• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 114 Comments

Logan and Carol; The Wolves of Equestria - JNKing

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Siren Arc Pt 2: Food Fight

Twilight fell through the portal just in time to hear Carol nearly losing her lunch.

“Seriously, who created that portal?” Carol bemoaned. “I’m never going to get used to that.”

“Shake it off, Carol,” Logan growled, his hand finding Twilight and pulling her to her feet. “We gotta find… Luco?”

Twilight blinked the stars out of her eyes and looked up. Just like last time, she and the others had come out as humans, with Logan still dressed in his leather jacket, yet also having a white undershirt, jeans and boots to go with it. Carol’s outfit hadn’t changed either, and neither had Twilight’s. Yet, when she looked for Spike…

“Twilight,” Logan said, his voice calm in a manner that suggested he was freaking out on the inside. “Why is Spike a wolf?”

“I think the technical term is hound,” Carol admitted.

"Or dog," Twilight offered.

Sure enough, Spike had gone from a purple and green dragon to a purple and green canine. Still rather young, only coming up to Twilight’s kneecaps, and with a spiked dark blue collar with a red pendent tag. But there was no denying those bright green eyes. Twilight stared down at her dragon, blinking slowly.

“I…” Twilight stammered, shaking her head.

“Seriously,” Logan demanded. “I come through and I have to be human, but Spike gets to go through and become a wolf?”

“Hey, it’s not like I asked,” Spike growled at Logan. He indicated the mirror behind him. “You want to complain? There’s the mirror!”

Logan almost looked like he was ready to complain to the mirror. With his fists. But just as he glowered up at the innocent glass surface, he noticed six familiar forms reflected behind him.

“Um… hey there,” Sunset’s voice said sheepishly.

The four newcomers spun around, finding all of the Humane Six waiting for them.

“Oh! Uh…” Twilight waved sheepishly at them. “Hey girls. We’re back.”

“Also, did any of you see some crazy guy run through here?” Logan asked.

“You mean the Mohawk guy riding a dog?” Pinkie asked, grinning at Logan’s look of surprise. Rainbow Dash jutted a thumb towards the city.

“Guy high-tailed it down that way,” she said. “We were just about to go after him when we heard you guys pop out.”

Logan’s eyes widened. He briefly glared at the city before turning back to Rainbow Dash.

“Then let’s go,” he declared. “We’ll meet and greet on the way.”

“Got it,” Sunset said. “Let’s…”

“Let’s go everybody,” Twilight said over her.

Sunset sighed, but didn’t press the issue, as the group moved into the city. Instead, she moved to Logan’s side.

“And Logan?” she asked.

“Mm?” he asked.

“It’s… good to have you back,” she admitted.

Logan cracked a grin. “You missed me?” he asked incredulous.

Sunset grinned softly. “Well, you did show me what I’ve been missing the past, oh… all of my life.”

"Friendship working out for you?" Logan asked with a grin.

Sunset gave the Humane Five a conflicted look, but her grin didn't fade.

"So far," she replied.

“Huh.” Logan pondered that as the group took off into the city.


Logan cursed his normal human nose. Luco and Blazy had completely vanished into the city. And with Logan’s wolf form left back in Equestria, Spike was the only one capable of tracking the crazy human. Yet the poor dragon was completely untrained in the ways of a dog. He had no way of distinguishing the different scents, and when Logan tried to aid him with descriptions, Spike only ended up leading them to five different dumpsters and a sushi restaurant.

At the very least, Logan got the chance to inform them about the Sirens, as well as a brief rundown on what Luco was capable. He even convinced them to find a shop and buy a tub of wax, which he then spent the next few minutes molding into ear plugs. Yet, despite his warnings, they eventually convinced him to let them take a pit stop at a cake shop, where they started to do the last thing Logan needed: gossip.

“I do hate that you had to return at a time of crisis,” Rarity bemoaned. “There’s so much catching up to do! Perhaps you would give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world?” Rarity pleaded.

“She’s got an official title now,” Spike said from Fluttershy’s lap. “The ‘Princess of Friendship.’”

Carol chuckled. “Logan probably would have joined her as ‘Prince of Friendship,’” she added, before Logan could stop her.

“If he hadn’t turned down the offer,” Spike added.

