• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 18

The Tasty Treat was closing for the night. It was yet another day with very few ponies eating inside. Of course, that mean yet another month of struggling to pay bills for Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala.

"Which should I delay paying: water of power?" asked Coriander.

Saffron thought this over.

"Power." answered Saffron.

'That is too important." stated Coriander.

"Then why did you ask me?" asked Saffron.

"I wanted your input." answered Coriander.

"Then you discarded it." noted Saffron.

"This is my business and I will run it as I see fit!" declared Coriander.

"I do just as much as you father!" cried Saffron.

"My name is on the lease!" snapped Coriander.

Saffron couldn't deny this.

"Good." said Coriander happily.

"If we lose The Tasty Treat, we might lose our home." noted Saffron.

"No "if" about it." muttered Coriander stressed.

Coriander shook his head.

"I am well aware of that." said Coriander.

"We have to find a way to bring customers in her." said Saffron.

"That Zesty Gourmand won't sent hoof in her." sighed Coriander.

Coriander hung his head.

"If only your mother where still here." sighed Coriander sadly.

Saffron hugged her father.

"Now then...there is some expired food I need to dump." said Coriander.

"It's fine. I can finish sweeping up here." replied Saffron.

"Very good." agreed Coriander.

Coriander left and Saffron began sweeping. However, the door opened a minute later.

"I am sorry, but we are closed." said Saffron.

Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine ignored her.

"Wait, you are two of the unicorns that where abducted by the Equalists." realized Saffron horrified.

"Comrade Glimmer opened our eyes." began Lemon Heart.

"Now, you will follow." added Twinkleshine.

Saffron tossed the broom at the duo and ran. Twinkleshine easily turned the broom to sawdust with her magic.

"Father!" cried Saffron.

Lemon Hearts grabbed Saffron with her magic.

"Time to go!" declared Lemon Hearts joyously.

Coriander had heard his daughter and rushed in.

"Let go of my daughter!" demanded Coriander.

"I'll take care of him." said Twinkleshine.

Twinkleshine fire a blast of magic that knocked Coriander backwards.

"Father!" cried out Saffron in tears.

"Well done." said Lemon Hearts.

The two began to leave, but Coriander got back up.

"You'll take my daughter over my dead body." spat Coriander.

Twinkleshine fired a beam of magic at Coriander, but he fired a beam of his own powered by his love for his daughter.

"He's stronger than we thought." admitted Twinkleshine.

Lemon Heart suddenly slammed Saffron against the wall knocking her out.

"Saffron!" cried Coriander horrified.

This distracted Coriander long enough for Twinkleshine to knock him out with another beam of magic.

"Thanks." said Lemon Hearts.

Coriander started to get up.

"Let's get out of here." said Lemon Heart.

The two left with Saffron.

"Saffron." said Coriander weakly.

Meanwhile, Donut Joe was also closing up his store for the night. Unlike Coriander and Saffron, he had no trouble with business finishing off another day of selling doughnuts to all who wanted them. Joe shut everything off and finished. he headed outside and locked the door. As he did, Joe noticed a shadow appeared behind him. Though he found this odd, Joe saw no reasons to panic.

"Sorry, I closed for the night." said Joe.

Joe turned around to see an attractive female Earth Pony.

"Oh darn. That's such a shame." said the female Earth Pony, with a southern accent.

Joe squinted his eyes.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" asked Joe.

"I'd remember you." answered the female Earth Pony, in a seductive tone.

Joe gulped.

"I was really hoping to get a doughnut." said the female Earth Pony.

"I'm sorry. Yo'll have to comeback tomorrow." replied Joe.

"Are you sure you can't make an exception for little ol' me?" asked the female Earth Pony.

Joe felt his heart racing.

"I..." began Joe.

"Do you know what my favorite type of doughnut is?" asked the female Earth Pony sexily.

Joe shook his head.

"Do you want to know?" asked the female Earth Pony.

"Sure..." said Joe stammering.

The female unicorn walked over to Joe.

"Glazed and creamed filled." answered the female Earth Pony.

Joe nearly collapsed from arousal.

"I can make an exception!" declared Joe.

"I thought you could." cooed the female Earth Pony.

Joe fished out his keys and began fumbling to unlock the door.

"I've got tons flavors; lemon, apple and cherry." said Joe.

"Cherries." sighed the female Earth Pony.

Joe suddenly looked back as it hit him.

"You're Cherry Jubilee!" exclaimed Joe.

"No I'm not!" declared Cherry Jubilee.

"Yes you are." said Joe excited.

Donut Joe was stunned by this turn of events.

'What happened? How did you escape? did they torture you?" asked Joe.

Cherry was clearly not comfortable with the questions being flung at her.

"I'm sorry if I came off strong. But, this is a huge event." said Joe.

Cherry was unsure what do to.

"We've got to get you to the palace right away. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will want to see you." said Joe.

"What's going on here?" asked a stern voice.

Trouble Shoes walked over.

"This is great. You both escaped." said Joe.

Trouble Shoes shot Cherry Jubilee a dirty look while Joe was totally lost.

"Are you betraying us?" asked Trouble Shoes angrily.

"No. He figured out who I was." answered Cherry.

"Comrade Glimmer won't be happy to hear this." noted Trouble Shoes.

"Please don't tell her!" begged Cherry.

"I have to." replied Trouble Shoes.

The horrifying realization hit Joe.

"You didn't escape the Equalists...you're part of them." said Joe shaking.

"And you will be too." said Cherry.

"Never!" declared Joe.

Joe raced off, but quickly began to get winded.

"I've..got...to...lose...weight." panted Joe.

Joe looked and saw Cherry Jubilee on his heels.

"Come on Joe." said Joe to himself.

Cherry Jubilee tackled Joe knocking him down. Joe managed to shake off Cherry, but Trouble Shoes rammed him into a wall knocking him out.

"Let's go." said Trouble Shoes.

Meanwhile, another pony had closed up shop for the night. Sassy Saddles finished the inventory and closed Canterlot Carousel. Sassy had only been working there shortly and hadn't gotten off on the right hoof with Rarity. However, things smoothed out and now all was peachy. As she headed home, Sassy felt on edge due to the recent activity of the Equalists. As she walked, a trash can being knocked over got her attention.

"Os some pony there?" asked Sassy nervously.

A male unicorn staggered out of the darkness.

"Help!" cried the male unicorn.

The male unicorn collapsed as Sassy raced over to him.

"Are you okay?" asked Sassy.

"I was attacked...by Equalists." answered the male unicorn.

Sassy was horrified.

"I managed to get away..." began the male unicorn.

The male unicorn winced in pain.

"But, I think they're still after me." said the male unicorn.

Hooves could be heard.

"That might be them." said the male unicorn horrified.

"We must take you to the police!" declared Sassy.

"We can't." replied the male unicorn.

"Why not?!" asked Sassy surprised.

"The Equalists have dressed as police. Any cop could be an Equalist." answered the male unicorn.

This notion shook Sassy Saddles to her core.

"Please...they're coming." begged the male unicorn.

"Can you stand?" asked Sassy.

The male unicorn got up on his own power.

"I think I hear something over here." said a male voice.

"Let's get going." said Sassy hurriedly.

"Yeah." agreed the male unicorn.

Sassy Saddles turned her back to the male unicorn.

"I'm sorry." whispered Party Favor with regret.

Party favor fired a blast of magic that hit Sassy Saddles knocking her to the ground.

'Well done." said Double Diamond.

Double diamond emerged from the shadows and looked over the prone Sassy Saddles.

"I was impressed by what I saw." noted Double Diamond.

"Thank you Lieutenant." replied Party Favor.

Party Favor stood tall, trying to hid his doubt.

"I like that line about us posing as police." continued Double Diamond.

"I am glad you did." said Party Favor.

"So much so that I might suggest that to Comrade Glimmer." added Double Diamond.

"Thank you sir." said Party Favor.

"Yes well..." began Double Diamond.

Double diamond stopped as he saw Sassy Saddles coming to.

"I thought you knocked her out." said Double Diamond.

"I did." said Party Favor.

"Are you trying to screw us?!" asked Double Diamond angrily.

"No sir! I learned my lesson!" answered Party Favor worried.

Sassy began crawling away.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Double Diamond.

Double Diamond walked over to Sassy and raised his front hooves to stamp on her head, but stopped.

"You do it Party Favor." demanded Double Diamond.

"Me?" asked Party Favor uneasy.

"Prove your loyalty." answered Double Diamond smirking.

Party Favor gulped and got into position.

"I'm waiting." said Double Diamond.

Sassy Saddles looked at Party Favor who bore a regretful look.

"You tricked me...you bastard...rot in Tartarus." spat Sassy Saddles weakly.

Party Favor closed his head and stomped on her head with both hooves.

"Good job. Now, let's go." said Double Diamond.

"Okay." replied Party Favor meekly.

The six Equalists all regrouped just outside the city. The half dozen left with their three captives. They took the long back to their base in the Macintosh Hills. Once there, Starlight Glimmer was waiting. Lemon Hearts, Trouble Shoes and Double Diamond gave reports on how their mission went. As they did, the trio of captive ponies began to stir so Starlight had other Equalist surround them. Finally, every pony was caught up.

"I must say I have mixed feelings." began Starlight.

Starlight turned to Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

"You did did well and I am happy." said Starlight.

"Thank you, Comrade Glimmer." replied Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

Starlight turned to Cherry Jubilee and Trouble Shoes.

"Cherry, I am not please with your lackluster showing. Some pony needs to work on being a better friend." said Starlight sternly.

"I am sorry, Comrade Glimmer." replied Cherry ashamed.

"Trouble Shoes, I am happy with you as well." said Starlight.

"Thank you, Comrade Glimmer." replied Trouble Glimmer.

Starlight then turned her attention to Party Favor and Double Diamond.

"Lieutenant, you did well as always. Party Favor, I am happy with your work." said Starlight.

"Thank you, Comrade Glimmer." said Double Diamond.

"Do you mean it?" asked Party Favor stunned.

"You've been a good friend." answered Starlight warmly.

"Thank you, Comrade Glimmer." said Party Favor.

Starlight then turned toward Saffron, Joe and Sassy.

"Time to make new friends." said Starlight coldly.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things for here. I hope this didn't bore you with the same thing, but I need to help build up for the climax. Next time, Shining Armor and Cadence have a bombshell for Twilight. Please review.