• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,167 Views, 114 Comments

Logan and Carol; The Wolves of Equestria - JNKing

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The Power of Pack Vs. The Alicorn Amulet

Author's Note:

So sorry for the long wait, guys; my two jobs have been getting busier and busier lately. It might impact my writing during the Christmas season, but I do not intend to give up on Logan. :rainbowdetermined2: Not when I've got so many more stories about him to share.

Hope you enjoy this chapter; there is a reference to an anime I recently got into, but I hope you guys enjoy.

Thanks again for reading. :twilightsmile:

It wasn’t often that Logan got a visit from Twilight in the Ever-Free. Thus, when he saw her racing through the trees, a desperate look on her face, he was intrigued.

“Sparkle?” he asked, as she skidded to a stop before her. “What’s up?” His ears flattened as he saw the fear and worry in her eyes. “Is Ponyville in trouble?” Logan demanded.

“I… well…” Twilight looked back with a sigh. “I’m still trying to figure it out myself, actually.”

Logan glanced at the town. He had smelled something off about the little town today, but at the time, he had blown it off as Discord or something trivial. After all, the town seemed to have a knack for attracting interesting attention. Though, judging by Twilight’s face, he had been wrong to blow it off. He motioned for Twilight to sit, and sat before her.

“What am I walking into?” he asked.

Twilight took a breath, and spoke:

“Way before you got here, we got visited by this… show pony. The ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie.” Twilight rolled her eyes at the name. “She humiliated my friends and constantly tried to show me up in terms of magic.”

“Unicorn?” Logan asked.

“Yep,” Twilight replied.

Logan nodded. “Go on.”

Twilight proceeded to explain how Trixie eventually bit off more than she could chew by provoking an Ursa Minor (“Idiot,” Logan commented, “Even I don’t mess with those bears.”), but now she was back, and something was incredibly off about her. She went from just humiliating her friends to brutalizing them, like removing Pinkie’s muzzle so she couldn’t talk, (Logan’s eyes widened, and he didn’t make any comments after), and kicked Twilight out after beating her in a duel of magic.

“And now…” Twilight concluded with a shrug. “I don’t know what to do, Logan. I feel like I’ve abandoned my friends. But I can’t take her on horn-to-horn.”

Logan stood and brushed off his fur. “You won’t have to,” he said quietly. He started off for Ponyville.

“W-Hey, wait a minute!” Twilight yelled, getting in front of him. “Logan, I get that you’ve got your own magic, but Trixie is… scary, right now. She beat me and my friends, and she wasn’t even trying for combat magic. If you try to fight her…”

“She threatened and humiliated your pack and my allies,” Logan snapped, lightning flickering off his body. “I don’t care how powerful she is; someone messes with pack, they get bit!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, before salvation came for her in the form of Carol, who came out of the woods with a dead cockatrice in her mouth.

“Am I… missing out on something?” Carol asked, her mouth full of scales and feathers.

Twilight turned her head away. “Can you… uh…” she mumbled, really trying hard not to be sick at the sight of the dead bird. Even if one had turned her to stone, she still hated the sight of a poor animal in that state.

Carol glanced down at the bird, and giggled. “Sorry, ‘Twily,’” she teased before taking the bird into the brush. She glanced back at Logan. “Care to explain what’s going on?”

Logan glanced at Twilight, and then walked over to Carol. Carol thankfully got her kill hidden by the time Logan had told her what had happened, because...

“She WHAT?!” Carol exploded, red lightning flaring off her. Twilight covered her head with a moan.

“Oh, no…” she mumbled, as Carol turned eyes rimmed in red on her.

“Stuck up, pompous equine witch,” Carol snarled. “How dare she…!”

“Both of you, please!” Twilight begged. “Trixie’s always been high and mighty, but this is different. She’s mean, nasty, and she was performing aging spells and weather manipulation!”

Logan and Carol glanced at each other, before Logan chuckled darkly.

“Sparkle-Sparkle-Sparkle,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “I’d have thought you’d have known by now…”

“Known… what?” Twilight asked.

