• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 1,505 Views, 34 Comments

The Four Humans of Chaos - GamerstarOmega

Discord was defeated again but this time he's got a backup plan. One that involves humans in the fun.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Operation chaotic rescue

The group of humans turned draconequi made their way through the forest. The sun was just setting over the horizon and it was turning night. While they were walking the group also kept practicing their magic. They learned how to levitate off the ground without having to use their mismatched wings, they even managed to walk on two legs using said levitation.

As it started to turn dark, Fukakaina snapped her raccoon dog paw and bright lights appeared around the group. Trastorno explained to the group about what he might know about where they are. He explained they've entered the world of the TV show my little pony and that Discord is from said world. The others were surprised that a little kids cartoon would actually be a real world.

"And you used to watch those shows? I guess it's no wonder you seem to know about this." Riot said.

"Well, I was just a kid during those times. But I don't really understand how Discord's magic works, that was just guess work." Trastorno said.

"Can I ask you a question?" Fukakaina asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"How much further do we have to keep going? I'm not really the great outdoors type." Fukakaina swatted away few mosquitoes that kept pestering her.

"I can't say. I never really knew what the landscape of the show was like so really, I haven't a clue where we're going." He answered.

Fukakaina signed at the answer. She felt more mosquitoes biting her. At this point she had enough of these vampire bugs and she made the light balls around them start electrocuting any mosquitoes that flew near.

"Soooo uhh, what do you all like to do? I think we should get to know each other while we're here." Trastorno said.

The three thought about it for a moment before Riot spoke up.

"Well, I'm in high-school. I usually hang out with my friends after school and we always look for trouble. Sometimes we would pull pranks on unsuspecting people when we got nothing to do. One time, we put stink bombs around the whole school late at night and we didn't have class for a week." Riot smiled at that memory.

The others were speechless when Riot finished. They were all thinking how he and his gang even got away with it. Riot pulled out a green bomb and tossed up and down. *sigh* "Good times, gooood times."

"Riiiiiight, well I was just your average man.' Trastorno said. "I dreamed of being a doctor just like my papa. I just wanted a normal life. Maybe find a girl, maybe get married and settle down in a house. That was the kind of life I chose before…" He motioned his bear arm to himself. "This."

"Well that sounds like a good life." Fukakaina said. "Me? I'm a bit of a gaming youtuber. I like playing games so I thought it'd be fun to stream games. It was until a certain mishap occurred and I…lost it." She bent her head down in shame. "And because of that, now everyone on social media is calling me *sigh* 'rage girl'."

"Demon girl is more like it." Riot muttered.

Fukakaina turned to Riot with knives in her tiger paw and a menacing smile. "Did you say something?" She asked.

Riot broke in a cold sweat. "Nothing, nothing at all!!"

"Well for me, I grew up in an orphanage." Mischief said. Everyone's gaze fell on him when he said that.

"Did your parents…um…did they…well…" Trastorno tried to ask if Mischief's parents died but couldn't find the right words to say it.

"I don't know if they're alive or not, but all I know is that one of the caretakers told me I was dropped off by someone who they thought was my mom." Mischief answered. "And this necklace was left behind by her." He showed them his opal necklace.

Trastorno was surprised at the child's answer. But Mischief didn't stop there. He went on about getting adopted by the Campbells, thought he would be happy being in a family but he was wrong. The only thing they did was scream at each other and they didn't even pay attention to him. Things only got worse when he started school and he was being bullied by two kids, Ed and Butch. The only reason Mischief put up with all the torment was the hope that one day he could finally leave this life and it looks like Discord answered that prayer.

When Mischief finished, no one said anything. It was incredible that this boy endured those years and still held hope.

"You guys don't have to worry." Mischief reassured the group. "Because thanks to Discord I don't have to take anymore pain, and I got to teach those jerks a lesson."



A few hours ago

Ed and Butch were walking down an alleyway minding their own business when Butch was struck by something slimy and sticky. The pair turned around and saw no one there. That was when Ed felt his underwear being pulled from behind and caused him pain. And to their surprise, a jar filled with red ants appeared out of thin air and was dumped into Ed's underwear. Ed screamed in pain as he felt the ants were biting into his privates.

Butch tried to help his friend, but a toilet appeared in front of him. The toilet grew arm and stretched out to grab Butch and gave him a swirly full of poop water. Butch felt a big kick to his butt though no one was there. But unbeknownst to Ed and Butch, an invisible sheep headed draconequus was the cause of their pain. Before leaving, he turned to the suffering bullies.

"This is for all the pain you jerks gave me." He summoned a zipper, opened a pathway back to equestria and left.


The group was shocked at what Mischief did to his bullies. They never thought this friendly looking kid would cause anyone harm if pushed to it.

"Well god damn bro! I never thought you'd have it in you." Riot exclaimed. He wrapped his wolf arm around Mischief. "And hey, if it makes you feel any better, my parents weren't the best either."

"Really?" Mischief asked.

"Yeeeeah let's just say I have an younger brother and my parents always loved him more than me. But like, who needs them? Because now I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. So frankly, we don't need our crummy parents."

Mischief couldn't help but smile at Riot's words.

The group continued moving through the forest. They still couldn't figure out if they were going the right way, so Riot suggested going up for a higher vantage point. He stretched his giraffe neck high above the trees and surveyed the forest. He turned his head around like an owl until he spotted a little town in the distance. He descended his head back down to the forest.

"I spotted a town." He pointed to where the town was.

"Then let's get moving." Trastorno said. Before they could go, they all heard a growling sound.

"What was that!?" Fukakaina asked with a scared tone.

"Uh oh." Said Trastorno.

"Uh oh!? Why Uh oh!?" Riot asked, starting to get worried.

"Um… g-guys?" Mischief said his voice shaking with fear. He pointed his monkey finger to where he was looking. In the shadows, pairs of green eyes followed by a lot of growling were approaching the group. The aggressors were a pack of wolves made of wood.

"Are those some kind of wood wolves!?" Riot asked in disbelief.

"I miiiiight of forgotten to mention this forest is also home to some dangerous creatures." Trastorno said, scratching the back of his head and smiling sheepishly.

"Seriously!?" The three said in unison.

"Don't worry everyone, I've got this. I just need you guys to get behind me and cover your ears."

They were confused at why they needed to cover their ears, but they did what they were told cause they thought Trastorno had a plan. Once they got behind them, Trastorno approached the wooden wolves. The wolves continued to growl and snarl at their prey.

"You guys may think you're so tough." Trastorno began. "But let's see how tough you are when you deal with…THIS!!"

Trastorno was suddenly surrounded by black energy, surprising everyone including the wood wolves. The black energy began to rise up and grow bigger. When the energy dispersed, Trastorno had transformed into a giant t-rex twice the size of a normal one. With a loud thump as he landed to the ground, the now dinosaur Trastorno looms over the now frightened wood wolves. Trastorno took a deep breath and let out a powerful roar that created strong winds.

The three draconequi kept their ears covered from the loud roar. The wood wolves were blown away by the force of roar. Some crashed into trees and shattered into smaller pieces. When Trastorno stopped roaring he panted, having exhausted his breath. The shattered remains of the wood wolves began to reform themselves. When they finished they ran away having lost the will to fight.

Trastorno changed back to his draconequus form and breathed a sigh of relief. The others ran up to him and began to praise him.

"Duuuude!! That was straight up awesome!! You were all "not so tough are ya huh" and then you roared at them and they ran like bitches!" Riot exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'll admit I got a little scared when you turned in that black ball. I thought you were going to explode them or something but definitely not a dinosaur." Fukakaina said.

"Did you make that t-rex bigger or something? Because I don't think t-rexes are supposed to be that big." Mischief asked with sparkles in his eyes.

Trastorno blushed slightly at all the praise he was getting. "Heh heh, to be honest I just wanted to turn into a big dinosaur like I've always wished as a kid." He scratched his cheek. "Well, no more dilly-dallying, we've got a town to reach."

