• Published 30th Sep 2012
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The Study of a Winning Pony - Ponibius

Twilight Sparkle gets assigned to study the insanity that is Cloud Kicker's life for a sociology report. It's just a matter of surviving her circle of crazy friends, paramours, and disappointed family members to do so.

  • ...

Cleaning Up After The Storm

The Study of a Winning Pony

Chapter 28: Cleaning Up After The Storm

"Twilight?" A distant part of my consciousness registered Spike poking me in the shoulder. "Twiiilight." Another firmer poke to my shoulder. "It's time to get up." There was a hint of uncertainty when he said that.

I groaned and slowly blinked open crust-covered eyes. "Spike?" He was wringing his claw nervously. I lifted my head off of the desk, only for an uncomfortable cramp to shoot through my neck. With a pained grunt, I went about rolling my head, feeling the joints pop. "Ugh, did I fall asleep in the lab again?"

Spike placed his claws on his hips, flatly glanced at the lab equipments surrounding me, and fixed me with a disapproving glower. "Uh, yeah. Last night you said you only needed to finish up a project and then you'd be right to bed."

I let out another groan and rubbed my throbbing head. Foggy memories from yesterday slowly drifted back. I really needed to stop working myself until I fell unconscious. "Right, I guess I got a bit carried away."

"I'll say you did." Spike jabbed a talon at the side of the room. "Considering you made that monster last night."

I blinked the blurriness out of my eyes to see what he was pointing at. To my surprise I saw a massive device, as big as any of the arcane machinery I had down in the basement, sitting against the wall. Now my memories came flooding back as I remembered what I had been doing.

After returning from Cloud Kicker's, I had repaired the anemometer that Ditzy Doo had somehow broken. From there I had attempted to write a letter to Shiny about his newly discovered fatherhood. That had not gone well. In the end, I had somehow come to the conclusion that a far more productive use of my time and energy was to build another anemometer large enough to track the wing power of every pegasus in town at the same time.

The me of last night must have been a very busy pony, because I could only half-remember deciding to do this project and actually putting the new anemometer together. The only practical use I could see for the monster was to see how well the weather team was doing while making the actual water tornado. Shame I hadn't considered the little things like how I’d fit it through the library's doors without disassembling it first. Then again, I could probably teleport it outside, even if there would then be the practical issue of getting it to where it would be actually useful.

“Oh, I did kind of make that, didn’t I?” I rubbed the back of my neck, I didn’t really want to deal with after a long day.

“I’ll say.” Spike gave me a scrutinizing look. “You sure there isn’t anything you want to talk about?”

I rubbed at my face as I tried to get myself to wake up. “Not right now.”

“Well I made you some coffee anyways.” He lifted a large cup of coffee to give to me. “Figured you’d be wanting it after the all-night build-a-thon.”

“Oh yes, thank you.” I eagerly took the cup and drank from it. The warm coffee sent a shiver down my spine, and I instantly felt more aware after doing so. “That is exactly what I needed.” I took another long sip and savored the aroma. “Mmm, so what time is it, anyways?”

Spike coughed to clear his throat. “Um, about that.” He pointed towards a clock on the wall. “It’s kinda eight o’clock now.”

I spit out the coffee I was in the middle of drinking, making me cough before I could speak again. “It’s eight already!” My eyes snapped to the clock to confirm what Spike had said. The fact he had rounded up gave me little comfort. “I’m late for tornado preparations! We’re late! We need to go right now! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

Spike gave me an unamused frown. “You’re normally the one that bothers to set the alarm clock.”

“Whatever,” I said with exasperation. I stood up, panic filling my limbs with new energy. “We need to get going!” In a rush I ran up the stairs and grabbed my saddlebags. At least me keeping everything together made it so I could get out the door faster. A flash of inspiration hit me for how I could get to the practice field the quickest.

Several teleports later I appeared in the middle of the training field, drawing the attention of every gathered pegasi… Whelp. If ponies didn’t realize I was missing already, they did now. It probably didn’t help that I hadn’t taken the time to clean up, eat breakfast, or even brush my mane out. This had not been well thought out on my end.

I found Blossomforth, Cloud Kicker, and Raindrops—also staring at me, of course. I gave them the best smile I could in my drowsy state. “Sorry I’m late, I had an absolutely incredible night of studying.”

“It’s fine,” Blossomforth quickly assured me. There was relief in her eyes as she said that.

“So...” I took a long pull from my coffee. “Where do you need me?”

“Could I get a quick headcount?” Blossomforth waved at the ponies around us. “We’ve got ponies missing, and I need to know who isn’t here so we can start rounding them all up.”