“You don’t remember how I handled the Changelings?” Logan asked, before lightning flickered around his form. He formed two tendrils that wrapped around Carol and Twilight.

As the lightning connected, Twilight felt a surge of strength enter her body. She gasped, holding herself higher before noticing Logan and Carol were holding themselves higher as well. Twilight had to admit, the surge felt amazing. She felt capable of anything; she was tempted to walk right up to Trixie and de-age her into a foal.

“Anything is possible,” Logan said. “When you have a pack on your side.”

His lightning faded – sadly taking the surge of confidence and strength with it – and he and Carol set out for the town, Twilight trailing behind them.

“I wonder if I should have gone to Zecora,” Twilight mumbled.


For a moment, Logan almost thought that Trixie was coming to them; a mare was racing towards them as fast as her hooves could carry her. But as she got closer, Logan’s heart leaped to discover that it wasn’t some new unicorn, but Fluttershy, her wings pumping and her entire body radiating fear and nervousness.

“Fluttershy?” Logan called, racing over to her. “Fluttershy!”

The wolf’s bound nearly knocked Fluttershy out of the sky, but he cradled her gently. The fear faded from her face as she took in his appearance.

“Oh, Logan,” Fluttershy whispered, hugging him.

“It’s okay,” Logan told her, nuzzling her softly. “You’re gonna be okay.” He pulled her head up to meet her eyes. “Are you okay? Trixie didn’t…?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, she didn’t do anything to me,” she assured him. “But…” Fluttershy spotted Twilight and hurried over to her. “Twilight, we did some research, and we found out…” she pointed back into town.

Faintly, Logan could see a dark blue mare with a bright blue, almost white mane, cackling with laughter. An odd red and black amulet hung around her neck, glowing with a faint but eerie light. Logan even realized that the mare herself had an odd red glow to her, especially around her eyes.

“That’s Trixie?” Logan asked.

Fluttershy nodded. “And worse… that amulet around her neck…” Fluttershy took a moment to breathe. “It’s the Alicorn Amulet!”

Twilight gasped, looking up at Trixie’s form as well.

“I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “That is… how did I not recognize it!”

“Um…” Carol raised her paw. “The wolves are a little confused here…”

“No, they’re not!” Logan cut off defiantly.

“Regardless,” Carol growled, giving him a pointed look. “What’s the Alicorn Amulet?”

“If it turns her into an alicorn, it’s not doing a very good job,” Logan noted.

“It doesn’t turn her into an alicorn,” Twilight said snappishly.

“But it does bless her with untold power,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“But at a cost,” Twilight added. “Even though it provides great power, it also corrupts the user.”

Logan and Carol glanced at each other with worried expressions.

“And I don't suppose we can just yank it off her?” Carol asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. “It has a magic lock; Trixie’s the only pony who can take it off.”

Logan nodded. “So, I bite off one of her hooves and then use it to take off the amulet,” he concluded.

“LOGAN!” Twilight, Fluttershy and even Carol protested.

Logan cackled at their faces. “Kidding, I’m kidding,” he said, even though he was still shooting the town dark looks. Twilight herself looked down.

“But I don’t know if anyone can beat that amulet,” she admitted, shutting her eyes. “My magic wasn’t good enough; how can…” She paused, giving a nervous glance to the wolves. Both of them raised an eyebrow at her. “I…” Twilight stammered. “I, well, I mean no offense, but…”

Carol chuckled. “Twilight; I thought friendship was the real magic around here.” She glanced back at Trixie. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but Trixie doesn’t look like she has a lot of friends right now.”

“I can’t believe I’m agreeing with such a corny phrase,” Logan admitted. “But she’s got a point.” He flared his lightning, looking down on it. “Our magic is powered by pack; the more of us there are, the more powerful we are.”

Twilight looked at his lightning, and then up at Ponyville.

“The more of us there are, the more powerful we are,” she repeated to herself. She turned her eyes away from Trixie, and to her friends, who she could just barely see glaring at Trixie as she made wild and possibly crazy demands. Twilight's eyes brightened, and she turned back to the wolves.

“Logan, Carol,” she said in relief. “You’re both geniuses.”

Logan laughed in triumph, while Carol sheepishly grinned.

“Well then,” Logan said. “Let’s prove it to Trixie.” He turned back to Fluttershy. “Okay, Fluttershy; how’re we getting Trixie out here?”


Logan waited impatiently while Twilight sent Fluttershy back with a letter and got preparations underway. Logan personally wanted to march right in and obliterate Trixie’s smug mare face for daring to mess with his allies. But, of course, Trixie had put up some sort of barrier that kept Twilight from entering.

Plus, not even getting enslaved and ordered around could convince the mares to let Trixie be conscripted to a fate like obliteration. It was simultaneously respectable and irritable. Re-spirit-able, Logan thought in his head.

But, it wasn’t long before Trixie made her way over to Ponyville’s border. Logan’s eyebrow rose as he noticed her having two young colts drag her there… on a chariot without wheels.

“This better not be another false alarm,” she was griping to the two struggling colts. “Or the Great and Powerful Trixie will…” Her eyes, rimmed in red, lifted, and spotted Twilight, flanked by both Logan and Carol.

“YOU!” Trixie bellowed, before a crazy grin formed on her snout. “What’s the matter, Twilight Sparkle? Not enjoying your exile?”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, before Logan strode in front of her.

“You threw her into my territory,” Logan growled.

Trixie’s eyes widened.

“The Lone Wolf of Equestria,” she whispered, before covering her shock with another smirk.

“You know of me?” Logan asked.

“Your tale may not be as great as moi,” Trixie proclaimed. “But I’d assume most ponies would hear of the wolf who bit Princess Celestia.”

“Then you know that it’s not a good idea to provoke me,” Logan growled, cracking his knuckles. Trixie just laughed, but the laugh had an edge to it; nervousness or just insanity, Logan couldn’t tell which.

“Please,” Trixie stated. “I beat Twilight Sparkle; the personal protégé of Princess Celestia. And, I wear the Alicorn Amulet.” She indicated her amulet with pride. “No pony’s more powerful than the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Logan just chuckled. “Bold claims,” he said. “But I ain’t a pony.” He lifted his claws, and let his lightning flare again. “I beat Queen Chrysalis and her entire Changeling army with my magic; the same Changelings who invaded Canterlot and defeated Princess Celestia.”

“A wolf?” Trixie demanded. “Capable of magic?” she scoffed. “Ridiculous.”

“Care to find out what I’m capable of?” Logan dared. “Or should I call you the Weak and Fearful Trixie?”

That hit a nerve. Trixie smashed down the barrier, and glowered an inch from Logan’s face.

“Oh, you. Are. ON!” Trixie snarled. “A second duel, it is!”

The two stepped back from each other. Dark clouds surged overhead as both Trixie and Logan called upon their magic.

Yet the lightning around them was different; while Trixie’s magic channeled lightning that crackled, and sparked with an evil red glimmer, Logan’s lightning was softer; more like beams of light from Celestia herself. They drifted smoothly through the air, floating gently over to the Mane Six.

Trixie glared at the tendrils of light as they snaked away from the wolf. She failed to notice them wrap comfortingly around Twilight, Carol, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, the Apple sisters, and even Rainbow Dash, all of whom had retreated a safe distance back.

“Your meager light show pales in comparison to the Great and Powerful Trixie!” the blue mare boomed, red lightning striking her and shrouding her in a ruby light. “Now… let’s start with…”

She was cut off as a flare of white lightning smashed into her. Smoke and rubble billowed up from the ground, and a second later, Trixie hit the ground hard, her mane scuffed and pebbles in her hair.

“You cheating dog!” she bellowed over the gasps and cheers of the ponies. “I wasn’t ready!” Her eyes widened as he promptly fired another bolt at her. She shrieked like a little girl and danced out of the way as the ground she had been standing on got reduced to rubble by a second lightning bolt.

“A fighter in the Wild Outskirts won’t care if you’re ready,” Logan lectured as he aimed another bolt. “Either strike with finality, or you don’t get to strike at all!”

