• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,667 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen - Mother

"Give me another shot of Adrenaline!"

"Hold on Twilight, hold on!"

"Dammit she's going into cardiac arrest!!!"


The screams of Nurse Redheart and several other medical ponies filled the hallways in the Ponyville Urgent Care center, the very building in an uproar at the sudden appearance of Princess Celestia in their waiting room, her magic having blasted away most of the furniture and sending it flying at the walls. Trixie could only watch in despair, her father's hoof on her shoulder as Twilight was thrown upon a gurney and rushed into the deeper part of the hospital. Twilight's swollen eye had managed to crack itself open with her good one, her vision fluttering as the bright overhead lights passed by rapidly. Her head rolled gently from side to side as she was flown down the hall. Only vaguely was she aware of her physical feelings...a soreness here...a twinge of pain there. The only constant was a severe, aching pain on her side where she knew she had been shot.

Slowly looking to her left, she watched a panicked Nurse Redheart buck open two large double-doors and lead the gurney inside. Twilight's body lurched to the right as the gurney swerved to a stop, her hooves and body quickly being moved and adjusted by the doctors and nurse. Her vision blurred and blackened in and out, reality fading away and returning too rapidly for her mind to keep up. When blackness came, it was replaced by a dim light, and the scent of...apples. Apples was all that Twilight could use to describe the aura of light that pressed at her fading life and consciousness. She knew she was dying...she knew she was not going to make it. She shut her eyes and let out a tiny breath as Nurse Redheart pushed the shock paddles against her chest and surged her with a high voltage hit. The lavender mare's broken body lurched upwards, only to fall back to the gurney a near lifeless heap. Twilight's vision once again blackened, the light now permanent in her vision as Nurse Redheart's frantic voice fell on deaf ears.

"Twilight! Please no! Twilight don't do this, not to us! Not to Celestia!" The nurse screamed, rubbing the paddles together and pressing them against the mare's singed chest "CLEAR!". A third shock...a third set of tears from the nurse. Redheart wearily looked up towards the clock as she sobbed, her ears deaf and tuning out the words of the doctor labeling Twilight's official time of death, the EKG machine letting out its final sounds that signaled the end of life.



Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........beep beep beep beep beep beep!!!!!!!

"AUGGGH!!!!" Twilight heaved, gasping as she sat up quickly and stared straight ahead, her breath coming in frantic gasps and intakes. Her eyes darted around quickly, the scene before her hard to determine as reality or dream. She was sitting in what appeared to be one of the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, rows upon rows of apple trees dominating the area. She quickly looked down at herself, running her front hooves over her own clean, undamaged and unharmed body. She blinked in amazement, looking back up at the apple trees with a shuddering breath. Everything looked so...warped, different in a way. It was like a light haze had been veiled over her eyes, and that the world seemed to be out of focus. Memories of Manehatten were still at the very forefront of her mind, memories that made her wonder and question just exactly how she got to be in Sweet Apple Acres in the first place.

As if answering her mindful questions, the loud thudding of an apple tree's trunk being hit reached the ears of the alarmed unicorn, her head turning towards the sound. She got to her hooves slowly, her balance slightly off as she tumbled ever so slightly to the right. Listening for another thudding of a tree, Twilight moved a few hoofsteps forward into the orchard. She redirected her direction as another thud echoed out from somewhere to her right, and again to the left when she ventured to far in the wrong direction. For three minutes, the thudding of apple trees reached Twilight's ears, and for three minutes the questions of 'Why am I here, how am I here?' poked and prodded at the unicorn's brain.

Finally, after stepping around a large apple tree, the source of the apple trees thuds became clear. It was apple-bucking. The bucking pony in question stopped in mid-kick, his gleaming green eye catching sight of Twilight as she stepped around. He was a big stallion, his coat a neatly blended mixture of red and orange fur, and a deep set of wrinkles running up his snout. Around his neck he wore a light brown riding crop, a matching color for the stetson cowcolt hat he wore atop his head. As she looked over these two particular items, she found herself feeling a surge of emotion rushing through her brain...an emotion of longing. It was only then that she recognized the items, knowing that they belonged to Big Macintosh and Applejack...meaning...

