• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 114 Comments

Logan and Carol; The Wolves of Equestria - JNKing

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Tirek Arc - Prologue Pt 2

“This is it,” Logan said. After almost an hour of walking, he stopped the group in a clearing. The vines were wilder, and the shadows darker. “This was where Carol and I got away.”

“What about the Princesses?” Twilight insisted.

Logan sniffed around for a second, before sneezing.

“Poison gas,” he grumbled.

“Poison?” Pinkie asked, stepping back.

“Breath too much of it in, and you’ll pass out,” Logan theorized. “Probably so you’ll be easy food for something else.”

“No way some poison gas would take down Princess Celestia,” Twilight replied passionately. “You gotta check again.”

“I’m doing what I can, Sparkles,” Logan growled. “And yeah, the Princesses’ scent is there, but it’s covered by that gas stench. I try to follow it, I’ll probably end up getting knocked out, and then you’ll have no guide.”

Twilight grumbled, before covering her nose and striding forward. Rainbow Dash flanked her, as did Applejack.

“You really think you guys are going to find anything just by going forward?” Logan demanded.

“I remember this pathway,” Twilight responded. “We’re getting close to the Castle of Two Sisters.”

“Castle of what now?” Carol asked.

“It’s where we first found the Elements of Harmony,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“And if Princess Celestia and Luna are there,” Twilight continued, failing to notice a dark plant with a spider-like bud rising behind her. “We’re going to find… LOGAN, WHOA!”

Logan had lunged forward, and before Rainbow Dash or Applejack could hope to stop him, he yanked Twilight back… just in time for him to get a face full of poison gas from the spidery plant. The wolf backed up, struggling to stand as he coughed up the gas.

Carol rushed forward, ripping the first of the plants to bits. However, her rush caught the attention of other plants, and they converged on her, blasting their steam into her. Carol wildly swiped at the mist, before beginning to crumple as well.

“Aw, no ya don’t, you rabid rhododendrons!” Applejack declared. With another vine lasso, she caught one of the plants and yanked it back. “You mess with one of us…”

The mares closed ranks.

“You mess with all of us,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin, before the six mares charged.

Spike jumped out from behind Twilight and set fire to one of the plants. Rarity and Twilight blasted two more plants away, while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity darted and dodged among the plants, sending them into a frenzy.

“Yoo-hoo,” Pinkie sang. “Come and get me!”

“Don’t forget about me!” Rarity added, dancing away from a biting plant.

“Up here, ya ugly flowers!” Dash taunted, twisting two of them into a knot.

In seconds, the six mares managed to tangle the group of vines together, and Spike finished them off with a blast of fire.

“Ta-da!” Pinkie said happily… only for another plant to rear up behind her. Seconds before it could blast her, however, twin bolts of lightning sheared the plant into ashes.

Logan lowered his claw with a growl, struggling to stand up alongside Carol. When he looked up, however, there was a grateful light in his eyes that the mares hadn’t seen before.

“Thanks,” he said quietly.

The girls nodded at him.

“Anytime,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I’m sorry, Logan,” Twilight bemoaned. “I should’ve been watching where I was going.”

“Which was probably why she should-a stayed back,” Applejack grumbled.

“We already discussed this, Applejack,” Logan said, forcing himself up and coughing out the last of the poison. “She’s staying, and that’s final.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but said nothing else.

“What I’m more curious about,” Carol noted. “Is this Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“Didn’t you guys explore it?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The Ever-Free’s pretty much been your territory.”

“Maybe, but we don’t venture too far into it,” Carol replied.

“You know, you guys could use our help or something,” Logan rectified quickly.

Pinkie shared a grin with Fluttershy. “Sure, Logan,” she said, ignoring the glower he shot her way.

“Either way,” Carol said quickly. “This area of the forest always had a certain… aura to it. Like it shouldn’t be disturbed.”

“Not surprising,” Twilight said, leading the way. “The Castle of the Two Sisters was originally Princess Celestia and Luna’s home. But when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, their castle was destroyed before Celestia could defeat Nightmare Moon and banish her.”

