• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,079 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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A New Day

Author's Note:

Quick Disclaimer: Thank you for being patient. Sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Discord is on his way to the throne room in the Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia has an important matter to discuss on recent events.

"You require my assistance, Princess Celestia?"

"Judging from your recent times with Fluttershy along with her friends. I have a favor to ask of you."

"Why me? Why not call upon your star pupil, Twilight Sparkle?"

"I believe Twilight Sparkle is not ready to take on Tirek, Discord."

"Tirek?" Discord subtly asks. "Your highness. Not being disrespectful with your decision but, Twilight Sparkle is capable of handling many challenges that come in her way."

"You know where he will be at all times. You sense powerful magic all around you. Only you can locate and stop him before Tirek gets strong enough to consume pegasi flight and strength of earth ponies. You are best suited to take down Tirek."

"Alright, Princess Celestia. I'll get the job done by any means. Just remember, no matter what happens, you owe me."

Princess Celestia nods in agreement. "Good luck, Discord."

Discord leaves Canterlot Castle and opens his umbrella to meet up with his friends in Ponyville. On the way to Ponyville, Discord strategize many different methods to ensure that Twilight would be the one to vanquish Tirek. It's pivotal that Twilight unlocks the hidden power within the chest by the Tree of Harmony.

After Princess Celestia mails a letter to Twilight, informing her that Discord will apprehend Tirek, she becomes sad. She knows it's for the best. Discord visits his friends in Ponyville to tell them of the important news Celestia has asked him. It made Twilight upset that she's unable to do her duties as a Princess. Just smile and wave. Discord hands Twilight the journal the girls have been writing with their friendship lessons they learned with their elements. He highlights the important ones for good measure and wishes them luck with opening the chest next to the Tree of Harmony. Discord is off to locate Tirek.

In the dark alleys of Equestria, Tirek is draining unicorns of their magic to feed. Discord disguises himself as a unicorn and waits for Tirek to come closer to him. Tirek absorbs more magic power from a unicorn then walks over to the next one. That's when Discord strikes and puts Tirek in chains.

"Discord, I should have known you wanted Equestria all to yourself," Tirek proclaims.

"Not doing it for me, I'm doing this for my friends."

"Friends? Please don't tell me, the Lord of Chaos is friends with ponies."

"Surprised?" Discord pops up in a celebration cake.

"I am surprised and yet disgusted. I'm surprised that someone with your intellect does not see your friendship is a new form of imprisonment. Clearly, you must have abandoned your true nature to please those ponies."

"I have not abandoned my true chaotic nature," Discord disclaims.

"Just like my brother, he was weak-minded to ponies. You are Discord, a chaotic deity, a legend. You cannot fall into the same trap as my brother has. Help me grow strong and in return, you'll have freedom."

"Freedom?" Discord scratches the back of his head as he thinks.

"Freedom to do as you please. Reclaim your title as the Lord of Chaos. Unless you prefer to be a wimp and an errand pony boy?"

Discord is using the time to rethink his strategy. Teaming up with Tirek may allow Twilight to confront him and stop him by all means. Completing the task that Celestia gave him. Discord extends his paw.

"The Lord of Chaos has agreed to help you grow strong, Tirek," Discord smirks.

"Smart decision, Draqonecuus," Tirek shakes Discord paw.

During the time Discord went off to apprehend Tirek, Twilight and her friends are by the chest. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity brought their items given by other ponies when they embraced an elemental situation. Pinkie interrogates the rubber chicken and throws it by the chest. The rubber chicken then turns into a key and insert itself inside the chest. The rest place their items on the chest and it turns into keys themselves. Only one is missing, Twilight's key. She has not embraced a difficult situation that represents her element. An hour later, Spike coughs a letter from Princess Celestia.

"I'm needed at the Castle!" Twilight flies and hurries herself to Canterlot Castle.

Twilight barges in the throne with panting heavily. Celestia informs of her regret by entrusting Discord to contain Tirek. The two are now teaming up. Tirek is on the verge of getting stronger by the second. Discord is bringing earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi to Tirek to feed. Tirek is unaware of a fourth Princess so, Cadance, Luna, and Celestia decides to transfer their magic into Twilight, giving her a fighting chance. Twilight flies back as the remaining Princesses waits for Tirek's arrival.

