• Published 9th Sep 2019
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Warhammer 40K: Sunset - madhat886

The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

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Chapter 4

Sunset leap off from the ledge as she flaps her wings trying to fly but slowly fell to the ground. And landed on the padded mat laid on the floor. Around her are her fellow trainees are also being put through training that would strengthen their bodies for the real training later. The young girls are under the watchful eyes of several Drill Abbess who have been personally been pick by the Emperor and lead by Drill Abbess Vexa who came up with the light training for the girls. Which is all being watch by servoskulls under the control of the Emperor.

With the return of the Emperor where he's ruling over his empire once again, he brought much change to it. Seeing how far the Imperium has fallen, he decided to make some changes seeing how those ancient laws done more harm then good. The High Lords were against the changes he made and changing the laws he made, which he simply got rid of the High Lords and replace them with new ones, with some some hardliners being made into servitors as examples to others.

The Inquisition who for since their creation always said that they only answer to the Emperor, now had to answer to him. Which they quickly discovered that having him to answer to was something that they had to quickly get use to. He made it clear that the faith that has sprung around him is something that he never wanted and hates, but he has to just tolerate it as it's just too wide spread and that he couldn't stamp it out like he did last time. Not to mention that the Imperium couldn't afford such a mass killing. But he made sure that the laws around it are to be changed. For one, no one can no longer be punish for not following the faith or see him as a god, he doesn't care if someone sees him as a god or not. Which the Emperor had his option be broadcast on every screen all over the solar system. Stating that he doesn't find people who don't believe that he's a god offensive, he finds people who force others to follow the faith around him to be worse then any non-believer. For his hate for all the old faiths began because of followers going around forcing people to believe in what they believe or they'll hurt or kill them, which the Adeptus Ministorum, more commonly known as the Ecclesiarchy has been doing. Which to show his disgust of the church, the Emperor had the top ranking members of the Adeptus Ministorum brought before him on the Golden Throne so that he could personally execute them. All shown lived and the recordings spread to all corners of the Imperium.

The surviving leadership of the Adeptus Ministorum now like all other governmental branches of the Imperium to their Emperor who is greatly displease with how they been running things. The only ones that weren't turn into servitors or executed were the ones that actually did their jobs and didn't have as much corruption compared to the others. In the priests that ran the church he saw the very same people who made him hate religion, the ones that he killed are more into using the religion to gain power and riches, just like the old faiths. But with it being so wide spread he has no choice but to put up with it but it doesn't mean he can't change it to more of his liking, seeing how it's centered around him. And all the so called holy book that are filled with his words, he went and pointed out how many words in the book, he never said or been twisted. He threw the book into a flaming blazer and told everyone watching to forget what was written in the old books he will personally have a new book written with that he approved of, as he's going to have his own words written down.

The Inquisition leadership was given a hard lesson of how things will be now that their Emperor is back in control of the Imperium. From now on their main duty is fighting the forces of chaos which they do have a good track record in fighting. Their power has been cut as any orders from any of them can be overruled by any of the Emperors children, a Adeptus Custodes or anyone who has been given the power to do it by him. Which lead to Adeptus Custodes escorting out high ranking Inquisition to be made into servitors, the Emperor made sure that all of them know that he won't be having any of their crap, like what happen with the Lions when they voice against the wholesale slaughter of a planet's population after they saved it, and because of the Inquisition that chapter of the space marines was almost wipe out and is still recovering. The Emperor made it clear that anything like that were to happen again, he's more then willing to give out a Imperium wide order for the extermination of the Inquisition order and just have it rebuilt right this time. And any order for an exerminatus, has to have a better reason then someone in the Inquisition saying that the people can't be saved without more then just other Inquisition backing that person up.

The Emperor has also been rewarding the members of Adeptus Mechanicus who showed innovation by taking them in and having them dust off the many projects that he was working on before his fall. He also made it clear that he's displease with how the Adeptus Mechanicus has also fallen since his fall. He gave the Mechanicus of Mars a chance to prove themselves to him by completing a new Apocalypse-class Battleship to serve as his daughter's flagship once she's of age, using plans and designs that have been gathering dusts in long forgotten vaults on Mars and in the vaults under the palace. He is also having them repair his own personal flagship the Imperator Somnium and his old flagship the golden Battle Barge Bucephalus which the custodians have been keeping safe or using for missions that only they could handle. Instead of praying over every little thing they do to fix the ships they do it after they're finish, as the Emperor intends to be on board his flagship once he's fully healed and all the things he needs to handle on Terra are taken care of.

Currently the Emperor is talking with his son, Robute Guilliman thanks to a piece of magic that Sunset took from her world. The journal that allows her to talk with her mother has been used for long range communications that hasn't been seen since before the Dark Age. Using a piece of paper from the journal now allows him to talk with his son no matter how far they're apart. The Adeptus Mechanicus who he has chosen to serve under him came up with the device that uses the piece of paper to connect the holoscreen that the Emperor is using to talk with Guilliman.

"Father as you said, I found El'Jonson in the chamber hidden in the Rock. His sons are treating him as we speak and he will recover in time," Guilliman said.

"Sanguinius is here as well and is also being treated till he's fully recovered. Sunset healed him to the point where he'll be able to recover on his own," the Emperor said. (1)

"Father there is something that's been on my mind for sometime. It's about Sunset and how you been treating her," Guilliman said.

"How, I have been treating your little sister compared to you and your brothers?" the Emperor ask. "I am treating her differently from you and your brothers. Unlike all of you, she is just a child and has no knowledge implanted or been created to grow into a full grown adult in less then a year. She needs a parent to help her grow into a adult."

"She's going to be the one who will replace you," Guilliman said.

"Yes, after all of these eons, I have someone who will surpass me," the Emperor said.

"Surpass you?" Guilliman ask before his eyes widen as his mind connected the dots. "When you created us, you were trying to create someone like Sunset."

"Yes, I was trying to create someone who surpasses me. For all my power, I knew to win against the forces of chaos. I needed to create someone who not only be more powerful then me, for I reached my limits a very long time ago. The only thing that continues to grow our my skills in using my powers. Sunset on the other hand is just as powerful as I am now, combine with her mother's power Celestia. She's only 6 and she's that powerful, she just doesn't know how to use her powers. You and your brothers were suppose to be like, having all of my power and would continue to grow overtime. And what, I failed to do with technology, the natural way of creating a child has done," the Emperor said.

"Which is why you're treating her as you are," Guilliman said.

"I'm only treating her as, I had done with all of the other children, I either fathered or taken in. You and your brothers were all fully grown when, I found you all. Sunset on the other hand will take years to be anything like you and your brothers. Which is why, I must be a father to her for unlike you when I found you. She is dependent on me to raise her and teach her what she needs to survive. And she's already proving to be a handful, like so many others before her," the Emperor said.

"Is she going to be the Empress?" Guilliman ask.

"Hopefully she will be after, I teach her what she needs to rule and control her powers. But truthfully, I can only do so much before she'll need her mother," the Emperor said.

"Why?" Guilliman ask.

"I don't know how to use magic or the abilities that Celestia passed to her," the Emperor explains.

"I see, which is why you repealed the law against having anything to do with xeno races," Guilliman said.

"All the things that I ruled on has either been twisted or just failed in what was suppose to had happen. So, I'm changing things seeing how the old ways weren't working. And yes Celestia left me after we fought about the laws, I made that resulted in how the Imperium has fallen. I failed and now all, I can do is fix as much as, I can before Sunset takes my place one way or another," the Emperor said.

"What do you mean by that?" Guilliman ask.

"I'm not going to think for a second that, I won't be taken out or be unable to rule like last time. All, I can do is raise Sunset as best, as I can while fixing the mess that the Imperium has become. Which is why, I'm having you collect all of your brothers and I do mean all of them," the Emperor said.

"You mean the lost ones?" Guilliman ask.

"Yes the ones who at the time went against my wishes," the Emperor said.

"It's not like they will just comeback to see you," Guilliman said. "Not with what happen between you and them."

"I know but I can always hope that my two lost sons will be willing to give their father a chance to make things right," the Emperor said.

Author's Note:

1 - From what I heard Games Workshop is going to rewrite the cannon of Warhammer where Sanguinus wasn't killed just mortally wounded. Which anyone who read the first gamebook to the newest one, many things have been rewritten since the first gamebook.