Trixie raced in and out of the bolts as Logan kept her on the run, sending her outside of Ponyville as she struggled to avoid getting hit.

“This wasn’t supposed to be a fight!” she protested through her rapidly growing pants.

“You challenged me to a duel,” Logan replied. “A challenge of magic; either overcome me, or admit that you can’t win.”

He threw another bolt that nicked Trixie’s hip. She hit the ground, spitting out a rock, and glowering at Logan.

“Have it your way, then,” she declared, rising up on a dark cloud tinged in red. She sunk into the cloud, before it split into several smaller fragments. A dozen variations of Trixie appeared around Logan, and blasted him simultaneously. Logan formed a shield of light around himself, before blasting up and out of their barrage. He fired a bolt at one of the Trixie clones, only for the clone to vanish in a burst of clouds.

Trixie’s laughter bellowed up from around Logan as he hit the ground again.

“A lucky strike,” Trixie admitted. “But ultimately a pointless one. Tell me, Lone Wolf of Equestria; which one of us is the real Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Logan glared at them all for a second. Dash nearly flew in to help, but had to be held back by Applejack.

“He’s got this, sugar,” she assured her. Sure enough, Logan still had a grin on his face.

“Hard to tell,” he admitted. “After all, you’re just so ordinary.”

Silence stretched for a beat.

“What?” Trixie demanded.

“Boring,” Logan replied, stretching his arms. “I honestly couldn’t tell you apart from any mare with a blue coat.”

Trixie ground her teeth in fury, before her cloud clones vanished, and she held herself even higher, red lightning crackling around her.

“WHO’S BORING NOW?!” she declared… only to get another bolt to the face. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”

“What’s the matter, Weak and Fearful,” Logan asked with a grin. “You dish out taunts; yet you can’t take em?”

Trixie lifted herself up from the ground, and blasted him. This time, one of her bolts got him, and he tumbled back across the ground, his light tendrils flickering and dying. When he lifted himself back up, his teeth were gritted in pain, and his body had a smoother quality to it.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie learns, dog,” Trixie declared, striding towards him as he seemed to be in pain just standing. “She has turned your fur to rubber, negating your precious lightning magic!” She strode confidently forward as Logan bent over, grimacing in what appeared to be agony. “And now that I’ve cut you off from your precious lightning, it’s time to…”

Trixie got too close. And while she may have changed Logan’s fur to rubber, she hadn’t accounted for his teeth. Which buried themselves in her muzzle.

Trixie screamed, her horn flaring with magic, yet the magic did nothing to get Logan off of her, His claws came up - still strong and sharp as well – and clasped her horn, shutting off her magic. Releasing her muzzle, Logan lifted Trixie by her horn, glaring into her violet eyes.

“As long as the fight’s not won,” Logan growled at her. “Never assume that your foe is helpless.”

Trixie gritted her teeth at him, furious and humiliated. Logan readied his free claw, drawing it back like he was going to tear her throat out.

“Now,” he said. “Let’s see about getting this off you.” He nearly stuck, but was stopped by Trixie’s laughter.

“What’s your intention?” she demanded. “No one can release it but I; the Great and Powerful Trixie! What do you think you can do? Rip out my throat with the amulet attached?” She chuckled, glancing behind him. “What would your 'masters' think of such an act?”

Logan glanced back. The other mares, who had been cheering his victory seconds ago, were now approaching cautiously. Dash looked ready to race in if he actually tried to hurt Trixie.

“Logan?” Applejack said cautiously. “Ya won. Please... don't hurt her anymore!”

Trixie chuckled. “Is this what you would have?” Trixie demanded. “A barbarian that knows nothing about magic except how to destroy with it?” She glared up at Logan. “You can beat me down like the abusive male you are, but ultimately, I’m better at magic than you’ll ever be! I can create wonders of the world… and all you can do is tear them down.”

Logan growled, but there was an uncertainty to his eyes now. His claw trembled in the air, and his eyes gained a sheen to them, as if he was seeing someone else that had suffered under his claws. He blinked out of his flashback, and glanced over at Twilight.

“Sparkle,” he said softly, indicating his rubberized fur. “Turn this back." He paused "Please?” he added.

“Oh! Right, um…” Twilight thought for a moment, and then her horn glowed. Logan’s fur softened, and he instantly released Trixie. The tendrils returned, still wrapped like a soothing mother around his allies.

“Alright, Weak and Fearful,” Logan growled, stepping away from her. “Let’s see these creations of yours.” He narrowed his eyes as her horn began to glow. “Don’t even think about attacking me,” he said. “I don’t mind beating your flank again.”

Trixie huffed, holding her chin high.

“You can beat on girls all day long,” Trixie goaded. “But I bet you can’t do THIS!”

She fired her horn at the two colts that had been dragging her around on a chariot. In a flash, they were mere foals, one of them crying while the other one sucked his hooves.

“An oldie, but a goodie,” Trixie boasted. “Now, let’s see what your destructive spells can do.”

Logan smirked, before his lightning gained a purple hue to it. Turning away from Trixie and Twilight, the latter of whom had one of his tendrils, he aimed at Applejack.

“Logan?” Applejack asked.

“Don’t worry,” he told her. “This’ll only sting for a second.”

Despite his assurance, Applejack yelped as his lightning flashed, strengthening the tendril already around her until she was covered by white and purple light. With the boom of thunder, the colors split apart to reveal… an orange filly. Her cowboy hat fell over her eyes, but it was the same orange fur and yellow mane and tail as Applejack.

Trixie’s look of disbelief made Pinkie laugh despite her lack of a muzzle. However, when Logan turned to her, the blue mare forced herself to look indifferent.

“Oh, ho-hum,” she scoffed. “So, you can do an age spell! Big deal!”

“Really?” Logan asked. He hit the tiny filly again, and an elderly mare took her place. Same yellow mane, same orange fur. Logan snapped his claws and turned away, and Trixie was unable to keep her jaw from dropping as Applejack apparently changed at will; a filly for five seconds, then an adult mare for five seconds, and then an elderly mare for five more seconds. As she began to glow, apparently turning back into a child, Logan spun and hurled a second bolt. This one split apart the flash… and a stallion stood in Applejack’s place. Same blonde mane, same orange fur.

“T-That’s…” Trixie stammered.

“Impossible?” Logan asked. “Why? Because a wolf’s the one doing it?”

He zapped Rainbow Dash, and just like Trixie did, she split apart into ten different copies. All with blue fur and rainbow manes.

“Stop! This… can’t be…!” Trixie sputtered, too angry and shocked for words.

But Logan had one more. With a spinning lash, he sent a whip of lightning right at Pinkie, and when the flash faded, her muzzle was returned, and she was playing a one pony band, with ten instruments.

Logan dusted his claws off, his back to a livid Trixie.

“So,” he concluded. “Still think you stand a chance against…”

Her beam of magic hit him in the head. Logan fell into the dirt while Trixie leaped on him like a wild animal.

“Logan!” the mares cried out, but Carol did not scream or howl. Tucking into a cannonball with barely a growl, the red she-wolf smashed Trixie off Logan. A horrible TEAR split the air as Trixie fell away, Logan’s leather jacket clasped in her teeth. Logan’s tendrils completely faded, the spider web of light flicking off like a light switch, while he howled his despair at the sight of his torn jacket.

As Carol helped Logan up, Trixie hefted up the torn jacket like it was solid gold.

“Now I understand,” Trixie insisted, draping the jacket around herself. “A simple wolf like you can’t do magic! It was only thanks to this! Some… artifact or something.” She laughed at the look of rage on Logan’s face as he took in the torn sleeves. Briefly, she tried to fit it onto herself, but with the wind picking up, the leather jacket blew right off her. With a growl of frustration, Trixie yanked the alicorn amulet off, and clumsily tied the jacket around in its place.

“Stand back,” Trixie declared, stamping her hoof at Logan when he tried to draw closer. “You gaze upon an ever greater and ‘powerful’-er Trixie!”