"Well howdy! Lam sakes ya'll ponies just ain't built as tough as they used ta be!" The stallion mused, a warm smile on his old face and a twinkle in his eyes as he tipped back his stetson with a hoof. "Ya'll must be Twilight Sparkle, a pleasure to make yer acquaintance."

He made a slight bow as Twilight looked around steadily with shifty eyes, whispering a rapid series of questions "Where...how did I...get here? Who are you? Do you know Big Macintosh...and Applejack? How did you know my name?"

The stallion's eyes widened slightly but his smile remained, holding up a hoof as he spoke "Whoooa nelly! Simmer down their sugarcube, you'll give yerself a panic attack! Now...to answer sum of ya'lls questions...yer in the middle of nowhere, and everywhere. How ya got here...well ah think ya'll know how THAT happened. As fer Macintosh' an little Applejack, course ah know em, they're mah grandponies after all!"

Twilight's eyes widened and her heart sank as the stallion's words burned themselves into her mind, her voice shaky and whimpering as she squeaked "Y...you're Applejack's Pappy...so...so that means..."

The stallion nodded, whispering in a soothing voice "Eeyup...Applelicious Jack, Miss Sparkle...and technically, yes, yer dead."

Twilight couldn't help but feel a cold ache pressing at her stomach, her eyes shifting around the orchard "So this...this is..."

"Something like...a place ya'll go to after ya die. It's all different for everypony who passes on. Ah came here myself to find mah daughter and her husband restin' here earlier then me...tragic thing that." Applelicious muttered, shaking his head slightly as Twilight took a few careful steps forward.

"If that's the case...why am I here with you? No offense but I don't...see why I'm in Sweet Apple Acres Mr. Jack...and what do you mean by 'technically dead...?" Twilight muttered, giving the smiling stallion a quizzical look.

Applelicious simply chuckled as he said "Well to be honest, ah don't rightly know why ya'll are here, and by technically dead ah mean yeah, yer dead because yer here...but yer not the same as the others. Ah don't quite know how to put my hoof on it...but there's definitely something different bout the way ya'll feel..." The stallion frowned for a moment before smiling, looking over towards the farmhouse Twilight recognized from the real Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville and said "But...you can try askin' the mare who lives up there in mah farmhouse! Ah can't really tell ya why she took to lodging up with me...but ah don't mind. She's good company n' all...but she ain't no Granny Smith!"

Twilight smiled a little and nodded, trotting towards the house as she said "Thank you then Mr. Jack..."

"Nah..." the stallion smiled, preparing his rear hooves for another bucking at the trees "Ya'll can call me Applelicious, or Pappy, either one suits me just fine!"

Twilight nodded and trotted up the small wooden stairs leading up into the farm house as the stallion's apple-bucking resumed, the mare quietly poking her head inside the fully opened doorway. "Hello?" Twilight called out quietly, her voice echoing softly off the wooden planks of the walls and floor.

She was surprised when a calm, soothing voice called gently from the kitchen "In here dear...it's about time you arrived." Twilight gulped, walking slowly through the house towards the sound of humming which was flowing in from the kitchen. As she poked her head in, she couldn't help but gasp, an azure coated unicorn mare with a silvery white and blue mane quietly pouring two cups of tea with violet coated magic. Her eyes were a deep, gleaming purple, with her cutie mark that of two Crescent Moons behind a black and white magic wand. At first, Twilight couldn't believe her eyes...the fully grown mare in front of her bringing deep emotions of joy and great sadness at the same time. She couldn't even help herself as she whispered the name "Trixie...?"

