• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,667 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

  • ...

Chapter Twelve - Rage of the Solar Flare

"Oi Thoen, I thought we said no more of this criminal business! We got ya girl her meds, what more do ya want from us?" Spoke a black colored colt with white spots adorning his face and sides. Around him sat the very same ponies who had helped Thoen rob the Hoofington Express. The group had been summoned to Thoen's apartment, and all were very much agitated at the demanding of their presence and the urgency of the meeting, wondering exactly what Thoen needed so badly.

The seven of them sat in a semi circle, all staring towards Thoen who spoke from his chair in the front "My friends...I understand that you must be a little...upset that you have been summoned in such a way. Believe me when I say, however, that I did not do so lightly. We all have our own lives and families that we must try to provide for and take care of, and I would never ask you to do something that would hinder that in ANY way."

A mare on the black colt's left muttered "You make it sound like you're planning for something dangerous..."

Thoen nodded and sighed sadly, looking at each of the ponies faces as he whispered "None of this leaves the apartment...as always, agreed?" The group nodded, eager for Thoen to go on. With a deep breath, Thoen breathed out sadly "Well there's no easy or gentle way to put this, so I'll just throw this out on the table. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia of Equestria's star pupil...is sitting in the Manehatten Criminal Institution, and my daughter and I need your help to break her out and ferry her away to the Sun Border."

The ponies sat in silence for a moment, wide-eyed with mouths partially agape in shock and horror. The colt sitting farthest on the right, a chest-nut brown coat and darker mane whispered "You want us...to help you...break into a prison, for the elite student of Princess Celestia? Through an army of guards, thick walls, and miles of razor wire...for a single pony? Why...how!?"

Thoen looked to his right slowly, staring quietly towards a distraught looking Trixie who sat at the far end of the living room. Her mane was a ruffled mess, her cheeks tear streaked and her eyes puffy and red. Her eyes were fixated on the large prison building sitting ominously in the middle of the city with black, stormy clouds resting overhead. Thoen sighed, turning back towards the ponies and shaking his head "No...we're not going to break into the prison...we're going to destroy it."

At this, the black colt scoffed and shook his head, muttering in a sarcastic tone "Oh great...we're going to war. And just how do you plan on rescuing this pony out of the prison? We kind of need to GET INSIDE and GET HER OUT, which sort of crushes the point of destroying it in the first place. HOW would we even destroy it?! The whole complex is a fortress!"

Thoen smiled slightly, looking towards the colt and whispering "Oh...you'd be surprised what damage can be done with the simplest of things. Words, for example...can have a lot of impact on things." The group looked at him with a confused expression, a cream-colored mare whispering from the far left "What...do you mean by words? What did you do Thoen?"

Thoen shrugged slightly, a twinkle in his eye as he said "Oh...nothing really. I might have sent a letter to a few royal officials...maybe sent one to Canterlot or so..."

He smiled as the semi-circle of ponies jumped up, horrified expressions etched on their faces as they shouted towards him

"Are you insane!?"

"Thoen you didn't!"

"We're screwed, all of us!"

"War! War is what you're after!"

"Damn it all Thoen!!!"

The group continued to scream and insult Thoen, labeling him 'crazy' and 'lunatic'. Thoen didn't seem to be bothered by this at all, simply sitting on his haunches in the chair and crossing his front hooves in his lap. It wasn't until Trixie looked over and screamed "SHUT UP!!!!" that the group finally grew quiet.

