• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,938 Views, 89 Comments

Awakening - Little_Draco

A fate that is to come from Twilight leaves her with one option, death. But will it work?

  • ...


Awakening: Fate

It has always been there, the ties that bind us. That little string or that huge heavy chain that rests on our shoulders. It keeps us altogether, sentient and intelligent then most other species.
A pony is not much of a pony if they are by themselves. That is why they have binds, to protect them from the world.

The sound of rain had awoken Twilight from her deep sleep. The unicorn expected to be greeted by Celestia’s warm sun and all, but as she opened her eyes, to find the dark grey skies had filled the window's view.

Slowly arising, Twilight lifted her head to see that it was in fact raining. Thankfully, the glass windows were there to provide shelter from the cold elements. Still, just the idea of going outside, sent a small chill to Twilight’s spine. Why would the pegasi order a rainstorm to come in? It was summer and they were off schedule by….

It took her less than a moment to remember what has happened, and where she was. Looking around, she saw herself in one of the guest rooms of the castle. It was almost exactly as she remembered when she was just a Filly living in the castle. The furniture remained pretty much the same, however a few new differences were added.

There was a flat… TV screen? -- On top of a stand. The TV rather reminded her of the projections the movie theaters have but… smaller and there was no projection. Another thing that was different was the amount of electricity seeming to flow through the complex. There were electric outlets, lights for the bathrooms, the ceiling lights and even for the bed.

Twilight sat up. Everything may have been changed by technology wise but everything else seemed to be the same. It must have been a great time to see this happening. Imagine all the new technology her friends and family saw…

She paused… Family. What has become of them? Her mother and father? Shinning Armor or Princess Cadence? Her brother should be here as the leader of the Royal Guards yet not once did she see him nor was there any mention of him.

And maybe it was no mystery for Cadence; she is the ruler and princess of the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor is probably with her. Despite all that, she still was worried. She thought about how her parents are right now. Thirteen years with a dead daughter probably drove them nearly to their graves.


Quickly arising from her bed, Twilight quickly made her way to the bathroom. Inside, she looked upon the mirror. The unicorn that stared back her was alien. At Zecora’s home, she didn’t really get a chance to look upon herself, but here in a clear room with light… she was an oddity to herself.

Yes, she did look much older and much more of a full grown pony. She was in her prime as a mare and as a mare… she had to face the truth and horrors that would be her old parents.

‘Let’s see,” she thought to herself. ‘Thirteen years… Mom and Dad would be around their late fifties and Shining Armor would be 37. Hopefully… mom and dad haven’t moved their home.’

Well that wouldn’t stop her. The Canterlot Archives has records of all families here in Canterlot, even if they move. All she has to do is search for them. With that, she took off.

Knowing the place like the back of her hoof, Twilight easily found the library, which is one of the few places in all of Canterlot she could find with a blindfold on, she rushed there as fast as she could.

At first, she would have just checked if her parents were still living there, but if they weren’t it would be an awkward situation to see Somepony else there. But then again… why would her family move? Maybe because of all the memories? Maybe they retired already and moved somewhere for more of old ponies?

It didn’t matter now. She would find out one way or another.

No sooner had she arrived at the library, did Twilight immediately reach the desk. The librarian mare, that Twilight didn’t recognized, was a earth pony. Ms. Dusty, who was the librarian that Twilight knew of since foal hood, had probably already retired.

The mare had a golden brownish made with a light cream coat, looked up from her computer and smiled to Twilight.

“Hello,” she greeted with a smile. “How may I help you?”

With a smile, Twilight answered.

“Hello, I’m looking to see if my… family is still around in the same address. I kind of want to visit them.”

The mare nodded and began typing on her computer. That little machine had Twilight pondering.

“And… who is it that you are looking for?”

“Oh… uh Mr. Night Light and Ms. Twilight Velvet.”

A few more clicks at the computer and they stopped. The mare looked up to Twilight.