Logan’s ears flicked. “That must be why you guys are so afraid of this place,” he muttered. “Nightmare’s magic must have done something to this forest.”

“That’s what we assumed,” Twilight admitted. “What doesn’t make sense is why these vines would kidnap Princess Luna if they were part of Nightmare's magic. Since she was originally Nightmare Moon, shouldn’t she have some sort of control over them?”

“Wolves were originally Myst’s tools of war,” Logan refuted. “Didn’t stop them from turning on her.”

Before Twilight could ask for details, they cleared the forest, and found themselves at the ruins of a castle. Next to it was a small cave in a canyon. The black vines were spreading out from there, along with a strange cyan glow.

“That’s got to be where the Princesses are,” Carol said. “All the vines are converging on that cave.”

“But how are we going to get to it?” Rarity asked.

A shout of pain drew their attention. They spun… only to find Pinkie Pie coming to rest at the bottom of a flight of stairs.

“Take the stairs, silly,” the pink mare suggested.

Carol’s ears flattened, but there wasn’t much the others could say against that. They followed Pinkie down into the canyon, soon entering the cave. Inside, the two alicorn sized cocoons sat next to a massive tree wrapped in the thorny vines. The tree looked like it had been beautiful once, but now with the thorns tightly squeezing it, it looked dead and old. Faintly, the group made out some sort of symbol on the tree’s bark, resembling Twilight’s mark.

“What… is this?” Logan asked, moving closer, but stopping when some of the vines flared up in warning.

Fluttershy gasped. “Whatever it is…” she whimpered. “I think it’s dying.”

“So, let’s save it already!” Applejack replied, charging the tree straight out… only to get whacked away by the vines. Rainbow Dash charged it as well, but even when Carol managed to slash away the vine that went for her, twice as many entwined the wolf and pegasus, and threw them away.

“Valiant effort on all your parts,” Rarity noted. “But the tree remains in jeopardy.”

Logan turned to Twilight, who was staring at the tree like she was trying to remember it's name. “Hey Sparkle,” he said. “Got any ideas?”

Twilight pondered, it, before her eyes flashed and she gave a yelp.

“Sparkle?” Logan asked, while the others converged on her.

The purple mare rubbed her head for a moment, but when she rose up, she was smiling.

“I know how to save the tree,” she said. “We have to give it the Elements of Harmony.”

Carol glanced at the vines and nodded. “So… you guys just blast this thing, then?” she tried to clarify. "Or... how do those elements work, anyway?"

“Normally, we use some sort of... I guess you'd call it a 'Friendship Beam,'” Twilight said. “But this… is the Tree of Harmony. It’s where the Elements were sprung from. And if we give the gems themselves back…”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa,” Rainbow Dash protested. “Give them back? As in… give them up forever? But how are we supposed to protect Equestria?”

“Yeah, I gotta agree,” Logan said. “Are you telling me we went through that whole gig with Sunset for nothing?”

“And on top of all that,” Applejack noted. “The Elements of Harmony… they’re what kept us connected no matter what.”

Twilight just smiled at the lot of them. “You’re right about one thing, Applejack,” she said. “The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn’t the Elements that will keep us together.” She looked at Logan. “It’s our bond as a pack. Our friendship. And it’s more important and powerful than any magic.”

Logan crossed his arms. “I’m not going to pack link with every Nightmare, Discord and Sombra you guys come across,” he warned.

“And you won’t have to,” Twilight assured him. “My new role in Equestria may mean I need to take on new responsibilities, and our friendship may be tested. But if your bond with Carol and your pack could stand the test of dimensions and time, our friendship is surely just as unbreakable.”

Logan pondered that, before giving a nod. Twilight hoped that she saw a glitter of what might have been pride in his eyes. She turned back to the tree, as the vines started to creep up, sensing something wrong. “Every pony ready?”

A bolt of lightning disintegrated the nearest vines. “You do your sacrifice gig,” Carol said, as Logan fired another bolt at the vines. “We’ll keep them off you!”

