• Published 25th Oct 2020
  • 2,366 Views, 534 Comments

Acts of Love - Krickis

Morning Glisten isn't really a good filly. She fights with other foals, and she doesn't really trust adults. So when three Princesses take an interest in adopting her, she'll need to become someone else to win their love.

  • ...

16 – Speechless

Chapter Sixteen

Everything looked different at night. By day, the Whitetail Woods were full of chirping birds, buzzing insects, the soft sunlight filtering in through the trees, and the gentle sound of leaves underhoof.

But at night? Suddenly the world was covered in shadow, and the woods had a malevolent feeling to them. Morning could swear there were eyes on her, and everything was dead silent except for her own rapid heartbeat.

She wandered through the woods scared and alone, not daring to call out. Where were her friends? She was with Pound and Pumpkin Cake, they had wandered into the woods to play, and now…

Now they were separated. Morning didn’t know where either of them were, and then it had gotten dark, and she was getting so cold.

She heard a sound behind her and wheeled around, but nopony was there. “H-hello? Pound? Pumpkin?”

A voice snickered. “Nope.”

Morning backed up. “Wh-who are you?”

The voice came from behind her. “What’s a little filly like you doing this far into the Everfree Forest?”

Morning gasped as she spun around. Again, there was nopony there. “The Everfree Forest? No, this is Whitetail Woods!”

“Wrong again.” The voice seemed to be right over her shoulder now. “You’ve strayed too far from the path, little filly, and no one can save you now.”

“And she’s a princess too,” another voice said. “She’ll make a fine addition to the hive!”

Morning screamed and started running. She hadn’t seen them, but she just knew that those had been changelings talking. And if they captured her, they would drain her of all her love and then she’d be a changeling too!

As she ran, Morning heard more voices join in with jeers and taunts of their own. They were all laughing, telling her she was only running deeper into the forest, and that she’d be lost forever. She knew they were telling the truth, but she couldn’t do anything about it, so she ran.

“Morning Glisten,” a strong mare’s voice called out, but Morning ignored it. “Stop!”

Morning couldn’t stop, she couldn’t let those things get her. She ran and she ran, never looking back.


Morning ran into something that she was sure hadn’t been there a second ago. A large shadowy figure, one she couldn’t make out fully. She screamed and covered her face, certain that she was going to be eaten.

But something else entirely happened. A soft wing covered her, and she felt warm. She opened her eyes slowly to see a silvery blue light illuminating a darker blue mare’s face. “Pri-Princess L-Luna?”

“That’s correct, little one,” the princess said. She pulled her face back, allowing Morning to see more of her surroundings. They were still in the forest, but somehow it didn’t feel so scary anymore.

“What… what are you doing here?” Morning looked down at the ground. “Did, uhm, did the other princesses send you?”

Princess Luna smiled. “Do you not realize what this is? You did not wander into the forest, Morning Glisten. You merely dreamed you did.”

“This… this is a dream?” Morning looked around, suddenly noticing how hazy everything looked, like it wasn’t really there. She had been taught that Princess Luna visited foals in their sleep to protect them from nightmares, but it had never happened to her. “So… the changelings aren’t after me?”

“No, they are not.” Princess Luna knelt down to lay on her stomach beside Morning, keeping her wing covering the much smaller filly. “Are you afraid of changelings, Morning?”

“They’re, uhm, they’re bad ponies.” Morning scrunched up her face. “Are they ponies?”

“No, they are not ponies. And truly, I don’t know if they are bad either. I know their leader is bad, and that makes them dangerous.”


Princess Luna sighed. “Many ponies are afraid of changelings these days. It has been seven years since the changelings have been playing their shadow games, since before you were born. Understand that this is what they want. They do not attack fillies out in the open like you fear, because it is fear itself they are after.”

“But… why?”

“To create panic. If ponies are panicked, they are easier to control. So I ask this of you: I ask you to be brave. For if you are brave, then the changelings lose their power over you. If all of us, if every pony is brave, then the changelings have failed.”

Morning stood up. “I… I can be brave.”

Princess Luna smiled. “It is a lot to ask of a young filly. Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Yeah! I’m a brave filly!”

“I am glad to hear that. And if you find you’re not as brave as you want to be, there’s somepony who can help you. Some ponies, actually.”


“Your parents. Have you talked to them about your fears?”

Morning looked away. “I… no…”

“How come? They care deeply about you, little one.”