A collective gasp shot up. Logan covered his eyes. Carol flinched, covering her mouth at the sight of her pack mate in distress, but it was too late.

“Carol, why?” he bemoaned as six pairs of eyes turned on him.

“You turned down a royal title?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “Are you crazy?”

Logan sighed, tilting back in his chair. “Just because your versions are happy with possibly millennia old spirits doing whatever they want with your bodies, doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with the idea too!”

Applejack started to retort, before what he fully said processed.

“Millennia old spirits?” she asked.

Carol’s eyes darted between the two, and she jumped on the chance to change the subject.

“Have you guys had any more encounters with magic?” she asked. “Something that could back up his claim about said spirits?”

The girls glanced at each other.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Rainbow Dash said, before pulling out her phone. With a few taps, a picture showed up on her phone, displaying Rainbow Dash… with wings.

Logan’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Pretty sweet, huh?” Rainbow Dash said with a grin, noting Logan’s amazement. “It happens to all of us when we play music.” She leaned back with a grin. “I don’t know about you, but if a millennia old spirit is the reason I can get wings when I’m rocking out, I’m more than happy to have em.”

“That's not quite true,” Twilight added in. “My crown may have been returned to Equestria, but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High, mixed with fragments from Logan’s pack link. It’s not the Elements itself powering you guys, but a fragment of its magic.” Her eyes brightened. “Maybe now that we’re all back together, we can use that magic on the Sirens.”

“You’re forgetting,” Logan pointed out. “It was because Carol and I pack linked through the portal that magic got through at all. Without someone on the other side of the portal, I don’t know if the magic will transfer through as well.”

“Of course, none of that matters if we don’t know where these ‘Dazzlings’ are,” Carol added before turning to the girls. “Any idea where we could catch them?”

Pinkie perked up. “There’s a big party tonight for bands,” she offered.

“Bands?” Logan asked.

“There’s a Battle of the Bands coming up,” Sunset replied. “It’s where they’re probably going to make their next move.” Her eyes narrowed. “Didn’t you read that on my message?”

“Yeah, but part of me was convinced the Sirens were going to make you guys fight with rubber bands,” Logan replied.

Pinkie chuckled at his perspective, making Logan grin at her.

“It’s a musical showcase, silly,” Pinkie elaborated. “All these different music groups come together and try to see who can play better.”

“But then the Sirens came in and sang this weird song about making it a competition,” Rainbow Dash added. “And… everyone just picked it up from there.”

“Yeah, about that,” Applejack noted, rubbing the back of her neck. “I didn’t want to say nothing cuz I wasn’t too sure if it was just me, but did any of ya’ll actually hear the music them Sirens were singing to? They were just singing without any music.”

“Yeah, I thought that was weird too,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “It wasn’t a Capella; it sounded like some sort of pop song without musical accompaniment.”

“That would be their magic helping them,” Logan replied. “Speaking of which,” he added before placing the finished ear plugs before them. “You’ll want these, just in case the Sirens figure out you aren’t as affected and try something more forceful. If you can’t hear, they have no power over you.”

Rarity looked at the tub of wax ear plugs with a grimace. “Surely, we don’t need these,” she noted worriedly. “We all heard the song and we’re fine; can’t we assume Twilight’s magic is keeping us safe.”

“Better safer than sorry,” Logan refuted.

“I have to agree,” Twilight admitted. “If they catch wind that you aren’t under the spell, they might try something more… effective.”

Rarity groaned, while Twilight turned back to Pinkie.

“So,” Twilight prompted her. “You said there was some sort of party?”

“Yeah,” Pinkie agreed. “The party tonight is for all the bands who signed up to be in the showcase, which would include the Dazzlings.”

Logan breathed. “Well, if we can at least find one of our foes at this place,” he said. “Then I guess it’s worth checking out.”

Twilight nodded. “Well, then, girls,” she declared. “Looks like we have a party to crash.”

Pinkie squealed in delight.


Of course, it didn't take long for things to go wrong. First of all, Logan found out with dismay that the party was taking place at the school gymnasium. On his insistence, the group hung out outside the gym, while Logan climbed up to the windows to peek inside. He saw a surprisingly modest looking setting for a party. No streamers or decorations; at most there was just a small snack bar.

