• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,163 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

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Chapter 2: The Queen

Author's Note:

A quick note: this takes place before the Canterlot Wedding, but after Discord was defeated.

Just in case the first scene confuses you. :scootangel:

In the Hive of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis paced around a cocoon containing a pink alicorn.

“You ponies think the world belongs to you,” Chrysalis mused. “That just because Princess Celestia beat us once, you can do whatever you want.” She inched closer to the sleeping alicorn. “Well, my darling, perhaps it’s time someone gave your species a reality check.”

“Queen Chrysalis,” a voice called.

Chrysalis sighed and turned from her prey, finding Thorax stumbling up to her.

“Ah, excellent, Thorax,” she declared, fluttering down to him. “I knew you’d…” her grin faded as she looked behind him. “Where is the Howlite Howler?”

Thorax chuckled nervously. “Yeah,” he whimpered. “Um… about that…” he swallowed nervously, not wanting to look at Chrysalis’ slowly developing look of fury. “She said she didn’t trust us enough.”



Twilight stared in disbelief at the dark diamond dog blocking her and her friends’ path into diamond dog territory. Two Iron Paws stood at his sides, and Shiva sat concealed in the tunnels hidden around the territory with waiting Spear Dogs. But none of the Mane Six were looking for their traps; they were too busy staring at Luke like he had just slapped each of them across the face.

“SHIVA!” Luke bellowed back, his hands cupped over his mouth. “IS NOT! COMING!”

“We heard you the first time!” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Then why’d you ask me to say it again?” Luke replied coyly.

“Because…” Twilight looked almost scared. “Because Princess Celestia said she has to show up! We have to talk to her!”

From the concealed tunnels, Shiva's ears flattened in doubt.

“By everything sacred,” Shiva muttered to Skippy. “She sounds like Celestia’s going to kill her if I don’t go out there.”

"She's just being over-dramatic," Skippy assured her. "Princess Celestia is ruthless when provoked, but she wouldn't hurt her personal protege."

“If Princess Celestia wants to talk,” Luke said to the mares, crossing his arms. “Then she can talk to me. I went through the same trials Shiva did, and she trusts me as her Beta.”

“But Princess Celestia doesn’t want some random diamond dog!” Twilight protested. “She wants…” Rarity nudged her, but the damage had already been done.

“Some random diamond dog?” Luke demanded, his hackles baring and his back fur spiking.

The ponies flinched. The guards behind them started to move forward.

“W-Well, just think of it this way,” Rarity said quickly. “You didn’t murder any pony, did you?”

Luke still glowered at them. Shiva could still see Twilight’s comment burning in his mind.

“Depends,” he growled, glaring at Twilight. “How much longer am I gonna have to hear this one talk?”

“Easy, Luke,” Shiva hissed through a link to him.

Sure enough, his threat got several of the guards behind the Mane Six to bristle in anger. Twilight seemed to take strength from their presence, as she stepped forward.

“Princess Celestia said Shiva has to meet with us,” Twilight said. “We heard about her plans to invade Equestria. And no matter what happened between our species, nothing justifies her attacking our home.”

The dogs blinked in confusion.

“We were invading?” Luke asked.

“We can do that?” another Iron Paw asked.

NO!”Shiva snapped through her link. “They’re making excuses to try and throw us off. Luke, tell them we aren’t invading, and we have no intention of going back into their land.”

“Shiva is not going to invade,” Luke repeated darkly. He grinned as Shiva rectified her words. “Nothing would convince any of us to go back to breathing the same air as you.”

Shiva winced; that sounded a lot better in her head. It wasn’t helped when the ponies picked up on Luke’s clipped tone of voice.

“A likely story,” Rainbow Dash growled. “How do we know you’re not just saying that to throw us off?”

Luke growled, looking more than ready to charge them, but Shiva’s words once again reached him through their link.

“The word of a canine is absolute,” Luke repeated. “Alpha Shiva leads this pack by the values of Honesty and Loyalty.”

Applejack winced, and even Rainbow Dash pricked her ears.