“Because…” Morning shook her head. “I can’t tell you.”

“And why is that?” Princess Luna smiled. “I promise I am very good with secrets. I wouldn’t even tell your parents if you don’t wish me to.”

“Because… because you’re a princess.”

“Ah.” Luna nodded as if she instantly understood. “And you can’t tell your parents because they are also princesses?”

“No, I can’t tell them because…” Morning shook her head instead of finishing. She couldn’t tell Princess Luna about that. She couldn’t admit that she thought they might send her back. Not to another princess.

“Morning, I am here for you, but you need to let me in.” Luna stroked Morning’s mane with her hoof. “I just want to help you.”

Morning took a deep breath. “Were you, uhm, were you always a princess?”

“No, I was not.” Princess Luna leaned in and smiled. “I think I know what’s on your mind. You’ve come to learn that once the adoption is finalized, you’ll be a princess.”

Morning didn’t say anything.

“Do you know that two of your parents had the same worries? Both Twilight and Fluttershy struggled with becoming princesses.” Princess Luna chuckled. “Sunset was the exception.”

“But… they’re so good at it!”

“They are. And so is Cadance, although I’m told she also had doubts when she was crowned, though I was not here for that.” Luna tapped her chin for a moment. “I talked most with Fluttershy about it. She had so many doubts. She felt like she was nopony special, and that she could never live up to Twilight as a princess. Does that sound familiar?”

“Yes.” Morning couldn’t imagine Fluttershy ever feeling that way. Couldn’t imagine Fluttershy ever feeling like she did.

“Talk to her, Morning Glisten. They’ll all understand, but in this, perhaps Fluttershy will know the best of what you feel. She can help you talk with the others as well.”

“I… I’ll try.”

“Good.” Princess Luna stood up, reminding Morning of exactly how big she was. “And Morning? Even if you are a princess, the changelings are not your responsibility. They never will be. Do not concern yourselves with them, for my sister and I shall take care of that problem ourselves.”

“Oh. Are you going to fight them?”

“If I need to, then I will. But we will see what actions need to be taken when the time comes.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Your dream is coming to an end, I can feel you waking. As I promised, I will not talk to your parents about what we discussed.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

Princess Luna smiled. “Please, you may call me Luna. You are Fluttershy’s daughter, and for that, you are very precious to me as well. If you need me, you can always reach out to me. But for now, face the day ahead of you.”

“Okay. Thank you, uhm, Luna.”

Luna nodded approvingly. “Goodbye, Morning Glisten.”

Everything felt easier in the daylight. All the fears of the night were gone when the sun was shining. Morning was waiting at the train station with Twilight and Fluttershy, watching a train pull up. Sunset would be on it, returning from Canterlot to Ponyville, and they had gone to the station to meet her.

The train slid to a stop and the doors opened. Morning craned her neck to try and see, which Twilight noticed. “Want a lift?” she asked with a giggle.

The alicorn bent down to let Morning climb onto her back, so the little filly did so. Twilight was taller than most ponies, so Morning got a good look over the crowd to watch as everypony left the train.

She used a hoof to block the sun from her eyes while she scanned the crowd. Before too long she saw a flash of yellow and red, so she pointed excitedly. “I see her! There she is!”

“Where?” Fluttershy said. “No fair, I’m too short.”

Morning laughed. “Maybe Fluttershy should be up on your shoulders too.”

“I don’t know if I’m strong enough to pick up both of you,” Twilight said. “I don’t think Sunset sees us. You should call out to her.”

“Sunset!” Morning used one hoof to wave to her. “We’re over here!”

Sunset saw them and smiled, then walked over towards them. “Well if it isn’t my three favorite girls.”

“Hi, Sunset,” Fluttershy said. “How was the trip?”

“It was good. I have a lot to tell you about, but let’s get out of the way first.”

“Should we head back to the castle?” Twilight asked.

“Nah, we need to celebrate.” Sunset grinned. “How about ice cream?”

“Ice cream!” Morning cheered.

“Sunset, it’s the middle of the day,” Twilight pointed out.

Fluttershy giggled. “Well, we did already have lunch… I wouldn’t mind some ice cream.”

Twilight sighed. “Fine, but if Morning spoils her appetite for dinner, it’s your fault.”

Sunset laughed. “I’m sure she’ll be hungry for dinner. Right, kiddo?”

Morning nodded. “Right!”

