• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,937 Views, 89 Comments

Awakening - Little_Draco

A fate that is to come from Twilight leaves her with one option, death. But will it work?

  • ...


Awakening: Realities

I was your friend today.
I was your enemy in a life time before.
I was your mate in a dream.
I was your nightmare when I slew.
I was family when you lived.
I… am your greatest reality.

Discord… the word that had killed so many and tortured millions. It felt like poison to the mouth, something worst than dirt, an entity of pure evil, a symbol of Chaos.

Discord stood… hovered just in front of Luna and Twilight while Lupus was somewhat hiding underneath the table. Luna was panting heavily but her mind was scattered. Her eyes looked at him both in fear and anger, something worst then when she was Nightmare Moon.

Twilight however… she was eased, her breath heavy but not so much. Her eyes remained unmoving towards the deity, her horn on the brink of unleashing any spell she could at him. Yet she didn’t… Why didn’t she do it?

“Ah… I see the hesitation in your eyes, Twilight.” He spoke. His voice was full of charm, full of himself but there was nothing of evil or ill within it. He spoke to her… as if he knew her.

“DON”T YOU TALK TO HER, VILE FIEND!!” Luna shouted with her royal Canterlot voice. The table items blew towards him, nearly taking the table with it. Discord nonchalantly moved away from the flying items, catching two plates before magically making them into earplugs.

“Jeez, indoor voice much?”

Luna, with a growl to match an Ursa Minor, shot herself towards him with her horn fully charged and her anger unleashed.

“Luna!” cried Twilight, trying to stop her.

Discord, smiled but didn’t give a smile menacingly. He transformed into a bull rider with a red cape and taunted Luna. Luna not easily swayed aimed straight for him.


Instead of her horn piercing him, she flew past in red, right into a cloud of cotton candy. She yelped as she flew straight into it, only to get struck with her head popping out of the other side. She started wailing around, trying to fight her way out of it but was super sticky and couldn’t move. She tried to use her horn but it was covered in cotton candy and wasn’t allowing her.

“DISCORD!! YOU FIEND!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU—MPHFMPFH!!” He stuffed cotton candy into her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

“You really got to learn to chew with your mouth closed, dear Luna. It’s rude you know?”

Luna glared angrily at him, trying to do everything in her power to escape.

Discord then focused his attention to Twilight.

“Now that that is over with, can we get back to you?”

Twilight wasn’t sure how to deal with this situation. Here she was before the God of Chaos, again. The first time, it was odds stacked against her and she didn’t know what she was dealing with before. Even know, she didn’t know how powerful she was to deal with him alone, even with her powers increased to Celestia knows how much.

She studied him, almost more than before. He was Discord, yes, but there was something else about him. First off… he could have killed Luna and her. Even if he wanted to play with them first, he could have conjured up a spike wall right after the red flag and Luna might have died… or would be in a lot of pain. He could have destroyed half of Canterlot before they were even aware of his presence but he didn’t. Next, he could have taunted her with any little thing as she stared at him, but he was staring back at her with an amused grin but nothing so mad.

Finally… his magic was… off. Yes, he was the living Embodiment of Chaos and nothing made sense but… it was almost… his magic, was not part of this world’s magic. She couldn’t explain it but… it was like if he didn’t belong here… if that made any sense or not.

“So you feel it then, don’t you?” he asked in a giddy yet decent tone.

Twilight gave him a once over before lowering back and sitting on her haunches, surprising both Luna and Lupus.

“Talk.” Was the simple statement.

“Oh Twilight,” he teased, “No matter where I go, you are always going to be the killjoy and serious one. That is something you got from Celestia no less.”

She growled and her horn lit up.

“Okay, Okay! I’ll talk… yeesh!” His voice carried a small amount of fear… he let it off as a joke but… was he generally afraid of her?

“Now Discord.” She paused. “And let Luna go.”

“I’ll only let her go if she promises not to be an annoying little Chihuahua and park her little head of before I get a chance to speak.”

Luna began muffling… loudly as she struggled in her bonds and… maybe cursing at him.

“Wow… do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

“Discord!” Twilight warned.

“As I said, as long as she doesn’t bite me or anything, I will let her go.”

Twilight looked to Luna, who stared back at her, shaking her head and almost begging her to run. But Twilight gave her a look of ease towards her… as if everything would be alright. Luna saw it and relented, letting her body rest.

Discord gave a smile.

“Was that so hard?” he snapped his claws and the cotton candy disappeared, with all traces. Luna was about to open her mouth before Discord spoke.

“What did I just say?”

