• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,163 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

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Chapter 1: New Friends and New Foes

Author's Note:

After a week of rewriting, editing and revising, the first chapter of the Howlite Howler sequel truly begins. :raritystarry:

Credit for the character Skippy and his strategies goes to truenorth14. Thank you very much for your aid, truenorth, and if there's any part of Skippy that you feel could be done better, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy. :twilightsmile:

The first bad sign was when the griffons showed up on Shiva’s territory. She had intended to find them on their homelands, and yet there they were; seven of the bird-cat hybrids, fluttering down towards her position.

“Scouting party,” Skippy, the light brown furred diamond dog by Shiva’s side, commented. “Nothing to worry about. The underground tunnels and trenches were formed days in advance. We’ll have the Iron Paws to keep their attention, and if things go bad, we call in the Spear Dogs.”

“Mighty big ‘if,’” the dark diamond dog Luke responded. “We got the Howlite Howler on our side, and I’ve trained the Iron Paws myself.”

“Still shouldn’t get cocky, Luke,” Skippy noted. “Anything can happen on the battlefield.”

“With the three of us at the helm?” Shiva replied coyly.

Skippy grinned. “Yeah, we’ll probably win,” he admitted.

Shiva and Luke chuckled. The white diamond dog still couldn’t believe how much things had changed. Mere weeks ago, she had been a helpless victim stranded in an alternate dimension. Now, she was the Alpha of a massive pack of diamond dogs. Instead of cow-towing to what malicious ponies wanted, Shiva now had loyal diamond dogs advising her on how to work the pack, such as Skippy.

Found only a week before Shiva had shown up, no one in the pack seemed to know much about the brown furred diamond dog. But he certainly knew a lot about military and strategy. Luke had many stories of dogs angry at Skippy’s inability to dig getting their tails kicked through his brutal but extremely well-thought out strategies. With Skippy’s brains, Luke’s brawn, and Shiva’s raw power, they forged their diamond dog pack from a group of mostly harmless miners to a true squad of soldiers.

Of course, Shiva couldn’t deny the role her magic had played. In fact, a part of her feared that if she had just been the ordinary dog she had been on Earth, she likely would have been killed or put in another cage. Her magic changed that.

Shortly after kicking out the work horses, Shiva began to fear that some dogs wouldn’t take kindly to her taking over. However, what she and Luke had pulled off to escape Celestia’s protégé Twilight gave her an idea. It took time and a lot of effort to maintain, but Shiva managed to extend a massive hive mind like link to the whole of her new pack.

She had to be careful with the whole thing: every dog’s mind deserved to be their own, and Shiva had not suffered through cages and whips to do the exact same thing to someone else. And she couldn’t spend every waking hour figuring it out; she was still a living creature, and her body needed exercise and sustenance. But by gentling extending her mind to touch the others, she could create a massive pool of energy that the dogs could use to mine their gems or even heal their injured or sick, and she even managed to see into their minds, sort through their memories, and weed out any potential traitors.

In only three days, the pack link felt almost natural. It was a challenge to make sure that their memories didn’t get mixed up – Shiva could still hear the barks and snarls from two males who got mixed up on which one had a mate and pups and which didn’t – but it was worth it to see the gratitude and happiness in the dog’s eyes as they gained riches and slowly pulled themselves from the Stone Age.

Even now, Shiva could feel the Iron Paws at her side; herself, Luke, Skippy and four of the toughest dogs Luke had. Shimmering gem-studded armor covering their bodies; one-handed axes and swords made of diamonds in hand, ready to sink into any griffon that looked at her wrong. Further back, a barricade maintained by the Spear Dogs; a rearguard ready to push forward with sarisas and keep enemies at bay if Shiva and her followers needed to retreat, or to push enemies back if the inverse occurred. And behind that, a carefully constructed tunnel system with short cuts and booby trapped dead ends for the griffons to get hopelessly lost in if the dogs needed to make an escape.

All, of course, possibly unnecessary. As long as Shiva could strike the right chord with the griffons.