The three mares started walking without taking Morning off of Twilight’s shoulders, so she enjoyed the view on the ride to the ice cream parlor. While they walked, Sunset told them about the train ride, which was pretty boring, but Morning half-listened anyway because it was nice to hear Sunset talk.

Once they reached the ice cream parlor, Twilight levitated Morning off of her. It was a little weird to be levitated, but also kind of fun. She made a mental note to ask Twilight or Sunset to do it another time.

“Welcome to – Well, if it isn’t my favorite customers!” a cheerful mare said.

“Hi, Cherry Topped,” Twilight said.

“Take a seat anywhere you want, and I’ll be right with you.”

Sunset led them to a booth away from other ponies, using an empty booth next to them to house her luggage. Twilight frowned at that, but she didn’t say anything. Since she’d been gone, Morning chose to sit next to Sunset, with Twilight and Fluttershy sitting on the other side.

“Here.” Sunset levitated over one of her bags and set on it the seat, so Morning climbed on top of it. It was a little lumpy, but it was soft, kind of like a bean bag chair. Besides, she could actually see across the table that way.

“Do you know everyone in Ponyville?” Morning asked once they were all sitting down.

“Not everyone, no,” Twilight said with a laugh. “Pinkie Pie knows everyone in Ponyville, we just know a lot of ponies.”

“She is the Princess of Friendship,” Sunset said, as if Morning ever really forgot about that.

“I guess that makes sense.”

“Now then, what do we all want?” Fluttershy asked.

Morning looked over a menu, which Sunset helped her with. She tried to get the biggest sundae they had, but Sunset said she couldn’t, so she got a smaller strawberry sundae instead.

Cherry Topped came around before too long, and Twilight apologized for the luggage before she could even say anything. “Oh, don’t worry about it. Not many ponies are around this early anyway. Now, what’ll it be?”

“I’ll have a banana split,” Fluttershy said.

“I think I want peanut butter,” Twilight said.

“And I’ll get orange and vanilla,” Sunset said. “Morning will have –”

“I wanna do it!” Morning said.

Sunset grinned. “Alright, go ahead.”

Morning turned to look up at the pony, who smiled at her. “What’ll it be for the little princess?”

“Uhm…” Morning pointed at the picture of what she wanted. “That.”

“One strawberry sundae, got it.” She wrote everything down, then tucked the notepad into a pocket on her shirt. “I’ll be right back with all of that!”

“Thank you!” Twilight said. The others echoed her, so Morning did as well.

“So then, what’s this big news?” Fluttershy asked once she walked off.

“Well, you know I spent yesterday with Celestia,” Sunset said, which Morning hadn’t known.

“Oh!” Twilight beamed. “Did you actually tell her what day it was?”

“No, I… kind of lost my nerve,” Sunset said. “But it’s fine, we had a really nice day together.”

“I’m glad it went well,” Fluttershy said brightly.

“I haven’t told you the good news yet though.” Sunset grinned and leaned forward. “She’s going to back our marriage! She’s gonna talk about it with Luna and legitimize polyamorous marriages!”

Both Twilight and Fluttershy went wide-eyed. Twilight recovered first and said, “That’s amazing! I can’t believe you got her to change her mind!”

“I wasn’t even trying,” Sunset said. “She said… that she wanted to be there for us more.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I think she knows what yesterday was really about, even if she doesn’t realize it.”

“Uhm…” Morning looked around to the others. “What does that mean? Leg… legalize polamrus marriages?”

For some reason, all three adults laughed. “Polyamorous,” Sunset said. “That’s what it’s called when three or more ponies are in a relationship. Like us.”

“Oh…” Morning remembered Sunset explaining that when they first met. “Does that mean you were illegal before?”

“No,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “It just means that, well…”

“That I wasn’t officially Twilight and Fluttershy’s wife,” Sunset explained. “Twilight and Fluttershy were legally married, and then I got married to them, but it wasn’t a legal marriage.”

“Not that it was illegal, exactly,” Twilight explained. “Just that as far as it counted officially, Sunset was just our marefriend, not our wife.”

Morning was still confused. “What’s the difference?”

“To us, nothing,” Fluttershy said. She reached across the table for Sunset’s hoof. “Nothing is changing in how we do things or how we feel about each other. But it’ll mean that everypony else will see Sunset as an equal part of our relationship.”

“So it’s good news,” Twilight said. “And it’s good for other ponies like us.”

“There are other ponies like you?” Morning asked. “I never knew ponies did that, uhm, polyam…”

“You can just say poly,” Sunset said.

