• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,556 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Web of Lightning

Two mares are seen in the local park in Ponyville. One of them is attempting to fly and the other is seen watching over to make sure the Pegasus attempting to fly doesn't hurt herself.

The Pegasus attempting to fly is none other than former Wonderbolts Cadet Lightning Dust. After having a run with some villains who attempted to take over several worlds, she has joined the side of good in hopes of reforming and getting back on track.

However there was a price to pay for her alliance with those villains. During her run he had earned the wrath of Equestria's most famous superhero, Spider-Mane.

For being aligned with those who attacked the town he lived in and taking part in injuring not only his friends, but also his family, including his young daughter, Spider-Mane, or Peter Parker as he's normally called, had gone over to find those villains, who had retreated to the Crystal Empire, to get revenge.

Lightning being one of those villains, was on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown from Peter, which included her wing bone being snapped in half. This event not only caused her to nearly lose her ability to fly, but it furthered her fear of Spider-Mane.

She first started to fear him shortly after the first battle in The Crystal Empire, where at one point threatened her to stop her actions and shortly afterwards tossed her hard enough to injure her wings.

Since then she's been too afraid to go near Peter and avoids him whenever possible. Unfortunately that luck ran out during the second battle at The Crystal Empire.

With her allies defeated, she was eventually brought back to Ponyville, where at least one other pony vowed to be her friend and help set her straight.

That friend, was the other mare with her in the park at the moment. Her friend, her only real friend right now, was the Stage Magician, Trixie Lulamoon.

Trixie had been there when Lightning Dust was attacked. She initially went with Peter to the Crystal Empire to fight the villains, but in the end she ended up having to save one of them, that villain being Lightning Dust.

Trixie had been trying to get Lightning Dust on her side, the side of the superheroes, because she saw a lot of herself in Lightning Dust. Like Lightning, she once had been on the bad track, having once stopped to theft and blackmail to strive. Trixie once hated the Elements like Lightning Dust had, and Trixie knows if those villains found her then, she likely would have been in that position.

It was Trixie's friendship with Twilight and Peter that helped her, now she had gone from a struggling Stage Magician, to a thief, now to being part of a loving family.

Not only did Trixie make amends with Twilight and the Elements, she also found a best friend in Peter Parker, a pony she loves very much and is forever grateful for helping her and being there for her when he was.

In addition she had also become an older sister figure to their daughter Mayday. She was her Auntie Trixie and had become Trixie's favorite little foal. Mayday also adored Trixie, she's always happy to have her around and always misses her when she needs to go do her show.

Trixie realizes how lucky she was to have found that family, and now wishes for Lightning Dust to realize she too can have that great fortune. Trixie was blessed with a second chance, now she must help somepony find theirs.

That somepony was Lightning Dust.

"Lightning Dust, take it easy, don't strain your wing!" Trixie urged.

"Hey I got it Trixie, I think my wing's getting better," Lightning insisted. Unfortunately it wasn't the total truth. While her wing had improved, it wasn't well enough to fly like she used to. Deep down it worried her, the fact that her career as an athletic flyer would be no more.

Trixie could sense that, she could see the pain on Lightning's face when she tried to fly. She knows the eager Pegasus just wants to fly and do what she loves but it may prove to be for naught if she re-injures her wing.

"Just be careful please, I don't want you to hurt yourself," Trixie pleaded.

"I said I got it, don't worry about me, I can handle this, I'm one of the best-" Lightning started to lose her balance mid-air when she felt some pain in her wing.

"Lightning! Please land right now!" Trixie begged.

"But I think I can-OW!" Lightning still felt pain in her wing. Not wanting to hurt herself or worry Trixie more, she decided to give in to her advice. "Maybe that's enough for now,"

Lightning lowered to the ground and checked her wing. It hurt quite a bit, but it wasn't anything too bad.

Trixie rushed over to her, "That was close, you could have gotten hurt. I'm glad you're alright."

"I'm fine, my wing is still a bit sore though," Lightning groaned, "Damn this sucks so much, I worked so hard to be a great flyer and join The Wonderbolts, but that's probably never gonna happen."

Trixie put her hoof around Lightning Dust and pulled her in for a hug. "Don't say that, it can happen. Your wing will get better, and I'm sure one day you'll get into The Wonderbolts. You just need to work on being less reckless, you have talent, you just need to learn how to use it."

