• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,556 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Bonding with Rivals

Chun Li and Spencer had created a portal to take them back to Equestria, they had some details to work out for the big Marvel vs. Capcom event. They weren't alone however, joining them were the three top fighters in the Capcom world; Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante.

Chun Li and her allies waited at Celestia's Castle, waiting to get an audience with the Princess herself.

"So how long before this Princess shows herself already?" Dante asked while resting against a wall.

"Give it time Dante, she's very busy I'm sure," Chun Li said, waiting patiently in the middle of the room.

Chris rested on a nearby chair, "Typical higher ups, always keeping you waiting. Never cared much for that, but it's a burden I've learned to deal with."

Spencer chuckled, "True that, wait will be worth it though, finally gonna make progress on this upcoming battle."

Ryu just sat there in a meditating positions, focusing his energy and mind, he's always mentally preparing for a battle. Soon he will do battle with Marvel's strongest again, including Spider-Man.

"I'll be honest, I hope she gets here soon, I'm a bit excited for this," Chun Li admitted.

"You got the plans down Chun Li?" Dante asked.

"Of course, I just need to run them by Princess Celestia and we're all set!" Chun Li explained.

"Good, that much closer to proving ourselves superior to Spider-Man," Chris said.

Chun Li shook her head disapprovingly, "Again with this being better than Spider-Man thing, why can't it be just for fun and friendly competition?"

"Chun Li the point of competition is to try to be better than the other person, that's why it's a competition," Dante said.

"It seems to go beyond that," Chun Li said while focusing her attention on them. "You dislike Spider-Man to the point where it seems personal. You just wanna be better than him in general, even though that seems like an unreachable goal."

That got Ryu's attention and broke him out of his meditative state. "You mind repeating what you just said Chun Li?"

"Guys, let's face it. Spider-Man isn't considered the greatest Superhero for nothing, and I'm pretty sure it goes beyond just stopping the bad guys. He just gives off that vibe of hope, fave it so many people love Spider-Man not just because he's strong, or just because he fights bad guys, it's why he does it. He does it because it's the right thing to do, and he'll do anything to protect those he cares about," Chun Li said.

Chris groaned at that, "Ok, that's nice and all, but I still think he's a bit overhyped sometimes. It's like no matter what anyone does, if they're not Spider-Man they won't get the same level of respect."

"Chris that's not what I mean at all, besides that shouldn't even matter anyway," Chun Li argued.

"Hey Chris has a point, something about him just rubs us the wrong way. Like we said, he's overhyped, overrated and just not cool. There's no way a guy who dresses that stupid and dorky should be the greatest at anything," Dante said.

Chun Li rubbed her face, "I might as well be talking to a door or something."

Before long, a pony had walked into the room and got the attention of the Capcom warriors. A unicorn pony to be precise.

"You look kinda familiar, have I seen you before?" Chun Li asked.

"Yes, my name is Sunset Shimmer, you first saw me in Canterlot back when those villains of yours attacked. I am also acquainted with Leon Kennedy and Lady."

Chun Li's eyes widened, "Oh yeah, you and the Princesses helped fend off The Avengers when they were mind controlled, and you were at the big battle in that small town that Spider-Man and Princess Twilight live in."

"That's right, I take it you're Chun Li. You managed to nab those jerks and send them back to your world right?" Sunset said.

Chun Li nodded her head, "Sure did, everything's been taken care of."

"That's good, anyway Princess Celestia wanted me to tell you she's really busy right now and can't exactly talk at the moment," Sunset said.

"Yo seriously!? That's total bullshit!" Dante complained.

Chun Li did a 'hush' gesture to Dante, then turned back to Sunset. "That's fine, I understand that she's not able to see us, she oversees the land I believe, so I would take it she's really busy."

"Very, she did say she'll be able to see you a bit later, if you'd like you can go see Peter Parker in Ponyville, maybe talk plans there," Sunset said.

Chun Li beamed in happiness, "That would be great! I would love to see Peter again!"

"Oh great, we get to see Peter again," Dante said sarcastically.

Sunset glared at Dante a bit, but then focused again on Chun Li, "I'll be your personal escort, if you want to see him we can go now to Ponyville, hopefully we'll be able to catch the train before it leaves."

"Sounds good," Chun Li said and turned to her allies. "Let's get going."

Dante sighed, "Fine, the only good thing about this is that we at least get to see Applejack."

"And Rarity, don't forget her," Chris added.