Lightning split the air, but Logan didn’t stop coming. Trixie didn’t even notice Dash yank the amulet off the ground from where Trixie threw it, carrying it far out of her reach.

“Let’s see how you handle this!” Trixie declared, firing a burst of magic right into Logan’s chest.

Logan skidded back an inch or so, but wasn’t knocked off his feet. He glanced down at the scorch mark left in his fur, and then gave Trixie a look of indifferent irritation.

“W…” Trixie stammered. “That was supposed to make you writhe in agony!”

Logan glanced down at the scorch mark, before shrugging. “I guess it tickled,” he admitted.

"Tickled?!" Trixie gaped at him before looking down at his jacket. “No…” she whimpered. “This… this jacket is defective!” She threw it aside and spun for her amulet, only to find it gone. “W-Where is my amulet!? Give it back!”

“Sorry,” Dash called, too far for Trixie to stop her. “This is going back into hiding, where it belongs.” She placed the amulet in a lock box, and slammed it shut, the key locking the box with a satisfying click.

Trixie didn’t even get the chance to scream before Logan stood in front of her.

“By the way,” Logan noted. “That jacket being the source of my power?” He flexed his arms, and his lightning tendrils reappeared again.

Trixie actually started to cry, tears shimmering in her eyes.

“It… but… no… but… how?” she finally choked out. “How did you do those spells? No pony can do those spells.”

“I’m not a pony,” Logan replied, before glancing at Twilight. “But you’re half right in one regard.”

Twilight stepped up with a grin, her hoof touching the tendril connecting her to Logan.

“Logan taught me about how his magic works,” Twilight explained. “His people’s magic takes the form of a ‘pack link;’ a telekinetic connection of sorts, that they can only make with pack mates – or very close allies.” She took a moment to grin in thanks at Logan. “The pack link allows wolves to share memories and abilities between each other. All I had to do was send my magic through my connection to Logan… and combine the magic of pack with the magic of friendship!”

She indicated the stallion Applejack again, who rubbed the paint off to reveal Big Mac, Applejack’s brother. The elderly and young versions of Applejack similarly revealed themselves as Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. As for Rainbow Dash, the ten clones of her revealed themselves to just be ten pegasi. Trixie gaped at them all in shock.

“You see, ‘Weak and Fearful Trixie,’” Logan continued. “An ancient artifact of power can make you strong, but it won’t make you invincible. There are many ways to take down a foe. Some can out-match it. Others can outsmart it. Wolves and ponies?” He shot a grin at Twilight. “We’re better off finding friends; working together to overcome it.”

Trixie just stared in dumbfounded shock.

“W-What about the pony with the ten instruments?” she mumbled weakly.

Logan laughed at that. “Obviously, you don’t know Pinkie Pie very well.”

Pinkie chuckled before continuing to play her one pony band.

“But you did get one thing right,” Logan admitted, striding up to Trixie. “My jacket does have one special power.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, and she looked down at the shredded leather. “W-What’s that?” she asked.

He leaned in close, a wide smile on his face. “When someone steals or damages it… IT PISSES ME OFF!”

A flash of lightning, a boom of thunder, and the next thing anyone knew, Trixie was spiraling through the air, Logan’s claw still held in the pose of an uppercut. Trixie’s cry faded in the afternoon air, with Trixie herself vanishing in a small sparkle on the horizon.

“Logan!” Pinkie scolded. “That was not very Paragon!”

Logan gathered up his jacket and spat at where Trixie had been.

“Renegade for life,” he replied, before striding back for the forest.

“Hang on,” Twilight said. Logan rolled his eyes and turned back, ready for an argument.

However, Twilight only indicated the two baby foals, still blubbering and crying.

“I… may need your help to put them back to normal,” Twilight admitted. “You’re pack link provides me with the needed power.”

“And,” Rarity interjected. “That jacket is in need of some serious repairs, darling. Your father wouldn’t like to be worn in pieces, now would he?”

Logan stared at them for a second, but couldn’t stop his grin from returning. Or his lightning tendrils from brightening as he returned to them.