Add to it, very few people seemed to be talking. They were mostly just glaring around at each other, sizing each other up. It was oddly like the calm before a battle, where the tense fighters were waiting for the first move.

Next to the snack bar, Logan spotted what had to be the Dazzlings; three girls huddled up and whispering to each other. With his ear plugs in, he had no way of knowing what they were saying. But, he could assume it was something ominous, from the smirk on the yellow one's face.

Carol tapped his shoulder, sitting next to him. She briefly pointed at the Dazzlings, before indicating their hair with a grin.

Logan chuckled. The yellow Siren that seemed to be the most in control did have some rather impressive hair. Logan had heard of human styles like that; afros, he recalled; very popular back in 1980s America.

He was jarred from his thoughts by Rainbow Dash tapping his leg. He noted with satisfaction that all eight of his comrades had their ear plugs in, secured with bandanas. Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulder, mouthing, “How’re we doing this?”

Logan dropped down, followed by Carol.

He mimed walking inside before punching his fist: we go in and kick some tail. However, Twilight shook her head.

“No magic,” she mouthed, pointing at her head and Rainbow Dash’s back.

Logan huffed. She was right; the Sirens may have figured out how to get their powers back, but Logan and the others were stuck in the bodies of normal humans. He scratched his chin and asked, “So, how’re we playing it,” hoping she could read his lips.

Thankfully, she could.

“Mingle,” she mouthed, trying to sign it to the others. “Find the source of their power.”

Some of the others seemed to get it, though Fluttershy and Applejack gazed at them with confusion. Logan knelt, planning to draw out their plan, when movement caught his eye.

The wax had done too good of a job; as it managed to block out the stampeding noise of several fleeing students.

Exchanging glances with the others, Logan, Twilight and Sunset took the lead, racing into the school. The students seemed to be running from the gym. And if they were running from the gym…

Logan was the first into the gym. His eyes widened at what he saw.

Luco was cackling and beating his chest like a gorilla from atop a giant stack of tables. Oddly enough, his tail was missing and his clothes were back, but otherwise, he still looked the same. Below him, Blazy and two humans that looked vaguely like two dim-witted colts that Logan had seen around Ponyville were standing with their arms crossed. Or, at least the humans were. Blazy was a canine like Spike now; while she was bigger than him, her head still only came up to Logan's gut. Her tail swished and her hackles bared in an attempt to look intimidating.

“I’m King of the Castle!” Luco was taunting, likely in a singsong voice. “I’m King of the Castle.”

But then Logan saw who was facing him: the human versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Apple Bloom had a bottle of soda in her hand and her finger pointed at Luco dramatically.

“Justice will be swift,” read her lips. “Justice will be painful. Justice… will be… DELICIOUS!”

“YEEEAAAAHHHH!!” the other two crusaders (and oddly enough, a bulked out white male that poked his head in from the windows) roared.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Luco roared back.

As they roared, Logan began to hear music beginning to play. An oddly intense sounding bit comprising solely of vocals that thrummed against his ear plugs. He turned back as the rest of his group entered. Just behind them, sadly out of his friend's sight, he could make out those three girls, all with their mouths open and their arms spread. Logan was left wondering who to take on first: Luco, or the Sirens.

“Oh, no…” Sunset whimpered, before Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in horror.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack cried.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity lamented.

“Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash screeched.

Logan turned back just in time to read Luco’s lips as he dove towards the snack bar before his fort:


The two boys shrugged, their eyes flashing green, and leaped over to the snack bar alongside their leader. Undeterred, the three crusaders charged full out.

Logan wanted to scream, but he knew that would do no good. So, instead, he charged after the kids as they prepared to undergo a barrage of food.

Applejack’s lasso soared past him, snagging her little sister. Rainbow Dash sprinted past Logan, diving to protect Scootaloo. With Rarity likely unable to keep up, Logan dove for Sweetie Belle, shielding her with his body as cupcakes, punch and other snacks fell towards him.

As Logan tumbled with Sweetie Belle in his arms, Carol lunged over him. She smashed through the punch and cupcakes, landing only for Logan to leap over her and continue to block the projectiles with his own body. As he landed as well, both of them gasped as Apple Bloom raced past, somehow having gotten ahold of Applejack’s lasso, her eyes glowing green. As Logan stared in dumbfounded disbelief, the young girl caught a cupcake with the lasso before hurling the snack back.