Thoen sighed as they all sat back down, grumbling about the severe turn of events that was sure to take place soon. Thoen waited until they had grown fully quiet before speaking quietly "There...if that's the end of the noise, I can continue?" Nopony spoke, drawing a nod out of Thoen who went on "Very well. Now, we all know life as we know it in Manehatten is garbage. It's vulger, it's disguisting, it's wretched, and it needs to be fixed, now. The whole of Manehatten knows this, just as I know it and Trixie knows it and you all know it. We've been on the precipice of rebellion for awhile, for there are whispers everywhere in this city and I DO hear them. Ponies can't take this anymore...it's not right, it's not fair. If one rises against them, another will as well. If a few rise, we will ALL rise! The Mayor has plagued us with tyranny long enough, and by his own foolish hoof he's crafted the biggest powder keg in Equestrian history: The populace of Manehatten. All it takes now...is a spark, and the fuse will ignite. I've taken it upon myself to light the fuse...but now I need a bang. Martial Law is inevitable...war, is inevitable. I sent a letter to Canterlot explaining the full gravity of Manehatten's situation, AND Twilight's status of Imprisonment to Princess Celestia via an old friend that I still talk to in Canterlot. I received a response no more then three minutes from my sent letter. The Solar Flare is already on their way here, who we all know as the best and most elite of Celestia's Royal Guard...and I hear Celestia won't be too far behind them either." The group all grew wide-eyed as Thoen went on, Trixie the only pony moving in the room as she quietly made her way to the kitchen, hoping to make herself a comforting cup of tea. Thoen's eyes watched her retreating form as he continued on "Celestia...is very, very angry. We can use that to our advantage, we can use her rage and her hoof to smack down the tyranny that's plagued this city, and finally instil Martial Law! We can save the poor, the sick, the weak, everypony!"

The group looked towards one another, silencing questioning each other about whether this really was a good idea or not. A blue coated mare on the middle-left chair muttered "Well if Celestia and the Solar Flare are already on their way...there's really no choice is there?"

The black colt sighed in aggravation and growled "Dammit Thoen...you really don't give us much of a choice do you?"

Thoen shook his head, muttering "That's not true...you have a choice to help me fight with the Solar Flare and show them that we are willing to do whatever we can to help Manehatten become a beautiful, peaceful city again. We need to show the ponies of Manehatten that this isn't just a police action, but that it's their own ponyfolk, friends and family, fighting to save a city in ruin!"

A few ponies nodded, their shocked expressions quickly turning into looks of determination and agreement. A green colt on the right held up his hoof, muttering "But...what's the point in fighting if Princess Celestia is coming? Can't she just...you know...do her Goddess thing or whatever and free Twilight that way?"

Some nodded at this question, they too sharing the same thoughts. Thoen nodded as well and spoke "Celestia could probably handle the rescuing of Twilight alone...but to weed out the Manehatten Guard, secure the entire city of Manehatten, and ensure a peaceful transition of power, she'll need the help of her Royal Guard. That's where The Solar Flare comes in. They'll be handling the rescue of Twilight while Celestia deals with The Mayor. What I need to know now, however, is what you all decide to do. Are you in, or are you out?"

Seven hooves went up at once, signalling to Thoen that the entire group was ready to take on the biggest fight of their lives. The black colt in the center nodded towards Thoen and whispered "We're with you. You fed our families from the train job, and by doing this you'll help free them from a disgusting Tyrant as well. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're ready to risk what we have left to fight."

From behind the group, Trixie finished her tea and stared towards her father with a look of determined fury on her face, her whisper menacing and thick with rage "Alright then...let's go to war."


Twilight groaned, a dull, throbbing pain pounding away at the back of her bruised skull. She was chained with her back against a cold, black wall, her front hooves chained above her and her rear hooves chained below her. Several bruises and cuts adorned her body, which was accompanied by a sickening black-eye on her left eye. With her left eye swelled shut, her right eye was the only one to flutter open, her cell coming into a blurry view. The cell was empty and desolate for the most part, with but a single wooden table resting near the iron balls which made up the borders of her confinement. A wooden paddle, two knives, and a small coil of rope rested on its surface, with small streaks of blood splotching the shining edges of the blades. The memories brought forth from the table of instruments wanted to make Twilight retch and vomit, the white-hot pain of her scratches making her writhe slightly in her chains. Over and over she played back the earlier hours in her mind...the scars of her memory drawing tears out of her good eye.

'Smack! Smack! Smack!'

"Stop!!! Stop, please it hurts!!! Please!!!!" Twilight begged, screamed even as a large, bulky stallion gripped the wooden paddle in his teeth and spanked Twilight on her exposed flank.

A growling voice shouted over her wailing cries of pain, a colt's voice, a colt she knew only as 'The Captain'. Strong and powerful it roared "Then tell us who else was involved in the train robbery! We saw others fleeing the scene when we arrived at the Hoofington Express!"

Twilight sobbed and let out a sharp yell of pain as the stallion spanked her again, drawing a frantic, squealing voice out of the mare "I told you, I was just a passenger! I was on the train when it was attacked and my suitcase hit me in the head when the train tipped! I'm telling the truth!!!"