Two hours later, Tirek and Discord arrive in Canterlot. Discord is aware that Alicorn magic is in one vessel. Twilight Sparkle. He hopes by having that kind of magic can defeat Tirek in battle. Also, Discord hopes that Twilight was able to unlock the chest by the Tree of Harmony. Otherwise, all of Equestria is doomed due to a setback. Discord swallows a hard-to-swallow-pill for his next capturing. Since Tirek has sent the Princess to Tartarus, he needs to gain more power to drain Twilight's Alicorn magic. Discord sighs quietly cause it'll tarnish the trust he's built with everypony else in Ponyville. Tirek gives Discord his medallion as a token of gratitude and loyalty. Tirek and Discord are on their way to Ponyville. Upon arrival, Discord hugs Fluttershy but sends her a telepathic message to play along. Fluttershy understood and gives a simple nod. That's when Discord puts his friends in a cage along with Spike. Fluttershy burst into tears as Applejack comforts her. Tirek arrives and drains the magic, flight, and strength of everypony in the cage.

"There, only one more pony left. Then no one will be able to stop us," Discord smirks.

"Us? Who said anything about us?" Tirek smirks sinisterly.

"Uh, you did," Discord confirms.

"Now that I have grown strong, you are no longer any use to me," Tirek absorbs Discord's magic. "Now, I have the power to drain Princess Twilight Sparkle," Tirek walks away, now searching for Twilight.

Discord sighs as there is not much he can do now.

"Surely you saw this coming?"

"I.., didn't. I truly didn't..," Discord said in disbelief, answering Applejack's question.

Twilight is practicing more of her overpowered Alicorn Magic. Tirek found her and announce Twilight's name loudly. The two then go into battle after Tirek blows up the Golden Oak Library. With blow after blow, counter after counter, neither one is getting the edge in the fight. Tirek and Twilight are glaring at each other.

"It appears we're on an impasse. How about a trade, Princess Twilight?" Tirek snaps his fingers. Using his magic to conjure bubble imprisonments of her friends including Discord. "There release, for all of the Alicorn magic in Equestria."

Twilight gasps as her friends beg not to agree on the terms. Encouraging her to keep fighting.

"What's it going to be, Princess?"

Twilight eyes glow as she sees her friends. She surrenders her magic in exchange for her friends. Everyone gasps at Twilight's response. Tirek complies and release everyone except for Discord. Twilight commands Tirek to release Discord. Tirek had a good laugh, reminding Twilight that he betrayed them. Twilight demands Tirek to release Discord. Tirek complies, giving the Princess what she wants. Tirek drains Twilight of her Alicorn magic then causes as much destruction as he pleases. Discord learns and values what true friendship is all about. Discord gives Twilight the medallion Tirek gave him as a true sign of friendship he has for them, after being lied to in the beginning. The medallion glows. Everyone runs to the Tree of Harmony. The girls, Spike and Discord arrive at the Tree of Haromy. Twilight places the medallion on the chest, it turns into a key and inserts itself in.

"Together. Let's open it, together," Twilight proclaims.

The girls turn their keys and open the chest. The magic flowing from the chest ignites with the Tree of Harmony, granting Twilight and her friends the magic to defeat Tirek and restore harmony. Tirek tries to fight back after seeing the emergence of Twilight and her friends. He was quickly subdued and sent back to Tartarus for all eternity. After the girls restore harmony, giving everypony their magic, flight, and strength back; the chest levitates and heads off to an open area of Ponyville creating a castle. The girls are teleports to the castle in awe and amazement.

"Sweet Celestia," Rarity said in a state of shock. "Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Yea but, who's is it?" Twilight ask.

"I believe it is yours, Princess Twilight," Princess Celestia answers with a smile of gratitude.

Everyone enters the castle. Twilight Sparkle now knows her duties as a Princess is to spread the Magic of Friendship across Equestria. The role she is meant and choose to have. Twilight admits that it was her friends that helped defeat Tirek. Celestia confirms that Twilight is not meant to take the task alone. With her friends by her side, Twilight now has the title, Princess of Friendship. Celestia opens the doors revealing a throne room for her and her friends. Everyone is excited. Discord taps on Celestia to have a private talk. Discord sends a telepathic message to Fluttershy to explain a bit as he has a talk with Princess Celestia. Discord and Celestia walk to a different room of the castle.

"I'm disappointed in you Discord, but if it weren't for you, Twilight may have never opened the chest," Celestia calmly said.

"You know Celestia; as I told you, I'll get the job done by any means. Therefore, you owe me," Discord smiles while doing the arm cross.

"No, you violated our agreement. You've helped Tirek."

"As I recall, Celestia. I told you no matter what happens, you owe me. You agreed with a nod and wished me luck."

Princess Celestia bit her lip. Now remembering what she agreed on. Discord has completed his task by any means.

"As far as things go, you owe me. I told you that Twilight was capable of handling things. Even with her friends' help, she knows what to do in the end."

"You knew didn't you?" Celestia paused.

"Hmm?" Discord looks at Celestia.

"You knew that Twilight needed a push to unlock the chest. If you would have gone through-"

"Twilight would have never gotten her castle. Her moment of truth would have never been answered. What I've done was necessary. Even if I have to rebuild the trust of everypony."

"You are a true friend, Discord. You've grown into a better pony than most who reformed."

"Thank you," Discord looks at Celestia as he walks away. "I better get going," Discord waves as he leaves the room.

Fluttershy explains the situation as best as she could to Twilight and the others. They are in shocked.

"Fluttershy.., you mean to tell us that Discord was helping us by not helping us?" Rarity ask.

"He helped more than anypony would have known. He highlighted the key areas in our journal. If it weren't for that, we would have never known that our specialized items were keys to the chest," Fluttershy responds. "Initially, he didn't want to be the one who takes down Tirek. He wanted you, Twilight, to take him down."

"He did?" Twilight asks.

Fluttershy nods. "In the telepathic message he sent me, he was tasked by Celestia to get the job by any means necessary. Even if it means losing a lot of trust of everypony for you to succeed. If he would have gone through, you wouldn't have the castle, your moment of truth wouldn't be answered, and you'll still be finding out what you are meant to be as a Princess."

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow look at the ceiling in disbelief, and yet, they see the good intentions Discord had in mind. He is a good friend. Discord walks in the throne room and hovers around.

"Is everypony here still my friend?" Discord worriedly asks. Assuming they'll say no except for Fluttershy.

"Yes," The girls said in unison. Even Spike agrees.

"I told them what you told me, Discord. I explained as best as I could. They understand."

Twilight trots up to Discord and hugs him. Discord returns the hug back. Everyone group hugs Discord.

"Thank you, Discord. For being a true friend and for helping us. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have this," Twilight graciously thank.

"Thanks, Discord for helping Twilight," Applejack said.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity said.

"Thanks for being a great friend. I have to throw you a celebration friendship party in honor of you!" Pinkie squee.

"Thanks for helping Twilight and us, even though it was painful for you," Rainbow said.

"I knew you'll be a great friend, in the end, Discord," Fluttershy said.

"Ah, you're welcome."

"Is there any way we can repay you?" Applejack suggest.

Discord thinks about it. He wants to encourage his friends to let go of the CMC. Have them move on with their lives. For now, he's going to remain quiet until the time is right.

"Until the time is right, I'll let you all know, how you can repay me."

Everypony nods in agreement.

"Fair enough, Discord," Twilight said.

"Well, I better get going."

"Don't you want to stay and celebrate a tremendous victory?" Pinkie said, rubbing her party cannon.

Discord looks back. "You want me to stay?"

"Yes!" Pinkie shouts.

"We would be honored if you were to stay for the party, Discord," Twilight said.

Discord takes a deep breath. "Alright, I'll stay for the party."

As everyone prepares for the upcoming party in the castle, the Storm King is sending an incoming message to Tempest. Tempest answers.

"Tempest? Where are you?" Storm King still has a problem with the projection viewing orb.

"I'm here, my King," Tempest salutes.

"As predicted, Lord Tirek has succumbed to Twilight Sparkle and her friends with the magic they possess. Were you able to steer clear from Tirek?"

"Yes, your highness. Tirek has no located me nor took my magic away."

"Excellent. You are showing me your worth for the cause. Not many will obey my commands."

"Any other info you have for me, your highness?"

"Princess Twilight Sparkle now has a castle. I want you to go investigate. See what areas that can be used against the Princess in terms of capturing her."

"Will do, Storm King. Thank you for your time."

"Good luck, Tempest. Don't blow your cover!"

Storm King and Tempest go their separate ways after the call is up. Tempest walks downstairs to the basement to meet with Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara.

"Tirek is back in Tartarus, we can now enact our plans to move in Ponyville. Take Rich's businesses, their workers, and turn them into soldiers for our army."

"Good. When should we move in?" Fire ask.

"Two weeks. When the new normal kicks in."

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