• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,079 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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Fire Flier is navigating Diamond Tiara into the tunnel system of Baltimare. It's been three days since arriving at Spitfire's abandoned house. Fire Flier received a special letter from the cult's current location yesterday. Diamond Tiara can't wait to join them.

"So, how far are these tunnels?" Diamond Tiara asks as her voice echos the tunnels.

"Far, and keep your voice down. These ways have ears at times," Fire said in a lowered tone.

"How is that possible?"

"If you think there is only one cult, then you are wrong. There are many in Equestria and, not everyone is on the same side."

"What's the name of this cult?"

"I cannot say until you are, initiated."

"Fine. How much longer?"

"Another half-hour."

Fire leads the way deeper into the tunnels. Half an hour later, the two come across an entrance with symbolic meanings. There are two guards holding torches.

"Fire Flier, welcome back," A red earth pony said.

"Thank you, Scattershot."

"Who is this one?" Looking at Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond Tiara. Our newest recruit."

"Let's see if she commits," Scattershot said. He stands aside to allow the two to enter.

"Let's go," Fire said.

Diamond Tiara walks in and sees a group of ponies sitting by a conference table. The looks at the ponies Diamond Tiara sees look broken and disturbed. Some ponies have scars on their faces and bodies. One unicorn has her horn broken with a scar on her right eye.

"Hello, Tempest."

"Fire Flier."

Diamond Tiara sees the two staring at each other like they hate each other.

"How is it working for the Storm King?" Fire coldly states.

"The Storm King shows promise in conquering the world. We're biding our time for the new incarnation of Princess Twilight Sparkle becoming stronger. When she does, we'll take down Canterlot, their forces will crumble, and their magic will belong to us," Tempest responds coldly.

Diamond Tiara begins to worry a bit due to the Storm King's plan. Tempest and Fire laugh. Now Diamond Tiara is confused on the matter.

"That idiot of the Storm King will more likely fall to his doom by doing that," Fire jokingly claims.

"We'll see what happens when the time comes."

"Uh, what is happening?" Diamond asks.

"Tempest and I go way back. Years after I scorched the Royal Guard Training Facility for rejecting me, I ran into Tempest. We agreed on certain things and joined the cult together. We've become friends in secrecy since."

"As much as I admire the Storm King on his promise, Fire believes he'll betray me once he has everything. I'm going to see it through when its time for the invasion."

"So, why be in a cult when you work for Storm King?"

"Storm King is my backup plan. The cult that Fire and I are in shows more promise. We're trying to plan our next move."

"I have a plan for all of you," Diamond sinisterly said.

"Care to tell us?" Tempest asks.

"After, I've been initialized into the cult."

"Bring the book here!" Tempest commands. An earth pony brings the book to her. She opens the book. "Place your hoof on the book."

Diamond Tiara places her hoof on the book.

"What is your name?" Tempest chants.

"Diamond Tiara!"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for many reasons. One, my father Rich put me in a boot camp for troubling ponies. Two, the Princesses scold me of being a bully. Three, the Executioner, Starlight Glimmer, stripped my cutie mark away. Four, a trio of friends sought to get revenge on me."

"How will you retaliate?"

"Making everyone suffer the way they made me suffer. Become a monster they'll fear for the rest of their miserable lives."

Tempest smiles. "Welcome to The Dark Order. On this day and further out, your mission is to make others suffer as we take over in the new world," A dark aura ring phases through Diamond Tiara. It causes her to cough and gasp a bit. "By joining The Dark Order, you are not allowed to speak of its name. If you try to disown The Dark Order to save yourself, the magic now inside will render you helpless and put you in a vegetative state. Do you understand?"

"Loud and clear," Diamond Tiara smiles devilishly.

"Tempest," A dark blue pegasus known as Jet Blaze walks in.

"Yes, Jet?"

"I've scouted the Crystal Empire as you requested. I have a horn for you to see." Eyes widen for Tempest. Jet Blaze reveals the horn to Tempest. "According to our research, there is a soul trapped within the horn."

"Who's horn, is it?" Tempest commands.

"King Sombra. Former ruler of the Crystal Empire before Princess Cadance took over. We believe with the Alicorn Amulet that we can remove Sombra's soul from the horn then, we can use the Alicorn Amulet's power to merge the horn with you."

Tempest takes a deep breath. "Bring Crimson here. I want the horn, now!"

"Right away, Tempest," Jet trots to get Crimson.