Lightning looked into the showmare's eyes, she saw no deception, only compassion. Lightning feels grateful for Trixie at least, still wishing she had taken her offer sooner.

"Thanks Trixie, at least you're on my side."

It wasn't long before Lightning's two roommates arrived, which Trixie took note of.

"Hey, it's Fluttershy and that Laura mare," Trixie pointed out.

Fluttershy arrived with her usual friendly face, though Laura didn't seem as friendly, she was in her usual bad mood.

"Hi Trixie, hi Lightning Dust, how's it going here?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's going well, though Lightning's wing is still giving her trouble," Trixie said.

Fluttershy looked sympathetically at the fallen Pegasus, "Poor dear. Don't worry, when we get home I'll make you a nice plate of oats, would that make you feel better?"

Lightning nodded a bit, "That would be nice, thanks Fluttershy."

Lightning wasn't necessarily close to Fluttershy, but she did appreciate the mare's kind nature. Fluttershy was letting Lightning Dust stay at her home after all.

Laura however, wasn't exactly too friendly with Lightning, though she wasn't outright rude either. She just didn't care that much for Lightning Dust.

"So I take it you're just about ready to take Lightning Dust home?" Trixie asked.

"If she wants to, maybe I can look over her wing, I know some remedies for sore wings. I used them for Rainbow Dash whenever she overdid it," Fluttershy said.

"That would be nice I guess, I'm done flying today anyway, so maybe I should..." Lightning trailed off when she saw an unwelcome sight. On the way over was the one stallion that struck fear in her heart.

Peter Parker was on the way over with his lovely wife Twilight Sparkle. Peter actually had a pretty cheery demeanor, as was the norm for the superhero pony.

It still didn't set well with Lightning Dust, all she could do is flashback to his more evil looking appearance, plus those eyes. Those scary glowing green eyes he had. The look of pure hate on his face was all she thought about.

Trixie noticed that Lightning looked very bothered and then herself saw Peter make his way over. Trixie knew that Lightning was bothered by the sight of Peter, much to her dismay. Trixie loved Peter after all, he is her best friend. She hates knowing that the pony she is trying to help has such a fear of who's arguably the nicest pony she's known.

Despite seeing the attack first hoof, Trixie knows better. She knows that it was mostly Peter's rage and probably even remnants of Nightmare Moon that caused that, and she has tried explaining that to Lightning Dust, to no avail however.

Peter approached the area and immediately noticed the fear in Lightning's eyes. He expected this however, knowing full well the mare fears him. He hates that feeling, the fact that somepony is afraid of him, it doesn't sit well.

Despite what she did he knows he went too far when he hurt her, and truth be told he doesn't even know why. From what he's gathered, she never actually did anything bad during the Ponyville attack, the most she did was punch a few ponies. That's nothing compared to what Vega and Shocker had done.

He vows to make things right with Lightning Dust, he'll do anything to get her to feel better, not for his sake, but for her's.

"Hi Fluttershy, Laura, Trixie...Lightning Dust." Peter offered her a friendly smile.

Instead Lightning backed away a little, still uncomfortable at the sight of Peter. Though Trixie nudged Lightning a little to get her attention.

"Come on Lightning, he's being nice, at least return his greeting."

Lightning sighed and looked to Peter, "Hi..."

Peter gave her a cheery smile but even that couldn't really wave away her fear and paranoia.

Laura groaned at all of this, "Come on Dust, Peter Parker isn't that scary of a pony, in fact he's the least intimidating of the heroes. Have you seen his stupid looking mask?"

Peter glared slightly, "Hey!"

Laura gestured, "See, when he gets angry he has the face of a 2 year old, hell his daughter looks scarier when she's mad."

Peter groaned, "Man you really are Logan's daughter, you know that?"

Laura aimed her claws at his neck, "DON'T, call Logan my father. That's a good way to piss me off!"

Twilight got in Laura's face, "DON'T, threaten my husband. Unless you wanna piss ME off."

"I'm not afraid of you sugar queen, I mean what the hell are you gonna do? Tell me I can't be your friend?" Laura asked.

The two mares had an intense staredown before Peter and Fluttershy pulled Twilight and Laura away respectively.

"Twilight, please relax around Laura. I can handle the insults but I can't handle the idea of you getting hurt," Peter said.

