• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 18,211 Views, 2,114 Comments

The Study of a Winning Pony - Ponibius

Twilight Sparkle gets assigned to study the insanity that is Cloud Kicker's life for a sociology report. It's just a matter of surviving her circle of crazy friends, paramours, and disappointed family members to do so.

  • ...

The Study Never Ends

The Study of a Winning Pony

Chapter 34: The Study Never Ends

It was nice that everything was finally settling down after so many weeks of craziness. There was a point where it felt like my whole life was getting turned on its head. Finding out about two half-sisters and a niece you didn't know about, your brother getting married, and having said marriage nearly derailed by love-sucking bugs would do that.

There was still a lot of ground to cover and a lot of thorny issues to sort through, but it at least felt manageable. At least relatively manageable, if we were lucky. After everything that happened at the Doo Manor, Ditzy had asked that we give her and her family some room to let everything sink in. That memory caused a pang of guilt spread in my chest. We had dumped a lot on Ditzy and her family. Part of me was still getting over the shock of everything that was revealed. I could only imagine what Ditzy, Sparkler, and Dinky were going through. I didn’t doubt they needed the space, and I had every intention of giving it to them.

Granted, we still had a long way to go. We had only begun to address Sparkler being abandoned, the outstanding issues with Shiny and Dinky, where we stood with one another, and a dozen other issues. Just one talk wasn’t even going to begin to cover all of that. Our first talk had gone well, but when I thought on it, I didn’t see all of them going nearly so well. Sparkler and Ditzy had some legitimate reasons for being angry, and sooner or later, that anger was going to express itself once the shock wore off.

Shining was going to need to be told about them, and I doubted he was going to be thrilled to hear he had a long-lost daughter. The good news was that I had my parents and Ditzy to help break it to him, once he got back from his honeymoon. They also said I had gone through enough stress for a while, between organizing the wedding and then defending it, and encouraged me to go back to Ponyville to relax. While I felt at least in part responsible for this whole situation, I couldn't argue that I did need some time away from all this craziness.

Dinky was a whole other issue entirely. I was initially worried about her telling everypony she had a dad and that she was going to meet him. There would of course be a time for that, but now wasn't quite it. Not until we could bring Shining and Cadance up to speed about his daughter and give them time to digest that. It was the only fair thing to do, after all. Thankfully, we had been able to impress on Dinky how important it was to keep who her dad was a secret for now, even if it hadn't been easy. Hopefully she wouldn't accidently let it slip, but only time could tell.

More than a little bit of me was sad that Dinky hadn’t shown up to her weekly magic lessons. I hoped that wouldn’t become a long-term issue, but I didn’t have the confidence to approach Ditzy or her family about that quite yet. I would see how things stood in a couple of weeks.One bit of good news was that I was continuing to exchange letters with Vinyl, which for now seemed good enough. And who knew? Maybe in good time I would get to spend time with Sparkler and Dinky.

Still, what would come would come, and I would deal with it as it came. Sitting in the library and catching up on my reading was certainly a lot calmer than having to plan two weddings back-to-back, never mind the other family drama. I had fallen a bit behind on my book list, so it was nice to be able to catch up.

I was in the middle of making some notes when someone knocked. “Hello? Anypony sexy in here?” Cloud said through the door.

Wondering what Cloud was up to, I opened the door and grinned at her. “Sorry, only librarians.”

Cloud returned my grin. “Librarians are very sexy.”

“I'll just have to take your word on that,” I said, intentionally sounding disinterested to tease her. No sense letting her have it that easy.

“Nah, put yourself in some nice glasses and artfully tousle that mane a bit, and I'd go wild for you,” Cloud said.

I snorted with amusement. “Shame I don't have a problem with my vision, then.”

Cloud let out an exaggerated sigh. “Alas, the sexy librarian look only works with glasses.”

“I guess I'm just doomed to unsexiness then,” I said, with overstated dissapointment.

“Or you'll just need to go for a different version of sexiness.” Cloud gently brushed aside my mane to get a better look at me. “You've got no shortage of options.”

“That would be the optimistic look at it,” I said. “So, you want to come in, or shall we hold an entire conversation at the door?” Considering she had knocked, that probably meant she wanted to come in to visit. Though I wasn’t sure exactly why. The two of us really hadn’t talked since we had last seen each other in Canterlot. Of course, that might be exactly why she wanted to see me.

“Since you asked so nicely...” Cloud grinned and trotted inside.

“I figured it might be a bit rude to not let you in.” I closed the door after her. “I'm sure you would just look sad, standing outside all day like a puppy out in the rain.”