Luna’s mouth opened, her nose wrinkled and she sneezed loudly, with cotton candy escaping her nose.
“Gesundheit.” Gestured Discord.
Luna wrinkled her nose again, before glaring back at Discord. She slowly, cautiously made her way back to Twilight. Twilight looked at her, feeling content knowing she was back at her side before focusing on Discord.
“Good, now we can get this show back on the road.”
“How are you still alive?” asked Twilight.
Discord paused, as if he was about to do some act.
“What no… ‘What the Bleep Discord?! How the Bleep are you doing?” He bleeped himself. Not said the word bleep, his voice literally being scrambled when he was saying a cuss word.
Luna and Twilight both growled.
“Fine! Fine! Just… trying to lighten the mood here.” He sighed… a real sigh. He cracked his neck back and forth, while muttering, “Where to begin?” over and over to himself before snapping his fingers and a small vision of a galaxy was shown. “Are you aware of different dimensions, Twilight?” He paused. “Wait… am I talking to a ‘super smart Twilight’ or the average ‘intelligence Twilight’?”

Twilight gave a snort. “I am smart Discord. But… yes… I am aware of alternate dimensions, timelines and realities. All based on theroies!”

“I’m not.” Commented Lupus who still remained underneath the table.

Discord gave a smack on his forehead.

“Oh that is right… you are not… ‘Fluttery yet”, he spoke flapping his wings for emphasis. “And you haven’t visited the human world yet and haven’t been in that awful movie yet.”

“Stop speaking nonsense Discord.” Luna spoke loudly. “Just tell us why you are here.”

“But I am not speaking nonsense… at least, I don’t think I am.” He ignored the growl from Luna. “Either way… to put it shortly, I am a Discord from an alternate universe!” A magical burst over his head showed a flashy signed that said ‘DISCORD OF ANOTHER WORLD!’ with an eerie sound playing.

Luna, Twilight and Lupus looked unconvinced.

Discord floated there in a heroic pose but nothing happened. He looked down at the unamused crowd. Somewhere in the background, there was a cricket chirping.

“Oh hush you.” The chirping stopped.

Twilight is the first to respond.

“I believe you.” She said confidently.

“You do?” Lupus, Luna and Discord asked at the same time.

Twilight gave a small nod.

“If I am standing here alive while I tried to kill myself 13 years ago, where in a different future I kill the world, doesn’t that mean it’s a different reality? A different timeline?”

“You know, I still haven’t figured out what caused you to spas out, Twi.” Commented Discord. “I mean, you killing everypony and being corrupted by me knows what I…” He paused and looked down at them, each giving a quizzical expression. “What?”

Twilight shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter… that future is gone and now this one exists. Now, you still haven’t answered our question; why are you here?”

Discord put a claw to his mouth.

“Aw yes… the most important question in the universe… This universe at least. Anyways… so let’s start from the beginning. In my universe, you and your friends all reform me to be of good use… whatever that meant. With Fluttershy my… loving caretaker, she helped reformed me so I can be a good guy and aid you in the fight against evil.” A halo appeared over his head.

“You and I become… I guess the best words would be… great friends. It took you decades to stop hating me and a century for you to start enjoying my company when our friends… kicked the bucket… so to speak.”

“You make it sound like I will live forever Discord?” commented Twilight. “I will probably live long because I am a unicorn but I too will die.”

Discord didn’t answer and that sent a chill down her spine. Discord’s eyes went to Luna. Twilight turned to Luna who gazed away from them.

“Would you want me to tell her or should you?” asked Discord.

Twilight really began to worry now and Luna almost looked restrained. Her gaze continued to face away from her. With a low voice she answered.

“You have had so much promise Twilight. You were to become something far grander than merely a mage or a great unicorn.” Her focus turned to her. Her eyes looked heavy and she carried a sadness over her. “Should everything gone according to plan, you would have been one of the most amazing… ponies out there.”

Twilight remained silent and her mind ran a million miles a minute as to what Luna was saying. Discord sat on a floating chair with popcorn in his claw, chewing loudly.

“What are you saying Luna? That I become… an archmage or something higher?”

Luna nodded.

“When I was young, mother taught us of the Alicorns. Those who were born and those who ascended. Me and Celestia were born, while Cadance and Aurora ascended to becoming an alicorn. It matters not what pony they were, pegasi, earth pony or unicorn, if one where to find their promise, their true potential and spread it across Equus, then they would be destined to rise.” Her eyes focused on her. “You were supposed to become an Alicorn Twilight. The Alicorn of Magic and Friendship.”

“AND THERE WE HAVE IT!!” cheered Discord loudly. “We have this chapter’s greatest reveal! Twilight… you are the Alicorn of magic and…” He was cut off as Twilight’s magic formed around his head, creating a bubble of noiseless magic.

Discord stopped speaking, despite not hearing anything. Twilight kept her focus on Luna. Luna tried to read Twilight, but she saw a range of emotions that would either end really badly for Luna or Discord.

Luna quickly spoke to stop her from speaking.

