• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,937 Views, 89 Comments

Awakening - Little_Draco

A fate that is to come from Twilight leaves her with one option, death. But will it work?

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Descend (Unedited)

Awakening: Descend

A single event can change the foundries of the world.
A single fight can turn enemies into allies.
A single accident can bring lovers together.
A single fall, can unleash the sound of dismay.
A single word can bring the world to a war.
A single mistake can tear apart friends and family


Over the next few hours, Twilight, Luna and her Changeling body guard, Mirage, spoke about Trixie and some other things. Though Twilight was never one to be caught off guard by normal unicorns, it seemed that Trixie acquired her dragon through non-magical means.

At first, Twilight thought that Trixie hatched her dragon like the way she did with the same test the school had for her. But it was not it. Trixie apparently acquired by saving it from its fate. It seems that the dragon’s parents were one of the few dragons nearby Discord’s chaos magic.

Dragons were impervious to magic of almost any kind, once they reached adulthood. However, due to the imbalance of nature, the Stellar creatures as well as Tartarus got crazy and started rampaging. The dragon’s parents had been sleeping along with their hatchlings when an Ursa Major trashed the cave, collapsing over the dragons.

The dragons used their bodies to cover their hatchlings from arm. It was only because of that, that one of the hatchlings managed to survive. It was the only survivor from its siblings as well as its parents.

Trixie was checking on the disturbance the Ursa caused when she encountered the little drake. Trixie was reluctant to care for a baby dragon, but when she saw that it had lost its parents and was hurt, she decided to care for the little drake.

With the next few years, the dragon was cared for under Trixie’s hoof. Almost a decade later, they became like family. At the same time, Luna took Trixie to be her student.

“Whoa, whoa, wait!” Half-yelled Twilight. “She was your student?”

Luna looked at her blankly.

“Well of course,” she answered stoically. “Beatrix has shown great potential and just like my sister, I too wanted to take in a student.”

“Wait, her first name is Beatrix?” Luna nodded. It took all self-control to stop Twilight from bursting in laughter, though Mirage didn’t have half the control, only managed to snort.

“I crack up every time I hear that name,” she said in a fit of giggles. “Though she absolutely hates the name.”

‘Oh, if she ever starts something, I am going to so use this against her.’

Continuing on, Trixie or Beatrix Illusiona Lulamoon… (Oh the teasing will never stop!) Was her student for an entire decade. More so, she learned powerful magic from Luna and managed to near Twilight’s level. Since Twilight’s natural talent was magic, it was of course easier for her to advance much more then Trixie.

After her training was complete, Trixie was sent to around Equestria to help those still affected by Discord’s magic or continue keeping the peace. It amazed Twilight how far she had gone in all this time. Though something came up that Twilight had just thought off.

“Speaking of dragons, where is Spike?”

The room instantly turned quite. Even Mirage remained silent.

“What?” she asked, now suddenly afraid of their silence.

Luna was the first to break the silence though she sounded less than enthusiastic about answering.

“Twilight… you must know that with your death… there were many changes to your friends. I believe that none of them were hit hardest than Spike himself.”

Twilight had that feeling in her gut again. The one where she knew something bad had happened to her friends and knowing that Spike was involved made it that much worse.

“Is he alright?”

Luna nodded but stopped right after and gave a displeased look.

“Spike had more trouble than others because how close he was with you. After you died, he returned to Ponyville and secluded himself in the library. Others tried to get him to get out but they were unsuccessful.

When he did managed to get out, all of your friends either had their own problems or left Ponyville. With no pony left to take car e of him he tried to come here, but at the time, Discord had already come to be.

We sent him off to the dragon lands to be safe, seeing as how Discord had no quarrels with the dragons. Though not the dragons you are aware of Twilight.” She reassured. “There are some civilized ones out there. Along with him, me and Celestia sent your friends into hiding, hoping that Discord wouldn’t target them in act of revenge.