If it was raining.” A mischievous smirk creased her lips. “But since I'm a weatherpony, I could arrange that.”

“Rainbow would probably have something to say about that,” I pointed out.

“That's true.” Cloud puckered out her lips in a sexy pout. “You gonna tell on me?”

“I don't know.” I poked her chest teasingly. “Rainbow is my friend. She might get upset if I kept a secret from her. Especially when you’re being bad.”

Cloud somehow managed to make her pout even more attractive. “But I thought you liked me...”

“I do.” My resolve faltered as I couldn’t look away from that cute pout. She really was good at pouting when she turned it up.

Cloud gave me a friendly nuzzle and I returned it. “And I know I like you.”

“It's a bit obvious,” I said.

Cloud smiled warmly. “And speaking of liking you, I still owe you a date.”

After considering that for a moment, I nodded. “That is true, and I'm going to guess that because you're here you had something in mind.”

“Yup. I was thinking we could stay in.” Cloud gestured at the interior of the library with a wing. “It is the third date, after all.”

I tilted my head at the unusual suggestion. “Huh, really? I never really thought of a date taking place indoors. At least not to start with.”

“All a date takes is two ponies spending time together,” Cloud pointed out. “As long as it’s the two of us and we’re enjoying one another’s company, then it’s a date.”

“That is true.” I rubbed at my chin. I hadn’t really expected a date all of a sudden, but then again, I didn’t have to stick with my schedule, and often didn’t when something came up. Otherwise, being a friend with somepony as spontaneous as Pinkie Pie would be very difficult. Thankfully, Spike was visiting Rarity to help her out on some project, so I didn’t have any awkwardness from that angle. “It seems worth giving a shot. At the very least it would be something a bit different.”

“Yeah, I think so.” Cloud gestured towards the kitchen. “Want me to cook? I could make you something nice.”

“I could help,” I offered.

“Sounds like fun.” Cloud lead the way to the kitchen. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Hm, I'm good for just about anything,” I said. “That is, if we have the ingredients in the kitchen. Otherwise we’re going to need to head to the market to get something.” I checked the clock and, to my mild surprise, saw that time had gotten away from me. Who knew a book about electro-harmonic resonance could hold your attention like that. “Assuming anyplace is open anymore.”

“Right, I suppose we can see what you have, then decide from there,” Cloud offered.

“Sounds good. No sense getting ahead of ourselves.” I started looking around the kitchen to take an account of what we had available to cook. “Spike does most of the cooking here. He really likes to cook. So I'm not always aware about everything we have on hoof.”

Cloud let out a fake sounding gasp. “You mean you don't have an alphabetized and itemized list?”

“I do!” An old, well known annoyance boiled up in me. “But I don't have it memorized! And Spike doesn't always keep track of what he uses, so it's almost always inaccurate.”

There was a noticeable passage of a moment before Cloud spoke up. “I'm gonna guess that bugs you, so dropping the topic.”

“Just a bit,” I grumbled.

“Sorry something in your life isn't perfectly ordered and itemized.” Cloud pecked me on the cheek.

I huffed. “Story of my life.”

“So, let's bring order to chaos by turning these ingredients into food.” She bumped my hip with her own and turned to the pantry, looking its contents over as we considered what to make. “How about some sort of pasta or a casserole?”

“Both of those sound good to me.” I checked the icebox to make sure we would have enough fresh produce for something like that.

“Hmm.” Cloud rubbed at her chin. “Split the difference and make a pasta casserole?”

“Sure, let’s go with that.” Using my magic, I levitated everything we would need to the kitchen counter.

Cloud helped get everything ready by pulling items out of the pantry. “Pasta, cheese, veggies, and some soup to tie it all together.”

“That should work just fine,” I said. “I take it you know the exact recipe for this?”

Cloud examined what we had spread out, nodded in satisfaction that everything was set, and then got to work preparing the ingredients. “Not an exact one, but I learned the rules of making a good casserole from my uncle.”

“I believe you mentioned him and casseroles once.” I stepped up next to her to begin chopping up the vegetables.

Cloud nodded as she went about setting up the pasta as a base in the glass dish we were using to put the casserole in. “He makes the best carrot casserole around.”

I pushed the vegetables that I had cut for Cloud to put into the dish. “I'm willing to give it a shot. Hopefully Spike won't mind us using anything. Sometimes he plans meals well in advance.”

“He'll survive.” Cloud spread some tomato soup on the bottom of the dish and then added a layer of cheese on top.”

“Probably,” I said. “And I can always apologize to him later if he gets annoyed.” If he got grumpy about it, I could always give him a gem or two to make him feel better. Besides, if he wanted to make sure I didn't use something I wasn't supposed to, then he should have made a list of what was off-limits and put it up somewhere where I could have seen it.

“Yeah, I'm sure if he gets that worked up over it, you can deal with him.” Cloud added the vegetables, and once that was done, splayed in more soup and cheese. “Hope you're taking notes, Duchess. Some day you might want to make a casserole on your own.”

“Oh, right!” I grabbed a pencil and notebook sitting on the counter by the icebox. The pencil flew over the paper as I wrote down everything we had done thus far for the casserole.

Cloud snickered as she watched me. “I wasn't being serious.”

The pencil stopped when I heard that. “You weren't?”

“No, silly sexy Twilight.” Cloud playfully booped me on the nose. “I'm just teasing you.”

A bashful smile worked its way onto my face. “Would you mind if I kept making notes? I mean I've already started writing, and I don't want to forget any details if I want to make this again, not to mention if I want to give Spike instructions on how you cook this...”

“As long as you remember the most important rule of all.” Cloud grinned and leaned her head in a bit closer to mine. “Kiss the cook.”

I rolled my eyes at the little bit of cheesiness. “No sense letting you go disappointed.” I kissed her on the lips, something she readily returned. Cloud really was a corrupting influence; she had gotten me to kiss her on the fly and everything. Admittedly, it was pretty fun.

“I would be most upset if you hadn't,” Cloud said.

“Crisis averted.” I waggled my eyebrows at her. “Sexily.”

Cloud chuckled. “That’s the best way to avert a crisis.”

The two of us finished up the rest of the pasta together, putting on a final layer of cheese and adding seasoning from the well-stocked supplies available. Cloud rubbed her chin as she examined the casserole. “Any last touches you want, or shall we put it in the oven?”

“It looks good to me,” I said. “Might as well get it going.”

“Alright then.” Cloud carefully put the pasta into the oven. “And now we just need to wait until it's done. Probably about forty-five minutes to an hour, so I hope you have something fun for us to do while we wait.”

“I'm sure we can come up with something,” I said as I set the egg-timer.

“I'm sure you've got some games we could play,” Cloud said.

I nodded. “Oh definitely. they're all upstairs.”

“Upstairs it is, then.” Cloud lead the way to the stairs and I followed her.

As we ascended the stairs, I noticed her rump swaying back and forth in time with her hoofsteps. Technically speaking, it was a nice butt to watch in motion. It was when I thought that that I realized I had been staring at her rear and immediately started blushing at my behavior.

Cloud reached the top of the stairs and stopped, giving her rump a final little waggle as she grinned down at me. “You coming?”

Darn it, she had been doing that on purpose. She just couldn't stop herself, now could she. “Y-yes! Of course. I'm coming!” I hurried up the stairs after her.

“Words I'll be hearing again before the night is over, if I play my cards right,” Cloud said with a wide grin.

I narrowed my eyes. “Reeeal classy there.”

“I'm always classy,” she said with confidence. “So where are the games?”

Putting aside Cloud’s crassness, I headed over to the closet that contained the games. “Oh, we have a large variety of games to play. Was there one in particular you were wanting to play?”

“Your choice,” Cloud said.

I hummed as I looked at the game boxes. “It would probably be best if we picked something quick.” Seeing something Cloud might like, I pulled the game out and showed it to Cloud. “So how about Twister?”

“Sounds good,” Cloud said.

“Great.” I quickly spread the game mat along the floor. “I figured you would like something a bit physical anyways, and it is pretty short.”

Cloud pulled out the spinner and placed it down next the mattress. “It's nice for working up an appetite.”

I grinned. “Then this should be highly efficient. So, you want to go first?”

“Sure.” Cloud spun the spinner.

Cloud examined the spinner some time later. “Right hind leg ... blue.”

“Um.” I stretched out my hind leg to try and reach a blue circle, but I was coming up short. It would have been a bit easier if my forelegs weren’t in an awkward knot with one another. “I think I might be stuck...”

“Lemme see if I can...” Cloud shifted around, she was in a better position to move around than I was. Still, she slipped slightly and we suddenly found our chests pressing against one another.

I smiled awkwardly as the two of us were nearly face to face with one another. “Seems we're both a bit stuck now.”

Cloud grinned, clearly enjoying the awkward moment. “Yes. Yes we are. Can you reach it now?”

“Err.” The new position allowed me to stretch my leg a bit to reach the blue circle. “Yes!”

“Nice.” Cloud used a free hoof to spin the spinner again. “Some day, we have to try out my homerules for this game.”

“Oh? And what homerules would those be?” I asked.

“Well, I place the hooves on other locations.” A mischievous spark lit in Cloud’s eyes. “For instance... Twilight's lips to Cloud's.”

I chuckled at her boldness. “Ah, now I understand. Your homerules turn it into that type of game. Well, as long as we're having fun...” I kissed her lightly on the lips.

Cloud gently returned my kiss, murmuring in pleasure as she did so. “Cloud's hoof to Twi's chest.” Her hoof touched my chest gently to caress it.

I giggled, feeling giddy as I did so. “This is silly.”

“A bit, yeah. Fun, though.” Cloud spun again, but this time she didn’t even pretend to look at the results. “Twi's hoof to Cloud's rump.”

I placed my hoof on her rear and started rubbing it. It still felt odd to be doing something like that, but ... engaging, I would say. “I can see you’re enjoying this.”

“Yes, yes I am.” The game forgotten, she stroked my cheek.

I felt my cheeks warm. “Looks like I picked the right game, then.”

“I'd say so.” Cloud drew me into a hug. “I like this kind of thing.”

I hugged her back, enjoying the warm touch of her coat on mine. “I can see the appeal of it.”

Cloud placed my head on her chest and gently ran her hoof through my mane. “Mmm, I could get used to this.”

“Can you now?” I leaned up against her. Her support felt nice. Natural, even. “I think I could too.”

“Who would've thought we'd get this cozy with each other?” Cloud asked.

“It's a bit crazy,” I said. “Though it probably helps that you're so ... forward? Bold. Bold is probably the world. With me being an introvert...”

Cloud smiled, though I couldn’t read the exact emotion behind it. “I like bold. Fortune favors the bold. And ... I guess I did kinda help you out of your shell.”

“You did.” I nuzzled her soft chest. “I never really considered getting into a relationship with anypony before I met you. Not seriously, anyways.”

“Thinking about it now?” Cloud asked.

I nodded. “At least experimentally. It's at least worth trying out, I think. Considering I am enjoying this.”

“Just gotta find the right pony now,” Cloud said.

“That's always the trick to it, now isn't it?” I rubbed her chest.

“Yeah. I ... well, I'm a bit taken as far as long term relationships go.” Cloud shrugged. “Kinda. Still working out exactly where I am with Blossom and Eepy.”

I sighed and nodded. Once again, old baggage was making life difficult for me. Why did nothing seem simple? Fluttershy didn’t want anything to do with me romantically because of Cloud, and now Cloud was committed to a relationship with her two fillyfriends. Figures I would get involved with a pony already in a love triangle. I sure knew how to pick them, and I was feeling my old reflexes to just dump the whole romance thing completely reassert itself.

“Right, right, and that all is why I didn't exactly seek you out for this third date,” I said. “I didn't want to mess up what you three had going on. Not when it seemed to be making all of you happy.”

Cloud smiled appreciatively. “Thoughtful of you. But you didn't really want long term from me anyway, did you?”

I pressed my lips together as I considered the question. “I don't know. I mean, I've never done any of this before. If you come to love a pony, wouldn't you want it to become long term? Or at least give a relationship the opportunity to see where it goes.”

Cloud blinked. “Er ... are you saying you love me?”

I blushed when I realized how my words must have sounded to her. “Er, not seriously. At least I don't think so. Remember the whole inexperienced issue I brought up earlier? This is probably just a friend thing, but I'm not exactly the best pony at judging where my heart is on this sort of subject.”

Cloud nodded. “Right, that. I mean, I love you to bits too, but in a more ... er ... fond way than what I've got with Eepy and Blossom.”

“I can understand that.” While I could understand, it still hurt for Cloud to say that. Really, I was happy for the three of them, and I knew everything Cloud had said was right. It just seemed that rejection always hurt, whatever the circumstances. I slowly removed my hooves from her. “And you're probably not really interested in me. Especially when you've got going on with Fluttershy and Blossomforth.”

“Depends on what you mean by ‘really’ interested,” Cloud said. “Long-term committed relationship? Probably not in the cards. Something a bit more casual?” She leaned in and kissed me, and where her words might have failed in getting across her message, her kiss certainly didn't. She cared about me, maybe not in the way she did for Fluttershy and Blossomforth, but she cared.

“Could you define ‘casual’ for me?” I asked, feeling a bit giddy while doing so. “Sorry, this being the first time I have done this. I want to make sure I understand where we're both standing.”

Cloud looked me in the eyes and smiled. “Basically? We do the fun stuff, and don't stress over commitments and where our relationship's going. We're friends. And if you're feeling a bit ... feel like you want some physical release, I'll do the friendly thing and help you with that.”

“And that wouldn't cause any issues with the others?” I asked. “I don't want to do anything to risk what you have with them.”

“Both of them understand that I have some special friends I fool around with sometimes,” Cloud assured me. “Doesn't mean I don't love them, or that they're not the most important ponies to me. It's ... we're still figuring it all out, but it's alright.”

I was still a bit worried about how all of this might turn out, even if we kept things casual. I had never done anything like this before, so I didn't want to mess anything up for anypony, especially my friends. “If you're sure about that. It's not like I'm so desperate I need to be a homewrecker.” If it came right down to it, it wouldn't be the end of the world to end any romantic entanglements with Cloud. It might not be fun, but I could do it if it was the right thing to do.

“No homes are being wrecked, Twilight.” Cloud placed a hoof over her heart. “That's a promise.”

After thinking everything over again, I nodded. “Good. I think we can make this work, at least for the short term.”

“I think so too,” Cloud said.

“And we can figure out the details as we go, I think.” I rubbed my chin as I considered the practical side of the issue. “I'm sure I can add that to my schedule.”

Cloud grinned with amusement. “So from now on, Twilight's monthly schedule has a ‘bang Cloud Kicker’ slot?”

Despite myself, I smiled at the rib. “How about we just mark it down as a 'Spend Time With Cloud' slot, or maybe ‘Special Time With Cloud?”

“Works for me.” Cloud pecked my cheek.

“Glad we can agree.” I nuzzled her and felt much more confident about the situation.

“So ... how about we—” Cloud sniffed at the air. “Oooh, casserole. We better get to it before it burns.”

“Burned casserole is a huge waste.”

It wasn't long after that before the two of us were sitting at the dining room table with the steaming casserole between us. We ate in silence until the edge was taken off of our hunger, trading glances over the table a few times. I finally spoke up.“So, what made you decide to stop by, anyways?”

Cloud shrugged. “Hadn't seen you for a bit. Not since Canterlot, really.”

“Hm, that is true.” I dipped my fork into the casserole as I mulled that over. It felt like a year had passed since we had really talked to one another. “Guess we've both been busy. I know I have. How have you been holding up?”

“I'm doing a lot better than I was,” Cloud said with an easy smile. “Finally got a bunch of stuff settled in my life.”

“That's good to hear,” I said. “Fluttershy seems a lot happier.”

“I hope so.” Cloud let out a long, released breath. “I want her and Blossom both to be happy.”

From everything I had heard, it had been quite a mess between those three. Ditzy too for that matter, considering she and Cloud had decided to end their relationship and just go back to being friends. “Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here.”

Cloud nodded. “That'd be nice. How're you?”

“I'm getting along,” I said. “There was some family drama. A ton of family drama, really, but I think it's under control now. At least it’s better than it was before. Kinda, anyways. We still have a lot of work to do.”

“Yeah, Derpy told me about it.” Cloud put a mouthful of pasta on her own fork.

“She gave you all the details, then?” It felt a bit of a privacy violation to tell Cloud that little bit of information, but if there was anypony who had a right to tell anypony what was happening, it was Ditzy. That, and Cloud was a close friend of hers.

Cloud nodded. “Yeah. So Sparkler's your sister...”

I rubbed at my face, feeling some of that lingering frustration coming back. “It's a bit crazy.”

“How you handling that?” Cloud asked.

“One day at a time.” I said. “Sparkler's having a rough time with it. Explaining the whole situation to her hasn't been easy, especially when even my parents admitted they made a big mistake in giving her up. Really, I expect her to explode on them sooner or later once she’s had time to digest everything. She's just had the rug pulled out from under her, after all.”

“Oooh.” Cloud grimaced. “Yeah, that’d be rough. She'll bounce back though. She's a tough kid. I'll talk to her when I can. Sometimes it helps to have somepony not involved with a big mess to talk to.”

I smiled appreciatively. “I'd appreciate it. I... well, I just want my sister at the end of the day. And a niece out of the deal, to boot.”

“Big family expansion,” Cloud said.

“You're telling me.” I looked down and played around with the casserole on my plate. “Hopefully Shiny and Cadance take the news well.”

Cloud winced at that unpleasant, and inevitable, scenario. “Oh, that'll be a fun present for when they get back from the honeymoon.”

“No kidding.” I shook my head. “Mom and Dad say they will take care of the worst of it, but it's not something I look forward to.”

“Well, his issue to deal with,” Cloud said.

“What my parents told me,” I said, not feeling happy about the whole situation. “His mistake, his problem at the end of the day. Not that putting it that way makes me feel a whole lot better. I don’t like dumping problems on other ponies. Especially family.”

“Still, you're in a bit of spot.” Cloud reached over to pat me on the shoulder. “You're tough, trust me. And while it might be rough now, it’ll get better eventually. These things usually do.”

“Oh, I'll get through it. I'm sure about that.” I let out a sigh. “I think the worst is over, really.”

“Yeah, sounds like it.” Cloud pecked me on the lips. She hummed after doing so and chuckled. “Casserole lips.”

I chuckled too at the silliness. “It's the consequence of eating casserole.”

“That it is,” Cloud said. “I bet I have it too.”

I grinned. “Just a little bit.”

Cloud’s lips cracked in a playful grin. “Here come the casserole lips!” She leaned in, her lips pursed in a kiss.

“I have them too, you know.” I kissed her without hesitation. “That's going to be a bit hard to gross me out over.”

“Beware! My lips taste like delicious food!” Cloud said with exaggerated horror.

“Oh no! That's the worst possible thing!” I returned with equal exaggeration. “Right up there with a monster attack or a late friendship report!”

“Truly, there is nothing worse than this.” Cloud gave me more delicious, casserole flavored kisses that I returned. Without really thinking about it, our kisses lingered long and became more deep, making my heart race as a result. “Mmm. I think dinner's done. Ready for dessert?”

“A little bit of dessert wouldn't hurt,” I said, my voice airy.

“Well then...” Cloud nibbled at my neck, the sensation both ticklish and arousing. “Shall we head upstairs?”

I found myself squeaking at the sudden escalation of intimacy. “Wait, you don't mean…?”

Cloud spoke with a sultry, deep-throated voice. “Yeah ... that kind of dessert.”

That caused my face to take on a new shade of crimson. “It's so sudden.”

“Oh.” Cloud leaned away from me. “Well, if I'm going too fast...”

“All of this is a bit new to me,” I said quickly.

“Alright then.” She kissed me on the cheek that was significantly more chaste than her earlier affections. “No pressure.”

“Right, I guess I just found it as unexpected, is all.” I took a calming breath. “Though I really shouldn't have.”

“Hey, all of this is up to you,” Cloud said. “I’m not going to pressure you into anything. If you’re not comfortable, I’ll stop, just like that.”

“Mind if I ask a few questions?” I nuzzled her gently along the neck.

Cloud nodded. “Go for it.”

Thinking it over, I asked, “A big question I have is, and this is an academic question, why should we ... you know?”

“It's fun, it feels good, and we'll both enjoy it,” Cloud said.

“Though you have to admit, it's a very ... intimate activity,” I countered.

“Yeah, it is.” Cloud took my hoof and squeezed it. “But I'm okay with that. I trust you enough to let you get intimate with me.”

I squeezed her hoof back as I carefully considered my next words. “Hm, though from everything I have read, this can change a friendship. It’s a big change in a relationship.”

“Yeah, it can be,” Cloud agreed. “But change can be good.”

“True,” I said. “I don't want to make this too academic, but this is an opportunity for me to learn what this is like. I can’t help but think that.”

“It is.” Cloud drew me into a hug as she wrapped her wings around me. “But I don't want to do this unless you're sure. This should be something, not just a random experience you have.”

“That is a good question, do I want to do this?” I asked.

Cloud nuzzled me gently. “What do you think?”

After another long moment of thought, I said, “I think I would be willing to give it a chance. Or at least start.”

“That sounds good to me.” She pecked my cheek. “You set the pace and take the lead, okay? We only go as far as you’re comfortable with.”

I returned with a peck of my own. “That sounds like a good idea to me.”

Cloud nodded and leaned back, giving me room to act. “So then ... your move.”

“Right.” I nodded in the direction of the stairs. “So how about we head to the bedroom?”

“Sounds good.” The both of us stood and walked to the bedroom.

When we reached my bed, I couldn’t help but giggle giddily. “This feels a bit naughty.”

Cloud waggled her eyebrows. “The best kind of naughty”

I prodded her on the chest. “You would say that.”

“Yes, I would,” Cloud said without a hint of shame. “I'm consistent that way. So ... your move.”

“My move?” I lay on the bed. “You promise you won't laugh, whatever I do?”

Cloud moved onto the bed next to me. “Well, unless you tickle me or something.”

I chuckled. “I'm tempted to do that. But that does bring up what should I do with you?” I kissed her lovingly.

“Mmm, that's a good start,” Cloud murmured as she returned the kiss. “I'm all yours.”

All mine?” I grinned. “A bold statement.”

“I'm a bold pony.” Cloud ran a hoof along my side, causing goosebumps to form at her touch. “And now you are, too.”

“You can tell me if I'm pushing too hard,” I said. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable either.”

“I will.” Cloud cupped my cheeks, looking me deeply in the eyes. “So ... make your move.”

I wrapped my forelegs around her neck and pressed my forehead against hers. “I think I'll do just that.”

The two of us kissed each other again. “I'm looking forward to it.”

I smiled as I committed myself to this decision. “Let's see where this leads then.”

And then we made love.

Well, that had certainly been something. Describing what that something had been was quite another thing entirely though. Not when I hadn't experienced anything quite the same in my life. No, sex was certainly a unique experience.

As the two of us lied there in my bed in the afterglow of the act, we stared into one another’s eyes. Cloud slowly and lovingly rubbed my side, a happy, content smile on her features. I smiled right back at her. “You look happy.”

“Well, yeah,” Cloud said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I just had sex.”

“Well, I hope it was as good as you were hoping for.” I know I had certainly enjoyed it.

Cloud pecked me on the lips. “You were amazing.”

I felt my cheeks warm at the compliment. “You're just saying that. I mean I felt so awkward, and only had half an idea of what I was doing, and—”

Cloud gently put a hoof on my lips before I could go further. “You. Were. Amazing.”

I smiled shyly. I did feel a bit silly, but it was good to know I hadn't botched my first time. “If you say so...”

“I do,” Cloud said without any room for debate. “And since I'm an expert on the subject...”

I snorted. “Okay, okay, Ms. Expert of Sexiness and Sexing.”

Cloud nodded sagely. “I hope you're going to listen to my expert opinion. Especially when you're a fast learner. So, don't worry if you needed a bit to learn a few things. Banging is like most skills; you need practice to get better.”

“Right, everything needs to be learned,” I said.

Cloud rubbed at my side. “And you learned as well as I'd expect from Celestia's student.” She paused for a moment before adding, “Is it just me, or does that sound a little dirty?”

“Maaaybe just a little bit,” I said.

“Hmm.” Cloud rubbed her chin, and evil grin on her face. “Next Nightmare Night: sexy Celestia.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Don't you dare.”

“You know you'd like it,” Cloud teased. “Me, dressed up as Celestia. Letting you work out some ... unresolved feelings.”

My blush became about as bad as it had ever gotten. “B-b-but she's my teacher!”

“Twi, sweetheart.” Cloud took my hoof and squeezed it. “We both know you're nursing a crush on her.”

I frowned in a pout. “It was a fillyhood crush...”

Cloud pecked me on the lips. “I think it's cute and sweet.”

“But very improper,” I pointed out.

Cloud shook her head. “Nah. Her and you hooking up would be improper. A little roleplay is harmless fun.”

“But she's the Princess!”

Cloud booped me on the nose. “Twi? Sweetie? Less post-coital prudish panic, more cuddles.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.” I gave her a shy smile.

“It's fine.” Cloud nuzzled me.

I took a moment to breath, taking in the situation I was in. “Still, that was ... wow.”

“Glad you liked it,” Cloud with a hint of smugness. “It's the best, isn't it?”

I grinned mischievously. “Hm, I don't know. I still like books a lot.”

Cloud chuckled. “Maybe instead I should show up to Nightmare Night as a sexy book.”

“Oh, then you would just drive me wild,” I said, my words dripping with sarcasm. “Nothing turns me on like a good book.”

“No way you could resist my sexy book charm,” Cloud said. “You'd read every single one of my pages.”

“Why stop with just one read-through?” I asked, playing along.

Cloud grinned. “I like the way you think.”

“What can I say?” I poked her in the chest. “You're a corrupting influence.”

“You're welcome.”

“My, isn't somepony a little bit smug?” I gave her a playfully suspicious look. “You know, a filly might get the idea you had evil intentions coming here.”

Cloud gasped. “Me? Perish the thought. My intentions were pure.”

Gave her a flat look. “Uh-huh, pure as the driven snow?”

“Exactly.” Cloud smiled widely. “My intentions were pure. Purely sexual.”

I chuckled at the joke. “Oh, good save.”

“It's the truth, I swear,” Cloud said.

“That I can believe. So...” I cuddled up with her, enjoying the warm touch of her body. “Where do we go from here?”

“Hmm.” Cloud wrapped her wings around us. “Well I like the plans we made before: friends.”

I nodded in agreement. “I would like that.”

“Good.” She gave me a kiss that I retured. “Consider it another study on friendship. You are the friendship expert, after all.”

“I'm studying friendship, not an expert,” I said.

“Well, you become an expert in something by studying it, right?” A grin spread over her face. “So, does that mean you're an expert on me now?”

“I think I've done a pretty good job of studying you.” I ran a hoof along her wing. “Though I might require some more empirical evidence to be sure I'm an expert.”

Cloud made a throaty chuckle. “Hard to get much more in-depth than you already have.”

I sighed with contentment. “Still, this was pretty nice.”

“I loved it,” Cloud said. “Big surprise.”

I poked her in the belly. “Considering how much you've wanted this?”

“Only a lot.” She pecked me on the nose. “That’s what you get for being so cute. You seduced me with your weapons-grade cuteness. Only Rainbow's cuter, and that's because she denies she's cute in the most adorable way possible.”

I snickered at the image. “She can be pretty cute, especially when she tries so hard not to be.”

Cloud chuckled. “When she starts blushing and whining that she is not cute...”

“She just makes it worse for herself,” I finished.

“She really does,” Cloud said. “Denying one's cuteness just bumps the cute levels into overdrive.”

“She is good at dooming herself like that,” I agreed. “I suppose I can't be too offended being beaten out by her.”

Cloud nodded. “Still, you've got the whole adorkable thing going for you.”

“Still not a word, but thank you.” I pecked her on the nose.

“Do you know what I mean when I say it?” Cloud asked.

“I do, yes,” I said.

Cloud waved the issue off. “Then it does what a word needs to.”

I prodded her in the chest. “This is why the dictionary can never be truly finalized, you know.”

Cloud let out a short, bark of a laugh. “Oh, and that’s my fault now?

“As much as it's anypony's fault.” I nuzzled her chest. “But in the end, I can live with that.”

“Glad to hear it.” Cloud ran her hoof through my mane as my head lied on her chest. “I would hate to be exiled from bed because I sullied the purity of the Equestrian language. Being sent to the couch is the worst.”

I turned up the sarcasm in reply. “Truly the most horrid of fates, for that means no more cuddling.”

“Exactly! I like cuddling.” To emphasis her point, she went right on ahead and cuddled with me.

“Yeah, I do too.” I cuddled right back with her, enjoying her touch as the two of us savored the moment. “Especially when they're with you.”

“Awww, that's sweet.” She wrapped her wings around us and kept stroking my mane.

“Well, you can be pretty sweet too,” I said.

“Oooh, tell me how I'm sweet,” she said with a complete lack of shame. “I'm a sucker for compliments.”

“Now I see how you and Rainbow became friends,” I said. “You're both shameless about flattery.”

Cloud nodded matter-of-factly. “It's true, I've picked up some of her bad habits. Sometimes I find myself talking about how awesome and cool things are, too.”

“Careful,” I warned, “or you might start dying your mane rainbow-colored too.”

“Or wearing one of those wigs her fanclub uses.”

I chuckled at the image of Cloud wearing one of those corny Rainbow Dash wigs. I had to wonder where Scootaloo had even got them. “Those things are pretty funny, you have to admit.”

Cloud tapped her chin in contemplation. “Actually, think I'll use one of those anyway. Too much fun to be had with one.”

“I dare you to take one of those to work someday,” I said.

Cloud exchanged grins with me. “Careful. I'll do it.”

“Oh, I don't doubt it,” I said. “But I stand by that it would be funny.”

“Can't argue with you there,” she agreed.

I nuzzled her chest and let out a content sigh. “Yeah, I think we can make this friendship work just fine. Though sooner or later we're going to have to get out of bed.”

Cloud puckered her lips out in a pout. “Do we have to?”

“Not right away,” I assured her. “But you have a job to go to sooner or later, and I have my studies.”

“Yeah, I guess. But I'm comfy.” Cloud briefly stretched before reaffirming her cuddling.

“I admit, I'm not in a rush to go anywhere,” I said.

“Me either.”

“Then let's not be in a rush to go anywhere.” I kissed her gently, and she returned the gesture.

“Works for me.” Cloud drew me close, smiling as we looked into one another’s eyes. “Twi? Don't take this the wrong way, but you mean a lot to me. So ... thanks. For this.”

I nodded. “It means a lot to me too.”

We continued to hold each other, content to lay with a pony we cared about.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank my editors Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie, and JakeTheGinger for all their help. And also to my prereaders Swiftest, Infinion, 621Chopsuey, Pegasusnumber 5, and Web of Hopewho put a ton of effort into reading over this chapter and helping me edit it.