• Published 9th Sep 2019
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Warhammer 40K: Sunset - madhat886

The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

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Chapter 7

The Emperor of Mankind having been told that there's something happening in the throne room, he felt the wrap shake as a power he hadn't felt in eons cloak around Terra. Entering the halls to find something he wasn't expecting. Celestia out of her armor was standing there with her personal bodyguards and servants, just like how it was when she visited him before their big fight. With the custodes having already gathered in the throne room.

But that's not what caught the Emperor's attention. In the room were two of his missing sons Jaghatai Khan and Leman Russ. The later having his Wolf Guard with him. Their weapons lay on the floor as they all floated in the air held motionless by Celestia's star moving telekinesis.

"Celestia you came," the Emperor said.

"Father you know this witch?" Russ shouted trying to free himself.

"These two are more of your useless sons Ham?" Celestia ask.

"Yes Jaghatai Khan and Leman Russ," the Emperor said.

"Ham?" Khan ask.

"You're his sons and none of you even know his name? How little you know. But then again you and the rest are just a failed batch," Celestia said.

"Celly put them down," Ham said before turning to his sons and their men. "And all of you stand down and tell me what happen here."

Celestia place all of them on their feet before she release them from her power.

"Well Ham, I finally decided to come over to help raise Sunset. After having taken care of things so that my empire wouldn't become like how yours became after having no plan of who be in charge of things after your gone. I came here with my guards and servants that came with me like before. And seeing how the wrap gate behind the throne has those demons or whatever how you call them, only being held back by you. I went and used my magic to drive them away like before. I even made a cloak around the planet so that the chaos gods and their servants will never be able to break through while I'm here," Celestia explains.

"Yes, I felt that," Ham said. "I don't have to watch the gate with your power driving all the demons away." (1)

"Now you don't have to worry about demons breaking in or having to stay on Terra to keep the astronomican shinning bright since I'm here," Celestia said.

"You would like me to leave so that you could take Sunset back to Equestia," Ham said.

"If, I did that she would just run away again," Celestia said.

"Father?" Sanguinius cried out as he appeared in the doorway with his Blood Angels and Battle Sisters.

"It's alright, it's just Celestia," Ham said.

"What is mom doing here?" Sunset ask as she pops up from behind Sanguinius by flying up and landing on his shoulders.

"Sanguinius?" both Jaghatai Khan and Leman Russ shouted out. Both surprise of their brother being alive and the small girl with wings resting on his shoulder.

"Who are they?" Sunset ask.

"Our brothers Jaghatai Khan and Leman Russ," Sanguinius answered.

"She's our sister?" Khan ask before looking to his father.

"Yes she is but how did you two get here?" Ham ask.

"It seems that when I drove the demons away and cloak the planet, which I had to open the gate to do so. Those two and those space marines who been traveling through the wrap somehow were pulled by what I did to here. Once they all pop out of the gate they saw you gone from the throne and me and my group here instead. They went out to attack us without even asking any questions, which seeing how their your sons, I wouldn't expect anything else. Too much like you. I just pulled their weapons away and held them in the air. Then Gustaus and Ronny," Celestia waves to two of the custodes. "Came in and I told them to get you while, I held the failed batch in the air so they wouldn't try attacking me again."

"Failed batch?" Sunset ask. "What's wrong with my brothers?"

"You all were suppose to be like Sunset. She is very powerful both as a psyker and in magic. Once she's fully matured her power will surpass both of her parents, us. The rest of you are all failures who would had been recycled before you were fully formed to be used in the next batch like so many before. If it wasn't for the fact the equipment that were used to create all of you was breaking down and Ham couldn't fix or replace that parts, or did he know how to make new ones. So you all are just the batch that he had to keep as he wouldn't be able to create another," Celestia explains.

"Father?" Sanguinius asked.

"Yes it's true," Ham said causing his 3 sons to gasp. "You all are the last batch that I could create before the birth machine failed."

"In fact you all were only created because Ham thought that he couldn't ever have a child that surpass him the natural way. No human anyways,"

"She's a xeno?" Russ ask.

"What surprise that your father is a hypocrite? He is so against xenos that he has you all go out and wipe them out while in turn all but married me and had a child with, who is your little sister and the future heir to the throne seeing how none of her brothers are up to the task?" Celestia asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Khan asked.

"That none of you bothered to stay on Terra to takeover after Ham became trap on the throne. Which lead to the Imperium becoming this decaying husk that he is desperately trying to reform so that once Sunset is old and wise enough to rule. She won't be expected to clean up his mess and decide to leave and come home to rule my empire instead. Of course with how bad things are and how backwards things are its not likely he's going to make things better," Celestia said.

"And you're here to make sure that as I did in telling Sunset all about you, in turn you're doing the same with me," Ham said.

"Yes Ham, but only because of Sunset. Seeing how Sunset isn't willing to come back with me and how if she stays here with just you raising her and how your sons all turned out. She needs her mother to raise her and to reveal all the secrets about you," Celestia said.

"So you're going to be staying here?" the Emperor asked.

"Yes like how it was before your arrogant and narrow minded way of thinking drove us apart," Celestia said.

"I change since then," the Emperor said.

"And yet you think that once Sunset takes the throne that she'll be able to undo all the problems that you caused. Cleaning up your mess for you. A decaying empire that spends billions of lives an hour to keep itself going, which is only good because there is nothing else for humans of this universe to cling to, seeing how you made sure there isn’t anything but your Imperium for them to gather to. Which isn’t saying it’s the best when the ones that actually made peace with xenos and live with them you had destroyed so that there is nothing but how you think things should be. And what a grand empire you’re giving to our daughter to rule which is backwards, life has little value, it’s at war with everyone as you made sure that no xeno race who knows anything about humans would ever want to have anything to do with them, and anyone who thinks differently from how you want them to act are to be killed, and that you are seen as the god of humans. Why would she ever want to give this up to rule my empire which unlike your decaying one isn’t a lost cause and she can take it and make it into an empire that yours can never be,” Celestia said smugly. (2)

“I know that,” Ham said. "Everything that, I have done has done more harm in the long run then help. I failed and the only thing I can do is fix the mess I cause so that Sunset doesn't have to deal with it when she takes the throne."

"Good luck with that. I for one have been busy myself like making a peace deal with the Changelings you remember them? The ones who you thought I should have just wipe out. I help to over throw their queen and made peace with their new leader. Something you will never be able to do. Seeing how bad humans are seen by everyone else in the galaxy which is well deserved," Celestia said.

"You're going to continue to look down upon me till I fix things aren't you," Ham said.

"I can't help it. You make it so easy and that's not going into the fact that, you're just smaller then me," Celestia said stepping in front of Ham and looking down at him.

Emperor Ham stood at the height of 7'1" which was tall for the time he was born to and wasn't tall enough to make him stand out throughout his life when he stayed hidden. Celestia on the other hand stood at around 12'7" making her much taller then he is. Which wasn't too surprising as the Pony race are all much bigger then humans to begin with.

"If I remember right you found it cute that someone who is your equal is shorter then you," Ham said.

"Don't even think about it," Celestia said in a huff as she walks pass him and lifts Sunset off of Sanguinius and took her into her arms. "Come Sunset we have much to talk about."

"Ok," Sunset said wanting to learn more about her dad.

Emperor Ham just watch as Celestia left the throne room with her guards and servants with her. The custodes went with them to keep anyone from bothering with them. As the last thing anyone needs is Celestia wrecking the palace because someone made her mad, again. He turns to his sons.

"There's much for us to talk about," the Emperor said.

"Yes we do," Russ said still off balance from all of what just happen.

"So she's our mother?" Khan ask looking towards where Celestia had gone to.

"In a sense yes," Emperor Ham said.

"Is she always like that?" Sanguinius ask.

"No and I'm the reason why she became like this," the Emperor said sadly.

Author's Note:

1 - Basically what's happening to the demons of the wrap or anything tainted with chaos is what happens in real life when something living touches lava. And I do mean it as there is nothing alive in the real world that can touch lava without losing that body part, let alone plunging into it and survive. Not to mention being near lava will cook you alive. So real world rules applies to the Equestian magic making contact with anything to do with chaos. Chaos can't be near it or touch it as in real life you wouldn't be able to go near lava or touch it.

As for some protection like those suits people wear to go near lava in real life. They can get near lava but can't make contact with it as the lava will burn through the suits. So the cloak of magic around Terra has made it a no go zone for chaos. As a pool of lava would be in real life.

2 - Sunset has the choice of ruling a peaceful empire that has many different races living together. Or a war torn, nightmare fueled one where anyone that isn't them is killed.

Or in real life you choosing to buy a decaying, rat and bug infested house or a almost brand new one.