• Published 25th Oct 2020
  • 2,366 Views, 534 Comments

Acts of Love - Krickis

Morning Glisten isn't really a good filly. She fights with other foals, and she doesn't really trust adults. So when three Princesses take an interest in adopting her, she'll need to become someone else to win their love.

  • ...

22 – Making Amends

Chapter Twenty-Two
Making Amends

By all appearances, Twilight was busy at work. She was sitting at her desk with plans for the Princess Summit sprawled out before her, and there was a half revised speech that she would have to make in a week’s time. If anyone looked in, Twilight was quite sure they would think she was working.

But she wasn’t. She wanted to, but she just couldn’t think. She hadn’t been able to think right for the past three weeks. Not since that trip to Cloudsdale, not since Fluttershy had asked her that question…

“Is the Tantubus just something Luna can make?”

Of course it was. Twilight knew that, and more importantly, she knew what that meant. There was only one reason Fluttershy would ask that. One way or another, she had figured out what Luna had done to Stormy Skies.

Twilight had forgotten all about that until the moment Fluttershy asked about it, then the reality settled in. Stormy Skies had killed himself because of what Luna did. And the worst part, Twilight had known about it, and she did nothing. She had allowed this to happen. She had wanted this to happen.

She wanted more than anything to talk with Fluttershy about it, but how could she? How could she tell her wife that she had been part of something so awful?

She had to, she knew that. Twilight had been married to Fluttershy for four years, and she’d been dating her for two years before that. She was no longer new to relationships, and she had learned how important it was to discuss things with her partners.

But this time, that was easier said than done. Fluttershy had been upset, that was clear to see. And while they hadn’t talked about it after leaving his apartment, Twilight knew she was still upset. Of course she did, how could she not? But what could she do?

‘I could talk to her…’

It was the only real choice, and Twilight knew she would make it. But she had yet to work up the courage.

For now, she passed time by rubbing her eyes and turning back to the speech. She needed to finish that, her guilty conscience could wait a few more hours.

There was a knock on the door, and Twilight opened it with her magic. Morning Glisten was there looking up at her. “Hello, Mo Glow. What’s up?”

“I, uhm, Ma said I should ask you ‘cause she’s never been to a Princess Summit, but uhm… what am I supposed to do there?”

Twilight forced a smile that she didn’t feel. That was the other thing she felt guilty about. “You don’t need to worry about that. All ponies want to do is see you with the other princesses, you don’t have to do anything difficult. They’ll take some pictures of you with everyone, so Rarity will dress you up really pretty and you can pose for pictures with us. Let the adults worry about all the other stuff.”


It wasn’t fair to Morning that she had this on her shoulders. It was all because they were princesses. Not for the first time, Twilight wondered if she might be happier in a normal family.

But she couldn’t voice that to her daughter any more than she could admit that she’d been complicit in a murder. So although she didn’t feel like she had the right to do anything with such a precious girl after being a part of something so awful, Twilight motioned for her to come closer. “Want to see what I’m working on?”

“Okay.” Morning walked over and Twilight picked her up and set her on the chair with her, using her wings to hold her.

“This is the speech I’m working on. It’s not coming along too well.”

Morning looked up at her. “Can I hear it?”

Twilight chuckled. “You’ll hear it in a week, when it’s ready. To tell you the truth… well, it’s mostly about you.”


Twilight poked Morning’s nose. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve never been a mom before. Raising you has been a new adventure for me, so I decided to talk about what I’ve learned from you.”

“But I haven’t taught you anything.”

“Sure you have. You haven’t taught me about things like what you’re learning in school, but you’ve taught me things about the best bedtime stories, and what to do when your daughter throws up in the middle of the night, and about –”

“Mom! You’re not writing a speech about that, are you!?”

Twilight giggled. “No, I’m not. But I might write a speech about what it was like the first time you called me ‘Mom’. Or about learning what it’s like to care about somepony so much you’d do anything for them. Or about all the new responsibility that I’m still learning how to manage.”

“No, don’t write about that stuff either!” Morning thought for a moment. “Okay, you can write about what the best bedtime stories are.”

“And what are the best bedtime stories?”

“The ones with girl knights.” Morning nodded her head affirmatively.

“Hmm, okay. And should I talk about all your favorite desserts while I’m at it?”

“Yes, you can… wait, are you talking or writing?”

Twilight grinned. “Both. I’m writing a speech now, but I’ll have to memorize it then recite it in front of a crowd later.”

“Oh. I don’t like crowds…”

Twilight felt a pang of guilt. Whether Morning liked them or not, she would have to deal with a lot of crowds because of who her parents were. “It’s okay. You just have to wave to everypony. Think you can do that?”

“I guess so.”

Twilight nodded. “Why don’t you run along while I work on this speech? Maybe someone can take you to visit your friends.”

Morning nodded. “Okay.”

She got down from the chair, then ran off, leaving the door open behind her. Twilight turned back to her speech.

Not for long, though. “You know we can’t hide her from it forever.”

Twilight sighed and turned to face Sunset. She hadn’t been aware that anyone was listening in, but Sunset was the perfect pony to talk about what was on her mind with. “I know, but she’s only six…”

“And she’s a princess.” Sunset walked in and stood next to Twilight’s desk. “Have you talked to Cadance and Shining about it? They’ve gotta have some ideas of how to handle princess stuff so young because of Flurry Heart.”

“I was going to talk to them at the Summit.”

Sunset nodded. “I’m sure they’ll help, but we should kinda give Morning a lesson other than ‘smile and wave’ before the Summit. You know they want to interview her.”

Twilight winced. She didn’t like to think of that. “Yeah, I know.”

“Hey, it’ll be alright. They’ll just ask her, like, what’s your favorite color, do you like school, what’s it like having three moms?”

Twilight leaned back in her chair. “It’s that last question I’m worried about.”

“Pfft, Morning loves us.”

“I hope so…”

Sunset arched an eyebrow. “Really? Are you seriously worried that just because she hasn’t said so, she doesn’t love us?”

“I am a little worried she’ll never say it…”

“Come on, she’s just nervous. She’s the one who decided to give us mom names, remember? She’ll say the L-word when she’s ready.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Twilight stood up just so she could lean against her wife.

Sunset did likewise. “You’ve been really out of it lately. Is it just the Summit stuff?”

“Not exactly.” This was it, time to talk about what was on her mind. Sunset was easier than Fluttershy, at least. “Close the door.”

Sunset did as Twilight asked, then turned to her. “Is everything okay?”

“I found out something in Cloudsdale,” Twilight said. “Something bad.”

Sunset frowned. “Did he do something else to Fluttershy?”

“No, nothing like that,” Twilight answered quickly. “It was about Stormy Skies, and… how he died.”

“Painfully, I hope.”

“Sunset, I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

Twilight sighed. “You know what, forget it.”

Sunset blinked. “You can’t expect me to be sad he’s gone.”

“No, of course not. It’s just…” Twilight shook her head.

Sunset sighed and pulled Twilight into a hug. “I’m sorry. Please tell me what you found out so I can help.”

“Well, when I first learned about what he did, I talked to Luna about it. She told me that she made sure he didn’t sleep peacefully anymore. She… she put a Tantabus into his dreams.”

“And now you’re wondering if Luna is a good pony?” Sunset arched an eyebrow. “Twi, if I could’ve, I would have put a Tantabus in his dreams. Hell, I’d do a lot worse to him than that if I could’ve gotten away with it.”

Twilight sighed. “You’re just saying that. He died because of this, Sunset. He killed himself.”

“And the world’s better without him. Are you really that upset that he’s gone?”

“No. I’m upset because I knew about this and I didn’t do anything! I’m the Princess of Friendship. I’m supposed to be all about forgiving ponies and second chances, and… not revenge against somepony who wasn’t a threat to anyone anymore.”

“Come here…” Sunset pulled Twilight into a hug. “I really think you’re beating yourself up over nothing here, Twi. He was scum, he’s not worth thinking about.”

Twilight pulled away, but she stayed close to her wife. “I don’t think Fluttershy would agree with you. She’s more upset about this than she’s letting on.”

Sunset’s ears folded as she looked off to the side. “Yeah, I’ve noticed she seems out of it lately too…”

“Don’t tell her how you feel. It’d just upset her more.”

Sunset turned back to Twilight and smirked. “What, you think I’m crazy? I know when to tread lightly. But uhm, maybe you should talk to her. I… don’t think this is something you should keep from her.”

Twilight sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Want me to be there to help?”

Twilight shook her head and smiled. “No, I’ll talk to her in private. But… maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow. It’ll be better to do it when Morning’s at school.”

“Good call. I won’t say anything to her then.”

Twilight nodded. “Thanks, Sunset.”

Sunset used her hoof to pull Twilight closer, then kissed the side of her head. “Don’t mention it. It’ll all work out, one way or another.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“And then we can figure out what to do about Morning.”

Twilight winced. She had almost forgotten about that. “Right…”

Sunset’s horn lit up. “Meanwhile, is this the speech you’re working on? Want some help?”

“No!” Twilight blushed and snatched it from Sunset. It needed some heavy editing before she was ready to show it to anypony else, even if that pony was her wife. “I’ll manage that on my own too, thanks.”

Sunset sighed. “You don’t let me do anything! I don’t get to do a speech of my own…”

“Maybe next year. You’ll be an official princess by then.”

That got a smile out of Sunset. Celestia had begun working on legal reform, but it still had a while before any laws were passed. “That’d be nice. I’ll go check on Morning. If no one else brought her out to visit her friends, I’ll do it.”

“Sounds good.” Twilight sat back down. “Love you, Sunset.”

Sunset bent down to give Twilight a kiss. “Love you too, Twi.”

Then she left the room, and Twilight got back to work.

“And so you see,” Twilight said matter of factly, “the best bedtime stories are ones that involve valiant knights. Especially if those knights are mares, which give our little fillies something to aspire towards.”

There were murmurs from the audience, as ponies took note of her point. The speech was going perfectly, and Twilight hadn’t even gotten to the part about why oatmeal custard was the perfect dessert!

“Morning Glisten!” somepony called from the audience. A mare ran forward. Twilight didn’t recognize her, and her features seemed hard for her to focus on. “There you are!”

“Uhm, who are you?” Twilight asked.

“Why, I’m her mother of course,” the mare said. “Her real mother. A normal pony who can give her a normal life.”

“You mean I don’t have to be a princess anymore!?” Morning said, running forward. She kicked off the nice dress she was wearing and ran into the mare’s outstretched forelegs.

“But… but I’m your mother…” Twilight said, reaching a hoof out for her daughter. “I’m Mom, I know your favorite bedtime stories and your favorite dessert!”

The other mare waved her hoof and suddenly Twilight was sitting at a desk with a sheet of paper in front of her.

“But do you know her favorite color!?” the mare demanded.

“Uhm, she likes green, I think?” Twilight started writing her answers down on the paper.

“What’s her favorite number?”

“What? I don’t –”

“Her third favorite book?”

“B-but I…”

Twilight scribbled furiously as the mare asked her about Morning’s favorite things, about her schoolmates, about what she wanted to be when she grew up. Question after question, Twilight tried to answer everything as best she could.

A bell rang before she could finish the open-ended essay question about what made Morning the most precious filly in all of Equestria. “Time’s up!” Morning’s real mom announced.

She snatched the paper before Twilight could stop her. “But I didn’t finish!”

Morning’s mom scanned the paper and turned it around. It was filled with pictures of Twilight failing as a parent. “Oh, I think you’re quite finished here! You are a bad mom!”

“No!” Twilight reached for Morning, but she ran behind her mom. She was getting farther and farther away.

Somepony placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “That is enough.”

Twilight turned to see a familiar face. “Luna? This… this is a dream?”

“Yes, Twilight, this is a dream.”

Twilight took a deep breath, then let out a sigh of relief. “I thought I really lost her.”

“Are you afraid of Morning’s biological mom?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not really. I’m just… I guess I’m afraid that Morning would be happier if she was allowed to live a normal life.”

Luna nodded and took a seat at the desk next to Twilight. “It’s an understandable fear, but you know, most fillies would love to be a princess. Do you not think Morning is the same?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just worrying over nothing.”

“Have you talked with your daughter about this? She may have concerns over being a princess, but I think you’ll find she’s quite happy with you.”

“Luna, she’s six. I can’t just have big conversations with her like that.”

Luna smiled. “In my work, I speak with children quite regularly. I think she might surprise you if you just talk to her.”

Twilight bowed her head. “Sunset says I should give her lessons on how to be a princess, but I don’t know. I just want her to be a kid, not just a princess.”

“She is both, Twilight,” Luna said gently. “It is not wise to ignore part of her reality.”

Twilight leaned her head on the desk. “I guess.”

Luna was silent for a moment, then spoke cautiously. “Twilight, I… confess I did not come here because of your nightmare.”

“You didn’t?”

“I tried to pull you into my own dream to speak, but your mind resisted me. I see now that it was because of your nightmare, and while I am eternally at your service in the realm of dreams, I did have a matter I wished to discuss with you.”

“Please, go right ahead. I think I know what to do for my nightmare, and I can always talk to Sunset and Fluttershy about it.”

Luna nodded. “It was Fluttershy I wished to speak to you about.”

“Oh. I should have known…”

“You know, then?” Luna looked into Twilight’s eyes, and understanding passed between them.

“I know. You put a Tantabus in Stormy Skies’ dreams. That was why he killed himself.”

Luna nodded. “I did, and I fear in doing so I have wounded my relationship with Fluttershy. I hope I have not done so with you as well…”

Twilight sighed and looked down at the desk. “How can I be angry with you? You told me what you were doing, and I didn’t stop you. I didn’t want to stop you. I was happy about it.”

Luna reached her hoof towards Twilight, and she reached her own hoof out to take hold of Luna’s. They had both been a part of this thing that had hurt Fluttershy, and only the two of them could understand the position they were in.

“I did not mean to kill him,” Luna said. “I wanted him to suffer, but I did not mean for this to bring about his end.”

Twilight nodded. She had suspected as much. “But now he’s gone. I was happy when Fluttershy first told me. I’m so disgusted with myself, I was happy that somepony is dead!”

“It is a complicated situation. Your emotions being complicated seems fitting.”

“Luna, I’m… I’m still happy about it. I’m glad he’s gone. We learned he wasn’t such a bad pony in the end, so why am I still glad he’s gone!?”

“Fluttershy said to me that he could become a great hero of Equestria and she would not forgive him. I think it is fair for you to feel the same way.”

“But to be happy that he’s gone…”

“I understand how you feel.” Luna looked at Twilight and frowned. “Truthfully, I understand how you feel more than I understand Fluttershy. What I did may have been bad, but she defends him as if he did nothing wrong. And it’s not as if I were the one who put the noose around his neck.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about it from Fluttershy’s perspective. As far as she’s concerned, we killed him. She doesn’t separate it, she just sees it as our fault.”

“You mean you do, unless Fluttershy also blames you.”

Twilight closed her eyes. “No, I haven’t told her that I knew yet. But… I’m afraid. I’m so afraid that she’ll think I’m a monster for not doing anything.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand. She loves you.”

“She loves you too,” Twilight opened her eyes and turned to face Luna. “You realize that, right? You know how she feels about you.”

“I… am not blind to the fact there has been something growing between us. And I confess it is a mutual feeling. That is why this hurts so much. I am content to let our relationship be what it is. I do not need another lover, and I do not know if Amber would accept that. But I do truly cherish Fluttershy, and I did not want to hurt her. What I did… I thought I was protecting her. Now I am not sure.”

“I think that’s what makes it so bad for her. We didn’t just kill somepony, we did it in her name. We’re both supposed to know her so well, how could either of us ever think she would want that?”

“Your words ring true. I see more clearly now why she reacted the way she did.”

Twilight let go of Luna’s hoof and stood up. She didn’t usually do things like this with anypony but her wives, but they were both upset and they could use some comfort, so Twilight walked over to Luna and leaned against her. Luna covered her in a wing. “So she really tore into you, huh?”

“She did. It was truly a sight to behold.” Luna almost sounded amused, but Twilight knew that was to hide the hurt. “She is small, but when angry, she is quite fearsome. Like a mongoose who easily fends off the lion.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile. “She’s done that to me before too. There’s a lot more than meets the eye with Fluttershy.”

“Truly, there is.” Luna sighed, all the amusement leaving her voice. “I just hope I will once again be able to see her many positive traits as well.”

“For better or worse, Fluttershy forgives pretty easily. She’ll come around, we just have to talk to her. I’ll… I’ll talk to her today. Explain things from my point of view and apologize to her for not doing anything to stop it. Maybe that’ll help get her to accept your apology as well.”

“Thank you, Twilight. I am sorry to have you share in my burden, but I am grateful for your support.”

“Of course.”

“Now, we put aside your issues to discuss mine.” Luna smiled at Twilight. “Was there anything more you wanted to discuss about Morning?”

Twilight smiled as well. “No, I – well, actually, yes… I keep thinking, how am I supposed to be a mom when I’ve been part of something so horrible?”

“Twilight Sparkle, listen to me. You are not responsible for my actions. I have done many horrible things in my life. Let this be one more mistake of mine, and do not trouble yourself with it.”

“But I could have done something!”

Luna shook her head. “No more of this, Twilight. It was my mistake. You were angry, and your inaction is not as great as my action.”


“Talk to Fluttershy about this. Although she is angry at me, I think she will forgive you.”

Twilight nudged her. “She’ll forgive both of us. I’ll make sure she does.”

“You are a good friend, Twilight, and a good pony. You need not worry about being a good mom; I have every confidence in you.”

Twilight nodded slowly.

“The time for waking comes, and the day shall be an eventful one. I would offer my assistance, but I feel it would not be appreciated.”

Twilight smiled. “It’s okay. Thank you, Luna.”

Luna used a foreleg to hug Twilight and then pulled away. “Good luck, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight was going to say something else, but before she could, everything faded to white.

Waiting through the day proved to be a challenge. By the time Twilight woke up, Fluttershy had already left to take care of the animals. She still got to say goodbye to Morning before Sunset took her to school, but then she had to wait around the castle for Fluttershy to come home.

It was nerve-wracking, and Twilight considered flying over to Fluttershy’s cottage to see if she could find her. She would have done it too, except that she’d more likely just run into Discord, and she was in no mood for his antics.

So she waited. She cleaned around the library a bit, tried to work on her speech some more, and had lunch with Sunset and Spike before he left for the day to do some work around Ponyville.

It would have been a nice day – struggles with the speech aside – were it not for all the anxiety. Twilight couldn’t manage to stop herself looking at the clock constantly, and it was a huge relief by the time Fluttershy came home.

“How was work?” Sunset asked as Fluttershy walked in. She and Twilight were waiting for Fluttershy together and discussing plans for the film projector they were working on.

“It was nice, but I’m pretty tired.” Fluttershy gave Sunset a quick kiss, then walked towards the stairs. “I think I’m gonna go lie down for a bit.”

“Oh.” Twilight hadn’t counted on that.

“Twi was just saying she was tired,” Sunset said, which wasn’t true at all. “You two should go lie down. I’ve got an idea I want to work on for the projector.”

“That sounds nice.” Fluttershy giggled. “If Twily doesn’t mind putting aside work for some cuddles.”

“Cuddles sound nice.” Twilight smiled her appreciation at Sunset, who winked at her while Fluttershy’s back was turned.

As Sunset went to the basement to work, Twilight and Fluttershy walked upstairs. They went into their bedroom, and Fluttershy wasted no time in jumping into their bed.

Twilight was quick to follow. “So did you want to sleep? Or just cuddle a bit?”

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy stretched out, then Twilight snuggled up close to her. “What about you? If you’re still tired, you probably didn’t sleep well last night.”

“No, I… well, actually I had a bad dream.”

“Oh, poor thing. Want to tell me about it?”

Twilight chuckled. “It was dumb. Morning’s real mom showed up and made me fill out a test to see how well I knew Morning. And… I failed.”

“Oh, Twily…” Fluttershy kissed Twilight. “We are her real moms. Her biological mom – whoever she was – isn’t going to steal her away from us. Even if she wanted to, Morning would never want to leave us. She loves us already.”

“Yeah, but… maybe she’d want a more normal life without all the princess stuff.”

“You’re just being silly. But we can talk to her about it.”

Twilight grinned. “Everyone says we should talk to her… I guess even if she is six, we can still talk about it.”

“We just have to bring it up carefully.” Fluttershy nuzzled her head against Twilight’s chest. “So who’s everyone?”


“You said ‘everyone’ says to talk to her. Sunset and your parents?”

“Oh, er…” Twilight hadn’t thought that through. This wasn’t how she planned to get onto this topic. “Luna came to my nightmare.”


“You’re… really mad at her, aren’t you?”

The irritation was clear in Fluttershy’s voice. “Did she say something?”

“She did, yes. And… and I kind of expected it when you asked about the Tantabus in Cloudsdale.”

“You figured it out too,” Fluttershy pulled away to look at Twilight. “What Luna did…”

Twilight bowed her head so she didn’t have to look into Fluttershy’s eyes. “You know what’s awful? I’ve been happy that he’s gone, you know?”

“I understand. Until we went to Cloudsdale, I thought it was a good thing too.” Fluttershy sighed. “Then we met his neighbor, and… I don’t know anymore.”

“Yeah…” Twilight wanted to leave it at that. She could. She knew Fluttershy wouldn’t press for more from her. But she needed to do more, she needed to come clean to her wife. “I have something to confess.”


“I knew about the Tantabus.”

Fluttershy frowned. “What do you mean you knew?”

“Luna told me years ago, back when she did it. Or soon afterwards, anyway. After we went to see him, Luna told me that she made sure he didn’t sleep soundly anymore, and I… I didn’t stop it.”

“I see.” Fluttershy didn’t pull away from her. She didn’t yell or cast any harsh glares. ‘I see,’ that was all she said.

Twilight felt the need to say more anyway. “I’m sorry. I should have stopped her, I should have told you about it, I… should have done something.

“Yes, you should have.” Fluttershy looked Twilight in the eyes. “Why didn’t you?”

“I was angry. I was just so angry. I wanted him to suffer.” Twilight bowed her head. “I don’t have a good reason. It was horrible, and now he’s dead. I never… no, I can’t say I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t think it would, but back then, I was so angry that I wanted that.”

“I’ve been thinking about Luna a lot. I don’t want to be upset with her, and it’s not like I can’t see where she’s coming from. But…”

“It wasn’t her decision,” Twilight finished. “And it wasn’t mine. We should have talked to you, and we didn’t.”

Fluttershy sighed. “At least you’re sorry for what you did. Luna’s only sorry that it upset me.”

“I… I think you’re right, but…” Twilight wanted to nudge Fluttershy, to touch her in some way, but she didn’t feel like she should right now. They were still pressed against each other, and that would be enough. “She really is sorry. Maybe she’s not sorry for what she did exactly, but she never would have done it if she realized it would hurt you. She cares a lot about you, you know?”

“I know.”

“And… well, I can’t speak for Luna, but to tell the truth… I just forgot about it. It wasn’t like I was sitting there all the time thinking of how good it was that he was suffering. I think if I would have thought of it, I would have thought better of it, or at least decided you should have known. But by the time I wasn’t blinded by anger, I had already put it out of my mind. And I’m not saying that’s a good thing, letting him die by neglect isn’t good, but…”

“I understand,” Fluttershy lay down on her side, pressing closer to Twilight. “I hadn’t thought of it like that. It doesn’t make it okay, but it’s good to think it wasn’t something Luna was actively doing.”

Taking her cue from Fluttershy, Twilight rested her head on her wife’s. “Are you mad at me?”

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy sounded tired. “I’m not happy with you. I wish you would have told me, but… I can see why you thought you shouldn’t.”

Twilight decided to take a chance with a small joke. “Already perfecting the ‘I’m not angry, just disappointed’ routine?”

“Well, Morning will be a teenager someday. Better get some practice in now.”

“Guess so.” Twilight smiled a little. “I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to make this right. I feel awful, especially when I see Morning. I keep wondering if I’m still fit to be her mom…”

“Twily, you’re a good pony and a good mom. You made a mistake, and it was a big one, but you just have to pick yourself up and be better.”

“You know, I’m really glad I have you. I will be better, for you, and especially for Morning.”

Fluttershy nodded, tickling Twilight with her mane as she did. “How about we take that nap after all. I’m tired…”

“Okay.” Twilight wasn’t too tired, but she was just happy that Fluttershy wanted to nap with her. She knew she had let Fluttershy down, but she had a chance to be better, and that was all she could ask for. “Maybe by the time we’re awake, Morning will be back from school.”

“I hope not. I’d like to be awake before she comes back.” Fluttershy got up to tuck herself under the blanket.

Twilight did the same, cuddling close to her wife. “Yeah, that’s true. I think… I’ll give her a lesson on princess etiquette today.”

“Sunset too,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight scrunched her face up. “I love Sunset, but I don’t think she’s the best to teach etiquette with me.”

Fluttershy giggled. “No, give Sunset lessons while you’re at it. She could stand to learn a thing or two.”

Twilight grinned. “Morning might find it funny if her ma was taking lessons with her.”

“There you go, that’s a perk.”

Twilight nuzzled against Fluttershy and took a deep breath, taking in her wife’s scent. “I love you, Shy.”

“I love you too, Twily. Good night.”

Twilight could have done better, but she could have done a lot of things in her life better. What was important was that she was going to keep trying, and that she was surrounded by ponies who would keep supporting her as she did.

She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes to drift off into sleep. “Good night, Shy.”