• Published 13th Feb 2021
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Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness - fluttershyfan17

Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar and Padawan Sweetie Belle face an ancient threat which awakens darkness and threatens Equestria.

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Chapter 5: Investigation

Coruscant, 11 Years Ago

Kaleb Taymar sat in his usual spot in the library of the Jedi Temple. It wasn’t reserved, but everyone knew it was his spot. And nobody would mess with it aside from a few brave younglings. A small table with a window overlooking the city of Coruscant, specifically with a meditation garden in perfect view. It was there where he could sense garden’s life forms around him, even a few stories up. And he would need all the support he could get.

He took notes on his personal datapad furiously as the large screen built into the desk glowed. It spoke of history from long ago, as he was finishing an assignment for his Anthropology class. It was at a frantic pace, as well.

Something caught the corner of his eye as he looked up to see Master Johanna walk over to him, setting down a piece of fruit. “Master, what are you doing here?”

“You’re going to break that datapad if you continue to type that fast,” Johanna remarked. “Also, Master Nu wanted me to give you some company, and something to eat. You’re growing after all.”

Kaleb shook off that last comment. “I’m just working on this assignment for Master Cordova. He’s being sent off on a big mission soon, and needs this turned in as soon as possible.”

She took a look at his assignment. “It’s good, but needs more depth. You shouldn’t be just retelling the same events, but looking for signs. Your instincts can be applied even here.”

“What do you mean, Master?” Kaleb asked, confused at the wording.

“When there’s an investigation, you have to look beyond what is visible,” Johanna explained. “It’s about finding what is underneath the surface. Use the Force to guide you as you look for clues. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a history assignment or a murder investigation. It’s all the same.”

The Padawan nodded. “Master Cordova said you have to look into the past in order to understand the present. Can those in the past really speak, even if time has passed?”

“The Force leaves a record, hidden from the common gaze. Imprints upon the scene,” She lectured. “These are left upon certain objects, and contain a record of the sights, sounds, and scenes associated with that one object, as well as information on creatures and events. Do you remember when you and I tracked down those missing children on Dattooine with Master Vos?”

“He knew exactly what happened, and where to go,” Kaleb remembered. “Is this a common technique?”

Johanna shook her head. “It is a difficult skill to master, and often times frowned upon by Council. They believe it should not be used on weapons of violence, since that brings us closer to darkness. It takes training to learn to use it responsibly. I believe you are ready since completing your mission on Kashyyyk.”

Kaleb stood up looking out at the meditation garden before turning back to her. “Thank you Master. I will not fail you.”

She rustled his hair, as he jerked away. “You never fail me, Kaleb. This skill will serve you well in the future. Troubling times are ahead, and in the darkest of times, the Force brings light to illuminate and reveal.”

Equestria, Present Day

Kaleb opened his eyes as he found himself still in the cockpit of his ship, up ten thousand feet in the air. The storm still rained down on his Jedi Starfighter, the droplets creating the noise of a waterfall. It was pitch black out aside from the lights outside the ship, giving him about twelve feet of visibility ahead.

Checking the meters to make sure the right amount of thrust was given to the engines, he spoke into his headset. “A5, where are we?”

She relayed the location via the small screen to the left of the controls, the language appearing in Aurebesh. “Got it, we’re not far. Thanks for handling the flying this far, I’ll take over from here.”

She let out a series of nervous beeps as he took over the controls. “I know; I sense the thunder too. Adjusting the shield levels.” He pressed a few buttons, adjusting the ratio of the shields front to back. “We should start our descent soon, Canterlot is only a half hour away. Let’s take this slow, and drop the speed for now.”

Reducing the speed, he began to descend, keeping the ship at a nice steady angle. Using the Force, he was able to sense the change in pressure from the air currents around him. Master Skywalker had always told him landings were a slow game of Sabbac, with variables changing rapidly despite what appeared to be a smooth landing. He was right about that, and the moment you hit the ground, things get complicated.

The communications unit within the ship began to beep, and A5 patched the call through to his headset. “Kaleb, this is Dr. Bluejay. Do you copy?”

“I read you loud and clear,” Kaleb replied, keeping an eye on his descent while checking the scanner. “Just began my descent about three minutes ago, approaching five thousand feet.”

“Good,” Bluejay replied, his voice muffled due to the transmission. “Luna wants Equestrian Guard pegasi to guide you in…”

“Not necessary,” Kaleb said. “I don’t want to alert everyone in Canterlot of my presence. Nor do I want anyone flying out in this storm except me. Just make sure the landing pad is visible from above. Activate the lights.”

“Yes sir,” Bluejay said. “I’ll keep this channel open. Once you land, I’ll meet you at the door.”
For the next twenty minues, Kaleb kept silent, using this time to concentrate on landing and reflecting on his meditation. I have to be focused and vigilent. From what I’ve been told, things are going to be panicked, fearful, and hectic the moment I enter the castle. A Jedi must stand as tall as the Origin Tree in the storm, never surrendering to the wind. But every branch and leaf must be flexible if the tree is to survive.

Finally, Kaleb came upon the city of Canterlot, descending rapidly as he made his way towards the landing platform. Princess Celestia had designated and built it just for him, as it lead into the East Wing of the castle. The lights reflected of white, blue, green, and red as they lined the edges. Bringing the ship down to fifteen feet above the platform, he extended the landing gear and brought it down onto the ground.