The Captain sighed, his Manehatten Guard's arm clattering slightly as he shifted his weight on his hooves and looked towards the stallion. He whispered just loud enough for Twilight to hear the words that her blood run cold with fear "Get the knives."

Twilight flailed about in her chains as the sound of a knife sliding across the table was heard, with her screams echoing across the walls of the prison. "NO! No please don't! Don't!!! Somepony help me!!! Please, please don't! No, NO!!! Don't do th- AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!"

"NOOO!!!" Twilight screamed, the memory of knives sliding across her legs and body fading into the black abyss of her thoughts. Her good eye flicked over to the right as the sound of iron sliding across the metal wafted through the hallway. Two sets of hoof-steps echoed in Twilight's ears, her breath starting to come out in panicked gasps. She knew it was them, The Captain and the stallion, coming back to torture her.

She let out a terrified squeak and shut her good eye tight as the voice of the colt shouted towards her "Last chance mare, start talking or I'm going to have to do something you're REALLY not going to like!"

Twilight whimpered, whispering in a terrified tone "I told you...I was just a passenger! You have to believe me, please!"

The colt sighed, nodding to the Stallion who reached into his saddlebags and produced a large metal nail. He dropped it on the table as Twilight opened up her eye and gasped. It was no surprise that she begun to flail and scream bloody murder as the stallion proceeded to pull a hammer from his saddlebags, making his way towards the squealing mare with both tools of destructive torture. The stallion stopped in front of her, rearing a hoof back and throwing it forward to heave a punch in Twilight's exposed belly. The mare went limp in an instant, a guttural cry of whimpering pain escaping the unicorn's lips. She knew it was inevitable, the savage, brutal pain she was about to endure.

"Just give us a name...any name, and you can spare yourself at least twenty minutes." the colt whispered, a tone of fake concern laced in his voice.

Twilight hung there in silence in a moment, a grimace etched on her face and her eyes no longer clenched tight. The only sound that came out of her in that instant...was the sound of music. She sang a soft, quiet tune which drew a questioning look from the colt:

"Twinkle, Twinkle...little...s...star.

"How I w...wonder, what you are...

If there...there's somepony that cares...

Please give...lo...love to this poor mare..."

Just as the stallion readied himself to hammer away at the deadly nail pointed towards Twilight's rear leg, a thunderous explosion echoed out through the building. The walls shook violently as the dim lights above flicked and went out, drawing a terrified shout out of the three of them. The iron door at the end of the hall swung open with a loud bang as a colt clad in armor rushed down the hallway, The Captain shouting towards him "What's the commotion about!? What just happened!?"

The armored guard shouted towards the colt "Captain! We're under attack!"

Another explosion from outside rocked the building as The Captain shouted back "From who!? Who the hell would dare!?"

~*~ Twenty minutes earlier ~*~

Thoen carefully made his way down the street, Trixie close behind him. The rest of the group had gone to gather as much support as they could, leaving the two of them to scout out the prison. As they approached the corner, Thoen stopped, holding out a hoof to stop Trixie. She looked up at him as he whispered and turned his head towards the corner "Wait here." The mare nodded as Thoen carefully approached the street corner, taking extra care to slowly lean his head around the corner. The prison was the size of at least half a city block, with one tower situated on two sides. The walls were lined with several layers of razor wire, and even had what looked like electrical wiring running through its center. The only real structural weakness Thoen saw was the simple, 'double-door' black gate which rested in the front of the prison. The only problem was it was being guarded by two, very strong, very powerful looking stallions with thick, bulky, red colored armor that fully covered their bodies except for their eyes and the end of their snout.

Thoen shook his head as he leaned back around the corner, sighing "This is going to be a bit difficult...Trixie are you sure you want to be here for this? ....Trixie?" He turned his head to look at her when he received no response, and gasped. He just barely caught a glimpse of Trixie's squirming legs as she disappeared around a corner and into an alley. Rushing forward, Thoen barreled into the alley, ready to fight off whatever was attacking his daughter. His intentions were crushed however as a firm pair of hooves grasped him and threw him against the wall, pinning him.

