• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,557 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Time Together

Peter and Twilight made their way to a nice spot in the park, food basket in tow as they went to sit under a tree. The shading was good so they can enjoy the sunny day without it getting too hot.

They weren't alone, they had been joined by their daughter Mayday, their colt Rumble, their roommate Trixie and their little dragon Spike.

Also accompanying them was their other roommate Logan, who brought his marefriend Fluttershy. Laura had also came, mainly to be with Fluttershy, and they were joined by roommate Lightning Dust, who mainly came to see Trixie.

"Nice to spend a day out, one of my favorite things about this town, there's usually good weather," Peter said.

Peter sat under the tree with Twilight and held her close as she grabbed some food from the picnic basket.

"Mom, dad, can me and Rumble go play?" Mayday asked.

"Sure, just remember to be careful and don't do anything too reckless," Twilight urged.

"Cool," Mayday said and turned to Laura. "Hey wanna come play with me and Rumble?"

"Do I look like I wanna play with either of you?" Laura asked in a harsh tone, the young filly feeling a bit startled. Laura then heard the sound of Fluttershy clearing her throat, and rephrased that sentence. "I mean...no thanks kid, I'd rather not."

Mayday shrugged, no longer feeling started or upset, "Fine, more Rumble for me." Mayday pulled his hood to get her to follow him, "Come on."

"Maybe if we're lucky we'll see the Cutie Mark Crusaders here," Rumble said.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Mayday said with a little attitude and kept pulling Rumble off.

Twilight giggled at that, "She really loves being around Rumble, almost reminds me of myself and Shining Armor."

"Or Laura and Fluttershy these days," Peter pointed out.

Laura was about to say something in anger but remembered not to act out, unless she wants to get on Fluttershy's bad side. "There's nothing wrong with me liking Fluttershy's company, she makes me feel safe and happy."

Fluttershy nuzzled Laura, "I'm glad to hear that, I'm always here for you."

Laura smiled a little before remembering they were in public. "Come on 'Shy, there's other ponies nearby."

Fluttershy nodded and backed away a bit, respecting Laura's need to maintain her tough girl reputation.

Peter chuckled and focused his attention to Logan, "Gotta love their relationship."

"I'm just glad someone can keep Laura under control. I'm just as glad to have that someone as my girl," Logan said.

"Isn't Laura technically your daughter? That means Fluttershy could potentially be her mother," Peter said.

"Eh, maybe. Laura ain't exactly itching to have me as her dad, don't blame her honestly. Plus Fluttershy's already like her mother, though they prefer to be like sisters, so it's best not to think about that much," Logan said.

"Plus Fluttershy and Laura are practically the same age, that just seems weird that she might call Fluttershy 'mom'," Spike said.

"Maybe, though Rumble's not that much younger than me and he sometimes calls me 'mom'," Twilight said.

"Not that younger? You're like 10 years older than the kid Twi," Spike pointed out, much to Twilight's irritation.

"Quit treating me like an old mare Spike," Twilight said.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Wow, sensitive much? I'm going to find Janet, I told her to meet me by the pond, see you later."

Spike ran off, leaving Twilight a bit annoyed. "I still don't think he's that younger than me, in a few years you won't see the difference."

"Come on everypony, it's not really that important anyway," Peter said.

"I'm with Peter on that," Trixie said, before stopping in her tracks. "Wow, I actually agreed with Peter."

"What is that like a first or something?" Lightning asked.

"It's just a rare occasion in fact, he usually says stupid things" Trixie said.

Peter crossed his forelegs, "Quit making me look bad in front of Lightning Dust."

"Hey don't worry Peter, you're cool with me," Lightning said. "Besides I'm the one who needs to look good for you, not the other way around."

"Hey you look good in my opinion," Peter said, earning a small blush from Lightning Dust.

"Wow, you're quite a Charmer, you don't look half-bad yourself."

It took Peter a moment to register what she said, though soon found himself blushing at her comment.

"Wait! That's not what I meant! Not that you don't look pretty but I didn't mean-" Peter realized his slip, "Come on Lightning! Are you really gonna be like every other girl in my life!"

"Maybe," Lightning said and began to trot off, "I'm gonna go stretch my wings."

That reminded Peter, "Hey Lightning...how are your wings? You're doing ok?"

Lightning turned to face Peter and saw some worry in his eyes. Lightning knows that Peter likely still harbors some degree of guilt from what happened, having been told about his guilt complex by others, mainly Trixie.

"They're fine, don't worry so much. Just enjoy yourself, I'm gonna go do what I do," Lightning said and flew off, though rather carefully to not strain her wing.

Trixie followed Lightning, "I'll go keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't do anything too reckless."

Laura followed Trixie, "I'm gonna go keep an eye on her as well, gonna help see if she does anything wild."

"Aw that's really nice of you Laura," Fluttershy said.

"Well you've been a great model for me Fluttershy," Laura said with a seemingly genuine smile, then walked off with a more mischievous smile and muttered, "Besides I wanna see that mare fall on her face a few times."

Laura ran off to catch up with Trixie and Lightning. Logan walked over to Fluttershy, a look of uncertainty on his face. "I hope you're really having a good affect on her."

"It's gonna take time but she's at least trying, it's not gonna be fixed that fast though," Fluttershy said.

"Well if anyone can fix her attitude," Logan placed his foreleg around Fluttershy, "I know it's gonna be you."

"Aw thanks Logan," Fluttershy said and gave him a rewarding kiss. The two then went to another nearby tree and sat together, staying close to one another.

Twilight awed at the sight, "That's so sweet. I'm glad they're a couple."

"The best part is that it means...I won the bet," Peter said.

Twilight remembered they had bet each other weeks ago, she believed Logan would end up with Trixie, Peter insisted it would be Fluttershy. Twilight shrugged it off, not really caring, just happy to see friends find romance.

"Ok Peter, what do you want me to do? You want me to wear that maid outfit?" Twilight asked.

Peter shook his head, "No, don't worry about it Twilight. You don't have to do anything, I'm just happy for Logan and Fluttershy. I'm just glad I was right about something."

Twilight gave Peter a happy and loving smile as she nuzzled against him, "Peter, you're really the sweetest. Sometimes I wonder if I even deserve a pony like you."

"Hey that's my line," Peter said while placing his foreleg around Twilight.

"I'm serious, you could have any mare you want, I'm just surprised you chose me. You didn't even have to, I know I made the first move but part of me thought you wouldn't really go for it," Twilight admitted.

"Twilight I could say the same about you, I mean I even had to fight a guy away from you," Peter said.

"Yeah but you were something special before I was. You were already a superhero, I wasn't even a princess yet," Twilight said.

"Don't say that, you were always destined for greatness. I thought I would slow you down from that," Peter said.

Twilight positioned herself a little better, wanting to lay comfortably on her husband. Peter helped by keeping his back against the tree and sliding down a little to lay on the grass while Twilight rested her head on his chest and hugged him.

"I love this position Peter, I always feel safe in your hooves," Twilight said.

"Like you need me to feel safe, you're just as strong as I am, maybe stronger," Peter said.

"Still, sometimes I just wanna be in the hooves of my hero. Honestly I don't care what others say about you looking like a mare, you're always gonna be stallion enough for me," Twilight said.

Peter flexed one of his muscles, "Good to know, babe."

Twilight looked up at Peter with a somewhat confused face, though chuckled when he offered one of his goofy and sheepish smiles.

"Looks like Johnny had a little affect on you," Twilight said.

"Truth be told, I did envy Johnny once, I thought if I had what he had I'd be happier. Turns out I didn't, now he envies me because I got what he feels he needed," Peter said.

"Well he's on his way. He and Rainbow Dash make a nice couple, and despite his annoying attitude he's a very sweet guy," Twilight said.

"Yeah he is, though if you tell him he'll just deny it. He insists on having a cool guy reputation," Johnny said.

"Well I think he's sweet. Even though I find myself wanting to clonk him, and believe me he really knows how to push my buttons sometimes. Somehow I really care about him though, probably because he cares so much about you, I could never dislike anyone who cares that much about you," Twilight said.

"As long as it's a stallion right?" Peter joked.

Twilight shook her head, "No, mares too. Don't get me wrong I really don't care for them flirting with you, but seeing how much others like Luna, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, Future Sweetie Belle, the Crusaders and all my friends care for you warms me up. They genuinely love you, which means a lot since I love you and my friends."

"I'm glad, I love them too. They're the best ponies to be around, and the best friends a dope like me can ask for. But I do care about my fellow superheroes, and I know they care about you," Peter said. "Especially Johnny, he won't say this out loud much but he does praise you for being the perfect girl for me. I can always agree with him on that."

Twilight leaned up to kiss Peter, showing her affection through actions while he pulled her in closer to deepen the kiss.

After breaking it, Twilight kept a close distance to his face, offering a cute yet seductive smile. "I'm glad I have you...though I am curious about something."

"What is it?" Peter asked.

Twilight bit her lip, "If we did have a herd, who would you pick?"

Peter's eyes widened, "Twilight, why are you asking? I'm not interested in a herd, and I know you don't want one."

"Not saying I do, but sometimes I do wonder. I know so many other mares really care about you and the thought sometimes crosses my mind," Twilight admitted.

Peter looked to the side, somewhat unsure about this question. He considers himself fiercely loyal to Twilight. Though he has wondered once, what if Luna did confess her feelings before hand? Would he have still gone with Twilight? Could he have loved Luna?

"So Peter? Let's say you had to pick five other mares? Who would you pick?" Twilight asked. "You can be honest, I won't be mad. Just tell me who and also tell me the reason for your choice."

Peter tapped his chin, he'd have to think really hard about this. Who would he choose? "Ok, I'll tell you, first and foremost it would have to be Princess Luna. Reason being that I always felt a friendly connection with her, and we seem to understand each other on many things, especially when it comes to how great we think you are as well. In fact I still feel a special bond between us, not as strong as our bond but I think it's an easy transition."

Twilight nodded. "Good reasons, I can see Luna being in our herd. I know she cares about you and loves you, but she's very respectful of our relationship too, who else?"

Peter felt really weird having to answer this question, he doesn't get Twilight sometimes. "Next, it would have to be Trixie, since we're already really close. I'm not sure if she would want to be in a herd, I myself don't know since I like our friendship, but if I had to pick another, it would be Trixie, the bond is already there between the three of us."

"I like that idea too, Trixie loves you a lot, in fact I feel like she's the only other mare besides me and Luna who loves you deeply, though she's never really hinted that she has feelings for you. She's probably more in love with herself than anypony else so that might be a reason." Twilight looked to the side, "In a way she already is like a second wife, just without the romance."

"Guess so, anyway for the third mare, let's see. Part of me wants to use your friends as an example, but I can't do that to my friends. I'll leave them out then," Peter said.

"Yeah, that might make things awkward," Twilight said.

Peter thought a little bit more, "Um...I guess Spitfire, mainly to make her happy. I don't really have feelings for her but she seems to be really soft with me, plus she already likes me so why not?"

Twilight shrugged, "Guess so, would be interesting."

Peter thought some more, then had a big blush on his face. "Don't be too mad for this choice...but in a way I'd probably pick Future Sweetie Belle as the fourth."

Twilight had mixed feelings hearing that, "What is the reason for that one?"

"For one, she's been through a lot, she could use somepony to really love her. That's something we can offer. Also she's already been closer than most other mares so..." Peter trailed off a little, a big blush on his face.

"I think that's a good answer Peter," Twilight admitted. "Those are good reasons and she does love and care about you. Plus like you said, she's been really close to us." The two blushed a little, Future Sweetie has done what not many others have.

"So let's see, there's Luna, Trixie, Spitfire, Sweetie Belle...I can't think of a fifth," Peter said.

Twilight raised her eyebrow, "Really? What about Derpy? Or Zecora? Or Chun Li? Or Sunset Shimmer? Or Lightning Dust? ...What about Felicia Hardy?" Twilight nearly gagged at the last part.

Peter shook his head, "No, for one you don't like her, I wouldn't do that to you. Two with her it's mostly physical attraction, so it wouldn't work."

Twilight felt a bit relieved he wouldn't consider her, mainly for his first reason. Twilight realized she had been part of every reason, something about that made her feel extra special.

"I can't think of a fifth off the top of my head, granted I feel a connection with those other girls you mentioned, I can't pick between them, not that it matters," Peter said, then had a thought. "Who would you pick?"

"Me? Good question," Twilight said and tapped her chin. "Maybe Cherilee."

Peter raised his eyebrow, "Cherilee? The teacher? What for?"

"For one, she's in a field of intellect, something we're both good in, and two she seems really nice, I think it would be fun to get to know her," Twilight said.

Peter shrugged, "Fair reason."

Twilight nuzzled against him, "I do appreciate you considering how I feel about these choices as well though."

"Of course, you're my number one mare, not counting Mayday, she's my number one filly. If we did have a herd, they'd have to honor and respect you both first and foremost," Peter said.

"That's good to hear. Probably don't have to worry about that though, I'm not that eager to share you," Twilight stated.

"I'm not that eager to start a herd, I got you by my side and that's all I need," Peter said.

