• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 1,506 Views, 34 Comments

The Four Humans of Chaos - GamerstarOmega

Discord was defeated again but this time he's got a backup plan. One that involves humans in the fun.

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Chapter Seven: Our worlds

The group of draconequus were laying on the ground with exhaustion. They spent hours practicing their magic against the dummy opponents to the point where they were beginning to get the hang of using their imagination when needed. The level of training got more intense when different varieties of creatures appeared ranging from manticores, griffons, hydras, timberwolves, and occasionally cosmic bears.

The next group of dummies appeared once again. Riot attempted to snap his fingers to do something but his thumb and middle finger both deflated from overuse. “God damnit…” He muttered. The others tried to do the same, but ended up with different results. Trastorno's fingers crumbled and broke, Fukakaina's fingers melted, and Mischief was about to snap his fingers but the throbbing pain made him decide against it.

It was then Discord decided to appear and made all the dummies disappear. He clapped his mismatched hands. “Well done, very well done. I must say that was quite the interesting show. Seems I made the right call by choosing you guys.”

“Fuck you…, you could've picked up… any random humans and… you'd say the same thing… to them.” Fukakaina said with tired ire.

“Maybe, but who can say?” Discord sarcastically asked. “Anyway, now that you've gotten a real good grasp at chaos, it's time for the next step.” He snapped his eagle claw and the scene changed to a white void. “WORLD BUILDING!!” He shouted into the nothingness. “While you four were busy honing your skills, I took the liberty of making four separate dimensions for you all to put whatever you want in here.”

Trastorno: “Wait a minute….”

Fukakaina: “...where….”

Riot: “...are….”

Mischief: “...the others?”

“I told you, I made you all separate dimensions so naturally I'd put you all in your own worlds.”

“Ok that makes sense.” Riot said.

“So I'm supposed to put whatever I want in here?” Fukakaina asked.

“This whole thing is your canvas, so you're the artist. So have fun.” Discord said.

“Wait where are you going?” Trastorno asked.

“I've got very important errands I need to run so I can't stick around, but I'll be back to check how your world is progressing. So with that, I bid you farewell.” With a pop, Discord disappeared.

Mischief floated in place. “I get to put whatever I want in here.” He then began to squeal with joy. “Eeeeeeeee!! This is so exciting!!” He paused. Then the same question hung in everyone's mind.

Trastorno/Fukakaina/Riot/Mischief: “What world should I make?”


Trastorno's void

Trastorno scratches his head in thought. Building an entire world seems rather difficult now that he thinks about it. But building a world was the least of his worries right now. He was basically out of a job at the moment thanks to his little “mishap” in the toilets. “Hmmm, while I can literally make money out of nothing, I'd rather not be a lazy bum. But I guess until I can find another job I'll just conjure up some money to pay my bills and the rent.” Then another Trastorno appeared, making him reel back from shock.

“But then after we're finished with the building, are we just supposed to live here or something?” The double asked. “What if someone from back home wonders where we are if we aren't there?”

Trastorno calmed his beating heart. “Ok first of all, please never do that again. And second, I mean if something goes wrong back in our world and we might end up getting kicked out, which I hope doesn't happen, we could always come here and stay here for while we find a new place to live. And plus, it might be a good place to get away for a while.”

The double nodded his head in agreement. “You make a good point. Then again I'm you so I would know too.”

Trastorno chuckled at that. “Yeah I guess so. So what should we start off with?”

The double pondered this for a moment. “Well I remember when I was a kid I've always wanted to live among the clouds. It was a silly thought, but now.” He snapped his leopard paw and the white void was replaced with endless cloudy skies. Trastorno and the double both stared in awe and amazement at the new shift in environment.

“This is incredible….”

“Yeah but now what are you going to put in here?”

“Good question, hmmmm……… well for starters a foundation.”

“Ok, how about a floating island?” He snapped his fingers and an enormous rocky island appeared. “So what's next?”

“Let's give it grassy plains.” The entire surface of the island turned green in an instant. “And how about some mountains on the side?” Mountains began to rise at his command with a river flowing out of them.

