fluttershy. Damnit! You know I had a crush on her!"

You can't think of what to say next. You try and form an explanation in your head but your brain is still trying to recollect the last 3 minutes.

"I was going to ask her out on a date today! And you fucked it up!"

"I’m sorry!"

"You bucked it up for everypony. I think you've shattered Rainbow's heart now"

You think back to your Rainbow Dash. You imagine her sorrow. Just witnessing her coltfriend kiss another pony.

"We didn't mean to kiss!"


"It's just that Fluttershy just wanted to thank me for what I did. And she also wanted to apologize for me getting hurt-"



He collapses onto his flank. You get up and try to pull him up. He doesn't budge.

"Look Thunder. I know how you feel about Fluttershy and I wasn't trying anything on her. She's a very caring mare and she felt bad about getting somepony hurt. That kiss was a 'get better soon' kiss. It wasn't a spontaneous act of passion!"

Thunder looks back at you. By the rate of his breathing, you know he's calmed down quite a bit. You're not surprised. If you saw your best bro making out with your marefriend you'd be pretty furious too.


He whacks you on the shoulder. You're pretty sure that's going to leave a bruise. But considering you don't have any broken bones. You feel like the luckiest pony to get in a fight with Thunder.

"I’m not happy, but I forgive you."

Praise Celestia

He gets up and tosses a pouch of bits on the table.

Wow, somepony who just saw his best friend supposedly making out with his crush AND he still picks up the tab...

"I'm going to... sort things out with Fluttershy" he holds the door for you as you exit the deserted cafe. "I think you might want to set things straight with Rainbow Dash..."

Ah shit...

"Good luck to you Lightning. And if she manages to pin you down, you can kiss your stallionhood goodbye..."

You can't help but gulp down that lump forming in your throat. You furiously try and remember where Rainbow Dash's dorm is. Trying to piece the steps from the evening she brought you in. After a short while, you can recall the path you took and started to kick it into high gear.

You ran as fast as your little pony legs could take you, galloping along the school pathways. In the distance you can see the building you're looking for and head straight for this.

Damn... all this running around is surely going to build my muscle.

You make it to her front door. Your heart still pounding from your exercise. You had been so concerned with finding her you haven't even thought of what you’re going to do now. You choose to improvise; starting by bashing your hooves on the front door.

No response.

"Rainbow Dash?"


"Look. I know you're in there! I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for what happened but what you saw was totally out of context.


Come on Rainbow....

You back off from the front door and gallop over to the back. You spot her bedroom window on the first floor; slightly ajar.

I guess I’m climbing.

You prepare yourself for a high jump. Bracing your legs and positioning yourself under the window. You release the stored energy in you hind legs. Propelling yourself just up to the window. You quickly grab onto the tiny ledge, gripping for dear life. Should you fall now, now wings would be there to slow you down.

You hoist yourself up with one hoof and quickly pull yourself into the room. Your hind leg catches the ledge, causing you to lose balance and tumble over. You make it into the room but your now upside down and on your head.

"Great entrance Romeo..."


You quickly get back onto all four and turn to face the bed. You spot a very heartbroken pony lying on the bed.

"Rainbow Dash. What you say in the cafe was not what it looked like."

She quickly gets off the bed. She shoves you against the wall using a moderate amount off force. You don't resist her efforts but continue explaining.

"What the hell was it then?!?"

You try your best to make eye contact with her. You look into her eyes and notice her magenta hue has turned a darker red. Add a pair of fangs and she could be a vampire...

"Fluttershy just wanted to thank me for what I did for her and she really wanted to apologise for getting me hurt-"



"But did you kiss her back?"

"I... I was in shock ok? I didn't know what to do!"

"Please Rainbow... You know I don't love anypony but you. You're my only one Skittles..."

You receive an upper cut to the jaw for your trouble. You comfort your bruised mouth and look up at Rainbow Dash. She's calmed down by now but you don't want to try anything on her.

"THAT... was for letting this happen"

This time she kicks you right between your stallion bits. You crumple back onto the floor, writhing in agony. You still hope someday you would still be able to have foals. You let out a small tear but quickly wipe it away.

