• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,078 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

  • ...

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Zap Apple Season

Author's Note:

Quick Disclaimer: Thank you for being patient. Sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

"The Timberwolves are howling! The Timberwolves are howling!" Granny Smith shouts while banging pans together as she sprints. "The Zap Apples are coming! The Zap Apples are coming!"

Applejack and Big Mac open the window to see Granny Smith running back and forth as the Timberwolves continue to howl during the night. The two sigh heavily. Without Apple Bloom, they are unable to feel any sort of happiness about the Zap Apples. It'll only be another day at the farm working. Big Mac and Applejack go back to bed as Granny continues to bang her pans as she sprints.

It's now 7:00 in the morning. Big Mac and Applejack eat their breakfast and head outside to place the baskets all around the trees.

"Zap Apples are coming," Applejack emotionlessly said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac responds.

"I'm sure Apple Bloom would have loved making the Zap Apple jam with Granny."


"Wherever she is, I hope Apple Bloom is alright," Applejack said.

Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC are packing up. The CMC are wearing their disguises. As for Starlight Glimmer, she is dressing up as a rock punk. She doesn't want anypony in Ponyville to know who she in case they stumble upon her village in the future. Mainly Big Mac, Applejack, and their friends that's on the list. Night Glider won't be in disguise. She'll be in the clouds as they travel around in Ponyville until they reached the Everfree Forest. Two hours later, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC take the train to Ponyville.

Throughout the day in Ponyville, Filthy Rich visits Sweet Apple Acres, after hearing the news of the Zap Apples. Rich sees Granny Smith singing to the waters in a circular motion while wearing bunny pajamas.

"Hello, Granny Smith."

"Howdy, Rich."

"I hear that the Zap Apples are coming."

"Four days, to be exact. Say, Rich. How are those private investigations going?"

Rich sadly sighs. "I'm sorry Granny Smith, I had to call off the search days ago. It's been six months. I hope you understand."

"I understand, Rich. I want to thank you for all you've done for my family throughout the hard times."

"My pleasure, Granny Smith. As usual, I get the first hundred jars of your Zap Apple Jam?"

"Yes. Free of charge for your purchase."

"Granny, I don't think I can..." Rich is in shock as Granny cuts him off.

"Of course you can. You've done more than anypony in search of my granddaughter. I want to pay your kind gesture," Granny said as she smiles.

"I'm honored, Granny Smith."

"So, how is your daughter doing?"

Rich sighs heavily. "Diamond Tiara isn't improving. She's worse than before, Granny Smith."

"Worse? How can she be getting worse?" Granny raises an eyebrow in suspicion.

Rich groans. "Diamond Tiara has been writing vengeful letters to me every month. I had reports of Diamond Tiara's behavior of not following the simplest command. I fear that she will become a monster that'll be locked away if she continues to neglect the discipline she needs," Rich sighs sadly. "If only I hadn't spoiled my kid too much. She would have been better..."

"Ah, Rich. You can't blame yourself for the type of parent you want to be. Things take time. I'm sure Diamond Tiara will change herself for the better."

"You believe so, Granny?"

"We Apples are honest, Rich. Be patient. Diamond Tiara will be a better pony. For all we know, she could be the one who finds Apple Bloom and her friends. She'll do the right thing and make things better," Granny smiles. "Also, it'll be a turning point for your daughter to be friends with my granddaughter."

"I wish I have your optimism, Granny Smith. Since you'll be giving me a hundred jars free, I'll have some of my workers come to the farm to help you gather as much Zap Apples as possible."

"Thanks, Rich."

"My pleasure, Granny. You and your family have a nice day," Rich waves goodbye as he leaves Sweet Apple Acres. As he trots out of Sweet Apple Acres, he imagines his daughter being beside him. He wishes to be a stricter father figure instead of being a father that spoils his kid. Someday, he'll be a better father when Diamond Tiara comes back home.

Applejack and Big Mac finished placing all the baskets by the Zap Apple Trees. With the Zap Apple leaves blossoming already, the second sign of their arrival is known.

"Hey, Big Mac?"

"Yea, Applejack?"

"You think Apple Bloom may come around during this time after missing home?"

"I don't know, Applejack. It'll be a miracle if she comes."

"I have a feeling Apple Bloom will come for the Zap Apples. She has to be missing home and wanting to come at the right time."

"We'll see Applejack. Only time will tell if she ever comes back to Ponyville."

Nightfall approaches as the train arrive in Ponyville. Night Glider zooms out of the train and lands on a cloud, distant from the train station. Starlight Glimmer and the CMC get off the train. Instant memories surging back within Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Good and bad.

"We're...home..." Apple Bloom sadly states.

"No, this isn't our home. Starlight's Village is our home. This place was only temporary," Sweetie Belle coldly said.

"We're here for Zap Apples in the Everfree. Not to engage with everypony in Ponyville that still hates us," Scootaloo said.

Starlight walks up to the Ponyville Directory and reads the map of Ponyville. She scans the map to locate a hotel in Ponyville. Unfortunately, there is no hotel. The hotel is now a gathering for ponies who needs guidance.

"Oh great," Starlight said disappointingly. "There is no hotel in Ponyville anymore. They've changed the infrastructure. We're gonna have to sleep outside for the night."

"Outside?!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom whines.

"Sorry, girls. For the night, we're camping."

Scootaloo thought of an idea. She hopes it won't cause any suspicion during the night.

"I have an idea, Starly."

"What is it, Scootaloo?"

"My aunts' house is not far from here. We can spend the night there."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look at Scootaloo in shock and silence. Starlight trots up to Scootaloo.

"How far is it, Scootaloo?"

"Ten minutes from here. They will be happy to see me. They are also aware that I've been living with you. My parents have kept them updated since they are family."

"Alright, Scootaloo. Lead the way."

Starlight alerts Night Glider of the direction they are going. Night Glider hovers forty feet on the way to Scootaloo's aunts' house. Ten minutes later, everypony arrives at Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty's house. Scootaloo feels uneasy being here after running away from home. Scootaloo hangs her head down in sadness. A few tears stream down on her face. Unknowing if they were to tell everypony the next day that she and her friends have returned home. Scootaloo looks at her friends, Starlight Glimmer, and Night Glider. Seeing their faces gives Scootaloo much-needed confidence to knock on the door.

"Just one minute," Holiday cheerfully said. She opens the door to see the group of ponies in their costumes. "Uh, Nightmare Night is two weeks away."

Scootaloo takes a deep breath. "Hi, Aunt Holiday."

Eyes widen for Holiday as she grabs and hugs Scootaloo happily. Tears of joy streaming down.

"Lofty! Come down here! Qui-" Starlight uses her magic to conceal Holiday's mouth. Hoping that the other neighbors aren't disturbed from Holiday's cheerful cries.

"Can we come in, Aunt Holiday. There is a lot to explain," Scootaloo said.

Holiday nods and allows the ponies to enter her home. Starlight releases her grip on Holiday's mouth.

"My apologies, Ms. Holiday. We wish not to be discovered by anypony else in Ponyville."

"Of course. I believe you are this, Starlight Glimmer?"

"That is correct. Does anypony else know of me?"

"Only my wife, Lofty."

"Good, we need to keep things as is."