“A forest in the middle of it?”

“Even better, a jungle.” With a gesture of his fingers, a dense forest grew rapidly. Some trees overtower others in either size or length. “And now for the animals.” He was about to create the animals when his double stopped him.

“Wait a minute. Don't you think maybe we could put something more interesting?” The double asked.

“What are you saying?” Trastorno asked with confusion.

“Well we're still the same person… or draconequus in this case, so you should know what I'm saying.”

“Well… how about instead of regular animals, we make plant people?”

“Alright, let's go with that.” The double snapped his fingers and packets containing various seeds appeared in his hands. The two floated down to the now jungle island and began planting the seeds. They watched as numerous different kinds of plant creatures sprouted out the ground. Few have humanoid appearances and were made up of tree bark or vines that were either covered with moss or other things, some were giant flowers with eyeballs in the center or with faces, some looking friendly while others looked terrifying.

The animals were plant based as well. Such as tortoises with rocky shells that have various vegetation growing, mushrooms with tentacles, birds with leaves on their heads, etc. The jungle island becomes more lively with each new life. Trastorno was pleased with his work. He took a little stroll through his jungle and admired his handy work. He extended his bear arm and a vine reached out and gently wrapped around his paw. He smiled at the gesture. This was his creation and it was from his imagination so one question came to his mind. “What else can I put in?”


Fukakaina's void

Fukakaina was sitting in a floating recliner chair. She was deep in thought about what would be her world. She took a sip of juice she summoned and sighed. “This is harder than I thought.” She leaned back on her recliner chair, she pulled out her phone and began searching. “If I can't think of what to do, then the internet should give me the inspiration I need.”

She browsed through the internet for anything she could use. She stopped at a picture that has a beautiful night sky. She looked at the picture with some thought, then took a few glances at other night skies. After a few seconds she nodded. She snapped her tiger claw and the surroundings changed to a starry night sky. The stars had different colors and the sky also had streaks of colors glide across the horizon. “It's more beautiful than I thought.” Fukakaina said, admiring the sky. With a swing of her raccoon dog arm she caused the stars around her to scatter.

She waved her finger and the stars began to swirl at her command. She moved them to form different shapes, she shaped them into letters that spell “Himiko rocks ❤ ️.” She shaped them into a buff man flexing his cosmic muscles. The buff man then shifted into a small butterfly which flew towards Fukakaina and landed on her nose. She giggled. She gently blew the butterfly back into a cluster of stars. She sat back on her chair and continued to browse the internet for ideas. Then she remembered something.

As a child, her parents took her to the beach for their family vacation. When it turns night she remembered how the moon reflected off the waters making it mesmerizing. “And now the mesmerizing scene will be here.” She snapped her fingers and below her water began to appear and stretched across the endless night world. She stepped onto the water like it was solid ground making ripples as she walked. The moon appeared above the sky shining its blue light upon the reflective water. She wanted to see what the bottom of the water looked like so she took a deep breath and drove her head into the water.

That resulted in her face being smacked against the water making it really feel like solid ground. “God… fuck!!” She exclaimed with pain. She rubbed her face. She stared at the water with a comical red vein appearing on her head. “Ok, let's try that again.” She placed her tiger paw on the water, she concentrated and her paw started to sink into the water. This time she managed to dive underwater to see the other side. And on the side was just more water. She swam back to the surface and the ideas started to form in her head. “Alright, let's do this.” She stated. Then she snapped her fingers.


Mischief's void

Mischief floated in his white void having trouble thinking of what and where to start with building his world. His eyes were showing static like on a TV screen. He was drooling without even realizing it. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” Inside his head, a light bulb was flickering on and off due to the difficulty coming trying to think of something. It was then the mouse Mischief picked up in a hurried frenzy back at the royal garden poked its head out having heard Mischief's constant uhing.