"AND THAT... was for making me embarrass myself in public!"

OWW.... love hurts....

You try your best to get up. You presumed you were still going to be stopped by Rainbow but you notice she'd now hopped back onto her bed.

I hate love... Wait? Do I?

"Look Rainbow. I'm really sorry for making you feel horrible but can I make it up to you in any way?"

She whispers something to you but you can't make it out. You walk closer to her bed pressing your ears closer to her. She quickly grabs you by the neck and yanks you onto her bed. You're lying on top of her. You can't move but she presses you close to her. Her legs are spread wide open but you avoid stimulating her mare parts... Or at least you tried to.

You pull your head closer to her. You take charge and quickly lean in for a kiss. Your lips touch and you both savour the unforgettable flavour of each other. Somehow, this time, she has her tongue wrapped around yours. You can't escape, but the feeling of her trapping you sends tingles up your wings. Your lips part and she whispers something barely audible to you, although you do catch what she says.

"And that’s what I'm going to do to you... in time..."

Had it not been for your bandages holding them in place, your wings would be up and at them right there and then. Rainbow Dash easily slips onto her front. Now you're on her back, her wings are prominently erect and aroused. You run your hooves along her back and lightly tease the base of her wings. She lets out a light moan, a signal for you to continue.

You slowly increase your effort, mowing up her wings. You can feel her heartbeat pacing faster. You slowly massage the tips of her wings. This causes her to let out a much louder cry. You continue pleasuring her wings, both speeding up and slowing down at times. She lets out a large moan and her wings drop onto the bed, limp. You fall down beside her, exhausted at your effort. You can hear her muffled panting even with her head buried in the pillow.

Eventually, she gets up and drags you off the bed.


She whispers something to you,

"Come on. I can't let you do all the work and let me have all the fun..."

"Umm... It's no problem really Rainbow..."

She shoves you into the wall, her hooves pinning you, stopping them from resisting.

"Get in the shower, now"

"Are you sure you really w-"

"That was an order..."


You decide to give in and quickly walk over into her bathroom. You turn the shower on and un-bandage your wings. You quickly get under the warm comfort of the rain shower and start washing yourself. Before you know it. Your face is being pushed up against the wall. Somepony has you front against the shower wall. You start to feel hopelessly vulnerable but your thoughts are stopped by the decadent feelings now on your wings. You can't turn to face Rainbow Dash but you know what she’s doing.

You feel something slid across the tips of your wings; it's too small to be hooves. You feel a rough texture to it and quickly realise what it was.



Your wings quickly spring into action, quickly being rewarded with the pleasure they so crave. You know you're going to be having a very, very long shower....


You both make quick work of drying each other off. You quickly collapse into her study chair while she takes position on her bed. You both just sit there in silence for a minute. Eventually, she breaks the silence with a question.

"Soo... You enjoyed that then."

"What do you think?"

"Oh I just can't wait for your birthday now...."

You feel the blood rush to your head as you process what she's trying to get at. You desperately crave some 'relief' from all this tension. You look out the window and spot the sun just starting to go down. You take this opportunity to get back to your own dorm.

"Uh... oh well! Look at the time. I guess I gotta go now!"

You spot the slight disappointment in her face but you notice the smirk in her smile. She knows why you so desperately want to leave but goes along with it.

"I'll see you in class Lightning..."

"Yeah! See you tomorrow Skittles"

"You don't have to jump out the window this time. The front door wasn't locked"

You can’t help but turning bright red from your embarrassment. You hadn't even tried turning the handle and now you feel like a complete idiot. You quickly wave goodbye and hoof it back to your dorm.

You b line it straight to your dorm and quickly unlock the door. Inside you spot Thunder, grooming himself in a mirror. He turns to face you and smiles.

"So? How did it go with Rainbow?"

"It was... Relieving"

"You dirty, dirty colt...."

"Shut up! And uh... Why so fancy?"

"I'm uhh.... just, trying to look good for...-"

"You're taking Flutter's on a date?"