At first, Shiva had hoped it wouldn’t be a problem. While the scouting party was ominous, the griffon Shiva had been hoping to find was right at the forefront. Easy to distinguish with the scars both he and Shiva and even Luke still carried from the ponies' torture pits. Shiva had made sure to highlight her scars with red war paint, to remind the griffon of their shared past.

“Remember,” Skippy whispered. “Things shouldn’t go bad. But if they do…”

“We got it,” Shiva assured him, striding towards the griffons as they landed before her.

“I thought the ponies put you back in a cage,” the scarred griffon greeted, a mischievous smirk keeping him from sounding too disappointed.

“They tried,” Shiva said, settling herself comfortably before him “They failed.”

He glanced back at his fellow griffons. “You hear that, Gilda?” he called. “You owe me some bits!”

“Grant, you said you were joking!” one of the griffons whined.

The dogs and griffons chuckled, before Shiva’s expression turned serious.

“It’s a good thing you showed up,” she said. “I need your help.”

Grant paused, slowly turning back to her. “How fortunate,” he noted. “I could use your help as well.” He settled himself closer to her. “So, tell me, Sparks. What help do you need?”

Shiva shifted, but the presence of her dogs kept her talking.

“Our veins are playing out,” she said. “My dogs can’t find as many gems in our current territory, and I’m not starting anything with the ponies.”

The griffon’s eyebrow perked. “So, you want to go digging through my turf?” he asked, sounding slightly amused.

“You guys enjoy treasure as much as we do. At least, that’s what I was told,” Shiva admitted, glancing back at Skippy, who nodded.

“Finest treasure seekers in the north,” Skippy praised. “Just as good as dragons, if not better.”

The griffons preened, looking proud of something for once. Grant, however…

“Not enough to go digging through a bunch of tunnels,” the griffon rebuked. His eyes scanned her body. "You might fetch a pretty price with the ponies..."

Shiva's hackles bared before he could finish his sentence. The griffons bristled, but Grant calmed them with a wave of his talon.

"Unless, you have a better offer?" Grant asked.

Shiva's glare didn't falter. "I was going to give you half of what we found," she growled. "But that little threat just lowered the price to a quarter."

The griffon stared at her before bursting into laughter. Shiva's claws tensed, but Skippy pat her side in assurance, while Luke stepped forward threateningly. Thankfully, the griffons didn't spend too long laughing.

“You expect me to go with a quarter of whatever you dig up when I could be paid a fortune by Celestia for your hide?"

“Don’t push your luck,” Luke growled at Shiva’s side. “We all escaped the pits of the ponies together.”

“And I appreciated the aid,” Grant replied. “But appreciation doesn’t put food on the table. Sides, after all the destruction you pulled with the ponies, how do any of us know they won’t come looking for payback?” Grant leaned forward. “Griffons don’t have an empire or anything that can hold off Princess Celestia, okay? We’re just mercenaries.”

“Which is why we need to stand together,” Shiva insisted. She let her fur glow with her magic. “My power is strengthened by teamwork. With griffons and diamond dogs side by side; maybe even including the minotaurs and dragons… Even Princess Celestia would have to think twice about challenging us. And that’s ‘if’ she challenges us,” she added. “No one here’s going to try to pick a fight with Equestria...”

Luke coughed, causing both Shiva and Skippy to glare at him.

“Without suffering some serious consequences,” Shiva hissed before turning back to the griffons. Grant still looked unconvinced.

“I don't know," Grant said. "I'm pretty sure with my history with Celestia, she'd pay me quite a lot more than you can." He lifted his talon casually, but his fellow griffons tensed. "You sure that's the best you can offer?"

Shiva’s eyes turned black as night. "Well, since you insist..." she replied. With a quick bark, the Spear Dogs popped out from the ground like diamond dog undead. In seconds, the griffons found themselves surrounded, spears aimed at their backs.

Shiva smiled as one griffon tried to take flight. A bolt of magic traveled down Shiva’s paw, across the ground, and to one of the Spear dogs before firing out of his spear. The griffon cawed out as the bolt found its mark, and dropped to the ground, scorched and roasted like a thanksgiving turkey.

Luke smelled the cooked griffon. “Smells tasty,” he commented.

“What do you think?” Shiva asked Grant. “A quarter treasure... or is my pack having roast griffon tonight?”

Grant’s eyes darted around the assembled Spear Dogs. He and his griffons may have surrounded the Iron Paws, but the Spear Dogs outnumbered his party two to one. He gave a very nervous chuckle.

“Um,” he said. “How about that part about half a share of treasure?”

Fast as lightning, Shiva seized his neck. The griffon squawked, his fellow griffons shrinking down under the spears and axes of the diamond dogs.

"Okay-okay, a quarter!" Grant cried out.

Shiva grinned wolfishly down at him.


Several hours later, Shiva and Skippy looked on with pride as the diamond dogs began returning from the tunnels dug towards griffon territory. Grant stood alongside her, his arms crossed, but his eyes wide as links of light transported carts filled with gold and treasure.

Shiva pat Skippy’s head with pride.

“Never should’ve doubted you for a second,” Shiva praised.

The diamond dog grinned up at her, before Shiva turned her attention back to Grant.

“As we promised,” she assured him, before tipping the first cart, spilling a quarter of its treasure into a bag held by two of Grant’s griffons.

Grant huffed unhappily, but balked when Shiva's fur began to glow.

"Remember," she warned him darkly. "It could've cost you way more."

Grant glared her down.

"You can push us around," he said. "But don't think the same thing will work with Celestia. No matter how much treasure or power you got… that alicorn’s not something you wanna tangle with.”

Shiva rested her arm near Grant’s, looking at the whip scars that still crisscrossed their bodies.

“After what she let her ponies do to us?” Shiva asked. Her claws clenched. “I can’t stand the thought of being near them again.”

“Maybe,” Grant admitted. “But that doesn’t mean they feel the same way. Just remember that.”

Shiva watched him go, heading back for the surface.

“I got eyes on him, Alpha,” Skippy assured her before she could speak. She nodded quietly, and watched Skippy follow the griffon out.

There was always something about Skippy that made Shiva curious about him. Maybe it was his unique scent, different from any diamond dog she had met. Maybe it was his literacy, and the fact that he made the most use out of the diamond dog texts Shiva had managed to find and recover.

But her curiosity, as always, only lasted until Luke came to her side. She grinned and walked side by side back to the cavern that served as their home with the dark diamond dog, even as the other diamond dogs shot him envious looks.

“Alright?” he asked.

“Better than I’ve ever been,” Shiva replied. “We got the griffons, more or less, and we’re raking in more treasure. What’s not to be happy about?”

Luke still gave the surface a glare. “He was willing to put you back in a cage,” he noted.

“But he didn’t,” Shiva pointed out.

“Because we scared him.”

Shiva paused. “Like what the ponies did to us?” she asked quietly.

Luke tensed, the scars from the pits rippling against his muscles. Shiva’s ears flattened, and she touched his arm softly.

“I won't be like them,” she assured him. “He's free to do what he wants.” They entered the main cavern and Shiva led him over to the throne. “He just knows what'll happen if he tries to hurt us.” Her claws tightened around Luke's. "We're never going back to those cages again."

Luke wagged his tail at her.

“Never,” he promised.

The passion in his voice soothed her, and she rested her head against his chest. A notable whine broke their moment, and Luke paused to growl at Skippy, who scurried away behind a treasure pile.

She chuckled, feeling almost sorry for the brown diamond dog. He more than earned a spot as one of her betas. Easily the smartest dog she’d met. Yet Shiva barely knew him. She didn’t want some male she barely knew anything about as her Alpha Male. She wanted the one that had been with her through her darkest days. The first ally she had made in this world. The one she knew – hoped she knew – she could count on.

Their noses nearly touched, before Skippy’s barking once again drew them away.

“Alpha!” he barked. “New diamond dog! Not one of us. Caution should be utilized!”

Luke and Shiva turned, their ears perking. They raced up to Skippy, who was racing ahead of two Iron Paws. They had a bruised-up diamond dog over their shoulders, who looked up at them with gratitude.

“Many thanks, Great Howlite Howler,” the bruised diamond dog panted. “Griffons caught me. Held me for so long. Truly, you are merciful and noble to have freed me!”

He tried to ramble on, but as he spoke, Shiva and even the dogs narrowed their eyes. There was an odd scent to him. An odd green light in his eyes as well. And his heart… his heart rate was off the charts. Shiva narrowed her eyes, and sensed an aura of magic around him. Concealing something important. Something he was terrified she’d discover.

Shiva growled. She seized the diamond dog by the neck, and as fear flashed in his eyes, green flames passed over the body. And in seconds, Shiva found herself holding a changeling.

Luke and Skippy gasped.

The changeling Thorax stared at her, dumbfounded.

“Still grateful?” he whimpered.

Shiva snarled, but before she could take action, Thorax raised his hooves in surrender.

“Wait-wait!” he insisted. “I surrender; I swear, I come in peace! Look-look!” He held his hooves out. “I suffered! Just like you did!”

Shiva’s back fur flared. The whip marks of the ponies’ pit adorned him as well. Yet…

“Last guy I saw from there,” Shiva growled. “Wasn’t exactly grateful for my generosity.”

“B-But that’s the thing!” Thorax insisted, struggling to breathe under her grip. “He’s a griffon. All those feather brains can think about is gold! I’m different! I’m truly grateful! And I want to help!”

Shiva’s ears perked. She glanced up the tunnel and around. She couldn’t sense any more changelings, and she knew Luke, Skippy and her pack more than long enough to tell if someone else was taking their place. If this changeling was planning an attack, he either had crazy good followers, or was stupid. And while she didn’t think he was stupid, she couldn’t believe his followers were that good.

“Careful, Shiva,” Skippy whispered behind her. “You can’t trust changelings. Especially not those changelings. Crazy, all of them.”

Shiva glanced back at her strategist, but he had already hidden himself behind Luke. Shiva turned her eyes back to Thorax. She let magic course through her claws briefly.

“Try anything,” she warned him. “And I won’t hesitate.”

Thorax nodded, and she released him.

“Now,” Shiva said in a softer tone. “How would you help us?”

Skippy moaned, but didn’t say anything else in front of the changeling. Thorax grinned, careful to not make it look threatening. He withdrew a scroll from under his wing.

“The ponies were sending this to you,” he said.

Shiva took the scroll and unfurled it. For a moment, her eyes scanned the parchment.

“I can’t read,” she admitted.

She held back a giggle at Thorax’s look of dumbfounded shock before passing it off to Skippy. The humor quickly faded, however, as Skippy managed to translate the equine words on the parchment.

“Princess Celestia is ‘inviting’ us back to Equestria,” Skippy said. “To ‘negotiate’ how the rescue of the work horses stacks up to your still standing charge of murder.”

Shiva’s blood ran cold. “They want me… to go… back?” she whispered.

Skippy gave her a sad look before reading from the parchment again. “She’s sending her personal student to escort you back," he reported. "And will be expecting you on the border to the Ever-Free. Tomorrow at noon.”

Shiva clenched her claws. “After everything I did to get out of there,” she snarled, even as Luke put a claw on her shoulder. “They just expect me to just waltz back into their territory because they asked?”

“They're arrogant like that,” Thorax agreed. “But you don't have to worry. My Queen can protect you. And together… we can ensure the ponies don’t hurt either of us ever again.”


Twilight narrowed her eyes at the letter Princess Celestia just sent her. She turned as her friends gathered. Interestingly, Fluttershy was at the head of the band.

“Alright, every pony, listen up,” Twilight declared. “I just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me what to do about the Howlite Howler.”

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes while the others leaned forward, invested.

“According to Princess Celestia,” Twilight continued. “The Howlite Howler has control of a massive group of Diamond Dogs, and might be planning to move into Ponyville to satisfy their need for gems. Might!” she added sharply as Rarity gasped. “Nothing’s set in stone yet.”

“Still,” Rarity insisted. “The thought of those brutes taking my gems!” she shuddered.

“I’ll tell you what we shoulddo,” Rainbow Dash said. “Give em the boot!”

Fluttershy glared at Rainbow Dash, before Twilight spoke before the yellow mare could.

“That’s not going to work,” Twilight insisted. “She has a small army of Diamond Dogs and a mastery of unicorn magic. A division of guards is arriving to help us, but it’s up to us to encourage her to agree to an alliance between our two species. Measures have already been taken to properly inform her that we only want to talk. And given our… previous relationship…” Twilight chuckled nervously. “We should be able to at least discourage Shiva from hurting any other pony.”

“It ain’t like she’s some wandering pony killer,” Applejack pointed out. “She only lashed out cuz she was scared.”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Perhaps,” Rarity admitted. “But it’s a far stretch to say she’s ready to be a friend.”

“She could be one, if we gave her the chance,” Fluttershy said, her voice steel calm.

“Well, this will be her chance,” Twilight assured her. “Celestia sent her an invitation asking for her to meet with us tomorrow. From there, we convince her not to invade Ponyville, then escort her straight to Canterlot.” She grinned at Fluttershy. “I know you didn’t want to come along during the dragon quest, Fluttershy, but this time…”

“Count me in,” Fluttershy said.

The ponies stared at the yellow mare, shocked at her eagerness. Fluttershy blushed and nearly hid behind her mane.

“I-I mean…,” Fluttershy protested. “Something’s bothered me about how she reacted. It’s like…” she sighed. “I don’t know. But I want to clear the air with her.”

“Don’t let ‘clearing the air’ get in the way of keeping her from hurting any pony else,” Rainbow Dash warned. “Whatever happened to her in the past, we can’t let her invade Ponyville.”

Reluctantly, Fluttershy joined the nods and words of assent from the others.

“The royal guard will be here at sunrise tomorrow,” Twilight said. “Take the day, prepare and we’ll meet them here bright and early tomorrow.”

The ponies nodded consent, and separated to prepare. Twilight found herself looking at the mountains that likely hid Shiva. Spike walked up next to her.

“I’m coming with,” he said simply.

Twilight sighed. “Spike…” she tried to say.

“No,” he insisted. “Shiva saved me. She’s gotta remember me.”

“And I'm hoping she does. But if she doesn’t? If she gets violent?” Twilight asked. She looked down sadly at Spike. “You’re like family to me, and... I failed you once already.” She hugged him. "I don't want to see you get hurt."

Spike smiled softly, touching Twilight’s leg.

“Thanks, Twilight,” he said. “But Shiva’s not just another diamond dog. I feel it in my bones.”

Twilight looked nervously back towards diamond dog territory. “I hope you’re right,” she admitted. "This is going to be a lot more complicated if she isn't."


As the Mane Six prepared, a group of soldiers formed in the courtyard in Canterlot. More than a few converged around a familiar unicorn.

“So, Celestia’s given her ‘orders’ regarding that beast?” Blueblood asked.

“We’re just going to escort her back,” one guard said. “And protect Princess Celestia's student if things get dicey.”

“Just protect?” Blueblood asked. “Come now, guard, you know what that creature is capable of.”

“Even so, we have orders,” the guard replied.

“Then let this be an ‘order’ from a Prince,” Blueblood declared. “If the creature threatens harm to Princess Celestia’s protégé or one of her peasant ‘friends’…” Blueblood’s eyes narrowed. “Destroy it.”

The pony gulped. “D-Destroy? B-But Prince Blueblood, we’re not supposed to…”

“Do it for your Princess!” Prince Blueblood demanded. “Do it for your country.” His eyes narrowed coyly, and he produced a stack of bits. “Do it… for your family.”

The guard stared as Blueblood hovered the bits before him

“T-This...,” he stammered. "Could help my kids get into Celestia's university."

"Could,” Blueblood said, swiping the bits away. “All you have to do first is ensure that no pony loses their life to that diamond dog again.”

The guard winced, but the next words out of his mouth were “Yes, sir.”

Blueblood pat his head like he was a house pet, and turned on his heel.

“There’s a good colt,” Blueblood declared. “Enough ponies have died to that monster. And if the Princess is going to let peace and negotiation get in the way of our safety… you’ll have to take it into your own hooves.”