It leapt out its wooly abode and landed in front of Mischief's face. It waved its arms to get his attention. Nothing. It climbed to his ear and whistled. Still nothing. Frustrated, the mouse went into his wool. A few minutes later, the mouse came out with a trumpet in its tiny paws. Taking a deep breath it blew on the trumpet making a surprisingly loud sound. Mischief was startled at the noise flailing his arms and legs around before instinctively saluting. He blinked a few times and realized it was his mouse companion snapping him out of his little trance.

“Uhh hehe, sorry about that. Sometimes I tend to space out when I'm trying to think.” He apologized, scratching the back of his head. The mouse huffed in response. “Really though, I have no idea where to start.” He crossed his arms and closed his eyes in deep thought. His face scrunched up trying to think. Smoke started coming out of his ears from the strain until his head exploded. The mouse recoiled in shock and surprise. There was black smoke billowing from where his head was.

The mouse shook from fear and sadness thinking Mischief had died. That was until his arms were grasping where his head exploded. The body flailed its arms and legs around, freaking out having lost its head. The mouse shrieked in terror and passed out. The body pulled out a water canister and poured water on itself. Mischief's head immediately grew like a flower. “Well that was an experience….” He muttered. A flower sprouted out of his wool followed by more flowers until his wool was full of them. He shook the flowers out of him and they flew in several directions.

“But I did think of what I want to do. You're going to… oh?” He took notice of the passed out mouse, he floated over and nudged its sides but to no avail. “Huh……must've been tired and wanted to sleep. Oh well, I can just surprise you when you wake up then.” He put the mouse back in his wool and snapped his monkey fingers.

The area beneath him turned into a multi-colored paper checkered patterned ground that stretched for endless miles, Mischief touched down on the ground and spinned in place. He looked up and pointed his finger at the white sky and fired a blue ball made of paint and it exploded turning the entire sky blue. He took out a paint brush and paint buckets, cracked his mismatched fingers and went straight to work.


Riot's void.

Riot was leaning against a wall he conjured up with his mismatched arms folded and his eagle foot against the wall. He was very silent after Discord told him he could put whatever he wanted in his space. He smiled, then his smile grew larger revealing his sharp teeth. Then he chuckled until it turned into full blown laughter. “YEAH BABY!! WHOOOO, WHOOOO, WHOOOO, AHAHAHAHA!!” He screamed with joy at the idea that his dream world would now be a reality. “I think this calls for something special.” He summoned an 80-foot tall high dive and climbed the ladder while still having a crazed smile on his face.

Upon reaching the diving board Riot stepped towards the edge with swagger in his step. Before he made the jump, he acted giddy and his legs quickly moved up and down. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *ahem.*” After his mini celebration he proceeded to jump off the high dive, spin in the air, and dive straight down. As he plummeted he winded his dragon fist and it burst into flames. “FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”

When he reached the supposed bottom a huge explosion was made. The flames created a red rocky ground as it stretched across the void, creating a vast looking wasteland. The earth shook and a mountain rose from the ground extending to the now dark skies. Riot stood at the top of a cliff with his arms behind his back. He raised his wolf paw muttering one word. “Arise.” And snapped his fingers.

A bunch of hands bursted out of the ground and out crawled various monsters: goblins, orcs, skeletons, large dragons, giant worms, rock golems, etc.

They all turned to look at their creator and they bowed.

“All hail lord Riot!!” They all cheered.

Riot was grinning madly at all the praise and glory, but inside his mind he was crying tears of joy. “I can now die a happy man.”


Discord's chaos space

Discord sat in his usual chaos space looking at Equestria through a mirror. He watched as the ponies went about their usual lives. To anyone this was peaceful. But to Discord, “Look at those ponies so happy and cheerful, not a care in the world. It's so nice, so beautiful, so… dreadfully boring.” He slumped in his seat. “Can't understand why anyone would live like this, honestly I give these ponies what real excitement is about and turning me to stone is how they thank me?” His frown curled up into a smile. “Well, no matter.” The image shifted to show the elements of harmony and princess Celestia. Most definitely talking about the humans turned draconequi that came to rescue him. “Don’t worry ‘my friends’ you may have beaten me once, but my new companions will show you a new found chaos you'll all enjoy.” As he was talking, Celestia suddenly vanished from the throne room leaving the mane six utterly shocked. This action also surprised Discord.

He made the mirror locate Celestia and to his shock and amusement he found both Celestia and Luna in Ponyville completely like how Riot made them. The surrounding ponies were aghast seeing their princesses in such inappropriate fashion. Parents were shielding their foal’s eyes from the scene before them. Others couldn't stop staring and had perverted looks on their faces. The princesses were absolutely horrified at the current situation and tried teleporting away, however they found it to be impossible since it looked like they couldn't make their horns glow. Panicking, they resorted to flying but an invisible force field kept them from doing so. Meaning they were trapped.

Discord fell back on his chair laughing non stop at the princesses’ misfortune. “Hoooo that boy's got boldness, I love it” He shifted the image to see Riot's chaos space. The landscape was a red rock wasteland and in the sky the sun looked eclipsed. In it lay a large bustling city having a medieval but also a modern style to it. Its inhabitants were various creatures moving about their lives. In the center of the city was a huge castle that looked like it would belong to a demon lord. Inside, the castle had more creatures wearing armor and carrying weapons wandering through the castle. The mirror found Riot in a throne room laughing at a projection screen. It also showed the current conditions of the princesses which he was the culprit. He snapped his wolf paw and began munching on some chips.

“Interesting world you've made.” Discord complemented. “The evil castle is a nice looking touch. And those creatures, some looking quite menacing.” The sky suddenly lit up and like a TV screen, it showed the princesses’ current predicament. The inhabitants stopped what they were doing and began watching the screen and they all started laughing. “And I see they have a great sense of humor too.” Discord chuckled. “Hmmm. Let's see how the other's worlds are faring.”

The mirror split into four and it showed the worlds of the other draconequi.

Trastorno's world has open skies with floating islands. One island in particular was a massive tropical jungle with a giant tree in the center. Upon closer inspection, inside the leaves of the tree live beings made up of wood and vines were living in tree houses. They moved around by growing flowers on their heads and they acted as propellers to fly. Down at the base of the island everything was like a normal jungle. However it seems more plant people live there along with plant animals.

In the distance of the jungle island, there is a large body of water floating around. Inside was a large ball made of rock with holes. Fish swam in and out of the holes and even more some swam out of the water and floated in the open air. There were other floating islands as well. Some were made of clouds, a snowy winter land, industrial landscapes, and regular floating rocks.

Discord noticed on one of the clouds was a lone house. It was a gray colored single story house. There was nothing special the house had, it looked like a regular old house.

“Well, besides the house everything else looks nice. Though it looks like its creator is nowhere to be seen.” He shifted the image to find Trastorno. The mirror showed Trastorno back in the human world in his human form. He was back in his apartment where he and Discord met. He seems to be talking to a chubby man wearing a brown button shirt, shorts and sandals. They seem to be talking about something.

“Hello Alejandro, I'm here to collect the money from the month you were supposed to pay. And need I remind you I gave you a warning.” The man said.

“Uhhh yeah, gimme one second.” Alejandro said. He closed the door behind him and ran to his room. With no one watching, he snapped his fingers and a large wad of cash appeared in his left hand while a white envelope appeared in his right hand. He placed the money in the envelope and ran back to the door. He handed the money to the man. “Here you go, this should cover the payment I couldn't pay last time.”

The man looked at the money with wide eyes. He wasn't expecting the whole payment, but with confirmation he took the money and left. Alejandro closed the door and sighed in relief. “Oh, gracias Dios. (Oh thank you God.) Or Discord I suppose.”

“Well at least he's grateful.” Discord said. “Now then, let's check on the other two.” He glanced at another mirror and it was a sight to behold.

Fukakaina's world consists of a night sky with a moon that shines its blue light and a city. The roads were made of water but cars were able to drive on them. There were also cars that flew in the air as well as flying spaceships. The city itself looked futuristic and large buildings with neon lights. Yellow blocks with question marks on them were everywhere, there were also green pipes all over the city and gray boxes with pictures of gold rings. In the sky, lines were lit up and they connected to each other like a circuit board. The inhabitants were also interesting. Walking short mushroom people, mechanical beings from large to medium and small, humans with animal features, different animals with superpowers, green jellyfish looking creatures with three red orbs in them floating around, people with big hair and swords.

“Wow she really went all in with style didn't she.” Discord was impressed. He found Fukakaina on top of one of the buildings sitting in another recliner chair. She looked like she was talking to someone on her phone and the look on her face tells she's nervous about something.

“Oh heeeeeey, how are you doing?”


“Where am I? Well I'm………*gets up and paces back and forth* uhhhhh at…at… my mom's house yeah!”


“Nervous? Well it's because we had a… uhhhh… f-family meeting that's right.”


“Well no it's because uhhh, she needed me to watch over her prized… oven.” She face palmed and mouthed out the words “Oh my god.”


“Well you know how moms can be, you can never understand them.”


“Saturday? No I shouldn't be busy, why?


“A new restaurant? What's it like?”


Wow, the food there must be delicious.”


“New kind of cake!? Oh you bet all the jewelry in your house I'll be there! *ahem* I mean, I'll be there.”


“See you later.” She hangs up the phone. She collapsed back on the chair. “Oh man, last thing I want is anyone finding out about this. But a prized oven was the best excuse you could come up with?” She groaned.

“Well I thought it was funny.” Discord said, even though he knew Fukakaina couldn't hear him. He laughed at her poor attempt at lying.

Fukakaina felt a tinge of anger. “Why do I feel like someone is mocking me?”

Discord glanced at the last mirror which showed Mischief's world and this one peaked his interest.

Mischief's world is definitely something a child like him would be like. The floor had tiles with multiple colors. Blocks with the same multi-colored look were scattered everywhere. Trees that grew different kinds of foods like burgers, pizzas, pies, burritos, etc. Rivers and lakes filled with apple juice. A sun wearing sunglasses. Houses with human legs walking around. Flowers making conversations with toy animals. A giant hairy creature picking food off one of the trees and eating them.

Discord noticed Mischief under one of the trees eating a large bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. His mouse companion was eating a big block of cheese which gave it a full stomach. Mischief burped and sighed happily. “This is the life I could only have in my dreams, and now I'm happy it's real.” He turned to the mouse. “So what else should we add…umm… actually I just realized you don't have a name.” The mouse looked up at him and nodded, confirming his thought.

“Ok then, how does Mr cheese sound?” The mouse frowned at him. “No? Ok what about Mr… wait… you are a boy right…?” The mouse narrowed its eyes and growled slightly. “Oh.” Mischief sat there with a dumbfounded expression before bowing his head and apologized. “I'm sorry, I didn't know.” The mouse pondered for a moment before squeaking something he somehow understood but didn't question it. “Really? *sighs in relief* thank you.” The mouse nodded.

“Ok so let's just call you cheese, because you like eating cheese.” The mouse thought about it, but shook its head. “No huh? Hmmmm, what about Alice?” The mouse scrunched its face in thought. It shrugged and decided it would be called Alice. “Ok then, Alice it is then.” He grabbed the bowl and ate all the spaghetti in it. “Ok, break over.” He snapped his monkey fingers and the cheese disappeared much to Alice's disappointment. “You’ve eaten enough for today, we still got work to do.” He picked up Alice and put her his wool. “Now what do you say we put green clouds that rain soda?”

Discord marveled at Mischief's world. “I definitely love this one the most. It has that childish charm to it.” He chuckled. He looked at the rest of the world's made by the draconequi. “The human mind really is a mysterious and chaotic thing indeed. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.” He noticed Riot placing what looked like green bombs that had a skull on them all around Ponyville completely undetected. “Oooooooo, looks like our natural born prankster isn't done yet.” He snapped his lion paw and a bag of popcorn appeared. This was going to be hilarious.