• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,557 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Friendship Across Dimensions

Friendship was all around in Equestria, especially among a certain group of friends. Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker considered themselves lucky to have such great friends, whether it's within Twilight's world, such as Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy, or within Peter's world, such as Johnny Storm, Remy Lebeau and Logan.

Peter has friends even outside both worlds, such as Chun Li of the Capcom world. Twilight herself befriending those from Capcom, as well as their friend Sunset Shimmer.

Peter's friends love Equestria so much, they don't wanna leave, they wanna be with the ponies they love. Peter's little colt Rumble, who was only meant to stay a little while could have a permanent stay once his foalsitters are allowed to live with them. Even Future Sweetie Belle wishes to stay, not wanting to go back to her time, and would rather be in a time where she can be with her friends without all the complications of her world.

Unfortunately for them, some things aren't meant to be.

Peter is seen laying on his couch, relaxing a bit after a long several months. He's went through a lot but it's nothing he can't handle. Joining him was his daughter Mayday, who wanted to spend a little time with her dad. Peter didn't mind, he loves being with his daughter, she's the greatest thing that's happened in his life, aside from marrying Twilight.

"Tired Mayday? Or did you just miss your daddy?" Peter asked.

"A little of both, I saw you lying down so I wanted to be next to you a bit," Mayday said.

Peter chuckled and hugged her close to him, "Well there's always room for you, though I'm surprised you're not with Rumble."

"Rumble doesn't have time for me anymore," Mayday lamented. "He would rather be with Apple Bloom."

"Aw, he's just being a good coltfriend to Apple Bloom. He still loves you Mayday, but you gotta remember he's gonna spend time with other fillies, you can't have him all to yourself," Peter reminded.

Mayday sighed, "I still miss spending time with him like I used to."

"He'll be home later and he'll give you attention, he's just learning to balance things. When me and your mommy fell in love, we had to learn how to balance between each other and our friends...well they were mostly her friends at the time, my friends were still in my home world," Peter said.

"Can I ever go to your home world Daddy? I wanna see what it's like," Mayday said.

"One day, though soon the portal is closing, it may take years for it to open again," Peter said.

"Does that mean we won't see those other superheroes anymore? Like Uncle Johnny's family or Auntie Janet's friends?" Mayday asked.

"Not for a long time...I'm gonna miss them really," Peter smiled a bit. "At least my closer friends wanna stay, soon they're gonna marry your mother's friends and then they'll have kids of their own. You'll be like their big cousin."

"That sounds nice, I'm happy they're gonna stay, they're all very nice, and they seem to like me," Mayday said.

"Of course, why wouldn't they?" Peter said while nuzzling Mayday. "I'm sure they see you as a little niece by now."

"Yeah, uncle Johnny said when I get bigger, he's gonna teach me how to be cool, because he said you and mommy wouldn't know how to," Mayday said.

Peter playfully scowled a bit, "Did he now? I'll get him for that then."

"Yeah, oh and Uncle Remy said I'm like the niece he's always wanted," Mayday said.

"He's practically an Apple, and you know how close we are with them, so he would love you like a niece," Peter said.

"Auntie Janet said if she gets to live here after she marries Uncle Spike, she's gonna be like a big sister to me and we can have sleepovers all the time," Mayday said.

"Aw, that will be nice. Janet's gonna make for great company," Peter said.

"And Uncle Logan said that he's gonna help me be brave and strong so I can be there for you like you're always there for me," Mayday said.

Peter chuckled, "Logan, I know he hates to admit it but he's a big softie."

"Soon we're gonna have a big family, and a lot of ponies will live here right?" Mayday said.

"Of course, it'll be you, me, your mommy, Auntie Trixie, Rumble, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Aunt May, Uncle Spike and Auntie Janet," Peter said.

"What about Uncle Logan?" Mayday asked.

"Um...he might go live with Auntie Fluttershy, and she can't move here because she has to take care of her animals," Peter tapped his chin. "Then again, maybe she can move her Cottage here somehow, it'd be nice to have Fluttershy around, and she'll bring Laura and Lightning Dust, so it will be a bigger family. Plus me and your mommy want to have another baby so you can be a big sister."

"Me? A big sister?" Mayday tapped her chin. "So I can have a little sister or little brother? That sounds cool."

Peter nodded and hugged her closer, "Yeah, that would be so nice."

Peter then saw Twilight walk by, "Hi honey, where have you been? Important duties or just seeing one of our friends?"

Twilight looked to Peter with a sad look in her eyes. Peter could even see a tear, and if there's one thing he hated was seeing anypony he loved unhappy. "What's wrong?"

Twilight wiped her eyes, "I just talked to Flitter and Cloudchaser, I asked them if they wanted to live here."

Peter felt concerned, he had a feeling where this was going, "What happened after that?"

Twilight held back a sob before continuing, "They said 'no'. They already have a home ready in Cloudsdale, Rumble's leaving in a few hours, he's not gonna live here anymore."

Peter's eyes widened, "What!? But why!? Why don't they wanna live here!?"

"They arranged for Rumble to join some flight school there, they said it's a great opportunity for him and they can't pass it up. Plus they went through a lot to get the home, so they're gonna take him there as soon as possible," Twilight said.

Peter looked at a loss of words. He thought he had a chance for Rumble to stay, to have a big family like he just told his daughter. He doesn't want Rumble to leave, he cares too much about him.

Mayday also looked upset, she was just upset about not spending enough time with Rumble, now he's leaving, she won't see him as often as she's like.

"Peter...I don't want Rumble to leave, I love him," Twilight said in tears.

"I know...me too," Peter said.

During this Trixie also came into the room, she could instantly see the sadness. "Um...is something wrong?"

Peter looked to Trixie with some worry, it's no secret that she loves Rumble as well.

"Peter, Twilight, what's wrong? Why are you sad?" Trixie asked.

Peter sighed, "It's about Rumble...he's not gonna be living here anymore Trixie...Flitter and Cloudchaser are moving him to Cloudsdale."

Trixie had no initial reaction, she just took a breath and asked a simple question, "Where are Flitter and Cloudchaser?"

"They're near the Hot-Air balloon," Twilight said.

Trixie nodded, "Good, glad to know." Trixie then sped out the home calling out for Rumble, Flitter and Cloudchaser.

