• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,325 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 20

It was a new morning in Ponyville and all of Equestria. At their home, Twilight and Sunset where in the kitchen eating the breakfast Spike had made.

"These are delicious pancakes." said Sunset.

"I've been making them for Twilight sine I could cook." shrugged Spike nonchalant.

"You really are the Princess of pancakes." joked Sunset.

Twilight giggled.

"I guess so." agreed Twilight.

"We are low on butter." noted Spike.

"We seem to be low on a few things." mused Sunset.

"We'll have to go to the market." sighed Twilight.

"Okay, what's wrong?" asked Sunset suspicious.

"Nothing." answered Twilight casually.

"You didn't seem to thrilled." replied Spike.

"I was hoping to relax here today." revealed Twilight.

"Celestia sent you here you'd get out and make friends." stated Spike.

"I've done that. I was just hoping for a flop day." replied Twilight.

"Okay, tell me why you really don't want to go." demanded Sunset.

Twilight hung her head.

"Ponyville...isn't the same." confessed Twilight.

"Security has beefed up lately." mused Sunset.

"It used to be a friendly and nice town. Even when Sombra and Tirek attacked it stayed that way. But, Starlight Glimmer has managed to turn Ponyville in a town full of suspicion and hostility. All without setting a hoof in town." explained Twilight.

"It's not that bad." said Sunset.

"Well..." began Spike.

Sunset nudged the baby dragon to stop as she got up.

"Come Twilight. You'll see." said Sunset.

The three finished eating their breakfast. Sunset and Twilight got ready to go into town and shop. Spike was asked if he wanted to come, but the baby dragon decline noting he had things to do around the castle. Sunset and Twilight grabbed their saddle bags and headed into town. Things seemed to be going well and Twilight started to relax. However, a rucks caught their attention.

"I said, who are you working for!" cried Bulk.

The two mares found Bulk Biceps standing over a quivering gray stallion. His cutie mark was a cart with various items around it.

"I told you, I work for me!" cried the gray stallion upset.

"What's going on here?" asked Sunset.

Bulk turned and saluted.

"Ma'am, I found this outsider trying to sneak into Ponyville." said Bulk.

"I told you, I'm..." began the gray stallion.

"Quiet!" snapped Bulk

The gray stallion lowered his head.

"Who are you?" asked Sunset.

"I'm a traveling salespony. I came to Ponyville to peddle my goods." answered the gray stallion.

"Show me what you have." requested Sunset.

The salespony showed a wagon full of assorted items.

"I going from location to location trading and picking up whatever I can." explained the salespony.

"Are you sure he's not an Equalist?" asked Bulk.

"Yeah." answered Sunset.

"I swear I'm not!' declared the salespony.

"I know." replied Sunset.

The salespony let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry for all of this." said Sunset.

"With everything going on. I can't blame you." said the salespony.

The salespony then left.

"Bulk, you can't just harass innocent ponies." said Twilight.

Bulk hung his head.

"I'm sorry." said Bulk regretful.

"It's okay." said Twilight.

The two left and did their shopping. They where ready to return home when angry shouting caught their attention.

"That can't be good." mused Sunset worried.

Sunset saw her marefriend quivering.

"It's okay Twilight. We'll handle this together." said Sunset.

"Promise?" asked Twilight worried.

"Promise." answered Sunset.

The followed the noise until they found an angry mob outside Quills and Sofas. Davenport was in the doorway being yelled at by the mob.

"Please! No!" cried Davenport worried.

Twilight used her magic to teleport herself and Sunset to the side of Davenport.

"Quiet!" cried Sunset.

The mob stopped their yelling as quiet sank in.

"What in the name of Celestia is going on here?" asked Sunset.

"He's an Equalist!" accused Caramel.

The mob began yelling again.

"Quiet!" cried Sunset again.

Again, the mob stopped.

"It's all a huge mistake." said Davenport.

"Tell that to your leader Starlight!" snapped Sea Swirl.

"I have a sale where, if a pony can bring me proof of a lower price, I'll giver them an equal or a better deal. That's it." explained Davenport.

"He said it again!" exclaimed Hughbert Jellius.

"I say we run him out of town!" cried Mr. Waddle.

"Let's hang from a streetlight!" cried Walter.

Twilight and Sunset were horrified by how popular this idea was.

"Please no!" cried Davenport.

"There will be no lynching as along as we're here!" declared Sunset firmly.

The mob grumbled angrily.

"I can't believe this." began Sunset.

"We have to be on guard!" declared Lotus.

"The Equalists could be anywhere!" declared Aloe.

"This is awful!" cried Daisy.

"Horrible!" cried Lily.

"Terrible!" cried Rose.

The three flower ponies fainted.

"And ponies say Rarity overacts." muttered Sunset.

"Equestria has due process for a reason: to clear innocent ponies accused of crimes. If you hurt Davenport, I can guarantee you would feel awful once you realized he's innocent." said Twilight.

"i think Princess Twilight is right." said Bon Bon.

"They've abducted my friends!" cried Lyra hurt.

"But, Twilight is your friend too." noted Bon Bon.

"Well, I for one, also agree. This mob mentality is uncouth." said Octavia.

Vinyl nodded in agreement...or to the song she was listening too.

"I say better safe than sorry!" cried Berry Punch.

A number of ponies still agreed with this.

"Well, I agree with Twilight." said Derpy.

"Quite. This whole situation has gotten totally out of hoof." said Doctor Hooves.

"I still say he's an Equalist!" cried Walter.

His friend, Jeff Letrotski, shrugged.

"That's like, your opinion, man." said Jeff.

More arguing broke out.

"Enough!" screamed Twilight.

"Every pony leave now!" demanded Twilight.

The mob obeyed and slowly drifted away.

"Thank you so much!" exclaimed Davenport.

"No problem." replied Twilight distant.

"I guess I was wrong." said Sunset worried.

Meanwhile, an important meeting was taking place in Canterlot. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna where once again in their war room. As always, they where joined by Raven Inkwell. The same map of Equestria was on the wall with red 'x's to indicate where the Equalists had struck. To the horror of both royal sisters, the number had only increased since their last meeting.

"I don't need to tell you how dire our situation is getting." said Raven.

Raven pointed to the map.

The Equalists have begun abducting ponies in Baltimare and Fillydelphia." noted Raven.

"They haven't reached Manehattan." mused Luna.

"For the time being they have not got further north than Fillydelphia and Canterlot." confirmed Raven.

"Last thing Manehattan needs is another takeover." replied Luna.

"No part of Equestria needs that." stated Celestia.

"Yes, but Manehattan has just finished recovering from Sombra's capture of the city." explained Luna.

"For the time being, they're only taking pones not land." said Raven.

"To build up an army." muttered Celestia worried.

"They're setting their sights on Canterlot." added Luna, equally worried.

"All signs point that way." sighed Raven.

"Have there been any sightings?" asked Luna.

"We believe the Equalists are using the Hayseed Swamp to cover their routes." answered Raven.

"Damn!" cursed Luna.

"I cannot help but notice the Equalists have only gone eastward." said Celestia.

"To the south are the badlands and uncharted territory while Princess Twilight protects Ponyville further north." explained Raven.

"What about Las Pegasus?" asked Luna.

"The Equalists have not targeted it yet." answered Raven.

"It might be because the San Palmino Desert offers less protection." mused Luna.

"We'll concentrate our forces in the east." decided Celestia.

Princess Celestia thought for a moment.

"I also want regular Wonderbolts flyovers in the area." said Celestia.

"I do wish to disrespect the Wonderbolts, but the do not have a strong showing in these types of scenarios." warned Luna.

"That is true." admitted Celestia.

"I am afraid their success rate has dropped in recent years." said Raven.

Raven quickly produced a folder.

"First, there was the Young Fliers Competition where they where knocked out and had to be rescued." began Raven.

"I got a front row view of that." sighed Celestia.

"Then there was the time a large purple dragon attacked Ponyville and they where easily defeated." added Raven.

"We both recall that." said Luna flatly.

"They do excel at public showing though." said Raven.

"Forgive me for being rude, but does not help at the moment." noted Luna.

"Speaking of the public, how are ponies feeling?" asked Celestia nervously.

"Paranoia has spread across Equestria." answered Raven.

Celestia groaned.

"The Equalist threat has gone unstopped and most ponies don't see it being stopped anytime soon." said Raven.

"Dare I ask how ponies feel about us?" asked Celestia worried.

"I am afraid opinion is low. The invasion by Sombra, attack of Tirek and now this back to back to back have led ponies to doubt in your ability to keep them safe." answered Raven.

Th door suddenly opened.

"Forgive me Princess, but you are needed at Day Court." said Spearhead.

"I need a break anyway." muttered Celestia.

"I don't understand why you haven't suspended Day Court." said Luna.

"I want to hear the citizens concern and it is a nice bit of normalcy." explained Celestia.

As they got up, Spearhead spotted something on the map.

"Excuse me, but you haven't labeled something." noted Spearhead.

The royal sisters looked at they map.

"That is a rock farm which belongs to the family of one of the Element bearers.

Something was set off in the mind of Spearhead.

"I understand." stated Spearhead.

"Are you coming?" asked Celestia, in the hallway.

"Yes ma'am." answered Spearhead.

Hours passed and soon night fell on Equestria. At the rock farm, Limestone Pie was laying down enjoying a good night sleep after another hard day at work. As she dreamed of playing with her sisters as fillies, a loud noise woke her up. Limestone got up and slipped outside into the hallway. She could hear struggling and arguing from downstairs. Fearing the worst, she rushed to the room of Marble.

"Marble! Wake up! Marble!" cried Limestone, as softly as possible.

Marble was awoken and pushed her sister back.

"What are you-" began Marble angrily.

Before Marble could finish, Limestone covered her mouth.

"I think there are buglers in the house." said Limestone worried.

"We live on a rock farm and the closest town is Ponyville. You're having a nightmare." said Marble annoyed.

"Please." begged Limestone.

"Go back to sleep." huffed Marble.

"I would have gotten Maud, but she's off working on her rocktorate." said Limestone.

"Are you saying she's tougher than me?" asked Marble offended.

Marble shook her head.

"Forget it. I'll show you there's nothing wrong." said Marble.

Marble got out of bed and headed downstairs with Limestone behind her.

"See, there's nothing..." began Marble.

Marble froze seeing their home in disarray and their parents tied up on the ground.

"There's two of the three." said Double Diamond. Marble charged only to be knocked out by magical blast from Sassy Saddles.

"Run!" cried Marble hurt.

Limestone made a break for it, but tackled by a pegasus.

"Good work Lily Blossom." said Double Diamond, tying up Limestone.

"Lieutenant, I've searched the home and cannot find the third sister." said Donut Joe.

"Never mind. We got four and that will have to do." replied Double Diamond.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things for now. So, Pinkie's family has once again been captured by the evil that threatens Equestria. This time, Maud escaped and that might come back to hurt the Equalists. But, how did that fine out about the rock farm? Next time, we deal with the aftermath of this and Twilight considering whether or not to change the past. Please review.