• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 11

The Equalists where lined up. Most stood erect and at the ready. Party Favor tried to follow, but he felt his heart racing. Finally, Starlight Glimmer arrived with Double Diamond behind her.

"As you know, Yakyakistan has sold out to the elitists and formed an alliance." began Starlight.

The Equalists jeered minus Party Favor. Starlight and Double Diamond spotted this.

"We must keep this alliance from happening!" declared Starlight.

The Equalists cheered minus Party Favor. Starlight and Diamond Double watched his reaction...or lack of one.

"We have devised a plan to assassinate Prince Rutherford." revealed Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer nodded toward Double Diamond.

"The yaks are still in Canterlot having extended their stay. This will be the fatal flaw. We will put a team together and send them to Galloping Gorge." began Double Diamond.

Double Diamond kept an eye on Party Favor who was trying to stay calm.

"There, our team will ambush the yaks and kill Prince Rutherford." concluded Double Diamond.

"Thank you Lieutenant." said Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer turned her focus back to the crowd.

"The death of Prince Rutherford will anger the yaks driving a wedge between them and Equestria." said Starlight.

"This is nuts." thought Party Favor worried.

"Honestly, we're doing them a favor." said Starlight.

Starlight began sadly shaking her head.

"Monarchy is an elitist system that puts two ponies over everyone else." said Starlight flatly.

Starlight beamed a wide smile.

"But that will all end after our revolution!" declared Starlight.

The Equalists cheered, save for Party Favor who gulped.

"I'm so thrilled you're on my side everypony!" declared Starlight.

Party Favor couldn't help but feel that was directed toward him.

"Now I will need to ponies to volunteer for this mission." noted Starlight.

Party Favor gulped again.

"Now then..." began Starlight.

Starlight began looking over the crowd.

"Trouble Shoes. You're strength will come in handy against the yaks. I would like you to be part of the hit team." said Starlight.

Trouble Shoes happily came forward.

"Thank you Comrade Glimmer!" exclaimed Trouble Shoes.

As Starlight began looking over the crowd, Party Favor tried to hide.

"Cherry Jubilee, you will be party of the hit squad." said Starlight.

Cherry Jubilee happily came forward.

"Thank you Comrade Glimmer!" exclaimed Cherry Jubilee.

Starlight Glimmer turned and locked eyes with Party Favor.

"Party Favor, you will be the final member of the hit squad." said Starlight.

"Me, ma'am?" asked Party Favor meekly.

"After your independent streak, we must make sure you are still our friend." replied Starlight.

Starlight Glimmer squinted her eyes.

"You are still our friend, right?" asked Starlight.

All eyes where on Party Favor who squirmed where he stood.

"Yes ma'am." answered Party Favor.

Party Favor stepped forward defeated.

"Our plan is simple. Party Favor will fire a beam of magic which will destroy the track and cause the train to derail. When it does, you three attack it and kill Rutherford." said Starlight.

Starlight used her magic to give Cherry Jubilee a sword.

"Understood Starlight Glimmer." replied Cherry Jubilee, in a monotone voice.

"We don't want to make things too complex." noted Starlight.

Starlight adopted a serious demeanor.

"I feel it is safe to say that failure is not an option." stated Starlight firmly.

"We hear and obey!" declared the three assassins.

"Good." replied Starlight please, "One more thing..."

Starlight turned to Party Favor.

"Party Favor will deliver the killing blow to Rutherford." ordered Starlight.

Meanwhile, a sense of relief washed over Equestria. Yes, the Equalists where still free and abducting ponies. However, their alliance with the yaks provided extra security. In Ponyville, confidence in a victory over the Equalists was stronger than ever. However, one was pony was still unsure. Twilight Sparkle sat on her throne deep in thought. She worried about their new alliance and whether or not it would be enough to defeat Starlight.

"I thought I'd find you here." said Sunset.

Twilight snapped her head and spotted her marefriend.

"I'm just thinking." said Twilight.

Sunset reached where Twilight was.