He knew that you were either dead or no longer wielded magic, so he no longer cared for them, rather targeted everypony else. After he was… defeated, me and Celestia tried to gain control of Equestria. We sent for Spike, hoping that he would come back and he did… for a short while. With all your friends either gone or not caring anymore, he felt lonely and wanted to come back to live here in the Castle where he grew up with you and Celestia.

My sister… was not in the right mind at the time. She felt so lost… we felt lost knowing that Equestria had fallen on hard times. She took it the worst knowing how many lives where lost, how she couldn’t have prevented them by saving you.”

Twilight felt a lump in her throat, that feeling of sadness coming back.

“There was nothing she could have said to save me, Luna.” Answered Twilight. “I knew that… after that message from the future Sweetie Belle came from… I knew that there was know way to stop it.”

Luna gave a shook of her head, denying it.

“Don’t say no Luna.” Spoke Twilight before Luna could respond. “You saw the look of Sweetie Belle. The anger, the hate, the sadness and pain; you saw what I would have become if I lived. I didn’t watch the recording she brought back with her to know that it was true.”

“But we could have done something about it, Twilight!” Luna answered desperately. At this point Mirage saw a personal struggle with the two and quietly and quickly left them, though neither saw this. “I could have done something to save you!”

Even after their break up, Twilight had still strong feelings for Luna and her back. Twilight really wanted to say that she could have, but there was proof.

“Did Sweetie Belle’s body disappear after I died?” Luna tried to say something but hesitated. It was true, and she knew it. As soon as Twilight and jumped off the cliff, the guards reported the body and the recording from the future disappear. The future in which Twilight was an evil Tyrant, no longer came to be, therefore Sweetie Belle was never sent back in time to tell of her; Twilight would not live to become the Tyrant.

Luna tried to deny it but Twilight pressed on.

“I never saw the recording but you did.” With stern look she approached closer to Luna. “Show me.”

Luna shook her head, her face already stained with tears.

“Please Twilight, don’t make me show you the horror.” Before Twilight had run away to deal with the horror she saw by committing suicide, Luna and Celestia did manage to see the recording.

“If you don’t believe that you could have stopped me from that future Luna, than you will show me what you saw.”

Luna tried to say no but the look on Twilight’s face said it all. Could Luna or anypony else had saved her from the fate of becoming a Tyrant? From using the Elements of Harmony, could they really have stopped any other evil without them?

Luna sighed heavily. “Fine… but please… please don’t take it to heart. What you did in the future no longer exists and will no longer exist.”

Twilight gave and nod. Luna nodded back.

“For this, I need you to sleep so I can show it to you. It will be like a dream but you will be watching it from my point of view.” Twilight nodded and laid to her all fours, lowering her head between her forelegs and closed her eyes. Luna then lowered her horn. “Are you sure you want to see this?” Twilight opened one eye then closed it. “Very well then.”

Luna touched her horns with Twilight and a flashed of blue blinded the room.

Twilight gasped and stood up as she found herself in darkness. She looked around and saw nothing. However, slowly the void around began swirling with colors and soon, the hall became visible.

Twilight’s eyes then focused and now she saw herself as Luna. Celestia was right next to her as well as Shinning Armor and Cadance. At this point, she ran out of the room with her friends chasing after.

Twilight then found her eyes as well as Celestia’s on the body of Sweetie Belle. They all seemed horrified if not, terrified by the sudden realization. The body was beyond near recognition, save for parts of white fur that were matted with blood or bruises. The pink and purple hair stayed the same if not a bit dull.

Both sisters cautiously approached Twilight feeling sick at coming close to the body. Next to her, was a orb of some kind. It was blue and no bigger than an actual sugar cube. As they approached, the orb lit up and a flash of light shot up.

Both sisters jumped back in surprise, waiting for an unexpected attack, but none came. Instead, a picture of… Trixie was seen, along with the older version of Sweetie Belle. An older, rugged and harsher Trixie was there along with a piece of her horn chipped off.