Auntie Lofty comes downstairs after hearing Holiday call out to her. She is wearing her purple pajamas.

"What is it you want, Holiday?" Lofty sees the group of ponies. "If you ponies are here for Nightmare Night, you'll have to wait another two weeks for your candy."

Scootaloo removes her helmet and skull mask. Lofty covers her mouth in shock and happiness. First time in nearly a year she's seen her niece. Scootaloo smiles and hugs Lofty. Lofty clutches onto Scootaloo, tears of joy streaming down on her face.

"Scootaloo, I am so happy you came back home," Lofty looks at the other two fillies who remove their disguises. "Ah, your friends. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's great to know you girls are alright and safe after all."

"Hi there, Lofty. I'm Starlight Glimmer. I've been the guardian of these fillies here."

"Thank you for watching over them, Starlight Glimmer," Lofty graciously said.

"You're welcome."

"So, why are you here?" Lofty asks.

"We've come here for the Zap Apples," Apple Bloom said.

"I see. The temptation of the Zap Apple season got the better of you."

"That's not it, Ms. Lofty. We're here for the Zap Apples so we can grow our own at the village. Also, we're taking the apple seeds from the barn to grow apple trees as well."

"Why haven't you tried ordering an apple tree or used the seeds of the apples at the village?" Lofty asks.

"The seeds from those apples aren't strong enough to grow. The seeds at Sweet Apple Acres are stronger to grow many fruitful apple trees. Ordering an apple tree may risk my friends and me from being discovered. Apple family members personally deliver trees to their designation."

"That is understandable and reasonable," Lofty answers.

"With that being said and done, will it be alright for my friends and me to sleep over for the next few nights?" Scootaloo asks.

"We're not going to say no to our favorite niece. Of course, you and your friends can stay," Holiday said.

"Just another thing you can do for us," Starlight asks.

"Sure, anything." Holiday replies.

"Can you check to see the progress of the Zap Apples. It'll help us on which day to go picking in the Everfree forest," Apple Bloom asks.

"The Everfree Forest?! Why there?!" Lofty and Holiday ask nervously.

"My Granny found the Zap Apples in there. When I know what day they'll arrive, we can go in there and search for ourselves. Also, we don't want to raise suspicions in Sweet Apple Acres."

"Once again, understandable and reasonable," Lofty and Holiday turn to Starlight Glimmer. "Make sure that Scootaloo and her friends are safe and sound during and after the visit to the Everfree Forest."

"Don't worry. I'll protect Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Starlight reassuringly said.

"Thank you," Lofty said.

"Thank you very much," Holiday said.

"You're welcome."

Lofty and Holiday set up the guest rooms for their visitors. They took Scootaloo for much-needed catching up as a family. After a few hours, everypony goes to sleep.

The next day. Lofty and Holiday decide to check the status of the Zap Apples. They told Scootaloo and her friends to remain indoors. Also, they'll be doing their errands. Starlight and Night Glider affirm that they and the girls will stay in the house at all costs.

"Alright. We should be back later in the afternoon. Also, don't open the door to anypony."

"Understood, Aunt Holiday."

"Good, Scootaloo. See you all later."

Holiday and Lofty leave the house. They are on their way to Rich's Barnyard Bargains store to know of the Zap Apples. They found out that the Zap Apple jam won't be in stores for another three days. After leaving the store with their groceries, the two carried on with their errands in Ponyville. Two hours later, Lofty and Holiday return home to inform Apple Bloom of the Zap Apple status.

"Apple Bloom," Holiday calls out.

"Yes, Ms.Holiday?"

"Zap Apple jam will not be in stores for another three days."

"Then, we have two days to wait."

"Two days, Apple Bloom?" Starlight asks.

"Yes. Three days for the Zap Apple foods to be produced, two days to gather them."

"Alright, then. Let's start coming up with a new plan of action."

The day goes by as the third sign of the Zap Apples arrives. Crows are flying around the Zap Apple Trees in a heart insignia formation. Then the Zap Apple flowers spawn on the Zap Apple Trees. Big Mac and Applejack didn't show much emotion. How could they when Apple Bloom isn't around. Despite the two recovering and accepting reality, it is still hard for them to feel any sort of happiness.

"Two more days then, they are fully grown."

"Eeyup," Big Mac agrees tiredly.

"Was it like this when I went to Manehattan years ago?"

"Similar Applejack. You chose to leave and then come back on your own. As for Apple Bloom, she left because of our doing and everypony else's. I highly doubt she'll come back on her own. Not after what she endured."

"I wish I can give her Zap Apples. Hug her, talk to her, and listen."

"I hear you, Applejack. The same is for me. We can't keep holding onto the past. We have to keep moving forward."

"I know Big Mac. I know..." Applejack starts trotting away.

"Where are you going, Applejack?"

"I'm going to visit Fluttershy. I need to destress."

"Alright, then."

Applejack trots out of Sweet Apple Acres and goes to Fluttershy's cottage. On the way there, she sees other ponyfolk talking with their younger siblings and loving them. It hurt Applejack, knowing she messed up with her sister. After a half-hour, she made it to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocks on the door anticipating Fluttershy to open but instead, it is Discord.

"Discord?!" Applejack sternly calls out.

"Applejerk," Discord calmly said.

"Discord," Fluttershy calls out frustratedly.

"What? What did I do, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy trots up to the door and Discord.

"That is not how you greet guests."

"Hmmph," Discord cross his arms. "The apple pony only wants to use my magic for her desire instead of building up on our friendship, Fluttershy."

"Use you, no. I want you to help me out is all."

"Oh yeah, right. I'm just a scapegoat to you, cause I know where exactly your sister and her friends are."

Applejack grits her teeth in anger.

"Discord, stop."

"It's true, Fluttershy. You remember what happened the last time I've seen her. All she did was threatened me with her friends of turning me back to stone instead of reforming me. Twilight and she wanted to use my magic to fix their messes. You don't see them helping me learn more about Friendship, do you?"

"You have a valid point, Discord," Fluttershy turns to Applejack. "Are you okay. Applejack."

"I'm fine," Applejack replies.

"Then come on in, Applejack. Discord and I are having tea and tea cakes."

Applejack backs away. "Maybe another time. Sorry for wasting your get together with Discord," Applejack trots away, not allowing Fluttershy to respond.

"How rude of you, Applejack," Discord slams the door. "I swear," Discord sighs. "Ponies only want to use me instead of getting to know me."

"It's okay, Discord. I want to know more about you if you don't mind."

"Not at all, Fluttershy. Not at all.

Applejack trots back to Sweet Apple Acres. She ignores the ponyfolk talking to their siblings in rage and anger. Discord ruined her day with Fluttershy. Discord depleted any chance she has to locate her sister, Apple Bloom.

"That varmint should have the decency of respecting me for releasing him. He owes me as well," Applejack angrily stated in her mind.

It's now 8:00 at night. Starlight, Night Glider, and the CMC forged the plan that'll work. Holiday and Lofty are out for the time being.

"Alright, let's go over the operation one more time," Starlight said.

"There are two signs left of the Zap Apples. Thanks to Lofty and Holiday of the status, I can say that the next sign won't show until tomorrow night. Then, the final sign will come in the afternoon. That is when the Zap Apples will emerge. The Zap Apples will stay on the trees for twenty-four hours. Once those twenty-four hours are gone, the Zap Apples disappear as quick as a lightning strike," Apple Bloom states.

"The afternoon of the final sign, that is the evening we need to be in motion," Sweetie Belle said.

"Late in the evening, when my family is asleep. We need to head over to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres before venturing in the Everfree Forest. We need the apple seeds that are in the barn house. Once I gather the apple seeds, we proceed to enter the Everfree Forest."

"From there, we check all areas of the Everfree in search of our supply Zap Apples," Scootaloo said.

"We can snag a few from Sweet Apple Acres but not much to be noticeable," Apple Bloom states.

"As for the timberwolves, my magic is strong enough to blast them to smithereens. Cockatrice, I can teleport them away. As for the Ursa Minors, I can teleport us away from its' vision," Starlight comments.

"Since Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have been in the Everfree Forest, they can navigate us away from anything harmful or poisonous to us," Night Glider said.

"There is one Zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest. She may become a problem if she catches us," Apple Bloom states.

"I'll give her a day's worth of amnesia if she were to find us," Starlight said, reassuringly.

"Good. If we are unsuccessful in finding our supply, we'll have to try again next year," Scootaloo said.

"There won't be a next year when we find them," Apple Bloom states. "I would hate to return after failing to try the first time."

"Agreed," Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said in unison.

"I'll be keeping watch at all times," Night Glider said. "I'll scout ahead to see if the Zap Apples are insight. That is the same at Sweet Apple Acres. Watching to see if any of your family decides to come out to work."

"Then, it's all settled," Apple Bloom said.

Lofty opens the door as Holiday walks inside. They have an update of the Zap Apples to tell the girls in the living room.

"Girls," Holiday said. "You may have a difficult situation at Sweet Apple Acres."

"What is it, Aunt Holiday?"

"Filthy Rich is sending his workers to help out at Sweet Apple Acres once the Zap Apples arrive."

"What?!" Apple Bloom shrieks.

"They will be gathering all of the Zap Apples."

"Oh, great!" Apple Bloom flops backward onto the floor.

"We will have to proceed on gathering the apple seeds at the barn tomorrow night," Starlight said.

Everypony agrees to her plan.

"Alright, we'll do just that."

"You know, we can get the apples at Sweet Apple Acres. That way, you don't have to be sneaky about it," Lofty suggests.

"Wouldn't that be smarter, Apple Bloom?" Starlight asks.

"It would. Though, it wouldn't hurt to get the apple seeds that are ready for planting. Sometimes, apples from Sweet Apple Acres doesn't have seeds in them. I rather have seeds than be seedless from the apples. Also, asking the wrong question around Applejack will cause a disturbance. She will catch on with the idea."

"Alright, I'll take your word from it. You know your sister better than any of us," Holiday said.

"So, how was the book club?" Scootaloo asks her aunts.

"Not so subtle when you have Rainbow Dash raving about the Daring Do series," Lofty replies.

"Also, how were you able to get the info of Filthy Rich, Ms.Holiday?" Starlight asks.

"A representative of Filthy Rich was trying to sell his novels that his cousin wrote for profit. Also, alerting us that Zap Apple Season will be more than plentiful for everypony," Holiday said.

"Also, he asked for volunteers at the book club. Volunteers will be rewarded," Lofty said.

"Hmm, will the volunteers get to keep some Zap Apples for themselves?" Starlight asks.

"We're not sure. We'll ask tomorrow. We won't mind giving you our portion of Zap Apples," Lofty said. Holiday nods in agreement.

"Perfect. If it follows through, we have a backup plan," Starlight said.

"Yea. Hopefully, it'll work out," Apple Bloom said.

"Thank you for the info, Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty," Scootaloo hugs her aunts.

"You're welcome," They smile and hugs Scootaloo.

The following day starts as usual at Sweet Apple Acres. The fourth sign already made its presence late last night with the shooting stars illuminating the Zap Apple Trees. Applejack decides to buck regular apple trees in anger. She is still infuriated with Discord. She can't stop thinking of Discord. She imagines the apple trees being Discord's face as she bucks them hard. Big Mac sees the anger in Applejack's expression but allows her to take the frustrations at the apple trees. The Zap Apple season's stress of not having Apple Bloom must have got to her. Big Mac proceeds with his work on the farm.

Later in the day, Lofty and Holiday leave the girls in the house to look for Filthy Rich. They wanted to ask some questions in regards to volunteering for the Zap Apples. As the two trots to Rich's Barnyard Bargains, they see a group of ponies outside of the store. Lofty asks a random pony about what's happening. He replies, stating that he and other ponies are in line to sign up for volunteer work at Sweet Apple Acres. Lofty and Holiday wait in line to ask some questions before signing up. After twenty minutes of waiting, Rich sees Holiday and Lofty at the table.

"Hello, Holiday and Lofty. How are you two doing?"

"We are alright, Rich," Lofty said.

"Splendid. So, I'm guessing you are wondering about your niece, Scootaloo?"

"Yes. How are the investigations going, Mr.Rich?" Holiday asks.

"I'm sorry, ladies. I had to call off the search days ago. I hope you understand," Rich sadly states.

"We understand. You've done more than anypony else could," Holiday said happily.

"So, Rich. Do the volunteers get some Zap Apples after the work?" Lofty asks.

"Well, after some talks with Big Macintosh and Granny Smith last night, we agree on one basket of Zap Apples for the volunteer. In this case, I would personally give you and Holiday two baskets of Zap Apples."

Holiday and Lofty smile graciously. Not only they'll have two baskets of Zap Apples to give to Scootaloo and her friends, but they can also assure them that there is no need to venture into the Everfree Forest for their supply.

"So, when does the Zap Apple picking starts?" Holiday asks.

"Tomorrow at noon, Holiday."

"Thank you, Rich." Lofty and Holiday sign their names up on the list.

"Thank you for your services. I may not get the chance to thank you tomorrow. I'll be managing my crew to help the Apple Family gather the Zap Apples. I'll be informing the Apple Family of the volunteers that signed up, especially the two of you later today."

"Thank you once more, Rich. You have a nice day," Lofty said.

"You too," Rich smiles.

Lofty and Holiday walk back home. Rich's smile fades away. He is unable to feel any comfort knowing he and his team failed in finding their niece and her friends. Rich concludes the volunteer signup sheet and trots to Sweet Apple Acres to discuss on the matter. On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, he sees Applejack bucking intensely at an apple tree, knocking it down with sheer force. Rich understands the loss of a sibling has gotten the better of Applejack. Rich sees Granny Smith sitting at the porch on her rocking chair.

"Hello, Granny Smith."

"Howdy, Rich."

"Where is Big Mac?"

"He's out in the fields."

"Alright, I have the signup sheet of volunteers. I would like to discuss more thoroughly with you and Big Mac."

"Alright, then. Come on in, Rich. I'll get Big Mac so we can discuss more on tomorrow's objective."

Rich enters the house and sits down on a chair. After a while, Big Mac and Granny Smith made their way to the living room to have their meeting with Rich.

"Before we discuss, I want to know. How is Applejack doing?"

