• Published 13th Feb 2021
  • 1,077 Views, 34 Comments

Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness - fluttershyfan17

Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar and Padawan Sweetie Belle face an ancient threat which awakens darkness and threatens Equestria.

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Chapter 9: Rabbit's Burrow

Sweetie Belle opened her eyes suddenly, finding herself in a mess of sweat and fur as she felt the wolf cub, who she named Snap, snuggled up against her. Her dreams that night had been strange, all in a fog with the smell of smoke still lodged inside of her brain. Groggily, she yawned and stretched just as Snap did so right at the same time.

“You’re adorable, you know that?” Snap just wagged his tail, and she gave him a pet before getting up and starting to pack up the sleeping bag and mat. It was a simple process, as she rolled both with magic and stuffed it in her magically-enhanced bag, which she placed inside her pack. After double-checking everything was set and saying goodbye to her new friend, she moved past the wolves, who were still basking together in the warmth, and set out the passageway of the oasis.

I wonder where Kaleb has gone, she wondered as she rounded the corner to the wide entrance of the cave. He must be around here somewhere.

As she stepped out into the snow, she spotted him about twenty yards away meditating on a boulder embedded on the landscape. The sun was shining through the trees, melting away much of the snowfall from the night, leaving it spotless. Kaleb had his legs crossed, his hands in his lap as he levitated a few inches off of the ground.

“Whoa,” she whispered as she saw the concentration etched upon his face, yet ease with it. There were times when she forget just how strong with the Force he was, as he centered his emotions in balance and harmony to heed its call. A few moments later, he landed on the boulder gently and turned around. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You’re quite alright,” Kaleb replied as he stood up and jumped down, landing on his feet and putting the pack on his shoulders. “I needed to clear my head after getting an unfortunate wake-up call an hour ago.”

“Was it the sunlight?” Sweetie Belle asked. “It’s difficult to get used to here.”

He shook his head. “I received a message last night from Flash. Queen Chrysalis is presumed to be dead.”

“No way,” she reacted, her eyes widening in shock. “I thought the Royal Guard had no idea where she was.”

Kaleb nodded. “That was all he told me. I suspect they used that wording because her body is still missing. We should take precautions, but I do not believe we’ll find any changeling cells this far north.”

“I’ll keep quiet about it for now; you never know who is listening,” Sweetie Belle decided wisely. “What’s our plan for today?”

Instinctively, the leader of the pack, along with a different wolf, walked towards Kaleb as he spoke. “They are going to escort us out of their territory, which so happens to provide us safe passage around the more treacherous areas of the mountain. After last night’s storm and the thaw, risking an avalanche would be unwise. Once we get to the path, it's only a few hour’s journey to the village where we’ll find Sunflower Pine.”

“The sooner we get there, the better,” Sweetie Belle remarked. “I’m ready to go whenever you.”

Kaleb indicated to the rock. “Take a few minutes to eat and meditate. I’ll consult the maps one more time and ensure we’ll get there by nightfall.”

She nodded and went about the tasks before the long journey ahead.

Dawn had broken through the snowy grounds of Canterlot Castle as Luna flew through the sky toward her balcony. Landing with a simple maneuver, she opened the windows and entered her chamber, closing them shut to avoid letting any excess snow. Setting her bag down on the floor, she went to her desk and sat.

It had been a long night. The amount of fear and anxiety over the assassinations had provoked many nightmares, and it was her job to help comfort those in need, particularly the children paralyzed with terror. She did what she could for many, but her magic had been stretched thin due to her investigation.

She turned her face to the window and sighed. Even after searching those libraries, there is no evidence of a break-in. Tia is already stressed as is, but there is only one other possibility…one which I even hate to consider.

Making sure her study was secure, Luna opened the doors and stepped out into the hallway. The guards assigned to her hallway saluted, and she responded with a simple nod. As she left them to their duties, she started towards the small dining room adjacent to the throne room.

Even after my exile, the memories that came before are as clear as day, she thought as she quickened her pace down the stairs to the main floor. Our guests have remained calm so far during their stay, which is preferable. Perhaps it would be good to program some entertainment to alleviate the tension. Laughter can ease the worse of worries. It was only a few more steps to the dining room, which she opened quietly and slipped in before closing the door.

Celestia sat on the chair closest to the clock, drinking her morning coffee and having waffles with fruit to start her day. There were newspapers scattered across the small rectangular table, the print standing out from the rich blue tablecloth which covered oak. “Luna, please sit down. I already prepared coffee in the pot over there.”

Luna poured herself a mug of the blend made right in Canterlot and sat down. “Forgive me; it has been a long night. The restlessness of uncertain dreams and harrowing nightmares has increased substantially.”

“It’s alright; I was delayed this morning as well,” Celestia replied. “I was up early this morning having a conversation with Haakem and Amira by spellwork. We’re trying to keep everyone as calm as possible while ensuring financial security and aid keeps the markets in Manehattan from crashing.”

Luna nodded. “How much funding will we need to make sure trade continues on as normal with extra security?”

Celestia indicated to another paper she had been looking at. “A lot. There’s a cabinet meeting this afternoon, and then Treasurer Oakfur will present it to the Equestrian Congress for approval.”

Sighing, Luna began her express her thoughts. “After a deep examination of the magical libraries, I can tell you there was no break-in into my archives. However, there is one other possibility I hate to consider, but I fear we must.” She set down a giant book, bound in black leather with dark blue runes and transcriptions into the front.

The other princess eyed the book with curiosity. “Where did you get that?”

“Deep within my Canterlot library,” she replied. “Tucked away with the oldest of materials. This book contains examinations and analysis of my magic and the ancient dark spells of old, written by the only other one who could wield it.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “Wait…you don’t mean…”

Luna simply nodded. “Cloudy Sky. Under the years he studied with me, he gained knowledge and power which no other could.”

“Luna, he has been dead for the past thousand years,” Celestia pointed out. “You know the history behind his rebellion and what led to his downfall. We looked, and there was no sign of him. The magic he used must have vaporized him.”

“And that story has faded into myth and legend,” Luna interrupted. “Your decisions in my absence were the right thing to do, but I wish this ended differently. In my experience dealing with such power, there are ways to survive such magical overloads you do not think capable of.”

The Princess of the Sun sighed. “Even if he did survive, where would he have gone and how would he still be alive?

Luna thought for a moment. “Starswirl taught me one of the gifts of Noctum Spellcasting was the ability for the user to regain health and have an expanded lifespan that protects against natural means of death. As for the other question, I do not know. There are theories about different planes of reality beyond Tartarus, but none have yet been proven. I can search across the continent if I need to for runes…”

“Not without jeopardizing Kaleb and Sweetie Belle’s mission,” Celestia reminded her. “We can’t risk revealing their position. I know this means a great deal to you, but we can’t take risks when we’re struggling to protect our own citizens…” There was a knock at the door. “We’ll talk more about this later.”

Luna nodded, noticing more frantic knocking and struggling with the door handle. As the room was a personal space for the two princesses, it was sealed with magic, and she undid the spell. The door burst open, and Flash and Shining Armor burst through. They survived, but their combined weight and speed of entry broke the door off its hinges and splintered the wood.

The two Royal guards looked at each other and the poor, damaged door they had destroyed. Flash spoke quietly. “Oh yeah… they added magic seals to the private rooms a few years back.”

“Now you tell me?” Shining asked with annoyance, raising his voice slightly. “This is why we keep getting our plots kicked at the Crystal Empire Hoofball Tournament. No communication and terrible planning…”

Luna looked at her sister and smirked. Celestia was not amused, and raised her voice above the fray. “Excuse me! Is there a reason why you are interrupting our breakfast this morning? Perhaps you would like to take an axe to the antique dining table, which is just as old as that door.”

The two looked up and realized who they were in the company of, and Shining Armor coughed to clear his embarrassment. “So sorry about that, Princesses Luna Princess Celestia. We were trying to get through and….”

He indicated for Flash to take over, who just shook his head. “Yeah…that was not a good idea. But we do need to talk with you two.”

Celestia sighed, wishing she had more coffee to deal with this. “I’ll have someone send a scroll to Ford Carpentry in Canterlot. What is it you need to tell us?”

“We made progress on the investigation,” Flash reported, speaking with seriousness and urgency. “And you’re going to want to hear what we discovered.”

Celestia and Luna both sat up, surprised by the seriousness in the guard’s voice. Luna looked towards him. “Lead the way. We’ll follow.”

Shining Armor nodded, and making sure the hallway was clear, started at a brisk pace towards the throne room. The princesses followed behind him, with Flash taking up the rear,

Meanwhile, the rest of the group waited in the throne room. Twilight and Dr. Bluejay stood in silence, carrying the audio equipment and maps. In the corner, Fluttershy was comforting Thorax, who had slipped out of his disguise and sat in changeling form.

It had been a rough morning, when Flash, Twilight, and Fluttershy had knocked at his door in the Royal Guard barracks and informed him of what happened. His eyes reflected sorrow and dryness from the amount of tears having been shed the hour prior.

He spoke in a rasp, the first time he had since hearing of the news. “Thank you for informing me of my mother’s death. She was brave, up until the very end. We had a complicated relationship, but I had hoped if she had seen how Equestria opened its doors to so many of us, that we would be able to reunite in peace.”

Fluttershy nodded, responding warmly. As the Bearer of the Element of Kindness, she carried a lot more sympathy and empathy than many would, especially when discussing someone who had nearly killed her. “There’s no need, I’m just glad to see you safe. I didn’t know her very well, but she seemed always so determined and confident, in a way so many we fought…”

“It’s okay, I understand how her villainy wreaked havoc upon your lives,” he said in understanding, knowing the history between his mother and the Element Bearers. “Despite everything, she had a love for her hive which extended beyond everything, even peace itself. We both wanted what was best for the changelings; we just had different ideas of going about it. The rift started after the first invasion of Canterlot, and I stormed out a few years later. Many followed, and in our anger, we broke off and started fighting. But the toll after the first few battles was too much, and we were driven out of our lands. Nobody would open their doors for us, and a plague of disease and hunger hit.”

“How did you find peace with Equestria?” Fluttershy asked, realizing how much telling this story was helping Thorax.

He cleared his throat before continuing. “There was a child who was sick, and would have died if we had not did something. I snuck in with her to the Crystal Empire and was caught by Princess Cadance as we were in the Royal Garden. She was angry, but stopped attacking the moment she saw there were children in danger. We were arrested, but she made sure the child received the best of treatment. Celestia and Luna arrived, and all three of them examined my memories. Something must have changed Cadance’s mind, and she was the first pony to welcome me in open hooves.”

At that moment, the large doors opened, and Princess Cadance entered the room. She had been splitting her time between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire ever since the assassinations, with Flurry Heart never leaving her side. The child was now awake, yawning in the morning sun.

Twilight went up to her and whispered what happened. The moment she heard, she rushed over to Thorax and hugged him. “I’m so sorry, and you have my condolences. I wish I could have done more…”

“That we all do,” Thorax responded quietly. “What you did was enough, and saved so many lives. I am proud to call you my friend, and nothing will change that. In fact, I was just telling Fluttershy here about our first meeting.” He stretched, and went over to talk to Twilight and Dr. Bluejay.

“How much did he tell you?” Cadance asked.

“Up to the point where his memories were examined,” Fluttershy answered calmly. “What made you change your mind?”

“I was already horrified at the thought I could have killed a child,” Cadance explained quietly with a sad reflection. “I made it a priority even with his arrest, she would survive and recover. But when I saw his memories, it reminded me of my conversations with Kaleb. Whenever he would visit the Crystal Empire, he would tell me about the war. In particular, his experiences with refugees and how he would never blame or hurt them, even if they were Separatists.”

Fluttershy nodded. “He felt a lot of guilt, and probably told you how he wished he would have done more. Kaleb never wanted war with anyone; he just wanted to make his galaxy a place of peace and light.”

“Those conversations made me realized how I can have a chance to make a difference beyond Equestria, and save lives because of it,” the Princess of Love responded. “I made the Crystal Empire a safe haven for changeling refugees fleeing Chrysalis, and designated safe zones around the castle where they don’t have to disguise themselves to walk freely around the city.”

“The rule reflects and unfortunate reality we live in,” Thorax finished, coming back. “Many ponies in Equestria are unaware of the war, and would respond in fear and hatred if they found out we lived close to them. All we want is to live our lives peacefully. We do not like the rule, but it is the only way for us to be safe in the city.”

Everyone became quiet as they heard a set of smaller doors open, and Shining Armor, Flash, and the rest of the princesses emerged. Celestia surveyed the room, addressing Twilight. “I heard progress has been made.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said in a formal manner. “Is there a place we can gather securely? The throne room might be too open.”

“We can gather in my study. Everyone, please follow me.” Celestia went back through the doors, with Luna following beside her. Something’s not right. Even when Shining Armor was apologizing, I’ve never seen him that on edge.

Everyone moved slowly through the back hallways until they came to white, ornate doors. Celestia opened them with a spell, and entered her study. It was much more open and spacious compared to Luna’s, decorated in bright colors that can be changed with a simple spell. Books lined the walls, and a large oak desk was at one end by the window, with couches and chairs surrounding it.

“Please, everyone take a seat.” Luna and Cadence pulled up chairs, while Twilight sat on the couch next to Flash and Shining Armor, with Dr. Bluejay, Fluttershy, and Thorax facing them on the opposite couch. “This room has the strongest security spells in Equestria on it. Nobody will overhear our conversation, and everything that is said here will be safe and secure.”

Dr. Bluejay began. “A few nights ago, I had received word from Shining Armor that he needed my assistance on a project he was working on with Flash, and to recruit Twilight and Fluttershy. He told me about the investigation, but held off on key details.”

“That was because we were conducting an spy operation,” Shining Armor, said, taking over. “We had received word from a mole sympathetic to our cause that there was going to be a meeting taking place with Tywin and Bentley right at the center. Suspecting the worst, this source helped us place a wire on Bentley, and give us approximate locations of said meeting.”

Twilight put the maps on the table, as Flash went into detail. “We used old-school radar and radio technology so that way we wouldn’t be traced. You’re going to want to hear what we found.”

Dr. Bluejay and Fluttershy had finished setting up the audio equipment, getting headphones in place and indicating it was ready. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence exchanged glances, and put the headphones on, and they started the tape.

It was an intense few minutes, with Twilight exchanging nervous glances with Flash as the two princesses listened to the conversation. “I don’t know how they’re going to react to this, its impossible to read them.”

“They’re good at that,” Twilight hushed, answering quietly. “I could never tell when they were grading my tests on the spot. It’s one of the hallmarks of being a good leader.”

As the tape ended, and Fluttershy turned off the player, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence both took off their headphones, with looks of shock emanating from their eyes. The Princess of the Sun spoke first. “Thorax, I am so sorry. You have our sympathies and condolences, and we will continue to ensure the safety and security of the changelings within our borders.”

“Thank you,” Thorax said, sniffling as he had heard the recording a few hours prior. “This is upsetting, not just because of my mother’s death, but of the lies and deception peddled by those who want to manipulate and control.”

Cadence nodded, turning to the room as Flurry Heart was still asleep in the carrier on her back.. “There is no question that General Tywin not only has lied straight to our faces, but has also committed treason against Equestria. His actions have endangered all of us, and will continue to do so.”

“This is a delicate situation,” Celestia acknowledged up front. “We cannot act recklessly unless we want a civil war brought upon our doorsteps. I do not question the validity of this recording, but we need more evidence and time to avoid detection and unrest.”

Fluttershy looked at Luna, who had not said a world. “Princess Luna, are you alright? You haven’t said anything.”

“Yes…I am,” Luna responded after a few seconds, dawning on her that she needed to be present. “I have known the Equestrian Guard for many years, and to see what they have become is shocking to say the least. This is a good, but only a first step in an investigation. Tywin is smart, and will know how to respond if any moves are brought against him.”

“If I may make a suggestion,” Dr. Bluejay threw out into the fray just as the room burst into conversation. “Wiretapping was a good idea, but is normally the final step before an arrest. We cannot replicate that operation twice because I suspect they will be even more careful in the future. We need to de-escalate our plan, and just scratch the surface enough to see if what he was saying is true.”

“In other words, we build up a definitive case, and when the time is right, arrest him.” Flash said. “There are a million ways we can go about this, from breaking into their headquarters to…”

Celestia interrupted him. “Both of you need to keep a low profile. For now, I want to put a pause on this investigation. We are not doing nothing, but reducing the risk of harm. Trust me, you do not want to mess with the Equestrian Guard.”

“Not to mention, we are not the only ones who are involved,” Fluttershy said, shooting a harsh glance at Flash. “Kaleb and Sweetie Belle are out there risking their lives! Anything we do puts a target on their backs. The Jedi must be given time to complete their mission.”

“It’s clear there are a lot of emotions in this room,” Twilight stated. “Whatever decision we make, we have to be absolutely sure we’re making the right call.”

Flash sighed, turning to Princess Celestia. “It’s your call.”

She sat for a few minutes before making her decision. “For now, each of you lay low and go about your duties. Right now, anything more would place the security of those we are protecting at risk. Cadance and Shining Armor, I want you to make sure Thorax and the rest of the changelings are protected more carefully from this moment forward. Flash; inform the rest of the Royal Guard to stay towards the castle. Double the patrols. Twilight and Fluttershy; keep everyone here calm as much as possible. I designated the other part of this mission to Kaleb, and I won’t make another move until he completes it. All of you are dismissed.”

The sternness in her last sentence ensured a swift removal of everyone in the room, with Fluttershy being the last one out of the door. Luna looked to her sister. “And what will you want me to do?”

“Tell me everything you can about your magic,” Celestia said in a calmer tone. “We are going to look into this together.”

The road leading to the village was paved with gravel, which only had a light layer of snow it in the afternoon sun. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle had long departed from the wolves after a convoluted trek around the mountains, and now could only keep going. The village where they would find Sunflower Pine was only three hours away, but with limited daylight, it would be important.

Sweetie Belle looked around at the abandoned farms. Now out of the tall forests for now, the valleys of land used for agriculture abandoned and run down. Small houses, barns, and storage structures made from wood crumbled and creaked from the wind, threatening to fall down with the slightest gust of snow. She shivered and threw her cloak closer to her body.

“They don’t speak.”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle let out, noticing her master’s voice for the first time in hours. “Who?”

“The buildings,” Kaleb explained, indicating as they continued to walk. “But they don’t need to. The stories of hardship from this life are etched into the landscape. It seeps into the ground, and withers until it creeps back up for someone to find.”

“I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live here during the winter,” she replied. “Not this isolated from the world.”

Kaleb nodded. “Many do not have a choice, but must make the best of what they have. I’ve seen much desolation and poverty, and it is never by choice. It is the circumstances they find themselves in which traps them.”

“How does one survive in this place?” Sweetie Belle wondered aloud. “They must do what they have to in order to survive.”

“From what I’ve read, they survive by storing food and supplies, and selling it,” Kaleb said. “They pay the crime syndicates for protection, and in get that plus customers. The region we’re in is considered abandoned by the syndicates, so they see no value and allow those here to suffer. Or as easy targets.”

Sweetie Belle had tuned him out, as she noticed the snow had slowly been changing in the past few minutes. It had gone from white to gray, with black clumps coming down from the sky. “Whoa…that wasn’t there before.”

The pair stopped for the first time in hours, as Kaleb knelt down to examine the material. Running it through his glove-covered hands, he took them off to confirm the texture. “That’s soot mixed in with the snow.”

She looked ahead, noticing a grayish haze in the distance. “Wait, I think that’s smoke! Its difficult to spot, but look ahead…”

Kaleb’s eyes widened as he spotted it. “Follow me, quickly.” Calling upon the Force, he sprinted and Sweetie Belle followed behind him. Her technique needed work, especially in this snow as her eyes scanned the ground to avoid any pockets of ice that had formed. They went up the vast hill, blowing past all of the farms into another section of woods.

The smoke had become darker and darker the closer they got, and they kept up the pace as the Jedi jumped over fallen logs and branches and stones, all in an effort to get closer to their destination. A stark realization held over Sweetie Belle as she ran. That wasn’t a dream I had, it was a vision!

After almost a half-hour of sprinting, they came upon their sight. A barn, house, shed, and trading post had all been burned to the ground, with the smoke still rising from the small sections still burning.

Kaleb dived behind a nearby log about fifty meters away from the carnage, and Sweetie Belle followed him. Both of them panted and gasped for air as they observed the dying fire. She looked at him. “I can’t sense anyone here.”

He shook his head, taking a pair of binoculars out of his pack. Setting the range, he looked through and combed the landscape carefully, switching it to get a sense of heat signatures. “Whoever did this left long ago. The fire is recent, probably happened early in the morning after the storm. We’re moving in, but keep your guard up.”

With a hand signal, he stared to move back to the path, and walking in at a more cautious pace. Sweetie Belle followed his movements, preparing herself at any moment for an attack. It was that defense mechanism she had drilled into herself with Kaleb’s training which could kick in at any moment.

Kaleb noticed something in the snow only ten meters away from the trading post. Kneeling down, he brushed the snow off of it, realizing it was a blaster. Putting a hand over it, he reached out to the Force and the echo came through, of blaster fire and screaming of a mare and her children as they were separated. This was an attack…a murder…or perhaps a kidnapping. Killed by blaster, with the buildings set ablaze to cover up their trail.

“Wait…that’s a blaster.” Sweetie Belle said quietly as she knelt down near Kaleb.

“This would have been standard issue for any battle droid during the war,” he said, recognizing the kind. “Separatist-made. The serial number is destroyed, making it impossible to track. We found these same blasters at the hideout of the changeling cell.”

Sweetie Belle’s voice trailed off in confusion. “I don’t understand…I thought you said there weren’t any this far north.”

Kaleb shook his head. “I don’t think they’re the only ones who have them.” He looked to the building, smoldered, but crumbling. “Stay here, I’m going inside.” Without further words, he pushed on the door and entered the trading post.

Among the ruin and debris laying before him, echoes that spoke of shattered glass and blood, he noticed the burns on the wall. The wood was charred, but not like a normal fire. Something much hotter had burned it.

Scanning the ruin further, Kaleb noticed the body of the father in the corner. Taking a few delicate steps, he examined the corpse, who had claw markings all over his body and limbs which clearly were broken. But none of that caught the Jedi’s attention, as his eyes were drawn to the stab wound right at the center of the chest. He removed the clothing, taking a closer look.

It was a clean wound, round in nature with the flesh completely cauterized. There was no indication of burns on the chest you would normally get with a blaster. Kaleb felt inside the wound for a moment, confirming it was a clean cut before looking around. He noticed the burn marking on the floor leading to the table, which had been cut in half cleanly.

“No…this can’t be possible.” A theory entered his mind, one which he dreaded the possibility of. “There has to be more information needed to disprove this…there just has to be.” Shutting down the thought, he brought himself together and exited the house.

Sweetie Belle heard the creaking of the door, as she saw her Master’s face. It was one filled with horror and dread, but switched in less than a second to one of neutral stature. “What did you find?”

Lying, he shook his head before checking the daylight. “Nothing, the shop was just ransacked. We need to get moving to the village; we’re going to run out of daylight at this rate.” He started moving back towards the path.

It was several hours later which they reached the section of the main road lined with lamps, which glowed brightly as day rapidly turned to night. Sweetie Belle was still perplexed with her Master’s response back at the trading post.

Just when I think I get to know him, he buries himself back in that cloak of mystery, Sweetie Belle thought to herself as they walked upon the cobbled stone road. “Did I do something wrong back there? I swear, I was keeping watch the entire time while you were looking inside.”

That seemed to center Kaleb to reality, as he felt the guilt she had on her mind. “No, no…of course not. You did a good job. I think we’re undetected so far, but we need to be a lot more careful about covering out tracks.”

She nodded, peeking over the top of the hill as lights grew stronger in the distance. She rushed ahead of Kaleb, galloping to the top and saw the village down below. Although it wasn’t the most strategic location, wooden walls made it easy to keep guard from the wind and beasts, with a town center glowing brightly with celebration. Music and voices echoed in the distance, with the vague crackling of a fire.

“We made it,” Sweetie Belle said to herself, smiling. “We actually made it.”

“And unscathed, for the most part,” Kaleb replied, stopping right next to her. “This village is known as Rabbit’s Burrow, for its location in regards to the hills. It’s considered a sanctuary for refugees and a safe haven from the violence and corruption that plagues this land.”

She nodded, reflecting back on the trading post. “What’s our plan?”

“Head into the village, grab a drink at the local cantina, and go from there,” he stated simply, adjusting his cloak. “Just follow my lead.”

That caught her off guard, as she scrambled to keep up as he walked at a moderate pace down the steady slope. “Wait, we can’t just walk in there. You said we needed to cover our tracks. Can’t we just sneak in somehow, or don some kind of disguise?”

“An overly-complicated deception would draw more attention than anything,” Kaleb pointed out, explaining his reasoning. “Subtlety is required here, along with a quick mind.”

As the two approached the main gate, they were greeted by two sentries standing guard. One was older and gruff with a mane and beard of gray while the other was younger and scrawny. The bearded guard eyed them with suspicion. “Halt! Who goes there at this hour?”

“Two weary travelers, looking for food and shelter away from the cold,” Kaleb greeted in an even tone. “The warmth of the fire and ale will help us rest for the long day ahead.”

The younger guard eyed the Jedi with suspicion. “I’ve never seen a creature like you before, or any of your kind.”

Kaleb knew his human form would come into the conversation, and deflected from it. “I imagine you see many strange things in this role. My apprentice and I are printmakers, who travel to the coast to assist her father, who is a merchant.”

“Is that so?” The older guard huffed, looking at the two of them with a tough stare. “What’s the name of the village you’re traveling to?”

“Serpent's Sorrow ,” Kaleb replied, remembering the maps he studied from the Crystal Empire. “The high cliffs surrounding the bay make it difficult to navigate even for the most experienced sailors. By setting our shop closer to him, we hope to have more reliable business and connections.”

The guard thought for the moment and lowered his staff. “You’ll find food and shelter at Leaf’s tavern, which is just west of the town center. We have many merchants here for the festival, Safe travels, now move along before I change my mind.” His voice was still harsh.

Nodding, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle entered the village through the main gates. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia that’s over. I’m surprised they didn’t ask us for any identification.”

“If it would have come to it, I would have used a Mind Trick,” Kaleb explained as they slowly made their way towards the center of town. “But even that would have drawn attention of some kind.”

The first thing the two noticed were the festive garlands hanging from the street lamps, with trails of lights leading their way to the square just ahead. Smells of freshly backed food and drink packed into their senses, with nutmeg and cinnamon being the leading contenders. Soft music from an accordion played in the background of loud voices.

At the very center of the square was a large tree decorated with various metallic objects, with lights surrounding it. Various venders and merchants had carts and booths set up, with some having temporary shops built into the buildings of stone and wood. Kaleb indicated for them to stop just short of entering the fray.

“This must be their Hearth’s Warming celebration,” Sweetie Belle mentioned, her eyes widening at the sight of the lights. “Or the start of it, since it’s not for another month at least.”

“Naturally, it’s a good cover, but we still need to be careful,” Kaleb replied. “Whatever danger lurks appears to be moving closer day by day. Follow my lead through the crowd, and we’ll get to the tavern.”

There were at least fifty villagers out in the square, and the two Jedi put their hoods up over their head, making their way around the outside. It was snowing, so that provided a good reason why they would need to cover their heads. Sweetie Belle twisted and turned through the crowds as easily as a training exercise. Except this time there weren’t any squirrels throwing acorns at her.

Kaleb focused less navigating the crowds and more so on using the Force to scan the area, his mind feeling the emotions of everyone in the square. Anything unusual than the normal holiday cheer would stand out at him. There are so many, it takes a lot of energy to concentrate. Have to conserve energy and keep hidden for now.

Finally, the two arrived at the tavern, which was two stories. The building was one of the oldest in the village, with a foundation of gray wooden stones combined with wood for the walls and roof. It was smaller, but still had enough to stand out. With a nod, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle entered the building.

It was quiet for the most part, but still packed with various tables as conversation could be heard. Kaleb removed his hood, with Sweetie Belle following right behind him. They made their way to the bar, to be greeted by a pegasus with light yellow fur and a red mane. She cleaned glasses, but looked at them neutrally. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”

“We’re not from around here, so that’s probably the reason,” Kaleb said, with Sweetie Belle sitting on the barstool next to him. “We’re travelers, looking for warmth and shelter away from the storm.”

“I’m Leaf, the owner of this tavern,” she said, moving on to cleaning the next glass. “We’re full for the evening, so you’ll have to make your own arrangements.”

Sweetie Belle tried to put a spin on it. “But in the spirit of Hearth’s Warming, couldn’t you just spare us….”

“We don’t have any rooms. End of story,” Leaf cut her off, glaring at her. “Now, are you two going to order a drink or talk all night?”

“I’ll take a mulled cider…” Kaleb said.

Sweetie Belle jumped in. “Make it two!”

Leaf rolled her eyes, and made her way to the back. Sweetie Belle saw the look her Master was giving her. “It would look more suspicious if I didn’t order anything. Besides, I’m three months away from the legal drinking age in Equestria.”

Kaleb sighed out of frustration. “Fine. But no more than a few sips, and we are not mentioning this to Rarity.”

The two waited in silence, taking in the atmosphere of the tavern. The door frequently opened and closed, drawing in the cold air and forcing them to keep their cloaks on. Leaf returned with two mugs of mulled cider, the foam nearly spilling over. “That will be ten.”

Kaleb nodded. “We also need information.”

“That costs extra.”

Sighing, he started, looking at her. “We’re looking for someone named Sunflower Pine, who lives here.”

“I don’t go near her,” Leaf said, shaking her head. “I’m not allowing her kind in my bar. But you’ll find at her merchant booth, most likely. Now, that’s going to cost you thirty.”

Sweetie Belle looked at her with a mix of anger an disgust, and Kaleb quickly counted out the bits. “Here you go.”

Leaf shook her head. “We don’t take Equestrian Bits here, only currency printed in the capital.”

Adapting a casual tone of voice, Kaleb concentrated hard on her mind, and employed a Jedi Mind Trick. “You will accept the Equestrian Bits, and move along.”

“I will accept the Equestrian Bits, and move along.” She took the money and left them alone to go to the back.

He looked at Sweetie Belle with honesty. “Prejudice is always fueled by hatred, and it as angering as it as depressing that discrimination still exists, even in these times.”

“It just brought up some really poor memories,” Sweetie Belle said, remembering what Spike had told her. “I still can’t believe the things ponies have the nerve to say, and that anyone can be that spiteful and ignorant.”

“Well spoken,” Kaleb said, trying to reassure her. “And I’m proud of you today. You stepped up in so many ways.” He raised his mug in a toast.

She met him, and both of them took a sip at the same time. Sweetie Belle could taste the apples and the spices, both heightened by the warmth, but there was a bitterness that was unexpected. She took it the flavors before swallowing, coughing slightly. “Whoa, that is something. Ponies actually drink this?”

For the first time all day, Kaleb laughed. “It does take some getting used to, especially the bitterness. Even if its not to their liking, everyone will drink at least to appreciate the hard work and flavors that go in. It’s better than my first drink.”

“Well, this is a story I need to hear.” Sweetie Belle teased slightly, eager to get away from the darkness from before.

Kaleb thought back while taking a few more sips. “It was just before the war. Master Johanna and I were exploring a mining facility, and a local had taken us in. She owned a bar just on the outskirts of the city, and made her own spotchka, the recipe of which was acquired from raiders. But she didn’t age it properly, and I got sick from it and had to retire for the rest of the mission. Master Johanna felt really bad that was my first drink, and right after I turned sixteen, took me to Sorngan to have it proper. It was much better.”

“Whoa, that must have really made you sick,” Sweetie Belle replied, looking shocked. “At least you got to experience it properly though after.”

He smiled, thinking back on the laughter and good times he had with Master Johanna at that village, before the Clone Wars reached their training grounds. “It’s one of my fondest memories of her. Flash and I tried to brew it ourselves in his apartment, and we got really close, but the krill have to be from Sorngan.”

After a few more minutes of conversation, Kaleb had finished his drink, with Sweetie Belle taking at least one more sip of hers. They departed the tavern, and entered back into the cold, bundling their cloaks around them.

“Now where do we go…” She wondered aloud, but her question was answered as she sensed pain and distress just blocks away form the tavern. Kaleb nodded to her, and she ran, only to see a trio of Earth pony foals surrounding someone she couldn’t see.

“Give it back!” The voice cried out, as he was drowned out by the foals surrounding him.

The leader of the gang snickered; his eyes harsh despite the teasing nature. “Or what? Going to run home to your mommy? Or is your daddy going to come back to the grave to save you, you pathetic weaking.”

The foal was defiant, but faltered back as the bullies surrounded him. “I’m not weak, I’m going to be brave…or I hope I will….”

“HEY!” Sweetie Belle yelled, casting a spell that emitted a harsh light to catch the bullies attention. “Pick on someone your own size! Lay a hoof on him, and I’ll hex you to oblivion!”

“It’s not worth it! Scatter!” The bullies ran away, weaving into the alleyways of the village. Sweetie Belle moved forward in a protective instinct towards the young voice who called for help.

The kirin foal shivered in the cold, and Sweetie Belle grabbed his cloak out of the snow, drying it with magic before wrapping it around him. He sniffled as he gazed up at her with wide eyes. “Are you an angel?”

She chuckled to herself as she smiled, her voice warm and soft. “No, but I’m a friend. And I’m going to make sure those bullies don’t bother you anymore. Are these yours?” She pointed to the stuffed rabbit on the ground along with a handmade necklace.

He nodded, and picked them up. “I just wanted to be brave…but they just appeared.”

“You are the bravest individual I’ve ever met,” Sweetie Belle comforted, and that made him smile. “Here, let me get you back home to your mom.” He took her hand, and followed her back into the light of the festival.

Kaleb waited at the edge near a streetlamp by the tavern, and eyed the child with concern. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, we’re going to be just fine,” Sweetie Belle said, looking at the child with reassurance before talking to Kaleb quietly. “I might have drawn attention to us, we need to move.”

“It was for a noble reason,” Kaleb replied brushing off her apology, before kneeling down to the kirin child. “Do you know where we can find your mom?”

He nodded, and whispered something to Sweetie Belle. “Don’t worry, we can trust him. He’s my friend too.” With a reassuring glance, the child began to walk into the festival, and Sweetie Belle walked with him.

Kaleb lagged behind, making sure that nobody was watching with suspicion. It seemed the festival had cleared out, with only a few straggling ponies still remaining as they made their way across the square to a line of merchant booths built from stone. There was one still open, the light casting its glow onto the mother of the child.

The kirin mother had a light cream fur similar to the child, with a bright yellow mane with orange highlights. Her horn was brown as a pine cone, with a lighter shade of auburn brown for the eyes. There was a sense of worry in her mind, one which was lightened as soon as she saw her son running towards her.

“Pedal!” She yelled with relief, and brought him into a deep hug. “Where were you? I thought I told you not to wander off?”

“But I just wanted to see the lights on the tree,” Pedal said with a slight sense of guilt. “They looked so pretty.”

The mom shook her head. “But you went without me, and I was going to take you after everyone had left. I’m just glad you’re okay, but never do that to me again.”

“I’m sorry,” Pedal said. “I’ll wait for you next time.”

She nodded, and told him to get inside. He followed her directions, going inside the booth to get warm. Looking around, she saw Kaleb and Sweetie Belle walking over towards her. “Thank you so much for your kindness, you have no idea how much it means to me.”

“The safety of a child is important beyond anything,” Kaleb said wisely, noticing she didn’t seem alarmed by his appearance. “It was my apprentice who heard him and managed to scare off the bullies. She deserves your praise.”

“They won’t be bothering him anytime soon,” Sweetie Belle expressed. “I know it must be alarming for two strangers to show up like this, but we’re here to help those in need.”

The kirin nodded in understanding. “Anyone who helps someone of my kind is a friend. My name is Sunflower Pine, and you’ve already met my son Pedal.”

“I’m Kaleb Taymar, and this is my apprentice, Sweetie Belle,” the Jedi introduced, pulling out a piece of parchment from his robes, handing it too her. “We’re actually here to find you. We are here on your behalf at the request of Princess Celestia.”

Sunflower’s eyes widened with shock as she read the letter. “That can’t be possible, I thought this letter would never reach Equestria. Nor would anyone help a kirin.”

“It did, and we traveled a long way across the border to make sure you’re safe,” Sweetie Belle reassured her. “I will help anyone in need, no matter how alone they are in this world. Kaleb insisted we take on this mission.”

Confirming this was her letter, Sunflower nodded and looked at Kaleb. “Do you two have food and shelter for tonight?”

“Unfortunately, there’s no spare rooms at the tavern, nor food by the looks of it,” he replied gravely. “Our alibi is only going to take us so far here.”

After thinking for a few moments, Sunflower looked at her booth before fixing her gaze back at the two of them. “You two can stay with me tonight. It’s the least I can offer. Give me a few minutes to pack up my shop and we’ll be on our way.”

Sunflower’s house was modest, but still cozy. Sitting on the outskirts outside of the wall to the east of town, it was one story built from stone and wood, with windows with thick panes of glass to keep out the cold. A small sitting area was right by the fire, which was lit and sparking every few seconds with the crackling of wood. A small kitchen and dining table was on the other side, with a small hallway leading to three small bedrooms.

Kaleb and Sweetie Belle sat on opposite ends of the couch, eating bowls of a stew prepared a few nights ago along with a piece of bread. Pedal had already been put to bed, having been carried to his bedroom by his mother after a quick snack. Sweetie Belle looked at the fire, speaking quietly. “I’m just glad we have shelter.”

“There’s a strong connection to the Force here,” Kaleb replied, reflecting back on their journey here. He set his bowl down on the small table and looked outside through the window. “It’s dormant, lying under the surface and hiding from the cold, but you can still feel it shaking through each life form.”

Sunflower moved to the windows, pulling back the curtains and settling down in an armchair by the fire, speaking quietly to not wake Pedal. “I cannot thank you both for coming here tonight and for your kindness. I’m in your debt.”

“You have no debt to repay,” Kaleb responded, shaking his head. “We are Jedi Knights. Peacekeepers of wherever we go, and only seek to help those less fortunate than us.”

“I’m technically still a Padawan,” Sweetie Belle threw in, drawing a chuckle from her Master. "But I’m learning more and more each day, helping both my friends and family, and someday I will move forward.”

Sunflower nodded, turning her eyes from her to Kaleb. “Well, it seems you have very good teacher. Are the Jedi a part of the Royal Guard?”

He shook his head. “We work with the Equestrian government and the Royal Guard, but are separate from them. I came from someplace far away, and I was stranded here seven years ago when my ship crashed.”

“You mean, from space?” She asked, her eyes going wide with shock.

Kaleb nodded. “That’s simplifying it, but yes. I was fortunate enough to make friends here and be able to continue to live my life.” He took a sip of tea from his mug before moving to another topic. “Your letter alerted us to the disappearance of your father. When was the last time you saw him?”

Sunflower let out a sorrowful sigh before meeting both of the Jedi’s eyes. “It was about three weeks ago. We were struggling with the harvest this fall, and he was determined to make sure we had enough funds to make it through the winter. He was going on an excursion down into Mount Boneclaw in order to find valuables to sell. I begged him not to go, but he would do anything to help us. He left in the morning, and I haven’t heard from him since. That mountain is cursed, and there are plenty of legends and stories that all end in death.”

There was a reason why this mountain came to me in a vision, Kaleb thought. “He mentioned something about valuables. What do the legends tell about the mountain?”

“There are ruins underneath, which contain a treasure beyond dreams,” Sunflower recalled, examining them carefully. “But with that treasure comes a terrible curse, one which traps the explorer underneath.”

Kaleb nodded, noticing Sweetie Belle was waiting for his response. “Tomorrow, we’re going to follow the tracks, go into the mountain, find your father, and bring him back safely. You’ll have two Jedi with you, so we’ll face whatever this curse may be together. You two should get some rest, I’ll be up just a while longer.”

“Thank you, Kaleb, Sweetie Belle,” the kirin said, getting up from the sitting area. “I think Pedal might still be up. I need to read him a story to help him sleep. Extinguish the fire before you turn in for the night.” She quickly headed toward the child’s room.

She nodded, realizing there was something else on his mind. “You saw something in the trading post, didn’t you? That you didn’t want me to see.”

He didn’t try to deny it, but deceived her mind away from the symbols etched into his thoughts. “There’s only so long I can shield you away from needless slaughter, but for now I ask that you allow me to do so. That trauma will stay with you for the rest of your life, and as long as you are my apprentice, I will protect you from that and any other storms on the horizon.”

Sweetie Belle bought the speech, giving him a quick hug before standing up. “I should probably get some rest as well. It’s going to be long day tomorrow. But I’m ready to face whatever lies underneath that mountain.” She went to the bedroom closest to Pedal and closed the door.

Kaleb sighed, and started a small meditation to gather his thoughts. This mission has just become more complicated than I could have imagined, and all the more dangerous. I should contact Twilight from here before going to bed.

Taking out the holoprojector from his bag, he activated it, entering a complex security code that would allow a closed-signal that would allow direct contact with his droid. “A5, do you copy?”

Beeping from the other side of the signal confirmed a clear connection. “Yeah, it’s good to hear your voice too. I need you to listen to me very carefully. I’m transmitting some scans I took from a trading outpost which was burned to the ground. After you confirm you have the scans saved into your memory bank, go find Twilight.”

He sent the scans. As the data processed, he put a hand to the ground and confirmed he was the only one still awake in the house, and that no one would disturb him. An alarmed series of buzzes and whistles confirmed A5 had looked at the scans. “Yeah…I have a bad feeling about this.”

Very few ponies were still awake at this hour in Canterlot Castle, but Twilight’s room proved to be the exception. The Princess of Friendship sat writing a letter quietly by candlelight to Mayor Mare, giving updates on what was to be done in her absence. She had headphones on, which were connected to a small radio, playing a late-night jazz show that was broadcast on one of the smaller stations in Canterlot.

Fluttershy at the small dining table right beside the armchair, using a deck of cards to keep herself amused. She was a master at many games in her own right, and had beaten Kaleb and Angel many times at rummy. This time, a game of solitaire was leaving her stumped, even as Flash sat down in the chair opposite of her with two cups of tea. “I didn’t realize Royal Guard had their own standard-issued tea.”

“Just for Canterlot Castle,” Flash replied, his helmet and armor resting right beside the large bed. “I owe you a cup of jasmine, and an apology for this morning. My emotions just got the better of me, and I never meant to trivialize Kaleb and Sweetie Belle’s position.”

“Apology accepted,” she returned graciously, taking a sip of tea and noting the flavors. “It’s understandable given the circumstances. You seem to put a lot of pressure on yourself at times, just like Kaleb.”

“Yeah, we both do that more of than not,” he said, looking at Twilight. “On our first few dates, Twilight acknowledged how much pressure our positions had built into them, and it was a bonding point for both of us to get away from the expectations and just be ourselves. We bring out the best in each other and that’s what I love about her.”

Fluttershy nodded, smiling. “You’d be surprised just how sensitive Kaleb can be, and we both push each other as introverts. He can be quite the romantic at times, but I’m not going to say more.”

“I love when she writes,” Flash complimented, staring at her mane in the moonlight. “Such a great storyteller, and especially with the poetry-writing by candelight…”

Twilight interrupted them, blushing slightly. “Hey Flash, you know that I love you but please keep the talking a bit more quiet. These headphones aren’t exactly soundproof.”

Fluttershy giggled slightly. “Your secret is safe with me.”

At that moment, a metallic bang hit the doorknob. Flash signaled for quiet before checking the peephole, and opening the door to let A5 in, speaking in Droidspeak so fast that Fluttershy couldn’t even pick it up.

“What is it?” Twilight asked, heading towards the droid. “Is there something wrong?”

A5 shook her dome and started to transmit the signal from the holoprojector. It took a few moments for the blue light to form a clear signal, but Kaleb appeared before them on the floor, shorter than his normal size. “Hello…can anyone here me, this is…”

“Kaleb!” Fluttershy exclaimed, with Flash’s eyes widening. “Are you okay? Where’s Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah, we’re both alright. She’s currently asleep,” Kaleb replied, looking at Twilight and Flash. “Can everyone hear me okay? This signal is coming from far away.”

“Loud and clear,” Twilight said. “It’s so good to hear from you, we were all getting worried.”

Flash ruffled his mane out of his eyes. “Did you get my transmission from last night?”

“I did,” Kaleb replied gravely. “Have you found a body as of this time?”

“No, but we have an approximate location,” Flash answered. “We believe treason has been committed and are going to search the area…”

The Jedi interrupted. “I need all of you to listen to me carefully. Put a hold on all operations, including any investigation into the Equestrian Guard. Make sure nobody leaves the castle, and issue a red alert to Celestia and Luna.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked with slight alarm. “Did something happen?”

Kaleb nodded, knowing that the line was secure enough to give more detail. “This afternoon, Sweetie Belle and I found a trading post which had been burned to the ground. Within the building, I found the body of the shop owner, and no trace of his family. I need you to check the autopsy reports of the assassination, specifically regarding the stab wounds.”

“What stood out to you?” Twilight asked, writing information down in a small notebook.

“The wounds I found on this body were cauterized, more ferocious than any heated sword found here, yet less wild than a blaster or any kind of firearm,” Kaleb explained.

Flash nodded, trying not to get frustrated with Kaleb’s cryptic nature. “What do both of these signs point to? Do you know who is responsible?”

“Is it some kind of magical curse?” Twilight asked, remembering the old enchantments she studied in Canterlot.

He shook his head. “This was not committed by magic. Twilight, if the stab wounds from the assassination match the ones I found today, then those ponies were killed by lightsaber.”

A silence fell over the group, as Twilight struggled to find the words. It was Flash who responded. “Are you sure the lightsaber is the murder weapon?”

Nodding, Kaleb responded gravely. “I know the severity of the wounds. Before we were attacked, my comm was hacked and I spoke to the mastermind responsible. He had an uncanny familiarity with the Jedi and the history of my galaxy.”

Fluttershy looked taken aback. “Wait, that can’t be possible unless he would have been in contact with Chrysalis.”

“It was beyond anything she knew,” Kaleb clarified. “I took on this mission for a reason. This is a labyrinth which delves deep into the Force, and the Jedi must take this on alone before anyone else gets killed.”

Twilight took a few deep breaths, and looked at him. “Okay, we will look into this. I trust you, but I’m worried if you two go in without an escape plan, you’re not going to make it out alive.” It was stark, and bold to say it in front of Fluttershy, but she knew it was the truth.

The Jedi nodded. “Princess Cadance gave us magical teleportation devices. We have our way out, but we’re protecting a mother and child at the moment. On top of that, I believe we’re being watched, and I can’t put that risk on Sweetie Belle by sending her back alone.”

Flash thought in his head. “I’ll talk with her tomorrow and check those connections are secure. In the meantime, I’ll redouble the patrols around Canterlot and look into other ways to find Chrysalis’s body.”

“Thank you all,” Kaleb replied graciously. “I know I am asking a lot, but this is for your safety. We need to proceed with caution.”

“We understand,” Fluttershy said, speaking for the entire group. “Just please, be careful. I love you, and remember the promise you made to me.”

“I love you too. I need to end this transmission, but for now, stay safe. Over and out.” The hologram vanished.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Well, now we have our answer. What was the promise, out of curiosity?”

Fluttershy looked out at the uncertain night. “To come home safe to me.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and I hope all of you had a good 2023! It's been a busy year for me so far with this semester of grad school being my last, but otherwise I'm doing well. This chapter was interesting to write, as there are a lot of quiet yet intense scenes, especially in Canterlot and the conversations between Kaleb and Sweetie Belle. Next chapter is going to be the end of the 1st Act of the story, and this is when things are really going to heat up. May The Force Be With You!

Edited by Mine Menace

Comments ( 5 )


Keep up the good work.


It's alive. It's Alive. It's ALIVE!

Yes it’s back! Onwards to Sweetie Belle becoming a Jedi knight! Maybe in the next story?

I can assure you this story is alive lol

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