“I promise you, we will speak of this later, but for right now, we still have to deal with him.”

Twilight didn’t say anything but lastly, her face fell on a bit of disappointment and resentment. She then turned to Discord, who was trying to pop her bubble but nothing happened.

She then released his head but kept the magic over his mouth.

“No more fooling around, no more jokes…” she said in a serious tone. Her eyes locked dead with him. “I didn’t honestly expect my magic to hold you, but now I realize I can hurt you and if you don’t say something I like to hear, I am pretty sure I can find a way to turn you to stone without the Elements of Harmony.” She then forcibly pulled him in with her magic till they were nearly touching. “Got it?”

Discord looked afraid now… and that was saying something. This also passed to Luna, who was now looking at shock at Twilight’s changed attitude. She felt a bit… apprehensive at her anger and even felt smaller knowing that she just talked back to one of the most powerful beings known in ponykind.

Twilight let his mouth go and he cautiously floated a bit away from her. He cleared his throat and sighed.

“A century to start speaking me like a friend.” He spoke softly. A big of seriousness followed. “A century until the last of your friends had passed and you took comfort, knowing that I was the few that will live by your side.” He paused. “When you lived over 500 years, you have so many wonderful times with you. You… I shouldn’t spoil it for you but I will say this. Twilight…” He spoke now with sincerity and a calmness that Twilight thought was beyond possible. “You have no idea how much you change the world. How much you do for pony kind. How much… you changed me.”

Twilight dropped her anger and seemed generally surprised at his words. If possible, which seemed almost highly unlikely, Discord was speaking as if he had a heart. A heart that she didn’t know what exist.

“It was because of you and… Fluttershy, that I became a better… me. I betrayed you a few times, yet you still came to aid me. You came to my rescue and changed me for the better. I would not have been with the love of my life, I would have never lived with society evenly… I would have never had friends like you. True friends… friends that… when they passed, I also felt lost.” He paused, almost as if holding back a sob. Almost. “I lived with you, moon butt here,” a snort from Luna. “Her fatty cake sister,” Lupus snorted with laughter, trying his best to stop from laughing out loud. “And other’s where we actually care for one another because we would all be there in the end…”

“I stayed with you all till the end…and in the end I was left alone.” Sadness gripped him. “When Equus ends, beings like you, Luna and others ascend to God Hoods where you live in Elysium till time ends and begins again.”

“I unfortunately didn’t ascend to the Elysium because of my crimes and was left by myself. I could have gone searching for another planet with life to live… but I would be an alien in an unknown world with no future to join that society or culture. Sure, I could have made myself a god there or try to make friends and hope for ascension, but, I would not be with the same friends I made here.”

So, with all the magic left from the ‘chaotic’ end of Equus, I searched for an alternate reality where a Discord might have left, died or not existed at all. Any Discord or other versions of me could come to any reality and become a permanent part, so long as that there aren’t two of the same gods in a single reality. Millions of worlds came to me but few were without Discords and those that were, didn’t have your heart or friendship in it. This is the closest one I could find, though it was very different. I saw that the Discord here was wiped from existence… when a god dies, he has nowhere to go Twilight.” His voice grew a bit of an edge. “The Discord here, he is now just a memory… a bad memory. His soul, mind and all are gone. Darkness…” His palm slowly conjured a small black sphere. He gazed at it with distance, yet with fear and dread. “I would honestly be turned to stone, live with Equus until it ends and burn or even be Cerberus’s chew toy for all of eternity then be lost in that void.” He then closed his claws tightly over the black sphere and dissipated.

Then it was silent. Lupus was quiet as ever, managing to come out from hiding while Luna looked transfixed at Discord. All of his words were true and pure… which was really creepy and emotional. No being of god like powers would speak like that unless they had really be close to those kind of experiences. Luna was no stranger to all of that. Mortals and Immortals like her could die and ascend to Elysium for good intentions. Tirek, Sombra or other dark beings could die and descend to Tartarus, and be with each other for eternity. But none of them should ever experience the void… the void was literally the end. Nothingness… black… no light, no one else with you, no other thing… just darkness. You wouldn’t even know if you were alive, dead, conscious or anything. A fate worse than death is nothingness. She hadn’t even considered that the Discord here was wiped from existence… let alone, she would have figured he was burning in Tartarus.

Twilight had been silent the whole time. She still comprehended things that few mortals could. Alicorns, gods, ascensions and beyond? Twilight figured she would have a decent live when she moved to Ponyville. A simple live where she would spend her days with her friends, books and live happily. Sure the occasional adventure and chaotic monster would be fun, but in the end, it would be simple. Now… now she would have been an Alicorn and become a princess had fate decided to change that with the horrible ‘future’?

