• Published 9th Sep 2019
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Warhammer 40K: Sunset - madhat886

The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

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Chapter 1

Terra, or, in the most ancient records, "Earth," is the Throneworld of the Imperium of Man and the original homeworld of Mankind and of the God-Emperor. It is the most sacred and revered place in all the million worlds that comprise the Imperium. Billions of human pilgrims from across the galaxy flock to Terra -- even the barren and contaminated soil that these pious folk now tread upon when they reach humanity's homeworld is considered sacred by the faithful of the Imperial Creed.

Terra is effectively a globe-straddling temple dedicated to the worship of the Emperor of Mankind. The planet is home to the primary headquarters of many important Adepta of the Imperium since it serves as the capital world of the Emperor's realm. There is a great fear of Space Marines amongst the people who dwell there, due to events dating back to the Horus Heresy, when much of the planet was leveled and terrorized by the actions of the Traitor Legions.

Before the Great Crusade, Terra was plagued by a long age of post-apocalyptic civil war and anarchy known as the Age of Strife, which only came to an end when the Emperor personally waged the Unification Wars to reunite all the Terran factions under His own enlightened leadership.

Today Terra is the slow-beating heart of the Imperium, a sacred world of power and majesty that has become legend for most of the people of the galaxy. It is the site of the Golden Throne; the demesne of the divine Emperor of Mankind. The breathtaking architecture of its soaring buildings strike awe into the hearts of the millions of supplicants below.

Forbidding statues of angels and Primarchs loom down from their eyries, their sightless stare driving out all thoughts of heresy. It is considered such a blessing to set foot upon Holy Terra that most of the pilgrims who manage to reach its polluted surface never leave.

Terra is perhaps the most massive Hive World within the Imperium, with an uncounted population that numbers several hundred billion human beings. The bulk of Terra's massive population is divided between the upper class that includes the Imperial nobility and Adepts of the Adeptus Terra and the masses of the lower classes who serve as basic laborers.

The upper class is comprised of the official servants of the Emperor and His Imperium, including Imperial officials, Ecclesiarchy clergy, the aristocratic families of the Navis Nobilite, military officers, scribes, and bureaucrats.

The teeming masses who comprise the Terran lower classes are far less-privileged, and many of them are nothing more than serfs or thralls who toil in the Throneworld's countless manufactoria, providing the infrastructure that keeps the heart of the Imperium's byzantine bureaucracy functioning. Terra has one moon, Luna, which is an inhabited and highly populous Civilized World of the Imperium in its own right.

The space around Holy Terra was always busy, with pilgrims always coming and ships of all kinds coming and going. But now ships wait for their turn to land on Holy Terra, under the watchful eyes of the navy and the defense stations that surrounded the planet. The news of the Emperor of Mankind being restored to life has caused a surge of the faithful to come to Holy Terra.


On Holy Terra -

Robute Guilliman walk the familiar halls of the imperial palace once again. He return to Holy Terra once news reach him of his father's return to the land of the living. There are wild rumors of how the Emperor of Mankind was restored from his dying and decaying body. From what he can piece together, his father is still bond to the Golden Throne till he fully recovers his strength. But all the tales he has heard one fact remains in all of them, his father is now able to talk for the first time in eons. And he is healing even now, the best and most advance medical equipment and doctors across the galaxy have been summon for around the clock care.

Guilliman had heard of such rumors before but with a message sent to him by a Adeptus Custodes, he knew it wasn't just a rumor anymore. The palace was surrounded by the masses both nobles and beggers alike, held back by the imperial guards and space marines, using both show of force and firing on the crowd to hold them back. All wanting to know what's happening with the Emperor and seeking knowledge of how he came back. A fact that's being kept hidden, with only those in the Inner Palace knowing how he was healed, by the orders of the Emperor himself. Even he, Guilliman doesn't know how his father was restored. All the message told him was to come home, which took him 8 months to do. (1)

Guilliman came upon the Eternity Gate guarded by the two Reaver-class Titans of the Legio Ignatum of the mile long hallway. The gate was already open for him once it was reported he was coming. Two rows of custodes guarded the gates making a walkway between them. But to his surprise in front of him blocking his path is the captain-general of the custodes along with a dozen adepta sororitas waiting for him.

"What is this?" Guilliman ask.

"The princess wished to meet you first," the captain-general said as he step aside to reveal hidden behind him is a young girl no older then 6 to 8.

Guilliman stared down at the young girl before him. She wore a gold colored uniform of the style of a commissar, fitted to fit her small frame. She didn't wore the coat as popping out from holes cut on the back of her dress shirt are a pair of bird like wings with golden feathers. Underneath her commissar hat her long red hair with yellow strains came out. She was armed with a small pistol, something that was easily hidden, used by nobles but would be a bolter pistol for her size. He could also sense of the sheer amount of psyker power coming from her. But what took him back the most was her orange skin.

"Hello big brother," the young girl spoke to him giving him a smile.

"Brother?" Guilliman ask looking at the captain-general for an answer.

"This is Sunset Shimmer, the Emperor's daughter and your sister," the captain-general answered him.

"Hi," Sunset said waving to him.

"You're a living saint?" Guilliman ask looking at his little sister.

"I'm an alicorn like mom. After, I healed daddy, he help me become an alicorn," Sunset answers.

"You're a abhuman?" Guilliman ask taken aback from the news that his sister is an abhuman.

"I guess so, dad explain to me that he met mom when he was younger and it was just after he made you and my other brothers," Sunset said.

"I see," Guilliman said taking it all in but knowing that he will find his answers with his father. "Come let's see our father."

"This way," Sunset said as she lead the way.

Guilliman followed his sister to the steps of the golden throne. He looks upwards where he can see his father still bond to the golden throne till he's back to his full health. He then spots Sunset flapping her wings and flying up the steps, not fully flying as it seems like a young bird she is still learning to fly and her wings aren't strong enough yet. Her wings allowed her to fly up several dozen steps at once before she landed only to do it again. Walking up the stairs he quickly caught up with her and grab her as she was in the air and carried her up with him.

Reaching the top where he stood face to face with their father. Who unlike the last time he saw him, is a thin man who is being kept alive by all the medical equipment attach to him and is a husk of the man he once was. But compared to the decaying and skeleton form that he once was, it's a vast improvement.

"Hello Guilliman," his father greeted him using his voice for the first time in ages.

"Hello father, we have much to talk about," Guilliman said as he places Sunset down and both of them stood side by side in front of their father.

"Yes we do," their father said.

Author's Note:

1 - Everything is slow in 40k, no light speed travel and space travel can take months or years depending on where you're going.