"See, now you won't be bored, now let's go," Chun Li said.

Sunset nodded, "Ok, follow me please."

She led the Capcom group to the train station where they boarded the train en route to Ponyville. Trip wasn't too long for them.

When they got off they searched around.

"Such a nice town. So where does Peter live?" Chun Li asked.

"This way, follow me," Sunset encouraged.

She led the Capcom group through town, getting the attention of some nearby ponies. Quite a bit seemed to recognize them from the big battle weeks back. Most were a little unsure about Dante though, seeing as the half breed demon looked exactly like his brother, except with different hair.

Chris was another, bearing a very unhappy looking scowl, occasionally glancing at the ponies with a look of dislike. Chris doesn't hate the ponies, but he still finds the idea of a pony civilization to be weird, though if there are some like Rarity and Applejack then he'll bear it.

Ryu looked around as well, unlike the others he had some curiosity of Equestria. He's seen his share of weird creatures in his travels, either in his homeworld or in other worlds he's been to, magical talking ponies doesn't seem that weird to him in the end.

Most ponies seemed to stare at Spencer's Bionic Foreleg, never seeing anything like it. Spencer noticed this as he looked around, "Hey! Take a picture, it lasts longer!"

Most of the ponies looked a little taken back and instead focused on Chun Li. Her more cheery demeanor was welcoming. Chun Li occasionally waved to the ponies, and they usually waved back. At least she's friendly to them.

They finally arrived at the Library, though it seemed like the family was already outside. Twilight was sitting and reading against her tree while Peter played Roll the Ball with Mayday. Trixie and Rumble were near the father-daughter duo, seeming happy at the happy sight of Peter and Mayday.

"There they are, looks like they're relaxing outdoors. Good on them honestly," Sunset said.

Chun Li immediately rushed over, "Peter! Hey Peter!"

Peter turned his attention to the oncoming martial arts mare. "Chun Li?"

Chun Li rushed over and pulled Peter into a hug, "I'm so happy to see you!"

Twilight noticed this while reading. "Chun Li!?"

Chun Li let go and noticed Twilight, "Hi Princess Twilight! We just came to say hello to you and your husband."

"Wait? We?" Twilight asked, then noticed Spencer standing next to her.

"Hey Princess Pony, nice to see you again."

Peter looked a little confused, then became a little unhappy. "Oh great, those three are here too."

He noticed Ryu, Chris and Dante in the distance, each with their own smug look to Peter.

"We ain't exactly thrilled to see you Parker, we just came because Chun Li wanted to see you," Dante said.

Sunset approached the three with a bemused glare, "Behave or you're going back."

"Sunset Shimmer's here too?" Peter said.

Chun Li nodded, "She escorted us. We came by to see Princess Celestia to work out the details of our martial arts fight, but she was busy for now. So we figured come by and see you."

Chun Li looked to the guys, almost unhappy, "Well at least me since I'm one of the only ones who likes you."

"Hey we don't have to be here, I'm fine going to Applejack's farm," Dante said.

"Fine by us too," Twilight interjected.

Chris turned to Dante, "Forget her, I guess it's better for you to just go by Applejack's farm, myself I'd like to go see Rarity."

Chun Li huffed, "Whatever, you two do whatever. Ryu I'm sure you want to join them."

"I'd rather just explore this village if you don't mind," Ryu said.

Twilight nodded, "That's fine by me, so long as you don't challenge anypony to a fight."

"I mainly fight in tournaments or for training. Maybe a friendly challenge here or there but you have my word I won't challenge anypony here, I simply wish to explore," Ryu said.

"Then it's set," Dante said. "I head to the Apple Farm, Chris goes to see Rarity and Ryu just goes to chill."

"I can escort Dante and Chris to the farm and boutique, then keep an eye on Ryu if you'd like at least," Sunset said.

"That sounds reasonable," Twilight said, then approached them. "I'm gonna trust that you guys won't cause any trouble. Can you honor that trust?"

"Hey I like Applejack, I won't do anything to upset her," Dante said.

"I'm just gonna talk with Rarity, don't worry so much," Chris said.

"I'll be fine on my own. If Shimmer wants to tag along I don't really care. But like I said I have no desire to challenge a pony to a fight," Ryu said.

Twilight had some lingering doubt about this, but figured they would be at places where they won't cause trouble and Sunset Shimmer was around to help keep the peace.

"Alright, go for it," Twilight encouraged.