“But,” Luke continued. “If you need any more proof why we’d be reluctant to go anywhere with you… creatures…”

Fluttershy winced, while the others stared at him in indignant confusion. Luke still looked like he wanted to pound them, but he reluctantly barked, and withdrew. The tunnels in front of the Mane Six burst open, and the girls jumped back as Spear Dogs formed out, a phalanx of shields glimmering in the sunlight. Guided by Shiva’s pack link, they formed a wall of shields, and pushed forward, nudging the ponies back and out of diamond dog territory. The second they were over the required border, the spear dogs set their shields in place, and began building. In seconds, a wall began to form, towering over the ponies.

Ignoring the gasps and protests from the mares, Shiva turned away from the wall as Luke joined her.

“Arrogant cows,” Luke snarled. “The lot of them.” He glanced at Shiva. “We should invade, you know; knock them down a few notches.”

“And how quickly would we end up back in a cage?” Shiva replied, descending back towards the kingdom.

“A lot later than before,” Luke noted. “We’re stronger. We can take them.”

“You didn’t meet Princess Celestia,” Shiva said. “And you didn’t encounter the Stare of that yellow mare; one look, and I was done.” Shiva shook her head. “I’d rather put off conflict with those mares for as long as I can.”

Luke grumped. “Skippy, what do you…?” he tried to ask, only to falter. Skippy was gone. As were a number of his Spear Dogs.

Shiva sighed. “Skippy?!” she called through the pack link.

“I’m alright,” his voice assured her. “Just keeping an eye on the ponies. They’re staying behind the wall, but they don’t look like they’re about to leave. I’ll keep you posted.”

Shiva nodded. “Appreciate it,” she replied, just as another voice rang through the pack link.

“Alpha!”the voice called. “Intruders on the outskirts! Something just attacked our barriers!”

Shiva’s ears perked up. “Insectoid?” she asked.

I think so!”

Shiva cursed. “I knew sending Thorax back was going to have consequences,” she growled, before turning back to Luke. “Stay right by my side, and don’t separate for anything.”

Luke nodded, and alongside three more Iron Paws, they shot to the source of the distressed link. Skippy’s fearful voice followed them.

“Don’t trust anything they say!” He insisted. “Those changelings are not to be trusted. Believe me, I know!”

Thankfully, they arrived before any fighting could start. Yet, when Shiva saw the figure before them, she knew why her dogs had been afraid.

Taller and slimmer than Thorax, with a long trailing head fin resembling a mane. Her eyes were slit-pupiled, with enormous bottle green irises, and they rested on Shiva with a look that made the hair stand up on Shiva’s back.

It was lustful; greedy. And mixed with the same indignation that had burned in the ponies’ eyes. Shiva could tell that this Queen – yes, it had to be a Queen – wanted her. Whether for her power or for something else, Shiva didn’t know. And part of her didn’t want to find out. But if the Queen of the changelings had made a personal arrival, Shiva didn’t know how easy it would be to get her to go away.

“You stand in the presence of Queen Chrysalis,” one of the changelings flanking her declared. “Queen of the Changelings, and rightful ruler of Equestria.”

“You stand before Alpha Shiva,” Luke countered. “The Howlite Howler, and Leader of the Diamond Dogs.”

“I assumed as much,” Chrysalis noted, in a voice that wouldn’t melt butter. “Judging by the diamond dogs. And the… magic.”

A forked tongue flicked in and out of her mouth. Shiva was liking this less and less.

“My drone Thorax came to you, did he not?” Chrysalis asked. “Offered you an alliance against the ponies that have hurt both of us.”

Shiva cocked an ear. “So, you were in the pits with us?” Shiva asked. “Forgive me, but I didn’t see you…”

Chrysalis’ smug look faded, replaced by irritation.

“No-no, you…” Chrysalis caught herself. “I merely see every drone as an extension of myself. My drone was hurt by pony hooves, and therefore, they hurt me.”

“Ah,” Shiva nodded in understanding. “I see.” Chrysalis’ grin returned. “And I appreciate the generous offer. But it isn’t really feasible; we have no desire to start any more trouble with Equestria.”