Twilight nodded, "And you're all I need."

"The way I see it, I have the perfect family. You, Aunt May, Trixie, our loving daughter, not just them either. Let's not forget about our extended family, like your brother, and his lovely wife, the Apples and the rest of your friends," Peter said.

"Let's not forget, all your friends, and Rumble," Twilight said.

"Of course not, my friends are the best, and I enjoy having Rumble around," Peter then looked a bit concerned. "My worry is that soon Rumble's gonna leave with his foal sitters to another city, not to mention I'm worried about my friends having to go home."

"Peter...Rumble's still gonna be like family even after he moves, and your friends will always be your friends. Besides I don't think they want to go back, they're all in love with my friends," Twilight said.

"Yeah...hopefully everything works out. While I always felt at home here, having my friends around is a great thing to have," Peter said.

"Friends always make you feel welcome. My friends love you and your friends are also here for you. Plus I love how your friends have really bonded with my friends, even the non-romantic bonds. Didn't Pinkie offer to be Johnny's sister if he needs one?" Twilight asked.

Peter nodded, "Sure did, very sweet thing of Pinkie to do. She understands family just as much as Johnny does."

"I love that, I hope all our friends become close. I want to be closer to all your friends," Twilight said.

"Even Johnny?" Peter playfully said.

"Of course Johnny too, like I said even though he can be a pain he can also be a nice colt. I think Remy is a decent guy, Bobby is a bit goofy but I like him, Logan is a bit tough but I can tell deep down he's just as sweet as you and Johnny are, it's just so perfect," Twilight said.

"What about Janet? What's your thoughts on her?" Peter asked.

Twilight sighed, "Truth be told, I don't really dislike her, my only reason for not liking her near Spike is just me being protective of him. I'd like to get to know her a little better honestly."

"I get that, but believe me when I say she's a great girl, and she really cares about Spike," Peter said.

Twilight nodded, "I'll try for you Peter."

Peter laid back and rubbed Twilight's mane, just watching the skies above. He could see a few Pegasi pass by occasionally, mainly to move the clouds around.

"Really wish I could fly...oh speaking of which, I wonder how Lightning Dust is doing?"

"I'm sure she's fine, I'm glad you two seem to have made up," Twilight said.

"Yeah, she's not that bad to be around. Plus I think being with Fluttershy helped her mellow out a bit," Peter said.

"Yeah, I'm glad," Twilight said, then shifted up to look Peter in his eyes. "Peter, I want you."

Before Peter could ask what that meant, Twilight engaged him in a kiss, with no intent on breaking it for a good while. Peter accepted this and pulled her in more, returning her kiss. Those two would be busy for a good while.

Logan watched this nearby while holding Fluttershy close, his foreleg wrapped around her side, Fluttershy also having her foreleg around him. Logan and Fluttershy rested their heads together, both perfectly calm and feeling at peace. It was a nice rare feeling for them, both just happy to be with each other.

"Now I know how Twilight feels," Fluttershy said. "I'm glad I have you Logan."

"Same here, yer a great mare Fluttershy. Still can't believe you actually had a crush on me," Logan said.

"What's not to believe? You're a handsome stallion, strong and brave too," Fluttershy said.

"I guess it's because you seem a little delicate, not saying it's bad but...I ain't exactly delicate," Logan said.

"I am delicate, I do appreciate you still wanting to be my coltfriend despite that though," Fluttershy said.

Logan has to admit, that was an adorable thing for Fluttershy to say.

"Eh, truth be told, it makes me wanna care fer you even more. Though I'll admit, if you can handle living with Laura, yer a lot tougher than you know," Logan said.

"Oh it's nothing really, I'm just showing her love and compassion," Fluttershy said.

"Laura has a really bad attitude and a bad temper, yet you managed to get her to respect you, that deserves some credit," Logan admitted.

"Thanks Logan, I try my best. She may be a lot to handle but I still love her, I'm sure she'll control her temper eventually," Fluttershy said.

"Let's hope so then, but since I'm yer guy now, I suppose I'll have to help you with her that much more than I have been," Logan said.

"Like parents?" Fluttershy asked.

Logan shrugged, "Whatever you wanna call it."

Fluttershy thought a moment, "I guess, might be weird if she calls me 'mom', then again it would also be cute. Honestly I don't mind either way."

"Like I told Parker and Twilight, it ain't important what she calls you, she still loves you and you love her," Logan said.

Fluttershy nodded, "You're right, all that matters is that we're there for her."