I finished off my coffee and gave a sharp nod. “Yes. Listing ponies. I can do that. Spike! Where’s my list of ponies? Spike!” I frowned and looked around for him. Wait… I facehoofed. “I ... think I left my number one assistant at the library. I should probably go get him. And maybe some more coffee too.”

Several more teleports later and I was back in the library with Spike glowering at me. He folded his arms over his chest to add to his image of discontentment. “You forgot me.”

“I ... forgot you,” I admitted, giving him the best apologetic smile I could manage.

“You also forgot the anemometer.” He pointed at the table where the rebuilt anemometer sat.

I ran my hoof down my face. “Sorry, I’m off this morning.”

Spike quirked an eyebrow ridge. “You think?”

I groaned. “Look, can we just try and get through the morning without commentary, and see if we can make the rest of the day work out?”

His features softened and he nodded. “Sure. Just don’t go running off without me in the future, okay?”

I levitated Spike and the anemometer onto my back and trotted back upstairs. “Trust me, not having my number one assistant at my side on a day like this is about the last thing I want right now.”

That made him beam. “You know you’d be lost without me.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say lost.” I headed to the kitchen to pour myself another fresh cup of coffee. “But I’d certainly be worse off without you.” I drank from the cup and let out a content sigh. “Now then, I want to get back to the practice field quickly. So I’m going to teleport to get there. You ready?”

Spike nodded. “Ready when you are.”

After yet more teleports that were starting to drain even my magical reserves, we arrived at the practice field. At least fewer ponies were staring this time.

Blossomforth trotted over to us when she saw us. “Got everything you need now?”

I nodded. “Sorry about that. It has been a crazy last few days.”

Spike hopped off my back. “You're telling me. Hopefully the rest of the day can be normal.”

Blossomforth groaned in agreement and rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, no kidding.” She covered her mouth as she let out a cough. “How you holding up by the way? No offense, but you seem a little bit frazzled at the moment.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “You noticed, did you?” I let out a long sigh. “Sorry, I forgot to set my alarm clock last night and woke up late. But as of right now I'm alive and still standing on my own four hooves, so that's something.”

She gave a tired nod. “Gives us something to build on. You showed up, at least. That’s better than a lot of ponies so far today.”

It was more than a little bit worrying about how many ponies apparently hadn’t shown up for Tornado Duty. Doubly so when Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. As I had feared, we were pretty close to everything falling apart. “So what did you need me to do?” I asked.

“Me too,” Spike offered with a grin.

“Might as well stick with what we were doing yesterday.” Blossomforth rubbed her chin. “Spike, you okay with running ponies by the anemometer again today?”

Spike waved dismissively. “Please, I could do that in my sleep by now. I’ve got this.”

“Great, I knew I could count on you,” Blossomforth said. “And Twilight, if you could take a headcount on everypony and then round up all the strays, that would really help out.”

I nodded. “Sure, I can do that.”

She let out a wary sigh. “Good, because you're gonna be busy. A lot of ponies figured no Rainbow meant no Tornado Duty. I’m not sure exactly how many didn’t show up, but it was a lot. Just do what you can about it. I’m not expecting miracles, but we need to get at least enough pegasi to get that water tornado off the ground.”

“That I couldn’t agree with more.” I levitated the anemometer out for Spike and laid out the quilt so he could be comfortable. “I’ll get as many ponies to show up as I can.”

Blossomforth smiled appreciatively. “Thanks, Twilight. Really. You didn’t have to come today, but it means a lot to us that you did.”

I smiled back at her. “Of course, I'm not going to be giving up that easily.”

“I didn't figure you would,” she agreed readily.

We were interrupted with Cloud Kicker trotted up to us. “You two got the list of AWOL ponies together yet?” Her tone sounded tense. I wondered if that was because of the trouble they were having with Tornado Duty in general, or because of her more recent troubles. It could easily have been both considering everything that had happened. Near as I knew, she was only working on the basis that she believed Rainbow would rehire her as soon as she got out of the hospital.

“Yeah, I have the list right here.” I levitated the list of ponies to her.

“Cloud Kicker?” Blossomforth shot her a concerned look. “Are you alright?”

“Peachy,” Cloud answered tightly. “I’ll be back with the rest of our conscripts.”

“Thanks.” Blossomforth gestured to me. “Take Twilight with you, if you don’t mind.”

“That would be nice.” That brought a smile to Cloud’s face, though it was strained at the edges. It made me wonder if she had taken a few more hits since I had last seen her. Blossomforth’s worry certainly didn’t make it seem like she was doing great at the moment, and I could still detect the tension between them that had been going on since Tornado Day training had started. “Never a bad day when I get to spend time with the Duchess.”