"Not well, Rich. Zap Apple Season is normally a great pride and joy within the Apple Family. Due to Apple Bloom not being here with us, it has gotten the better of Applejack. For now, it is best to leave her be and allow her to take her frustrations at the apple trees," Big Mac states.

"I understand."

"Now, Rich. How many ponies are coming to help us tomorrow afternoon?" Granny asks.

"For my workers at my Barnyard Bargains, I have twenty workers who are coming in. I also have fifteen volunteers as well."

"That should be plenty of ponies to gather all the Zap Apples if we all work together," Granny said.

"Lofty and Holiday are volunteering," Rich states.

"Scootaloo's aunts? That's unexpected," Granny said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac shockingly express.

"Now, I've told the volunteers they'll be getting a basket of Zap Apples for their hard labor."

Big Mac and Granny nod in understanding. They agreed on that decision last night when discussing the Zap Apple gathering.

"The hours for your workers and volunteers will be the same with rotating shifts. That way, we can gather them without tiring ourselves," Granny said.

"Also, Applejack's friends will be helping, as well," Big Mac said.

"Good, after witnessing their teamwork brewing apple cider against the Flim Flam Brothers, gathering Zap Apples will be a piece of cake."

"Agreed," Big Mac and Granny state.

"Then, we have nothing to worry about," Rich gets up. "I'll see you Apples later," Rich said as he's about to leave the Apple house.

"Thank you for coming by. Have a nice day, Rich," Granny said as she waves.

"You're welcome, Granny Smith. I'll see you tomorrow at noon," Rich leaves the house.

"I better go inform Applejack for tomorrow's Zap Apple gathering, Granny."

"Alright, Big Mac. I'll get everything else settled in the house."

Big Mac leaves the house and trots to Applejack. She knocks down yet another apple tree in anger. She is still thinking about Discord and his selfish reason for not helping her locate her sister. Big Mac worries that the stress of Apple Bloom is getting into Applejack more than usual.


Applejack angrily glares at Big Mac. He flinches a bit seeing Applejack, irate.

"What is it, Big Mac?"

Big Mac sighs. "Granny and I finished talking with Rich at the house. We'll be having thirty-five ponies helping us tomorrow at noon with the Zap Apple gathering."

"Alright, then. Also, my friends are coming to help, as well."

"I mentioned that to Rich."

"Whatever," Applejack angrily said.

"Is the stress of Apple Bloom, making you angry, Applejack?"

"I'm fine, Big Mac. Nothing to worry about."

"You knocked down a hoof-full of trees, Applejack. You are not alright."

Applejack glares at Big Mac and trots away from him. Big Mac watches and shakes his head. He is worried that the stress is getting the better of Applejack and, he doesn't know how to approach it. Big Mac sighs and trots back to the house. Applejack decides to go back to Fluttershy's cottage. She knows Discord won't be there the second day in a row. After a while, Applejack made it to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocks on the door waiting for Fluttershy to open the door. Instead of Fluttershy, Discord answer the door. Applejack breathes heavily in anger for seeing Discord the second time this week.

"Hello, Applejack."


Discord sighs. "Fluttershy, the stubborn apple pony is here."

Fluttershy trots to the door. She sees Discord feeling discomfort just by looking at Applejack's expression.

"That's better, Discord. Tea is ready. Have a seat, please," Fluttershy said in a respectful, quiet tone.

Applejack takes a deep breath, calming herself down long enough. Discord steps aside and sits down.

"Howdy, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy steps outside and closes the door.

"How are you doing, Applejack?"

"Not well, Fluttershy. I've been angry and stressed out," Applejack lowers her head.

"The Zap Apple season's stress getting the better of you?"

"No. It's Discord."

"What has Discord done to you, Applejack?"

"I rather not talk about it since he's here. How long is he staying with you?"

"For a few more days. I'm teaching Discord how Friendship works in Equestria as a true friend would," Fluttershy said in a tone to indicate that Applejack should get along with Discord.

"Fluttershy," Applejack said strictly. "I will never be friends with someone who refuses to help someone to resolve an issue!" Applejack yells angrily.

Fluttershy quivers due to Applejack's angry yelling. Discord hears the conversation and teleports behind Applejack.

"You are a hypocrite, Applejack," Discord does the arms cross looking down at Applejack.

"Hypocrite?!" Applejack retorts at Discord.

"Yes, you are. You didn't reform me. Fluttershy did. You aren't my friend. Fluttershy is."

"You're the one that smirked and refused to help!" Applejack angrily yells.

"First, I answered the wrong question. Twilight asked if I could. She didn't ask if I would. That's a key difference. As I mentioned to Twilight, not everything can be her way. It's not my mess to clean up or to fix. Before turning into stone and taking over Equestria, everyone used me to clean their messes and fix their mistakes. I was never a friend, just a tool for everyone to use. I vow that'll never happen again. I saw in Twilight's eyes and everyone else's' that they were going to use me to fix their messes, then forget about me. I saw it coming a mile away. It disgusts me," Discord looking at Applejack in her eyes. "IF you want my help, you have to become my friend. A friend like Fluttershy is to me. If you don't want to be friends with me, that is your problem," Discord turns to Fluttershy. "I'll be leaving Fluttershy. I feel uncomfortable with your friend being here." Discord snaps his claw and teleports away.

Fluttershy is unable to respond. After hearing Discord and understanding his feelings, she now knows Discord is hurt. Fluttershy turns to Applejack.

"I think you should go.., Applejack."

"Choosing him over me, fine," Applejack stomps back to Sweet Apple Acres angrily.

Fluttershy sighs and enters her home. On the way back to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack ponders what Discord said to her. She still blames him for not helping and yet, another inner voice told her she is wrong. Applejack continues to stomp back, hoping to get rid of the inner voice in her mind.

In the household of Lofty and Holiday, Starlight and Apple Bloom talk more of their plan to gather the apple seeds in the barn house.

"Since we won't be going to the Everfree Forest, it'll be best that Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Night Glider to stay behind. I know my ins and outs of the barn house. I only need you to come, Starlight," Apple Bloom states.

"How much apple seeds will you be getting?" Starlight asks.

"A bag's worth to be honest. I don't want to cause suspicions and have the Apple Family go high alert cause of a robbery."

"Alright, then. Also, would it be wise to bring Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? They've seen your family before."

"I guess. I do need somepony to keep watch."

"Then, like we arrange last night before the Zap Apple plan changed, all of us should go then back to the house."

"Okay, then."

"When we leave, make sure you and the girls have the disguises on."

"We will, Starly. That's a no brainer. Like Party Favors said, gotta treat the situation like a Spy's movie."

"Good," Starlight trots and gets her disguise on.

Nightfall approaches. The Apple family is getting ready for bed except for Applejack. She decided to trot in town and visit Twilight for advice. Around the same time, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC leave the house in there disguises. They are on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way to the Golden Oak Library, Applejack sees Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Howdy, Rarity. Howdy, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey, Applejack," Rarity and Rainbow Dash sadly reply.

"I'm guessing you two are on your way to see Twilight?"

They nod in response.

"Figures," Applejack states.

"How are you holding up back at the barn, Applejack?" Rainbow asks.

"Not well, Rainbow. That is why I'm heading over to see Twilight. How bout you, Rainbow Dash?"