The Capcom trio then left to go to their respective destinations with Sunset Shimmer escorting them. Twilight then noticed that Spencer was still nearby.

"Aren't you gonna join them?" Twilight asked.

Spencer shook his head, "I'm good, I don't necessarily hate Spider-Man. I don't like him much either but I don't hate him to the point where I don't wanna be near him."

Twilight sighed, "Not everyone can like Peter I suppose, then again he's used to that."

Peter chuckled, "That's an understatement, it's much easier to count who doesn't hate me."

"Aw don't say that, I bet a lot of people and ponies like you," Chun Li said.

"Yeah seriously Peter, almost everypony in town likes you," Rumble reminded.

"Kid, if you're such a big time superhero, why would you be hated? Or why would you expect others to hate you?" Spencer asked.

Peter shrugged, "It's just my luck. I've always been that one guy who people notice my mistakes more than my accomplishments. Besides most people just like me as Spider-Mane, if I were still Peter Parker I can't guarantee they would like me as much."

"Peter, you know that's not true," Twilight said. "Lots of ponies in town liked you before they knew your secret."

"Yeah Peter, you seem like a nice boy, I would have liked you even if I didn't know you were Spider-Man," Chun Li said. "Actually seeing you outside your costume, I like you even more, you're really sweet."

"Man Chun Li, you're such a fangirl," Spencer said.

Chun Li huffed a bit, "I'm not a fangirl, I just happen to have a lot of respect for Spider-Man. Now I just respect him even more outside his suit. When he's not saving the day, he's being a good father and husband."

"You used to have a crush on him, in fact I'm pretty sure you still do!" Spencer said.

Chun Li turned away, "You can't prove anything."

"Oh I can prove it Chun Li, just you wait," Spencer said with a grin.

Twilight didn't like this conversation much, she herself can tell that Chun Li seems really infatuated by Peter. While it's nice to see someone from the Capcom realm show respect to Peter, this is a little much.

"Spencer, knock it off, Princess Twilight looks ready to blast you back to our world," Chun Li pointed out, gesturing to the increasingly annoyed princess.

Spencer chuckled a bit, "Ok, I'll stop then, don't wanna annoy the pretty pony princess after all."

Twilight narrowed her eyes, "Excuse me, but is that an insult?"

Spencer shook his head, "Of course not your highness, I would never do that."

Twilight glared, "You're being sarcastic, aren't you?"

Chun Li shook her head, "Don't mind him Twilight, he's always like that to those superior to him."

"Hey half the time they deserve it," Spencer argued.

Chun Li shook her head, "Spencer, please be nice, and don't act like Ryu, Chris and Dante do, ok?"

Spencer shrugged, "Eh, whatever, really don't care that much anyway."

Chun Li gave a smug look at Spencer's direction and focused again on Peter, "The things i have to deal with. Whether it's Spencer giving me attitude, or having to keep Ryu, Chris and Dante under control, I have a busy schedule."

"Are Ryu, Chris and Dante always...you know...big total jerks?" Peter asked.

"Dante is, Ryu and Chris are usually a bit more reserved," Chun Li said. "Though Chris does have a tendency to run his mouth off on occasion, he's usually calm and respectful. Ryu barely talks, when he does he is usually polite, aside from occasional criticism. Dante, he's almost always arrogant, though he can mature up when need be."

Chun Li rubbed her chin, "For some reason they just don't like you, you really aggravate them." She sat to the side and folded her forelegs while in thought. "I don't get them though, I don't know why they dislike you so much. It's not even about the rivalry between our worlds, they just dislike you, they almost seem to hate you."

Chun Li focused again on Peter, "You are such a sweet guy, very caring and a great superhero. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't like you."

Peter shrugged, "I'm used to it, I've annoyed just about everyone I've met at least once. Even those in my family have found me annoying, whether it's my wife, my roommate Trixie, my brother-in-law Shining Armor, even my adopted colt Rumble has probably had moments where he found me annoying. I'm counting down the days until my daughter feels that way."

Chun Li shrugged, "So others find you annoying once in awhile, lots of people are like that. Doesn't mean you should be hated like this."

"It just happens Chun Li, like I said, I'm used to people hating me. In fact sometimes it feels weird when others like me," Peter said.

"It shouldn't, you deserve to be respected by others. But regardless I respect you, so do Leon, Lady, Strider," Chun Li gestured to her partner, "Even Spencer respects you."

