• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,542 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Extras (1)

Please note that this takes place after the end of 'Pulling Through' but before the epilogue. I might make more of these little extracts from their lives if I can be bothered to and if I can get a good plot for it.

Any requests or suggestions for some high-school shenanigans? Just PM me!


Extras (1)


Monday morning. 2nd Period.

You sit patiently in your seat, waiting for today's lessons to pass. It was only second period and you were already dead bored. Everypony was. It was the last week till the winter holidays and even the teaching staff were ready to hit the hay for the year. You feel a bitter sting of cold air brush against your fur. you look to your side spot the window beside you slightly open. You promptly shut the window.

While standing beside the closed window, you notice the frost covering the whole grounds. The temperature was nearly below freezing and everypony knows snow is going to be forecasted for some time this week. You spot a lone pony hastily walking towards one of the other school buildings. From this distance, you can tell she's got a dark purple coat with pink streaks in them. You continue to follow her movements across the chilly courtyard. before long, she’s at the steps of the humanities building and making her way through the doors...



The picturesque scene in the courtyard was entirely ruined by the figure of this rainbow maned, cyan pony now pressed against your window. You disappointingly shake the previous scene out your window and refocus your attention to the pony in front of you. You can barely hear her muffled voice through the double glazing but it wasn't hard to understand what she was saying.



You unlock the window, allowing Rainbow Dash to quickly slip in unnoticed. She losses her footing and trips on the window ledge but you quickly catch her and pull her in. Standing on all fours she brushes off her fur before making her way to her seat. She kisses you lightly on the cheek before walking past, brushing lightly against your side.

"Dashie, you know you're not supposed to come in through windows. It's the rule."

"Come on Lightning, if they don't catch me, it's all good. Plus, I thought you liked a bad mare..."

You turn slightly and give a cheeky grin but a quick tail whip by Rainbow Dash makes you stop before any unexpected wingboners show up. In good time, you're saved by the bell and numerous other ponies start to make their way into the classroom. Within minutes, the class has settled and the teacher in front begins his lesson.

"OK class, so today we’ll be continuing yesterday’s lesson 'why you do not fly through a thunderstorm in more detail. I hope you've all remembered to finish that assignment I set you all yesterday..."

You smile contently, knowing that you could recite an entire library full of information on this topic. You wonder for a minute just why does the teacher need to go through this section. Everypony in class knew this section of the book like the back of their hoof. You peer over behind your shoulders and you quickly remember why.

Sitting rather anxiously in the window seat behind you is the stunning Rainbow Dash, furiously trying to copy some notes on the thighs of her hind legs. You can’t help but let out an amused chuckle. Surely nopony would check there for any hidden notes.


You return your attention back to the teacher. You watch as he scribbles down a long chain of information on the board in front. You don't bother taking notes; you're the kind of pony that others say has no life and writes the notes in advance. But, your hard work has paid off and you decide to lean back and enjoy the lecture anyway...


It was nearly the end of the day. The end of the year. Everypony was desperate to leave. It was one of those lessons where nopony was really doing any work; the teacher had put a video on and was busy trying to solve his eight Sudoku puzzle. Around you, half the ponies were already fast asleep. The odd pony here and there were watching with interest and you were pretty sure that colt in the front row and center was actually writing down some notes.

By now, the desks have been moved out of their grid formation and everypony was sitting on lying about like it was a disaster shelter. You had the luck of finding a nice bean back propped up against the wall near the back of the class. You sat quietly throughout the film, although your attention was fixed outside the window. It was only 1 in the afternoon but the cloud cover had already made it look like evening.

You feel a hoof wrap around your chest. You instinctively tighten up for a second but quickly relax when you realize it was only Dashie, falling asleep on you. You feel her head leaned against your shoulder. Her mane hair bobbles against your body, you wrap a wing around both your bodies in an attempt to keep the heat in. You look back towards the screen.

The movie was only halfway through the 3 hour film...

You lean your head back against the wall, hoping to pass the time. You feel the warm radiant heat glow from Rainbow Dash, pulsing between the two of you. You let out a quiet pleasureful moan; barely loud enough for anypony else to hear. You start to feel your heavy eyelids, slowly coming down. You try your best to focus but let's be honest; It was a terrible film and nopony would give a shit.

Within a minute, Rainbow Dash was now fully slumped against your body; her full weight is now slumped across your waist. You just start praying to Celestia she doesn't start to drool.

The quiet atmosphere of the room was only occasionally broken when somepony sneezed or coughed. It seemed that the feather flu was going around the school and everypony was catching it. You've been successful so far, managing to keep healthy and well. Thunder on the other hand was enjoying his early holiday in bed "sick" for the last 3 days.

Damn Skiver...


You hear a loud bang against the wall. The loud noise quickly wakes everypony in the room up from their sub-conscious state of drunkenness, bringing them off the ground. The loud noise had caused you to instinctively unfurl your wings, knocking the two ponies to your side; a face full of feathers isn't the best way to spend anypony's last lesson.

Sadly, the loud jolt had also awaken Rainbow Dash., causing to quickly stand up. You quickly feel a bone shattering force whack against your groin and a bruising smack against your chin. In the sudden wake-up, Rainbow Dash had pummeled your gentle region and her head had knocked you from below.


You're left on the ground, writhing in pain from the stumble. Your profanities are quickly echoed across the room as everypony turned to you, all very silent and curious as to what Rainbow Dash was doing with you. Humorously, the teacher had not bothered to turn or look in your direction but replied apathetically. .

"mind your language..."

"yeah... sorry teach."

While you start nursing your sore areas, hoping to get some feeling back into them, everypony has
returned their attention back to the excitable pony by the window. You spot the light green pegasi jumping on the spot, tapping the glass in a hyper state. Everypony was now converging on the spot, hoping to see what the whole fuss was about. Once they had had a glimpse of the outside world you could hear the symphony of mare crying out in joy and the colts brohoofing.

You turn confusingly to Rainbow Dash who had just returned from the window and was now screaming fangirlishly beside you. She could barely contain her excitement and was bouncing on the spot. You continue to look at her in confusion, hoping to get an answer as to what was going on.

"Ummm... update please?"


Snow... something that comes once a year and looks entirely magical to everypony. Where you came from, there was rarely snow; often only a light sheet here and there but you've loved playing in the snow like anypony else. Something about it just made you feel like a 10 year old all over again. A grin quickly spreads across your face, desperate to start frolicking in the white, freezing flakes of joy.

A roomful of pleading eyes quickly turn to the teacher, now stuck on his eleventh Sudoku puzzle. He looks up at all the mournful faces before quickly sighing and facehoofing annoyingly. He was probably glad that he could call it a day and even a year. He looked at the clock on the wall before nodding approvingly.

"Fine... the staff party doesn't start for about half an hour but i can see we're all spent for the year. OK everypony, stay safe out there, don't stay out too long; guys, don't freeze your balls off I wish everypony a good Hearth-Warming holiday. See you all in a month's time!"

With that, you swear you could feel the air being pulled out the room as everypony started to flood out the door, hoping to spend the rest of their day out on the campus...but in the snow.

You quickly get up, not wanting to be the last out of the room. You make it 2 steps before a sharp tug pull you back. You feel a hoof choke you by the neck before being quickly spun around. Before you could recognize the pony in front of you, you feel somepony's warm lips against your own. You feel the excitement and energy just a second ago melt completely from your body. You wrap your hooves around what you now make to be Rainbow Dash's waist, pulling her closer to you.

Before you even started to really enjoy it, Rainbow Dash breaks the moment. She pulls away but still holding on to you. You look deeply into her eyes, seeing a very satisfied pony both in it and in its reflection. she says something you barely caught in your memorized gaze.

"That was for crushing your bits earlier"

Satisfied that She wasn't referring to the money on yourself, you smiled innocently back.

"-Now come on!" You feel her drag you along once again, this time towards the window.

"DASHIEEE... where are we going?"

She looks back at you, both with devious intent and with glee.

"I'm definitely not going to be the last one into the snow! and you just cost me some valuable time... so we're taking a shortcut!"

You watch as she quickly slides the window open and sliding through with ease. You take a deep breath as you feel the cold winter air blow against your coat. you quickly place you two front hooves on the window, ready to leave but your impatient friend had decided that you were too slow.

You feel her quickly grab both your hooves before tucking her wings in, plunging towards the ground. Gravity had just been the ass he is and you were now falling out the 3 story building in a rapid free-fall



The last thing you remember from your sudden free-fall was the rather small looking snow pile beneath you and that insidious grin on Rainbow Dash's face. You find yourself lying upside down in a pathetic looking heap of snow. You instantly feel the cold chill of the frozen water on both your wings and fur.

You quickly face yourself the right way up, quickly spotting a very pleased Rainbow Dash floating above you. She sticks out a hoof, which you take with great gratitude. After pulling you up, she quickly lands beside you before nudging you playfully.

"Wow dude, you suck at free-fall chicken!"

"You never told me we were doing that! plus, it's like, way to short too do that stuff, how did you even recover from like 10 meters!?!? that's li-"

"Yeah yeah... whatever... come on! we're missing out on the fun!"

You stare at that incredibly sad, pleading face staring right at you; desperately hoping to get you moving. You succumb to the cuteness overload and quickly get of your rump. You start to feel the chilling sharpness of the ice ground beneath your hooves and wince in shock for the first few steps. By now there was at least a good half a foot of snow blanketing the whole area. In the distance you faintly spot and hear ponies enjoying themselves in the winter wonderland.

This is FREEZING! How does anypony deal with this?!?

You slowly trail behind Rainbow Dash, now calmly ploughing through the semi-deep snow. This is one of the rare occasions that almost every pegasi chooses not to fly and instead, enjoy the crisp snow. You look back ahead, staring straight at the rear end of your friend. You stare not in an engrossed fashion, but that of a blank stare. You suddenly focus back at the light tail flick she keeps doing.

GAWD that looks so sexy....

You swear you felt some dribble on your chin and quickly wipe it away. Sadly, the deep blush that accompanied it was still fresh on your face. You pray to Celestia that she doesn't turn her head around now. half to do with the fact you've probably got the biggest and hardest wingboner nopony could miss for a mile, but also as her turning round would ruin the perfect view.

You can't help but whack yourself on the head, hoping to clear the sea of dirty thoughts out of your mind and once again, that bright blush appears on your face. You take a quick look around, hoping nopony actually was nearby and was watching you.

Damn hormones... you're practically killing m-

You're private argument with your biology has somewhat distracted you from the walking pace. Rainbow Dash had just stopped abruptly on the path and you'd only just reacted. Any second later and you would have had you face right up in there.

Shame that.

You lock your body in position, teetering just inches away from Rainbow Dash. you watch the bead of sweat trickle down your forehead, causing a cold spot across your face. You spot the bead stop short of your nose, dangling in between you and Rainbow Dash's rear end.

You hear a questioning "hmmm" come from Rainbow Dash and quickly retreat a step back from her. You move yourself sideways partly, hoping to identify the source of her abrupt halt. You're pretty sure she never sensed what was happening behind you but advance slowly with caution.

"You OK Dashie?"

You hear a quiet scrunching of something as Rainbow Dash bent down. You wait there, patiently, honestly confused and annoyed. You call out to her once more.

"Rainbow Dash?"

She turns around quickly, pivoting on her hind legs. You spot her lunging at you, forehoof in motion. You instantly react leaning back and supporting yourself with one hoof while using the other to try and shield yourself. The next few seconds pass by in a flash. Forget what they say about time instantly stopping or slowing down. YOU can't even remember what you did.

You expertly manage to grab her armed hoof, ending her sneak attack. You find yourself balancing on a hoof, still holding on to whatever Rainbow Dash has used to assault you. You tilt your head forward and notice her, barely standing on her hind legs.

It was clear to you that she had lunched further than she could stand and was now leaning on your body. You squeeze her hoof gently, causing her to release the ball in her hand. You watch as the perfectly constructed snow ball broke apart as in contacted the ground. Both you and Rainbow Dash return your attention back to each other; meeting in a shocked gaze.

Finally, the icy ground you were on had melted sufficiently and you lose balance on your remaining hooves. You tumble on your back, onto the icy ground for the second time today. This time, you pull Rainbow Dash with you, causing her to fall fight onto your front. You both blush in embarrassment as Rainbow Dash immediately proceeds to get off your warm body. She cries out in surprise.


You roll your eyes in boredom. You had good reflexes that was it.

umm... My name is "Lightning" hint hint.

You retort in a defensive tone.

"You tried to kill me with a snowball!"

She doesn't reply, now very busy scooping up piles of snow, preparing her ammunition for another attack.

Sneaky bitch...

"If it's a war you want. It's a war you'll get!"

Not the best line to start a snowball fight but you weren't ever good at comebacks. You retreat a good 20 yards and start furiously constructing your own little fort and weapons. You strain yourself, annoyed at how fiddly it was to make a ball shape with your hooves. Even so, your crap looking snowballs were beginning to stack up.

You peep your head slightly over the top your snow mound, hoping to get a look at what Rainbow Dash was up to. You slowly creep up over the mount, exposing your head only from the nose up.


Clearly, you were too exposed. You feel the snow across your whole face, partially blinding yourself for a moment. You quickly wipe off the loose snow then shuddering when you realize some had gone up your nose. You regain your vision quickly enough to spot Rainbow Dash, collapsed on the cold snow, clearly satisfied with the head shot. You weren't gonna have first blood that satisfyingly and quickly grabbed one of your snowballs.

You take a step and lunge forward as you thrust your weight into the throw. You watch as the snowball arcs across the sky, quickly falling back to Equestria.




You spot Rainbow Dash, stunned and brushing the snow off her flank. You hit exactly where you aimed for. You stare at her, hoping she would concede at your "tactical" shot.

Not a chance.

She quickly got up and put her hoof down. Your gaze is drawn to her face. It was the face. The hybrid look of determination and "I'm going to kill you!" stare straight at you. You reply with the most innocent greeting smile.

Bad move.


Shit's going down for real now....

You quickly grab the largest pile of snow balls you could carry and bolted it into the sky. A quick ear turn behind you, told you that Rainbow Dash was close behind. You make a sudden turn around, switching to backwards flying. You grab your snowballs and quickly chuck some in an attempt to slow her down.

She easily dodges them and continues to close in on you; catching up with gradual speed. She launches a few of her projectiles in return, just clipping your right wing. You regain your balance easily enough, knowing very well that feathers stand better against the environment.

By now you two are both hovering in the sky, pelting each other furiously with snowballs. Each of you have scored some really good hit, covering each other in a layer of snow. You quickly realize that your drawn out engagement has nearly left you out of ammo, causing you to try and move to a lower altitude,

Lost all my balls...

Not surprisingly, Rainbow Dash instantly spots your lack of snowballs and is now hot on your heels once more. You put A plan together, knowing she can't help but follow you. Knowing you have nothing to throw back would mean she would try and get in real close.

As expected, you feel her wings flapping just above you. You look down at the ground - so narrowly close to you and spot Rainbow Dash's shadow in the snow. You quickly dive down, leaving barely a pony's height to the ground. you try your best to scoop some snow, using your speed like a plough.

Alas, your efforts were in vain - even you could not reach that low down. You hear a very manic laughter coming from above you. Rainbow Dash was already throwing her remaining snowballs. The speed and proximity of you two meant that the impact stung like... a very fast snowball.

You pray once more, hoping you don't kill yourself before making your final move.

You angle up and quickly shoot up towards Rainbow Dash. turning upside down to face her. You pounce in from under her; making it impossible to miss her, she was almost on top of you. You power onto full speed and quickly make contact with her. You wrap your hooves around her chest before quickly tucking your wings in firmly. You hear her surprised gasp as she realizes she was now falling.

You feel her kick at your stomach and knock your head once or twice but the deed was done. You both crash into the snowy field at speed; tumbling in the deep snow for at least fifty meters. You watch as the world spins around you, almost making you sick. You try and get a bearing of where you were but a white ground and a grey sky made it impossible to tell up from down.

You stop short of an abandoned attempt at a snow pony. Looking around, you don't see a soul in sight. By now it was probably very late. The low clouds made it hard to tell if the sun was setting but the darkening sky was a sign that it was soon time to get indoors.

You hear a muffled groan coming from beneath you. You quickly look down and spot Rainbow Dash in a perplexed heap. You look lower down and only just realize how you were lying on top of her. You could feel her body heat, clearly very warm due to your "workout".

You look back up at Rainbow Dash's face. now almost recovered from her roll. You look valiant in your spot, knowing you has bested her today.

"Do you admit defeat?!?"

She doesn't reply- instead crossing her hooves and sticking out her tongue like a foal. In short, it was her way of admitting defeat. You don't push further, knowing the fragility of her pride. She sits there, now drawing something in the snow.

You only now truly admire the cuteness of the scene. You find it adorable how Rainbow Dash looks, playing in the snow while still having small clumps, stuck onto her fur. Her mane somehow was not phased by the whole event and still looks as messy as ever.

You lean over to her and kiss her lightly on her lips. This time you feel a cold shock as your lips meet. Both you and her huddle close for warmth; still savoring the taste of each other. This time, her summer berry fruits give way to a frosty, mint aftertaste. Although surprised, you find it exciting having a different experience corresponding to the time of year.

Eventually, you both part. By now, the weather was truly dark, you watch as heavy, thick snow started to fall again and the sun nearly disappear into the horizon. It was probably barely five o'clock but it was winter and days are getting shorter. You realize it was probably time to get indoors- and fast.

Your train of thoughts are quickly interrupted by a high pitched but muffled sneeze.


You turn to the sound of the voice, seeing Rainbow Dash wiping her nose. You can see in her face that he was clearly not well and it was now your priority to get her indoors.

"Dashie? did you catch a cold? You're sick aren't you?"

She speaks through a strained voice.

"yeah, I think so... on the bright side. It would mean I've infected you now."

You quickly stick your tongue out and wretch at the fact you're probably going to spend the next week bedridden. Still a side though creeps into your mind.

"Well, we could be sick together i guess..."

You hear a delighted laugh from Rainbow Dash, followed by another cute sneeze.

"Come on, we're going home."

You walk side by side with Rainbow Dash, making good pace to her dorm. You spot the odd pony here and there, now all clad with winter gear; scarves, hats and even mittens. It seemed that you two were the only ones who went out without winter gear.


You quickly make it to Rainbow Dash's crash-out, getting inside and making the place comfortable. You quickly tidy Dash up before leading her to her bedroom. by now she was well and truly out for the count. You quietly tuck her into her small but comfortable bed before kissing her goodnight. She stirs only lightly in her sleep although you hope to leave before she actually starts to snore.

You flick the lights off, leaving only her desk light partly dimmed. You slowly make your way to the exit, preparing yourself for the long haul back to your dorm.


The quiet whisper barely grabs your attention but you stop in your tracks. You turn back towards Rainbow Dash who was now sitting up, rubbing her eyes. your inquisitive face prompts her to continue.

"Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone..."

You think long and hard about where you were going to go. You also didn't want to have to walk back through what almost seemed like a blizzard and you certainly didn't want to leave Rainbow Dash in such a state.

Ah well... You got to fend for yourself Thunder!

You walk calmly to Rainbow Dash's bed; she moved over slightly to accommodate the two bodies in the bed. Within seconds, she had wrapped herself entirely around your body. You keep a hoof around her shoulder to support her head. You feel just how cold her body was in comparison and felt every inch of her body wrap tighter around every spot on you.

You start to drift off to sleep, hoping to join your marefriend in slumber-land. Before you do, you mumble a barely audible sentence.

" Happy Hearths Warming Dashie..."

Author's Note:


I was supposed to get this out before Christmas. I kept putting it off and New year is the worst time if you want to do something productive.

Either way, I'm nearly done with the next chapter for Reunited. Hopefully, I will get that out by the 3rd, latest.

Huge thanks to darkdash115 and YoshiBrony (check out his story!) for being beta readers for me. It really helps when you have somebody to point out mistakes which you just cant see.

It would still help if I had 1 or 2 more Beta readers for my story. Once again, I will note that they can influence the storyline as well as providing much needed spell checks, punctuation and confusing plot gaps.

Hope you've all had a great Christmas (whether you celebrate it or not) and a happy New Year!