A hoof was pressed up against his mouth as Trixie was shoved up next to him and a voice whispered out to both of them "We are friend, not foe. If you do not scream you will be released...and we can talk." Thoen looked around carefully as the forms of over twenty ponies situated themselves around him and Trixie, surrounding him. The pony pinning him was wearing a matching outfit as the others: A brown cloak and hood and a brown body coat which, despite its intention, failed to cover up the yellow color of royal armor which Thoen was certain carried the Sun Crest of Princess Celestia. Thoen nodded to the Royal Guard who held him in place and let out a quiet breath as the colt retreated back a few steps, Trixie being released as well. The colt who pinned Thoen stepped aside, allowing a tall stallion wearing the same gear through to stand in front of the two. Trixie and Thoen looked up at the massive hulk of a stallion, his face concealed by a thick, black bandana. His emerald eyes were the only thing visible from the hood pulled over his head, and they carried a sort of determined, fierce look in his eyes.

With a quick look over the two ponies, the Stallion began to speak. His voice was like a lion's, proud and very powerful "I am Captain Volokai Evangiline Avangarde Kurr, of her Majesty Princess Celestia's Solar Flare. We are here to acquire Miss Twilight Sparkle from the Prison nearby. You, are Mr. Arcaneium, correct?" Thoen nodded as Volokai went on "Good, then we will proceed. I must ask that for your own safety you do not interfere...however" He paused as he caught a fierce glare from Trixie, drawing his eyes towards her for a second before they flicked back to Thoen "If you do decide to...'assist' us...in this operation, then you shall do so at your own risk. Myself nor my ponies will be responsible for probable injuries or death that will result from this raid, understood?" Thoen nodded, the captain nodding in return and turning to nod towards his group.

The guards sprung into action, moving further into the alley with careful stealth and quick movements as Thoen held out a hoof towards the captain and whispered "How did you all get here so fast...and undetected? There's guards everywhere! Surely they would have picked you out of the crowd!"

Captain Volokai grunted, lifting a hoof up and lowering his bandana. A thin scar ran over his brown-furred face and stretched slightly as he spoke "We have our own ways of moving about Mr. Arcaneium...ways even you would not understand" Thoen frowned and followed the captain as he made his way down the street, coming up behind the guard and quietly whispering orders to set up a position near the opening of the next alley over, located directly across from the prison building. "How many more ponies are coming, Mr. Arcaneium?" The captain whispered, reaching into the folds of his robes and producing a large vial of green liquid.

Thoen stared at it with apprehension and whispered "Maybe...fifty or so, depending on who my companions can muster. What...is in that vial?"

Volokai looked at Thoen for a moment before he passed the vial on to another guard and took a step back, whispering "A little...present from a good zebra friend of mine." Thoen watched as two unicorn guards near the front of the alley dropped to their knees, waiting as the guard with the vial produced a long piece of elastic from his own saddlebags and tied one end to each unicorn's horn. He gave the elastic a firm pull and drew a nod from the unicorns, the two of them squinting their eyes and staring towards the gate. Volokai nodded as the guard placed the vial carefully in the elastic and folded it in on itself, pulling it back and aiming it towards the gates. With the quick whisper of "Fire!", the guard let go of the elastic and watched as the green vial sailed through the air, across the street, and directly into the bars of the gate. What happened next drew a sharp gasp out of both Thoen and Trixie as a thunderous explosion rocketed from the gate. The stallions at the gate dove for cover as Volokai hissed "Fire again! You only got one set of hinges!", the guard nodding and placing another vial produced from his own robes in the elastic. With another fierce tug and a quick release, the second vial sailed across the street and into the second set of hinges that held up the first half of the gate.

Volokai watched as the green liquid fizzled and melted through the hinges with ease, cracking the metal and bringing down the half of the gate. Loud shouts and commands could be heard from the interior of the prison as Volokai quickly signaled his ponies with rapid movements of his hooves. The Solar Flare sprung into action and lept from the alleyway, charging into the chaotic streets of screaming citizens and panicked ponies. Ponies abandoned carriages where they sat in the streets, Volokai quickly pointing a hoof to several and shouting "Sun Group, dig in and hold the streets! Heat Group, with me!" The royal guard quickly split up into their respective groups, with Sun Group taking cover behind the abandoned carriages with horns aglow and long swords clenched in their teeth. Beam Group gathered around Volokai as he shouted towards Thoen "Mr. Arcaneium! I would ask that you and your militia help hold these streets! More and more reinforcements from the Manehatten Guard will be trying their best to retake the front!"

