• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,542 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Chapter 7: Wonderbolts

Nothing much to say...

Enjoy the chapter


Chapter 7: Wonderbolts


You spend the rest of the late afternoon lazily hanging out with Rainbow Dash. Every now and then, she keeps pestering you about what you're going to get for her birthday. Besides the fact you actually haven't got anything for her, you still don't reveal your plan. Hopefully you can pull through and deliver with your idea.


Rainbow Dash looks up to the clock in the room.

"Oh, hey, looks like it's getting late. I got to go soon..."

You feel a small lump of sadness grow inside you. Looking up at the clock, you spot it to be nearly six in the evening. You decide to get over your feelings and pony up.

"Ok, ummm... I’ll see you tomorrow then?"

"Duh... anyway, you better get me something good for my birthday. Or you're going to get it..."

Challenge accepted!

You let it dwell on your mind for a second before realising the true nature of what you're thinking.

Wait! Do I actually get turned on when Rainbow Dash threatens me???

You decide not to think about how she would dominate you in a relationship. You walk over to the door and lead her out of your dorm. She walks out of your dorm but quickly turns around to face you. She stands up and walks closer to you. You quickly ready your hooves in defence but she quickly slams you against the wall, pinning both your hooves beside your head. You feel yourself helpless against the concrete. She pushes her head and leans in. You feel her tongue once again trying to wriggle its way into your mouth, brushing against your teeth. You can’t move your hooves, still locked by your sides. You can't help but feel a sense of arousal at being at her mercy.

She quickly unpins you. You almost fall at the sudden lack of support. She doesn't say anything but smiles at you seductively. You're mouth is still hanging open from the kiss. You still taste her wild berries in your mouth. She turns away and walks off into the evening sun. You watch her as she paces slowly away. Then you realise. Now you're just having a stare at a mare's ass...

But you have to admit.... Dat ass


You wait for a few minutes before heading out. You plan to go to the admin office and obtain a pass to leave school grounds. In fact, you want two passes . You quickly head out to the administration offices to look for the pony in charge.

I swear I visit this place to often...

You Make your way over to the student pass office and spot an open counter. You head over to it and spot a relatively young Pegasus manning the counter. It looks as if he only just graduated from flight school himself. You strike a conversation with him.

"Hello. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Ummm... yeah, there is. Can I get two passes to leave school grounds?"

"I'll see what can be done."

"Come on... I really need it!!! There's this really hot mare that I like, and I want to take her on a date!"


"AND!?!? What else do I need?"

He sighs. "I feel for you.... ok, look. Just fill out this form here and pay the 100 bits for the administration fee."

"If it weren't for this huge counter in front of you, you would almost be hugging him by now. But that didn't stop you from leaning over and trying.

"Ehh... hugs not required..." He quickly passes you over the form and you quickly fill it out. You read trough the questions, answering them thoroughly.

What is the purpose of your leave?

A) Business

B) Recreational

C) Other

Recreational... I guess???

You also read the terms and conditions in small print at the bottom. Looking over it, you learn you need to be back on campus by midnight. You mustn’t get into any trouble while out. Rules on campus may still apply while away-

And so forth. Etc...

You sign at the bottom of your page with your unique signature and drop your bits to the Pegasus.

He quickly hands you two small passes. He chuckles when he spots the huge grin growing on your face. You quickly grab the passes and head out. Before you leave, you thank the nice pony and you hear him shout something to you as you leave the office.


Oh yeah, Thanks for having faith in me...

By the time you make it back to your dorm, you're sweating all over. You still haven't acclimatised to having to run and walk everywhere. By now, you start to appreciate how easy flying makes everything.

This time, you open the door to the dorm and spot Thunder, lazing about on the couch. You realise just how much you need him for your plan. Plus, you would only trust your best friend with this sort of task anyway.

"Hey Thunder!"


"Soo... day out with Fluttershy go ok?"

"Yeah... we spent time tending animals, enjoying the peace of the greenhouse. You know, stuff..."

You decide not to prod into each Thunder's romance life and in exchange, he does the same. Either way, you need him to fly up to Cloudsdale to get what you need.

"Hey Thunder, I really need you to help me out."

"Sure. What do you need?"

You pull him closer and whisper to his ear. You tell him exactly where to go and what to do. Before he leaves, you hand him a huge bag of bits. He stashes the money into his saddlebag and takes off into the night sky.