Blossomforth rolled her eyes. “Just make sure to keep your mind on task, Cloud. You’re already in enough hot water without making things more complicated, if you get what I mean.”

Cloud returned with an easy grin. “Who? Me? Making things complicated?”

“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.” Blossomforth shot me a look. “Try to keep her on task. I know that’s almost impossible with her, so I’m only asking you to try.”

“I’ll do my best,” I assured her, giving Cloud a playful warning look.

“Right, well I need to crack down on everypony else. See you both later.” Blossomforth trotted off to assist with the training, leaving me and Cloud alone.

“So, shall we get to it?” I asked Cloud. “The first step seems to be to figure out who isn’t here, and work from there.”

“Sounds good to me,” Cloud said.

After half an hour’s work we had compiled a depressingly long list. Fluttershy's name was among those who hadn’t showed up. It seemed that she couldn't get over her humiliation from the previous day. I didn't like the idea that we might have to threaten to fine her to get her to come to Tornado Duty. I had to wonder how long it would take before ponies started talking about how Rainbow was playing favorites with Fluttershy. If I was going to be honest with myself, that might very well be the case. Just one more thing to undermine Rainbow's authority.

“So, looks like we have quite the list of ponies to roundup today,” I said, stating the obvious.

Cloud nodded in agreement as she reviewed the list. “Yeah, we're gonna be busy.”

"That we are," I said. "Um, by the way. I hope you're feeling better after yesterday. That was pretty rough."

Cloud shot me a confident smirk, though I still noted a hint of strain in it. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now. Just needed some time to clear my head."

"Good to hear." However awkward it might be, I jumped into the obvious topic that stood between us. "Sorry about ... making things kind of awkward last night."

"It's fine." Her grin became more genuine and she waved the issue off. "I did enjoy the kissing."

"You would." I bumped her hip with my own.

"What can I say? A day has never been a complete waste when I'm kissed by a pretty mare." Cloud leaned her head to whisper seductively. "And I didn't hear you complain either."

My cheeks started to burn at Cloud's close proximity. "Yeah, that was ... something alright. Not exactly what I intended on doing when I visited you."

"Not exactly what I expected either. But I'll take it." She nudged my shoulder. "You feeling better? You took a few hits yesterday too."

"More or less." I shrugged indifferently. I didn’t particularly want to get into some of the bigger issues that were bothering me at the moment. "More than anything, I'm worried about Rainbow right now. I was thinking about trying to visit her after Tornado Day preparations today."

"I think that would be a good idea," Cloud said. "Mind if I join? I'd like to make sure she’s doing alright."

"Sure, if you want." Hopefully we could keep an attempt at making Rainbow feel better from exploding in my face. Still, I really wanted to see her. The idea that my friend was hurt was causing knots to form in my stomach.

Cloud seemed to hesitate before saying, "Also, she really doesn't need to know about our little smooching session."

I hadn't even considered that angle of what I had done the previous evening with Cloud. What would my friends think of whatever it was I had with Cloud? Would they be okay with it, be scornful, or something in between? "You're probably right about that. At least right now. Or about our upcoming date, now that I think about it."

Cloud nodded. "She's gonna be stressed enough as it is. The last thing she needs right now is for us to make it worse for her by dumping something on her that's just going to get her worked up again."

“Right, so we won’t mention any of that just yet.” I wasn’t exactly wild about being slightly deceptive towards Rainbow, but after everything that had already happened with her over the last couple of days, it didn’t strike me as the best move to give her another shock. “Let’s concentrate on checking up on her and showing her that I'm thinking about her. We'll work out those pesky details one at a time.”

“Nice and simple.” Cloud gave me a faint, halfhearted smirk. “Always good to keep it simple with Dash. She doesn't like thinking too much.”

I chuckled. “She prefers to do her thinking in straight lines.” A sad smile crept onto my lips. “Let’s just try and keep Tornado Day together for her in the meantime, then. That’s probably the best thing we can do for her at the end of the day.”

“Can do.” Cloud’s eyes scanned the extensive list of missing pegasi. “Oooh. We might wanna split up for some of these. You know, cover more ground.”

I took a moment to consider the idea and then nodded. “That would probably be for the best. We want ponies to get back to training in time for that training to mean anything, after all.”

“I'll take the south half of town, you take the north?” she asked, offering the second half of the list to me.

I took the offered papers and saw who was at the top of the list. Part of me wished I had the first half of the list, but that was getting a bit obsessive-compulsive even for me. “Sounds good to me.”