"I hope she doesn't make things worse," Peter lamented.

Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity is moving some clothes around and arranging them for display and to buy. During this she noticed Future Sweetie pack a few things.

"Sweetie Belle, why are you packing if I may ask?" Rarity said.

"It's time sis...I have to go back to my future," Future Sweetie said.

Rarity looked concerned at hearing this, so she dropped her things. "What do you mean?"

"Rarity, you knew I this would happen. I've said my stay isn't permanent, I have to go back to my future," Future Sweetie said.

"But...I've gotten so used to having you here, must you go? There's nothing there for you," Rarity said.

"I'm one of the land's rulers, I've already been away long enough, besides I'm sure Pinkie misses me," Future Sweetie said.

Rarity became increasingly worried and saddened, "But...Sweetie Belle, can't you find somepony else to watch over Equestria? If you miss your time's Pinkie then she can come live here too, I'm sure this Pinkie wouldn't mind having another around."

"Sorry Rarity, it doesn't work like that, I have to go back," Future Sweetie said.

Rarity looked distressed, she doesn't want her sister to leave. Even if it's an alternate version of Sweetie Belle, it's still Sweetie Belle to Rarity.

"Sweetie, darling, surely there must be a way I can change your mind," Rarity pleaded.

"Even if I wanted to stay, and I would love to...I just can't, I'm sorry," Future Sweetie said.

"But...how would your little self react? What if she misses you too!?" Rarity asked.

"I'm sure she will, but like I said, I have little choice in the matter, I'm sorry sis but I need to return to my future," Future Sweetie said.

Rarity could only watch in shock and surprise as her Future sister packed up, ready to leave. This was hard for Future Sweetie Belle but she knew she had duties to fulfil.

Future Sweetie could see her alternate older sister was distressed, so she approached her and nuzzled her face. "Listen...I'll try to come to this timeline when I can, I do love spending time with you. You're the greatest big sister in the world in my eyes, please try not to be too sad."

Rarity nuzzled back, "I know Sweetie Belle, you have to do this, I just can't help but feel sad."

"Same here, but we have to be strong, alright sis? Besides you still have the little me, and you have Bobby, I still consider all of you my family," Future Sweetie reassured.

"You too my dear, I love you Sweetie Belle," Rarity said.

"You too Rarity," Sweetie said.

They continued to stand near each other in their sisterly bond, though that was interrupted when they heard some shouting outside. Both of them looked to see Trixie rushing by, calling out for Flitter and Cloudchaser.

"What's all that about?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know, but Trixie looks pretty upset," Future Sweetie said. "Let's go see what's bothering her."

The two mares ran outside to go after Trixie.

Near the Hot-Air Balloon, we see that Flitter and Cloudchaser had rented something big to carry a lot of their supplies over to Cloudsdale.

"That should be enough, ok we should be able to move there in about-" Cloudchaser's mumblings was interrupted when she heard Trixie calling out and rushing over. "Trixie?"

Trixie took a moment to catch her breath and looked to Cloudchaser with pleading eyes. "Please don't take him!"

Cloudchaser shook her head, she knew what this meant. "Let me guess, this is about Rumble right?"

"Please, Rumble means a lot to me, he's my favorite little colt, I can't stand the idea of not having him live with me and the rest of my family!" Trixie said.

"Trixie I know you love Rumble, and I'm happy to know you took such good care of him, but we've already made our decision," Cloudchaser said.

"Come on, can't we do anything to change your mind!? I mean Twilight offered to let you two live with us! That way we all can be with Rumble!" Trixie said.

"I appreciate the offer but we can't Trixie, the house we got is too nice to pass up on, and he's gonna be starting a flight school there," Cloudchaser said.

"Who needs flight school!? You can ask Rainbow Dash and Johnny Storm to train him! You don't need some silly flight school!" Trixie said.

"Sorry, our minds are made up," Cloudchaser said.

"But you can still come by to see him, Princess Twilight does know a cloudwalking spell, so moving around Cloudsdale shouldn't be too hard for you," Flitter said.

Trixie shut her eyes to hold back some tears, "But it's not the same, I mean all I want is to be near him, he has such a cute smile that makes you wanna love him more, plus he means so much to Peter, Twilight and Mayday. Not to mention he has a marefriend who's gonna miss him," Trixie said.

Cloudchaser looked sadly to the side, "I heard that he and Apple Bloom got together, I know this is gonna be tough on them." Cloudchaser gave a more hopeful smile. "But they can still be a couple, Cloudsdale isn't that far away, it's right above Ponyville. Rumble can come by just about anytime, as long as he's not busy."

Trixie became a bit frustrated, "What is the point of moving him though!? If you want him to attend that school I'm sure he can make the trip, he doesn't have to leave Ponyville! And if you two want that house then take it, you don't need Rumble!"

"Trixie the point of this was to give Rumble a new home, if me and Flitter just moved then it wouldn't make sense, we could have just stayed in Ponyville," Cloudchaser said.

"You're gonna take Rumble away from a family who loves him! What don't you seem to understand about that!?" Trixie asked angrily, her tears streaming down her eyes.

"I understand you all love him but me and Flitter loved him first! He's like our little brother, we want Rumble just as much as you do!" Cloudchaser argued.

"But...but..." Trixie was at a loss for words, a rare occasion for her.

Flitter approached her, "I'm sorry you feel this way, truth be told we hate having to take Rumble away from you, but I miss him a lot, and I love him very much. We'll do our best so that he can see you on every occasion alright?"

Trixie wiped some tears from her eyes, "I guess..."

Soon Rarity and Future Sweetie had caught up with Trixie.

"There you are Trixie, wow you can move pretty fast when you want to," Rarity said.

Trixie looked confused, "Rarity? Future Sweetie? What brings you two here?"

"We saw you running to find Flitter and Cloudchaser and we became worried, is everything alright?" Rarity asked.

Trixie shook her head, "No...not exactly. They're just about ready to take Rumble off to Cloudsdale."

Rarity and Future Sweetie gasped at hearing that. They figured Flitter and Cloudchaser would move in with Twilight.

"So...Rumble's leaving?" Future Sweetie asked.

Cloudchaser nodded, "We're gonna take him to Cloudsdale."