"Oh wait! Let me get us there faster." Fukakaina spoke up. The boys turned to look at her.

"Really? How?" Trastorno asked.

Fukakaina smirked. "Well you're not the only who had dreams when they were kids. You see, there's this popular ninja anime back home that I'm into and I've always imagined my very own jujitsu."

"Like what?" Mischief asked.

"Like this!" Fukakaina put on a headband with a symbol of a leaf on it and quickly made hand signs. "Shadow style. Shadow blanket jujitsu!" Fukakaina's shadow rose from the ground. Before anyone could even say anything, the shadow covered the whole group. The shadow then shrunk and turned into a hawk. The hawk took off into the night sky and towards ponyville.


The ponies of Ponyville were in a panic. Not only did they hear a ferociously loud roar but somepony said they saw a giant figure from the everfree forest. This roar was so powerful it shattered every single window in town. Ponies were afraid that the same creature that made that roar would come to their town. Mayor Mare tried to reassure everypony that the royal guard would handle the situation, but after hearing a roar like that she was worried about what kind of creature it was.

Twilight Sparkle was looking through books upon books searching for what kind of creature from the everfree forest could roar so loud that it could be heard from afar. But no matter how many books she went through, she found nothing. She turned to her purple dragon assistant Spike.

"Spike, take a letter. We need to inform Princess Celestia of this mysterious creature."

"On it Twi." Spike immediately took out a quill and paper.

"Dear Princess Celestia, there has been an unknown creature spotted in the everfree forest. Its roar shattered all the windows across Ponyville and caused a panic. I've searched through many books yet I couldn't find anything. I believe you might have an answer to what we might be dealing with. I hope to hear from you.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

After finishing the letter, Spike sealed the letter and breathed green fire sending the letter to the princess. A frantic knock on the door was heard. Twilight went to open the door and it was Rainbow Dash.

"Twilight! Did you hear that loud noise!?" She asked.

"I'm not entirely sure Rainbow. When I heard that roar, its force broke my windows."

"Yeah no kidding. When I flew over Ponyville it looked like all the windows were broken. Ponies are already freaking out about how somepony saw some giant monster towering over the everfree and then disappeared."

"Did you happen to see the monster before coming here?"

Rainbow shook her head. "No, it was too dark over there so I couldn't see anything."

"Well, I've already sent a letter to Princess Celestia about the situation so let's gather the girls and discuss this."

While all this panic was occurring, a hawk made of shadows watched the entire scene unfold. Inside its left were the four spirits of chaos watching from behind.

"Looks like someone decided to let this whole town know there's a giant monster in the forest." Fukakaina said glaring at said monster who turned his head avoiding the female draconequus's angry gaze while whistling a tune.

"Well we're here now so what do we do now?" Riot asked.

"Um, next we should find a train station to Canterlot so we can go to the castle and find Discord." Trastorno suggested.

"Ok then. Now where's that?" Fukakaina asked.

"I…don't really know. Like I said, I've seen the locations but I don't know the layout of much." Trastorno said.

"Ok then I'll just fly us around town until we find it." Fukakaina said. She directed the shadow hawk to fly around the town. Everywhere they turned they saw building with broken windows from Trastorno's war cry and scared ponies. After a few minutes of flying, the group finally found the train station. The shadow hawk perched under a bench and hid in the shadows.

"So, while we're waiting for the train to come, anyone up for a little game?" Riot asked.

"Like what?" Mischief asked.

Riot simply chuckled and held out his dragon claw. Flames appeared and when they disappeared a nintendo switch was in place. A screen appeared behind him and it showed a game.

"Super Smash Bros Ultimate!!" Riot exclaimed in an announcer's voice.

A couple minutes had passed and the group was still waiting for the train to come. They played in teams: Trastorno and Fukakaina vs Riot and Mischief. They played a few rounds against each other with the score tied 29 to 29.

"Alright, for this round how about we make this interesting." Riot said.

"Oh? Interesting how?" Fukakaina asked with curiosity.

"How about the loser team has to do whatever the winning team tells them to do?"

"Well then, that is interesting. Alright then let's do this."

Before the final round could commence however, the group heard a train whistle. Fukakaina mentally made the shadow they were in rise up and made an opening for them to see. The train arrived at the station, it's windows were also shattered due to Trastorno's war cry. Ponies exiting the train had expressions of shock, fear, worried, and some with soiled pants.

To say Trastorno was feeling guilty about this was an understatement, he felt like he was a jackass who would bang cymbals to sleeping babies. Mischief did his best to console the inevitable sulking Trastorno that he was only trying to protect them. Fukakaina directed the shadow to move to the top of the train. The train began to move again once ponies either got off the train or on it. The group emerges from the shadow to allow the midnight breeze to blow in hair and fur.

"The wind feels so nice tonight." Fukakaina said, admiring the night sky.

"Oh! You know what we should do? At night we should get some meteors and ride them as they fall to the ground." Riot suggested.

"Where'd you get that idea?" Fukakaina asked.

"From a webtoon comic." Riot answered. "It looked pretty fun and I wanted to try it."

"Your way of fun sounds too destructive for me."

"Ok fine, how would you do it then?"

Fukakaina thought about it for a moment. Then she had an answer. "I would instead skate across the night sky making the stars dance with me as I move."

"Sounds too lame to me."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. And we still haven't finished our final round in smash bros yet sooo…"

"Consider it on."

The two shook each other's mismatched hands declaring the bet once again. Meanwhile, Mischief was blowing bubbles of different colors and shapes using the wind from the train to cheer up Trastorno. At the very least, it made him feel a little better.

"So um Tras… uh tra…tra… uhhh." Mischief tried to say Trastorno's name but found it difficult. Trastorno decided to help him pronounce his name.

"Let me help. Just repeat what I say. Tras-."

"Um T-trasss-."






"T-trast-torno. Trastorno."

"There you go." Trastorno cheered.

"Ok Trastorno. Trastorno. Trastorno." Mischief repeated the name until it stuck to memory. "Ok, so I have a question."

"What is it?" Trastorno asked.

"Do you like mice?"

Well that was a weird question. "Well I mean, they're OK I guess. I would prefer a dog instead."

"Ok, well I like mice because they're small, fluffy and adorable to look at. Most of the kids at my school think mice are dirty and gross but I think differently."

"I guess you'd really like your own pet mouse huh?"

"Uh huh, I've passed by a pet store a few times and I've always wanted my own but my other mom hates them and I mean really hates them. This one time a few mice were in our backyard and she killed them all with a shotgun."

Trastorno's eyes went wide after hearing that. The fact that someone would use firearms on a mouse just shows how much they hate them. He thought stuff like that would happen in cartoons.

"I-I see…"

"So what do you think the mice in this world are like?"

"Well if I'm right, then all the animals in this world should be smart enough to know what you and I are saying."

"Really? Then that means talking to them will be more fun and easier." Mischief turned his head and he noticed they were approaching a city. "Hey I think that's the Canterlot place."

Trastorno looked to where Mischief was pointing. Sure enough, they were reaching Canterlot city. Everyone returned into the shadow again and it turned back into a hawk and flew the rest of the way. The group arrived at Canterlot city where it could be seen that thankfully Trastorno's war cry hadn't even reached the city of nobles with building windows intact. Trastorno made a mental note to never do anything that involves loud noises and to just burn any timber wolves they come across.

"Alright we've made it to this Canterlot, so where's the castle?" Fukakaina asked.

"It should be on a mountain side somewhere." Trastorno said as he looked for the castle. Once he managed to spot the castle he directed Fukakaina to fly them there. As they flew to the castle they noticed two pony guards standing at the entrance of the castle. They landed in the bushes to avoid being seen.

"So now what?" Fukakaina asked.

"Leave this one to me bros." Riot said with confidence.

"What are you going to do?" Mischief asked.

"Just watch." Riot stepped out of the shadow hawk and turned invisible. He silently approached the two unsuspecting guards, he opened his mouth and exhaled purple mist. The guards didn't understand where this weird smell came from, but it was already too late when they felt a feeling of drowsiness and they both fell to the ground unconscious.

Riot reappeared in front of the sleeping guards smiling. He signaled the group to come to his position. The shadow hawk flew up the stairs and landed near one of the sleeping guards. Riot entered back into the shadow hawk and the hawk slipped under the big doors.

The shadow moved across the castle floors. The group was looking for the doors which led to the gardens but they didn't know where to start. They decided it would be easier to split up and search the castle that way. Trastorno made it clear to everyone they needed to stay hidden and try not to cause trouble. They agreed and went in different directions of the castle.


Trastorno floated through the halls of the castle. He marveled at the fact that he was in the world of his childhood TV show and now he was turned into a spirit of chaos. He hoped he and his teammates wouldn't have to face the elements of harmony, but if it came to that then he knew what he had to do. He heard footsteps, or in this case hoofsteps, approaching. He hid in a vase that was next to him and waited. There were two guards, one a blue pegasus stallion and a red earth pony stallion.

"Hey, have you heard? Apparently there was some loud noise in the everfree." The red pony said. "Somepony even said they saw a giant monster where the noise was. It was so powerful it broke every window in ponyville."

"Yowzers, that must be some crazy scary monster. Can't even imagine what it even looks like." The blue pegasus guard said.

Trastorno internally kicked himself. Quite literally, a mini version of himself appeared beside him and kicked him. "Nice one Alejandro, you wanted to look cool and you managed to scare an entire town." The tiny Trastorno clapped his mismatched hands and congratulated the other Trastorno in a sarcastic tone before vanishing. He wondered how his thoughts spoke up like that, maybe the work of Discord's magic. Once the coast was clear Trastorno popped out of the vase and continued his search.


Riot was having too much fun to focus on his goal. He sneaked his way around the castle halls looking for pranking targets. He spotted three pony guards. One a gray unicorn stallion and two light green pegasi mares. A sinister smile formed on Riot's face. Confirming no one was watching, he snapped his wolf paw and the three guards froze in place. He walked over to them and smacked the two mares in their flanks. He pulled a feather from his raven wing and tickled the frozen stallion.

Once everything was finished, he turned invisible and summoned his phone. "Aaand action." He whispered before snapping his wolf paw and unfreezing them. The two mares yelped in surprise when they felt a sudden strong slap to their flanks, they turned around and saw the unicorn stallion laughing. He stopped when the tickling sensation passed. He noticed the angry blushing faces of both mares, he was confused at first and before he knew it he got a hard slap from the first one followed up by a punch in the face from the other one knocking him out.

The two mares huffed and left the now unconscious unicorn on the floor. Riot watched the whole scene and quickly ran in a nearby empty storage room and began to laugh uncontrollably. He never thought he could ever pull pranks like that. But now he could do anything like any character in any comic, movie, video game, etc. Oh the possibilities are endless. His ears perked up and heard the sound of voices, he looked through a lock in the doorknob. He saw a guard concerned for his friend who was on the floor. Riot smiled, prank time.


Fukakaina found her way to the dining hall. She was surprised with how spacious it was. "Geez, how much room do these royal ponies need?" She asked herself. She walked over to the table and sat down on one of the chairs. She looked at the empty seats and she smirked slightly.

A few moments later.

"Oh goodness me, I simply love the decor of this castle." Fukakaina said while wearing a purple dress.

"Indeed, I give props to the designers." Another Fukakaina said while wearing a suit and tie, a top hat, a monocle, and a mustache. The entire table was filled with clones of Fukakaina wearing fancy clothes and acting like nobles.

"Yes but honestly this dreary weather makes me want to faint." A Fukakaina clone said while wearing a white dress with small diamonds, a hat with feathers, and a fan. "I simply wish a refreshing cold wind would blow in this heat." The other Fukakainas nodded their heads in agreement. "But enough about that. What I wish to know is where the food is? I am simply starving."

Right on cue, the door leading to the kitchen opened revealing another Fukakaina with French mustache and wearing a butler attire pushing a cart with a big metal cover on it. She stopped at the table and placed the tray on the table, she lifted the metal cover to reveal a massive chocolate cake. The cake had pink frosting near the edges and strawberries. All of the Fukakaina clone's mouths were drooling upon seeing the cake. Cake was always Himiko's favorite dessert, whether it was breakfast, lunch, dinner, even before bedtime she would always have a slice of cake.

Without missing a beat, the Fukakainas began to eat the cake immediately. The cake started to shrink piece by piece until nothing but small crumbs remained. The clones had completely eaten the massive cake satisfied with the flavor. But what surprised them was that even though they ate the whole cake they could still eat more. Probably the quirks of being a draconequus. Luckily for them, there were still more of those massive cakes so she doesn't have to worry.

"Well this is technically stealing, but I'm sure no one will mind. I mean they could always make more cakes right?" Fukakaina asked. The others nodded in agreement and once again began emptying out all cakes in the fridge.


Mischief walked through the castle halls. He looked out the window and saw the view of Canterlot. He was mesmerized by the sight of the fancy city, he'd love to go exploring but he had an important job to do. After walking for a few minutes, Mischief found two wooden doors. He opened them and he found himself in the gardens.

"This must be it." He said. He took in the beautiful sights. Pretty flowers blooming, the fresh smelling air, the small animals scurrying about. However, when they saw Mischief they were frightened and ran away like he was a monster, which in all honesty he couldn't really blame them. He would have screamed when Discord appeared in his room if he knew it was real. Speaking of Discord, where to find him.

"Hmm, now if I were Discord's statue where would I be?" He hummed in thought. He noticed a statue of a pony standing on its hind legs in a triumphant manner. It may not be the statue he was looking for, but at least he was on the right track. It was then he heard squeaking sounds from a bush nearby, it sounded like mocking laughter and pained squeaks. He knew what was happening and immediately went to the bush.

Behind the bush Mischief witnessed two large rats beating up a small mouse. One rat was fat and pudgy while the other was tall and skinny. The fat rat kept making mocking remarkable squeaks as he and his partner kicked the mouse while the mouse was crying with pain. The action infuriated Mischief, reminding him of his days of getting bullied relentlessly before becoming a draconequus. He couldn't stand watching the cruelty and grabbed the two offending rats.

The rats were surprised from the sudden grab from a monkey and a mole. That shock turned to fear as they were brought to the face of an angry sheep with red wool. The bruised mouse was staring at its mysterious savior with tears in its eyes. The mysterious creature then spoke with a tone of anger.

"So you guys think it's fun beating up on those weaker than you!?" Smaller versions of Mischief began to climb out of his wool and onto the ground wanting to teach the rats a lesson. "Well don't we see how you like this!?" He dropped the rats in the crowd of mini Mischiefs and they all started beating up the rats.

The rats cried out in pain as these weird creatures bit at their tails, bonked them on the heads with frying pans, pulled on their whiskers, and elbowed them in the stomach. The mouse couldn't help but smile that its rat bullies were getting their just desserts. Mischief picked up the hurt mouse and healed its injuries. After a while the mini Mischiefs finished with beating and returned to regular sized Mischief's wool. The rats were completely beaten all over their bodies and were unconscious. Mischief left the two rats in the bushes with the mouse in tow.

"Are you ok?" Mischief asked the mouse. The mouse nodded its head confirming it was ok. "That's good." Mischief said nuzzling the mouse with his monkey paw. "Hey, do you think you can help me with something? You see I'm looking for a statue that looks as weird as I am, have you seen something like that?" He asked.

The mouse tilted its head in thought for a moment. It realized it did recall seeing a weird looking statue and nodded. It pointed its paw to where the statue was and Mischief followed. Unbeknownst to both of them, a figure was hiding in the trees observing everything. The figure was a gray thestral mare with a purple mane wearing dark blue armor.

"This is bad, I must report this to the princesses." She spread her bat wings and silently flew off to alert the entire castle.

Author's Note:

New chapter, your welcome