• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,667 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

  • ...

Chapter Fourteen - A Great and Powerful End

(This Chapter's a tad short, just like the other end chapters....that's right, I said end.)

Twilight sighed, staring up towards the ceiling of her hospital room. Nurse Redheart had come in several times since Volokai had informed her of her awakening. "Vitals fine...blood pressure's ok...your side looks good...I'd say you have a clean bill of health!" She had told her only five minutes ago, making Twilight smile. She toyed with the idea of going back to sleep for awhile when Nurse Redheart poked her head back in and whispered "Um...Twilight dear. You have a visitor...she doesn't know you are awake though...should I...?"

Twilight turned her head towards the Nurse and nodded, whispering "Let her in, don't tell her I'm awake though." The nurse nodded, stepping back out of the door and giving Twilight the time she needed to situate herself under the blankets and close her eyes, hiding under the guise of comatose sleep. She waited for a good two minutes, listening, wondering who was coming in. Nurse Redheart had said it would be a mare...but which one? It could have been any of her friends...the mayor even, or it could have been -

"Twilight?" Trixie whispered, poking her head through the door and staring towards her sleeping love. "Of course...you're not awake..." she frowned, quietly walking in and shutting the door silently behind her. She tread as if she were on thin ice, moving carefully towards the side of her bed, in front of the medical machinery. She found herself smiling a little as she looked over Twilight's peaceful face, her eyes trailing slowly over every curve and turn of her true love's features. "I see they have you off the breathing machine...I guess that means you're recovering..." Trixie whispered, tears in her eyes as she found it increasingly difficult to speak "I...I missed you today...Thoen wouldn't let me come to see you until the evening. I've been spending the better part of the week going around Ponyville...apologizing...introducing myself...trying to make amends for the Ursa Minor. It's working, you know...we told them the story about you coming to Manehatten...your friends were a little upset that you didn't tell them where you were going but they're more overjoyed then angry now that you're back. Everything worked out alright in the end I guess..." She looked down slightly, staring towards an empty spot in the bed and whispering "Not everything though..."

Twilight allowed herself to let out a small, weak groan, drawing Trixie's widening eyes up quickly. "Twilight..?" She whispered, drawing her face up close to Twilight's. She leaned in quietly and whispered as quietly as she could "Are you...are you awake?". She couldn't help but let out a terrified squeal as Twilight flung her front hooves up and wrapped them around Trixie's neck, pulling her in and pushing her lips heavily against hers. Trixie could do nothing except let tears flow from her eyes as she watched Twilight's eyes open slowly, staring deep into her own.

When their kiss finally ended, she let Trixie's head move back slightly and said "Hey..."

"Hey..." Trixie sniffed, a wide smile on her face that almost mimicked Twilight's. "You're...you're awake!"

Twilight giggled, giving Trixie another tender kiss and whispering "I also met someone...when I was asleep." Trixie blinked in confusion, watching Twilight carefully as she stared deep into her eyes and whispered "You have your mother's eyes Trixie..."

It was just that statement alone that had Trixie's eyes swelling with tears, her smile widening to its fullest point "Y...you saw her?"

Twilight nodded slowly, whispering "And I found out...that I'm not alone. Because I have my friends...I have the Princess...and I have you..." She leaned her head up towards Trixie and whispered just before their lips met "I love you..."


"Alright, everything seems to be in order! You have a wonderful evening Twilight!" Nurse Redheart exclaimed, clipping the small white band off of Twilight's hoof that signified her hospital visit. Twilight smiled and nodded, turning and walking towards the front entrance to the hospital.

"Whew" Twilight muttered, putting her hoof on the door "Finally maybe we can things back to normal" Trixie nodded and together they made their way into town...only to find that it was...empty. "Where is everypony?" Twilight muttered, looking around at all the abandoned shops and stalls that littered the streets.

"I don't know..." Trixie muttered "Let's go check out the library." Twilight nodded and together they quickly moved down the street, the branches of the library tree already in sight.