Rarity felt some pity for Rumble, she had just started to like the young colt. Now he's gonna be leaving, and she knows that Peter and Twilight are probably just as upset. First her future-timeline sister, now Rumble.

"Are you sure you have to do this? A lot of ponies here love him, plus he might be upset as well," Rarity said.

"I'm aware of that, but it's something we can't pass up, I'm sorry," Cloudchaser said.

Rarity sighed, "Poor little Rumble..."

Soon Peter himself arrived at the area, "Everything ok here? When Trixie ran off I became a little worried."

"Everything's fine, I'm just explaining to Trixie that while I'm sorry that Rumble has to come with us to Cloudsdale, we'll do our best so he's still gonna be close to you all," Cloudchaser explained.

"You're not upset too, are you Peter?" Flitter asked.

"Of course I am, Rumble means a lot to me," Peter admitted, then took a breath. "But I know it's your decision, you knew him longer, so as much as I love him, you probably love him more."

Cloudchaser shook her head, "I think you love him just the same as us, you would do anything for him like we would. But you at least understand the situation, and believe me when I say that I hate that I have to take him away from you but..."

"I know, you're just doing what you think is best for him," Peter said.

Cloudchaser nodded, "I'm sorry Peter...but you're always welcome to see him."

Peter nodded, "I know...thanks."

Rarity approached Peter with a nuzzle, "I know how you feel Peter, Future Sweetie is leaving too."

Peter looked at her with some surprise, "You are!?"

"Of course, I have to return to my timeline, you know that Peter," Future Sweetie said.

Peter looked really surprised, "Yeah I knew that but...it just seems so weird that you have to leave. I do like your company."

Future Sweetie blushed, "Aw, thanks Peter, I'll be sure to come by now and again."

Peter nodded and turned to Flitter and Cloudchaser, "So, when are you getting Rumble?"

"Soon, he knows that he has to leave so he's trying to spend some time with his friends, starting with The Crusaders. Then I'm sure he's gonna want some time with Mayday," Cloudchaser said.

Peter nodded, "Right, I'm sure he would."

At Sweet Apple Acres, Rumble is playing a bit with the Crusaders, kicking a ball around as Remy and Bobby watched over.

"How many Apples does your marefriend get a day?" Bobby asked.

"A lot, she's a hard worker and she's always up to the task, she can take down a lot of apples if she needs to," Remy said.

"Is it hard to buck those trees?" Bobby asked.

"Not too hard, just gotta know where to kick them. It's easier for Applejack, she's a bit stronger than I am. It's very easy for her brother, he's stronger than the both of us," Remy said.

"Yeah he's a big dude, doesn't talk much though," Bobby said.

"Don't need to really, though when he does, you best listen, he's a very wise pony," Remy said.

Rumble continued to play with his friends, though they all fell over each other while going for the ball, then started laughing.

Apple Bloom cuddled next to Rumble, nuzzling her face against his, prompting him to turn her head to give her a nice kiss, which she eagerly returned. Sweetie Belle cuddled Rumble on the other side, lying on his shoulder as Rumble continued to kiss Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo laid near Rumble and stroked his mane a bit, then just admired him from her position.

Apple Bloom broke off the kiss and gave a worried look, "Yer leaving to Cloudsdale soon, aren't ya?"

Rumble nodded sadly, "Yeah, Flitter and Cloudchaser told me earlier today when I talked to them with Twilight. I've never seen Twilight so sad, I think she was crying a bit."

"We hate that you're leaving, we like having you here," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, I always thought you and I could be flight buddies," Scootaloo said.

"Same here, but I'll still come by now and again, there's no way I would be without you three fillies," Rumble said.

"There's a 4th one too, how will Mayday feel?" Apple Bloom asked.

The change in Rumble's demeanor told a story, he knows that's gonna be the hardest part. "She's not gonna like this, I know she's gonna be sad and angry about this, but I have to try to get her to understand."

Apple Bloom rubbed his face, "I'll miss ya, so you better come by, otherwise I'm going over to Cloudsdale and dragging yer rump back to Ponyville."

Rumble chuckled, "I know, don't worry I won't dare not be with my favorite filly, I love you too much."

"Ah know, anyway enough talking, let's get back to the kissing," Apple Bloom said.

"Want to be alone for that?" Sweetie asked.

Apple Bloom shook her head, "It's fine, you two can stay if ya want. Besides you look pretty comfortable there Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie blushed, "Sorry, he's kinda soft, but I can also feel his muscles," Sweetie said while nuzzling her face into his chest.

Rumble looked to Scootaloo, "How about you?"

"I'll stay too, I'm gonna miss seeing you too after all. You're a cool colt Rumble," Scootaloo said. She then stood up and walked over so she can lay down and rest herself on rumble stomach. "There, perfect."

Rumble blushed at this, having three girls so close to him, even though only one of them is his marefriend.

"This is ok with you, right Apple Bloom?" Rumble asked.

"Ah don't mind if they get cuddly with yah, just remember who yer favorite filly is. Anyway they're mah closest friends, and I'm a little more willing to share ya," Apple Bloom said.

Rumble chuckled, "I'm a little luckier than Peter then, though one time he's had other ponies cuddle with him."

"Really? When?" Apple Bloom asked.

Rumble thought a moment. "We never told anypony this, but one time Peter fell asleep on the floor because he was really tired. Twilight found him but instead of waking him, she grabbed some pillows and blankets to lay next to him. Then me and Mayday came over with Trixie. Mayday though it would be fun to sleep in between Peter and Twilight so she scooted between them. Trixie then laid on the other side of Peter and cuddled against him."

"Wow, even Trixie? Ah thought she wasn't the type to do that," Apple Bloom said.

"Normally no, but she thought it looked cute, plus you have to remember, Trixie is a little soft for Peter sometimes, though she usually tries not to let him see that. Anyway she laid next to him and I got between Peter and Trixie, so we were both cuddled next to Peter. Later Spike came home with Janet after a date. They both saw us sleeping on the floor and I guess they decided they wanted to join. Spike went next to Twilight and rested his head on her side while Janet laid on Peter's stomach, similar to what Scootaloo's doing now." Rumble tapped his chin. "I don't even know why she did that, guess there wasn't anymore room."