You can see the rosiness in Thunder's cheeks, you decide not to embarrass him further and wish him a good night. You lock the door behind him as he leaves and quickly sprint to your bathroom. You flick the shower on although you don't intend to clean yourself again. You decide 'pleasuring your wings' don't cut it for you and quickly dive into the shower. You have other things in mind. You don't care what you’re going to do. Every other teenage pony on campus was probably jerking off in their free time anyway...

Damn you hormones....


Once again, you manage to come out of the shower feeling dirtier that when you did going it. Given that you were clean when you entered...


weeks later


Somehow, time seems to pass by you pretty quick at the Academy. You manage to make it to the top of the Wingball team. Thunder, also reaching heights with his skills. You both play in a series of matches and competitions. Every time you played, you knew you could count on your Skittles being there in the stands supporting you.

She would be sitting in her usually spot cheering you and Thunder on. Occasionally, she would be accompanied by Fluttershy who would either end up hiding behind her or shouting at the referee, claiming that Thunder was in fact fouled. Though you hardly see how somepony could tackle Thunder...

Even so, you also returned the favour by cheering Rainbow on at her races. You would watch as each time her laps became quicker and quicker. Eventually, she was a good 50% faster than you and to quote '20% cooler'. You protested saying that she was in fact 20% hotter. Somehow your bad jokes also seem to get a laugh out of Rainbow Dash.

Every now and then, either of you would bruise a wing or sprain a muscle, keeping you two out of action for a few days. You both went on countless dates together; either spent watching a Wonderbolt's performance or just watching good movie. Eventually, the end of the school year has crept up on you and you find yourselves in the final weeks of your first year.


Tuesday. Flying practice


You quickly finish your lap. Once again, you were beaten by Rainbow Dash. She always dominated short distance flights. Although you did have better stamina, allowing yourself to out fly her in the longer races. But once again, she would beat you in another category.


Damn... Her moves are like something you've never seen anypony do before. Her extreme flexibility allows her to do twists and turns you could only dream of. She also has the perfect build for a Pegasus, not to slim but not to buffed up. She had the perfect athletic build anypony could want.

Damn... Dat ass. She’s good in bed too...

You try to clear your mind of dirty thoughts but looking up Rainbow's backside isn't helping. You feel a whack at the back of your head and turn to see Thunder. He gives you the stare, causing you to snap out of your trance.

"You can wait until the holidays then you can get up with some fun times with Rainbow"

"That's easy for you to say, I bet you're knocking up Fluttershy every evening"

You spot a deep blush from Thunder; He hides it badly but gives you a stern look. Since a few weeks ago, there had been rumours that Thunder and Fluttershy actually had sex, given that it was legal and in private you still couldn't believe it. Even if it was true or not you can't help but feel disappointed that your best friend got laid before you.

You still try not to imagine the scene but still wonder how Fluttershy takes it.



"Does Fluttershy like it rough?"

"I hate you"

You can't decipher the expression on his face but something deep inside of you tells you not to press further. Lest you wanted your wings nearly snapped off.... again.

"So... are you taking Fluttershy out to the prom then?"

"Yeah, you bringing Rainbow Dash?"


Co-incidentally, this year the prom falls on the day before your birthday. Sadly, that makes you one of the youngest ponies in your year. You had already asked Rainbow Dash out to the prom and she agreed on one condition. She didn't have to dress up.

Fine with me...

You and Thunder return to your dorm. You both clean yourselves up and proceed to do your own things. Thunder volunteered to cook diner, giving you time to plan what you were wearing to the prom. You open your closet and pull out you suit.

Meh... I think I’ll go minimalist

You settle with a short sleeved shirt and a black tie. You stash that to one side of the closet, hoping to keep it wrinkle free for the prom.

You both have an eventless dinner and retire to your bedrooms. You quickly drift off asleep both in anticipation of the prom and for your birthday.


Next Chapter: You go to the prom and have a wild time. Nuff said


I have plans for a sequel. Does anypony want a sequel????

(In bad TF2 Heavy voice)
Artists are credit to ponies:

http://oneill3007.deviantart.com/art/Mad-Rainbow-Dash-MLP-FIM-Vector-297083164 (annoyed)

http://sapphirebeam.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-vector-320861598 (seductive)

http://pony-vectors.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Lounging-Front-311370451 (lying down)