The mare turned her head at the sound of Twilight's voice, a small smile on her face as she levitated the two cups of tea over onto the kitchen table, whispering "No dear...not quite. Here, have a seat, I have been waiting to talk to you for a long time now..."

Twilight nodded slowly, taking a seat across from the azure mare who took her own place at the head of the table, a sip of tea quickly disappearing from her cup. As Twilight sat, her eyes trailed over the mare's cutie mark and mane, her whispers quiet yet still loud enough to be heard "You're...Trixie's mother then, aren't you?"

The mare smiled, nodding quietly as she took another sip of tea and whispered "Mmhmm...you are correct. I am Trixilena Arcaneium, Trixie is indeed my daughter."

Twilight smiled, looking down at her cup of tea as she muttered "So I really am dead...I know you died of Marekemia Miss Arcaneium..."

At this, Trixilena simply chuckled and took another sip of her tea, watching as Twilight took a ginger sip of hers. She held out a comforting hoof to Twilight and whispered "Oh do not worry yourself so little one...all is well. You are not truly dead...at least not yet."

Twilight looked up suddenly, a confused look in her eye as she whispered "Truly dead? What do you mean...what's happened to me?"

Trixilena shifted comfortably in her chair as she explained "Applelicious was correct when he said you were different then the others. He had not yet met a Pony who was dead and yet not dead...a pony in a coma."

Twilight's eyes widened as the words of Trixilena poured over her like a bucket of icy water. She was in a coma...but she may as well have been dead anyway. "How..." Twilight muttered, staring towards the unicorn mare "Did you know I would be coming here one day...how could you have known...? Me and Trixie were just fillies when...when you..."

Struggling to find the less awkward of possible word choices, Trixilena simply smiled as she said "I don't know...I just knew you'd come one day. I could feel, hear your presence from this place...a presence that I felt harmonize with my daughter's. It was like you two were one and the same...of the same feelings...same happiness...same love." Twilight smiled, nodding as Trixilena went on "It was like an itch waiting to be scratched...you arriving I mean. Now that you are here...I feel much better, knowing that I'll be able to clear up some of those doubts of yours."

Twilight frowned, staring towards the mare as she whispered "Doubts...? What do you mean doubts?"

"Doubts that you'd ever find true love in life, doubts about you being able to help and save my daughter from a tragic life of pain and misery, doubts that you wouldn't make it in time to shove my husband out of the way of a bolt of magic. Doubts...that what you did in Manehatten just wasn't the best you could do."

Twilight sniffed, tears in her eyes as she whispered "How can you know all this...how did you know this would happen? Fate...? Destiny...?"

Trixilena took another calm sip of her tea, smiling as she shrugged at Twilight's words and replying with soothing ones of her own "Who knows how the universe truly works sweetheart? So many things happen that we can't truly explain, but they happen none the less. My whole family, from generations start to its inevitable end at the closing of time have not and never will have Marekemia, yet I was suddenly struck down by it. Sometimes...we just have to accept things in life and death, no matter how horrid or blissful they may be." Twilight nodded slightly, staring towards the mare as she went on "You've always been a doubtful pony it seems Twilight...a sad thing to see in a beautiful, young mare such as yourself. Tell me...why do you feel like you aren't as special as your friends?"

Twilight looked away with a heavy guilt in her eyes and a slight shake in her voice as she spoke "Because...because they all seem to be much better off then I am, and that they're living their dreams and life to the fullest. Look at me...I'm the only one alone...the only one with no real dreams or goals but to study magic and...just go around the same circle of life until I die."

Trixilena smiled a bit wider, putting a hoof over Twilight's as she whispered to the teary mare "Honey...you were never alone, you knew that. Sure, your friends all found the love they were looking for, and the life they wanted...but that in no way excluded you from having that very same thing! Love isn't just measured in who is dating, seeing, or married to who. Love is companionship, friendship, togetherness. It's something you've always had in your life Twilight, from your parents, Princess Celestia, your friends...and now my daughter. As for life...Twilight you're one of the most gifted unicorns in existence when it comes to being versed in the arts of arcane magic. You can do anything, BE anything you want to be with talents like yours! Don't put yourself down before you've even tried!"