Discord was before her, taking straight from experience, of a experience where they are friends and left his reality because he was alone. He wanted to be with her and them because he felt alone. He may have spoken with heart but she still felt that there was more to that. If he was really her friend in an alternate reality, they may have shared more in common.

Speaking in a neutral tone, she moved closer to Discord.

“You say that in an alternate reality we are friends. Are we… roughly the same in personalities or we far?”

Discord seemed relaxed and his mood seemed to change. He gave Twilight a once over before giving a small nod.

“Well other than the whole fact that in this reality you changed from the innocence due to an unforeseen circumstance… I believe that if you are the same Twilight 13 years prior with my Twilight… you would have matching personalities.”

“And would we have told you the same secrets or share to you something personal that only a friend would do?”

Discord gave a grin.

“Ask me.”

Twilight thought for a moment before coming up with simple ones.

“What’s my favorite book?”

“You’re going to have to be more specific. You love all kinds of books, though if I remember, you always liked any of them with Starswirl the Bearded, the private book that Celestia gave you when you were her student and the foal lit book that your mother gave you.”

Twilight’s mouth turned a bit up.

“Fine, what is my biggest fear?”

“You mean besides the one where you caused the world’s destruction?”

Twilight frowned.

“… Your biggest fear is going back to Magic Kindergarten if you failed any test or assignment by Celestia.”

“What’s my favorite thing to do on Sunday’s… when the library is closed?”

“You either hang out with your friends, go out to the park and read, or try to save Ponyville from some random attack.”

“What’s my whole name?”

“That’s a trick question… You only use your whole name on signed papers. Your mother called you your whole name, ‘Twilight Dawn Sparkle’, when she gets mad at you. Had you been born a colt, she would have called you ‘Dusk Aegis Shine’. She would have called your brother, ‘Glimmer Sparkling Shield’ had he been born a filly.”

Okay… he got them all so far and yeah, some of those were good secrets but here was one he wasn’t bound to get. Unless her alternate reality had the same love interest and same fantasy, her question was…

“What is my biggest… love fantasy?”

At this, both Luna and Lupus looked at her with strange looks. Did she really ask that?

Discord gave a grin. “Do you really want me to reveal that? Despite your alternate reality’s love interest, you still keep this one in mind no matter who you love.”

“Tell me.” She gave a small grin. “A true friend would hold onto the secret and only tell them of it. They would trust that friend with it.”

Discord leaned down and lowered his mouth to her ear. Twilight shivered at the closeness but let him. He softly whispered into her ear, inaudible to Luna and Lupus.

Twilight turned a bit red and her eyes went a bit wide. Discord leaned out and gave a grin.

“So… do you trust me?”

Twilight was still red. She cleared her throat and avoided looking at Luna.

“Yes well… I think that… Discord is telling the truth. I honestly wouldn’t have told him that if I didn’t trust him with that… I hope it stays that way.”

Discord gave a genuine smile.

“I cross my heart and hope to die, see Valhalla in my Eye.”

He gave a bow.

“It’s good to be back with you.”

Twilight gave a nod, though curious to his promise. Her eyes remained on him while Luna stared at her, wondering what was her fantasy.

All Twilight was really trying to do was avoid her and not imagine it right now.


Author's Note:

No edit, lost editors... trying my best... other stories coming soon.
Also, I have been blogging about stories that I want to hand out... look at them if you are interested in stories to write or want to try something new.
I provide pictures, the first chapters and a synopsis for the story. No catch or anything, just trying to get rid of them.

Comments ( 10 )

Oh myyyyyyyy.

STILL waiting to see her friends' reactions.

Yay! Another Chapter!

No edit, lost editors... trying my best... other stories coming soon.

Really... This story hasn't even really started, updates can take up to months/years, you lost editors to help you... and you're going to start writing other stories? Well so much for this story idea, guess I got to go look somewhere else.

5996244 Not all of us can focus on a single story... believe it or not, I don't want to focus on one story because then I wont finish it... If I have other stories to do when I loose inspiration or the flow for it, I turn to another story so I don't loose it.

Librian outfit? Some spelling seems a bit off there.

I'll get there eventually. :twilightsheepish:

Embrace the darkness. Understand what it means to you. Listen to it.......then find that little spark of light. Even through the vast void, light can still shine. Once you find the light, walk to it, dont tun. To fast, to quick it will blind you. But to slow, and the void will swallow you back. Edge your way there, understand why you have the void, hear what it tells you. But dont go to it. Keep your eyes on the light, slowly walking to it until its comfortable. Then when your near the edge, thank the void for that sadness because the light will show you the brightness will always return. Dont ignore the void but do not follow it. Dont stare at the light but welcome its presence. Balance is the truth, never one or the other.

will there be more? it is amazing

I have a chapter ready but not sure how to proceed

I really hope you will figure it our.
This is an amazing story and i am super interested in it.
All i can say is good luck and oh happy new year :D.

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