"Wow, that's a funny story," Apple Bloom said.

"It's so cute too, I wish I could cuddle with you and Peter. I could use some strong boys to keep me company," Sweetie said.

"You don't need strong boys, you can be plenty strong by yourself," Rumble said.

"Anyway, it's still a nice story...though what about Logan?" Apple Bloom asked.

"He didn't join us obviously, though he did wait nearby the next morning to see our reactions. Twilight wasn't too thrilled that Janet slept on Peter's stomach, Trixie quickly got up and acted like nothing happened, and Peter was just confused," Rumble said.

"So, he's never cuddled with other mares, not counting Trixie and Janet?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not really, unless it was with your sister and her friends, but now they seem to only care about their superhero coltfriends," Rumble said.

"Yeah, they do, they love them like ah love you, now let's get back to that kissing," Apple Bloom said.

Apple Bloom and Rumble started kissing again as the other Crusaders just cuddled against him.

At the Boutique, Future Sweetie is almost done packing, she grabbed her materials and a few things that Rarity had given her. She hates this, she just wants to stay with those she loves, but that's not gonna be the situation. Maybe one day she can but for now, she had some duties to attend to.

She then found herself with some company, "So it's really happening?"

She turned to see Peter standing there with a saddened look on his face, "Yeah, I know it's lousy but it's something I have to do. I have a responsibility back home"

Peter approached her, "Yeah, that's always important, though I can't say it enough."

"Great Power, Great Responsibility, it's something I really learned to appreciate thanks to you," Future Sweetie said and turned to him. "I'm gonna miss you a lot Peter."

"Same here, even though there's a little version of you, I still enjoy your company as well. You're pretty much a whole different Pony. Please, come by more often, otherwise I'll have to go find you," Peter said.

Future Sweetie nodded and blushed, "You're so charming...I love you Peter."

Peter nodded, "I know you do, I love you, but in a different way. I love you because you're my friend and I would do just about anything for you."

Future Sweetie rubbed Peter's face, "That's all that matters to me, that you're my friend. Thank you for everything Peter."

Peter smiled at his friend of the future, "Sure thing."

Future Sweetie bit her lip a little, "By the way, I'm sorry about this situation with Rumble, hopefully things work out."

"Same here," Peter said.

Future Sweetie moved in close, looking into Peter's eyes, rubbing his face. Peter wasn't the most masculine looking stallion, but he was still very handsome. Still better looking than most stallions she's seen. She then moved in close enough to give Peter an affectionate kiss.

Future Sweetie felt weird about this, but she just wanted one more bit of affection from Peter. She was gonna go back to her world for who knows how long, so she figures it couldn't hurt to get one little kiss from a stallion she loved.

Peter barely did anything, he could easily push her away but he decided to be nice about this and let her have her moment. He even moved in a bit to deepen the kiss for her, just so she could enjoy herself. Unlike Future Sweetie, Peter didn't feel much, it's just a kiss as far as he's concerned, no romance behind it, just a regular kiss.

Future Sweetie broke away, blushing a bit while Peter just stood there.

"Anyway I'm gonna head back to the others, I'll leave you to your packing," Peter said and walked off.

Future Sweetie felt a bit awkward after that, but she's just happy she got that done.

Peter made his way back to the balloon area where he saw that Johnny and Rainbow Dash were there talking to Flitter and Cloudchaser.

"So you're really taking Rumble?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, he's gonna be leaving soon," Cloudchaser said.

"Kinda sucks, I like the little guy," Johnny said.

"Well Cloudsdale is like, right there, so we can fly to him, I still have some tricks I wanna teach the little guy," Rainbow said.

"You're more than welcome to come if you want," Flitter said.

"That'd be nice," Rainbow said, then saw Rumble make his way over with the Crusaders as well as The Apple Family and Bobby. "Hey little guy, you're leaving now?"

Rumble shook his head, "No, I still wanna go see Mayday before I leave," Rumble said.

"Hurry up little guy, you have two hours before you have to go," Cloudchaser said.

Rumble nodded, "Yes ma'am." He looked to Peter and approached him with some sadness. "How's Twilight doing?"

"Last I saw her she was really upset, she didn't take the idea of you leaving so kindly," Peter said.

"And Mayday? How does she feel?" Rumble asked.

"...She barely had a reaction, she probably doesn't know what to feel right now. You should go see her and spend as much time as you can," Peter said.

Rumble nodded, "Right, I...hey it's the Princesses."

Rumble had pointed up to show Luna and Celestia flying over and landing before Peter.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, what brings you both here?" Peter asked.

Celestia had a saddened look on her face, "You must say good-bye Peter."

Peter looked glum, "You heard about Rumble too? And Future Sweetie Belle?"

Celestia looked confused, "No...wait are they leaving?"

"Yeah...Rumble's going to live with Flitter and Cloudchaser in Cloudsdale, and Future Sweetie is returning to her time...wait who do I have to say goodbye to?" Peter asked.

Celestia shut her eyes a bit, this wasn't gonna be easy as it was. Now it may be harder knowing that Peter is already having to deal with two of his friends leaving, now things were gonna be much worse. But as the Princess of Equestria, she had to make a hard decision.

"Peter, you have to say goodbye to your friends from your world," Celestia said.

Peter looked confused, "Huh? What for?"

"The portals are closing soon, if they don't leave then they won't open for years," Celestia said.

"But they said they were gonna stay," Peter said and turned to his friends. "Right guys?"

"Yeah, I'm staying with Rainbow Dash," Johnny said.

"And I'm gonna stay with Applejack and the Apple Family," Remy said.

"Not to mention me and Rarity...wait where is she?" Bobby asked.

"She went to my home to calm down Twilight and Trixie," Peter said and turned to Celestia. "See they're staying, they don't mind missing the portal."

Celestia shook her head, "I'm afraid it's not a matter of choice, they must go."

This was bringing a lot of concern for all the ponies nearby, what is she talking about? Why must the Marvel heroes return home?

"Princess Celestia, what are you saying!?" Peter asked in shock and surprise.

"Peter you came to live in this world because of magic that allowed it. They all came through portals, no magic. If they stay it could cause imbalance in the multiverse, they aren't bound to this world like you are," Celestia said.