“Why not?” Chrysalis asked.

Luke grimaced. Shiva could hear his thoughts: “That’s what I said!”

“They fear you,” Chrysalis continued. “And for good reason. Somehow, you have gained a large portion of their magic. You have broken free of Canterlot Castle itself. And now…”

Luke barked. Chrysalis jumped, whipping her head around as several of the changelings started drifting towards Shiva. Their eyes glistened, reflecting the light of Shiva’s fur.

“Will you idiots control yourselves!” Chrysalis snapped, sending a changeling scurrying away with a yelp as she zapped his hindquarters. She turned back to a shocked Shiva with a sigh. “Could you dim your fur? The light.”

Shiva still stared at the zapped changeling in concern, but her fur dimmed to the softer glow of a candle. While it did let the shadows take over, it also caused the changelings to stop approaching. They moved back, admittedly embarrassed grins glowing against the shadows.

Chrysalis cleared her throat. “Now, as I was saying…” she said before continuing in her grander tone. “Clearly, your star is in ascendance. We are both ponies of ambition…” Chrysalis tried to continue, before Shiva raised a paw again.

“Neither of us are ponies,” she pointed out. “And I have no clue why you’d want to be one.”

“Ah, yes, but of course,” Chrysalis noted slyly. “The ponies are your enemy, yes?”

Shiva’s ears flicked, but before she could speak…

“Excellent,” Chrysalis continued. “Because the ponies are my enemy as well. Given the chance, they would make both of us into their slaves.” She strode closer. “Would it not make sense for us to take them as slaves before they get such a chance.”

“If we lose, they’ll make us their slaves anyway,” Shiva replied back, her voice cold.

“Not if we work together! You have brute power: the strength of unicorns, and the loyalty of your… minions…”

Shiva didn’t like the look of contempt she shot Luke and her Iron Paws.

“Not minions,” the howlite howler growled. “Pack.”

“Of course, your precious ‘pack,’” Chrysalis dismissed. “Whereas I am much more well-versed in the ways of magic. My changelings are the greatest natural spies and infiltrators on the planet.” Her grin widened. “And we already have a magnificent plan to take Canterlot.”

Shiva’s ears flattened. “What kind of plan?”

Chrysalis chuckled, an awful hiss like a dying snake that made Shiva’s fur stand on end.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Chrysalis replied, extending a hoof. “Join us. And see the ponies cast down into the very cages and pits you suffered in.”

Shiva bit back a growl, the unpleasant memories flashing through her mind, while Luke stepped forward, intrigued.

“You can aid us in the greatest coup in the history of Equestria,” Chrysalis insisted, centering on Luke. “Celestia will fall, and Canterlot will belong to the changelings…” she gave a pause that was way too long for Shiva’s liking. “And, the diamond dogs as well. If you accept our offer.”

Luke pondered the deal.

“Canterlot Castle is right on top of one of the largest diamond mines in history,” Luke noted to Shiva.

“The unicorns let fear of their own greed stop them,” another diamond dog noted eagerly. “So many rare stones, right beneath their hooves.”

Shiva bit back a sigh. Leave it to the diamond dogs to know about anything involving rare metals.

“It will be yours,” Chrysalis promised. “A reward for your services to the changelings.”

Shiva could feel Luke and the other diamond dog’s eager looks at her, yet the white wolf reached out, not to them, but to Skippy.

Don’t trust her,whispered through the link. I’ve seen what she is first hand. Do not trust her!

And Shiva had to agree with him. Something was not right with this queen.

“And how do I know you’ll keep your word?” Shiva asked softly. Her voice was questioning, and yet the changelings hissed as if she had snarled it.

“Shiva…” Luke whispered, before Chrysalis cut him off.

“Come now, Shiva,” Chrysalis pouted. “That’s hardly the way to establish a working relationship. You’re going to have to ally yourself with someone eventually.” She chuckled. “That is… someone who isn’t a feather-brained, gold-pinching mercenary.”

Shiva wished Grant had stuck around, so she could see the look of indignation he’d likely have.

