• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,078 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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Coming Home Early

Its been a while since Scootaloo received any mail from her parents. She's been enjoying her time in Starlight's Village. Hanging out with her friends and sleeping over more with her aunts' house. Scootaloo is on the line waiting to see if she's getting any letters from her parents. She approaches the delivery pony.

"Any letters for me?" Scootaloo excitedly ask.

"Just one," The delivery pony gives Scootaloo the letter.

"Thank you!" Scootaloo sprints to Starlight's house.

"You're welcome, kiddo," The delivery pony smiles and continues to give everyone their packages.

Scootaloo walks inside and sits on the couch. Starlight walks by from the kitchen.

"Hey, Scootaloo. What you got there?"

"A letter! Hopefully, some important news from my parents."

"Alright, then," Starlight sits next to Scootaloo. "Let's find out what the letter says," Starlight uses her magic to unseal the envelope. She levitates the letter for Scootaloo to read.

Dear Scootaloo,

We have great news for you. We're coming home earlier than expected. Several scientists and researchers were sent by the Princesses to aide us with the new specimen and plant life. The plant your mother and I discovered causes diseases of all kinds to self-destruct. After further testing and analysis of the plant, the Equestrian Health Organization paid us in full. We have more than enough to support for a long time. By the time you are reading this letter, we are already on our way with the coordinates Starlight Glimmer mailed us in secrecy.

Your father and I are so excited to be with you as a family. We've decided to stay in the village with you and your friends. Knowing that there may be a chance to keep you safe from those who wronged you from the Gabby Gums incident, we want to protect you. Keep you safe by all means. Your father cannot wait to wrestle the punks that drenched you with rainwater and thrown tomatoes at you. I'm looking forward to seeing you. The same goes for your father.

Starlight Glimmer, thank you for watching our daughter. We'll thank you upon arrival. We want to know how you plan on serving justice to those that wronged you and your ponies in the village. Scootaloo mentions of it in the letters she's written. However, we would like a thorough explanation. If there is a chance that this Rainbow Dash and her friends were to show up, we would like to give them a piece of our minds. Until then:

Love you, Scootaloo.

Sincerely Your Mother & Father,

Mane Allgood & Snap Shutter

"They're coming! They're coming!!" Scootaloo leaps in joy and happiness. She's excited to have her parents living in the village as well.

"Well, that's a nice surprise. I'll have Party Favor set up a welcome party for them," Starlight said.

Scootaloo gasps and hugs Starlight. "Thank you, Starly!"

"You're welcome. Now, let's tell everyone the good news."

Scootaloo nods and trots to her aunts' house. She gives them the letter she received today. After reading it, they are excited as well.

"Let's get the others to set up the party," Lofty said.

"Starly is taking care of it. We should do our part in terms of preparations," Scootaloo said.

"Let's do it," Lofty complies.

Starlight trots to Party Favor's house and knocks. Sweetie Belle opens the door.

"Hey, Starly. You here for game day?'

"No, Sweetie Belle. I have some news to tell everypony though."

"What news?" Party Favor said with a card on his head.

"Scootaloo's parents are coming to the village earlier than we anticipated. They could be here in a few hours or a day at best."

"New villagers! Woo!" Party Favor cheers.

"Wow. Scootaloo's folks are coming. They'll be great in terms of helping around the village," Sweetie Belle said.

"Not only that, but those who wronged everypony in the village. Especially us, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom happily expressed.

"Alright. After we finish our game, I'll start preparing for the party."

"Sounds good. Thank you, Party Favor."

"You're welcome, Starlight," Party Favor closes the door.

Party Favor, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle resume their game as Starlight Glimmer trots to Sugar Belle's bakery. She enters inside and smells the aroma of apple-pear strudels.

"That smells good, Sugar Belle."

"Thanks, Starlight. Want a sample?" Sugar Belle offers one.

"Sure," Starlight takes the sample and eats it. "This is delicious, Sugar Belle," Starlight smiles in satisfaction.

"Thank you for the compliment. So, is there anything I can make for you?"

"Do you have leftover Zap Apples for a Zap Apple cake?"

"Yes. I still have seventy Zap Apples. Who's birthday is it for?"

"No birthday but, its for the arrival of Scootaloo's parents."

"The arrival of Scootaloo's parents?!" Sugar Belle shockingly expressed.

Starlight nods. "Yes. They shipped a letter to Scootaloo. She got the letter today. We have a limited time window to prepare for their arrival."

"Understood, Starlight. I'll start baking right away. Mind sending Apple Bloom over?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Thanks," Sugar Belle smiles.

Starlight trots back to Party Favor's house and knocks on the door. This time Apple Bloom opens the door.

"Hey, Starly. What's up?"

"Sugar Belle wants your assistance in baking a Zap Apple cake. Mind giving her a hoof?"

"Sure! I love baking with Sugar Belle. Party Favor, I'll see you around later. Sugar Belle needs me."

"Understood, Apple Bloom. Have fun!" Party Favor waves from the living room.

"Let's go, Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom closes the door and follows Starlight to Sugar Belle's bakery. Starlight opens the door for Apple Bloom as she trots in.

"Here I am, Sugar Belle!" Apple Bloom shouts.

"Alright, let's start baking my friend. Thank you for bringing her over, Starlight."

"You're welcome. You two have fun." Starlight goes door to door, alerting everypony that new villagers will be coming soon. Its time to prepare for their arrival. Everypony starts setting up the party for Mane Allgood & Snap Shutter.

Four hours later, Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter gets off the train with their belongings. They look at the map of where they need to go. Two meters north of the train station, Night Glider, and Booster at their stakeout station observing Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter's movement.

"Starlight Glimmer, this is Night Glider. Booster and I are watching a mare and stallion heading in the direction of the village."

Scootaloo overhears the radio and grabs it before Starlight can say anything to respond.

"They're my parents, Night Glider!" Scootaloo shouts.

"The stallion is an earth pony. The mare is a pegasus. The stallion has a photo map cutie mark. The mare has a compass cutie mark."

"That's them! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's them! Yeah!!" Scootaloo cheers loudly on the radio.

"Understood, Scootaloo. Thanks for confirming for Starlight," Night Glider said.

Scootaloo chuckles a bit after as Starlight smiles at Scootaloo. Starlight takes the radio.

"You and Booster should come back to the village to celebrate the arrival of our new villagers."

"Understood, Starlight. Booster and I will return to the village," Night Glider turns to Booster. "Let's fly,"

As Night Glider and Booster flies back to the village, Snap Shutter is reading the map that Starlight sent them.

"Alright, gotta cross a bridge, then climb a mountain. That is when we'll see the village where Scootaloo been residing with Lofty and Holiday. Plus, her friends."

"Let's go. I'm craving to see my daughter."

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood takes a deep breath and trot together to Starlight's village. As they travel, Party Favor and everypony in the village starts setting up the party. Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle finished baking the Zap Apple cake. The two brought it outside as Party Favor sets up tables all around the village. He made customize balloons for the occasion. Scootaloo, Lofty, and Holiday are preparing rooms for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood in the household. In a few days, everyone will help build their home next to Lofty and Holiday. Starlight is making sure that everything is going along as planned. Sweetie Belle is checking off everything that is needed.

Two hours later, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood arrive at the top of the mountain. They see the village from afar.

"An equal insignia. Interesting to show a representation of the village's meaning," Mane Allgood said.

"I can see why Scootaloo loves it there. Ponyfolks from that village illustrates unity," Snap Shutter exclaims.

"Let's not wait any longer."

Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter trot their way down the mountain. From afar, Scootaloo sees her parents coming down. She alerts everyone to get in position. Twenty minutes later, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood arrive. Scootaloo couldn't contain her happiness and joy, she leaps and lunges towards her parents as everyone shouts, surprise. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter hug their daughter. They are surprised to see a party arranged for them.

"Welcome home," Scootaloo said in tears of joy.

"It's great to be home, Scootaloo," Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter expressed.

Starlight trots up to the trio.

"Mane Allgood, Snap Shutter. Welcome to my village," Starlight greets.

"Thank you," Mane Allgood said.

"Thanks for watching our Scootaloo during her time of need. The same is said of her friends," Snap Shutter said.

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles.

"Mom, dad. We have a celebrational party for you. Since you'll be living here with us and have not wronged me, this is accustom to the village's newcomers," Scootaloo mention.

"Sounds good to us. As we mentioned, we'll be living together as a family."

"Also, your mom and me retired. That means more family time with you, short stuff," Snap Shutter said, rubbing Scootaloo's head.

"Let's get this party started!" Party Favor shouts, blowing on a party horn.

Starlight, introduce Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood to all the villagers living here. She gives them a quick tour all around the village. Then they proceed with the party. Having lots of fun, laughter, sharing stories/adventures, and much more. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood were amazed to taste all sorts of food the village had to offer, including the Zap Apple cake. Hours go by of celebration and partying. Starlight approaches the two on a certain matter.

"Mane Allgood, Snap Shutter. I want a word with you in private."

"Sure thing, let's go, Snap," Mane Allgood respond.

"Coming, mate." Snap Shutter replies.

Starlight escorts the two to her office in her house. The two enter and sit down on the chair.

"As you know from the letters Scootaloo wrote to you, we have a system for those who wronged us in our path. I'm here to show you our routine to lure the wrongful ponies into a trap."

"Scootaloo mentions after the routine, they'll be transferred to the V.O.J."

"That is correct, Snap Shutter. From there, the wrongful pony will have their cutie mark stripped for causing a lot of trauma."

"Sounds reasonable enough. Considering an entire town caused our daughter and her friends to run away. After wanting more of these Gabby Gum stories," Mane Allgood retorts.

"Exactly. Our mission is to spread equality in friendship for the right reasons. There are ponies who take advantage of others, bullying them into submission, and making their lives worse. We are against that. I have the rules of the village here," Starlight shows the ruling system in her village. After the two read it, they deem it, righteous.

"You're ruling is perfect. There is nothing wrong with it."

"You should be a Princess, Starlight. Princess of Equality," Mane Allgood considered.

"Agreed, mate."

Starlight chuckles a bit. "Thank you. Just to let you know, you'll be bunking with Lofty and Holiday for the next few days. With new villagers coming in, we build a house for them to live in. Your house will be how you want it to be."

"Thanks, Starlight. Also, where does Scootaloo sleep at times?"

"Sometimes here, moreover at her aunts' house, Snap Shutter."

"Thanks. Also, thanks for the party. It was an amazing time to be with our daughter and her family friends."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your stay."

"We will. We have a lot of catching up to do as a family."

Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter leave Starlight's house. They see how quickly everyone cleans up after the party. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter grabs their belongings and head inside Lofty and Holiday's house. They see a room set up for them. They enter and put their things aside. Scootaloo walks in and hugs her parents. They feel Scootaloo's tears of joy and hugs back.

"Thank you for coming sooner, mom, dad," Scootaloo graciously said.

"Thank Celestia for sending more scientists and researchers. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be here right now," Mane Allgood said. Giving Scootaloo a kiss on her forehead.

Scootaloo yawns a bit.

"Time to hit the hay, kiddo. We have a long day of family time tomorrow."

Scootaloo smiles. She decides to sleep with her parents. They didn't mind and wanted it. Craved it after not seeing their child in three years.

During this time, Tempest, Diamond Tiara, and Fire Flier are on their way to Ponyville from Baltimare. They have Rich stuffed in a crate labeled as fragile.

"I'm coming home, Ponyville," Diamond Tiara said. Looking forward to claim her father's business for the Dark Order.

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