You wait for what seems to be hours on end but a quick check of the clock tells you it's only been thirty minutes. You hear a loud knock on the door and rush to open it. You unlock the door and spot a sweaty Thunder Hoof. He makes his way in and slumps back onto his couch.

"Next time, you don't need to nearly smash the door in."

"Next time, you should think of cheaper ways to take a mare out."


"Here are your precious tickets."

In his hooves, her sported two golden tickets. Upon closer inspection you read out the tickets to be for tomorrows show. You quickly take the tickets and stash it on your bedside table.

"Those things cost nearly three hundred bits. EACH!!"

That kind of money is half my monthly allowance

"Well, it's a good thing I was in hospital for 2 weeks then. Right?"

Thunder doesn't reply. He just picks himself up and grabs a blow of leftovers from the fridge. You, delighted with yourself, see it fit to celebrate. You head off into the shower and enjoy the warm comfort of the water.

After drying yourself off, you slip into your bed and stare up at the wall. Everything’s gone well so far but this was the easy part. You start to get doubts over tomorrow and quickly think about what could go wrong.

What if she doesn't like it? Or maybe I might screw up? What if the pony at the office was right?

You eventually decide to worry yourself to sleep. Quickly drifting off into a pleasant dream involving none other than your Rainbow Dash...



You quickly bolt out of bed, your wings primed and erect from your hormonal teenage fantasies. Not to mention some other parts...

You turn to the sound of your voice and spot the crazy cyan blue Pegasus in your room.

Did she purposefully come in here to see me like this???

"Rainbow! Consider giving me bit privacy please?"

She ponders the thought for a moment, at the same time still inching ever closer to you. You quickly jump under your covers in a futile attempt to conceal your arousal.

"OK... I've considered it. Nope!"

She stands just by the foot of your bed and rips your covers off. She then gives you a big amorous hug which you do not react to. You just enjoy the moment and get it over with. You also take this time to quickly stash her birthday loot into your drawer. She releases you and you pick yourself up and head towards you shower.

"You're not coming in here"

You quickly bolt the door locked and head into your shower. You only turn the cold tap on. A time like this just calls for a cold shower.

You quickly dry yourself off and exit your bathroom. Outside, you see Rainbow Dash waiting patiently on your bed.

Well... Lying down provocatively if more like it

You give her a quick peck on the cheek and wish her a happy 16th birthday.

Authors note: Shut up! I'm using Human years for ease of understanding and if anypony asks, I’m using the British timeline for a school year. That is from September to late June.

"So? How do you want to spend your special day?"

"Hmm... I don’t know... we've already seen how amazing of a flier I am and there’s nothing else to do in this boring place."

"Well how about we spend the day in Cloudsdale instead?" You quickly flash your two passes to leave school.

"WOW!!! Lighting you're amazing!" She quickly picks you up and wraps you in a tight hug almost crushing your ribs. One which you're pretty sure only Thunder could do. You return the gesture with kiss to the mouth this time. You catch her unaware and she’s taken by surprise. You push further and she quickly goes along with it.

After she releases you from her tight 'Thunder' hug. She quickly slaps you across the face.


"Ow" You gently nurse your red cheek with one hoof.

"That was for getting a kiss without my permission"

Totally worth it

She continues

"Anyway, we can go like everywhere and do whatever we want!"

"Actually Skittles... We can go anywhere in Cloudsdale and we have to be back before midnight"

"Shut up! I’m sixteen and I think I can do anything in the world!"


You start to head out of the room, quickly stashing your Wonderbolts ticket under your wings on the way out. You're quickly followed by Rainbow Dash, still basking in her glory. Outside in the living room you notice Thunder isn't around. Another sticky note on the fridge. You pick it up and read it...

Have a good say out with Rainbow. I'm out with Fluttershy.

PS: The door is locked.


"Rainbow? How did you let yourself in?"

"Climbed through your window"

A quick peek back into your room did in fact reveal you window was wide open. The curtains flapping in the breeze. You make a mental note to lock your windows next time and head out of your dorm.

Looking at Rainbow Dash you see she's clearly pumped and ready to leave school. Her wings are ready and she’s about to take off.



She turns back to you and quickly remembers after looking back at your wings. She sighs and picks you up. You try not to imagine the embarrassment of having to be carried around everywhere in Cloudsdale. With Rainbow Carrying you, you quickly make it to the campus exit.