Twilight let out a small sob, tears running down her face as she wept "I'm so sorry! I'll try harder, I promise!"

Trixilena frowned slightly, her eyes softening as she whispered "Sweetie, why do you cry? What is there to apologize for when you are not guilty?"

"Because" Twilight sobbed, sniffing loudly "If I had only known what you just told me...if I could only go back and fix it...I could have done a better job in Manehatten, I could have done so many things right...instead I ended up shot...I abandoned my life...my friends...Trixie..."

The azure mare shook her head slightly, a smile creeping back onto her face as she whispered "Oh honey...no...that's not true and you know it." She pulled both of Twilight's hooves in her own, staring deep into her eyes as the lavender mare stared back, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You believe you didn't do much good in Manehatten...but you're wrong, you're so wrong dear. Trixie found true love...Thoen found peace and happiness knowing his daughter was going to be alright, a city plagued with crime, pain, and tyranny rose up against its oppressors in the hopes that it could taste the sweetness of freedom and lead a beautiful life. All because...a lavender unicorn by the name Twilight Sparkle boarded a train in the hopes that she could extend a caring hoof to all those who needed it...to my daughter...to my husband...to the city. You've saved, thousands, of lives Twilight Sparkle, a thousand and one when you pushed my husband out of the way and took the bolt of magic as your own. You SACRIFICED yourself so that others could live on in a world meant to be free, you were willing to DIE for that! You saved their lives Twilight...at the cost of your own. You...you are such an amazing, wonderful, beautiful pony Twilight Sparkle and you don't even acknowledge it." She smiled as she finished her words, watching as Twilight openly sobbed on Trixilena's hooves, her body quivering and shaking as the azure mare's words settled in her thudding heart. Twilight had once again tried to apologize, but was quickly cut off by a gentle hoof against her lips "No dear...you don't need to apologize. You will never need to apologize for what you've done in Manehatten, or your life."

Twilight nodded, smiling slightly as she sniffed and watched Trixilena stand up from her chair. The azure unicorn gently moved the table out of the way, causing Twilight to gently slide out of her own chair in confusion. "Now..." the azure mare whispered, smiling as a door nearby opened, a door Twilight knew led to the backyard of the farm house. Another creak nearby had Twilight's head turning, knowing that the front door had opened as well. She turned her head back to Trixilena and blinked as she spoke "You understand now...after all I've said, that your life was not as horrid as you once believed it to be, and that your actions did truly matter. With that...I leave you a choice Twilight Sparkle. Come into the backyard with me...and I'll take you home. Or...you may choose to stay."

Her reaction was almost immediate, with her lavender body turning to face the backyard. Her tears had dried, and a large smile had begun to settle on her face. "I want to go home..." she whispered, sharing smiles with Trixilena as she took her place next to Twilight "I'm not done yet...there's still so much to do and...my friends need me...Trixie needs me..."

Trixilena nodded, satisfied with Twilight's answer and whispering "Well then...let's get you home."

The two mares, smiling, approached the open back door, unfazed as the view from outside turned from apple trees to a gleaming light of whiteness, like the sun. The light felt warm on Twilight's coat as she stepped from the farmhouse, her and Trixilena's form slowly being enveloped and disappearing in the warm white of bliss and peacefulness. As Twilight closed her eyes, the light went out, darkness surrounding her as she floated in an unknown space. Just before she felt sleep envelop her...Trixilena's voice spoke to her for a final time.

"Always remember, Twilight Sparkle...you are NEVER alone..."