"Exactly, we'll be there fer her, and I'll be there fer you," Logan said.

Fluttershy nuzzled Logan's muzzle, "Oh Logan, you're the best."

The two shared a nice kiss with each other and resumed resting against each other.

This stayed that was for a few extra minutes before the sound of bickering mares started to start up. The two couples noticed Trixie walking over being joined the arguing Laura and Lightning Dust, both of whom looked wet.

"I still can't believe you jumped on my back like that while I was flying! You really messed me up!" Lightning shouted.

"Not my fault you can't carry another pony, work on your strength!" Laura shouted.

"Why don't you lose some weight!" Lightning shouted.

"Watch your freaken mouth!" Laura threatened.

Fluttershy groaned, "Why are you two fighting!?"

"She started it!" Laura and Lightning said while pointing at each other, then glared.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and sat up, "Trixie, do you know what happened!?"

Trixie nodded, "Yes, Lightning Dust was flying, trying to do a trick, then Laura jumped on her back from a tree and caused Lighting to lose balance and both fell into a pond."

Twilight's ears perked, "Pond? Isn't that where Spike said he was gonna go?"

"Yeah, it was," she heard Spike say. Spike arrived in the area with Janet, both also wet. "They fell and caused a splash, right in the middle of my romantic moment with Janet."

"It was really annoying," Janet said.

Fluttershy approached Laura, obviously displeased with the mare. "Explain yourself."

Laura cringed at the sight of Fluttershy's scowl, "I was just messing around 'Shy, I didn't intend to create such a huge deal."

Fluttershy didn't look too convinced, "You should know better, not apologize to Lightning Dust."

Laura wanted to protest, but Fluttershy's stare of disapproval proved too much for her. Giving in she approached Lightning Dust, "Sorry for jumping on your back."

Lightning nodded, "No problem, just try not to do that again. If you want to ride on my back I don't mind, but let me know a bit sooner, and not when I'm trying out some tricks."

Fluttershy smiled at this, "Aw, that's so nice. Now come on, let's grab some food from the picnic basket."

"Wait, what about Rumble and Mayday?" Peter said.

"They're coming right now," Logan said, pointing to the two kids making their way over.

"Mayday got hungry," Rumble said, then grabbed his stomach, "So did I."

"Well lucky for you both, we're just about to dig in," Peter said.

"Aw sweet, let's hurry May," Rumble said.

The two rushed over to grab their share of snacks from the picnic basket. Peter and Twilight found that to be cute, then noticed something overhead. They noticed Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash watching up in the air.

"Hey! Wanna join us!? Got plenty of food!" Peter shouted.

Johnny shook his head, "That's cool bro! We just wanted to see if everything here was cooled down!"

"Yeah we saw what happened to Lightning Dust and Laura from up high!" Rainbow said.

"Not gonna lie, it was kinda funny!" Johnny said.

Laura and Lightning glared a bit at the two Pegasi, earning a confident smile from them.

Twilight called up, "Johnny! I would like to spend some time with you if you don't mind! Please join us!"

Johnny turned to Rainbow Dash and shrugged, "Hey, she likes my company I guess, just like you and Pinkie do."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Guess so." She looked down, "Alright Twi! You win!"

The two floated down and took a seat by their friends, eyeing the snacks that they brought.

Peter happily munched on his snack, with Mayday resting against her dad, also eating the same snack in the same way, chomping down in it, with Mayday attempting to mimic her dad's movements.

Twilight rolled her eyes but smiled at her husband and daughter while holding Rumble close to her and nuzzling his mane. Rumble nuzzled against her side while sipping a drink.

Laura sat close with Fluttershy, sneaking a kiss on her cheek when nopony else was looking. Fluttershy giggled and brought her in for a hug. Logan himself smiling on at seeing the two mares get close.

Spike of course sat with Janet, snacking on his gems while Janet rubbed his head. Spike enjoyed being in the hooves of his favorite mare, at least favorite other than Twilight.

Trixie and Lightning sat together eating their snacks while Lightning bragged on how she could fly better than she did today. Trixie of course indulged, assuring Lightning Dust she is likely as great as she makes herself out to be.

Johnny and Rainbow Dash munched on some chips while listening to Lightning Dust's bragging, both mentally believing they can do much better.

A nice bonding moment between friends, or furthermore, a family.

Author's Note:

Peter spending time with Twilight, Logan with Fluttershy, Trixie with Lightning Dust, and so on.