She’s enjoying this....

You're quickly stopped by the guards who eye both of you. You pull out your passes and pass it to the guards. They quickly look over them before handing them back to you. They open the gates and let you two pass. On your way out you swear you heard the pair of them snigger behind your back.

This is soooo embarrassing...

You're quickly shot up into the sky and Rainbow takes to full speed. She flies at an almost ninety degree angle quickly breaking the sound barrier. You feel yourself slipping from her grip. You try and call out to her.


You finally fall off. You try your best to slow your fall, but without your wings you look just like an earth pony flailing their hooves about in the air. Suddenly you're quickly scooped back up into Rainbow Dash's grip. You look up at your saviour and notice how hard she's laughing.


"You should have seen your face!" You let her have her fun. After all it is her birthday, though you do make it as hard as possible for her to fly. Eventually she drops you onto a small cloud and starts pushing it instead. Although it was pretty comfortable, it was basically was a Pegasus version of a wheelchair.


You make it to a small cafe and quickly hop off your cloud. You and Rainbow Dash head inside. Ready to have some breakfast. You order some hay bacon strips and eggs and Rainbow orders a fresh fruit salad. Your food arrives promptly and you both proceed to devour your food. Neither of you speak, to hungry to start a conversation and because your mouths were stuffed with food.

After both of you finish off your meal. You both make suggestion on where to go next. You think of an idea.

"How about the Weather Factory?"

"Huh? Come on... It can't be that exiting..."

"You got a better idea?"


You and Rainbow head off the Weather Factory. Inside, you both tour around the production line. Besides actually learning something, you and Rainbow decide to have some fun there. You manage to blow dozens of small delicate snowflakes into Rainbow Dash's face. You hope nopony saw the amount of damage you caused by destroying the small, delicate snow structures.

Eventually you get your comeuppance. While walking past the vats of rainbows, you're quickly shoved in by Rainbow Dash. You lose your footing and fall into the vat with a huge splash. Inside the vat of the multicoloured liquid, you can feel your eyes burning from the spicy liquid. You quickly surface yourself and climb up from the tub.

You shake off most of the liquid before a weather pony comes up to you. Alerted by the splash. He quickly questions you.

"What happened here?"

"I hush, fell in"

Instead of getting a long lecture or being thrown out like you expected, the Weather pony just turns and mutters to himself.

"That’s the forth one this week. We really need to put some guard rails on that thing"


You turn back to Rainbow Dash still in a fit of laughter after what she just did to you. You smile at her.


"Not yet..."

She sticks out her tongue and licks you right across the face. You feel a cold shudder go down your spine as she does so. She licks the remaining liquid on your cheek, after doing so; they go a deep bright red from the gesture. She pulls back and licks her lips. Satisfied with her work.


Unfortunately, your incident with the rainbow juice had also caused your bandages to stain a bright rainbow hue. You can't change them now and instead, now have to wander around Cloudsdale with your multicolour bandages. Rainbow Dash helps to lighten the mood.

"Hey! At least they match my mane and tail"


You and Rainbow Quickly leave the weather factory and notice it to be late afternoon. You see Rainbow start to feel slightly down. Obviously sad that her day out is nearly over.

You decide now was the best time to pull out your other half of your present. You suddenly remember you tucked them under your bandaged wings. You hope they haven’t been destroyed by the liquid rainbows. You quickly pull the golden tickets out. They have drops of rainbow on them but the tickets themselves are waterproof and still as shiny as ever.

You nudge Rainbow on the shoulder; she turns slowly, head lowered in sadness

Dawwwww... Don't look so sad

"Hey Rainbow, I got you something else..."

She tilts her head up and her eyes quickly go wide. Her ears also perk up at the sight of the tickets. You stand there smiling and holding the two tickets to today’s Wonderbolts show. Before you know it, you're off your feet and on your back. Lying on the soft cloud floor. Rainbow Dash just tackled you to the ground and was hugging you where you lay. You only lie there and return the hug but quickly get up when you notice other ponies watching you from a distance.


You've never heard somepony talk so fast before and quickly stop her before she suffocates herself. You shush her with a hoof to the mouth and she continues to hug you. After a good five minutes of uninterrupted hugs and thank you's, you and Rainbow decide to head over to the stadium where the Wonderbolts were performing.