Twilight was aware. Aware of her beating heart, the light coolness of air that gently pushed against her face and chest from a ceiling fan overhead, and a small tube that rested in her mouth that was attached to an oxygen mask. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the brightness of the white room she rested in. On her right was a wide assortment of medical machines and equipment that tracked almost everything going on with her body. As she turned her eyes to the left, tears instantly brimmed in them. Two large nightstands had been set up by Twilight, with their tops absolutely littered with cards, presents, streamers and balloons that clogged up at least a a good eighth of the ceiling. She looked over the wonderful stack of items, Trixilena's words still comfortably resting in her heart. It was then that she noticed the guard standing by the door, catching sight of him through the jungle of gifts. By his scar, size, and insignia engraved on his armor, she knew immediately that it was Captain Volokai. He was sleeping standing up, weary bags of fatigue resting under his eyes and a sad grimace on his face.

She frowned, reaching up with a hoof to pull the tube and oxygen mask off of her face. As she did, one of the machines to her right beeped rapidly at least five times, stirring the Captain awake immediately "Huh!? What, who goes there!? In the name of Celestia and Sparkle I demand you show your fa-" He stopped as he caught sight of Twilight sitting up gently, mane falling over her face slightly and her lips forming a comforting smile.

The Captain could only stare in wonder as Twilight whispered "Good morning Captain..."

Volokai, tears in his eyes, whispered back "Good morning Twilight Sparkle...I trust you slept well?" Twilight nodded, watching as the Captain slowly walked over, his voice still low and quiet "Is there anything I can get for you Milady? Anything at all?"

Twilight shook her head as she spoke "Not at the moment Captain...although if it is alright, I would like it if you did not tell anypony I was awake yet...I'd like to rest a bit more before I'm bombarded with crying ponies."

The Captain chuckled and nodded "Of course Milady...however I must inform Princess Celestia. It is by royal order I do this, although I'm sure Her Majesty will understand your request as well. You gave her...all of us a good fright there Milady...it's good to have you home."

Twilight smiled "It's good to be home Captain...exactly how long was I out by the way?"

At this the Captain frowned slightly, his voice growing a bit weaker "About a week...and what a week it's been Milady. Sobbing ponies, distraught ponies, ponies bringing gifts...Thoendithas visited up until Thursday...but Miss Trixie has been here every day. She usually arrives around the evening hours, so you should have most of the day to rest before you see her. I will make sure Nurse Redheart keeps her silence as well about your awakening, by royal order of course"

Twilight smiled as Volokai gave her a sly wink "Thank you Captain, that's all I wanted really."

Nodding with a quick salute, Volokai smiled and said "Of course Milady, I shall send the letter to Her Majesty immediately!" Twilight gave a small nod, turning her head back forward to stare at the wall and sigh happily. It was so good to be alive...the feeling of fresh air flowing through her body, only to be expelled in a light, calm breeze through her snout. The sound of Volokai's voice however, had Twilight turning her head back towards the door "Um...Milady? I know this may not be the best time but...I was insisted on asking you something."

Volokai had a small frown on his face as Twilight spoke "Of course Captain, what's the question and who's it for?"

The Captain fidgeted for a second before muttering "This is awkward...". Finally, he looked up and sighed, speaking towards the patient mare "My son, he's a bit of a writer you see...he's written a good number of stories about some of the ponies here in Ponyville...small series about 'Leaps of Faith'...getting a bit famous for them I suppose..." Twilight nodded, allowing him to go on "He was wondering...he heard about Manehatten, and about you and Miss Trixie...he was wondering if he could come ask you about what happened, maybe turn it into a story...but ONLY if you were given a clean bill of health, were completed rested, and only by your ok. He didn't want to impose..."

Twilight shook her head, smiling as she said "Of course I'll talk to your son Captain! I'll be sure to contact you when I'm ready." With a slight nod and a small smile, the Captain left the room quietly, shutting the door behind him. As soon as he had gone, Twilight let herself fall back on the bed, staring upwards towards the ceiling for a moment before closing her eyes and letting out a quiet sigh of joy.

Good Morning indeed....