"Let me guess...it's about Starlight Glimmer." said Sunset.

Twilight chuckled.

"Yes." confirmed Twilight.

"We have the yaks allied with us now. That's a big help." said Sunset.

Twilight let out a sigh.

"Everypony acts like all of our problems are over. I don't buy it." explained Twilight.

"Well, we're have to play it by ear." said Sunset.

"I guess so." mused Twilight worried.

Suddenly, the doors flung open and Pinkie Pie burst in.

"There you are! We need to go!" cried Pinkie.

"Huh?" asked Sunset confused.

"We have to go right now!" cried Pinkie.

"Go where?" asked Sunset, more confused.

"To save Prince Rutherford." answered Pinkie.

"What's wrong with Prince Rutherford?" asked Twilight worried.

"The Equalists are going to assassinate him to trigger a war between Equestria and Yakyakistan!" answered Pinkie urgently.

"How do you know this?" asked Sunset surprised.

"Brony4Ever1992 said so at the start of the chapter." answered Pinkie.

"I've learned to trust Pinkie in these type of cases." said Twilight.

Twilight could still remember Derpy dropping a piano her head.

"Come on." said Twilight firmly.

The three left the castle and rounded up the others. They hoped the train to Canterlot. On the train ride, Pinkie tried to explain how I revealed the Equalists would try to assassinate Prince Rutherford last chapter and planned it out earlier in this chapter. However, they decided to follow the time honored rule of "It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it" and just go with what she was saying. They arrived convinced Prince Rutherford to let them escort him and the other yaks to the Crystal Empire as an act of friendship.

"Well, nothing yet." noted Applejack.

"This is boring." groaned Rainbow Dash.

"Just you wait." said Pinkie Pie.

"Darling, are you sure something is going to happen?" asked Rarity skeptical.

"It's gonna happen." answered Pinkie.

"I hope not." said Fluttershy meekly.

"Ponies sure nothing happen to yaks?" asked Rutherford.

"Don't worry." answered Pinkie reassuring.

Sunset noted Twilight sitting sternly.

"How are you doing?" asked Sunset.

"I've been better." answered Twilight bluntly.

"We don't know anything is going to happen." said Sunset.

"Don't doubt Pinkie Pie." replied Twilight.

"If anything happens, we'll all be here." noted Sunset.

Twilight meekly smiled.

"Thanks." said Twilight.

Meanwhile, the three Equalist assassins where laying in ambush.

"The train should be sure." said Cherry Jubilee happily.

"Comrade Glimmer is going to be so proud of us." said Trouble Shoes happily.

Party Favor was less excited.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." thought Party Favor.

They spotted the train.

"Derail it." said Cherry Jubilee giddy.

Party Favor gulped.

"Celestia forgive me." whispered Party Favor.

Party Favor fired a volley of magic which blew up part of the track. The group inside heard the blast.

"What was that?" asked Rarity worried.

The engineer was unable to stop in time and the train derailed. Luckily, Twilight used her magic to shield all of the ponies in the carriage.

"Let's go!" cried Cherry Jubilee.

"For equality!" cried Trouble Shoes.

The Equalists charged the train.

"Is everypony okay?" asked Sunset worried.

They all replied they where.

"I wasn't able to help the engineer." noted Twilight worried.

"We have a bigger problem!" noted Rainbow worried.

The ponies spotted three figures charging.

"Pinkie and Rarity, protect the yaks. Fluttershy and Twilight, check on the engineer. Applejack, Rainbow and I will deal with our guests." said Sunset.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow excited.

Everypony jumped into action. Pinkie and Rarity got in front of the yaks.

Fluttershy and Twilight spotted the engineer on the ground after jumping off the train. He was shaken, but okay.

Sunset, Rainbow and Applejack ran out only to be surprised by who was attacking.

"Trouble Shoes! Cheery Jubilee!" cried Applejack in horror.

"And there's that unicorn who sided with Starlight." said Rainbow angrily.

"I think it's safe to say Pinkie was right." sighed Sunset.

"Starlight said there'd be only the yaks!" cried Party Favor, freaking out.

"We don't want to fight y'all!" declared Applejack.

"Please let us help you break free of Starlight." added Sunset.

Party Favor knew part of him wanted to take them up on this offer.

"We will never abandon Comrade Glimmer." stated Trouble Shoes.

Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Butt kicking time." said Rainbow eagerly.

"Y'all know they're under her control. We just can't whoopin' them when they're bein' force to do this." replied Applejack.

Suddenly, the carriage door was sent flying and a herd of angry yaks came out.

"Oh crap." gasped Sunset.

The yaks set their sights on the Equalists.

"YAKS ANGRY AT BEING ATTACKED!" exclaimed Rutherford furious.

"Your highness..." began Applejack.

"How are they not hurt?" asked Cherry Jubilee surprised.

"PONIES PROTECT YAKS!" cried Rutherford.

Party Favor felt his legs wobble.

"YAKS GET JUSTICE FOR ATTACK!" screamed Rutherford.

The enraged yaks began charging the Equalists.

"Run away!" cried Party favor horrified.

The Equalists began to flee with the yaks behind them.

"The yaks are going to kill them!" cried Applejack worried.

Sunset Shimmer thought fast and fired a powerful beam of magic. It hit the ground in front of the yaks leaving a crater behind. Luckily, it also allowed the Equalists to escape.

"WHY PONY DO THAT?!" asked Rutherford enraged.

"I was aiming for the assassins and missed. Sorry." said Sunset.

A tense moment passed as Sunset prayed the yaks bought her lie.

"Yaks understand pony trying to help." said Rutherford.

Sunset let out a sigh of relief as the other returned.

"Are you okay prince?" asked Pinkie worried.

"Pink pony no need to worry. Yaks strong. Can survive attack like that. Yaks not hurt." answered Rutherford.

"I'm sorry this happened." said Twilight.

"Yaks know it not your fault. Yaks glad you here to help. Friendship between ponies and yaks stronger than ever!" replied Rutherford.

The ponies let out a sigh of relief while Sunset leaned over to Twilight.

"I guess you where right about trust Pinkie." admitted Sunset.

Twilight tried to stay calm. However, she was anything but.

"I wish I wasn't." whispered Twilight.

Word spread of the attack. Prince Rutherford would continue to praise the ponies who helped him. The three Equalist assassins returned back to their comrades in the Macintosh Hills. They found Starlight Glimmer furious that her plan backfired. The three got dirty looks form the other Equalist members and tried to stay discrete. However, Double Diamond spotted the trio and called them out. The caused Starlight Glimmer to march over to them angrily.

"Tell me what in Tartarus happened!" demanded Starlight furious.

Trouble Shoes and Cherry Jubilee hung their heads in shame while Party Favor adverted his gaze.

"Party Favor, tell me what happened." said Starlight coldly.

"Those seven ponies where there! The ones from the village! They protected the yaks and would threaten us! The the yaks chased us and we ran away!" cried Party Favor terrified.

Trouble Shoes...this is true?" asked Starlight bluntly.

Yes ma'am." answered Trouble Shoes.

"Cherry Jubilee, did Party Favor do anything out of the ordinary?" asked Starlight.

"No ma'am. He derailed the train and joined in the attack with us." answered Cherry Jubilee.

Starlight mused this over.

"Okay Party Favor...it was not your fault." said Starlight.

Party Favor felt a tidal wave of relief sweep over him.

"Those damn seven. They keep messing with my plans." said Starlight bitterly.

Starlight thought for a minute.

"I know what I am going to do." said Starlight, with a sinister smile.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where this chapter ends. I hope the explanation for the Mane 7 going with the yaks was sufficient. I thought it'd be fun to have Pinkie break the fourth wall and acknowledge this was a fanfic. Next time, it's "Amending Fences" plus the return of Sugar Belle and Night Glider. Please review.