"Hey are you talking about me?" Spencer called out.

"Just good things!" Chun Li assured.

Spencer sighed and shook his head, "That girl I swear."

Twilight cleared her throat to get his attention, "So how long have you two been friends?"

"We're not exactly friends, we just save the world together sometimes," Spencer explained.

"Oh, so it's just business?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, usually I'm doing my thing and she's doing hers, but sometimes when the danger is high we have to combine our time and work to bring the enemies down," Spencer said.

"Sounds intriguing," Twilight said.

"I can tell you some details and what-not, we can go talk elsewhere. Especially since I think Chun Li wants to speak with Spider-Man alone," Spencer said.

Twilight looked over to Chun Li, looking a bit unsure.

"She won't try anything funny if that's what you're worried about. While I like to bug her about her admiration for Spider-Man, she's not one to actively get in the middle of a relationship." Spencer insisted.

Twilight looked to Spencer almost uncertain, but she decided to trust the Bionic Commando on this. "Alright, if you say so."

Spencer and Twilight made their way to another room to leave Chun Li and Peter alone to talk.

Back with the Capcom heroes; Ryu, Chris and Dante are once again walking through Ponyville, accompanied by Sunset Shimmer.

"Ok Chris, Rarity's Boutique is right down this street on the right, it's a small fancy building, can't miss it. Dante, the Apple family farm is a little more up ahead, it's easy to spot. Ryu, you can go on and do whatever, I'll watch from a distance but I won't bother too much."

"Thanks Shimmer," Ryu said and turned to his allies. "Enjoy yourselves, I'm gonna explore this world a bit."

"And do some extra training?" Dante asked.

"You know me."

Dante nodded, "Nothing wrong with training. Maybe me and Chris can join you later, also discuss a few battle strategies to defeat the Marvel guys."

Sunset looked a bit unhappy to hear that, "Why do you hate them so much? Especially Spider-Mane? He's done so much for us, especially me. He helped me realize my mistakes."

Dante groaned, "That's fine and dandy, it's great that he helped you. But like I said, I'm sure anyone else could have done that, he just happened to be there, that's all there is to it."

Sunset shook her head, "I don't think so, Spider-Mane is something special, he's not considered the greatest hero in the world for his strength alone."

"Yeah, yeah, he's also a goody-two shoes," Dante said in a non-caring way. "Anyway I'm gonna go see Applejack, see yah Shimmer."

Dante made his way toward Sweet Apple Acres, leaving his friends with Sunset.

"For the record, I'm with Dante," Chris said. "I'm sure he's a fine superhero, and he's a pretty smart kid. But I still think he's a little overhyped."

Chris then left to the Carousel Boutique, leaving Ryu with Sunset.

"Spider-Man is strong, I don't doubt that. I also don't doubt he's a hero, but he's yet to prove himself to me. If he can best me and my allies in battle, then maybe I'll reconsider my stance on him," Ryu said.

Ryu then walked off leaving Sunset with a deep sigh. "Those guys sound really stubborn. I hope Peter can set them straight soon."

Dante made his way to the Apple Farm where he was immediately noticed by a familiar filly.

"Dante! Yer here!"

Dante turned and saw Apple Bloom rush to his direction.

"Yo, Apple Bloom, what's up!?" Dante asked.

Apple Bloom rushed in and hugged the hybrid pony, "Nothing much, what brings you here?"

"Me and my allies came here to set up that big Marvel vs. Capcom fight, then I decided to come visit my favorite fillies," Dante explained.

"Aw thanks, I'm always happy to see you. Ah don't care what anypony says, yer really cool," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah I get that a lot," Dante boasted.

Apple Bloom gestured her head, "Come on, let's go see Applejack!"

Dante nodded and followed the eager filly. The two made their way further into the Orchids and finally found Applejack pulling a wagon of apples. She wasn't alone, Remy and Big Mac were also pulling wagons of apples.

"Hey Applejack! Looks who's here!" Apple Bloom said.

Applejack turned and saw Dante waving nearby. "Sup AJ?"

"Dante! Great to see yah!" Applejack said and let go of the wagon to go see her friend. Remy looked on a bit suspiciously, but wouldn't intrude.

Dante did a hoof bump to Applejack, "How's the farm work going?"

"Going great, what brings yah here though?" Applejack asked.

"Chun Li had business with Celestia, though she's busy so we came to town. I wanted to see my favorite apple farmers," Dante said.

"Mighty nice of yah, where are yer friends though?" Applejack asked.

"Well Chris went to see your friend Rarity, Ryu is off exploring the town, and we left Chun Li and Spencer with Spider-Man and Twilight," Dante said.

That reminds Applejack of something, "Hey, when yah saw Peter, nothing happened right? Y'all didn't come to blows or nothing?"

Dante shook his head, "No, nothing of that sort. We weren't too happy to see each other but that's about it."

"Good, ah would hate to see yah get into any trouble around here. Though ah wish you'd get along with Peter," Applejack said.

Dante groaned, "Really wish people would stop saying that. Let's forget about this, I came to see you, so let's just talk."

Applejack nodded, "Sure, though if you don't mind, let me just get these apples set, then I'll take a few moments to talk with you."

Dante nodded, "Sure thing, I got this little filly to keep me company anyway."

Applejack nodded and walked off with Remy and Big Macintosh while Dante turned to Apple Bloom.

"So, how are things with you?" Dante asked.

Apple Bloom kicked her hooves a bit shyly, "Can ah ask yah about something? It's kinda important, but ah feel a bit weird asking."

Dante nodded, "Sure thing kid, you can trust me, what is it?"

Apple Bloom bit her lip a little, "There's this colt Rumble that ah like, but ah don't know how to go about getting him to like me."

Dante rubbed his chin, "Does he know you like him?"

"Sorta, ah told him ah wouldn't mind dating him, but ah feel like ah need to do something else. Mah friends like him too, so ah have some competition with that," Apple Bloom said.

Dante thought a out this a moment, "This might be tough. I'm not an expert on romance, just ask Trish and Lady. But I can say that if you want the kid to notice you, take action. Don't tell him you wouldn't mind dating him, just date the damn kid. Do what you need to do to get him to like you."

Apple Bloom looked unsure, "What about mah friends though? They all like him too and they're pretty affectionate with him."

Dante thought again a moment, "Question, is Twilight the only one who liked Spider-Man, or did other like him too? Like any of her friends?"

Apple Bloom tapped her chin, "Among her close friends, ah think they did. Not too sure about mah sister, but she seemed to see him as a close friend rather than a crush. Pinkie Pie isn't good with romance so she never saw him like that. Ah think Rainbow Dash liked him, Fluttershy I'm sure liked him, though I'm positive that Rarity liked him as well."

"So how did Twilight handle it?" Dante asked.

"She made the first move, she kissed him and later they confessed their love," Apple Bloom said.

"See, simple as that. She wanted him, she went for him, now she's married to him," Dante said.

Apple Bloom thought a moment, "Yer right, ah should just go fer it, thanks Dante."

Dante ruffled her mane, "No problem kid. You got any more problems I'm here for you alright?"

"Sure, thanks."

Meanwhile with Chris, he had arrived at the Boutique. "Looks like I found it. The outside still looks fancy."

He knocked a few times before the door was answered by Rarity. "Welcome to the...Chris?"

"Hi Rarity, hope you don't mind but I was in town and I was hoping I could stop off and see you," Chris said while offering a friendly smile.

Rarity nodded eagerly, "That sounds lovely darling, come on in." She gestured Chris inside, "If you don't mind I have an order to finish, but you can make yourself comfortable in the living room. Shouldn't take too long."

"That's fine with me," Chris said. He went to the living room and sat on a chair while looking around. While he waited he noticed a familiar filly approach and greet him.

"Hi Chris! Nice to see you again!"

Chris smiled at the little filly, "Hello Sweetie Belle, it's great to see you as well."

Sweetie sat next to him on the couch and hugged him a little, "I'm happy to see you Chris, it's been a while."

"Yeah, it's great to see you as well, how have you been lately?" Chris asked.

"Just great, nothing too weird has happened, other than the fact that a future version of myself still lives here. But she's become like another sister to me," Sweetie said.

Chris raised his eyebrow, "You have no idea how weird that sounds."

"Anyway, I'm glad you're here, I have something to ask you, it's about romance," Sweetie said.

Chris looked a bit taken back, "Romance? You have a crush on someone?"

"Yeah, his name is Rumble, he's like the cutest colt. I'm trying to get him to like me but it's not an easy thing to do, especially since my other friends like him," Sweetie said.

Chris tapped his chin, romance isn't exactly something he's that good with. "I'm no love expert, at least not according to Jill, but I can probably give you a few bits of advice, like just being honest with the kid."

"Honest how? Just tell him that I like him?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah, also tell him why you like him," Chris said.

Sweetie thought, "I know he's cute, caring and always keeps in shape."

"Then tell him that, be yourself, that's the most important thing," Chris said.

"What about my friends though?" Sweetie asked.

"Don't worry about them, just try your best. If he likes you then he likes you, if not then at least you tried," Chris said.

Sweetie thought about what Chris said and nodded, "Alright, I'll go for it, thanks Chris, you're the best."

"No problem, I've had similar talks like this with my sister Claire after all," Chris said.

Off with Ryu, he's walking through the park, observing all the ponies nearby, plus the scenery of nature. Something about this place seemed calm and it looked like a nice place to enjoy himself. He also wanted to search for a good place to train and practice his skills. While searching he heard a filly call out to him.


Ryu turned around and saw Scootaloo eagerly approach him, "Hey Ryu! Over here!"

Ryu smiled at the sight of the young filly, "Hello there Scootaloo."

Scootaloo rushed over and smiled up at the martial artist. "I didn't know you'd be in town."

"Just for a bit, I'm just observing the town, also looking for a good spot to train. I have a fight to get ready for," Ryu said.

"Yeah, you're gonna fight Peter. It's gonna be awesome," Scootaloo said.

"I should think so, he's gonna be one of the strongest opponents I've faced," Ryu said.

"Yeah, he's super strong, but I know you'll both do great. So how long are you staying in town?" Scootaloo asked.

"For a little bit, soon I'm gonna speak with Princess Celestia, though I might travel this land with Dante and Chris, we really need to get used to these forms," Ryu said.

"Cool, well good luck, I'll be watching, hopefully I'll have a date for it," Scootaloo said.

Ryu raised his eyebrow, "A date? You have a boyfriend?"

"No, not yet. I do like this colt, Rumble, but I'm trying to get him to like me," Scootaloo said.

"Oh, I can't offer any advice on that, all I can say is be yourself and be honest," Ryu said.

"Right, I know. I just need to work up the nerve," Scootaloo said.

"I'm sure you can, you seem like a confident young girl, just try your best," Ryu said.

"Right, thanks Ryu, you're a cool guy, good luck," Scootaloo said made her way off.

Ryu looked to her and had a bit of a smile, "Nice kid, ponies here are actually good company."

Sunset noticed this from afar, pleasantly surprised at how well mannered Ryu can be with a young fan. Perhaps these guys aren't too bad.

Back in the library, Peter is in his room talking with Chun Li about certain things.

"Why did you become a superhero?" Chun Li asked.

"Because with Great Power comes Great Responsibility, it's something I learned from my uncle, who was the closest thing I had to a father," Peter said.

"You looked up to him huh? I looked up to my dad, he was a great fighter in his own right. He helped me get into the business of helping others and also competing as a martial artist," Chun Li said.

"That's good to know, you're a great martial artist, I like that move you do when you kick really fast," Peter said.

"Oh my flash kick? Yeah I spent quite some time perfecting that, gotta make use of my overly muscular legs after all," Chun Li said.

Peter chuckled, "They're not that overly muscular, besides with skills like yours who's gonna say anything?"

Chun Li shrugged, "You'd be surprised. Though it motivates me more to give them a whooping."

The two had a nice little laugh at that, then they spoke a little more.

"What's it like having superpowers? Being able to crawl on walls and shoot webbing from your body?" Chun Li asked.

"Actually I don't produce my own webbing, I create it using some chemicals," Peter said.

Chun Li looked surprised, "Wait, you don't produce your own webbing? I thought you did?"

Peter shook his head, "A lot of people think that, it'd be much easier if I could honestly, making the webbing is such a pain."

"So you make it? That looks impressive, wow you're really intelligent Peter, you're mind's as strong as your muscles," Chun Li said.

"It helps being a nerd I guess. As for my powers, they can be fun but it can also be a pain sometimes, like I need to watch my strength otherwise I can break something by accident. There have been times I've broken cups because I grabbed it too hard," Peter said.

Chun Li giggled, "Wow, so funny. Wait, you're a unicorn, can't you come up with a webbing spell?"

"Tried it, didn't work too well. I can barely use my magic honestly, it really sucks. To be a Unicorn and barely do magic, I'd much rather be a Pegasus so I could fly," Peter said.

Chun Li looked at her own horn, "I wonder how my magic is? Never really tried using this."