Cloud packed her half of the list under a wing. “Right, see you when we're done?”

“See you then.”

Rounding ponies up went about as well as could have been expected considering the circumstances. Most were willing to go back to training without much in the way of a fuss, the rest that did cause trouble were pretty quickly convinced once the threat of a fine came up. Still, tracking everypony down to go to Tornado Duty took up the majority of the morning and early afternoon. No matter how quick I was doing it, it still took time walking around Ponyville, knocking on doors, and talking with everypony that needed talking to. It wasn’t that long after I had returned to the practice field before everypony started packing up and heading home. After I had made some goodbyes with Blossomforth and Derpy, I began the process of packing my own things up with Spike.

We were in the middle of that when Cloud Kicker trotted up to us. “Hey, need any help there?”

“You don’t have to,” I told her.

“Don’t have to, but still want to.” Cloud gave me a confident smile. “Besides, the quicker we finish up here, the sooner we can go see Rainbow.”

I shrugged. “I can’t argue with that logic. Help us gather everything, and we can drop all of this off at the library.”

“Sounds good,” Cloud agreed.

After picking everything up and dropping my things and Spike off at the library, the two of us headed to the hospital. Thankfully, a quick inquiry with the hospital staff confirmed that we could see Rainbow Dash if we wanted to. That much had gone right at least. After getting some instructions about where to find her, we found our way to Rainbow’s room.

I knocked on the doorframe and poked my head inside. “Rainbow, you here?” A dumb question, but it’s always a bit awkward to visit somepony in a hospital like this. “We came to visit.”

Rainbow was indeed in her room. She was wearing a hospital apron that Rarity would no doubt consider to be quite unfashionable. Her head jerked to look at me and she quickly put the book she had been reading to the side. “Twilight, hey!” Her enthusiasm immediately dampened when she saw Cloud enter the room after me. “Um, hey, Cloud.”

Cloud hesitated as she stood in the doorway, making me worry that she was going to leave without even saying a word. Eventually she managed to put on a shaky smile. “Hey, Dash.”

The tension quickly built up to something that was almost solid between us.

“So, wanna chat?” Rainbow finally asked. One of her ears twitched and her tone took on a bitter edge. “I mean, you know, it's not like I was in the hospital or anything ... no reason to stop on by or ask about me...”

I winced as the venom struck home. “Everypony said you weren't in the mood to see much of anypony.” The excuse sounded lame to my ears as I said it. I always wanted to help my friends, and it felt like I was failing here.

“Eepy and I did tell her that this wasn't a good time to visit,” Cloud pointed out. “And our last talk didn’t exactly go great.”

Rainbow crossed her forelegs over her chest and glowered. “Still could've asked after me...”

“Last time we talked we had a big argument.” I let out a sigh, trying to keep my voice level as I reasoned with Rainbow. “And you don't exactly like to be pushed. I'm sorry if I didn't come when you wanted me to. I just wanted it to be when the timing was right.”

Cloud poked Rainbow playfully in the side. “You know she cares about you.”

“Coulda used a friend,” Rainbow mumbled, but I could hear her attempt to stay mad wavering.

“I'm sorry.” I hugged her, hoping it would do something to make her feel better.

Slowly Rainbow Dash’s legs wrapped around me in a hug, and while I’m sure she would deny it to anypony who asked, I heard her sniffle as she held me. “They're gonna have to operate on my eye to fix it.”

Cloud winced and turned her gaze to the floor. No doubt her memories of her fight with Rainbow yesterday were coming back to her at that moment. What a mess. I could only imagine how I would feel if I accidently hurt one of my friends like Cloud probably had.

While I wanted to go ahead and comfort Cloud too, I was at the hospital to boost Rainbow’s morale, and I was already hugging her. “Hey, it's okay.” I nuzzled her. “The fact they want to do surgery means they can make it better, right?”

“But...what if they can't?” Rainbow gently pushed me back to legs length, and I saw the growing panic in her eyes. “What if they mess up or they can't fix it? I might never get into the Wonderbolts if they know I have eye problems! Your vision needs to be perfect in order to be a Wonderbolt! My life would be ruined!”

Cloud’s head hung as Rainbow went through her scared tirade.

“We can always make sure you get a really good eye doctor,” I offered. “One of the best. No reason you can't shop around for the right doctor. Especially when having good sight is so important for being in the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow sniffled, rubbing at one of her eyes. “Y-you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure.” I gave her a smile to try an encourage her. She needed somepony to be strong for her, and I was going to do everything I could to be that pony.