You make it to the front entrance; there are only a few ponies right now, as the show didn't start for another hour or so. You and Rainbow go in anyway; you had nothing better to do anyway. The tickets Thunder got for you weren't first class but they weren't standard either.

You had some good spots relatively close to the front. This was mostly where the die hard Wonderbolts fans were seated and you hope you're eardrums wouldn't burst from the amount of screaming fans around you. You and Rainbow take your seats and wait for the show to start.

Slowly, over time, the stadium starts to fill with various spectators and fans. Eventually, the whole place was packed and you hear the announcers start to speak. By now you can see Rainbow almost jumping in her seat, hoping to get a glimpse of the Wonderbolts.

You yourself weren't a die hard fan of the Wonderbolts but you did enjoy their performances as much as the next pony. You always find yourself amazed at the stunts and tricks they manage to pull off. You hear the announcers say the show about to start. You wait patiently in your seat while most of the other ponies were jumping and screaming at the top of their lungs, Rainbow Dash included.


The show went on for two hours. At one point you were pretty sure your eardrums had burst. You could distinctively hear Rainbow Dash's fangirlish squees of joy in the crowd. After the show ended you quickly read the back of your tickets and find that you were entitled to an autographed picture of the Wonderbolts. All the fans in this section were entitled to one.

You quickly grab Rainbow Dash's ticket and make your way to the Autograph stand. Upon presenting the two tickets you're given two newly signed pictures and proudly head back over to Rainbow Dash. You pass her one picture and her ticket. You receive a tender kiss for your effort and decide to make your way back home. Looking at the clock on one of the walls, you realise it to be nearly eleven PM.

You make it back to the school gates where the security ponies sign you in as returning back to the campus by eleven thirty. You stop just past the gate and turn to Rainbow. She looks at you kindly and pulls you close to her.

"Hey... Uhh Lightning... I... I really enjoyed today and... And I hope we could do this again some time"

You try and say something but she interrupts you. She presses her lips against your and pushes her tongue, slithering past your teeth. You return the kiss and pull her into a warm embrace. You both enjoy the moment, stood there, under the dim light of the lamppost. Eventually, she breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes.

"Goodnight Lightning..."

"Goodnight Rainbow..."

You both head off towards your dorms; you don't delay, noticing rainclouds start to form. You hear thunder in the distance and feel some raindrops start to fall on your back. You quicken your pace and make it to your dorm just as the rain starts to pour down. You hear the thunder very clearly now and can see lightning bolts in the sky.

You quickly head in and notice the lights turned off. You presume you're roommate had already called it a day and this was confirmed by the gentle snore as you place your ears on his bedroom doors.

Thank Celestia for the soundproofing

You head over into your bedroom and shut the door. You prepare yourself for bed and quickly stash your autographed picture and ticket onto your study desk. You turn of the light and lie flat on your bed. You begin to drift into sleep when you're interrupted by loud bangs at your window.

*Thud Thud Thud*

At first you ignore them, thinking it just to be thunder. Then they continue, almost getting louder.

You hop off your bed and flick the lights back on. You quickly pull back your curtains to investigate the noise but you're startled at your discovery.

You spot a very sad looking, drenched Rainbow Dash hanging by your window ledge. You quickly unlock the window and pull her in. In doing so, you realise just how wet she is.

"Asshole... You locked your window!"


You notice her start to shiver as she stands in the middle of you room. You quickly head over to your bathroom and grab a towel. You head over to Rainbow and begin to rub her down. Slowly drying her off. This also gives you the opportunity to question her.

"Umm... Rainbow. What were you doing outside my window anyway?"

She blushes at your question and turns away slightly. She mumbles a faint response.

"I was... uhh lost on the way to my dorm..."

Yeah.... Sure you were...

You manage to dry her off, her coat now very puffed up and ruffled from your vigorous rubbing. She sits on your bed waiting for you to dry yourself off as well. You realise there was no way you were letting her go back out into the storm to get back to her dorm.

You think to prepare some accommodation for her but something she says stops your train of thought. You turn to face her.

"Hey Lightning... Can I umm... Sleep with you tonight?"


Next Chapter: Somepony gets caught with Rainbow in bed...


Dun Dun Dun...... Cliffhanger

don't worry, the next chapter is coming soon.