Peter couldn't believe this, no he refused to believe this. He isn't gonna let his friends leave, he's already saying goodbye to two of them, he can't lose his other friends. Suddenly Peter felt some anger and sadness, this wasn't happening, he can't let his friends leave back to their world.

"But what about Aunt May and Felicia Hardy!? They came through portals and they turned out alright!" Peter shouted.

"They received the proper magic to exist here, and they came through portals allowed by Equestria. Your friends came through science of their world," Celestia said.

"But, can't you do anything Princess!?" Peter asked, almost in tears. "Please I don't want my friends to leave!"

Johnny rushed over, "I can't go back home! I can't be without Rainbow Dash! I love her!"

Remy rushed over, "Please princess, I wish to live on Sweet Apple Acres with my new family. I want to be with my love Applejack! I want to be beside my new brother Big Macintosh! I want to be there for my new little sister Apple Bloom! Please Princess don't take this from Remy!"

Bobby also rushed over to plead, "I need to be with Rarity, please princess don't take me from Rarity! I love her!"

Celestia shook her head, "I'm sorry, there's not much I can do."

Peter clenched his fists, "Are you serious!? I thought you were all-powerful! You can't even make one puny spell to keep my friends here!?"

Luna stepped forward to Peter, "Peter, please, I understand that you're angry but my sister is right, there isn't much we can do. It's very complicated."

"It doesn't seem that complicated, I bet even Twilight can do the spell!" Peter shouted. "In fact I'll go ask her! I'm sure she can handle something that simple!"

"Peter!" Celestia shouted. "It's not simple, otherwise we could have sent you back to your world all those years ago, it's a similar situation here. It would take a lot of magic to get all your friends acquainted to this world, and we don't have much time left."

"Then why didn't you try this sooner!?" Peter shouted, tears of anger coming from his eyes. "Tell me Princess!"

Celestia looked a little concerned, she rarely sees Peter angry, it was quite unsettling to see a usually happy stallion showing such anger. "Peter...I-"

"TELL ME!" Peter shouted even louder, his voice echoing through the area.

Rainbow rushed over to Peter, "Take it easy, you're getting too emotional. I'm upset that Johnny might be leaving and...I'll never see him again..." The reality started settling in on Rainbow Dash, the fact that she won't be seeing Johnny again. "Oh no..."

Rainbow rushed over to Celestia with pleading eyes, "Do something quick! Come on you can figure this out can't you!?"

Celestia shook her head, "I'm sorry, I hadn't realized this situation until earlier today, I attempted to work something out but..."

"Come on! Johnny's my coltfriend! He promised we would get married! You gotta do something!" Rainbow pleaded.

Peter groaned and walked off, "I'm going to find Twilight, she WILL have an answer for this!"

Celestia sighed as Peter stomped off. Luna looked concerned for the hero, she had to do something for him, anything.

"Sister, are you certain we can't help Peter?" Luna asked.

"If there was a way I would," Celestia said.

Applejack rushed over and bowed, "Please Princess, yah gotta do something, ah never loved any stallion like ah love Remy, please princess."

Celestia felt a heavy burden within, she hates seeing so many unhappy ponies. She also hates that she maybe a reason for their unhappiness.

"Honestly Applejack, I wish I could just keep the portals open forever, I too have those in the Marvel world I wish to see again," Celestia said.

Peter rushed home and went inside. She saw Rarity, Spike and Janet talking with Twilight, Trixie and Mayday.

Twilight looked over to Peter, "What's wrong? You look unhappy..." Twilight gasped. "Did Rumble leave!?"

"Not yet, but unfortunately he's not the only one that might be leaving." At this point tears started coming from Peter's eyes, his voice even changed a bit to indicate further sadness. "According to Celestia all my friends from my world might have to leave...I'm not gonna see them again and neither will the ponies they love."

Rarity gasped, "Wait, does that mean that Bobby has to..." Rarity didn't need an answer, Peter's teary nod gave her the answer she needed. "No, not my Bobby! Is it not enough that my darling Sweetie Belle from that other timeline has to leave, now my coltfriend has to go back! I won't stand for this!"

Rarity immediately dashed out to find Bobby, leaving Spike concerned as well, along with Janet.

"They expect me to go back to Marvel!? Are they serious!?" Janet asked in disbelief.

Spike grabbed her hooves, "You can't go back, I haven't loved a mare like this since my old crush on Rarity!"

"Why do we have to go back!? I don't want to go back!" Janet hugged Spike close. "I WILL NOT LEAVE SPIKE!"

"Celestia said the magic that allowed me to stay here won't work with you, because you didn't get the proper magic or some ridiculous reason like that," Peter said.

Twilight looked a bit confused, "Magic?"

Peter turned Twilight's attention to him, her teary eyes matching his, "Can't you do something? Use whatever spell you used to bring me over!? Use it for my friends, please Twilight!"

Twilight looked down, her tears still streaming, "I can't, the spell was specific only to you, it won't work with your friends."

"But what about whatever magic that allows Aunt May and Felicia to live here! Can't you do something with them!?" Peter pleaded.

"No...That was magic directly from Equestria and it only worked because of the rift between your world and mine, had your friends taken that portal it would be a different story, but to create magic like that here...would be really hard to do." Twilight pressed her forehead against Peter's, "I'm sorry, I can't do anything..."

Peter shut his eyes to prevent the tears, he tried hard but he failed. He fell down and started to weep a bit, "First Rumble has to leave and now my friends, is this some joke that life keeps throwing at me!? Trying to take away the things I love!?" Peter slammed his head on the ground, "This damn Parker Luck! This isn't fair! Not just to me but to everypony else I love!"

Twilight sobbed a bit too, "I'm sorry Peter...I wish I could be of more help..."

Peter wiped his eyes, "It's not your fault Twilight, I know if you could you would do something..." Peter continued to wipe his tears. "But...why though?"

Janet approached Peter and pulled him into a reassuring hug, resting her chin on his head. "Peter...please stop crying...it's alright..." Peter still sniffled a bit as Janet held him closer. "Peter, I know this upsets you. It upsets me too, I hoped I could be here with Spike, plus I missed you a lot back home. Even if I do leave, you'll always be my friend, I'll always care about you Peter."

Peter hugged Janet, "So much for future in-laws...so much for the big happy family I wanted."

"You still have Twilight, Mayday, Spike, Trixie and Aunt May, not to mention the Apples. Don't be sad Peter, you go through enough already," she turned him to look her in the eyes. "Besides, it's best not to give up just yet. I'm sure we'll find a way, alright Peter?"

Peter nodded, "Alright."

Janet stood up and went to Spike, "We might have to say goodbye...want to spend some time with me?"

"Of course, you don't even have to ask," Spike said and took her to his room.

Twilight and Trixie both went to Peter and they each hugged him, hoping to help calm him down.

Mayday looked unhappy still, now she has to say more good-byes. Plus seeing her parents cry like that was a lot for her. But now she remembers what Logan wanted her to be brave for, times like this. She had to be brave for her dad, and her mom. She decided to get up and hug Peter as well.

"I'm sorry you're sad daddy, but I'm here for you," Mayday said. "Just like you're here for me."

Peter pulled Mayday in for a closer hug and kissed her head. "Thanks May."

In Spike's room, Janet rested on the bed with Spike resting his head on her chest. He did his best not to shed tears, even though he really wanted to.

"Spike...just so you know, I'll always love you too. I never thought I'd fall in love with a dragon, though considering how weird my life is I shouldn't be surprised," Janet said.

"I love you too Janet, thanks to you I've always felt a little more confident in myself, to finally have a mare to love and protect, though with your powers you don't need that much protection," Spike said.

"We protect each other, that's all that matters," Janet said.

"Yeah, but still, you're an awesome marefriend, you're a tough girl so it's easier to be myself and do awesome things together, but you're also sensitive enough so we can do the cuddly stuff," Spike said.

"Yeah, and I don't care what anypony says about you not being 'tough', I think you are tough, just sensitive enough for a girl's needs, in a way that helps me feel like myself around you," Janet said.

"Exactly...though I still hoped we could have something together, like get married one day," Spike said.

"I think we will Spike, I honestly think that," Janet said. She then pulled Spike up and gave him a nice kiss, which he returned.

The two stayed that way for a while, not wanting to part with each other, for right now they will cherish each other's company.

Rumble came home a bit later and saw how upset everypony looked. As he approached them, Trixie was the first to walk over and pull him into a big hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Trixie loves you," Trixie said.

"I love you too Trixie," Rumble replied and kissed Trixie's cheek.

Twilight walked over to kiss his cheek, "You'll always be my little Rumble, I love you."

"Thanks, I love you too Twilight," Rumble said and kissed Twilight's cheek.

Peter then walked over and gave a kiss to Rumble's head, "I love you Rumble, I'll always be there for you if you need me."

"Thanks Peter, you're still my hero, and I love you," Rumble said and kissed Peter's cheek.

Rumble then approached Mayday with a saddened look, "My cute little Mayday."

Mayday stood up and hugged Rumble, "I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too, even though I'm dating Apple Bloom, you're still gonna always be my favorite little filly, I love you" Rumble said and kissed her head.

"I love you Rumble, more than you realize," Mayday said and kissed his cheek.

Rumble sat down and hugged Mayday close to him, "Until I leave, I'm gonna keep you close to me, I always will."

Mayday nuzzled into Rumble's chest, very happy to once again have time to spend with Rumble.

At Rarity's Boutique, she is seen hugging Bobby while crying.

"I don't want you to leave Bobby!" Rarity sobbed.

"I don't want to leave either, but unfortunately the princesses can't do anything," Bobby said as he hugged her back.

Rarity sniffed, "Regardless, I still love you Bobby."

"I love you too Rarity," Bobby said and kissed her, which she quickly returned.

Future Sweetie was seen hugging her younger self. "Be good now little me, the future looks much better for you than it did for me."

"I'll miss you, even though you're me, you're also like a big sister as well," Sweetie said.

Future Sweetie kissed younger Sweetie's head. "You're so sweet."

Sweetie blushed a little, then walked over to Bobby, "I'm gonna miss you."

"Same here, wish we had more time to spend with each other, you're a cool little filly," Bobby said while rubbing her mane.

Future Sweetie hugged Bobby, "I'll miss you too."

"Good luck in your future," Bobby said. "I'll miss you."

All four of them stood together, hugging each other goodbye. In a way, they themselves were like a small family, but they had a lot of love for each other.

Remy was at the Apple Family farm, saying goodbye to each of the Apples, as well as Aunt May.

"I'll miss having you around Remy," Aunt May said.

"Same here, being around you it's easy to see why Peter turned out so great. You're a very caring Aunt," Remy said.

Aunt May rubbed his head, "Such a kind young man."

Granny Smith gave Remy a pie, "Baked a little something fer ya, it's not much but it's our way of saying that we love ya Remy. You are an Apple in our eyes."

"Thanks Granny, I love it, because it came from you," Remy said as he took the pie.

Big Mac approached him, "Remy, it's been good. Yer a smart stallion and ah know you'll do just fine, but I'll still miss ya."

"Same here, thanks for being like my brother as well," Remy said.

Apple Bloom was next, though she looked too teary, "First my coltfriend has to leave, now one of my big brothers? Why does this have to happen?"

Remy rubbed her mane, "Rumble ain't that far away, plus you got Big Mac and Peter, so don't be too sad. I'll miss you though, you're a smart little filly and I'm proud to call you my little sister."

Apple Bloom hugged Remy after that, then finally came Applejack.

"Never thought I'd fall in love the way ah did, but you managed to sweep me off mah hooves," Applejack said.

"Hey, you did plenty of sweeping yourself, I'm glad we got this moment together mon cherrie, I love you," Remy said.

Applejack nuzzled Remy, "Ah love you too." She gave him a nice kiss afterwards, which he graciously returned.

At Rainbow Dash's home, she is seen crying a bit, still upset over her coltfriend having to leave. Johnny went to her and nuzzled her a bit, "Dash...I'm sorry it's like this, I hate this as much as you do."

Rainbow turned away angrily, "Don't nuzzle me, I really hate you right now."

Johnny looked curious, "Hate me? What for?"

"For telling me we'd be together, that I'm your mare and you're my stallion, that we would get married and have kids!" Rainbow shouted. "You told me we'd be happy together, why are you leaving me Johnny!?" She looked Johnny in the eyes as she said that, but she showed no anger, only sadness.

Johnny gave her a sympathetic stare, she doesn't mean this, she's just too upset, he doesn't blame her. Johnny pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry, I want to stay but..."

Rainbow shook her head, "Don't apologize to me dammit! You know it's not your fault! I'm just so angry! Why do Peter and Twilight get the happiness and I don't!?"

"Rainbow, you know Peter's just as upset about this, believe me this isn't happy for anypony," Johnny looked into her eyes. "But regardless, one thing won't change...and that's that I love you."

Rainbow wiped the tears from her eyes and gave a tough girl smile, "Well I love you too, so kiss me right now!"

Rainbow and Johnny then pulled into a big kiss, treasuring their time together before Johnny must leave.

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie had just heard about the Marvel Heroes having to leave, that included Deadpool.

Normally Pinkie is full of happiness, but now she can only feel sadness, knowing that her friend was about to leave. She didn't want him to leave, he was fun to be around, even if he can get a little wacky even for her liking.

Deadpool then approached her, getting her attention. "Oh, hi Wade...what's new?"

"I heard about the heroes having to go back home...since I have to leave soon I just wanted to spend every last minute with you," Deadpool said.

Pinkie smiled at him, "Aw, that's nice..."

Deadpool sighed, "Pinkie, listen. I know I'm not the best guy to be around sometimes, I tend to act a little...wild. I know sometimes I probably even give you headaches, but I really do care about you. I'm just not good with emotions and all that crap, but...I'm really gonna miss you. You're the only one who can tolerate my wackiness, I need a pony like you in my life."

Pinkie smiled and rubbed his face, "Thanks Wade...I don't care what anypony says, you can be really nice when you want to be."

"And listen, if you happen to fall for that dork with the rubber chicken then that's fine too, I just want to be your friend," Deadpool said.

Pinkie nodded, "Same here...but before we do that friend thing..."

Pinkie lifted his mask slightly so she can kiss him a little, getting Deadpool really excited. Deadpool held Pinkie close to him as they continued to kiss.

Meanwhile, Deadpool is partying in his head, which Pinkie could sense.

Over with Wolverine, he also found out that he had to go back home, he just sat with Fluttershy as she hugged him tightly.

"What would I do without you?" Fluttershy asked.

"You'll be fine, yer tougher than you think," Logan said.

"But...I love you Logan...I don't want to be without you," Fluttershy added, tears coming from her eyes.

"I know, I hate this too. But we gotta be strong, besides I'm sure we'll figure something out," Logan said.

Fluttershy sniffled and rubbed her muzzle, "I love you, I won't change that."

"Love you too darling," Logan said and kissed Fluttershy. "More than you realize. I promise one day we'll be together, I'll figure something out."

"I know you will," Fluttershy said and started kissing Logan, wanting to cherish her moments with him.

Outside Laura looked to be in tears. She doesn't want to go back, she has nothing in the Marvel world, nothing she cares about. Everyone she cares about lives in Equestria, such as Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Limestone...even Peter. She can't go back, she'll miss all her friends, all those she actually loves.

Lightning Dust approached Laura and hugged her, "I'm gonna miss you a lot Laura."

Laura nodded and hugged back, "Same here, I don't think I'll have another best friend like you."

Lightning stroked her mane, "Maybe Twilight will figure something out one day, or Peter, with their smarts they can do something."

"I hope so...I need to be here, I can't go back to my world...I have nothing there," Laura said.

"What about Logan? He's gonna be there," Lightning said.

Laura groaned, "Without Fluttershy our relationship is gonna go back to how it was."

Lightning pitied Laura, this was really hard on her she can tell. But Lightning will be strong for her friend, she needs it. A while later, Fluttershy came outside, getting Laura's attention.

Laura rushed over and hugged Fluttershy, trying to keep in some tears. Fluttershy could only stroke her mane and assure her that she will be just fine.

"I just want to be with you Fluttershy, I love you," Laura said.

"I love you too, you're like my little sister, I can't stand not being near you," Fluttershy said while stroke Laura's mane. "Maybe one day we'll see each other again."

Later on everypony gathered near the center of town, ready to say good-bye. Even Pinkie's sisters had come, having been taken there immediately thanks to Princess Celestia herself.

First Future Sweetie had activated a portal to send her back to the future. She gave one final hug to Rarity. "I'll miss you big sister."

She gave one to Bobby, "Thanks for being a good coltfriend to Rarity, I hope you can come back here someday."

She then gave one to little Sweetie Belle, "Be strong Sweetie Belle, grow up to be a great mare."

She then went to hug Peter, "Goodbye...and thanks for being my friend...despite my flirty nature, I'll always care about you."

She then approached Twilight and looked her into the eyes, "I'm gonna miss you a lot, you're my role model too..." Sweetie then kissed Twilight's face rather affectionately, confusing the Princess. "I love you Twilight." Future Sweetie gave her a hug good-bye as well before going to the portal.

On the other side they could see Future Pinkie Pie. She seemed to be a bit surprised at seeing Ponyville being the way she remembered it once was. She also noticed her younger self and waved to her, to which the current Pinkie waved back.

"This is so cool!" Pinkie said.

"Wow she's kinda hot," Deadpool said with a grin.

Pinkie glared, "WHAT!?"

Deadpool backed up, "Joking, just joking." He did a nervous laugh, though that got a chuckle from Future Sweetie Belle. With one final wave she went through and the portal turned off, Future Sweetie was back in her timeline.

Next came time for Rumble. The balloon was ready so he just had to board it, though he turned to each of the ponies. "I'm gonna miss you."

He went to The Crusaders, giving Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle a kiss on the cheek, then giving Apple Bloom a more loving and affectionate kiss. "Bye girls."

He then went to Rainbow Dash and hugged her, "Thanks for being my teacher."

He went to Spike and hugged him, "You're like a cool big brother, bye Spike."

He hugged Janet a bit, "I liked being around you too, bye Janet."

He hugged Trixie, "You're one of my most favorite mares, thanks for being so nice to me."

He then hugged Peter and Twilight, both of them hugging him close. "I love you both, thanks for being there for me."