“I'll pay what I can,” Cloud said quietly, shame filling her voice as she didn’t raise her gaze from the floor. “It might take a bit to save up all the money, but I’ll do it.”

“T-thanks,” Rainbow said in a squeak. She hastily rubbed a foreleg across her muzzle to hide the sniffling she was doing. Even now she wanted to maintain her pride.

Seizing the moment, I took the opportunity to address something else. “I'm sorry we got into an argument. That really wasn’t something I wanted to happen.” A serious argument with one of my friends had been one of the singularly least pleasant things to happen in my life. “For my part, there were probably better ways for me to have approached that problem, but I got caught up in the moment.” If I had thought it through, I probably would have realized it would have been much smarter to talk to Rainbow away from everypony else. Confronting her in front of everypony had only provoked her pride all the more, and made it more difficult for her to back down to do the right thing by giving Cloud her job back.

Rainbow sniffled some more as she wiped some tears out of her eyes. “Y-yeah, I'm sorry too. Things just ... with Tornado Day and trying to make Fluttershy feel good about herself... It just felt like nothing was working. All I wanted to do was show how awesome Ponyville really is, but then nearly everypony was half-flanking it and not taking anything seriously and it—” Rainbow let out a frustrated groan that spoke more about how she was feeling than any words could have.

“Hey.” I placed a hoof on her shoulder. “We’re here for you.”

“Right,” Rainbow said reluctantly. She looked over to Cloud, who had been silent for much of the conversation. “You in, Cloud?”

A smile started to form on Cloud’s face. “Of course.”

“Cloud did help keep Tornado Duty going this morning,” I said helpfully, working to bind Cloud and Rainbow’s friendship back together.

Rainbow gave a shaky grin. “That's because she's awesome.”

Cloud paused for a second before punching Rainbow in the shoulder. “We good?”

Rainbow punched her back. “Yeah we are.”

I felt a great weight lift off my back as I saw the two of them become more friendly with one another. “I’m really happy that we could resolve this.”

“Not just you,” Cloud agreed.

Rainbow wrapped her wings around the both of us to give us a hug. “You said it. Glad we're all done with the drama 'n stuff.”

I hugged her back. “Yeah, I've had more than enough of that recently.”

“After this, anything else would be small potatoes, amiright?” Rainbow asked.

I made a laugh that sounded more strained than I intended. “Err, right.”

Rainbow quirked one of her eyebrows. “You okay, Twi?”

“I'm fine,” I said, trying to move away from my own discomfort. The last thing I needed to do was bring up something like who Dinky’s father really was. Rainbow would of course find out someday, but first Ditzy and Shiny needed to be told. “Nothing you need to worry about. You need to concentrate on recovering right now.”

Rainbow gave me an unconvinced frown. “You sure? You're getting that 'obsessed over a late friendship report' look in your eyes.”

Cloud patted me on the back. “It'll be okay,” she said in a way that told me she had a good idea about what I was thinking. I had kind of spilled the big news right out in front of her, even if I had made her promise not to tell anypony.

“I'll deal with it.” Somehow. “I just... need a bit of time to sort it out, I think.” I stood up and away from the bed. “But right now let's concentrate on making sure you feel better, Rainbow. You want anything while we’re here?”

“Now that you mention it...” Rainbow rubbed her chin, a wicked glimmer in her eyes.

“Dear Shadow, here it comes,” Cloud said in amusement.

“What?” Rainbow crossed her forelegs. “Just saying, it would be nice to get some decent grub in here. Oh, and a pillow with some actual fluff. These groundside pillows just don’t do it for me.” She batted her eyes at me. “And the new Daring Doo book would be great.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “The next Daring Doo book doesn’t come out for another two months.”

“Shoot.” Rainbow grumbled to herself. “Can’t you just magic it from the future or something?” She pointed at my horn. “That’s gotta be useful for something, right? Miss Element of Magic.”

“I’m not abusing my magic to get you a novel a couple months early,” I said flatly.

“Well, how about getting me a ticket to a Wonderbolts show?” Rainbow asked sweetly. “That’d make me feel better.”

I applied my hoof to my face. “I’ll get you a ticket if it will help put this whole incident behind us, and because you’re hurt.”

“Great!” Rainbow smiled smugly. “You’re the best, Twi.”

Cloud chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Never change, Dash, never change.”

Author's Note:

I would like to thank my editors Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie, and JakeTheGinger for all their help. And also to my prereaders Swiftestshadow, Cryosite, Infinion, Pegasusnumber 5, 621Chopsuey, Nekonyancer, Web of Hope, and Rodinga who put a ton of effort into reading over this chapter and helping me edit it.