"I've been trying to move on but, things are difficult. What Discord told me the other day when I criticized the type of friend he'll turn out to be, he reminded me of what I've done to Scootaloo and the others. I haven't slept well in days. I will admit when Twilight asked of him if he could take us to see Scootaloo and her friends, I had no intention of becoming Discord's friend. All I cared about during that time was using Discord and having a second chance with Scootaloo. Me being the Element of Loyalty. How can I be the Element of Loyalty when I wasn't loyal to Scootaloo as a friend? I shamed her and poured rainwater on her. Group therapy hasn't helped either. I don't deserve to be the Element of Loyalty, I deserve to be the Element of Betrayal," Rainbow said, looking down in sadness.

"How about you, Rarity? I haven't seen you in quite a while," Applejack asks.

"It's hard to say how I've been doing, darling. I'm the reason why everypony in town went after my sister and her friends. I exposed the truth instead of confronting Sweetie Belle. It was after the conversation that I told everyone else in town. That's one regret I wish to take back. I hardly eat, hardly sleep. I kept pushing myself in my work. Right now, my latest trends are sadness and darkness. The gothic community is liking my designs in fashion. I feel dead inside. That's why I'm heading over to see Twilight."

"Wow, Rarity."

"So, how are things with you, Applejack?" Rarity asks.

"As I told Rainbow Dash when she asked, I'm not well."

"Well, Rainbow and I have kept you updated. We did agree to come to the farm to help you with the Zap Apples tomorrow. We would like to know your story."

"Well, it's been Tartarus! The Zap Apple Season is my family pride and joy to deliver. Not this year," Applejack shakes her head. "This year, life has been drained from my body. I am unable to feel any happiness about this year's harvest! I even tried to visit Fluttershy to destress and guess who I bumped into.., Discord! Of all ponies in Equestria, I had to see him. Not once, but twice! Discord is a reminder of how he refuses to help me, you Rarity, and you Rainbow Dash. He refused to help us! He refused to give us the information of their whereabouts!" Applejack starts panting angrily. "Could he? Could he? Could he?" Applejack breathes heavily. "He said, yes! Would he, he said no. He answered the question and, I don't care two hoots if it wasn't the right one! I will never be friends with that demented, conniving, weasel he is. To top it all, he owes us for letting him out of his stony prison. To repay us for letting him out, he should take us to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo or teleport them to us. Instead, he told us that it was our mess, not his to clean up. We had to clean up his messes in Equestria and, I bet later in life we'll have to do it a second time," Applejack irately said. "I hate Discord. He'll never be my friend. Ever."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity are worried about Applejack. They now sense a strong presence around Applejack after hearing the story. They hoped that Applejack would turn for the better but, she is turning for the worse.

"Hate is a strong word, Applejack. Remember what happened when everypony hated Gabby Gums?" Rarity asks worriedly.

"Yea, but it's different. Discord had his chance to show us the type of friend he wanted to be. He chose not to help us!"

"I understand Applejack. However, we didn't help Discord reform. Fluttershy reformed Discord, all we did was watch. It'll take us a while to become friends with Discord, Applejack. There is a level of trust during that time. Fluttershy gave Discord space and trust during the reforming stages. We threatened Discord and gave him no trust at all. I hate to say this, even after looking back, Discord did the right thing for not sending us to the CMC. How can we call ourselves good friends if we are not friends with Discord?"

"I have to agree with Rainbow Dash, Applejack. What kind of friends are we if we're only going to use him?"

Applejack is silent, stunned to hear what Rainbow and Rarity said about Discord. She's feeling betrayed that they are siding with him. He owes them for releasing him. That's more than enough to take them to her sister and friends. Applejack trots back to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Applejack, where are you going?" Rainbow asks.

"Home, I have a lot to think about and, I'm tired."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity sighs and trots to the Golden Oak Library. They still need advice from Twilight.

Twenty minutes later, Apple Bloom leads the group to Sweet Apple Acres. Night Glider is hovering forty feet as surveillance. Night Glider alerts the group of a farm pony entering the house. Apple Bloom's knees start shaking rapidly. It's the first time in nearly a year she's been back to Sweet Apple Acres. Parts of her want to go back, hug her Granny and apologize to the family of how careless she was during the Gabby Gums incident. Parts of her want things to go back to normal. She is envisioning the surprise arrival of her family. Happy faces and joyful tears to be reunited. Then her darkest thoughts come into play, from happiness to sadness. The reality is, her brother and sister hate her friends and her. Why would they accept her back? One look at her friends and new mother gives Apple Bloom much-needed confidence to concentrate on her priority.

"Night Glider, what do you see?" Apple Bloom asks.

"I see the lights going off in the house, Apple Bloom."

"Anything else?"

Night Glider flies a bit further to see up close. Then, she flies back to the group.

"No. It appears that the family is going to sleep."

"Good," Apple Bloom takes a deep breath. "Follow me, everypony and remember we have to be quiet."

The girls nod in agreement. Apple Bloom leads the group around the Apple house quietly and slowly. Night Glider watch from above. She is scouting to see of anyone else or any animal that may cause trouble for the group. The girls arrive at the barn house. They enter the barn house.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle. Keep watch. I'm gonna head up to search for the seedling box. Starlight, if you see a box with seeds inside, let me know. I have a feeling Big Mac or Applejack may have displaced the box elsewhere."

"I will, Apple Bloom," Starlight said.

"You can count on us to keep watch, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom and Starlight search high and low for the seedling box. Night Glider is on a cloud hovering above the barn house. She is keeping a watchful eye on any activity at the Apple house. So far, it's been quiet there. After a while longer, Starlight locates the seedling box. She alerts Apple Bloom to come down. Apple Bloom comes down and opens the box.

"Perfect, the apple seeds are here as expected," Apple Bloom takes three hoof-full of apple seeds then closes the box. "Alright, we need to go."

Night Glider sees two farm ponies and a dog coming out of the Apple house. She hovers down to the barn house to alert everyone.

"I see two ponies leaving the Apple house with a dog. They may come here to investigate."

"Thanks for the warning, Night Glider. Girls, we gotta go now," Starlight said.

"Our best bet is to enter the Everfree Forest and walk our way to Fluttershy's cottage. It's the only way to be unseen by Applejack and Big Mac," Apple Bloom said.

"Lead the way," Starlight said.

Apple Bloom made sure she has her bag of apple seeds. Then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo lead the group into the Everfree Forest. Big Mac and Applejack see Winona barking at the barn house.

"I wonder what's gotten Winona fired up like this," Big Mac said.

Winona starts sprinting towards the barn house. The two follow Winona to find the perpetrator. Applejack and Big Mac chases Winona when she run past the barn house. Applejack lassos her dog from going deep into the Everfree Forest.

"Oh no, you don't. It's bad enough to go into the Everfree Forest during the night. Whoever you sensed from the barn house ain't worth the trouble searching for in the Everfree Forest."


Winona continues to bark. She senses Apple Bloom. She is trying to tell Applejack and Big Mac but, it appears they are not listening. Winona gives up as Applejack forcibly takes her back to the house.

"Big Mac, check the barn house. I suspect Winona sense something there first before she sprinted towards the Everfree Forest."