"If you need lessons, Twilight can help you. Though I am curious, your powers aren't magic based right?" Peter asked.

Chun Li shook her head, "It's natural energy, not easy to obtain but those who are meant for it can learn to use it. I spent years working on my Kikoken," Chun Li said.

"Right, that's what it's called. Funny you shout the names of your attacks when you do them, that's always been so weird for me," Peter said.

"Not weird to me, it's just how I do things," Chun Li said in a matter-of-fact way.

Peter shrugged, "Whatever you like I guess."

Chun Li put her foreleg around Peter and pulled him into a side hug, "You're a fun guy Peter. I wish my friends would like you, I mean the only other people from my world that respect you are Leon, Lady and Strider Hiryu. The others are neutral or just don't like you."

"I'm used to it, don't worry about it," Peter said.

Chun Li sighed, "I don't like it though. You deserve respect. That's why I'm gonna be cheering for you during the fight."

Peter looked surprised, "But they're your teammates."

"I know, but I want you to show them how good you are, if you'd like I can train you, I mean you're already strong but I can help you hone your skills," Chun Li said.

Peter looked surprised, "Train me? I'm flattered but what if your allies find out?"

"I really don't care Peter, I just want you to shut them up. This used to just be about friendly competition, I loved fighting the X-Men with my fellow Street Fighters because I respected them, but over time the rivalry just started to escalate, I just hate how it's happening," Chun Li said.

Peter had to take some time to think about that, "Wow, training with you, that's quite an honor."

"Glad you think so, because being able to train you would be an honor for me," Chun Li said.

The day passed by, with Dante catching up with Applejack and Chris catching up with Rarity. They mostly just talked friends and family, not really bringing up the upcoming battle. Chun Li continued to talk with Peter about several things and making plans to go do training soon. Eventually Spike get a message from Celestia for the Capcom group to return to her castle. Though the Capcom group went to Canterlot, they were also joined by Peter and Twilight.

"I have a time and place set up for your Martial Arts fight," Celestia said. "In a month you will all go to The Crystal Empire and use a stadium there. I'll have the dates set up and you can decide what bouts will take place."

"That's great Princess Celestia, thank you," Chun Li said and bowed before her.

"Good, just make sure you get the fight everyone wants to see, my team vs. Spider-Man's," Ryu said.

"Definitely, I got my guys, make sure you bring yours," Peter said.

Dante had a smug grin, "Good luck, Parker."

Chun Li groaned, "Guys, why don't you go wait outside."

Chris gestured his allies, "Come on, let's go prepare our training schedule, we're not leaving this world just yet after all."

Ryu and Dante nodded as they followed Chris. Spencer went to a chair and sat back, "I'll just wait here a moment."

Chun Li nodded and turned to Peter, "So, is there a good time for us to start training together?"

"Whenever you're ready, just try not to have it too early in the morning," Peter begged.

"Well when do you usually wake up?" Chun Li asked.

Peter tapped his chin, "I usually like getting up at Noon." Peter turned to Chun Li who had a furrowed brow. "What?"

Spencer burst out laughing, "Wow kid, you're pretty damn lazy for a superhero!"

Peter groaned, "Fine, what do you suggest Chun Li?"

Chun Li shook her head a little, "I'm not that much of an early bird myself, besides it's just some practice runs so around noon couldn't hurt, I'll send a message to Spike when I'm ready to start training with you. I really look forward to that."

Peter nodded, "Same here, I guess."

Chun Li bowed to Peter and made her way out the room, "I need to check some stuff, see you later Peter!"

Peter waved good-bye to his friend, wondering how different things will be.

Sunset approached Spencer, "Hey, aren't you curious as to why Chun Li wants to train Spider-Mane?"

Spencer shrugged, "Eh, she just likes the kid, don't blame her. He seems like a nice guy, when he's not running his mouth like a smart-ass. I don't care that much anyway, I trust Chun Li's judgement. She's at least gained my respect."

Sunset seemed a little relieved. At least some in the Capcom world respect Spider-Mane and Marvel. This might prove to be a major Friendship Lesson in the end, that's something she's sure Twilight would like.

Twilight herself felt some reserve but had faith things would turn out just fine. All she could hope is that after everything's said and done, both worlds can be friends.

Big things are about to happen for the three worlds, what they are is yet to be seen.

Author's Note:

More Marvel and Capcom stuff in Equestria.