And so, with the wolves keeping the vines at bay, Twilight removed the gems from the five necklaces around the mares, and blasted them into the tree. The instant the gems made contact with the tree, it flared into light. Light that disintegrated the vines into ash. And in seconds, a fully revitalized tree of crystal stood before them. The cocoons vanished as well, leaving two relieved looking alicorns in their place. Twilight sighed in relief and hugged her mentor, while Logan just rolled his eyes at the sight.

“We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements,” Celestia said to her former student. “It took great courage to relinquish them.”

“Yeah, and now your best mode of defense is gone,” Logan noted dryly. “I don’t suppose you guys have an alternative for that?”

As if answering his question, a flower sprouted right up in front of Logan, blooming to reveal a silver box with six locks. Twilight rushed over to the box, pondering over it with wide eyes.

“What’s inside this?” she asked. “How am I supposed to open it?”

The princesses joined the wolf and the alicorn.

“Six locks,” Luna noted. “Six keys.”

“I do not know where they are,” Celestia admitted, before glancing over with a grin at Twilight’s pack. “But I do know it is a mystery you will not be solving alone.”
"Until they do," Logan noted. "We shouldn't leave this here." He tapped the box. “A lock that could contain an alternate power source? You know there are things out there that would kill for something like that. Or, at the very least leave Equestria defenseless.”
Celestia rubbed her chin. “A fair point, Logan Wolfe,” she replied, before turning to the box. Her horn flared, and the box glowed with a golden light. Yet the box did not shift.

Celestia hummed, before attempting again. Logan glanced at her before gripping the box as well.

One by one, the mares, princesses, wolves and even Spike attempted to lift the box from it's flower. None succeeded.

“Darn thing ain’t moving,” Applejack said, brushing sweat off her brow.

"It seems that whatever the Tree of Harmony has left us," Celestia declared. "It must remain here."

“Well, we can’t just leave it here,” Carol said. “If that’s another way to defend Equestria, we’re going to need it.” She looked back at the forest with a nervous grimace.

“Now more than ever,” whispered in her thoughts.


The depths of Tartarus were an abysmal sight; scattered across the purple and red wasteland were sharp crags and spires hiding the cages of Equestria’s most vile villains. Inside one of these cages, the centaur Tirek sat, fuming in rage hiding despair.

How long had he been in this cursed land? Time had lost its effect on him. Ever since his traitor brother Scorpan had betrayed him to the ponies they had intended to subjugate and steal the magic from, he had been locked up here. Whatever magic cursed this place gave him no need for food or water. Yet even if he could partake, he didn’t need them. He was possessed with a far greater hunger; a hunger for the magic of Equestria, and the sweet revenge to inflict upon the ponies for taking his destiny, his family and even his life.

Tirek was yanked from his brooding by an odd presence. He turned, noticing several shadowy forms approaching the crag that held his cage.

“I’m telling you, he insulted my Mohawk!” one of the figures insisted. “No way was I going to let him join us!”

“So, we’re going to continue wandering this abysmal prison because of a critique of your fashion sense?!”

Tirek squinted his eyes. One of the forms seemed oddly proportioned from the others. Tirek could have sworn he had a bipedal body. Just like himself.

Just like his traitor brother!

Tirek snarled, moving backward into the shadows as the forms drew closer.

“What about this one,” a low female voice offered. “The dreaded Lord Tirek.”

“Pass,” what looked like a unicorn with a broken horn insisted. “That devil steals magic.”

“Steals magic, you say?” The bipedal figure asked. “And… uses it for himself, yes?”

“Given the chance,” the first female continued. “He would use the magic of every pony to tear Canterlot itself down, stone by stone!”

The bipedal figure shuddered in glee, before turning towards Tirek’s cage.

“An alicorn’s magic brought that wolf here. Maybe he can take that magic and use it to… bring someone else,” the figure replied, striding closer to the cage.

From the shadows, Tirek’s black and yellow eyes narrowed. The figure striding out of the mist was like him… and yet not like him. He strode towards the cage on two legs instead of four. Instead of an equine tail, what looked like a simian or feline tail swished behind him. But his torso and arms were like Tirek’s… and his face…

Tirek nearly reared back in disgust; the creature’s face was misshapen. A Mohawk that Tirek’s true form would put to shame? A dopey, simian face with a lopsided grin, a scar stretching his lips to one side? Shrunken, hazel eyes that looked like glimmering walnuts shoved into his skull? And a repulsive vest that seemed to ooze with bright ty-dyed colors. At least ponies only bothered him with one pastel color per pony. This one was throwing several different colors at him at once!

The thing was repulsive. But he had some kind of magic on him. Something new and unique. And to make things better, he was flanked by two Changelings and a unicorn. One of the changelings was taller than the others; a queen changeling, if Tirek remembered his lessons on Equestria. But the unicorn really drew his gaze; her horn may have been broken, but she had magic in her. Delicious, sinfully wasted magic.

The simian tapped on the door of his cage with a green stained wooden bat.

“Yoo-hoo,” the simian sang. “Who wants revenge on all of pony kind?” he sang it like he was some sort of door-to-door salesman.

Oh, Tirek chuckled with pleasure as his eyes lit up with the remaining magic he had. I will show you revenge, you insignificant creature.

He lunged forward, drawing in a massive breath that should have sucked the magic from these intruders…

…Only to get a baseball bat shoved in his mouth.

“Naughty-naughty,” the simian scolded, wagging his finger at Tirek. “Pretty monkey must stay in his cage!”

You impertinent little beast! Tirek bit down on the bat, longing for his true strength, which would allow him to crush the bat between his jaws like an apple. The simian yanked the bat out, almost taking some of Tirek’s teeth with him, and paced around the cage.

“But you’re not a monkey, are you?” the simian noted, his eyes scanning over Tirek’s back half. Tirek turned, keeping his front to the simian, even though the changeling and unicorn stayed where they were, watching with glee and amusement in their eyes.

“No,” the simian continued. “You’re a big old centaur, aren’t ya? Crazy~!” He drawled the last part, spinning his eyes creepily. But Tirek had no time for games or fear.

“You are the crazy one,” Tirek snarled. “Thinking you can insult and banter with me; Lord Tirek!”

“T. Rex?!” the simian exclaimed. He danced with a holler of glee. “That’s the best name I’ve ever heard.”

“No, you pathetic excuse for a monkey!” Tirek exclaimed. “TIREK! LORD TIREK!”

“Oh, of course, Lord T. Rex,” the simian replied, glancing around at the cage. “Should I bow?” he asked sarcastically.

Tirek fumed with rage. He may have been the one behind bars and without power, but something in this monkey’s voice infuriated him. Drove him beyond reason. He couldn’t use offensive magic, but he galloped at the cage door, fingers clutching for the smug simian’s face. Sadly, the simian was far out of his reach.

“A handshake?” the simian asked, seizing Tirek’s hands. “Why not?” He pumped them up and down, nearly yanking Tirek’s arms off. “So, happy you’re agreeable, cousin!”

“You are no family to me!” Tirek tried to protest, but the simian’s definition of ‘handshake’ involved slamming Tirek against his cage doors. Tirek yanked his arms back, and marched away from the simian, turning to the Changelings. “I have had no quarrel with changelings,” he said. “Why must you bring this fool to disturb me?”

The queen changeling tried to speak, before the simian danced in front of her.

“Seems to me you’re already a little disturbed,” he replied, glancing around at the canyons of Tartarus. “Seeing where you live and all.” He chuckled as Tirek turned away. “But let’s get to the point.” He spun back around. “Word has reached my ears…” He gave a not so subtle wink to the Changeling Queen. “That you have a bit of a grudge to settle with ponies.”

Tirek narrowed his eyes at him. The unicorn glowered at him and her broken horn glowed ominously.

“No need to be coy, Lord Tirek,” the queen said. “All of us have been wronged by those pathetic little equines.”

"Present company included," the unicorn noted.

Tirek huffed. At least one of them knew how to address her superior.
“They have something that belongs to me,” he replied.

“Good,” the simian said. “Because good old King Luco…” he gave a strange singing howl before… Tirek’s eyes widened as he stood on his bat, balancing it against the floor while holding himself up with one hand. His free hand, tail and even his feet pointed to himself. “That’s me.” He said before jumping back down. “Can get it for you.” He strode up to the cage door.

