• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 18,211 Views, 2,114 Comments

The Study of a Winning Pony - Ponibius

Twilight Sparkle gets assigned to study the insanity that is Cloud Kicker's life for a sociology report. It's just a matter of surviving her circle of crazy friends, paramours, and disappointed family members to do so.

  • ...


The Study of a Winning Pony


The next day saw me in a pretty good mood. While I still had some unresolved feelings and questions about my encounter with her, things felt ... settled, I guess was the word for it. In any event, I had time to think over my relationship with Cloud. She certainly didn't seem to be in a rush to change the new status quo.

I was in the middle of some of the books in the library when there was a knock on the door. “Coming!” I trotted to the door and opened it. “How can I hel—AAH! Princess Luna!”

Her Highness smiled down at me. “Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. It is good to see you again.”

“Y-you too, Princess.” I laughed nervously. What was she doing at my home? Again? Unannounced? “Who is here. At my library. Again. Why does this still make me nervous? You'd think I would be used to it by now.” I laughed again.

Princess Luna’s smile took on a wolfish gleam. “In my experience, nopony quite gets used to royalty suddenly showing up at their door. In any event, may I come in? There is some business I wish to discuss with you.”

“Yes! Of course!” I stepped out of the doorway to let her in. It wasn't like I was going to tell her that she couldn't come in. She was a princess, after all.

She nodded to her guards, who took up positions on either side of the door outside, and she entered. “I trust you that this day finds you well?”

I tried to slow down the beating of my heart as I answered her. “Yes. I'm ... pretty great, actually.”

Princess Luna quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? Why is that, if I may inquire?”

“Well, um ... something really good happened last night.” My cheeks flushed as I realized where this conversation was heading.

She waved for me to continue. “Go on.”

“Um ... well ... I uh...” My words devolved into a mumble as I blushed. Was a princess really asking me about something like that?

“Ah.” Princess Luna nodded in understanding. “It's that sort of thing, is it?”

“It was ... some sort of thing, yes.” I cleared my throat. “Events occurred.”

“Illicit things, I take it?” she asked.

“Um ... maybe?” I squeaked out.

Princess Luna seemed to consider me for a long moment before speaking again. “Either way, you seem quite happy with it. I do not suppose Cloud Kicker was involved, was she?”

“Actually, she was...” And how had she known about that? Well, Cloud was Cloud, and I had been spending time with her. That much wasn't a secret.

She nodded. “I guessed as much.”

I hunched my shoulders and lowered my head as I looked up at her. “That obvious?”

“I have been lead to believe she has that effect on ponies,” she said.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that statement of the obvious. “I guess so.”

“Hopefully you took a few things away from your time with Cloud,” Princess Luna said. “It was my hope that you would.”

“Er ... yes.” I felt myself returning to more familiar territory, or at least country that looked like it was in the right hemisphere. “More than a few things. It was ... well, odd at first. But nice.”

Princess Luna smile warmly. “Good. Even if it did not seem easy for you to start with...”

“I stuck with it,” I finished.

“That is not always easy,” she said. “Especially with a difficult assignment.”

I shook my head, remembering the difficulties I had with the assignment studying Cloud Kicker and my interactions with her. “No, it wasn't easy. But I think ... I'm glad I did it.”

“Oh? Why is that?” she asked.

After considering the question, I said, “It was ... new. And good.”

Princess Luna hummed in agreement. “Often new experiences can be, when you give them the chance.”

I nodded. “Just like friendship was. So ... I'm glad I did it.”

“As long as it was your decision and it made you happy.” To my surprise, Princess Luna actually nuzzled me. “That is what is most important.”

I blushed nervously at the Royal Nuzzle. “Um ... yes.”

Her Highness grinned, looking pleased with herself. “Pray tell, I am not embarrassing you too much, now am I?”

“Um ... not too much.” I managed to say.

Princess Luna leaned in to whisper conspiratorially to me. “Well, a little bit of embarrassment caused by your princess would not be too bad, aye?”

“Wh-what?!” I blurted out.

Princess Luna covered her mouth as she chuckled at my outburst. “I can see why my sister likes you.”

“Because I try to be a good student?” I asked, really hoping that was the reason.

She stood straighter as she smiled invitingly. “Among other reasons, and I find I do enjoy your company too. Though in the future I would hope it be for more than just business.”

I tilted my head at that. “Like ... another teacher?”

Princess Luna hummed mysteriously. “Mayhaps. I would not be adverse to the idea.”

“That ... sounds fine.” That didn't sound so bad at all. At least it was something I was familiar with. For a moment I thought she might have meant something else, one of the perils of knowing Cloud Kicker. And really, having Princess Luna as a teacher would be really interesting.

“Of course, if you wish to be more than merely a student and a teacher...” A mischievous grin slowly creased her face. “I am sure you know how relationships between patron and their protégée used to work a millennium ago.”

Oh, it seemed I hadn't misinterpreted her meaning. I had read about in my history books where an influential, powerful, or wealthy patron might take on a promising student, and as part of that mentorship, they sometimes had ... relations.

“MEEP!” The only appropriate response.

Princess Luna’s smile became positively evil. “Oh good, you do know the old ways.” I looked around desperately to try and find some sort of inspiration on what to say, how to react, a way out of this trap. I was in the middle of considering the option of teleporting and then running away when Princess Luna broke out in a hearty laugh. “My, you are easy to fluster.”

“I ... uh...” I blinked in a stupefied manner as I tried to process the un-princessly behavior I was now seeing. “Oh, you really are Celestia's sister!”

Her smile lost none of its luster at my declaration. “We are of the same blood, I admit. And really, once you live as long as we do, you find what humor you can. Being a princess can be quite dull most days.”

“That wasn't funny,” I grumbled.

“Of course it was.” Princess Luna waved dismissively. “It is not as though I pulled that prank on you while in public where it would humiliate you. Really, learn not to take yourself too seriously. At least in private. You will learn to enjoy life much more.”

My mouth worked soundlessly for a few seconds. “Maybe...” I relented.

She pressed her lips together in thought. “In fact, I think you taking everything too seriously was what made some of your encounters with Cloud so difficult.”

Dealing with Cloud had become a lot easier when I started to relax around her. At the very least, we only started connecting after I did. Thinking over my encounters over, I sighed and nodded. “Probably, yes.”

Princess Luna tipped my chin up and met my gaze with a serious look. “Trust me, I know how hard that lesson can be. When one wears a crown, it is an easy thing to take everything very seriously. Too easy, sometimes.”

Considering how solemnly she had said that, I couldn’t help but think of her falling to become Nightmare Moon. She had become ... less than pleasant due to her jealousy of her sister. It wasn’t hard to see what she was getting at by taking everything too seriously when she had taken everything that far. “I'll keep that in mind. I don't want to make any mistakes.”

“See that you do,” Princess Luna said. “So please do not take offense if I had a little fun at your expense. It was only intended in good humor.”

I smiled at her to assure her everything was alright. As long as she wasn’t trying to be mean, I could forgive her for a little bit of teasing. “None taken.”

That bit of seriousness done, Princess Luna’s grin returned to her face. “Though I will say, you are most comely. That much I stand by.”

The sudden compliment caused my cheeks to burn. “Er ... um ... thanks?”

“You are welcome. A comely mare should be declared as such now and again.”

“I ... guess?” I mumbled out.

“But in any event, 'tis good to hear you are doing better now,” Princess Luna said, thankfully letting the topic drop.

I nodded. “It's good to be doing better. It felt like the whole world was going crazy there for a while.”

“I would think so,” Princess Luna agreed. “Especially where your family is concerned. I know well how difficult family troubles can be.”

“Yeah, I guess you would,” I said.

Princess Luna grunted unhappily. Her fight with her sister was probably a small sore spot for her. “And it is good to see that you have resolved those issues, if your letter to my sister is any indicator.”

It figures Princess Celestia would have shared that rather long letter with her sister. They had mentioned to me that they were doing that. “Yeah. I think studying Cloud has been for the best, even if it was a bit of a pain at times.”

“Good to hear,” she said. “It had been my hope that you would learn more than just what I had assigned you to study.”

“Well ... mission accomplished?” I hazarded.

Princess Luna nodded. “Aye, mission accomplished. As long as you are happy?”

“I am,” I assured her. At the very least, I was happy where my relationship stood with Cloud.

“Then it is good,” Her Highness said. “If you can go through a time of adversity and come out the other side satisfied with life, then you cannot have done too badly.”

“That makes sense,” I said.

Princess Luna wrapped a wing around my back. “I know that this has not been easy for you, but it seems this has turned out for the best. That makes me happy.”

“Me as well.” I smiled up at her. “Obviously, I'm happy that I'm happy.” I shuffled in place as a concern came to the surface. “Um ... can I ask you something?”

“But of course.” Princess Luna waved for me to continue. “Go ahead and ask.”

“Do you think sleeping with Cloud was the right thing to do?” I asked. “I mean, we both really enjoyed it, but...”

Her Highness tilted her head in contemplation. “You hold reservations about the act?”

“Not exactly.” I struggled as I tried to put vague feelings into meaningful words. “Just ... I guess it's the afterglow fading and...”

“And you wonder where to go from here?” she finished.

I nodded.

“A natural question after what you have experienced.” Princess Luna hummed as she rubbed her chin. “I believe the answer to that is for you to decide where you wish to go from here. At the end of the day, only you can determine what makes you happy. If there is something you wish for, strive for it.”

“That makes sense,” I said, not being able to fault her logic. “Okay.”

Princess Luna squeezed me with a wing. “Aye, do not feel forced to do anything. Trust me, that path only leads to misery.”

“So just live in the moment for a bit?” I asked.

“I have found it best to remember the past, live for the present, and keep an eye on the future,” she advised. “But yes, there are times where living for the moment is best. If an opportunity presents itself, do not let indecisiveness thwart you.”

I giggled, feeling silly for bringing up such mundane and personal problems with a princess. “I feel like I should be writing this down.”

“There will be plenty of time for that later, I am sure,” Princess Luna said. “Though I am flattered you think my words are worth writing down.”

“Well you are a princess,” I pointed out.

“So I am.” She smiled down at me. “But for now, how about we concentrate on living in the moment?”

“That sounds good,” I said. “Um ... did you have something in mind?”

Princess Luna grinned mischievously. “I can think of a few things we could do together.” She ran the tip of her wing along my spine.

I resisted the shiver that wanted to run up my spine, and instead rolled my eyes. “Nice try, but the same trick won't work twice. Especially not after Cloud thickened my skin.”

“That is not a dare to escalate, now is it?” she teased.

“No. Just ... no.” I looked down at the floor, trying to look sad. “That wouldn't end well.”

“Oh?” Princess Luna pouted. “A pity then.”

I moved in for the kill. “Sorry, but I like your sister more.”

Princess Luna took a step back. “My sister?!”

“Yes. Celestia. Princess of the Sun.” I said gravely. “I ... might have had a bit of a crush on my teacher.”

“Oh-hoho.” Princess Luna covered her mouth with a hoof, as though hearing something scandalous. It seemed she had recovered quickly from my attempt to throw her off. “Is that the way of it?”

“It is,” I affirmed.

“Now I am of two minds to either try and surpass my sister, or to give you recommendations for how to gain her attentions,” Princess Luna said.

“Um, how about neither for now?” I requested. “It was a silly foalhood crush. I'll always love and respect her, but ... I just don't think it would really be a good idea to take it beyond that.” It hurt a little bit to say that, but not as much before.

“Mmm, a pity then.” Princess Luna let out an annoyed huff. “My sister really could use a romantic liason now and again. Really, I do not understand her insistence on remaining chaste.”

“She's been fine without one for ... well, you'd know how long better than I would,” I said. “And to be honest, that's part of the issue. Cloud came with a ton of baggage, and she's only as old as I am.” I sighed and ran a hoof through my mane. “It's ... it was just a silly crush.”

Princess Luna examined me with a serious look before nodding. “Then it seems to me that you have a couple different choices. You can either seek to pursue my sister for a serious relationship, or you move on and find something that will make you happy, be it seeking a relationship with another pony or be like my sister and be unconcerned with romance.”

“And I've decided to move on.” The Princess was right; if I wasn't going to try to pursue my filly old crush on Princess Celestia, then I needed to put it aside. The same went for my feelings for Fluttershy. I wasn't going to do myself any favors by pining after ponies I would never have. It certainly hadn't made me happy to stay in that rut I had found myself in. Certainly what I had experienced with Cloud had been much more fulfilling.

Princess Luna nodded. “Then move forward without regrets. Seek to be happy, Twilight Sparkle. Be the master of your own destiny.”

I puffed out my chest. “I will. I promise.”

I didn't have an exact plan for what I was going to do yet, but I did at least have a idea of what I wanted. What I currently had with Cloud might only end up only being temporary, but as I thought about it, that was fine. As long as we enjoyed the time we had together, then there wasn't any harm in it. Who knew? I might find that special somepony someday, or maybe I would find something else I would like. There were plenty of examples in my history books where ponies had come up with atypical relationship structures to find contentment in their lives.

What was important was that I had options, and I could pick the one that would make me happy. I didn't know what that was yet, but I didn't have to. I still had a lot of my life to live, and there wasn't any reason I had to push myself into a box at this point.

I smiled at Princess Luna. “Thanks for this talk, Princess. It really helped.”

She returned my smile. “It is good to hear that. Any day where I help one of my subjects is one well spent.”

After considering an idea that popped into my head, I said, “Say, if you’re not busy, would you like to go someplace to eat? I know a place that makes some great sandwiches. We could talk and catch up with one another.”

Her Highness smiled graciously. “I would love to. I regretted we could not spend more time together due to the wedding and the changeling invasion. I would have shown you the head of Queen Chrysalis sooner, but circumstances made that difficult.” She narrowed her eyes. “Especially after my sister had gotten rid of it. And here I had planned on mounting it on my wall, but apparently that’s ‘macabre’ and ‘barbaric’ now.” Her lungs heaved with an annoyed huff.

“Um, is that so?” I knew that Princess Luna had killed Chrysalis, or at least the body she had possessed at the time, but I didn’t realized she had taken her head. That wasn't something I particularly wanted to see. Best to try and move the conversation forward. “How about we get going then?”

“An excellent idea.” Princess Luna waved at the door. “Lead the way, and I will tell you how I bested that fiend who accosted your family.”

I tried to smile as naturally as I could. “That sounds great. Just great. Perfect even.” I lead the way out of the library, hoping the Princess’s story wouldn’t be too ... explicit.

Still, overall after everything that had happened, it seemed like everything was going to be just fine.

The End

Author's Note:

I would like to thank my editors Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie, and JakeTheGinger for all their help. And also to my prereaders Swiftest, Infinion, 621Chopsuey, Pegasusnumber 5, and Web of Hope, who put a ton of effort into reading over this chapter and helping me edit it.

Comments ( 64 )

It’s been a long ride, but finally The Study of a Winning Pony is done. I have to say, it’s been quite the journey.

I would like to thank Chengar Qordath for letting me play in his world. It was no small thing for him to allow me to get my start in writing with the Winningverse, and it has been a pleasure to work with him over the years. Always The Life and Times of a Winning Pony will hold a special place in my heart, and for these reasons he gets my thanks.

Next I would like to thank Comma-Kazie for all his help, both as an editor, grammar teacher, and for letting me bounce ideas off of him. Thanks to him I learned many, many lessons about how to write properly

And I want to thank JakeTheGinger and Trinary for helping out and being a bud for all of these years.

Next I would like to give credit to all my prereaders over the years who have helped editing this story. They’ve been a massive help, and I’ve learned quite a bit from them. So in no particular order:

Swiftest Shadow
Incidental Pegasus No. 5
Web of Hope
Novus Draconis
Pav Feira
Malefic Scholar

Then finally, I want to thank all of my readers for their support over the course of The Study of a Winning Pony. You’ve all been great, and it’s been a great honor to have so many people read a story I’ve written.

For some of my final thoughts on this story, you can follow the link right here to a blog post I made.

Thank YOU for the story! It was a great read. It had many twists and turns, yet always kept it's sense of humor amidst all the drama, in other words, it fit in perfectly with the Winningverse! A+

Friend-date with Luna.

You play that field, Purple Smart.

This was a great story. I'd love to see more of Twilight's life. Maybe hear more about the difficulties with sparkler, dinky, and vinyl. Maybe if you didn't want to write a sequel, chengar could work some of those elements into the main story. I would also love to see how storm and twilight's relationship develops. I'm sure there will be some drama of how cloud did her princess first.

*tips helmet*

And thank YOU for spending so much time and effort in this very enjoyable story.

As always, I look forward to whatever you want to do next - and hope it's a bit less trouble for you to write!

A great ending to a great story.
When you have to do something, do it in style! And a lot of friendly teasing too.
I loved it how Twi tried to tease Luna back, only for the plan to horribly backfire in a humorously spectacular fashion.

For some reason I felt as if Luna arranged this study project for Twilight with hoping that something like this will come to pass - become less stuck up, and maybe even get laid in the process. If it was, then this was a triumph, I'm making a note here, huge success.

But yeah, it was a great read with every chapter, so thank you very much for this enjoyable ride :twilightsmile:

Princess Luna’s smile took on a wolfish gleam. “In my experience, nopony quite gets used to royalty suddenly showing up at their door. In any event, may I come in? There is some business I wish to discuss with you.”

She does make a good point.

“Ah.” Princess Luna nodded in understanding. “It's that sort of thing, is it?”
“It was ... some sort of thing, yes.” I cleared my throat. “Events occurred.”
“Illicit things, I take it?” she asked.


I hunched my shoulders and lowered my head as I looked up at her. “That obvious?”
“I have been lead to believe she has that effect on ponies,” she said.

You have NO idea.

After considering the question, I said, “It was ... new. And good.”
Princess Luna hummed in agreement. “Often new experiences can be, when you give them the chance.”


Princess Luna leaned in to whisper conspiratorially to me. “Well, a little bit of embarrassment caused by your princess would not be too bad, aye?”

You're enjoying this.

Princess Luna covered her mouth as she chuckled at my outburst. “I can see why my sister likes you.”
“Because I try to be a good student?” I asked, really hoping that was the reason.

Not entirely inaccurate.

“Of course, if you wish to be more than merely a student and a teacher...” A mischievous grin slowly creased her face. “I am sure you know how relationships between patron and their protégée used to work a millennium ago.”

Do go on.

Oh, it seemed I hadn't misinterpreted her meaning. I had read about in my history books where an influential, powerful, or wealthy patron might take on a promising student, and as part of that mentorship, they sometimes had ... relations.
“MEEP!” The only appropriate response.

How Fluttershy of you.

Princess Luna’s smile became positively evil. “Oh good, you do know the old ways.” I looked around desperately to try and find some sort of inspiration on what to say, how to react, a way out of this trap. I was in the middle of considering the option of teleporting and then running away when Princess Luna broke out in a hearty laugh. “My, you are easy to fluster.”
“I ... uh...” I blinked in a stupefied manner as I tried to process the un-princessly behavior I was now seeing. “Oh, you really are Celestia's sister!”

And it is hilarious.

“That wasn't funny,” I grumbled.

It was hysterical.

“You are welcome. A comely mare should be declared as such now and again.”

Fair enough.

“Then it is good,” Her Highness said. “If you can go through a time of adversity and come out the other side satisfied with life, then you cannot have done too badly.”

You make an excellent point.

“And you wonder where to go from here?” she finished.
I nodded.

Ah yes, the feeling of "What now?"

Princess Luna grinned mischievously. “I can think of a few things we could do together.” She ran the tip of her wing along my spine.

I moved in for the kill. “Sorry, but I like your sister more.”
Princess Luna took a step back. “My sister?!”
“Yes. Celestia. Princess of the Sun.” I said gravely. “I ... might have had a bit of a crush on my teacher.”

To be fair, she's not exactly unattractive.

“Mmm, a pity then.” Princess Luna let out an annoyed huff. “My sister really could use a romantic liason now and again. Really, I do not understand her insistence on remaining chaste.”

Considering the amount of baggage being at least over 1000 would carry...

“Especially after my sister had gotten rid of it. And here I had planned on mounting it on my wall, but apparently that’s ‘macabre’ and ‘barbaric’ now.” Her lungs heaved with an annoyed huff.
“Um, is that so?” I knew that Princess Luna had killed Chrysalis, or at least the body she had possessed at the time, but I didn’t realized she had taken her head.

Oh, dark.

“I have been lead to believe she has that effect on ponies,” she said.

I might win an award for world's tiniest nitpick here, but today I am in a Grammar Nazi mood. The word "lead" here, if pronounced with the short "e" sound (as in bed), refers to the metal. The proper spelling of the past tense of "lead" (as in bead) is "led".

EDIT: (Say, knighty, can we get some grammatical notation for the comments, like a schwa e?)

You did a fantastic job.

This story was a great ride, and I am sad to see it end.

No Shining, Cadence, and Dinky resolution. Booo!

Great story though. I really have enjoyed reading it.

Another wonderful story has come to an end. Drink up, my friends.


Pretty good conclusion.

I do feel the need to ask, is this story Canon with the Original?

Outstanding job on this. Maybe in the future, Study could end up as a book as well?

4 years reading it. Thanks for all the fun.

I hope for more 4 years of your writing. Cheers!

He wrote a pretty lengthy blog post on that last week.

Princess Luna tipped my chin up and met my gaze with a serious look. “Trust me, I know how hard that lesson can be. When one wears a crown, it is an easy thing to take everything very seriously. Too easy, sometimes.”

That foreshadowing, even if the story ends here.

This has been a thoroughly enjoyable read. Thank you for providing me with so many hours of fun with Purple Smart.

Congrats on reaching the end of an epic length tale! As with the core story, I often found myself as frustrated with the actions of the characters or the direction of things, but I was always engaged with what was going on. The Winningverse is very much a pony soap to me, and I surely argued about the course of things as much as an soap opera fan would. There were a variety of intriguing plot lines throughout this story, and I wish they all could have been explored fully, despite the fact that it would have doubled the length of things at least... So I certainly understand why it didn't happen (even more, in light of your blog entry... A link to it would probably be a valuable addition to the comments section.).

I'm grateful for the closure that we did get, and congratulate you once again on the entire undertaking!

I am sad to see this end, but I have really enjoyed it. Hopefully this means a great focus on other Cloud Kicker stories!!

I knew that Princess Luna had killed Chrysalis, or at least the body she had possessed at the time, but I didn’t realized she had taken her head.

At least she didn't paint it pink. :trollestia:

The same went for my feelings for Fluttershy. I wasn't going to do myself any favors by pining after ponies I would never have.

How's that working for ya, Twilight? (spoilers) http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/7/7e/Main_ponies_windswept_by_the_Wonderbolts_S6E7.png/revision/latest?cb=20160508232319

I knew that Princess Luna had killed Chrysalis, or at least the body she had possessed at the time, but I didn’t realized she had taken her head.

straight out of left field

Commence read.

Quite a journey.

Await further adventures.

So it's finally over. Thank you very much for writing this story, Ponibius. I haven't been following this story since the very beginning, but it's been 3 years for me at the very least. I read your latest blog post and I understand why you see so many flaws with this story. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed this ride, especially for the comedic bits. I'll be happy to read your future stories if they interest me. I have to admit, I liked this epilogue more than the last two chapters. I would even say that the story would be better if it were all written like this epilogue, but I know that you realize this yourself. Keep on improving and let's all hope that your future endeavors won't be as draining on you as this story. Now on to other stories in the Winningverse and beyond, I guess.


Ponibius, I give you my utmost congratulations. Sticking with a project for this long and finally being able to complete it is a tremendous accomplishment. Your dedication and perseverance are an inspiration to us all. ^_^

So, here we are. I'm going to miss this story, that's for sure.

Grats on finishing the story, and good luck on your current/future projects. :twilightsmile:

oh wow I have been reading this story for a little under 4 years from the beginning, that is a long time to get to the end, throughout the whole story I have had thoughts and theory's proven and disproved, fantasized about the characters reactions on what they might do in the next chapter and Wooped out loud when I see something that I thought of actually happen, and I enjoyed every second of it, every time this story updated in my notifications I would not be able to wait to read it because I knew something awesome was coming. I am almost sad to see it go but I can honestly say that I am satisfied with how it ended. a job well done:fluttershysad::pinkiesmile::raritywink::rainbowdetermined2::twilightsmile::ajsmug:

Will there be a wrap-up of Twilight's family issues, even if in a sequel or another story?

This has been a hell of a ride. It is sad to see it end but all good things must eventually.

I know that this story got away from you at times but you ran with the consequences instead of trying to reign them in and that is admirable. I probably would have thrown out so many drafts of chapters if I were in your shoes. But I have to say that at least this story came to a conclusion that was at least held my interest for these four years.

God, four years...

I suppose New Life is going to have to scratch my Winningverse itch from now on.

Congratulations on the epic tale and here's to your next writing venture! :yay:

Well, I know it didn't turn out the way you ultimately wanted it to, but it was still an enjoyable read throughout, and I'm glad I started reading it all that time ago. That you actually finished this despite all the obstacles you had to overcome is a testament to your dedication as a writer, and though what you made was not perfect, why else are we all on this site if not to improve ourselves as writers?

What, you thought we were all here to just read stories about cute pastel ponies? What do you take me for? :trollestia:


There are definitely plans to expand on them in other stories.


Well, at least this last bit with Luna was cute to end this story on a positive note in spite of the issues.

Also, I feel like it is critically important to link to that blog post you wrote in the final author's notes for people who didn't see it the first time and especially for people who read this story in the future so I would definitely add that before you call this a wrap. You might also want to add it to the earlier chapters people complained about, although I feel like anyone who gets that far will probably at least skim to the end so adding it to them isn't critical the way it is with this story.

reading this monstrosity took so much time out of my day, took my attention away from productive things, and climaxed with a fanon oc having sex with one of my favorite established characters in a show with pastel ponies created for little kids

and I don't regret a single second I spent reading it. The only gripe I have is that we dont see the conclusion of the family issues, as well as a conversation with cloud in the epi at all. but besides that this story has made the last four years of my life at least a bit more brighter.

So cheers and good luck to whatever you write next, because showing such dedication to your craft has earned you another dedicated reader

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Thanks for reading my story. Your support has been no small emphasis for me to keep going through the trials and tribulations. And do not worry, more stories are coming, that is a promise.


I admit, I am more than a bit of a TwiLuna fan.

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Some of these elements are definitely going to be covered in Chengar's New Life of a Winning Pony, and I'll probably be writing a few stories to deal with some of these issues in the future once I get a muse for it.


Luna had more than one reason for getting this study rolling, and suffice to say, she is pleased with the results.


There is a good chance that might get covered in a future story by someone. It is a bit of a large issue.

It's always possible there could be a book, but that would be a major project that I would leave for down the road when I've had a bit of time to think and reflect. In broad strokes this will be canon, though it will probably only be talked about in pieces in other stories.


Thanks for all your help editing this story. It has been a big help.


I've added a note at the end of the comment section, as recommended.

And I might cover some odds and ends in the future in more manageable chunks once I get some time to mentally and physically recover from completing Study. It all depends on where my muse leads me.


Middy: What is wrong with pink?


I'm sure Twilight isn't coping a feel there. Surely not. Not when the world is giving her an opportunity there. Ship on Alula, ship on.


That's one of those tone issues I mentioned earlier in my blog post. It's good to have a mix of elements in a story, especially one as long as this one. Though there is a balance to it. I admit, this specific chapter felt like a guilty pleasure.


There will be stories such at the New Life of a Winning Pony that will go on to deal with various family issues.


Oh trust me, there was a few times I just wanted to give up. Either putting this story on haitus or outright canceling it. But whenever I start a story I promise myself that I will see it to the end. I know how crushing it can be as a reader to have a story you've been reading and invested in suddenly canceled, put on haitus forever, or just plain never updated ever again, the author dissapearing into the aether. That isn't something I've wanted to inflict on my readers. So I saw this through to its finish, even if it was super tough, and required a ton of work.


Oh, I went into this story knowing I wasn't going to be perfect. You can't start out as a writer without hitting a few bumps in the road, and the good news is that I've gained a ton of experience along the way writing Study. After all, you learn more from your mistakes than your successes. Still, I am happy that I wrote this, even if there were errors made on my part. But that's just part of the learning experience. I'm far from despondent about it. As you may have noticed from me writing a 300,000 word story, I don't exactly quit easily.


I've added that to my last post, and I'll probably do the same to one of the previous chapters. Thanks for reading.


Fantastic. It took a long while, but this fic finally got done! I gotta say, this was one interesting ride. You fit it seamlessly into the mlp canon and Winningverse story, and its been great to read the whole way through with practically no lapses in the excitement or humor for such a long and in-depth story. Masterful! You and your team did a great job!

Looking forward to the rest, mate! Best of luck!

7200404 I don't remember if twilight is a princess yet, I think she was still a unicorn

At the end of this story she is not a princess. But she is during 'a new life'. Maybe that will be clouds excuse. She did it with unicorn twilight. Storm still gets virgin alicorn twilight. Assuming that's how it works. Who knows.

Great story,
But, seeing as you didn't resolve the plot involving twilight's and Derpy's Families,
especially since Dinky hasn't yet met her father Shining Armour.
And the new friendship between Twilight and Luna to explore,
is it safe to assume there will be a Sequel in the recent future?


Most likely there will be at some point.

Twilight talking about her feeling for Celestia reminded me of a scene from the last Doctor Who christmas special "The Husbands of River Song" where she talks about how loving the Doctor is like loving the stars.

Okay, time to finish this. I held off for a while as I wanted to be less irritated before writing my final thoughts down on the story as presented, and with a month past it's time to see how that goes.

“Hopefully you took a few things away from your time with Cloud,” Princess Luna said. “It was my hope that you would.”

Luna, I swear, if this was all for the purpose of messing with Twilight's lack of a love life, someone needs to smack an alicorn.

She stood straighter as she smiled invitingly. “Among other reasons, and I find I do enjoy your company too. Though in the future I would hope it be for more than just business.”

I tilted my head at that. “Like ... another teacher?”

Princess Luna hummed mysteriously. “Mayhaps. I would not be adverse to the idea.”

Doubly so if the purpose was to eventually get Twilight into bed!

“And I've decided to move on.” The Princess was right; if I wasn't going to try to pursue my filly old crush on Princess Celestia, then I needed to put it aside. The same went for my feelings for Fluttershy. I wasn't going to do myself any favors by pining after ponies I would never have. It certainly hadn't made me happy to stay in that rut I had found myself in.

Ehh, I wouldn't disagree with that plan.

And I guess that's it. Well, it certainly has been a ride. I really enjoyed the Twilight's family side of things, and I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes in future Winningverse content.

Alright. This was good. Made for a nice weekend read.

Now, where is the story of how Shining and Cadence find out about and meet Dinky???

Because that is gonna be...amazing.


7438391 huh, missed that line

Damn fine story! Damn fine indeed!

And Luna is best Princess.

That was a fun read. I loved seeing all that from Twilights perspective.

8045045 actually, I remember it as being blasted into itty-bitty chunks of stew meat, and I thought the skull survived as the biggest morsel.

I'm actually surprised that Cloud and Twi didn't bother telling Dash bout their thing even if it's just to see the look on her face. Otherwise great story and thanks for writing. Cheers

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