“To my fellow princesses of Equestria past, my name is Trixie Lulamoon.” Her voice was no longer the snooty, uptight mare that Twilight knew but a dark rugged voice along with fear and anger. “In the coming years to come, Arch Mage and future co-ruler, Princess Twilight Dawn Sparkle, becomes corrupted and manipulated by dark forces. We have come to believe that when she uses the Elements of Harmony the next time, she became infused with their power.

Through that power though, she becomes power hungry and absorbs the Elements… as well as the bearers with them.”

The image then moves to the future Sweetie Belle.

“You the princesses, try to stop her but only end up killed. Cadance survived but her powers where stripped from her. Not only does she kill you both, but she goes after the other alicorns as well, including Princess Aurora. Along with them, she goes after Chrysalis, Discord, Tirek, and Scorpan.

With her rule absolute, she wipes out anypony else in her way. A few tried to fight her, including formations and alliances with the zebras, elk, dragons, gryphons, changelings and so on but she slaughters them all and there are so few of each races now.

“This is why we are sending Sweetie Belle back in time,” warned Trixie. “We do not fully know if the Elements of Harmony really had corrupted Twilight or not, but nonetheless, she is still the most power unicorns in history. She must either be exiled or killed in order to save our future. I beg of you… you may not like the outcome but the future of Equestria, if not the fate of the world as well as many others is on your hooves. Twilight must not be allowed to live!”

The recording stopped there, for all that was next was a black screen. The four of them remained silent, mostly out of fear and shock. Cadance was held by Shinning as she sobbed while Celestia showed she was in sorrow and pain. It may have been a dream but Twilight could feel Luna’s pain as well.

It was silent for a few seconds more before the recording flickered, this time, it showed Trixie but… in much worse for wear. She was now in an underground location and there were… sounds of alarms and the ground shaking violently.

“This is an emergency alert,” She half shouted to a microphone that echoed the halls. “Twilight Sparkle has found our base! I repeat! We are found! Evacuate the base and make a run for it! All personal evacuate!”

Another earth shaking boom rocked the ceiling above them with a few places around the area falling, followed by lights flickering and the distant sound of pony screams. From the door, a beaten and shaken Sweetie Belle arrived.

“Trixie!” she yelled, in tears. “She’s here! She got to Cadance and Shinning!” She began sobbing. “She killed her own family and now she is coming!”

Trixie growled but shed her own tears. Quickly giving her a hug, she held her and spoke to her.

“Don’t worry, if you do this, then they will be saved and we can avenge them!” She then gave her a quick kiss on the lips before turning around and began writing a note. “Get the recording ready.”

As Sweetie Belle reached for the orb, a large roar was heard before finally the entire collapse of the ceiling fell through as well as a giant body in the other room. The fallout filled the room with smoke and dirt cloud. However from the cloud, both Trixie and Sweetie Belle saw the giant, unmoving form of a green and purple dragon. It was Spike and he had giant part of his chest ripped off as well as his wings and his muzzle twisted.

“Spike!” they both yelled, only for another explosion to rock the walls again. Trixie turned to Sweetie. “You have to go! Now!”

Sweetie Belle now beyond tears, couldn’t move, only kept her eyes on her fallen friend. “Sweetie!”

Shaking her head, Sweetie blinked the tears away and nodded.

“Okay, I am ready.” Fear and sadness were instantly replaced by anger and hate. With all of her might, she began charging her horn for mass time travel magic.

Trixie nodded and reached over for the letter. As she was about to finish she set the quill to her initial but stopped. A splatter of blood escaped her and streaked across the letter. Her neck then sliced open with a spray of blood to follow next and her head soon fell off with her body falling after.

“TRIXIE!!!!!” Sweetie Belle cried out in hysteria, only to be stopped from approaching her as a chuckled echoed. Sweetie then turned back to horror as a dark, form came from the room. The room got cold, freezing cold and the laughter grew, as heavy hoof steps followed.