Finally came time for Mayday. He picked her up and gave her a nice kiss on her muzzle. "I love you Mayday," He pulled her into a hug. "I'll miss you."

After all that Rumble finally went to the balloon as it ascended to Cloudsdale. All the ponies down below waved up at the balloon as Rumble waved down, a single tear falling from his eye and hitting the dirt below as he said good-bye to his friends.

Finally, came the harder part. The portal back to Marvel opened one final time. Remy said one final goodbye to the Apple Family, Bobby said one final goodbye to Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Johnny to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, Deadpool to the Pie sisters, Logan to Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Twilight and Trixie. Laura also said goodbye to Fluttershy and Lightning Dust, then went to Limestone, the two sharing a nice little kiss as they said their goodbye. Janet said her good-bye to Spike and Twilight and then they all started going to the portal. Before they went in, there was one final good-bye they had to make.

They all turned to Peter, who still looked the most sad. He had to say goodbye to the friends of his world, to likely never see them again. He hadn't realized before but he really missed them during his stay in Equestria, now they have to leave again.

Johnny was the first to approach Peter and pulled him into a hug, "Listen bro, I know you're sad, I know you're gonna miss us, but don't let this weigh you down. Be strong, this world needs you. But if there's one thing I learned from my stay here, is that Friendship is strong enough to handle this, you're my best friend and that's not gonna change!"

Remy also hugged Peter, "I've really come to like you Peter, you've become my friend, in fact you're like my cousin, you are an honorary Apple. Just promise you gonna take care of Applejack and her family for me mon ami."

Bobby also hugged Peter, "I'm sorry if I was a pain to you at all, but truth is I'm gonna miss you, please watch over Rarity and Sweetie Belle."

Deadpool approached Peter, "I'm not gonna hug you or anything, but I'll admit I might miss you a little."

Janet cleared the guys out the way so she can have a chance to hug Peter, "I'll miss you Peter, promise you'll still be the great hero this world loves you for, and you'll be a great friend to those who need it."

Logan also approached Peter, "Be strong kid, no matter what you gotta remember, you're Spider-Mane. You can handle just about anything, and truth be told, I'm really proud of you Peter." Logan patted his foreleg with a friendly smile, "Yer a great pony, don't forget that."

Peter could barely hold back his tears, these heroes, they've truly become more than just allies, they're true friends...they're almost like family.

Suddenly Laura took her turn to approach Peter. She just walked up to him with a seemingly uninterested face.

Peter wasn't sure what to make of this, though suddenly he found himself being hugged by her as she wept loudly.

"Peter...as annoying as you are, I'm really gonna miss you. I'll miss your goofy smile and your stupid jokes, and everything else about you," Laura said.

Peter rubbed her mane, "I'll miss you too, take care Laura."

Laura sniffled a bit and backed away from Peter, joining her friends and allies. They all walked to the portal and turned to Equestria one final time. Most had a tear in their eyes as they looked to the portal. With one jump they were through, back in the Marvel world.

The portal then closed, not to be opened again. It was a tough goodbye, but it had to be done. Even the two Princess sisters felt a huge degree of sadness, they went back to Canterlot shortly afterwards. Soon the ponies went home group by group.

Pinkie left with her sisters, Rarity left with Sweetie Belle, Applejack left with her family, Rainbow Dash flew home, Scootaloo grabbed her scooter, leaving only the Parker-Sparkle Family, as well as Fluttershy and Lightning Dust.

"Now what?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shrugged, "Not sure...things are just...back to normal I guess."

Fluttershy sighed, "I don't like normal...you think we'll ever see them again?"

Twilight nodded, "I think so...we'll find a way."

Lightning Dust sighed, "Man...can't believe this...now it's just me and Fluttershy, for now at least."

Twilight looked to her, "For now?"

"I'm not gonna stay with Fluttershy forever, eventually I'm gonna go on my own," Lightning said.

Fluttershy turned to her, "Huh? Why? Don't you like me?"

"I do...but I also know that I can't depend on you forever, it's not really you, it's just more me. Listen I'm not gonna leave yet, you could use the company and now I wanna be there for you, but eventually I have to take my own path," Lightning said.

Fluttershy nodded, "I...understand...but if things don't work out, you can always come home to me."

Lightning nodded and nuzzled Fluttershy, "Thanks..."

Fluttershy gestured her head, "Let's go home."

As they left, Twilight, Trixie, Mayday and Spike approached Peter, a sad look still on his face.

"How are you feeling?" Twilight asked.

Peter shrugged, "Not sure what to feel."

Twilight hugged Peter close, "One day Peter, we'll get them back to live with us again."

Peter nodded as he felt the rest of his family hug him.

"We're here for you Peter," Trixie said.

"You can count on us," Spike said.

"We love you daddy," Mayday said.

Twilight turned Peter's attention to her and gave him a loving kiss. Peter kissed back with a lot of affection, he really needed that right now.

Twilight broke off, "We'll figure this out Peter, I love you."

"I love you too Twilight," Peter said and resumed the kiss. The rest of the family let them be and returned home, leaving Peter and Twilight to continue their kiss.

Time will tell when the portals will open again, and Peter can be reunited with his friends, those friends reunited with their loves. But the love and friendship will continue, that won't end.

Author's Note:

The last chapter of this story. The heroes say good-bye, but perhaps they'll come back soon.

Comments ( 10 )

7075279 Gotta love Supes even more for that though. What a guy!

This was really heartwarming.

That was nice

Very much appreciated :twilightsmile:

Not the superheroes!!!! Oh gosh you made me tear up! That was really sad. Honestly I don't mind Rumble and Future Belle leaving because
1. Rumble just lives in the sky above Ponyville
2. Future Belle can always come back

I'm just really bummed by the fact that the marvel superheroes have to leave.

Beautiful story, waiting for the next one.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the spin-offs so far, I hope to have more soon enough. Your comments were very entertaining I should say.


I hope you have more soon too! :pinkiehappy: I JUST CANT WAIT! :pinkiecrazy:
By entertaining, I hope that's a good thing. :twilightsheepish:

Really enjoyed these stories, but that was one tough good-bye though,

Comment posted by darkfire95 deleted Dec 21st, 2017

Spike's only a 'baby' dragon among other Dragons. In this continuity he's basically a teenager/young adult in pony/human years.

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