Luco blocked the blow with the taller of the two boys, and as the boy was knocked out his hands, Blazy ran forward, hackles bared.

Carol prepared to fight the golden retriever, only for Sweetie Belle to trample over her, racing towards Blazy with what Logan could only assume was a squeaky war cry. Logan tripped her up and Carol and Rarity tried to hold the girl down, but she struggled and punched at them, her eyes glowing a strange shade of green. Just as Blazy lunged for the four of them, Spike jumped forward, knocking heads with Blazy. The bigger dog paused, winking at Spike with a grin, before seizing him in her jaws.

The younger and smaller dog was no match for the bigger dog, and she tossed him aside just as Logan lunged at her, only for Blazy to knock him away as well with a mule kick. Carol leaped over Blazy while her legs were outstretched, and seized her around the waist, rolling with her momentum and throwing Blazy clear over Luco’s fort. She hit the back wall with a yelp, and slid out of sight, which likely prompted a whimper from Fluttershy, who Logan noted with dismay was currently backed into a corner, watching the whole thing with all the horror of a child watching their parents fighting.

Logan looked back, seeing Scootaloo struggling in Rainbow Dash’s grip. Applejack, Twilight and Pinkie were aiding her, but Applejack was looking up worriedly at her sister, who was currently fighting with the shorter of Luco’s minions. Luco raced at her with a baseball bat, but Logan left Sweetie Belle in the care of her sister and charged him, knocking him aside. A trumpet flew from Luco’s vest, but Logan didn’t get the chance to focus on it; as Luco tried to brain him with his bat.

Logan and Luco briefly struggled over the bat, only for Luco to grin crazily at Logan… before biting him right on the nose. Logan jumped back with a surprised bark, only to get whacked in the shoulder.

Logan tumbled backward, only for Sweetie Belle to squirm out from Rarity’s grip, dodge Carol’s attempt to catch her, and charge for Luco with another war cry. Luco turned to her, his eyes flashing in amusement, before he readied his bat for a deadly swing. Rarity’s sister ducked at the last second, kicking at his shin and sending the pirate down. But Luco let himself fall, flattening the girl with his own body.

Rarity screamed, racing forward and drop kicking Luco off her sister. Spike and Carol raced to her side as she checked over her sister, but failed to reign in Apple Bloom, who lunged past them to pursue Luco, her eyes shining with the spell of the Sirens.

Logan looked to Sunset, who had been waving frantically at him. She indicated their ears, pointing at Scootaloo, who had Rainbow Dash’s fingers in her ears, and was rapidly calming down. The Sirens were out of sight, but Logan could still feel their music in the air.

“We’ve got to override this music!” Sunset yelled.

“Get on it!” Logan shouted back, before racing after Apple Bloom. The girl had somehow lassoed a broken table leg, and was swinging it around like a morning star. But she was still only a kid, and Luco was lazily dodging and batting it aside, grinning like this was nothing more than a game.

Logan went to aid the girl, only for the shorter boy to grab his leg. Logan whipped his head around, snarling at the boy. The boy flinched, his eyes suddenly losing that odd green quality, and he scrambled to his feet and ran, yelping like a terrified dog. Logan watched him go in awe, before an apple to his head drew his attention. Applejack was racing past him, pointing frantically at Apple Bloom. Luco had wrenched the lasso from her hands, and as Apple Bloom drove forward, driven by the Siren’s song, he prepared to sandwich her head between his bat and her makeshift club.

Applejack wasn’t going to make it in time! Rarity was still checking over her sister! The others had just managed to calm Scootaloo down! There was no time!

As Logan saw Luco’s grin; his utter glee at what he was about to do to this girl – this girl who looked so much like one of the first real friends Logan had ever had in Equestria – Logan felt instinct take over.

He caught sight of the trumpet Luco had dropped. Seizing it, he blasted into it. And he didn’t care what the music sounded like; all he cared was that it overrode the Sirens. That it saved Apple Bloom and stopped Luco.

For a scary millisecond, nothing happened. Then a shockwave of lightning shaped like a wolf burst from the trumpet, smashing into Luco and Apple Bloom. As Logan's howl filled the air, the Siren's song sputtered out into silence.