The dark form appeared and in came Twilight, or as she goes by now, Queen Darklight Shadow.

She gave grin with teeth sharper than dragons and her body taller than Celestia filled the room.

“Hello Sweetie Belle,” she spoke, her voice so dark and cold it felt like jamming ice into a frostbite wound. “It has been awhile since I last seen you.” She approached closer and Sweetie Belle’s face matted with tears. “I hope that you and I are still good friends, right?” A smug grin filled her face.

Sweetie Belle couldn’t say or do anything but shake in dread as Twilight was just a hoof away before suddenly, she was yanked back and thrown against the wall.

Sweetie then saw a slowly rising Spike get up, still hurt but rising.

“Oh Spike!” The dragon gave a nod but turned his head, hearing a ‘tsking’ sound come from the large crater.

“Oh Spike,” she asked oh so innocently. “Why would you hurt your dear old master? Is that anyway my ‘number one assistant’ should act?”

Spike growled and quickly turned to Sweetie.

“Sweetie! Go! Now!” With another grunt he was back on his two feet and standing, even with a bleeding stomach, he growled. Inhaling deeply, he then released a might fire that instantly turned the room into a furnace, right into the crater.

Sweetie Belle quickly grabbed the note and the hollow orb, the orb shook in her grasp. She then gave a last look at Trixie, who’s eyes were still open in shock. Turning away in disgust, she saw as Spike was taking his final stance.

Twilight blasted out of the hole and tackled Spike with her horn. The horn went directly into his heart and popped out the other side. Spike let loose a mighty wail before slowly falling. Twilight smirked but then found her body being held by his large arms, using the last reaming strength to hold. He then turned to Sweetie Belle.

“Go!” was the final command. Sweetie Belle then began charging her horn with more magic, nearly completing the final stages of the spell.

Spike’s body then slumped completely and with a growl to match his roar, Twilight released her magic and blasted the upper half of Spike’s body, leaving the rest of it the floor.

Rising, Twilight then quickly turned to Sweetie and shot a bolt of magical energy to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie gasped and soon disappeared in a flash. Though the flash was instantly, the bolt still managed to hit Sweetie Belle. The recording device continued to record until the final moments of Sweetie Belle’s arrival into the past.

The orb continued to record up to the point when Sweetie saw Twilight and yelled those horrid words at her. “What have you done, Twilight?! What have you done?! You killed us all! You killed us all! You should be dead!”

The blast had struck Sweetie and killed her. The blast that came from Twilight.

The dream quickly ended and Twilight gasped as she shot up, nearly hitting Luna with her horn. Luna jerked back, away from Twilight. Twilight was gasping heavily, tears running down the side of her face. She then saw Luna, who only had the look of sorrow and pain.

Twilight then quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Luna saw her run, and didn’t stop her. The next thing heard was the sound of violent vomiting. Luna quickly went after, and felt pain for Twilight as she cried and continued to vomit. The poor mare’s sound of agony and pain and frustration along with disgust and fear had won the toll on her body and mind.

This continued for a few minutes… Luna feeling the need to comfort her. However, Twilight kept her back until she stopped vomiting. When she did stop, she looked at Luna from the corner of her eye, still seeing the sadness and pain, then threw up once more before passing out onto the floor.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me long but finally gave a decent plot behind the future. I would have expanded the history a bit more but I felt that it would be longer than needed and had no real concept to it. The Rise of Power, was supposed to be like a side story to it but I felt it would take more time to do that than to continue with this story.
Story is reaching its half point so I wanted to quickly update as much as possible. This came quick and uploaded quick so expect mistakes. This one thought quick had some heart to it, because in reality, I am a soft guy for ponies. And not just them but for all animals.
Anyway here is the next chapter and hopefully will update next one soon along. If the story passes quickly than I could do The Rise of Power as a side story to it and then possibly, hopefully, maybe, get a sequel to the works.
Alright thanks and enjoy!