"Hmm, it looks like you won't be needing Storm King's help after all," Fire said.

"Even so, I'm going to see how far I can take this before reporting to the Storm King. If it fails, then I have his word on restoring my horn with his absolute power."

"100 bits he betrays you once he has absolute power," Fire said.

Tempest rolls her eyes as Jet trots back with Crimson. Crimson is a red unicorn with one eye. His mane is black.

"Ready, Tempest?" Crimson says as he puts on the Alicorn Amulet.

"Hurry it up. I waited too long for my horn," Tempest said, getting in position.

"As you wish," Crimson said. He uses his magic to tap into the Alicorn Amulet. Using his power, he remove King Sombra from his horn and containing him in a jar. Then, Crimson places the horn on Tempest to merge. After a few moments, a reddish dark orchid color aura forms. Sombra's magic fused with hers is giving Tempest more power than before. "There, it's done."

Everyone looks to see Tempest with her new horn. She looks the same except for her eyes. Greenish reddish-black is Tempest's eye color now. Tempest uses her magic to levitate a mirror to look at herself.

"The horn seems fitting. As for my eyes, I can input more fear on ponies."

"How do you feel?" Fire asks.

"More powerful than I was."

Sombra wakes up and notices his horn is gone. He tries to use force to break out of his containment.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Sombra angrily demands.

"I have better usage of your horn, your highness. Your powers are now mine. You are useless," Tempest scolds.

"When I get out of here, I'll have your head on a silver platter!"

"I'll look forward to defeating a helpless hornless shadow king when you are free. Crimson, put the jar away, its useless."

Crimson takes the jar away. Sombra roars vengeful threats and curses at Tempest.

"So, what kind of power are you feeling, Tempest?" Fire asks.

"I can now affect the minds of ponies using fear. Perhaps I can mind manipulate weaklings into becoming our soldiers for the hostile takeover."

"What about the Storm King?" Diamond Tiara mockingly asks.

"I got what I wanted and, I'm tired of him and waiting on his promises. He wants to conquer everything I say let him try without my help. I know the insides and out of his country and know how to cripple it with my new found magic. He and his soldiers will be powerless against us."

"You may need time to practice your newfound power, Tempest," Fire calmly suggests.

"Agree. I may have memories of Sombra's magic flowing through me but, to master his magic with mine will need time to adjust. Diamond Tiara?"

"Yes?" Diamond answers.

"What was that plan of yours?"

Diamond Tiara smiles. She imagines the day The Dark Order ruins her father's life, steal his riches and, building a better underground network, affiliated with other groups to take down the higher-ups.

"The next plan of action for The Dark Order should be kidnapping my father, Filthy Rich."

"Why suggest your father?" Crimson asks out of curiosity.

"Weren't you here for my initiation?"

Crimson shakes his head. "No. I was taking care of other matters."

"Well, Crimson. My dad is the richest pony in Ponyville. Maybe richer than most nobles in Ponyville. By kidnapping him, we can take his money, companies, and workers. With Tempest newfound magic on her side, she can manipulate the minds of others into soldiers. We'll build an army using what my father has, spread the news far and wide. Allowing those who reject the Princesses and want revenge to join our alliance. Then we'll strike at the Princesses, take each kingdom down until there is nothing left."

"I like this kid," Jet said. "Someone raised this kid right for thinking atrociously."

Tempest chuckles. "Similar to the Storm King's for taking down the Princesses. The only difference is Princess Twilight Sparkle. When we attack, she won't be reaching her full potential as the Storm King wanted."

"I have a request before taking the Princesses down and, I know Fire Flier can agree on it."

"What is it?" Tempest replies.

"Starlight Glimmer used the Staff of Sameness to remove our cutie marks. If we take her down and gain our cutie marks back, manipulate Starlight's mind so she can remove the Princesses cutie marks, rendering them helpless. Also, the trio that helps Starlight Glimmer, I want you to use your power to make them my puppets for the rest of their lives."

"I like the way this kid thinks as well," Crimson said, agreeing with Jet.

"Alright. The Dark Order accepts your request. It'll be crucial for our take over. Any piece of land you wish to conquer all on your own in the New World?"


"So be it. Everyone!" Tempest shouts. "Our next objective will commence in a month."

Everypony nods in understanding. Then everyone starts leaving the area except for Tempest, Fire, and Diamond Tiara.

"I have a place not far from here. You are welcome to come by, Tempest. It's far away from the city of Baltimare."

"Sure, I need a hooded robe to cover my horn when I make my progress report to the Storm King."

"Of course, don't forget to wear some shades so you can tell him your undercover," Fire jokingly said. Tempest rolls her eyes.

Fire Flier leads the two out of the tunnels. After an hour of traveling, they are outside of the tunnel system. The trio sees two ponies with a wagon full of food. Tempest uses her newfound magic to mind manipulate the ponies into walking away. Tempest loses her grip a bit as the two ponies forget what they were doing and trots off elsewhere.

"Nice," Fire said. "I'll take the wagon from here."

"Finally, decent food," Diamond Tiara rejoice.

Fire Flier continues to navigate the two to the house. By the time they got there, the sun starts setting. Tempest helps Fire bringing food inside the house as Diamond Tiara opens the door for them. She steps inside and sits on the couch, waiting for dinner. Fire stores the food in the fridge and cabinets. Tempest goes upstairs to find a blue hood hoodie.

"That'll do for now," Tempest puts on the hoodie, covering her horn. She puts on sunglasses and activates a magic communication sphere. "Storm King, you there?"

The Storm King answers but, Tempest doesn't see his face. Instead of correcting the issue, she lets it be.

"I'm here, Tempest. Status report."

"Three of the four Princesses are at their peak with power. After following on my research of the Crystal Empire, there lies a defense mechanism that'll keep you away. It's known as the Crystal Heart. I would prefer to wait for a big event in Canterlot to seize control of the Princesses. As we speak, I'm searching for a staff that'll allow you to harness their magic," Tempest calmly report.

"Excellent, Tempest." Storm King smiles. " Now, what about Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"I assume that Princess Twilight Sparkle needs more time and effort to control her alicorn magic. Give it two years time for her to perfect the alicorn magic she wields."

"Alright. In two years, Equestria should be having a formal party or sort in Canterlot. When the time comes, we'll initialize the invasion. If all goes accordingly, I will make you whole once more. If you fail me, I will break you for good. Do you understand me, Tempest?"

Tempest glares and salutes to The Storm King. The Storm King looks down on the magic communication sphere. He sees that Tempest understands him. He also sees Tempest hoodie and sunglasses.

"Good disguise, Tempest. Be friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle and gain all you can of her."

Tempest nods and turns off the magic communication sphere. Tempest takes off the hoodie and sunglasses. She'll be using that for giving the Storm King her status report every month.

Fire Flier starts making spaghetti in the kitchen. Tempest comes down and sits with Diamond Tiara.

"So, how did it went upstairs?"

"Fine as usual. The Storm King likes my disguise. I'll have a sleeper agent to befriend with Princess Twilight Sparkle to gather intel. So, what is Fire making for dinner?"

"Spaghetti with tomato sauce. Better than canned food we've been eating since we arrived."

"Better meal that I'll be eating since leaving the Storm King's country."

"What's it like eating up there?" Diamond curiously asks.

"Cold, everything they eat is cold. The Storm King hates hot foods."

The two wait as Fire cooks in the kitchen. Diamond Tiara and Tempest remain quiet for a while.

"So uh..," Diamond Tiara looks at Tempest's scar. "How did you lose your horn and got that scar?"

"I was playing with some friends of mine with a ball as we walked. It was my fault for getting the ball lost in a cave so, I went in to grab it. After retrieving the ball, an Ursa Minor approached me and attacked me. The Ursa Minor gave me a scar and broke my horn. The next day, when I tried to play with my friends, they viewed me as a freak and ran off to play with other ponies."

"Wow, that's sad that they abandoned you like that."

"Someday, I'll make them pay for abandoning me. For turning on me because my magic was off due to my broken horn."

"I would love to see those faces and, I would love to see them beg for your mercy."

Tempest chuckles. "Me too."

"Dinner is ready," Fire said.

Tempest and Diamond Tiara enter the kitchen to eat with Fire Flier. After their meal, Diamond Tiara goes upstairs and to sleep in Fire's bedroom.

"You can have Spitfire's room, Tempest. I don't mind sleeping on the couch."

"Fine," Tempest said as she goes upstairs to Spitfire's bedroom.

As they drift to sleep, in the depths of Baltimare's tunnel system, King Sombra is hopping for freedom. He swears vengeance on Tempest and the rest of the ponies from the Dark Order. Using his remaining magic, he taps into Tempest's new horn to see what she sees.

"This is the beginning of your end, Tempest!" Sombra laughs in the darkness of Baltimare's tunnels.

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