"Maybe it's a holiday or something" Twilight muttered, putting her hoof up on the door "Who knows? I haven't really been keeping track of the days so it could very well be a -"


Twilight squealed and flew back as the door to the library opened and a booming chorus of ponies screamed 'surprise!', her mouth agape as she watched her five best friends run outside and tackle her with a group hug. "Girls! Oh I missed you all!"

Rarity smiled and hugged the group even tighter as she whispered "Of course dear, we missed you too!"

"Don't ya'll ever scare us like that again, ya hear?" Applejack cried, adding her own formidable pressure to the group.

"Seriously, how uncool would that be if you died?" Rainbow Dash shouted over the cheering of ponies who had hidden in the streets and behind buildings, adding to the intensity of the surprise.

Twilight smiled as she felt Fluttershy slip a small yellow flower into her mane and whispered "Um...Angel and I picked this out for you...it's our welcome home present...I hope you like it, but if you don't that's ok..."

Twilight simply smiled, grasping Fluttershy in a tight hug as Pinkie smiled and screamed "Alright everypony! Let's get to that PAAAARRTAY!!!!!"


"How did you all know I was awake?" Twilight whispered from her sitting position on her bed, her and her friends resting upstairs while the rest of the party raged down below. Spike was already passed out, his small form curled up in his basket with a lamp shade over his head.

"Well darling, Princess Celestia actually told us, but demanded that we let you have your rest. That was when Pinkie came up with the marvelous idea for a surprise party!" Rarity said, running a small brush through her own hair.

"Eeyup! Speaking of, don't ya'll think we've missed out on too much of it already?" Applejack shouted, standing up to her hooves with Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled as the rest of her friends got up and said "You girls go ahead, I'll be right behind you. You should go too Trixie...I need a moment if that's ok?"

Trixie, sitting next to her, smiled and gave her a small kiss, muttering "Of course...I'll see you downstairs."

Twilight watched them go, and even giggled when Trixie turned her head to blow a kiss to her and give her a sly wink. Once they left, she got up off the bed and walked slowly towards her balcony door. She slid open the door, moving out into the chilly night and looking up at the stars. It was here, several weeks ago, that she prayed to the stars for true love...and she smiled as her wish was granted. She had saved Trixie, saved Thoen, and even saved the city of Manehatten which she heard had finally been cleaned out of corruption and was now on the slow road to full recovery.

She smiled, looking back at how hesitant she had been, how worried she was that Trixie wouldn't pull through, and that she herself wouldn't make it through the ordeal unscathed. As she turned back towards the door, she whispered quietly "I guess all it really takes...is just a Leap of Faith...".

~*~ The E-


Just as she went to move back inside, a voice cried out from the night

"Wait up for me!"

Twilight turned back around and watched as a colt landed gently on her balcony. In terms of appearance he was only slightly taller then Twilight, his brown coat matching the color of his green eyes perfectly, while his large wings ruffled themselves before settling over his black vest. "Oh, hello there" Twilight said, smiling as the colt dropped a small square box with a bow on it down on the balcony.

"Sorry I'm so late to the party" the colt muttered, a small blush and a bashful grin on his face.

"Oh it's no problem" Twilight whispered, looking down at the small box and smiling "For me?"

The colt nodded, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof and muttering "Yes actually...I heard you were coming back into town today. Sort of passed down the Royal Tree, my father is the Captain of the Solar Flare and..."

Twilight blinked, her eyes widening as she whispered "Oh, you're Captain Volokai's son? How wonderful! I got your request by the way, about the story."

"OH, you did?" The colt blinked, looking at Twilight with hope in his eyes.

The mare nodded "Yep! I was hoping I could find your father to tell him my answer, but seeing as you're here, I can say 'YES' directly to you!"

The colt smiled and grasped Twilight's hoof in his own, shaking it as he sputtered "Oh th..thank you so much Miss Sparkle!"

"Please...call me Twilight" Twilight smiled, watching as the colt let her hoof drop gently and take a step back, blushing slightly. "What's your name?" Twilight whispered, watching as the colt stood up to his full height, a proud look in his eye and proclaim

"My name...is Wolokai".

~*~ The End ~*~

(As always, that after party! Stay tuned!)