“You won’t get far going it alone,” Chrysalis continued. “Even now, Celestia sends her forces to entrap you. Any other allies you could have are sadly out of your reach.” She spread her wings. “We are your only chance of salvation. And you know it.”

Shiva grimaced. “You’re right in one regard,” she admitted. “I will have to ally with someone to make it in this world.” She narrowed her eyes at the self-satisfied grin Chrysalis gave. “But I’d make it a lot farther with an ally who won’t stab me in the back.” She nodded to Thorax. “Thorax had no reason to fear me; he had suffered in the pits alongside me. Yet he came to me in disguise.”

Chrysalis glared at Thorax, who flinched under her gaze.

“It is our way,” Chrysalis replied haughtily. “We are not mighty..."

“Also, you say you consider every drone an extension of yourself,” Shiva added. “Yet you show no qualms towards abusing your subjects.”

Chrysalis gaped, scandalized. “I disciplined a drone!” she exclaimed. “How is that…?”

"A blast of magic for merely getting too close?” Shiva asked. “I could understand if he attacked, but merely getting too close?”

Chrysalis huffed. “Just because you have lower standards for your precious ‘pack’ doesn’t mean every leader works the same way,” she said in indignation. “Changelings must serve their queens with strict discipline, for they are nothing without their Queen.”

Luke and Shiva exchanged glances. She took his paw and squeezed it reassuringly, even as her heart thudded in her stomach. Skippy was right. There was no way she could trust these creatures.

“I see,” Shiva said. She gazed back up at the Queen, checking her links again for missing Spear Dogs. Thankfully, everyone seemed to still be in place. “Then, Queen Chrysalis, I’m afraid I’m still not comfortable aiding you in this coup. You may believe changelings are nothing without their queen, but any queen, no matter the species, is equally nothing without her people. And I’m not confident I can trust you with the lives of my pack.”

Chrysalis sneered. The changelings buzzed angrily. The diamond dogs began to whimper, even as Shiva’s tendrils encircled them. Chrysalis herself looked ready to lunge onto Shiva and sink her fangs into her neck.

But, just as everyone tensed up for a battle, Chrysalis glanced towards Luke, drinking in the doubt and worry on his face. She smiled.

“Well,” she said. “That’s disappointing.” She backed into the shadows. “Hopefully you change your mind soon. My workers are always listening… and we could do marvelous things together.”

Then she faded into the shadows, her changelings beside her, and her laugh echoing through the darkness. Thorax gave Shiva a sad look, before retreating as well.

Shiva let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. She looked at Luke, noting the conflict in his eyes before he managed to hide it. Shiva made a silent vow, right then and there, that she would not let Luke leave her side, even for a minute.

“Blockade this tunnel,” she declared to the others. “Cave it in if you have to.”

“Right away,” echoed through the spear dogs. Shiva turned away.

“And be on the lookout for those changelings,” Shiva added. “Get the word out to every guard and miner out past the home cavern. Do not lose your link. Do not go anywhere alone. If you get tired and need to sleep, ask for a trade-off; do not try to keep working and risk letting your guard down out of exhaustion. Those changelings are NOT infiltrating our pack! They are NOT taking A SINGLE DOG from their home.”

Spurred by her passionate words, the diamond dogs struck the stone above and caved sections of the tunnel in. The Spear Dogs slowly fell back as the tunnel collapsed into stone and rubble, while Shiva, Luke and the Iron Paws ran back for home.

Secretly, disappointment was burning in Shiva’s gut: the griffons had been money-grubbing; the changelings were untrustworthy. Would every creature Shiva freed act as if she was nothing more than a pawn? A tool for their own convenience?

Was violence and force really the only way for Shiva to maintain a place of respect in this world?

“Alpha Shiva,” Skippy’s voice echoed in her mind.

Shiva sighed. Then again, I don’t need to worry about them just yet, she thought before extending her mind to her strategist. “What is it?”

The ponies are making another move. They’re…” She could hear the wince in his voice. “They’re sending in Fluttershy.”