“Stay with the ship.” As soon as the engines turned off, Kaleb put up his hood, and lifted cockpit window, allowing the heavy rain to soak him. Quickly getting out of the ship and using the Force to close the cockpit, he gazed out at the castle, sensing the fear even from within.

Dr. Bluejay gazed at him as he walked down the platform, and closed the doors as soon as Kaleb entered the castle. “Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“Don’t mention it,” Kaleb replied. “I got a distress signal indicating Code Red with mass assassinations. What happened?”

The two walked through a dark passageway, lit by lanterns. Dr. Bluejay sighed, with a grave look on his face. “About two in the morning, we started to receive distress letters from Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands. Queen Tatiana, Grand Chief Tarkov, King Gruffclaw, and Dragon General Pyro were found dead, along with every member of their guard.”

Grief hit Kaleb, as he did not expect the severity of the situation to be this dire. Memories hit hard, as he remembered meeting every one of those leaders while traveling across the continent. “I’m assuming Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offered aid and assistance.”

“Right now, there are portals set up to each of the crime scenes,” Dr. Bluejay explained, as the two entered through another door into a hallway, where conversation from a number of creatures could be heard. “Investigators from the five nations are trying to figure out what happened. But there’s so much distrust to the point where it won’t amount to anything.”

Kaleb focused his attention to another room, hidden from the main area where the portals were set up. “I sense a great deal of anger, grief, and rage emanating from the smaller room just ahead and to the left of there.” That must be the location of the leaders.

“It’s a powder keg about to explode,” he replied. “There’s nobody here to keep the peace, fights are going to break out at this rate.”

“I’m on my way. Try and cool things down out here,” Kaleb ordered. He began to walk fast towards the other room. A Jedi must keep the peace and order. He kept his simmering emotions down, just enough to keep calm.

Equestrian Guard commanders took notice of his presence, as one called out in an intimidating voice. “You’re not authorized to be in this area. Leave at once.”

He was in no mood for any quarrel or disagreement on jurisdiction. Using a Jedi Mind trick, Kaleb waved his hand. “I am a Jedi Knight; You will let me pass.”

Barging through the guards, he made his way to the closed room, where shouting could be heard. There’s no time, I have to move now!

Using the Force, he pushed the doors open with strength, the boom of the impact echoing loudly. Prince Haakem, Princess Amira, Grandpa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, and Dragon Lord Ember, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna had all been in deep conversation, which had clearly sparked arguments between them.

All fell silent as they looked at the source of the noise, and Kaleb closed the doors quietly with a wave of his hand. A Jedi can command the room when all else fails. I need to keep calm in this room while maintaining order, even if my actions seem intimidating.

Lowering his hood, he looked each and every one in the eye, observing a minute of silence before speaking. “I will need everyone here to give me an alibi, telling me when and where they were the moment the assassinations were discovered.”

“Are you serious?” Grandpa Gruff challenged him. “Do you really think any of us would kill our own? Perhaps you should question why Equestria has come out unscathed in all of this.”

“I do not wish to offend, Grandpa Gruff,” Kaleb replied, taking a calmer tone. “I only wish to uncover the truth behind this tragedy, the same as all of you. My role as a Jedi Knight is not bound to Celestia or Luna, but to my code of maintaining peace and order. Distrust will only delay our efforts, so we must work together to find who did this, and bring them to justice.”

Amira addressed the group. “There is a mountain about to erupt. He’s right; we cannot continue arguing.”

They all nodded, with asking the next question. “I know, but Grandpa Gruff raises a good point. It is odd Equestria was not one of the nations struck.”

“Over the past day, I had been talking with Shining Armor,” Celestia began, trying to settle their concerns. “It was confirmed Royal Guard intelligence has been compromised by Chrysalis’s changeling cells.”

“Ponyville was attacked earlier tonight,” Kaleb explained. “Changelings took a beloved member of the town hostage and ambushed Flash Sentry. Princess Twilight and I rescued them, just barely. It is unknown whether the attacks are connected, but I do not believe the timing is a coincidence.”

Ember looked at him with alarm, and Kaleb relayed Spike was safe, getting back to the main topic. “Now then, I will need your alibies. One at a time, please.”

Going around the room, he questioned the group on their whereabouts. He kept aimed at the ground, and closed his eyes as he listened. A well-trained Force user could tell from the inflections in the voice and the emotions surrounding their mind, as well as physical body reactions to tell truth from lies. However, it was always a risk since one could easily counteract these methods knowing the proper technique. But he was certain none of them knew how, as those techniques were only part of his galaxy.

Princess Amira and Prince Haakem went first, relaying they had found out at one in the morning when a guard alerted no message had been sent from Tatiana’s personal guards. They were concerned, as she had been taking medications which needed to be monitored.

Grandpa Gruff was next, explaining he was Gruffclaw’s advisor on economics, and had found out from police knocking on his door early in the morning around the same time. Gruffclaw was paranoid that someone would try to steal his treasure, and always would have guards and police working together on a patrol plan. The body was discovered while police searched for the commander of his guards.

Grand Chief Tarkov had been found in his fortress, according to Prince Rutherford. It was about the same time when the guards were discovered as well, after being alerted by the fact the watchtower’s lantern had not been lit. Dragon Ember mentioned a distress signal had been sent, with a letter saying something was watching them, but it had not reached them in time.

Finally, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna confirmed they had been alerted at two this morning, and called the Code Red the moment it had been confirmed, sending investigators to each scene to figure out what had been determined.