“Oh. Well, I never knew other ponies were in poly relationships.”

“Luna’s been in them before,” Fluttershy said. “Though she’s not right now.”

Morning glanced down at the table. She hadn’t told them about meeting Luna in her dreams yet.

“And there are other ponies,” Twilight said. “If you want, we can show you letters and pictures ponies have sent to us. Then you can see for yourself that there are other ponies like us.”

“Okay.” Morning wasn’t sure why it mattered, but she got the feeling Twilight wanted to show her, so she decided to just go with it.

It was strange to think that they hadn’t really been married before, though. Morning remembered when she first met Sunset, she had told her that she wasn’t a real princess. But… then Morning got to know them, and they were the same as any other lovey-dovey adult ponies, just with three of them instead of two. She didn’t understand why it would matter.

But if they were married even when the law said they weren’t, did things like that matter? Maybe it was just like Spike said, that family was about what you feel for other ponies.

Everything was so complicated. Morning always thought it would be simple; she thought two ponies would adopt her, and then she’d have a mother and a father. But now she had three mothers and no father, and a bunch of other family members she didn’t really understand, and apparently she could be family with anyone she wanted to be family with?

“Here we are!” Cherry Topped announced, shaking Morning from her thoughts. She set four bowls of ice cream on the counter, one for each pony. “Enjoy!”

That was better anyway. Family was complicated, but ice cream was easy. Morning licked her lips and grabbed her spoon.

“Why don’t you show Sunset what we practiced today?” Twilight asked.

Morning frowned. “Do I have to?”

Twilight frowned as well. “Well, no, not right now if you don’t want to. I just thought you might want to show them what you’re learning.”

Morning sighed and set down her spoon. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, just like Twilight had shown her. She felt her magic moving to her horn, and she opened her eyes. She pushed the magic out towards the spoon, and it shook in place a little, before lifting off the table a bit.

She got it about a foot off the table, then lost her grip on it. The spoon fell to the table, clanging against it. She barely heard that over the sound of Sunset and Fluttershy clapping, however.

“Good job!” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, that was really good!” Sunset added.

Morning looked up at Sunset. She didn’t even seem to notice she had her own spoon levitated beside her; it was such a natural thing for her that she didn’t even realize she was doing it. Not to mention she could levitate all her luggage without even noticing, and Morning could barely lift a spoon.

“I’m not very good…” Morning said.

“That’s okay,” Twilight said quickly. “That’s why we’re practicing! You’ll get better.”

“With Twilight teaching you, I know you’ll get it,” Fluttershy said.

Morning nodded and returned to her ice cream, but she couldn’t help but feel this was another way she’d never live up to her new parents.

It had been a good day. After ice cream, they dropped off Sunset’s luggage at the castle, then they took a stroll through Ponyville together. Morning was getting more used to everyone knowing who they were, and they were getting a little more confident in letting her walk around outside of Fluttershy’s wing.

They went back to the castle, and Morning read comics with Spike until dinner, then they had a nice meal. Morning ate a lot to prove that she could have ice cream before dinner, and wound up tiring herself out by the time dinner was over.

She went into the sitting room to listen to Twilight Velvet telling stories, and she had just wanted to lay against Night Light and rest her eyes while she listened. The next thing she knew, she was being carried away.

She fully came to as she was being tucked into her bed. “Huh?”

“Shh, you fell asleep,” Twilight said softly. “It’s been a big day and you didn’t have a nap, so why not lay your head down and get some sleep?”

“Oh. Okay.” Morning lay down and closed her eyes. “Uhm, will you read me a bedtime story?”

“Another one?” Twilight said jokingly. “Well, I guess. How about the one about the brave knight who broke the curse of the silent ponies?”

“That’s a good one,” Morning said.

Twilight pulled the book off the shelf, and then she started reading. It was a story about a village that was cursed by an evil unicorn, where no one could speak. Since they couldn’t talk, they couldn’t ask anyone for help.

Until one day, a knight showed up. She was brave and strong, and she soon realized something wasn’t right. So a local colt took her deep into the woods where the evil unicorn had her castle.

Like any proper evil castle, it was tall, black, and pointy. Morning gulped as she looked up at it. But one look at the local colt who had brought her here and she knew she had to do this. She couldn’t leave those poor ponies unable to speak, no matter what it took.

“I’ll be fine,” she said to the colt. “You should head back to your village now.”