"Alright, Applejack. I'll check."

Big Mac inspects the barn house high and low. During that time, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are navigating the group in the Everfree Forest. They went around the poison joke plants and herbs. Starlight Glimmer uses her horn to illuminate lighting in the Everfree Forest. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stop. They are near Zecora's hut. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo see the light in the hut dimming. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle take another alternate route in the Everfree Forest.

Twenty minutes later, the group is out of the Everfree Forest. They are near Fluttershy's cottage. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle peeked inside to see if Fluttershy is awake or asleep. They don't see her tending to the animals. They figure that Fluttershy is asleep by now. Scootaloo leads the group back to the house. During this time, Big Mac returns to the Apple house after inspecting the barn.

"So, are Winona senses right about the barn house?" Applejack asks.

Big Mac sighs. "Eeyup. Somepony nabbed apple seeds from the barn house."

"Who would nab apple seeds in the middle of the night? You can have all sorts in our apples."

"Maybe it was Apple Bloom?" Big Mac suggests.

Winona barks. Agreeing with Big Mac's suggestion.

"Or maybe we're being pranked by Discord," Applejack angrily states.

"Discord?" Big Mac confusingly states.

"Who else to mess with us either than the Lord of Chaos?" Applejack sneer.

Big Mac has a hard time answering. He couldn't think of anypony who would steal in Ponyville. He sighs in defeat, knowing he couldn't think of an answer.

"After the Zap Apple picking is over, I'm going to have a long talk with him."

Big Mac could not believe what he is hearing. The thought of Discord stealing from the Apples is unheard of but, seeing the fury coming from Applejack made it more believable than thinking Apple Bloom stealing from the barn. What would she do with them? Big Mac heads upstairs to ponder on that thought. Applejack goes to her room and slams the door.

Ten minutes later, Scootaloo knocks on the door. Lofty opens and allows the ponies to enter. Scootaloo hugs her aunts as the rest head off to the living room.

"How was your trip, girls?" Holiday asks.

"It was different than we originally planned."

"How so, Apple Bloom?"

"Things were pretty smooth until Night Glider saw my sis, Big Mac, and Winona. Granny is not the type who'll go out and investigate during the night."

"Also, we did venture into the Everfree Forest. Nothing bad happened to us there," Scootaloo said.

"I can see that," Lofty said.

The girls are taking off their disguises.

"So what time you'll be working at Sweet Apple Acres?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Noon." Lofty and Holiday said in unison. "As I mentioned earlier, Rich will be giving us two baskets of Zap Apples," Lofty said.

"Apple Bloom, you still have the apple seeds?" Scootaloo asks.

"Eeyup," Apple Bloom happily said. She shows everypony of her stash of apple seeds.

"Good. Now we wait another day for the Zap Apples. Then we can go home," Starlight said.

"Yea. Being back home in Ponyville is nice and all, but I miss my home back in the village."

"Me too, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle agrees as well.

"That includes me," Scootaloo looks at her aunts. "I love you both. I wish I can stay but, how can I? Everypony still hates us ever since the Gabby Gums incident. I can't stay in Ponyville where everypony will still be hating me..," Scootaloo lowers her head in sadness.

"We understand, Scootaloo. Your place is where your heart needs to be. Holiday and I can see that you are happy being with your friends and your new Guardian," Lofty turns to Starlight Glimmer. "We're happy when you are happy, Scootaloo. No need to worry," Lofty smiles.

"Yea," Holiday smiles as well. "We know you're in good hooves in the village you now live."

"When I get back in the next few days, I promise to keep you two updated."

"Thank you, Scootaloo," Auntie Lofty and Holiday hug Scootaloo.

Starlight and the girls go into the guest rooms and get ready to sleep. Scootaloo stays up as long as she can talking with her aunts some more.

It is now 11:00 in the morning. Aunt Holiday and Lofty leave the household. They remind the girls about not leaving the house until they come back. As they trot to Sweet Apple Acres, they meet up with Rich, the volunteers, and his workers.

"Morning, ladies," Rich said. "How are you two doing?"

"We're doing better, Rich. Though it's still hard not having Scootaloo around," Lofty said.

"Same with me. I miss my daughter, Diamond Tiara. I hope she is getting the discipline she needs to become a better pony so I can be a better father. I failed as a father. I failed to see Diamond Tiara's mean streak. I do take responsibility for her actions leading up to the Gabby Gums."

"Giving the right opportunity, you'll have a chance to redeem yourself. I do believe your daughter will be redeemed as well," Holiday said.

"You do?"

Lofty and Holiday nod in agreement.

"As I told Granny Smith the other day, I wish I have your optimism. Passionate and patience are the two key areas I failed as a parent."

"You can't keep blaming yourself for the parent you were. You need to strive to become a better parent," Holiday said.

"Thank you," Rich smiles.

"You're welcome," Holiday and Lofty said in unison.

On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash meet up with Applejack as she places more buckets around the Zap Apple trees.

"Morning, Applejack."

"Morning, Twilight. Ready to see the wonders of the Zap Apples?"

"Yes, and no."

"Huh?" Applejack wonders. "What you mean by that, Twilight?"

"I'm worried about you, Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Rarity told me how you were doing last night. You developed a strong hatred for Discord and, that isn't healthy," Twilight said worriedly.

Applejack ignores Twilight and trots elsewhere in the Zap Apple forest. Big Mac trots up to Twilight and her friends.

"Forgive Applejack, Twilight. It's not only Discord on her mind but, Apple Bloom as well. Zap Apple season isn't the same without Apple Bloom here with us."

"I understand, Big Mac. How are you coping with Applejack?"

"I'm alright, for the most part. There was a robbery last night. Somepony or something stole some of our apple seeds. They were ready for planting to replace the trees Applejack bucked down. I hope after the Zap Apple season is concluded, you and your friends can help Applejack simmer down."

"We will do what we can."

"I also have one more favor to ask of you, Twilight."

"What is it, Big Mac?"

"I want you to arrange a hangout with Discord. Discord has been in the mind of my sister recently. I would prefer if Discord and Applejack can find a mutual balance in friendship."

"The girls and I will see what we can do, Big Mac."

"Thank you, Twilight."

"You're welcome."

Rich, Holiday, Lofty, and the rest of the ponies made it to Sweet Apple Acres. Rich trots up to Big Mac to discuss more of the rotating shifts. Each team will have a two-hour shift to gather as much Zap Apples as they can. Pinkie Pie arrives last in Sweet Apple Acres, bringing a letter Fluttershy wrote for her friends in today's Zap Apple picking. Pinkie Pie reads the letter out loud, letting everypony know that she decided to be with Discord for a while. She wishes not to be disturbed for the time being. Applejack grabs the letter and stomps on it, lividly. Applejack takes a team of Rich's workers and volunteers to the southern region of the Zap Apple forest. The girls sigh as they look at Applejack. Pinkie Pie senses a disturbing presence around Applejack. She can tell that Applejack isn't herself. She's starting to become somepony else.