Kaleb took a few moments to sort out the alibies in his head. There are no major signs of deception here. Any doubt is based in confusion. He spoke. “I sensed no lies in this room. I don’t think anyone here has prior knowledge happen, or had any conscious part in planning it. Whether you trust my judgement is another question, but don’t give in to fear.”

Everyone drew a sigh of relief, as Ember spoke. “So far, what’s consistant is we all discovered the deaths at roughly the same time. The leaders, and about fifty to seventy-five of their guards. The structures attacked are all different in nature, and have defensive enchantments on them. Every spell was found to have been broken.”

“What do the autopsies report?” Kaleb asked. “Does each death have the same cause?”

Luna answered him, walking up to the front of the group. “Autopsies done on the spot report trauma to the neck, indicating suffocation. There are burns, bruises, and cuts all over the bodies; limbs severed. Stab wounds to the chest visible. Cause of death has yet to be determined on any of the fallen.”

He nodded. “Any witnesses, or suspects at this time?”

“There were no witnesses,” Celestia said. “However, investigators have found a pendant at one of the crime scenes. The symbol etched into it represents to The Iron Hoof. The Equestrian Guard confirmed it, and they believe any magic could be traced to a location.”

The Equestrian Mafia, Kaleb thought. He didn’t know much about them, but knew they were the largest crime family in Equestria. And they have connections in every single nation. It makes sense, but there has to be more to this story.

Luna addressed everyone. “For now, I propose we move forward with looking into the lead on The Iron Hoof. The Equestrian Guard should take charge, since General Tywin has had experience dealing with them in the past.”

Prince Rutherford disagreed. ‘Yak territory was where this happened, and Yak investigators should take the charge.”

“There has been enough trouble with them as is,” Ember joined in. “The Dragon Council will not let someone else take over, especially those who have been hostile for years. So let me ask, why are we even considering them when there is a conflict of jurisdiction with your Royal Guard?”

“That is Equestrian business, not yours!” Luna snapped.

Surprised at the statement, Kaleb saw Celestia give him a warning glance as she stepped in, talking to her sister quietly. Only the Jedi could hear her words. “Luna, calm yourself. This is a concern, not an insult. And one we can’t let our disagreement affect this decision. The stakes are too high.”

Luna took a few deep breaths before looking at them. “Sorry, this has been a trying night.”

Kaleb took over from there. “In my galaxy, there were always disagreements between the Republic and Jedi about who should lead investigations. I’m keeping neutral in this, but any leads should be investigated regardless of jurisdiction.”

“Your concerns as valid, as I understand how traumatizing these past few hours have been for all of you,” Celestia said. “I suggest you four work together on finding any clues outside of Equestria, and the Guard will work from within. This way, there’s no arguments of jurisdiction. The only thing I ask is you to share intelligence so nobody is in the dark. In return, we will do the same.”

Prince Haakem responded first. “A joint intelligence task force should be formed to make sure the information is secure, and to plan the next steps. We all know they have ties in every nation, so Saddle Arabia will act quickly. Master Jedi, do you believe this is a good option? And what is your role?”

“As I’ve said before, I’m keeping neutral on this,” Kaleb said carefully. Knowing he had to keep cards of secrecy close to his chest, he crafted a statement. “But in any case, working together to investigate this lead will ease the burden of time. I am currently investigating the changeling attack on behalf of Princess Twilight, but know I will be there to advise if requested.”

It took a few minutes for Amira, Haakem, Gruff, Rutherford, and Ember to decide, with the Dragon Lord giving the princesses their answer. “We agree to those terms. But I will be watching closely to make sure they are honored.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you. I am adjourning this meeting so all of you can meet with your advisors and investigators to begin planning.”

“Princess Amira, Prince Haakem,” Kaleb began as the leaders began to leave the room. “I would like to take a look at where Queen Tatiana’s body was found, with your permission. There’s something I need to check.”

“Of course, Kaleb,” Amira responded warmly. “We’ll have the room clear for you.” The Saddle Arabian siblings left, leaving Kaleb in the room with Celestia and Luna.

“Luna, try and get some rest. You need it after yesterday.” Celestia expressed. Luna nodded and with a brief goodbye towards Kaleb, exited the room. When the door closed, the remaining princess sighed. “I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s been difficult…”

“Completely understandable, given the circumstances,” Kaleb replied, waving off the apology. “What’s the cause of the rift between you and Luna?”

“The Equestrian Guard,” Celestia answered. Kaleb noted it was the first time he ever heard her insight into the issue. “General Tywin and Luna are close friends, so she feels a sense of betrayal to hear that perspective. Nightmare Moon’s history is directly tied in to the Equestrian Guard. There’s a strong bond with his family still after all those years.”

Kaleb nodded. “And you have concerns about Tywin?”

“That’s correct, at least in part,” she said. “I have known him for many years. He’s knowledgeable and has the most experience with dealing with The Iron Hoof. That’s why he’s on this case. But at the same time, I cannot ignore his hostility towards those outside of our borders and contempt towards you and the Royal Guard.”

“If at any point the Equestrian Guard attempts to sabotage my investigation, I will deal with it as I see fit,” Kaleb stated. “Not under your orders, but under my authority as a Jedi Knight. I have reason to keep an eye on them.”

I do not blame you,” Celestia expressed. “My frusteration at Tywin is for allowing his anger to spill into the Equestrian Guard. The Jedi seem to value their ideals highly, and I don’t want their reputation and character to be tarnished.”