Thoen nodded and shouted "You can count on us!"

Nodding, Volokai quickly directed his ponies towards the gates as the Stallion guards at the front traded a few bolts of magic with the group. They fell easily enough, granting Beam Group entry into the prison. Thoen watched in silence as Trixie slipped in quietly behind Beam Group, galloping into the prison after the Captain. He gulped and turned to take his place between an earth pony and a unicorn, receiving nods from them which he returned with a low grunt.

Already he could hear the familiar shouts of his comrades down the street "Oi! Thoen we made it!!! Where you want us!?"

Thoen shouted up into the air "In the middle here with us! We need to hold the gate!"


"Three right!"

"Above! Take him out!"

"Two down, press that corner!"

"Three on our six, pressure, pressure!"

"Locked, moving!"

A Solar Flare unicorn ducked as he listened to the harsh shouting of his comrades, shooting a bolt of magic down the narrow hallway that rested just near the main entrance hall to the prison building. Trixie was situated next to him, trying her best to keep the guards at the end of the hall pinned down. The hallway was cramped with the Solar Flare taking cover behind several boxes that they had quickly pulled over to surround a large iron door that Volokai determined led into the dungeon area. Volokai ran a hoof slowly over a small hoof-sized map, his face as calm as his demeanor. He only paused to look up at two of his soldiers cutting through the metal of the door slowly with their magic.

"Time?!" he shouted towards the unicorns, watching as the handle started to give away.

"Twenty seconds sir!" one shouted, drawing a curt nod from Volokai.

He barked quickly to the others "Alright, stack up! I want six ponies holding this hall, the rest of you with me!" They quickly formed up, near the door, the Unicorn guard finally cutting through the lock and pushing the iron door open with a heavy push. Just as it swung inwards, however, the unicorn let out a blood-gurgled scream as a bolt of magic struck his neck. He fell to the ground as two more unicorns shot bolts into the dungeon's hallway, the screams of a mare within reaching Trixie's ears.

"Twilight!!!" She screamed, rushing to the door as Volokai and the rest of the ponies forced their way inside. The Manehatten Captain growled as his Stallion took a bolt to the face, leaping over with a long sword clenched in his teeth towards Volokai.

"Secure Twilight Sparkle!" Shouted Volokai, who pulled his own sword out from his side and rushed to meet his adversary. The Solar Flare rushed down the hall, firing bolts of magic to keep the remaining three Manehatten Guards pinned behind an overturned table. Trixie felt tears brimming in her eyes as a unicorn approached Twilight's cell, lighting up his horn and starting the long cut through the metal lock.

She looked over to Twilight, looking up he bruised and beaten body and shouting "Twilight are you ok!? It's Trixie! I'm here!!!"

Twilight's good eye opened slowly, staring right at Trixie and smiling as she shouted in a hoarse voice "Trixie! Oh thank Celestia!"

The unicorn guard shouted as his horn cut through "I got it!", pushing the cell door open and stepping aside to let Trixie through. She quickly rushed up to the chained mare, pointing her horn towards her bonds and shattering them with small bolts of magic. Twilight yelped as she dropped from the wall, landing firmly on Trixie's back.

"Hold on, I've got you!" Trixie shouted, nodding towards Volokai who had managed to draw his blade across the Manehatten Captain's neck.

Volokai took one look at Twilight, seeing her secured and shouted "Alright! Fall back! All Solar Flare, fall back to the streets!!!"


"Hold the line! In the name of Celestia you will not falter!" Shouted one of the Solar Flare unicorns, ducking to avoid six bolts of magic flying past the carriage. Sun Group, along with Thoen's Militia were aligned in a tight semi-circle outside the gate, and were trying their best to hold back the growing number of Manehattan guards. Several of the militia ponies had died, along with three of the Solar Flare, with the situation growing worse and worse with each passing second. Pegasus Ponies wrestled and dueled in the air, while earth ponies tried their best to leap over some over-turned carriages to engage the defensive group at close-range.

Thoen turned his head and shot at a Pegasus over head, watching as his bolt struck home and felled his target. He took a glance at the gate and turned his head to fire another bolt, when the sudden realization of what he saw hit him and he turned his head back quickly. Trixie rushed out of the gate with Twilight on her back, Captain Volokai and the rest of the Solar Flare not far behind.

"Divide yourselves amongst the barriers and carriages and hold the line! We must hold out for Princess Celestia! She is coming boys, so make it count!!!" Volokai shouted, rushing to take a place next to Thoen as Trixie gingerly placed Twilight behind a small stone-barrier that had been erected by one of the guard's magic.

As the minutes dragged on by, the Manehatten Guard continued to swell with numbers, pushing more and more at the Solar Flare's line. "Hold! We must hold!" Screamed Volokai, punching a Manehatten Guard in the face and following through with a quick thrust with his sword. It was in this moment that Twilight opened her good eye slowly and looked around, watching as bolts of magic flew this way and that. She spotted Trixie on the opposite side of the line, doing her best to launch bolts of her own magic over the barriers and to not get hit herself. A flash of movement from the left caught Twilight's attention, and she let out a small squeak as she saw the far left of the line fall, the last of the Militia holding it going down with a bolt to the face. Four Manehatten Guards lept over the opening, drawing several screams from the nearby Solar Flare who turned to engage the attackers. She watched as two of the attackers immediately went down from bolts, and another engage in sword-play with another. It wasn't until the final attacker aimed his horn at Thoen did she feel the world slow to a near stop.

Trixie screamed as she saw the attacker aim at her father "DADDY!!!". Thoen turned his head slowly as a bolt of magic escaped the attacker's horn, his body being pelted by three bolts from the Solar Flare immediately after. Thoen knew the bolt was going too fast for him to move, and he closed his eyes to brace for the inevitable impact. Impact did come...however, it was in a way he did not expect. He felt his body being physically shoved out of the way, landing on his back with a firm weight pressed down on him. He opened his eyes and blinked in surprise, looking down to see what had happened. He gasped as he saw Twilight laying on his chest, her side smoking from where the bolt had struck her. Blood oozed from the wound as Twilight's good eye fluttered closed.

Trixie let out a cry of despair, rushing over towards Twilight as Volokai roared "SPARKLE IS DOWN! Dammit it all! Medics! Hold the line! HOLD THE LI-"

He never got to finish his sentence.

A bright, unbearable explosion of light gleamed above the street suddenly which was accompanied by a deafening roar. All the windows of buildings nearby shattered ground rumbled and shook violently. Ponies fell to the ground as the light shrunk and dissipated, and a single white mare landed in the center of the defensive line. Her horn was aglow with yellow magic, her wings fully erect and unleashing her full wingspan. Her tiara glinted in the light of a brightened sun as she spoke in a loud, booming voice, a look of fury in her eyes "I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, hereby instill Martial Law upon the City of Manehatten, by the authority of my crown and the surrender of the Mayor of Manehatten! By this order, all those who would stand against my guard and Manehatten's citizens, will cease and desist!"

The Manehatten guard howled in fear and took off running at the sudden sight of Princess Celestia who now made her way over to her gravely wounded student. Volokai watched her as she dipped to her knees and placed her horn atop Twilight's head. Trixie sobbed as Celestia's horn gleamed with magic, her whimpers barely audible over the shouts of the Solar Flare who were re-securing their perimeter "P...please help her!"

Celestia frowned as she passed her horn over Twilight's body, whispering to Trixie "She is dying...I do not know if she will last much longer...but I will try my best to restore her in Canterlot. Captain!" Volokai snapped to attention as Celestia stood back up to her full height and shouted "Gather your forces! Reinforcements are already on the way. You are to began the taking of Manehatten!"

Volokai nodded and with a quick salute shouted "Aye Milady! Alright, you heard her! Form up into your street parties! Three meter spread!"

Celestia turned her attention back to Trixie, looking down at her tear streaked face and whispering "Now...let us hurry." With that, she dipped her head and let her horn gleam, surrounding Trixie, Twilight, Thoen, and herself in a yellowish bubble of magic...and disappearing in a bright, yellow flash.

(Sorry if it seems a bit...rushed. I'm working in a time crunch here T_T)