The final sign of the Zap Apples approaches. The Zap Apples go from colorless to colorful with a rainbow effect. Everypony is amazed by the sight of seeing the Zap Apples blossoming. Then, they split into teams and start gathering the Zap Apples. As the day goes by, more Zap Apples are spawning on the trees as everypony continues to pick them off. Applejack's inner voice starts questioning her decision to hate Discord. She shakes her head and focuses on bucking the Zap Apple trees. The voice continues to speak to her vividly, giving the impressions that Applejack was thinking selfishly and foolishly. Applejack ignores once more and gets back to bucking the Zap Apple trees.

Hours passed by, no pony wants to stop the momentum of gathering the most Zap Apples of the season. Lofty and Holiday decide to go to the Apple house for refreshments. On the way there, Rainbow Dash hovers by and greets them.

"Hey, Scootaloo's aunts, hehe..." Rainbow slowly chuckles. "How are you doing?" Rainbow slowly smiles.

"Fine, thank you very much," Lofty said.

Holiday glares slightly at Rainbow Dash.

"You're still mad at me, aren't you?"

"You and everypony else have taken our niece away. How do you think we feel, Rainbow Trash?" Holiday asks harshly and thoroughly.

"Rainbow...Trash..?" Rainbow quietly asks sadly.

"It was bad enough that you rained on our niece not once but twice. You are a constant reminder of what a friend shouldn't do to someone who didn't know what was right or wrong. Thanks to you and your so-called friends, we may never see our Scootaloo again. For all we know, she can be dead already," Lofty said harshly and strictly.

Rainbow Dash breathes heavily. Her guilty conscience is coming back to haunt her after hearing the possibility of Scootaloo being dead. Holiday and Lofty had to be sure that no pony suspects them on their recent behavior in recent days. They feel the need to express their thoughts on how everypony else has mistreated their niece and friends. In their hearts, they know it was uncalled for calling Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Trash. The two felt the need to express the little anger they couldn't release as well. They hope that Rainbow Dash truly changes herself for the better. Adding the idea of Scootaloo being dead was a bit too much to say. Hopefully, Rainbow Dash will make sure that anything similar to the Gabby Gums incident will never repeat. It's what they can hope. In due time, they will apologize for what they said to Rainbow Dash. For now, they needed to make a statement. The two enter the household for refreshments as Rainbow sits down on the ground. She is sad about the possibility of Scootaloo being dead. How could she live with herself knowing the mistake she committed months ago.

Nightfall arrives. The volunteers are granted a pardon from the nightshift. With Rich's workers continuing to aide the Apple Family with Zap Apples, Granny Smith has the baskets of Zap Apples ready to give to the volunteers. Every volunteer receives their basket and thanks, Rich and Granny Smith. Rich personally gives Lofty and Holiday their baskets of Zap Apples. They thank Rich and go home. Rainbow Dash remains in place. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie approaches Rainbow Dash.

"Dashie, are you okay?" Pinkie Pie cheerfully asks.

What seems like days for Rainbow Dash, she looks at Pinkie Pie with teary eyes.

"No... I'm not okay..." Rainbow wipes a tear away. "I'm a monster..."

"No, you're not, Rainbow Dash. You are a..."

"Monster!" Rainbow shouts as more tears stream down on her face.

"What gave you the impression of being a monster, Rainbow?" Twilight cautiously asks.

"Scootaloo's aunts. They are still mad at me, mad at us for what has happened to Scootaloo and the CMC."

"...Oh..." Twilight responds.

"What if our doing to the CMC cause them to...die..?"

Twilight frowns at the idea of three young fillies dying because of a horrid mistake they made. The others around Twilight start to become uneasy with the thought of the CMC being dead, especially Rarity. Rarity imagines seeing her sister dead and faints. Pinkie Pie catches Rarity from landing on the ground hard. Twilight doesn't know what to say or how to approach it. The only option that comes to mind is hugging Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie decides to take Rarity home and watch over her for the night. Rainbow clutches on to Twilight. She sobs uncontrollably. Rainbow is unsure of redeeming herself to Scootaloo's family.

After a while, Twilight decides to have Rainbow Dash sleepover at the Golden Oak Library. Perhaps the two can forge a plan to seek forgiveness. Around the time Twilight and Rainbow walk to the Golden Oak Library, Lofty and Holiday enter their household. Starlight Glimmer and Night Glider are awake. Scootaloo, Sweetiee Belle, and Apple Bloom are asleep. Holiday and Lofty approaches Starlight Glimmer and Night Glider.

"How are the girls doing while we were working?" Holiday asks.

"They were alright. We were bored from being cooked up in the house," Starlight answers.

"Also, I went by to the train station to see the next incoming train that'll take us back to the village. Our train will arrive tomorrow afternoon," Night Glider said.

"We'll give you some bags for the Zap Apples. We wouldn't want you lot forgetting the Zap Apples," Holiday cheerfully said.

"Thanks," Starlight and Night Glider said.

"You're welcome," Holiday replies.

It is now 11:00 in the morning. Lofty and Holiday have a doctor's appointment and a dentist's appointment to go later today. They had a big breakfast with the girls. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are happy to leave Ponyville later today. Scootaloo is not too thrilled to leave her aunts again. She's enjoying her time with them but remembers the reasoning of running away. Parts of her wants to stay in Ponyville but can't risk her sanity of being hated by everypony else in town once more. Lofty and Holiday see Scootaloo's expression and takes her to a different room for a family discussion.

"Everything okay, Scootaloo?" Holiday asks.

"Yes, and no..," Scootaloo sadly responds.

"What's wrong?" Lofty asks.

"I'm happy to be back here with you two. I miss seeing the two of you and spending my days with you. I hate to leave you a second time even though it's for the best," Scootaloo gets a little teary.

Holiday and Lofty look at each other for a few moments. The two have been planning to move out of Ponyville ever since the Gabby Gums incident spiraled out of control. Lofty comes up with an idea and smiles at Holiday. Holiday smiles and catches the idea Lofty has in mind.

"Scootaloo," Lofty said in a soothing tone. "We'll be right back momentarily."

"Okay," Scootaloo sniffs.

Lofty and Holiday go back into the kitchen and ask Starlight Glimmer to have a short talk. Starlight agrees and goes with Lofty and Holiday upstairs to their room.

"What you want to talk about, Lofty and Holiday?"

"Where is your village located at?" Lofty asks.

"Do you have a map of Equestria on you?"

"Surprisingly, we do," Holiday said. She opens the drawer and gives Starlight a map of Equestria.

"My village is in this region here," Starlight circles the unknown area of the map.

"Really? That's where your village is?" Lofty and Holiday shockingly ask.

"Yes, in a remote area undocumented, by the Equestrian government."

"This is perfect, Holiday. My idea will be perfect."

"What idea, Lofty?"

Lofty slightly sighs. "For a while now, Holiday and I were thinking of moving away from Ponyville. Due to the towns' action of driving Scootaloo away from us, we don't belong here anymore. We were discussing where to move to until you, Scootaloo, and her friends arrived on our doorsteps. Seeing Scootaloo upset about leaving us a second time, has us worried. We would like to move to your village and be with Scootaloo."

"You do?" Starlight blinks twice. She is surprised to hear ponies who are willing to move to her village. She smiles at Scootaloo's aunts.

"We don't know how to contact you either than having Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood to mail you for us."

"You have a valid point, Holiday."

"Now that you've shown us where your village is, we will be leaving Ponyville in a matter of weeks. We are looking for buyers who want our house," Lofty said.

"Alright. That'll give my villagers and I enough time to build a house for you two."

"Thank you, Starlight," Holiday and Lofty graciously said.

"My pleasure. All you have to do to get there in due time is take the train. The map will guide you to my village."

"Let's go tell Scootaloo the good news, Lofty."

Lofty nods and goes back downstairs. They see Scootaloo crying as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trying their best to comfort her.

"Scootaloo, we have good news for you," Holiday said in a cheerful tone.

Scootaloo looks at her aunts and rushes to hug them. They return the hug and look down on her, smiling happily.

"You do?" Scootaloo sniffs with a smile.

"In a matter of weeks, we'll be moving to your village," Holiday said.

Scootaloo's eyes widen. She couldn't help but smile more.

"We are looking for buyers and thanks to your guardian, Starlight Glimmer. She gave us directions on how to find the village. We promise not to tell anypony."

"Thank you," Scootaloo thankfully expressed. She continues to hug her aunts more.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are happy for Scootaloo to have a moment like this. They wish this can be the same for them. The two remembered what their sisters said and done to them and changed their minds. They are happy for Scootaloo.

It's now 11:25 in the morning. The girls have their disguises on. Starlight Glimmer and Apple Bloom are carrying the bags of Zap Apples and apple seeds. Lofty and Holiday give Night Glider some shades and a scarf to conceal her identity in town until they are out of Ponyville's range. Scootaloo hugs her aunts one last time before leaving the household. As they leave, Lofty and Holiday wave goodbye. Then they went to their appointments.

On their way to the train station, Pinkie Pie is pouncing around Ponyville, looking to spread some cheers around. She approaches the group. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are uncomfortable with Pinkie Pie being close to them. They feel that Pinkie Pie will expose them right now. Sweetie Belle decides to use a mime routine.

Sweetie Belle pretends to be trap in a box. Pinkie Pie giggles and claps for the ole trap in a box routine. Sweetie Belle shows Pinkie mime rope and ties Pinkie up. She giggles more but, when she tries to move, she is unable to. Sweetie Belle bows and walks away. Starlight Glimmer is using her magic for the invisible wall and rope to make Sweetie Belle's movement as a mime look realistic. Pinkie hobbles as the group trot to the train station.

It's now noon. Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC are moments away as the train arrives in the station. After everypony gets off the train, they enter and sit in the far back of the train.

"We did it," Apple Bloom said. She holds and looks at the bag filled with Zap Apples.

"Our mission is complete," Sweetie Belle said.

"That was some good miming skills you got there, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said.

"We should be thanking Starly. It was her magic to make my mime routine realistic."

"Yea," Apple Bloom said as she relaxes. "I thought we were going to be exposed by Pinkie Pie."

"Not on our watch," Starlight said. "We didn't come all this way to be exposed. Party Favor will be all over me that his disguises were a failure."

The girls giggle at the thought of seeing Party Favor going at Starlight Glimmer over the disguises.

"Hey, Apple Bloom," Night Glider said.

"Yes, Night Glider."

"When we get back to the village, will the Zap Apple seeds have a different timetable for growing or not?"

"I believe the Zap Apples will grow at the same time in Sweet Apple Acres. I believe there is no change in how they grow."

"Alright, then. Now we know what to expect when October comes."

The girls nod in agreement.

"As for the apple trees, that'll take years to grow. Maybe Starly can study a little time magic to accelerate the tree's growth."

"That's not a bad idea. I can use a little study with my magic to perfect time magic," Starlight said.

"Perfect," Apple Bloom said.

The train leaves the station. Discord arrives in Ponyville with Fluttershy. Discord senses the CMC on the train that just left Ponyville. He couldn't help chuckle a bit.

"What's funny Discord?"

"I'm enjoying friends helping one another is all, Fluttershy. I am enjoying our time together as friends, Fluttershy."

"Good," Fluttershy smiles.

Discord sees Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity coming up to Fluttershy.

"Well, I better get going, Fluttershy."

"Bye, Discord. See you next time."

"Discord, wait!" Twilight shouts.

Discord crosses his arms. "What is it, Twilight?"

"Discord.., would you like to hang out with us for the day?"

Discord looks at Twilight, reading her eyes. Twilight is sincere about the hangout proposal to Discord.

"You want to hang out with me?" Discord curiously asks.

"Yes. I want to apologize to you about my actions of using you to fix a problem we created," Twilight said.

"I'm sorry, Discord. In my mind, I didn't care about you. I only wanted to use you to get to Scootaloo so I can fix my mistake. For all the wrong I've done, I don't deserve to be the Element of Loyalty. I deserve to be the Element of Betrayal. I betrayed the ways of Friendship. I want to redeem myself. Starting on that road, I feel the need to apologize to you and how I acted towards you. I'm sorry that I didn't help you reform, Discord."

"I'm sorry for how I was going to use you to get to my sister. I was very selfish to use you and forget about you. I'm sorry for not building up a friendship with you when Fluttershy reformed you. It was uncalled for to use you for my purposes. When Twilight asked of you, I was on board to make you believe I can be your friend so I can ditch a monster like you for my sister. The truth is, I'm the monster. I exposed the identity of Gabby Gums to the entire town. It is my mess to clean up for my actions, not yours. I understand if you wish not to forgive me during this time. I know for a fact I have a long way to become your friend, Discord."

Discord sees the potential within Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to redeem themselves for the trouble and trauma they inflicted on him and the CMC. Discord thinks for a while in his mind to forgive them or not. After a few moments, Discord decides to give the trio a chance to become his friend. He hopes that there is no manipulation to get what they want.

"I accept your apologies, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity. You have a lot to do to earn my trust and friendship. For now, a simple hangout will do."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity didn't think Discord would accept their apologies right away. They are in shock and relieve a little. Fluttershy puts her hoof on Discord's paw, indicating that he made the right decision. Discord looks down at Fluttershy then, smiles.

"So, where will we be hanging out at?"

"The lake," Twilight said.

"A day at the lake sounds fun," Discord said.

Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Discord goes to the lake to have a pleasant time together. For the first time, Discord gets to bond with Fluttershy's friends and, it'll be a turning point for a new chapter in their lives.

Hours later, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC get off the train. An hour later, Starlight, Night Glider, and the CMC are back home. They cheer loudly in success. Night Glider enters her home and relaxes. Starlight trots over to Party Favor's house and knocks on the door. Party Favor answers the door.

"Hey, Starlight," He sees Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "Hey, you three. Did the disguises worked out?"

"Yes. I wanted to come by and personally tell you that your disguises worked like a charm."

"Thank you for letting me know, Starlight Glimmer."

"You're welcome, Party Favor. Have a nice night."

Starlight Glimmer takes the girls to the house. Upon arrival, Starlight flops onto the couch in exhaustion. Before going upstairs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo hug Starlight. They took the Zap Apples and put them in the fridge. Apple Bloom puts the apple seeds on the table. Then the girls go upstairs to undress. Once they got out of their disguises, they went to sleep. Starlight didn't feel like taking off her costume and falls asleep.

Tomorrow, the village will celebrate a victory. In a few weeks, they'll be preparing for two newcomers to live with them.

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