“Thank you,” Kaleb expressed. “I am not someone quick to anger, nor do I strive to be. But I’m protective of the legacy I carry, and the responsibilities it entails.”

Celestia opened the doors, indicating for Kaleb to follow. He trailed behind her as she walked towards the guards he had encountered earlier. They immediately went to stop him before the princess spoke to them in a serious tone. “Although you are under General Tywin’s orders, this is still my castle. Let it be known the next time any of you disrespect Master Taymar or any guest of Canterlot Castle, I will make sure you are court martialed under Canterlot law. Am I clear?”

They had not been expecting the harshness in Celestia’s voice, and faltered under her gaze. The commander faltered, as Kaleb stared with the same harshness. “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

“Good. Now get out of this room, do your jobs, and patrol the grounds. NOW!!!”

Without haste, the Equestrian Guard members cleared out faster than a jump to hyperspace. Celesta turned to him, returning to her normal level of voice. “What do you need?”

Kaleb thought for a moment. “I will need the room clear before I look at Saddle Arabia.”

Celestia nodded, and the two entered the main room. The portals to the crime scenes were still set up, with Dr. Bluejay speaking quietly to the investigators left in the room, before everyone settled down. “Attention, everyone. This is Kaleb Taymar, who I have brought on to consult on this investigation. Right now, our main focus is regarding any links to the Iron Hoof. However, if you have any leads or suggestions, don’t be afraid to ask. I will be reaching out in the next few hours regarding our strategy. For now, I need everyone to clear this room so Master Taymar can investigate. Feel free to wait in the throne room.”

The investigators filed out quietly, with Dr. Bluejay walking over to the two. “Everything here has been accounted for. Luna is okay, but she wants me to keep an eye on her over the next few days. I think the stress of the Equestrian Guard talks paired with this is taking a toll on her.”

“Thank you,” Celestia expressed with gratitude. “I’ll talk with her as well. Get some rest, Doctor. And that’s an order.”

He nodded gratuitously, and exited the room. Celestia looked over to Kaleb, and the two of them stepped through the portal. All of the bodies still remained in their original positions, covered with sheets and chalk outlining their silhouettes. The Saddle Arabian bedroom was silent, with Queen Tatiana’s body still lying in her bed. It was dark, as the shades were drawn, covering the sun starting to rise.

Celestia observed Kaleb walking around the room. He kept an open palm in front of him, before kneeling down and closing his eyes. A few moments later, he opened them, and continued to walk around the room.

Just as she was about to ask, he turned to her. “The Force always leaves traces. Echoes from the past, emotions, thoughts; there’s always a record. This technique was passed down to me by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. It’s been years since I’ve even attempted this, but it could shed light on what happened.”

Kaleb turned his attention to a guard’s body, feeling the Force surrounding it. Putting a hand to the ground, he heard the echo in his mind, relaying his thoughts aloud. “The guards outside heard distress coming from this room, as the other guards tried to fight off the assassin. They rushed the room, all trying to protect their queen.”

He walked over to the window, closing his eyes and calling his attention to the lock. “She locked this window, but she hadn’t before. There’s no sign of forced entry on the door or window. The door leading to the hallway had been locked. It was opened as the guards came in, but locked as soon as every guard was inside this room.”

Celestia repeated the information quietly. “No sign of magic aside from the pendant, no witnesses, multiple causes of death, and no entry or exit point. As well, some wounds show sign of blood loss while others don’t.”

“That is because those wounds are cauterized,” Kaleb said. “There wouldn’t be any blood. As well, look at the scratches on the floors, the walls, furniture, and ceiling. Some of these surfaces are harder than diamonds, so whatever scratched them must be very sharp.”

“Kaleb, even the most hardened criminal organizations across the continent would not have gone this far,” Celestia said. “The Iron Hoof is known for assassinations, but they are subtle in their methods. This is highly unusual, even for them.”

“Whoever did this, knew exactly what they were doing. They weren’t just after leaders, but made sure to maximize the amount and severity of every death possible. This wasn’t just an assassination, but a massacre. To send a message.” Kaleb said.

The two exited the portal, arriving back in Canterlot Castle. “With these methods, who do you think we are dealing with?” Celestia asked.

“I believe whoever did this is dangerous, and is well aware of the balance of power on this planet,” Kaleb said. “Follow your lead on this, and I will follow mine. Zecora told me the changelings were scared. I think they knew something was going to happen.”

“We will investigate the Iron Hoof, since that lead is the only one we have,” Celestia said. “Word of these assassinations have already reached the press outside of our borders, and will be breaking in a few hours. By mid-morning, Equestria will know.”

She handed him a sealed letter. “Deliver this to Twilight as quick as you can; I do not want her to find out from a newspaper. I am entrusting the two of you with looking into the changeling attack further.”

“I will,” Kaleb answered. “Stay safe. I can always be up in Canterlot in a heartbeat.”

Celestia nodded. “I’ll hold you to that. Now, fly swift and leave for Ponyville at once.” She left the room quickly to meet with the investigators.

Kaleb put his hood back up, made his way through the passageway. I’m not going to risk communicating with Twilight right now, not without checking the security of her communications. I just need to get to her as quickly as possible and hope for the best.

The storm had lightened up, but rain still lightly fell as he ran towards the ship. A5 started the engines, and opened the cockpit enough for him to jump in and she closed it. Strapping in, Kaleb eased the ship up and started the route back to Ponyville.

He noticed just how exhausted he was in that moment, as A5 took over the controls. “Take the fastest route you can to Twilight’s castle. Wake me when we’re there.”

Time seemed to pass slowly in Kaleb’s sleep, as he woke up with a beeping in his headset as A5 alerted him they were five minutes away from her castle. “I’m going to need you to go with me into the castle. Once Twilight knows, there’s a strong chance we’re going to be there awhile.”

Twilight’s castle stood high among the other buildings in Ponyville, but she insisted it would be as welcoming as Sugarcube Corner. Small plots of flowers planted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders surrounded the exterior, with a community garden designed by the princess herself nearby. Right behind the castle was a designated landing area for Kaleb’s ship, which descended down the cloudy sky and hovered over the landing pad.

A5 eased the ship onto the landing point, powering down the engines. Kaleb unfastened the safety harness and jumped out of the cockpit, with the droid doing the same. After making sure the ship was locked down, the two made their way to the front door, slipping in quietly.

He could hear her voice reading a children’s book from the main library, with small ponies and their parents assembled around her. Karrabast, I forgot she does this once a month. “Please wait in the map room, and make sure it’s secure.”

As his droid moved ahead of him, he slipped through one of the doors to find the ponies politely watching Twilight read to the young ponies assembled, and started to make his way towards her. Only to be stopped by Starlight, who blocked his path. “Kaleb, you can’t just barge in like this…”

“I need to speak to Twilight immediately,” he responded quietly, keeping his hand low to the ground as he scanned the area. He felt Sweetie Belle reach out to him, reacting to his use of the Force. “It’s an emergency.”

She nodded. “Wait here.” She made her way past the children, and Twilight stopped mid-sentence. Twilight glanced at Kaleb, and then heard Starlight whisper to her.

The princess set down her book. “I’m sorry everypony, there’s something I need to attend to quickly. I’ll be back soon.” Twilight slipped out of the other door, signaling Kaleb to follow.

He went the other direction, as he saw Sweetie Belle glance at him as he exited. I’ll have to tell her soon. I have a feeling she sensed it too. Walking fast, he met Twilight in the map room, closing the door as Starlight and Flash sat down in the extra chairs. “I apologize for the interruption, but I have orders straight from Celestia to deliver this information.”

“I understand. Give me the context first, than the message.” Twilight said. “I want to make sure I have full understanding.”

Kaleb nodded. “I sensed a disturbance in the Force early this morning, and there was a distress signal from Canterlot. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna called a Code Red. When I got there, I found out what had happened and was asked to deliver this information.”

Twilight held out her hoof, and he gave her the sealed message. Using a complex spell to break the seal, she opened the letter and read what was inside. After the first few lines, the color drained from her face as her eyes revealed shock, grief, and alarm which became present through the rest of the message. She glanced at Flash and Starlight. “The rest of the reading is cancelled for today. Please inform everyone I give my sincerest apologies, and will reschedule soon.”

They nodded, and Starlight exited the room. Flash had one of his wings bandaged, as he looked at Kaleb and Twilight with concern. “What happened? Was it the changelings?”

She shook her head, and handed the letter to him. Kaleb sensed the ponies exiting the castle, mumbling with confusion, but he felt his apprentice moving towards the map room. Heading over towards the door, he opened it and turned left to find Sweetie Belle standing in front of him. “Master, what happened? I felt that disturbance too, it woke me up and I couldn’t go back to sleep…”

Kaleb knelt down, getting closer to her. “It’s better you hear this from me than somewhere else. Last night, there were a series of attacks across Equus, with assassinations in Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands.”

She gasped quietly in shock and confusion, as her voice became close to a whisper. “Sweet Celestia…why would anyone do this?”

He shook his head. “There’s a lot we don’t know, and what we do know is under secrecy and investigation. Training for this afternoon is cancelled, and I’m postponing any future sessions till further notice. I’m keeping you out of this.”

“There has to be something I can do,” Sweetie Belle argued. Kaleb had known this decision was one she wouldn’t agree with. “I can help with the investigation, fight whoever did this…”

“No,” Kaleb stated simply. “This isn’t up for debate, Sweetie Belle. I’m not doing this because I doubt your ability; I’m doing this because there’s still too many unknowns. And I made a promise to Rarity to keep you safe.”

This hadn’t been the first time Sweetie Belle and her master had disagreed, but the stakes were real. She respectfully chose her best arguments. “I know you made a promise to my sister. But that was seven years ago. I’ve gotten stronger, and I’m able to defend myself. You know that, and I don’t understand why you can’t recognize it.”

She still needs to learn patience. But she has a point about the passage in time. Kaleb remembered what Starlight had told him, and acknowledged her points. “That is true. But even a trained Jedi Knight knows there is a time to move forward, and when to retreat to fight another day. This decision is based on the severity of the attacks, and nothing else.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Sweetie Belle said. “I can’t just do nothing and let fear rule over Equestria.”

“Be there for your friends,” Kaleb said. “There’s going to be a lot of fear in the coming days ahead. They need you, and so does your family. I know this is hard, but try and understand our training doesn’t just apply to missions, but our daily lives. Even when we’re not fighting a threat, we are still doing good in this world. Now go home, and get some rest.”

Sweetie Belle walked away from him, her emotions hurting but speaking up with frustration. “I’ll be there for them, but not because of you. I help them on my terms, and don’t you dare bring up my parents! I won’t let anyone else get hurt because of my ignorance, not when there were changelings that could have killed everyone in Ponyville!”