Luco and Apple Bloom stumbled, the latter catching her head, which thankfully remained whole and unhurt. Luco was knocked off his feet, and scrambled briefly for balance before Applejack and Carol football tackled him, rolling across the ground. Logan spotted Applejack’s lasso lying forlornly on the ground, and scooped it up, jumping onto the dog pile with the two girls.

He fumbled the rope to Applejack, and while she made some quick loops, Logan resorted to punching everything that was under him. It took Carol yanking him backward to make him realize that Luco was beaten. The human lay with his limbs hog-tied together, his face a mess of purple and red. Yet he still somehow grinned that same crazy grin. Oddly enough, his eyes held no glow from siren magic, which only tempted Logan to punch him again.

Just before he could, a wad of fur slammed into him, and send the girls tumbling. Logan found himself on his back with Blazy sitting on top of him, smiling maliciously at him. But then… confusion etched her face. Logan tilted his head, pausing as she pawed at his chest. Her ears flattened, and she pawed harder.

“Blazy Blue!?” Luco protested. The dog flinched before both her and Logan glanced over at Luco. “Where’s your fire power?”

Blazy actually panicked. Logan stared at her as she let out a whining bark of protest, pawing at Logan again before racing over to the others. Applejack jumped in her way, but Blazy just pawed at her, barking in aggravation as nothing happened. No flames, no explosions, nothing fire-related happened when Blazy touched others. She spun around, her barking becoming more frantic, until Luco grabbed her attention.

“Blazy? Blazy Blue,” Luco said. “I’m not mad…”

NOOOO!” Blazy howled.

“Blazy,” Luco said firmly. “Blazy.”

She whimpered, but silenced herself enough to let him speak.

“I’m not mad; I’m disappointed.”

That was even worse! Logan chuckled as Blazy let out a heart broken howl. Fluttershy cooed in sympathy and walked over. Blazy feebly pawed at the yellow girl again before slumping into her arms, whimpering softly.

Logan shook his head before pulling himself up, sighing in relief. Luco and his crony were contained, and all three girls were safely with their family members.

Sweetie Belle was rubbing her head as Rarity crooned over her, and Scootaloo looked a little humiliated, surrounded by the others, but the glow was gone from their eyes, and their ears were safely plugged.

He looked to Applejack, who was checking over her sister. When Applejack glanced at him, he mouthed. “She okay?”

Applejack gave the ‘okay’ sign, grinning slightly at Logan. And despite Logan knowing he never met this version of Apple Bloom, he sighed in relief.

A flicker of movement drew their attention, and Logan noticed the last of a veil of green mist skirting away from them. It slipped out under the door, but Logan raced towards it, only stopping to make sure Carol had Luco contained.

Bashing the doors open, Logan skidded to a stop as he saw where the mist was going: into three glowing red pendants, each one situated around the necks of the Sirens.

Logan grinned as he noted the serene, closed eyes of the Sirens. Looks like we found our power source, he thought.

Then Vice Principal Luna rounded the corner. Her face, which looked like it had previously been set to ‘ready for war’ dropped into ‘traumatized by war and strife’ the second her eyes lay on Logan.

Logan smiled and waved cheekily at her.

Luna was gone so fast, it almost looked like she teleported. But as she bolted, her scream was certainly loud enough to hear, even through ear plugs. Given how the Sirens yelped and raced away from the sound, Logan was halfway certain students would still be hearing it echo in the halls for the next week.


Logan glanced towards Sunset, who winced as the sound made it through their ear plugs. He jabbed a thumb at them. “Under the spell?” he mouthed.

Sunset nodded.

Logan glanced back at where Luna had gone, ignoring the curious looks the Sirens were shooting him.

“Good,” Logan declared, before setting off after the vice principal.

Author's Note:

Hey again guys. Sorry for the long wait; the Christmas season is the worst time to be working retail. :ajsleepy:

Just something I was wondering: do you guys think Blazy Blue should have more lines? On one hand, she is supposed to be capable of speech. But, on the other, I feel like having her communicate through body language or expressions might be more funny.

Just some food for thought. :scootangel:

Thanks again for reading, and hopefully, I'll get another chapter to you guys by next week. :twilightsmile: