• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,167 Views, 114 Comments

Logan and Carol; The Wolves of Equestria - JNKing

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April Foals Day Special

Author's Note:

Happy April Fools Day.

I know Logan's been quiet for a bit. And with the Howlite Howler still in full swing, it might be a while before I get more chapters with Logan out.

But, for now, enjoy this rendition of '28 Pranks Later' where Logan faces off against Rainbow Dash in his strangest battle yet.

Shadows darkened the White Tail Woods. Still, Logan forged ahead without fear, Fluttershy and a company of her animals close behind him.

“I’m so sorry to involve you, Logan,” Fluttershy whispered. “I just lost track of time at our picnic. I didn’t mean for us to get caught out here after dark…”

Logan turned and gave Fluttershy a comforting grin.

“It’s no trouble, Fluttershy,” he replied softly. “Besides, White Tail Woods is fine during the night. It’s the Ever-Free you really got to be worried about after dark.”

“Oh, of course,” Fluttershy agreed, though she still gave the shadows a nervous look. “White Tail Woods is at least the same at night. Only… darker.”

One of her animal companions, a bear, started chattering his teeth. Logan rolled his eyes.

“Let’s just get you back to the cottage,” he said.

But as he turned back to the path… something shot across it. The wolf froze, his ears pricking forward; alert.

“Logan?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Sh,” Logan said. His ears slowly started to flatten.

The shadow darted to their left.

Logan’s fangs started to bare.

“Stay behind me,” he growled, marching towards the shadows.

Fluttershy and her animals stuck so close to Logan, they were practically attached to his tail. The bear hung over Fluttershy and the others like a canopy.

Then… just behind the bear, an eerie wail sounded.

The bear bellowed in fear, and his cry sent the others into chaos. Logan quickly found himself getting trampled as Fluttershy, the bear and Angel all fell over each other trying to escape. Their trampling did nothing but tangle them all into a sadly stationary mess of fur, and as Logan struggled to right himself, he saw a shadowy shape rise up before them.

“No!” he cried, yanking one of his claws out and aiming it at the demon. But just before his claw could sparkle with lightning… the demon began to laugh.

Logan’s claw lowered by a fraction. “What the…?” he stammered.

Then the ‘demon’ came out of the shadows, and shook off the sticks and clouds she had covered herself in. In seconds, a smirking Rainbow Dash floated before them, cackling like a mad mare.

“Gotcha!” she exclaimed, before laughing harder.

“What the… are you… w-what?” Logan stammered.

Fluttershy poked her head out of the mess of fur the animals had become. Despite her hyperventilation, she managed a glare at Rainbow Dash.

“That wasn’t funny!” she managed to gasp out. “You really scared me!” She clung to both the bear and Logan, as both began to growl at the cyan mare. “I hope you’re happy.”

“Nah,” Rainbow Dash replied. “You’re too easy. You’re scared of everything.” She gave a particular smirk at Logan. “But it was fun to see Logan with his tail between his legs.”

Logan responded with a lightning bolt, but Rainbow Dash easily zipped out of the way, and darted back to Ponyville, laughing the whole way.

Logan pulled himself from the tangle of fur, and extricated Fluttershy as well.

“I do not get scared of everything,” Fluttershy was mumbling darkly. She shook herself off. “S – I’m sorry, Logan,” she whimpered, but Logan pat her mane, his eyes not leaving where Dash had raced off to.

“Mark my words, Fluttershy,” Logan growled. “She’s gonna get what’s coming to her.”


“Absolutely not!” Twilight said the next morning, as the two walked towards the meeting area of the Castle of Friendship. “Logan, you are the new Captain of the Guard, and I cannot have the Captain of the Guard getting into fights with one of the Element Bearers.”

“She scared Fluttershy half out of her mind,” Logan insisted. “Is this some kind of rank thing? Because I’m not letting you turn into another Celestia.”

“No, it…” Twilight sighed in irritation. “Rainbow Dash was just pulling a prank; a practical joke.” Twilight said as they reached the door. “Your usual M.O is to bite ponies; like seriously injure them.”

“She deserves a bite or two for what she did,” Logan grumbled as they entered the meeting room.

The other Elements were already gathered. Rainbow Dash had apparently already explained her actions, as Applejack and Rarity shared Fluttershy’s look of irritation. Pinkie Pie, however, was laughing right along with the cyan mare.

“I mean,” Rainbow Dash was concluding as they entered. “How could you not appreciate that?”

“Because I don’t think being scared is very fun,” Fluttershy muttered, Carol putting a supporting paw on her shoulder.

“I do!” Pinkie replied. “Your heart gets all racy, your hooves get all tingly, your mouth gets all dry…” She paused at that. “Actually, I don’t like that part,” she admitted. “But the rest is great!”

“See?” Rainbow Dash asked, like Pinkie Pie’s opinion was the final word. “Every pony likes a good prank! They’re just jokes!”

As she spoke, she sat down in her chair… and promptly shot into the air with a yelp, a mousetrap having snapped shut around her flank.

Twilight gaped at the sight before whirling on a grinning Logan.

“Hm, she’s right,” Logan noted sarcastically. “That was funny.” He noticed Twilight glaring at him. “What?” he asked. “I didn’t bite her.”

“Logan!” Twilight screamed, but Rainbow Dash shot right down to Logan’s face, her ears pricked and ready for a challenge. “Rainbow Dash, wait!”

“C’mon, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “This ain’t about you and Logan…”

But Rainbow Dash wasn’t even listening to them.

“You really wanna do this, Wolf?” she growled at him.

Logan jutted his head forward, till they were nose to nose.

“The better question is, do you,” Logan snarled back.

She shoved her head forward, knocking into his forehead.

“If you want pranks,” she vowed. “Then I’ll give you pranks. I’ll prank you so good; you’ll be blinded by my prank-y radiance!”

“Dash!” Twilight tried to break them up, only for Logan to shove his head forward, knocking Rainbow Dash’s head back.

“Bring. It. On,” he challenged.

For a moment, the two simply stared each other down. Then, in a flash of rainbow light, the pegasus shot away. Logan grinned, and glanced towards Pinkie.

“So, Pie,” he said. “How do these ‘pranks’ work?”

“Oh, no…” Twilight bemoaned, while Pinkie Pie leaped to the table in glee.

“OOOOO, a PRANK WAR!” Pinkie shrieked in glee. “Oh, where’s my referee uniform!” she darted away, before running back and motioning to Logan. “Come-come-come,” she chanted. “Oh, I’ll tell you exactly how to put up a good fight in a prank war!”


“Okay,” Rainbow Dash growled, at the edge of the Ever-Free. “This dog wants pranks. Oh, I’m gonna give him pranks.”

Carefully, and with all the precision of a ninja, Rainbow Dash set a cake down at the edge of the Ever-Free where Logan still made his home. Once she was sure the cake was right where she needed it to be, she darted to the side and awaited his arrival.

Soon enough, the wolf made his appearance known… with a lightning bolt to the cake. Frosting and batter flew everywhere, and splattered the trees and parts of the lawn. Rainbow Dash heard Pinkie Pie’s cry of horror, but kept still.

Soon enough, Logan came out, carefully sniffing around. However, as he searched for some trace of Rainbow Dash, he suddenly paused. Rearing his head up, he found his nose covered in pink powder. Sneezing powder.

As the first of what would be many sneezes began, Rainbow Dash couldn’t contain herself, and fell over laughing.

“And, despite the casualty of a perfectly good cake,” Pinkie noted from a hot-air balloon above. “A point for Rainbow Dash.”


That afternoon, Rainbow Dash moved several rain clouds to Applejack’s farm. She watched the grounds carefully in case Logan was hiding in the trees, waiting to hit her with apples or lightning.

But she couldn’t spot the wolf. And before she could try to search further over the acres, she was distracted by a familiar gray pegasus.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy Doo said, one of her eyes managing to focus on Rainbow Dash while her other lopsided eye gazed down at the farm. “Special delivery from the Wonder Bolts.”

Rainbow Dash gasped and yanked the letter from Ditzy. “The Wonder Bolts wrote to me?!” Rainbow Dash stammered in glee. She eagerly ripped open the paper, and began to read.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

On behalf of the Wonder Bolts, Captain Spit Fire presents her thanks to Rainbow Dash for her eagerness to be a part of our illustrious group, but regretfully states she must expel her for being such a show-boating egotist.

Rainbow Dash’s ears flattened. “W-Wait, what?” she mumbled.

Wonder Bolt Operative Soaring agrees with Captain Spit Fire, and would like to add that while Rainbow Dash has a nice flank, she has a head full of clouds.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash’s face was turning beet red.

Wonder Bolt Operative Fleet foot would also like to register her disbelief that such an overconfident blowhard was ever allowed to join this illustrious group.

Rainbow Dash nearly tore the letter in half from her fury, but not before she read the final part.

Wonder Bolt Operative Misty Fly Bids Rainbow Dash good day, and advises her to actually start acting like the Element of Loyalty she claims to be, considering the self-centered arrogant façade she seems intent on displaying.

Rainbow Dash ripped the letter in half, her face like a tomato on fire.

“LOGAN!” she bellowed, while Logan, hidden beneath the trees and unable to contain himself, burst into laughter. Pinkie Pie sat next to him, rubbing her hoof.

“Not bad,” Pinkie admitted. “A point for Logan.”


And for the next week, on it went.

Rainbow Dash dunked Poison Joke on Logan?

Logan dyed Rainbow Dash’s mane temporarily pink.

Rainbow Dash rained an entire storm cloud on Logan?

Logan snuck after Rainbow Dash and zapped her with a lightning bolt every two minutes for a full three hours before she finally caught him and bucked him to Sweet Apple Acres.

Back and forth it went, with the rest of the mares only able to watch in utter dismay. After seven days of them pranking each other, Twilight had enough.

She gathered every pony but Rainbow Dash, and awaited Logan at the entrance to the Ever-Free. When he finally arrived, he gave them all a suspicious look.

“Okay,” Logan growled as Twilight approached. “What’s she planning now?”

“This isn’t Rainbow Dash, Logan,” Twilight assured him. “But it needs to stop!”

“We know what yer trying to do, sugarcube,” Applejack replied. “And it ain’t gonna work. Ya provoked her. And when Rainbow Dash smells a challenge, she ain’t gonna give up.”

“She’s a lot like you, in that regard,” Rarity noted.

Logan hummed, before glancing at Fluttershy. "So," he concluded. "Should I quit playing with my prey?"

“P-Prey?” Pinkie asked, as all eyes turned to Fluttershy. She gave Logan a nod.

"I appreciate you trying to be nice to Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said. "But she's not going to learn the way you're going about it."

Logan smiled darkly. “Alright, then,” he promised, nuzzling up to Fluttershy. “I promise, Fluttershy; after today, Rainbow Dash is never going to want to prank you again."


When Logan and Rainbow Dash saw each other again, Logan just… grinned. Darkly. Ominously.

Rainbow Dash still followed through on her prank. In seconds, the wolf was covered in apple pies. Yet, he shook them off and continued to grin. Rainbow Dash tried to go about her business, but Logan continued to quietly follow after her, grinning that malicious grin.

Screaming at him did nothing. Boasting did nothing. Trying to ignore him really didn’t do anything. And as the sun set and Rainbow Dash went back home, Logan stood outside her house, and continued to silently grin.

At first, the cyan mare glared back at him. But as the night wore on, the demand for rest took its toll, and as the sun started to rise, Rainbow Dash’s head finally tipped against her window, and she passed out, Logan’s widening grin being the last thing she saw.

When she managed to wake, the first thing she realized was that Logan was right next to her. Before confusion could set in on how he made it up to her house, she also became aware that his claws were wrapped around her, pinning her hooves and even her wings down.

It all came together when he tipped backward into open air.

Rainbow Dash screamed in horror as both of them plummeted. She tried to flap her wings, but Logan valiantly held them down.

“Logan, stop!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “This isn’t funny! What are you doing?!”

Logan just grinned silently back at her. Desperate, she head-butt him in the face. But he just shook off the blow and continued to grin.

“Logan, this is not funny!” Rainbow Dash insisted, glancing up as the ground sped towards them. “This is not how a prank should go! Are you trying to get us both killed?”

Logan just grinned.

“STOP!” Rainbow Dash screamed.

As the ground sped closer and closer, the cyan pegasus began to tear up.


Logan tilted his head, before releasing her wings. Rainbow Dash’s wings flared open, and she sped away from the ground with a gasp of relief… that only turned to shock as Logan yanked her hooves down, and she promptly face-planted into a banana-cream pie.

Rainbow Dash slowly rose, creamy frosting dripping down her steadily reddening face. The laughter of her friends reached her, and she spun, her entire body turning red as Logan watched her with a smug grin, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity chuckling behind him.

“That… was not… FUNNY, Logan!” Rainbow Dash snarled. “I seriously could’ve been hurt!”

“You think Fluttershy felt the same way when you scared her?” Logan asked, his grin fading.

“I…” Rainbow Dash tried to protest, only for Fluttershy to glare at her from behind Logan. Her glare chased the fight from Rainbow Dash’s voice, and she slowly wilted as realization dawned on her face.

“Oh,” she noted. “I see what you did there.”

Logan stood.

“Don’t let me catch you pranking Fluttershy again,” he warned. “You’re supposed to be her friend. Not a bully.”

Rainbow Dash flinched at his harsh words, while Logan turned back to Fluttershy.

“So,” he said, offering his paw. “Can I walk you home?”

Fluttershy took his paw gratefully. “Sure,” she said quietly.

And Rainbow Dash and the others were left to watch as Logan and Fluttershy walked off into the distance, paw in hoof.

Pinkie marked a final point on his score board.

“And… looks like the win goes to Logan,” Pinkie declared. “Happy April Foals!”

Comments ( 3 )

Hey, can you notify me when the next story comes out?

Logan's next story, or any story? I've had a couple of other ideas that I wanted to try, but I do also want to continue Logan's story here.

I'm pretty sure that by following me, you'll get notifications. But still, I'll try to let you know when the next stories are ready.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day. :twilightsmile:

Oh, okay. I forgot about following haha

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