She stormed off, and Kaleb went to follow but felt Twilight’s hoof on his shoulder. “Don’t, you’re only going to make it worse. She’s going through a lot right now. We all are.”

He sighed. I need to ask Rarity what’s going on. “What are you going to do now? That news is probably breaking as we speak.”

“Celestia is likely going to give a speech,” Twilight thought aloud. “I’ll summon my friends for an emergency meeting, and release a statement promising to make sure everyone in Ponyville is safe. Your name is going to be kept out of it, and I give you full authorization to continue your investigation how your see fit.”

“Spoken like a true leader of Equestria,” Kaleb complimented. “Contact your friends. I’ll stay here for the time being.”

Twilight nodded, going over to the map table and casting a spell which would activate it to summon her friends. She turned to Starlight, who just came in. “Starlight, I need your help to cast additional defense spells on this castle. Nothing is going to get in or out without any of us knowing about it.”

“Of course, I can help with that now,” Starlight said, as the two hurried outside of the map room.

Kaleb leaned against the wall as Flash looked at him, giving a report. “Everything went smoothly last night getting the kids back to their parents. As for how Sweetie Belle knew about the changelings, I have no idea.”

“She’s more perceptive than you think,” the Jedi replied. “Do you think I made the right decision here? And I thought you weren’t injured from last night.”

Flash moved his bandaged wing slightly. “My wing’s sprained, but it should be fine with some rest. You made a difficult choice based on your own observations, but I don’t think you did it out of logic. It’s out of fear. I know you want to protect her, but pushing her away from this isn’t going to make her any safer.”

Kaleb admitted he had a point. “After what I saw, you can’t blame me for wanting to keep her away from this.”

“That may be, but you could have phrased it better,” Flash said. “Look, I joined the Royal Guard around the same age she was. There’s only so long you can keep them out of the line of sight when they want to protect Equestria. It’s on us as leaders to know them in and out. It’s better to be honest with those younger than you then try to make excuses.”

Maybe I don’t know Sweetie Belle as well as I once did, Kaleb thought. “I’ve forgotten just how much she’s grown as a Jedi Padawan. While I was wrong to push her completely away, discussing this with Rarity is going to be a difficult conversation.”

Just as they finished their conversation, Twilight and Starlight returned to the room, with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Zecora behind them. Kaleb helped Zecora to the couch near the side of the room to rest, while Flash closed the door.

“Thank you everyone for coming on short notice,” Twilight began, as the group sat down around the table. Each of the Element Bearers sat in their respective chairs, while Kaleb, Flash, and Starlight pulled up folding chairs. “Last night, Kaleb received a Code Red from Canterlot. Princess Celestia tasked him with delivering this letter, which I will read to you now.

The five ponies gasped as Twilight began to read the letter.

My Dearest Ponies,

I hope this letter reaches you before the news breaks in Equestria. Last night, we received messages of distress and panic from across the continent. A series of mass assassinations occurred, resulting in the deaths of Queen Tatiana of Saddle Arabia, Grand Chief Tarkov of YakYakistan, King Gruffclaw of Griffinstone, and General Pyro of the Dragon Lands along with three hundred of their guard combined.

Cause of death is undetermined, but the methods employed are brutal in nature. No clear points of entry or exit and no witnesses. No traces of magic. Our only lead is a pendant with the signal of the Iron Hoof found at one of the crime scenes.

The situation is grave, with a fair amount of tension between the four nations involved. It was with Jedi Assistance that I managed to keep the peace and come to an agreement with how to proceed. Luna and the Equestrian Guard will investigate the Iron Hoof.

Twilight, I am leaving you with the task of investigating any other leads, including the changeling attack in the Everfree Forest. Jedi Master Taymar will coordinate with you on his investigation.

Princess Celestia

Everyone sat in silence after Twilight read the letter, trying to process the events which just happened. Each struggling to comprehend the tragedy which was clear in their eyes. Kaleb watched them carefully, closing his eyes at times to read the emotions in the room.

Shock, confusion, anger, frustration, fear, denial, he thought to himself. But most of all, determination and drive to figure out the truth behind these events.

Applejack interrupted the silence. “I…don’t know where to start. Granny Smith would tell stories about the Iron Hoof she heard from her parents, but never in a million apples did I ever think they were real.”

Pinkie Pie thought of something, but shook her head, her mane losing its springiness. Fluttershy held her hoof, whispering comforting words while Rainbow Dash started. “We should find whoever did this and beat the hell out of them. Make them suffer for every life lost.”

“That’s not how it works!” Applejack exclaimed, and the two of them starting to argue loudly, yelling. Pinkie Pie just walked away from the table, with Fluttershy going after her. Rarity just stared at Kaleb, looking at him with loss and concern.

Flash shot a warning glance at Twilight, and before she could raise a hoof, Starlight acted. She shot a loud spell into the air, the bang echoing across the room. “Hey! That’s enough. This is exactly what they want. But I know you better than you think, as I know the group that defeated me back in my former village is better than this.”

Starlight continued, walking around the room and speaking in a normal tone. “I know that I’m still new to this friendship thing, but the one thing I learned from you is working together can accomplish great things. We may disagree, but unity in friendship is key. It’s just when I see tempers blowing over, it reminds me of my past. And shows me how I need to gain your trust.

"I caused a lot of pain, especially to you, Fluttershy. I know I can’t take that away, but please know I’m sorry and I’m learning to control my actions.”

All eyes on the room drifted to Fluttershy, who walked over and hugged Starlight, whispering words unheard into her ears. The two held the position for a moment before walking back. The unicorn looked over to Kaleb, who gave a quick nod of approval.

“Kaleb, I think it’s time you tell them,” Twilight stated. “About your vision.”

He looked at her. “Are you sure? Force Visions aren’t meant to be taken lightly, Twilight.”

“If you do, I’ll make sure we are careful about the direction we take,” Twilight reassured. “Please.”

After a few moments, he let out a deep breath. “Promise me what is said here does not leave this room,”. Once everyone had given their promise, he began to tell them about the Force Vision. Starting with what he saw while unconscious in Canterlot, and ending with the omen from the forest. He was descriptive in his storytelling, leaving no detail unturned.

Once he had finished, he paused for two minutes, taking time to reflect on what had been said. “I am almost certain what the figure had been warning to is related to what is happening now. And it didn’t just start here. We’ve been looking at what’s been happening around us as isolated events. It’s time to acknowledge the attack on the train, the murders in the cities, the changeling attack, and now the mass assassinations are connected.”

“Who do you think did this?” Applejack asked him directly. “The Iron Hoof seems to be responsible.”

“Here’s the thing,” Kaleb began. “Princess Celestia acknowleged herself the Iron Hoof would not have gone this far. They’re far more secretive with they’re assassinations. It’s out of character, even when looking at other villians. Not even Chrysalis, Tirek or King Sombra would have been this bloodthirsty.”

Twilight looked at him with concern. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t think the Iron Hoof did this; they’re being framed. I think the lead should be followed, but something feels off,” Kaleb said. “Whoever did this knows exactly what they were doing. The way it was executed; this wasn’t just an assassination but a massacre. And it was meant to send a message.”

Silence fell upon the group as they took in Kaleb’s disturbing insights. Rarity asked him a question. “How are we even supposed to move forward given this information? I can’t find a single statement of hope in here.”

“My Master would tell me at times, we must abandon false hope when the path lies in darkness,” the Jedi answered. “Hope is good, but it’s not going to get us through this. Nor should we turn to fear and despair. In the middle is where we must be, with our own determination and resources to guide us. Remembering as one, we can accomplish our mission and save Equestria. For our friends, family, and loved ones.”

Twilight took over from there. “Yesterday, Kaleb began his investigation as a Jedi Knight into these events, and I am asking him to continue. I think the best place to start is the changeling attack. We need to figure out where their hideout was in the Everfree Forest and see if it contains any information relating to these assassinations.”

“Princess Celestia has assured me there is no immediate threat to Equestria at this time,” Kaleb said. “I believe this to be true for now. All of the targets seem to be in high profile cities, so Ponyville would be at low-risk. Canterlot or The Crystal Empire seem to be the more likely options.”

“I’ve been in contact with Shining Armor, and he believes this to be the case,” Flash said. “He also thinks our security breach is related to these attacks, and is working with Princess Celestia.”

“I know this is a lot to take in, but know I’m here,” Twilight finished. “We’re all here for each other, because that’s what friends do. In the meantime, go home and get some rest. Spend time with your loved ones. Tomorrow, we’ll head back to Zecora’s home to search for clues.”

Nodding, the ponies began to file out, starting with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Rarity looked at Kaleb, indicating for him to speak to her in the corner of the room. She shook her mane to clear her thoughts before starting. “Sweetie Belle’s still angry, but I understand why you made the decision. I approve of it, and this is just simply too dangerous.”

“I’m examining my motives of keeping her out of this, and I don’t think this automatically makes her safer, Rarity. There’s a farther distance, but the danger is still there,” Kaleb replied. “What’s been going on between Sweetie Belle and your parents? That set off a nerve.”

Rarity sighed. “It’s a long story. I have a high opinion of you and approve of Sweetie Belle becoming your apprentice. My parents do not. It’s become a point of tension between her and them, as she’s always having to defend her own life choices and you in the process. She thinks they’re insulting the Jedi and the memory you have been keeping alive, and it’s reached a boiling point over the last few years.”

This shocked the Jedi. “I’m sorry, I had no idea what she was going through. It must hurt having to go through all of that, and then to be blindsided.”

“Yeah,” she replied. “I tried talking to them, but they won’t budge. You need to promise me Sweetie Belle is off of this mission. After today…I just can’t have her in the middle of this when danger arrives.”

Kaleb remembered the promise he gave to Rarity, especially the specifics. At the same time, he thought about Flash’s words and how hurt Sweetie Belle felt when she was taken off the mission. If Master Johanna was in danger, I would not have been benched so easily. And given everything I know now, I admit the decision was rushed.

“Rarity, the danger is already here. And she was caught up in it the moment the train was attacked. I can protect and guide her, but I can’t promise what you ask. If whoever did this is going to fight the Jedi, then I’m not the only one in their sights.”

Rarity protested. “She’s seventeen! And…”

“She has her cutie mark,” Kaleb pointed out. “And saved my life multiple times during the train attack. All she wants is to protect her friends, and to be the best Jedi she can be. Guidance and protection mixed with not shying away from reality is the balance I have to walk. This has always been a gray area which will be debated by Jedi Masters. For now, I will not involve her in this because there’s too much that I don’t know. But in case something happens in this future, I can’t promise anything else.”

She tried to think of an argument, but just shook her head. “We may disagree, but I trust you enough to know what you’re doing. She needs space away from both of us at the moment, but her heart is in the right place.”