“And… may I ask… what relationships do you have with them?”

Twilight gave a small smile.

“I am their daughter… Twilight Sparkle.”

The mare overlooked Twilight. Seeing her and studying her as well. Her gaze was not judgmental but neither was it soft. It was almost like if her curiosity was lifted.

Twilight gave a nervous smile.

“Is something the matter?” she asked the mare.

The mare, who was somewhat in a trans, quickly shook her head and gave a smile.

“Sorry about that, it’s just that… my records here… indicate that your uh… dead?”

It wasn’t a question but the mare wasn’t so sure of herself.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh, and rubbed the back of her head.

“Yeah… well I am not dead… as you can see and I uh prefer not to talk about it. Long story short, I came back and now I need to know where my family is.”

The mare looked her over once more before returning back to her computer. The clicking of hoofs where the only sound to the entire hallway. Though the library entrance was just by the side of the counter, Twilight can never stand any sound near or in a library.

After a few short minutes later, the mare sighed.

“Well… Ms… Twilight Sparkle, it seems as though your family has been moved.” She blinked once and leaned in the screen before looking up at her. “You are aware of their current whereabouts?”

It was Twilight’s turn to blink.

“What do you mean?”

The mare looked back at the screen.

“Well it says that you are dead... yet here you are before me. Though I hope, somepony will clear this up for me. Your parents have moved from Canterlot to… the Celestial Gardens.”

Twilight’s brow dropped.

“I’m sorry but the… Celestia Gardens? Isn’t that the area right next to the Cemetery?”

The mare typed on her computer once more. An eerie silence fell upon them and Twilight’s heart was slowly begging to rise.

The mare stopped. Her gaze then turned to Twilight.

“I’m sorry but… it is really hard for me to do this.”

Twilight blinked.

“Do what? All I want to know where my parents are at? I’ve been gone for thirt… for a long time and I just wish to know where they are at.” Her voice slowly grew as she spoke.

The librarian before her somewhat grew a bit unsteady.

“I know that dearie, but the trouble here is… is that you were marked as deceased. You were set up in the Celestial Gardens.”

Twilight knew about the Celestial Gardens. A Cemetery that only buried or carried the ashes of the most famous and special of all ponies in history. Very few get to get buried and even fewer get to visit them. It was a large garden area within the inside of one of the Canterlot Mountains. Guarded by strict and tough guards, the garden had monuments, statues, and even flames for the great ponies.

They each held a special large area for everypony buried there. Clover the Clever, Starswirl the Bearded and more. That was reserved for the special ponies. If you were either a descendant, an Archmage, a rich pony or the Princesses themselves, you can visit them.

The gardens were mysteriously enchanted so that the flowers never faded through time. That any fire burning, it would burn until the last sun in the universe and the tomes or statues would remain until the earth beneath them vanished. The top part of the mountain had a giant hole so the sun and moon can shine upon their beauty forever.

Twilight gave a brief nod.

“Yes so? I don’t believe my parents could live by the area, nor could they afford it. I mean… my father has a decent job and my mother is Author.”

The mare looked at her, both of shock and sadness. Almost like if she knew something of them. However, something inside Twilight mentally clicked.

Her parents being by the Celestial Gardens, her death, the way the librarian was looking at her….

“You truly have been gone a long time…” came the only response from the librarian. Before another word was said, Twilight disappeared in a flash of purple. It temporary blinded the librarian. When she looked back to where Twilight stood, she was gone. It didn’t take a genius to realize where she was going nor that if it was that bright, something that strong, it was bad.


Twilight appeared right in front of the Celestial Gardens gate. The massive fifty foot tall, metal gates stood before a giant cavern that lead into the mountain. The mountain was a mile or so away from the main Canterlot road and few had access to them.

That is why there is no map or main road to get to it. You either paid a large fine, close to 5000 bits per pony, to enter, or you get access by the Princesses themselves or a part of their bloodline.

Almost immediately, the guards here spotted and surrounded Twilight.

“Halt!” yelled one of them, pointing a black sword at her. “Who are you? And how did you get here?”

Twilight was really not all there. Just the idea of her parents dead, was more of an emotional tug that having the privilege of being buried there. The rain, that had been raging since this morning, did not really help either. As soon as she had teleported there, water drenched every part of her body. Even now, the heavy drops of moisture ran through her mane and down her body, leaving her cold and numb

However, despite all that, she had enough sense to speak.

“I wish to see… my parents.” She said, not with a demanding voice or question. She couldn’t do any of those.
The guards looked at her in question, slowly lowering their weapons pointed at her. The main guard speaks out.
“And… who might you be?” he asked.
A small sigh escaped her lips.
“Twilight Sparkle.”


“…and that Princess Luna concludes our meetings for the morning.”
Luna sighed. Finally, she mentally thought. Usually meetings like this in the early mornings often lead to a longer, orientation and speech between her and her fellow ponies. Most of them were just asking requests and profits. Today seemed to be taken at ease. The cases were always the same though, with ponies asking if they could get Luna’s blessing or her permission to this or that.
What really annoyed her most of the time, was that the rich ponies, only want to get richer. She didn’t know how Celestia dealt with it, with their constant conquest to be higher than every pony else. Out of all the rich ponies that annoyed her, there were very, very few that didn’t think of themselves.

Thankfully… Prince Blueblood was not among the ones here. Oh how she despised him…. No, she cannot despise him… not even that much, but she certainly didn’t like him, even if he was related to her by a long generations of her sister’s medaling. His current whereabouts in Manehattan left some relive in her.

With the morning rituals done, Luna has decided to go and visit Twilight Sparkle. She remembered a lot of her, knowing that she may not be in her room but at the library.

Upon approach, the librarian instantly reacted and stood up straight.

“Hello Princess Luna,” she greeted with a warm smile. “How may I serve you?”

“I am looking for a mare here, Twilight Sparkle. Have you seen her?”

The librarian reacted almost instantly.

“Uh… yes my princess. She was here not to long ago. She came her in search of her… family.” The last word somewhat extended. Instantly, Luna knew what had happened. Twilight came in search of her family. She knew that despite be gone thirteen years, it felt like her parents have just died. Poor Twilight must already be at the Celestial Gardens now, crying her heart out. Nevertheless, that could proof fatal for she has yet to have any full control on her high power.

And just like Twilight, Princess Luna disappeared in a flash.


Luna arrived in front of the Celestial Gardens. There, the guards almost immediately confronted and bowed before her. The chief of them spoke.

“What brings you out here, Princess Luna? Do you wish to see a past one?”

Luna shook her head.

“Nay, I am here to see someone. I believe she came here. Have you seen her? Twilight Sparkle?”

The guard gave a seldom look.

“Yes, a mare by that name came here earlier. She wished to see if her family was buried her. We told that they were. She ran in almost instantly, opening the gates. Er… she almost ripped them from the hinges.” He turned to point the gates, Luna followed his gaze. “We tried to follow her in, thinking she might rob or destroy something but when we approached her, she created a force-field around herself and the graves. She hasn’t moved since.”

The gates, though not fully off their hinges, are bent from where they were held onto. The main part of the gate, which opened to the middle, has been almost twisted from its original formation. All of this was highly impossible.

The gates were could only be opened by all the guards at once, which required heavy amounts of magic. Twilight did this all by herself, a mare.

Luna sighed. Her powers were growing, each time she uses them, they get stronger and stronger. Emotions are the strongest of ways of accessing any kind of magic, especially unicorns. Twilight was as strong as herself, but with emotions on the line, they increased twice their rates. Right now, she must be in a deep emotional state. The power might already be exceeding her own levels. At this rate, she could level the mountain and a half mile radius.

Without another word, she walked. The guards were about to follow.

“NO, stay here. It could be dangerous in there. Her powers are uncontrolled and if she feels any threats, she would easily destroy you. I will do this alone.”

She continued to walk, slowly opening the torn gates. With a large screech, the gates opened enough for Luna to get by. Once through, she closed the gates behind her, as best as she could.

The tunnel that lead to the mountain was not a longs way. It was ten hoof tall by ten hoof wide. Plenty of space for her and two others. As she approached the main part of the mountain, she could already feel thee heavy amounts of energy that was eradiating from the center. With nervous ease, she made her way to the mountain.

There, sitting in the middle of the mountain, underneath the open top with the rain pouring in. The opening was for the sun to shine throughout the garden but as well as to let some rain in. There was no sunshine right now and the rain that was passing over didn’t help.

Luna saw the magical shield that has surrounded Twilight within a ten-hoof radius. The magic was powerful, but if she keeps releasing her emotions and this rate, she would destroy everything.

With a cautious approach, Luna walks towards Twilight. Despite the shield kept ponies away, it did not stop the rain from landing on her. The hole from the top made it possible for that to give the sunshine to the graves, and yet… the mood was not of sunshine. Nor is it of gloom nor mild.

Twilight sat in front of three graves that stood before her. One of them said “Night Light” and the other was “Twilight Velvet”. Next to it was Twilight’s ‘grave’. At the shield, Luna spoke.

“Twilight?” Twilight didn’t look up but Luna could tell that tears were streaming down her face. Her mane may have covered her face but Luna could still see the pain in her face.

“Twilight…. I know that it is difficult to understand. I know the pain you are feeling right now but you must understand, that they didn’t die without letting you know that they loved you, Twilight.”

Though the shield was still up, it slowly began weakening. Luna continued.

“Right now, I know you must be thinking that this is a Nightmare, or a dream of some sorts but it’s not. I know it is not comforting to say but they are gone. The world has changed and there is little you can do to go back to the way things were before. However, at the same time you still have other family alive Twilight. You still have your friends, you still have your brother, and you still have…. Me.”

The shield slowly died down up to where Luna approached and her hoof managed to touch Twilight’s shoulder. The unicorn mare looked up with her pained.

Luna slowly leaned in and embraced her. With a final cry, Twilight embraced Luna and began crying her heart out.
“I failed them Luna!” She cried. “I failed them! I told them I would make them proud! I would show them I was strong, that I-I wouldn’t let them down! They’re dead! They’re dead and it’s because of me! I killed them and it’s all my fault!” Another angry burst and she wailed loudly.

Luna tried to say something, anything at all to comfort her. It would sound wrong to say it was not her fault. Velvet had died because she stopped carrying for herself and died from sickness. Night Light was too distraught by his daughter’s untimely death, he never paid attention to his surroundings and had an accident. Both had passed on the same day.

Shinning Armor was still alive but… his condition was no better. Hearing both of his parents’ death, he blames himself for not taking care them and Twilight. He left his wife, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, their daughter, and went missing.

How can you tell a child that everything will be all right, when their whole world is gone?

With nothing more, Luna teleported to her room.


Despite being teleported, Twilight had continued to cry for the rest of the time. Luna had laid her on her bed, but remained by her side. Her crying had somewhat caused a scare with the staff. Once Luna dismissed it, everypony went back to their jobs.

It took almost an hour for Twilight to cry herself to sleep. Luna, though felt horrible for leave her, had to continue her duties for the day. Normally, she would have done the night shift but after her sister’s…. Leave of absence, Luna now had to do both the Afternoon Courts and the Evening Courts. Nothing a goddess couldn’t handle but it is somewhat taxing.

Some new events had arrived with a lot of creatures escaping tartars, including Cerberus who is currently lost somewhere in Zebrica. He was supposed to be guarding Tartars but left his post when the barriers fell. Luckily, nothing major has left and her royal guards are handling the containment.

Other than that, the normal has stayed for the time being. Though it be that the only trouble is that Sombra was still lose, the remaining Rogue changelings are still trying to enter Equestrian grounds without authorization and that Twilight… has lost part of her soul. It doesn’t take a goddess to figure out when your soul has suffered a wound.


The meeting quickly came to an end. With the end of the court, Luna choose now to have dinner. Hopefully her chiefs had prepared her something delicious. Another thought came and she realized that Twilight was still alone in her room. Maybe Luna should ask them to bring an extra serving.

Halfway to her room, Mirage quickly caught up to Luna.

“How goes your search, Mirage?”

The changeling sighed.

“I finally managed to locate the diamond dog.” She shuddered. “Thankfully… he is smarter than the rest off his kind. The other’s kept drooling on me.” Luna gave a snort of amusement. “Please don’t make me go back there.” The changeling whined. “It reeks like feces in those caves and even their love for diamonds stink.”

Luna laughed at the changeling’s misfortune.

“Alright, no more visiting. But I must ask, did he wish to join?”

The changeling sighed.

“I tried to tell him that he would be doing it for a god cause but he thinks that once were done, you might end up sending him back underground with the rest of the pack.” The changeling gave a snort. “He sounds like he dreads living with them.”

Luna continued her laugh.

“I would too if I lived in a place that reeks of filth. But that means I will have to talk to him personally. I'll send a message in the morning. For now, a job well ddone.”

It grew quiet as they approached Luna’s room. She sighed once.

Mirage, knowing what feeling that was, asked.

“I take it… she knows?”

Luna nodded; she stared at her door with a heavy look.

“I am afraid she isn’t fully aware of how much we need her. She has taken this much to her heart and you and I know that it would be to soon to unveil our plans to her; much less, her right of passage.”

Mirage’s wings twitched.

“Your talking about how she was supposed to be a Princess a few years back?”

Luna nodded and looked down the hall where her sister’s room was.

“Celestia had planned to have Twilight ascend into Alicorn-hood, and become the Alicorn of Magic but…. Faust has seemed to change destiny.”

Mirage was about to question but remained quiet. And so the silence between the two sat. Luna started thinking about Twilight and her needs and it didn’t help that she needed her to help them with the world, just like before. However, the Elements of Harmony were long gone and even if they had them, her friends were… somewhat displaced in Equestria.

The only three that were available were Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Though Fluttershy was the emblem of the forest now, Pinkie Pie went somewhat insane and returned back home. Rarity was living it up in Manehattan with Blueblood. Rainbow Dash was her Shadowbolt but she remained occupied most of the time. Applejack was the only one who stayed where she is at in Ponyville. And a good thing to, with her new found... abilities.

Yes, it was true, Twilight’s friends are still alive but they are shattered in their own way. It did not take long for Mirage to catch up on her feelings especially on Twilight.

“You love her… don’t you?” she asked quietly.

It took a moment for Luna to respond but when she did, a small smile made it to her lips.

“With all my heart… and all thought my time with her will be shortened, I will do my best to show her how much she means to me.” With a smile, she opened the door. Much to her happiness, Twilight hadn’t moved an inch. A cool exhaled left. She then turned to Mirage.

“Thank you with the diamond dogs, however, I need you to locate another member for me.”


“She is a unicorn I assure you. She once went by a different name but changed the title a few years back. She has a pet dragon so be careful. She now goes by The Dark and Mysterious Lulamoon.”

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for taking to long but lifes a bitch. Anyways, with the recen news of Alicorn Twilight, I might as well reveal later of that. I had planned to do something like this with the book but because of this recent development, Im going to change it.
I am trying to make a diffrent scnerio so people dont say I copied it off and going to make something chessy. No, Alicon Twilight ruined the surprise. But the story will go on.
I also would like to Thank Jade Wulf for the edit.
P.S. Hopefully my stories will progress faster but no guarentee since I am doing other commisions both on and off site.