"Laura, please, you need to remember to keep your anger in check," Fluttershy urged.

The two mares looked to their respective husband and sister-figure and let out a sigh.

"Fine Peter, for you," Twilight shot a dirty glare at Laura.

"You're the only one I respect 'Shy," Laura then shot a glare of her own at Twilight.

Peter groaned a bit and turned to where Trixie and Lightning were standing, "Sorry about that, I guess-Hey where did Lightning Dust go?"

Trixie looked to the side and noticed that her friend had disappeared, "I guess she slipped away, I'll go look for her."

"Ok, me and Laura will go home then, I'll make Lightning Dust those oats," Fluttershy said.

"We'll see you home then Trixie," Peter said.

Trixie nodded and went to go find Lightning Dust, hoping to get to the bottom of the mare's paranoia. She didn't have to search far though, Lightning was actually hiding behind a nearby tree. Trixie caught her when she poked her head out from behind to see where everypony was.

"Lightning Dust?" Trixie said, getting her friend's attention.

"Oh, hey there Trixie," Lightning said.

"Um, any reason you're hiding behind that tree?" Trixie asked.

Lightning looked around a bit nervously, "No reason, just felt like hiding against a tree."

Trixie raised her eyebrow in an unconvinced fashion. "Please tell me that's not the best excuse you can come up with."

Lightning furrowed her brow and looked away, "I just don't wanna be near Peter Parker, especially when it looked like a fight was gonna break out."

"Huh? There wasn't gonna be a fight," Trixie said.

"Well with the way that Princess Sparkle and that wild animal of a mare were arguing it looked that way. The last thing I want is to be around when Spider-Mane fights, that's when he's at his most dangerous!" Lightning said emphatically.

Trixie sighed, once again pitying her friend's paranoia.

"I get that you're worried but please believe me when I say that a fight would not have happened, Fluttershy would keep Laura calm and Peter wouldn't let Twilight get that far. Besides Twilight isn't one to actively start fighting anyway, she prefers to talk things out," Trixie reassured.

"I'm not sure, I mean she seems to have anger issues of her own, doesn't she chase around Johnny Storm?" Lightning asked.

"Twilight doesn't have anger issues, she's just irritated rather easily," Trixie looked to the side. "Though I will admit she's been even more easier to irritate than normal lately."

Trixie shook it off, "Not important," She refocused on Lightning Dust. "Just trust me when I say that Peter Parker is a nice stallion. He feels really guilty for hurting you, it would mean a lot if you could try to give him a chance."

Lightning looked to the side, still unsure what to make of this. She then focused back on Trixie, who had a pleading look in her eyes. Lightning just couldn't turn down that face so she gave in.

"Fine, I'll give him a chance...but I don't wanna be left along with him. I want somepony there with me," Lightning stated.

Trixie nodded, "Can do, I'll talk with Peter and Twilight and we'll figure something out."

Trixie parted with Lightning Dust to talk to her Power Couple friends. Though as it turns out Fluttershy had offered them an idea, that Peter, Twilight Logan and Trixie can come by later in the day and have some tea and hopefully talk things out.

Trixie loved the idea, and hoped that it could be the opportunity that she needed to finally help put Lightning's dispute against Peter at peace.

Soon evening time came. Peter, Twilight, Trixie and Logan had made their way Fluttershy's cottage.

"I hope the kids will be fine for the time being," Twilight wondered.

"Don't worry, Rumble can practically take care of himself, and he'll watch over Mayday with Spike and Aunt May," Peter reassured.

"But why did Spike have to invite her along?" Twilight asked in irritation, referring to the fact that Spike brought Janet Van Dyne over as well.

"They wanted to do another date, plans changed last minute and she offered to stay, help watch over the foals," Peter reassured.

"Seriously what's with her affection for Spike? Seems kinda fishy if you ask me," Twilight complained.

"Janet just likes cute guys and she thinks Spike's cute, besides she's only staying for a little bit," Peter reminded.

Logan groaned a bit, "Twilight, we're going to Fluttershy's place to try and do a peacemaking thing, let's not stress out over more potential conflicts. Between Storm, Janet and recently Bobby, you've become a little stressed out lately, you need to relax," Logan said.

Peter chuckled a bit, "Logan, you don't know Twilight that well, she never relaxes about anything, did she tell you about the time she-OW!"

Twilight angrily struck Peter's side, "Shut up!"

"You don't even know what I was gonna say," Peter whined.

"Do you wanna know what I'll do if you you continue!?" Twilight threatened.

Peter gulped and shook his head, "No not really."

Logan shook his head a little, then turned to Trixie, who had looked to be in deep thought about something.

"You've barely said anything on the way over here, and you usually love to talk so that's really unusual," Logan said.

Trixie snapped out of her daze, "Huh?" She looked to Logan, "Oh I'm sorry Logan, I was just thinking over some stuff. I hope tonight goes well, not just for Lightning Dust, but for Peter."

"I'm sure Peter will win her over, or annoy the hell out of her, but at least she won't fear him," Logan said.

Trixie chuckled, "Peter's got a nice charm, even if he gets on her nerves she'll still like him. It's why I put up with him."

"Truth be told, the fact that you and Twilight can live with a nimrod like him really says something about you. I can barely put up living there, I only tolerate it because you and Twilight make for good company," Logan admitted.

Trixie nuzzled Logan, "That's so nice of you, you make for good company too," Trixie grinned at Logan. "Very good company."

Logan glared at Trixie a little with a slight blush on his face, though Trixie giggled. "I'm just messing with you, besides I know you like Fluttershy and I won't impose on that."

Logan's blush grew, "Who said I liked Fluttershy?"

"Logan your affection for Fluttershy is very obvious. Some even say it's similar to how Peter and Twilight looked before they became a couple. If it weren't for my slight crush on Peter at that point I might have noticed that better," Trixie said.

Logan raised his eyebrows, "You actually had a crush on that web-head?"

"Yes, I did. Nowadays my love for him is more friendly than romantic, but I did once wonder that possibility," Trixie confessed.

Logan looked amazed. How many mares liked Peter anyway? Logan has to hand it to the young hero, he knows how to get ladies.

They eventually arrived at Fluttershy's place, and were greeted by the mare herself.

"I'm so glad you can all make it, come on, follow me," Fluttershy said.

She led them to the back of the home, out in her little garden where Laura and Lightning Dust were waiting.

Laura had her usual scowl, she wasn't exactly too thrilled to see the Parker-Sparkle couple, or Logan for that matter.

Lightning Dust was happy to see Trixie but not too thrilled to see Peter. However she promised Trixie she would try to make peace with Peter, though that wouldn't be easy.

Peter could sense Lightning's worry, so he put on a happy face to try and ease her paranoia. It hasn't worked yet but he hopes that soon it will catch on.

Lightning looked away a bit, not too eager to meet Peter eye to eye just yet. Soon everypony was seated, Fluttershy had the treats ready. Tea with a batch of cookies.

"Dig in everypony," Fluttershy encouraged.

Everypony each went for the tasty treat. While eating Peter looked to Lightning Dust as she ate her cookie with some slight apprehension. Peter thought quickly, hoping to get a little banter going.

"So Lightning Dust," Peter said, getting the attention of the nervous mare. "That's a unique name, slightly unusual but that could be said about 90% of the names in this world."

Peter offered a smile to Lightning, but she still seemed pretty nervous.

"Not to say it's bad, I like it though, sounds awesome. Fitting for an athlete like yourself," Peter said.

Lightning looked to her wing and felt some despair, that comment reminded her of her current condition. Peter realized he may have made her feel worse.

"Uh what I meant was...it also reflects a cool personality, you have that tough chick attitude. You remind me of some heroes from my world," Peter said, hoping that Lightning would mellow out.

Lightning offered a timid nod to Peter as a sole response. Peter would have liked more but he hopes it's a nice start.

Trixie pitied Peter, he's trying his best to get Lightning Dust to mellow out but things just aren't going too well.

Fluttershy picked up her tea pot, "Who's up for some tea?"

Everypony held their cups out, though Peter kept his eyes on Lightning Dust, still trying to think of ways to get on her good side.

Twilight decided to try another idea, a bit indirect. "So Laura, how's it been living with Fluttershy?"

"Good, she's great to be around," Laura answered.

"Aw, thanks Laura, I love having you around too," Fluttershy replied.

"Wow, Laura actually tolerates someone else's presence, that's a miracle in it's own right," Peter pointed out.

Laura glared a bit, should have been a sign for Peter to shut his mouth. But keeping his mouth shut has never been his thing.

"That is Fluttershy's talent, taming wild beasts, like The Wolverette," Peter joked and let out a chuckle.

Laura growled a bit, "You know what Parker! Why don't you-"

Fluttershy cleared her throat, "Laura! Remember what I said about verbalizing your emotions?"

Laura sighed, "Peter...when you say things like that, it makes me unhappy. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make jokes about me being an animal."

Peter blinked a moment, "Wow...you really trained her well Fluttershy."

"THAT'S IT!" Laura lunged at Peter and started pounding on him before Logan grabbed her and pulled her away.

"LET ME GO OLD MAN!" Laura shouted.

"Not until you calm yourself!" Logan demanded.

Fluttershy grabbed Laura's hooves and gave her a pleading look, "Laura, please calm down, just take a breath!"

Laura did as Fluttershy asked, though a bit reluctantly, then took her seat.

Peter got up and dusted off, "Wow, she didn't even use her claws, Fluttershy really is pulling a miracle."

Fluttershy glared at Peter, "That wasn't nice of you Peter. Laura's really trying and you're making it harder for her. Now say you're sorry right now mister."

While Fluttershy didn't exactly look angry, at least not Twilight angry, Peter still felt a bit of a shudder. Fluttershy still had a presence of her own.

Peter sighed in defeat and turned to Laura, "I'm sorry about what I said."

Laura still looked unhappy but Fluttershy cleared her throat as if to say 'Your Turn'.

"It's fine Parker, I'm sorry for overreacting," Laura said, barely giving Peter any eye contact.

Fluttershy smiled and hugged Laura, "You're doing well at least, I appreciate that you're trying to do better."

Trixie nodded in agreement, "It's always nice to be able to have a second chance at things. When a pony wants to redeem themselves, I think they should be given that chance, wouldn't you agree Lightning Dust?"

Lightning turned to Trixie, who then gestured her eyes to Peter.

"I like the idea of cycles too, Peter helped me, I helped you, does that given you any ideas?" Trixie asked.

Lightning looked down a moment, registering what Trixie is trying to say. She then looked to Peter, still uncertain about him. Thus far she hasn't seen anything to suggest that he has any trace of evil left in him.

Peter went in a bit closer, giving her a face that almost suggests desperation, "I really want to make things right between us. I know I went too far and I never should have did what I did. But maybe we can start over, put everything behind us."

Lightning still didn't look sure, she was still unsure of this whole situation. Peter then carefully grabbed her hooves and held them up as he looked into her eyes. Her timid eyes perfectly matching his sympathetic eyes. "I'm really sorry, I know I got carried away, as a superhero there is a line I shouldn't cross. I'll make this up to you, I just want not only to be friends, but for you not to be afraid. I just want you to be in harmony with the rest of us."

Lightning looked to the side, she still had her doubts about this, then she looked back to Peter, staring into his sympathetic eyes. She has to admit, he looks kinda cute, and maybe he is sorry. She probably should give him another chance.

"If...I do, would you be able to promise that nothing bad would happen? Can I trust you won't snap again?" Lightning asked.

Twilight sighed, "You know Lightning Dust, to be fair, you did instigate things. You aligned yourself with two villains that you knew didn't like Peter, and you did join them in hurting all our loved ones. If we can forgive you for that then I think you can forgive Peter for his actions."

Laura nodded, "Seriously, quit moping around and get over this crap."

Fluttershy glared at Laura for that comment.

"Come on! Princess Sparkle-Butt can say it but I can't?" Laura asked.

Twilight glared, "Who are you calling Sparkle-Butt, Wolverette!?"

Laura extended her claws, "You wanna go?"

Logan slammed his hoof down, "Laura! Don't start!"

"I didn't start a damn thing!" Laura shouted.

"You kinda did, you called me 'Princess Sparkle-Butt', if that's not starting it then what is?" Twilight asked.

Laura aimed her claws, "You're just one comment away from the worst pain you've ever felt, bitch!"

Twilight's eyes widened, then she had a scowl as she charged up her horn, "Don't make me knock you out!"

Before anything can happen, Fluttershy got in between the two bickering mares, "Enough! This is supposed to help Lightning overcome her fear of Peter, not for you two to make enemies of each other!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "I don't see why she even has to be be afraid, she should be grateful that she got off as easy as she did!"

"He snapped my wing in half! How is that easy!?" Lightning asked.

Twilight approached her with a glare, "Maybe it's because YOU came to MY town and hurt all my friends! Not just them either, you hurt members of my family! Spike is like my little brother! Rumble is like my son! Mayday is my daughter! If Peter didn't break your wings, I probably would have, maybe both your wings for that matter! Maybe your ribs! Who knows what I would have done!"

Twilight got in closer, her glare intensifying and feeding some fear into Lightning Dust. "Now you have the nerve to treat Peter like an outcast!? To shun him for something that you brought upon yourself!? To give him needless guilt when he has enough of it already!? Who do you think you are anyway!? Peter shouldn't have to beg for your forgiveness! You should have rewarded him that when you got off as easy as you did, because I personally would have liked to see you in the Canterlot Dungeon!"

Trixie cautiously approached Twilight, "Twilight that's enough now, it's enough that Lightning Dust fears Peter, do you want her to fear you as well?"

"Hey she wants to be afraid so badly, might as well give her a reason to be!" Twilight retorted, much to Trixie's surprise.

"How can you say that Twilight!? This isn't like you!" Trixie said.

"I'll do what I have to! I'm not gonna put up with the grief she's causing Peter with her selfishness!" Twilight said.

That seemed to upset Lightning, "It's not selfishness! Pardon me for not being comfortable around a stallion for causing me an injury!"

Twilight got in her face, "An injury you brought upon yourself for your actions!"

"But I didn't do anything! Vega and Shocker did most of it! The most I did was punch a few ponies! That's all!" Lightning insisted.

"You still aligned with them! You didn't do anything to stop them!" Twilight shouted back.

"What could I have done!? They're stronger than me! Besides I at least tried to encourage them to leave town before it got too far!"

"Doesn't matter, you still let my family get hurt, but we let you get away with that. Now you wanna cast blame on Peter!? Why? Because he's easier to blame?" Twilight moved forward a little, causing Lightning to move backwards.

"You're just like everypony else, always looking to blame Peter and make him feel miserable when all he does is go out there and risk everything to protect those he cares about. He even risks to protect those who don't even care for him! He's just that good-hearted, and for you to treat him like a monster just infuriates me! Maybe you don't even deserve friendship! Maybe Trixie is wasting her time with you! At least she forgave and moved on! You think you're too good for that don't you!"

Lightning felt a lot of apprehension at the moment, Twilight was really getting in her face, her voice volume going up with every line uttered and it seemed to be getting worse by the moment.

Twilight continued to walk forward, "Peter shouldn't have to put up with you! He should just cast you aside but he won't, you know why? Because he cares enough to do so! But that's not even good enough for you!"

The other ponies couldn't believe what they were seeing, they weren't even sure if they should step in or not. They don't wanna risk things getting worse. But they were prepared to interject when needed.

Soon Twilight had Lightning backed into a corner. Lightning was trapped and scared as Twilight had gotten too close.

"If you don't make peace with Peter right now then things are gonna get a WHOLE lot worse between us!"

Lightning felt a sense of panic as she shut her eyes hard, sweat dripping down, flashes of Peter and his Nightmare eyes.

"Well?" Twilight asked, getting in closer.

"G-get back..." Lightning muttered out.

Twilight raised her eyebrow, "What?"

Lightning opened her eyes, angry desperation emitting from them. "I SAID GET BACK!"

Lightning then shoved Twilight away from her, causing her to stumble back a bit. This caused some surprise among the ponies.

Twilight obviously wasn't too happy about that, "How dare you shove me!" She angrily approached Lightning Dust. "I have half a mind to teach you a lesson about-"

"GET AWAY!" Lightning then tackled Twilight back and both of them crashed through the small table that Fluttershy had set up for the cookies and tea.

Lightning got up quickly and backed away, panting heavily and carefully watching for Twilight's next move.

Peter quickly approached Twilight and helped her up, "Are you ok Twi?"

Twilight shook her head, "Not exactly, I landed on my wing, kinda hurts a bit."

Twilight checked her left wing, it stung a bit when she stroked it, "Ow, that really hurts."

Lightning stopped her angry pants and grew nervous upon the realization of what she did, she essentially attacked a member of a royal family. She attacked and wounded a princess. She attacked Spider-Mane's wife.

To make matters worse for Lightning, Peter didn't look too happy. The webbed hero turned his attention to the troubled mare, feeling a sense of anger.

"What was that for!? You didn't need to attack my wife like that!" Peter shouted and made his way toward Lightning Dust, causing her fears to start building up again.

"You need to apologize right now, that was totally uncalled for!"

As Peter got too close, Lightning cowered down before him and held her hoof out, "Please, I'm sorry Spider-Mane! I didn't meant to-"

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!" Peter shouted, causing more fear.

Trixie called out to Peter in an attempt to get his attention but Peter continued to lecture Lightning Dust. "You could have handled that better! Now I suggest you get up and apologize before-"

"Please, don't hurt me! I'm begging you!" Lightning shouted, tears starting to emerge from her eyes, her fears reaching a boiling point.

Peter realized how he was acting and realized he was causing grief to Lightning Dust. Although he was upset about Twilight he realized if he kept acting like this then things between him and Lightning would get worse.

"Look Lightning, I know I'm upset but that doesn't mean-"

"Get away from me, please!" Lightning shouted, curling up in fear of the stallion before her.

Peter wasn't sure what to do now, he just wanted to make things right between them, he needs to reassure her that he won't hurt her.

"Please Lightning, just hear me out, I won't hurt you, just..." Peter lowered his hoof to her in an attempt to calm her down but it backfired in a big way.

Lightning Dust had reached her boiling point, she started screaming and yelling in fear, begging him to leave.


Peter jerked his hoof back, this situation was getting worse by the moment. "Lightning Dust, please-"

Lightning screamed louder, her sobs reigning through the cottage, causing great discomfort among all the other ponies and Fluttershy's nearby animals.

"GET AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" Lightning shouted at the top of her lungs, causing Peter to step back a little.

"Lightning, I'm sorry!" Peter said, almost in tears himself. "Please I don't want to-"

"LEEEEEEEEEEEAVE!" Lightning shouted, her face showing a mixture of of anger, sorrow and fear.

Peter stumbled a bit as he moved back, his discomfort level rising Trixie placed her hoof on his shoulder.

"I'll calm her down, maybe you should just get Twilight home."

Peter nodded and turned to Twilight, "Come on, Trixie can handle it from here. Besides I'm worried about your wing."

Twilight nodded and turned to Fluttershy, "I'm sorry about how things turned out here."

Laura groaned, "Why is that mare even crying, she seriously needs to-"

"Laura! Enough! Now go to your room, we'll talk later!" Fluttershy ordered.

Laura looked taken back, "You're sending me to my room? You can't be-"

"March!" Fluttershy shouted, pointing away.

Laura could tell that Fluttershy was serious. Not wanting to tempt the mare she obliged and went inside a bit dejectedly.

Fluttershy sighed, "I hope I wasn't too hard on her."

Logan stroked her mane, "You're handling this fine, you're doing a great job with her. I can tell she's developing a lot of respect for you."

Fluttershy blushed a little at Logan's compliment and reassurance. "Thanks, well I should go talk to her." Fluttershy then turned her attention to Peter.

"Oh, by the way Peter..."

Peter turned his attention to the normally shy mare. "Huh?"

Fluttershy's expression turned serious, "Lay off of Laura, stop annoying her as much as you do. Otherwise you'll be hearing it from me."

Peter chuckled nervously, "Noted. Let's go Twilight."

Peter quickly urged his wife to get moving, not wanting to incur more drama from this place. Logan followed the duo, but not before turning his attention to Fluttershy, "I'll keep an eye on that web head."

Fluttershy nodded, "Sure thing, thanks." As she watched the family leave, she turned her attention to Trixie comforting Lightning Dust.

Trixie had Lightning Dust in a comforting and reassuring hug, letting the poor mare know that she'll be just fine.

Lightning returned the hug, tears still spilling from her eyes, her head pressed against Trixie's chest as the showmare rubbed Lightning's mane.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you, nothing bad's gonna happen," Trixie reassured.

Lightning sniffled a bit, quietly apologizing for her actions. All Trixie could do is comfort her and hope one day Lightning could see Peter for the great stallion that he is.

Back at the Parker-Sparkle family home, Twilight had gone to check on the foals. Janet had already left and Spike managed to get the kids in bed. Though Rumble mostly handled Mayday, Spike just helped a little bit.

Logan noticed that Peter looked pretty glum, something the rugged X-man isn't used to. While he's not exactly a big fan of punny and annoying Peter, he still felt a degree of sympathy and pity.

"Come on Peter, I know things went bad tonight but give it some time. Trust takes time to build," Logan said.

Peter nodded, "Yeah, sure thing Logan."

Logan still pitied Peter a bit. He knows what it's like to be considered a monster, to have others fear him. He hates knowing that Peter is going through that, at the moment he could only hope that Trixie has things under control.

A bit later Trixie returned and was immediately greeted by Peter.

"How's Lightning Dust? Is she alright?" Peter asked, very worried for the mare.

"She's fine, I calmed her down but she's still a bit shaken up. Poor mare has a lot to work with," Trixie said.

Peter felt really glum, "I wish I could help her. I just want her to know how sorry I am that I hurt her. Regardless of who she was once aligned with, it didn't justify how I hurt her. Looking back I basically acted like a bully, I targeted her while she was doing absolutely nothing. I can't justify hurting somepony the way I did."

Trixie could sense Peter's guilt, she hates seeing him so down. Trixie nuzzled Peter a bit, "She'll forgive you, I'm confident."

Trixie then kissed Peter on the cheek and walked off, leaving Peter to his thoughts. Peter wiped a tear from his eye, his guilt still lingering.

Meanwhile outside Lightning Dust is standing near the door, but out of sight. She peeked inside to see that Peter still looked guilty. Se actually pitied him, believing that he probably is truly sorry for his actions.

Maybe she should forgive him, after all she was forgiven herself, plus she has to admit, he has been trying to be nice. He deserves another chance.

Before Peter left upstairs, Lightning called out to him.


Peter turned around, very surprised at what he saw.

"Lightning Dust? What are you doing here?" Peter asked as he approached the mare.

Lightning bit her lip a little, "Listen, I...I want...I wanna try giving you a chance..."

Peter grew eager, "Wait, really!?"

Lightning nodded, "Now I'm still not too sure about this but...you do look sorry, and Trixie has told me about second chances. I have mine, you should get yours."

Peter looked so happy, he finally has a chance to put this behind him. "I would love that."

"Just promise me something, promise me that I can trust you. Promise I won't regret this," Lightning said, hope in her eyes.

Peter nodded, "I promise, I won't let you get hurt. I'll protect you, I'll be your friend."

"Right...also, I'm really sorry for what happened in this town a while back. Looks like I have stuff to make up to you as well," Lightning admitted.

Peter nodded, "Don't worry, we'll get through this. But I forgive you."

Lightning nodded, "Thanks Peter...I guess I'll see you around."

Peter went in and pulled Lightning into a hug, surprising the mare. Lightning somehow actually felt safe in his hooves though, her worries fading away. She returned the hug and nuzzled against his neck.

Trixie noticed this from the top of the stairs, feeling so happy for the two. Hopefully this means Lightning is over her grief, or is in the process of getting over it.

Logan also took time to notice this, "Finally, maybe Parker will stop whining about this."

"Funny, not too long ago you were very sympathetic to Peter, now you wanna act tough?" Trixie asked, earning a small blush from Logan.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I just wanted him to stop complaining like he always does."

Trixie nuzzled against Logan, causing him to blush a bit more. "Keep in mind I'm a showmare, I can tell when somepony is putting on an act. You don't need to act tough around me, I won't think any less of you."

Logan sighed in defeat, Trixie has really gotten to know him well. Trixie has such a good charm, possibly something she learned being around Peter and Twilight for so long.

Back with Peter, he had released his hug with Lightning Dust and looked to her with a smile. "Come by sometime, Trixie would love to spend more time with you, and so would I."

Lightning nodded, "Thanks Peter." She then kissed him on his muzzle, leaving the superhero blushing as Lightning trotted out the home, herself blushing at what she just did. Why did she kiss Peter like that? She'll figure that out later.

Peter felt relief knowing he had made another friend, but where does he go from here? Regardless it's another problem down, now he can move on and try to make the most of this opportunity.

Author's Note:

Some nice moments involving Trixie, Peter and Lightning Dust.