With that, Rarity walked away and Kaleb turned to Twilight. “With your permission, I would like to stay here and act as your guard. I can leave Flash with you, but with him still injured, I would like someone else to be in this castle.”

“I would like to stay too,” Fluttershy added, walking up to them after consulting with Zecora quietly. “I want to keep an eye on Zecora, along with keeping him company.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. I’ll be preparing statements and letters to send to Canterlot, but please feel free to take one of the guest rooms and any food in the kitchen.”

“Thank you,” Kaleb said as he walked out of the room, calling over his shoulder. “I’ll check in every few hours.”

The day passed quickly for Kaleb, and turned into night as fast as a blaster. Thoughts plagued his mind as he looked back at the gruesome events of the day. This contrasted to the castle, which remined quiet as Twilight had retired for bed along with Starlight. Spike hadn’t felt well that day, and only came down to grab something to eat every few hours before retreating to his room.

As the Jedi walked, hands clasped behind his back, he saw Flash coming out of the study, carrying a staff and danger attached to his back. “The changing of the guard is here. I’ll take over for tonight.”

Kaleb shook his head. “No, I can continue to guard this castle. With you still injured, I can’t take the risk…”

“I’m fine,” Flash interrupted. “You haven’t had a wink of sleep since last night, and sleeping in the ship doesn’t count. We’re both going to need to be at our best tomorrow. Go to bed Kaleb, and get some rest with Fluttershy. She’s in the library by your guest room.”

Kaleb sighed softly and relented. “Okay, I’ll go. Thank you for being a good friend Flash.”

“Think nothing of it,” he replied. “You can repay me always with a drink at Solar’s. Or tickets to the Equestrian Hoofbowl.”

“We’ll see where that takes us. Besides, podracing is obviously the more exciting sport.” With a wave, Kaleb retired and set off in the direction of the small library, while the guard began his duties.

The small studies by the guest rooms on each floor had been converted into their own mini libraries by Twilight’s suggestion. This was for materials considered lighter reading, organized by genre for each floor. The library by Kaleb and Fluttershy’s room was for mystery and exploration, with the bookcases showcasing titles of wonder. The security measure for the windows allowed nothing to be viewed from the outside, while letting in the view from within.

Kaleb walked up the stairs toward the study right next to their room. He stood in the doorway, taking in the sight and atmosphere of the room. Fluttershy was sprawled out on one of the couches in a green dressing gown reading a book with deep fascination.

“Your fur looks good in the moonlight.”

Fluttershy saw Kaleb gazing at her, and waved her hair around. “Thanks, but I don’t think now’s the time for joking around..”

Kaleb went to join her on the couch. “How are you holding up?”

“I was just about to ask you the same question,” Fluttershy replied. “It’s been a difficult day for both of us. And I want you to answer first.”

He reflected on the past day with his answer. “I’m…holding up the best I can. It’s all I can do at this point. Accept the reality, reflect, and move forward. But that doesn’t mean I’m not in shock or anxious about what’s going to happen.”

She nodded. “For me, it’s the uncertainty. I’m gazing into fog, and where the wind takes me is unknown. All I know is something is out there, and threatens everything and everybody I love. I feel so useless, especially when there were changelings hiding out in the Everfree Forest and I never even realized.”

“I don’t think any of us knew; they caught all of us by surprise,” Kaleb answered. “Sometimes, we blame ourselves when in reality there is truly nothing we could have done. This incident wasn’t your fault, but a tragedy not even Celestia could have prevented.”

Silence echoed between the two as Fluttershy pondered his words. “That doesn’t mean the pain is silenced. It just blossoms anew. I have to rethink every coping strategy in the book, not to mention bring this up to Lyra.”

She leaned into Kaleb, who wrapped an arm around her as he stroked her hair gently, letting the strands brush between his fingertips. The two remained like this as minutes passed before he spoke. “Do you remember when we were hiking a few summers ago and had to take shelter from the storm?”

“I do,” Fluttershy replied as she perked up her ears. “It was fierce, and I had to help you get the non-poisonous berries after the tent was set up in the cave. I still get chills thinking about the wind.”

“Both of us worked together to shelter from the storm and survive the night,” Kaleb explained, as she moved her head to face his. “We’re a team, Fluttershy. I’m going to be there for you, and we’ll get through this together.”

Fluttershy gazed at him with insight. “That’s something I’ve noticed in our relationship. Even outside our own separate lives as Animal Whisperer and Jedi, we’re never afraid to ask for help when overwhelmed. I think that bond has strengthened our care and empathy.”

“What I saw today, was the closest I have seen on this planet to the Clone Wars,” Kaleb admitted. “When I faced those missions, I felt alone. Seeing everyone today working together gave me strength to push through the fear, just barely.”

She hugged him. “I’m sorry; I can’t imagine how the trauma made you feel today. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

He nodded, kissing her cheek. Gazing out of the window, he spoke quietly. “We’re going into the unknown, unable to see around us due to the darkness. All we can do is move forward and let the light of the Force guide us. Let’s get some sleep, and protect each other from this world.”

Fluttershy moved off of the couch, with Kaleb following into their room.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This chapter was interesting to write. Trying to tackle a really dark subject matter was challenging, especially with figuring out how to get all of the details set while balancing tone. It's sometimes best to take a nuanced approach, and that's what I tried to do here. I chose to leave the ending a little optimistic as a way to balance out that darkness with hope. As always, May the Force Be With You!

Edited by Mine Menace