“You?” the centaur asked. “A king?”

“They come in many shapes and sizes, don’t they?” King Luco replied. “But… have we got a deal?”

Tirek crossed his arms. “I don’t make ‘deals’ with fools,” he said, before narrowing his eyes at the simian. “How should I trust you’d be even capable of taking on the ponies?”

Luco’s grin only widened. He wagged his finger at Tirek again, glancing at the queen.

“He’s smart, this one,” he said. Tirek noticed his foot bouncing, a strange beat echoing around him. “Then let me lay my cards on the table…”

He made that odd scat-like howl again, dancing back before… Tirek groaned as he burst into song:

Now I’m the King of the humans, oh,

The Southern VIP

Now I’m somewhere new,

Without Blazy Blue

And that’s what’s bothering me!”

“Blazy… what?!” Tirek demanded, only for the crazed king to grab his face.

I want my Blazy, T. Rex,

To stroll right into town.

And beat up ponies and wolves

Being alone gets me so down!

He released him and danced away, joined by a few smaller changelings. The queen and unicorn sat by with an exasperated expression.

Oh, o-be-do!

“O-be-do!” the changelings echoed.

I want my Blazy Blue-o-o!”


“I wanna walk with her.


“Talk with her!”



You see it’s true-o-o!

A guy like me-e-e!

Needs loving, just from me to her-er-er!”

He began dancing around the cage, followed by a few of the changelings, while the Queen strutted to the side, looking like a mother that had long given up on containing her rambunctious children.

“What is this fool jabbering about?” Tirek demanded.

“A lost love,” the queen replied. He flared her horn, smiling at the bright green magic that coursed across it. “And a wonderful source for my powers.”

Tirek gave her an odd look. “Lost Love? Is he not infatuated with you?” He smirked at her irritated expression. “I can only assume that’s the reason he would refer to himself as King.”

“You think that I, Queen Chrysalis, would make a mere pawn my King?” she demanded. “He simply holds… great power for me…”

Despite her words, Tirek could see her hoof tapping to the beat, her hips swaying as King Luco danced with her subjects. Tirek rolled his eyes. Changelings, he thought bitterly. Always needing someone’s love to get by.

Then what she fully said processed.

“He wants me to retrieve his lost love?” Tirek demanded. “Even if I were to agree to such a subordinate task, how would such a thing be possible?”

“Actually, it’s pretty simple,” Luco replied. Tirek nearly cleared his cage ceiling when the simian appeared right beside him. He hopped onto Tirek’s back and leaned his ear close to Tirek’s face.

“Lay the secret on me,” he said. “Of unicorn magic.”

Tirek glowered at him. “I will need unicorn magic to show you,” he replied, casting a glance at the unicorn, who took a large step back from him. “And if you want that… you’ll get me out of here.”

Luco glanced at him, his sunken eyes scanning Tirek’s features. Then, he broke into another grin. He yanked Tirek right out of his cage and… Tirek moaned in agony as he started tangoing with him.

Now don’t you kid me, T. Rex,” Luco sang.

“I’m making a deal with you.

What you desire? Is unicorn fire.

To make our dreams come true?”

“Yes,” Tirek replied. “And can you not…?”

Then let’s get the secret, T. Rex,” Luco declared, dragging him down the stairs.

And clue me what to do.

Don’t be so dour!

You’ll get your power.

And I’ll get my Blazy Blue!”

Tirek was dragged down the staircase. Despite the irritation flaring in his chest at the simian king’s antics, Tirek could also feel a swell of, dare he say, hope! This thing was clearly out of his mind. But he seemed to believe that Tirek was going to help him get this ‘Blazy Blue’ or whatever he wanted.

An evil grin spread alongside Tirek’s face. The others didn’t notice; Queen Chrysalis was right behind him, and the other changelings were too busy dancing to Luco’s beat. Even the unicorn couldn’t stop her hooves from tapping. He clearly had them under some type of spell. And besides, even if Luco seemed to be onto him, he wouldn’t be able to defend himself forever.

All Tirek needed to do was play along. And soon enough, Equestria itself would pay for what it had done to him.