He nodded and ran off, leaving Morning alone. She took a deep breath, then walked into the castle.

It was dark, mostly lit by torches on the walls. She saw eyes overhead, but told herself they were just bats and they wouldn’t hurt her. She tried to quiet her heartbeat as she walked deeper, into the heart of the castle.

All along the way, there was only the sound of her clinking armor, the crackling fire from the torches, and the clip clop of her hooves against the stone floor. She kept her muscles tense, ready for a fight if one should appear.

Eventually she reached an ornate door, and she knew it was what she’d been looking for. This was it; through this door, she would find the evil unicorn that had done this.

She pushed it open.

Inside it was dark, but she walked in anyway. There were no torches lighting the room, and as she walked in, the door slammed behind her.

She was left in the dark, unable to see. Then she heard cackling, and a light exploded from a cauldron. The evil unicorn was there, looking down on her. “I see another fool has come to give me her voice then! What’s your name, little one?”

“I’m Morning Glisten!” Morning said defiantly. “And I’m not little, I’m a big knight pony!”

“Oh really?” The witch stepped forward, the light from her cauldron casting long shadows over the room. “And here I thought you were just a little princess pony.”

“No, I’m not! I…” Morning realized she wasn’t wearing a suit of armor, she was wearing a pretty dress. “I… I’m not…”

“Oh yes, and you know what happens to little princesses when they wander into deep dark evil lairs?”

Morning backed up, but bumped into the wall.

“They get captured!” The witch stepped closer, cackling the whole way. “I’ll throw you in the dungeon, and you’ll never speak again!”

Morning tried to scream, but she couldn’t. Her voice was already gone, the witch had taken it.

The witch just cackled evilly.

“No!” Morning bolted upright and looked around. It was dark, but not as dark as her dream had been. She was in her bedroom, and her night light illuminated everything in a soft glow.

She climbed off her bed, hoping nothing would grab her from underneath it, and she made her way out of the room. She walked down the hallway, not daring to look into any of the open doors for fear that a witch would be waiting on the other side.

She only stopped when she came to a door that was only partly open. She knocked on the door and it opened at her touch.

“Morning?” Fluttershy said. She was lying on the bed in a bathrobe. Sunset was beside her with a book, though Twilight wasn’t anywhere in sight.

“I, uhm…” Morning felt like the witch still had her voice. “Can… can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Of course, sweetie.” Fluttershy hopped off the bed and guided Morning to it. Along the way, she shook off the bathrobe she’d been wearing. Her mane still looked a little wet, but her forelegs were dry as she helped Morning onto the bed.

“Twilight?” Sunset called.

“Coming!” Twilight said from the next room. It was her office, and Morning had only been in it once. There wasn’t anything interesting in there, but it was where Twilight spent a lot of her time.

“So since Morning went to bed early…” Twilight said as she walked into the room. “What do you say we – oh! Morning, you’re here!”

For some reason, Twilight was blushing as she gave Morning a sheepish look.

“Morning will be sleeping with us tonight,” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, okay.” Twilight climbed into bed with them. “Did you have a bad dream?”

Morning thought about what Luna had said. She should tell them about what she was afraid of.

But… but she didn’t want to disappoint them. They all expected her to be a princess like them, and she couldn’t let them down. Maybe they wouldn’t really send her back over something like that, but she still wanted them to be proud of her.

“I dreamt about changelings…”

“Oh, honey…” Fluttershy brushed a hoof through her mane.

“Changelings aren’t going to hurt you,” Sunset said with a smirk. “Believe me, I can mess up a changeling.”

“What Sunset means is,” Twilight said, “if a changeling ever did try to hurt you, we’d protect you. But that won’t happen, because changelings aren’t going to get anywhere near you.”

“They’re scary…”

“I know,” Fluttershy said. “They scare me too. But I just remind myself that there are a lot of ponies who are looking out for us and keeping us safe.”

Morning nodded. “Like Luna?”

The others looked at each other. “Yes,” Fluttershy said. “Like Luna.”

“Where’d that come from?” Twilight asked.

“I, uhm… Luna told me. In a dream.”

“Oh.” Twilight used her magic to lift the covers of the bed, and she took a spot on the end. “I’m glad Luna was able to help you in your dream.”

“Luna’s helped me in my dreams a lot,” Fluttershy said as she took a spot beside Twilight. Morning climbed in beside her, then Sunset on the other end.

“Was there anything else in your dream?” Sunset asked. “Or just scared of changelings?”

“Well, uhm…” Morning frowned. “It was in the castle, in the Everfree Forest.”

“There is a castle in the forest,” Twilight said. “But it’s not a bad place. It’s a little creepy, but maybe when you’re older we can take you there to show you there’s nothing to worry about.”

Morning wasn’t sure she wanted to go to a creepy castle in the forest, so she didn’t say anything.

“Only when you’re older and if you want to go, though,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t want to make the nightmares worse…”

“Yeah, but it could show her that there are no monsters in the castle,” Twilight said.

“I don’t think the castle is the problem,” Sunset pointed out.

“Oh, right,” Twilight said. “Fair enough.”

Morning thought for a moment, then asked, “Are, uhm… are there any good changelings?”

Everyone was quiet at first, then Twilight answered. “I don’t know. There’s so much we don’t understand about them.”

“Luna said… that their leader was bad.”

“That’s right,” Twilight said. “And sometimes when someone has a bad leader, they have to do bad things even if they don’t want to. I don’t know if the changelings are all bad, and as long as Chrysalis is leading them, we may never find out the answer to that.”

A bad leader… What if when she was older, Morning was a bad leader and she made good ponies do bad things?

“What matters is that we’re safe from changelings,” Fluttershy said.

“And that I could beat one up,” Sunset said with a grin.

Fluttershy giggled. “Yes, we’re extra safe because Sunset could beat them up.”

That did make Morning feel a little better. “Okay.”

Both Fluttershy and Sunset rested a foreleg on Morning, surrounding her and making her feel protected. That also made her think of something else she wanted to ask them, but those words were hard to say too…


“Is there something else on your mind?” Fluttershy asked.

She wasn’t sure how to say it, but she knew she couldn’t keep avoiding it. “What… what do I call you three?”

They were quiet at first, then Sunset asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well, uhm, I know I can’t call you all ‘mom’, that’d be confusing…”

Twilight sat up so she could look over Fluttershy. “Do… you want to call us ‘mom’?”

“Well, uhm, I d-don’t know…” Morning squeezed her eyes shut. “Is… that okay?”

“Oh, Morning.” Fluttershy nuzzled against her. “Of course it’s okay!”

“I guess we could all be different titles,” Sunset said. “That’s what, uhm, we were going to do for Sky.”

“I think, if it’s okay, I’d like to be ‘Mama’,” Fluttershy said. “That’s what I called my mom.”

“Okay,” Twilight said. “One of us can just be ‘Mom’.”

“You can be ‘Mom’, Twi,” Sunset said. “That’s what you called your mom too, right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t mind either way.”

Sunset shrugged. “Well, I called my mom ‘ma’am’ and I do not want you to call me that. I guess I could be ‘Mommy’.”

Morning blushed. “That’s a baby word… that’s embarrassing.”

Sunset laughed. “Hey, your mommy could beat up anyone who teases you.”

“Sunset,” Twilight said.

That made Sunset laugh more. “Okay, fine. What about ‘Ma’? I’m an honorary Apple anyway, might as well go all country with it.”

“I guess that’d be okay,” Morning said. “So… Mama, Mom, and Ma.”

“And you’ll be our little Mo Glow,” Sunset said.

Morning frowned. “But that’s not my name!”

Fluttershy giggled. “But it’s so cute!”

“Besides, aren’t moms supposed to give their kids embarrassing nicknames?” Sunset asked.

“My mom called me Twily,” Twilight said. “Everyone in my family does.”

“I guess Mo Glow isn’t that bad…” Morning let out a yawn.

Fluttershy nuzzled her again. “I think someone is getting pretty sleepy.”

“Maybe a little,” Morning said. “Good night… Mama.”

“Good night, Mo Glow.”

Sunset kissed her forehead. “Good night, kiddo.”

“Good night, Ma.”

“Good night, Morning,” Twilight said.

Morning yawned again. “Good night, Mom.”

She smiled to herself as she let sleep take her. It had been hard, but she’d found her voice about one thing, and she felt much better. Maybe soon she’d find out how to talk about other things that were bothering her.

But for now, she was going to sleep and she knew she wouldn’t have any bad dreams when she did. She had her moms to protect her, and everything would be okay as long as she had them.

~ End Act II ~

Author's Note:

Luna's apparence was unplanned until I realized I keep giving Morning nightmares so I really ought to show her meeting Luna at some point lol

Here's some end of act music :raritywink: