• Published 25th Oct 2020
  • 2,366 Views, 534 Comments

Acts of Love - Krickis

Morning Glisten isn't really a good filly. She fights with other foals, and she doesn't really trust adults. So when three Princesses take an interest in adopting her, she'll need to become someone else to win their love.

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20 – Rifts and Reunions

Chapter Twenty
Rifts and Reunions

There was a little mouse. Fluttershy was surprised to see it, because for all the animals they had rehomed to the castle, Twilight had drawn the line at mice. Still, there was a little mouse scurrying about. He stopped to look up at Fluttershy for a moment, then went back on his way.

“Hello, little friend,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Are you lost?”

The mouse let out a squeak, then he ran off. Fluttershy decided to follow him. If he was lost, he probably needed a little bit of help. The crystal castle was not a place for mice, after all.

She followed him upstairs to the seldom-used third floor, curious to see where they ended up. He’d occasionally stop and sniff the air, but he seemed to know where he was going. Fluttershy followed.

He led them to a room Fluttershy had never seen before. It was a big ballroom, and Fluttershy hadn’t ever known it was there. She looked around in wonder, then focussed when she saw her mouse friend was getting away from her.

He turned to her and squeaked, then ran into a small hole in the wall. Fluttershy got down on her stomach to look inside, but it was too dark. Still, it didn’t seem scary. It was filled with warmth, and she decided to try and go after the mouse.

It was a tight fit, but Fluttershy was a small pony. Little by little, she shimmied into the mouse hole. With a look around, she realized she could see after all, and that it seemed to be a tunnel. She started walking, keeping an eye out for the mouse as she did.

She hummed to herself as she walked through the tunnel. It was such a cozy little place, it made her feel warm all over. Eventually she did run into the mouse again, although he was now wearing a vest and standing on two legs.

“Hello, little one.” Fluttershy giggled. They were the same size now that she was in the mouse hole. “Or not so little one. I like your vest, it makes you look very handsome.”

The mouse opened a door, and Fluttershy followed him through. They were back in her cottage, with all her animal friends around her. They were all dressed up for the occasion.

“Hello, everyone,” Fluttershy said. “It’s so nice to see you all!”

“Fluttershy, you’re just in time for tea!” Angel Bunny hopped over to her and smiled. “Come take a seat, the hummingbirds made it special just for you.”

“Oh, how lovely! Of course I’d love some tea.”

“Tea does sound quite nice,” a new voice said. This one didn’t belong here, and it made Fluttershy frown. “Is there room for one more?”

“Hello, Luna,” Fluttershy said as she turned to face the princess. “This is a dream.”

“Yes, a rather lovely one, I might add.”

Fluttershy sighed. “I should have known. Angel is never that friendly.”

As usual, Luna’s arrival made the dream fog lift, and Fluttershy’s thoughts became more lucid. Little by little, details of the waking world seeped into Fluttershy’s head. She had written to Luna asking to meet her in dreams, and Luna had accepted. And now, here she was.

For the first time in many years, Fluttershy was not happy to see Luna. She had asked her here for a reason, and it was not a social one.

Luna seemed to realize that. “I was surprised to see your message. The Princess Summit is less than a month away, after all.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I needed to talk with you. It couldn’t wait that long.”

Luna took a seat at a nearby table while the animals served tea for two. “I hope there is nothing wrong.”

“There is.” Fluttershy took a seat as well. “Stormy Skies is dead. But you probably already know that.”

Luna bowed her head. “I have heard, yes. As you know, I had my ponies keep an eye on him, and I was notified of his passing. I imagine you must have some complicated feelings at the news.”

Fluttershy took a sip of the tea. She had grown accustomed to eating and drinking in dreams, so she was used to how the flavor was strange and difficult to place. It was, after all, an idea of tea rather than actual tea.

“I didn’t feel much of anything when I found out,” Fluttershy explained. “I felt like I should have felt something. I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or upset, actually. But I didn’t feel anything at all.”

“He wasn’t part of your life anymore,” Luna said gently. “It is okay to feel disconnected from him.”

“I know. That isn’t what I wanted to talk about.”

“I see. In that case, please continue.” Luna sipped on her tea while allowing Fluttershy to speak.

Not that it was easy to talk about. Not when she knew she wouldn’t like the answer. Fluttershy pressed on. “Twilight and I went to Cloudsdale to go through his things, which I inherited. It was hard being in his apartment, but it wasn’t a long trip, and I was able to get things that belonged to my mom, as well as some nice pictures of her.”

“I’m glad something positive came out of it.”

“We also spoke to one of his neighbors. It was kind of funny. Hearing her describe him, he sounded a lot like me. He liked her cat, and he was quiet and shy. So unlike how he was when I knew him.”

“I see. And now you’re wondering if he really changed?”

That wasn’t what Fluttershy had wanted to talk about, but there was perhaps something she could learn about there. “You had ponies watching him. Did he become a better pony?”

Luna was silent for a moment, then answered. “The ponies I had watching him were mostly doing so from a distance. I can say he never tried to do anything… reprehensible again. But I do not know what he was like as a pony.”

“And now we never will know…” Fluttershy sipped on her tea.

“It troubles you to not know? Fluttershy, you need not worry about him. After what he did to you, no matter what he did afterwards –”

“I’m glad I never have to see him again.” Fluttershy turned to look at Luna. “He could become a national hero, and I would still never want to see him. This isn’t about me wanting to have him back in my life or anything, even if he did find a way to become a good pony.”

Fluttershy winced as she said it. The very idea that Stormy Skies could be called a good pony was a challenge for Fluttershy to accept. Luna took notice. “You are right to remain angry with him.”

“Do you think… there’s anything a pony can’t come back from?” Fluttershy met Luna’s eyes. This answer was important. “I don’t mean that I would have wanted to see him again, but I want to know if he could be a… well, at least an okay pony. A normal pony who goes about his life and doesn’t bother other ponies much. With friends and a job and all that, just living day to day like everypony else.”

“I… I do not know if he was that kind of pony. I know he never hurt anypony else, and that is all I know. I’m sorry I have no closure for you.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “That wasn’t what I asked, Luna. I don’t want to know if he did, I want to know if it’s possible. If even a pony like him can turn himself around. Is there anything a pony can do that’s so bad that they can’t come back from it?”

Luna hesitated. “It is… complicated. But it was you and Twilight and all your friends who taught me that it was okay to forgive myself for the things I had done. I do not know if it is my place to make a judgement on someone else after I myself have done horrible things and then was forgiven for them.”

Fluttershy bowed her head. “But you did make a judgement.”

Luna scrunched up her eyes. “I do not follow. Are you angry at me for keeping watch on him? I assure you, the ponies I had watching him did nothing to impede his life.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “He had nightmares. Terrible ones, every night. His neighbor said he woke up screaming about them sometimes.”

Luna’s face was expressionless. “I see.”

“You do, don’t you? You know what I’m saying.”

“You’re saying I did that.”

“Did you?” Fluttershy didn’t need to ask, but she still did. Part of her wanted Luna to deny it. To say that at worst, she ignored his nightmares. That she was guilty of nothing but inaction.

“I did. You are right, the nightmares were my doing. In light of a proper punishment for him, I thought it prudent to do something.”

Fluttershy nodded. She had known, of course. “You put a Tantabus in his dreams.”

“Yes. I… I see this upsets you, but I will give you nothing but the truth. I did do this.”

For the first time, Fluttershy’s voice carried her anger. “You didn’t even ask me.”

Luna set her teacup down. “I did not think you wanted to know. I thought you had suffered enough, that you did not need to know anything beyond that it was taken care of.”

“That was all I wanted to know. But then… then I didn’t think you would do anything like that!”

Luna was silent for a moment. She looked off to the side, and Fluttershy realized that all the animals were gone. The dream had felt warm and comforting, now it felt cold and lonely. “I am sorry I have upset you. I did not think this would burden you so.”

“Burden me?” Fluttershy shook her head. “My conscience is clean. I didn’t do anything. This is about what you did.”

“Very well. But I would like to understand, why does this upset you so? You endured terrible nightmares for years despite being innocent. Why was it not just that he should have to do the same?”

“Because I was able to heal! I did have terrible nightmares. Every night at first. But little by little, I got better. The nightmares came less and less often, and when they started to come back because I was with Twilight, you helped me then.”

“Of course, it is my duty.”

“A duty you ignored when it was hard,” Fluttershy shot back. “So let’s say you were right, maybe he did deserve to feel what I felt. You could have given him nightmares for a while, then made them go away. I didn’t have nightmares every night for six bucking years, Luna!”

Luna bowed her head. “You are wise, as always, Fluttershy. I was in the wrong.”

“You killed him.”

Luna recoiled. “I did not! Nothing but the nightmares were my doing!”

Fluttershy shook her head. “He died of an overdose, but the only drug he ever talked about taking was alcohol. But he wrote in his journal about killing himself to stop the nightmares. Luna, he wasn’t an addict who went too far one night, he got the pills specifically to kill himself, and that was because of what you did to him!”

For once, Luna seemed to be speechless.

“You didn’t just kill him! You made him do it himself!”

“I did what I did for you!” Luna rose to her hooves. “I was looking out for you!”

Fluttershy flew into the air so that they would be eye to eye. “No! He wasn’t a threat to me anymore! All you had to do was make sure he wasn’t a threat to anyone else either!”

Luna stamped her hoof and glared. “He deserved to pay for what he did to you.”

The room got dark for a moment, and Luna was gone. In her place stood a different pony, and yet, the same pony. Fluttershy locked eyes with Nightmare Moon.

Then it was over. The light returned, and Luna was back. She seemed to know what Fluttershy had seen, as she recoiled back in horror. “Is… is that how you see me?”

Fluttershy stopped flying, landing on the floor and looking away. She did not answer, she didn’t feel like she had to.

“I would never! I would not!” Luna shook her head wildly and looked pleadingly into Fluttershy’s eyes. “I would not prey on the weak like before!”

“You did, though.” Fluttershy looked up at her. Luna was one of her closest friends, the pony she looked up to more than anypony else. “I don’t think you are who I always thought you were.”


“I would like you to leave my dream now.”

“Please, don’t… We can talk about this.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No. Goodbye, Luna.”

Luna bowed her head, and Fluttershy turned away. “Goodbye, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy gave no answer, and when she turned back, Luna was gone. Fluttershy was all alone, in a dream that felt even colder than before. But she was still lucid in the dream world, which meant she could shape it as she wanted.

Fluttershy walked up to the door of her cottage and opened it. Instead of stepping outside into the front yard, she was in a different house altogether. One she had long since left behind, and had never expected to set hoof in again.

She looked around her childhood home. She had been so afraid here, but now she knew there was no reason to be afraid. Stormy Skies was not going to be here, this was a nice visit.

She walked around a little, remembering things here and there, then she walked to her parents’ bedroom. She pushed the door open gently.

A mare who looked a lot like Fluttershy was sitting on the bed, working on her embroidery. She smiled as Fluttershy stepped in, and Fluttershy couldn’t keep the tears from coming.

“Fluttershy,” Breezy Day said. “My little Fluttershy. You’ve gotten so big!”

“Hi, Mama,” Fluttershy said, inhaling sharply as she cried. “I have so much to tell you.”

Breezy Day set aside the embroidery. “Come sit here with me. I want to hear about everything.”

Fluttershy walked into the room, shutting the door behind her. There was so much she needed to tell her mom. About her wives, about their daughter, all the friends she had made, and all the things she had done.

But mostly, she wanted one thing more than anything else. She sat on the bed and hugged her mom. “I’ve missed you, Mama.”

Breezy Day stroked Fluttershy’s mane. “I’ve missed you too, my dear. I love you, Fluttershy, and I’m so proud of you.”

Fluttershy nodded her head as the tears kept coming. “I love you too, Mama.”

“There there.” Breezy held onto Fluttershy and hummed soothingly until Fluttershy felt like she could talk. “Now, why don’t you tell me about what you’ve been up to these days?”

Fluttershy smiled, and she did just that.