• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

  • ...

Chapter 31

Dark magic. Starlight Glimmer had just vowed to use forbidden dark magic to defeat our heroes and ensure her victory. Everypony else stood horrified at this.

"Starlight...did you just say what I think you did?" asked Sunset worried.

"I'm going to use dark magic and slaughter all of you." answered Starlight.

"You don't want to do this." said Sunset.

"I've practiced dark magic while planning my revolution. Curses, mind control and necromancy." replied Starlight.

"Oh, dear Celestia!" gasped Rarity.

"Those are things even I would never do." noted Discord.

"Did you say necromancy?" asked Pinkie horrified.

"The animals where we hid made good practice subjects. When they died, I just brought them back." explained Starlight.

Fluttershy turned and vomited on the floor.

"I researched you girls and found out Applejack lost her parents." began Starlight.

"Watch yer tongue." warned Applejack.

"I could bring them back." warned Starlight.

"Try and I'll kill you with ma own hooves!" declared Applejack furious.

"They're too far gone anyway." shrugged Starlight.

Twilight stepped forward.

"Starlight, I've been where you are and you don't want to go." said Twilight.

"You were in the same situation as me." mused Starlight.

Starlight chuckled.

"But I'm not going to cower out like you did." said Starlight.

"Please don't make the same mistake I did!" declared Twilight.

"The only mistake you made as allowing somepony like me to fill the void you left." replied Starlight.

"Starlight...there's a better way." said Twilight.

Starlight laughed mockingly.

"Then...I'll stop you." stated Twilight.

Starlight laughed.

"Try it!" screamed Starlight.

Starlight fired a powerful dark magic blast. The girls dodged and it left a large crater in the throne room floor.

"That's just a taste!" declared Starlight.

Starlight fired a powerful magical beam at Twilight who ducked.

"Look out!" cried Sunset.

Starlight quickly swept across the floor with her attack which torn the floor.

"Crap!" cried Twilight.

Twilight flew up dodging the attack.

"That was close." muttered Twilight.

Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw an attack coming. The Royal Sisters fired attacks at Twilight who managed to dodge.

"I'm so sorry." said Sunset.

Sunset fired a magical beam hitting Luna and knocking her into Celestia. The Royal Sisters hit the wall and collapsed onto the floor.

"That was easier than I thought." mused Discord.

"They were worthless anyway." scoffed Starlight.

Twilight fired a magical beam at Starlight who easily deflected it.

"How pathetic." said Starlight.

The others stood back.

"We should rush her." whispered Rainbow.

'That could be dangerous." noted Fluttershy.

"We gotta take a risk." replied Applejack.

"But a calculated one." said Rarity.

Starlight Glimmer smirked.

"This outta due it." said Starlight.

Starlight fired a blast of magic at Fluttershy.

"Look out!" cried Discord in horror.

Discord teleported in front to Fluttershy and took the blast.

"Discord!" screamed Fluttershy horrified.

Starlight let out a depraved cackle.

"Just what I wanted." said Starlight.

"What are you gettin' at?" asked Applejack.

"Arise." ordered Starlight.

Before their eyes, Discord stood up. His eyes where vacant.

"You're okay!" cried Fluttershy relieved.

Fluttershy raced over to Discord.

"Wait!" exclaimed Rainbow.

It was too late, Fluttershy raced right over to Discord who promptly smacked her in the face.

"Fluttershy!" cried out Twilight horrified.

Rainbow helped Fluttershy back up.

"Why?" asked Fluttershy betrayed.

"Are you really that stupid?" asked Starlight gloating.

Starlight stamped her hoof on the floor.

"What are your orders, Comrade Glimmer?" asked Discord.

"No!" gasped Fluttershy.

"I knew you were close so I aimed my attack in your direction expecting Discord to protect you." explained Starlight.

"You witch!" spat Rarity.

Starlight merely rolled her eyes.

"Discord, eliminated them." ordered Starlight.

"Yes, Comrade Glimmer." replied Discord.

"Oh no you don't!" declared Twilight.

Twilight charged up for an attack.

"Forget about something?!" asked Starlight.

Starlight attacked Twilight who was forced to defend herself using the attack she planned for Discord.

"Let's let them have their fun and we'll focus on our little battle." said Starlight.

Discord approached the girls.

"Please stop!" begged Fluttershy.

Discord snapped his finger and a piano appeared over Fluttershy. Luckily, Rainbow Dash quickly got them both out of the way before anypony could be crushed.

"You could have gotten yourself killed!' exclaimed Rinabow.

"Discord is in there! I know it!" cried Fluttershy.

"Sorry sugarcube, but that ain't Discord no more." replied Applejack.

"Which means I can do this!" declared Rainbow.

Rainbow shot forward as blinding speed and tackled Discord. The momentum caused Discord to fly into a nearby wall.

"Now for the Buccaneer Blaze!" declared Rainbow.

Rainbow launched herself at Discord.

"Hold on! Ya can't do that in a crowded room!" declared Applejack.

Rainbow Dash was going too fast to hear Applejack as she charged Discord.

"This is going to be amazing." said Rainbow, rushing on the thrill.

Her joy as short lived as Discord snapped his finger and vanished.

"What the..." began Rainbow.

Rainbow realized the wall as coming on her fast.

"Crap!" cried Rainbow.

Rainbow threw on the breaks, but her momentum caused her to slam right into the wall.

"Rainbow!" cried Fluttershy horrified.

"I'm sure she's fine. Rainbow has taken some nasty spills." said Applejack.

Discord suddenly appeared right in front of them as Sunset checked on Rainbow.

'Listen here Discord, if you are going to act like a ruffian then you shall be treated as such." said Rarity.

Discord snapped his fingers causing Rarity and Pinkie Pie to be smothered a gelatinous substance.

"Oh, whatever is this?" asked Rarity.

Pinkie tasted the substance.

"Marmalade." answered Pinkie.

"I'm going to need to bath for hours." groaned Rarity.

"Just be glad it ain't apple jam." said Applejack.

Discord made his way toward Applejack.

"It's you and me now partner." noted AJ.

Discord snapped his finger and furniture came to life. It began attacking Applejack as a chair lunged for her. Luckily, she managed to dodge.

"I ain't never had that happen." noted Applejack surprised.

The chair lunged again, but Applejack bucked it which shattered the chair into splinters.

"Stop!" cried Fluttershy.

Fluttershy flew over to Discord.

"This isn't you! You're nice now! Please stop!" cried Fluttershy heartbroken.

Discord smacked Fluttershy with his backhand.

"Fluttershy!" called Applejack.

Discord snapped his finger and swords appeared over Applejack. They began to fall as AJ started running.

"Can't kill me if ya can't catch me!" called Applejack.

Discord snapped his finger again and Applejack found herself unable to move. A red, sticky substance had appeared under her feet.

"Is this taffy?" asked Applejack.

Applejack nibbled the substance binding her.

"It is!" declared Applejack.

Applejack tried to eat her way free, but her muzzle got stuck by the taffy.

"Darn it!" cried Applejack frustrated.

Discord snapped his finger and a bowling ball appeared over the head of Applejack.

"Ma. Pa. I might be comin'." said Applejack sadly.

Luckily, a blast of magic knocked the bowling ball away. A nervous wreck, Party Favor stood with wobbly legs.

"Don't hurt her." said Party favor, terrified yet trying to be strong.

Discord snapped his finger and the bowling ball appeared his hand.

"I'm not afraid." gulped Party Favor.

Discord fired the bowling ball, but Party Favor caught it.

"Let's see how you like it!" declared Party Favor.

Party Favor hurled the bowling ball back at Discord. However, Discord moved putting Applejack in harm's way.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Party Favor.

Party favor closed his eyes, but didn't hear an impact. He peeked out and was relieved to find Sunset Shimmer had stopped the bowling ball with her magic.

"Oh, thank Celestia!" declared Party Favor.

Sunset Shimmer tossed the bowling ball into the air and destroyed it with a blast of magic.

"There. Now your little toy is gone." noted Sunset.

Discord forgot all about Party Favor and focused solely on Sunset Shimmer.

"At least Party Favor will be okay." thought Sunset.

Sunset readied herself.

"I can handle whatever you can dish out, Discord!" declared Sunset.

Discord snapped his finger and a hoard of pukwudgies appeared. They quickly began attacking Sunset.

"Back! Back I said!" declared Sunset.

Sunset blasted the pukwudgies with her magic, but their numbers proved too much and the managed to overwhelm her. From where she stood trapped, Pinkie Pie watched.

"They're eating her! And then they're going to eat me!" cried Pinkie.

"They not eating her." noted Rarity confused.

"Oh, My Celestia!" cried Pinkie.

A powerful surge of magic sent the pukwudgies packing.

"Keep trying." said Sunset.

Discord snapped his fingers and a manticore appeared.

"Better." said Sunset.

The manticore pounced, but Sunset used her magic to easily trap it in a cage.

"I take it back, that was too easy." said Sunset.

Discord show visible signs of anger.

"If the old Discord is in there, this might be how I get him out." thought Sunset.

Discord snapped his finger again and a chimera appeared.

"Yawn." said Sunset.

Sunset created a net which tangled the beast.

"You're off your game." said Sunset.

Discord snapped his finger and a cockatrice appeared.

"That's more like it." said Sunset, truly worried.

Sunset pulled over a mirror causing the cockatrice to petrify its self.

"Fluttershy can help with that later." said Sunset.

Discord let out an angry roar.

"Some Lord of Chaos." scoffed Sunset.

"I am the Lord of Chaos and don't forget it!" declared Discord.

Discord began fighting off Starlight's spell.

"Come on Discord.' said Sunset hopeful.

Before Discord could break free, a power blast of magic hit him from behind and knocked him out.

"He's clearly gone soft." stated Starlight arrogantly.

"Party Favor, try to get as many ponies out of here as you can." said Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer quickly galloped to Twilight's side.

"Now two on one isn't fair." said Starlight, with faux disappointment.

"We're not playing games. It's over." said Sunset.

Starlight laughed.

"Luckily, I can make this equal." said Starlight.

Starlight aimed at Sunset who brace herself. However, Sunset Shimmer suddenly realized her body was moving and contorting on its own.

"No." said Twilight horrified.

"Blood Manipulation." said Starlight coldly.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end this chapter. It's down to just Starlight after her attempt to use Discord against the girls failed. However, she's broken out the major taboo: the Blood Manipulation Spell. The same one Twilight once used herself. Next time, the battle reaches its end. Please review.