• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,163 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

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Chapter 8: Unlikely Friends

The Mane Six loitered in the empty throne room, unaware of the chaos beginning just beneath their hooves.

None of them seemed to know what to do; Twilight and Spike read from a book together. Rainbow Dash hoof-wrestled with Applejack, both with intense, far from playful expressions on their faces. Rarity paced the floor, constantly glancing up at the stain glass windows depicting their many adventures. Pinkie polished her party cannon. And Fluttershy sat staring at the door Shiva had gone through, Rainbow Dash’s shades hanging limply in her hooves.

After a moment of pacing, Rarity found herself next to the yellow mare. She sat with her for a moment before sighing.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” the white mare said solemnly. “For how I was acting with that… well, with Shiva.”

Rainbow Dash faltered, and Applejack slammed her hoof to the ground. Neither seemed to take much pleasure in it. The blue mare sighed and flapped over to Fluttershy as well.

“I’m sorry too,” Rainbow Dash said. “I just…” she pursed her lips. “I saw what was left of that Beast Breaker guy.”

“We all did,” Twilight said, shutting the book. Spike glowered at the shut piece of text.

“Did you also see the cages?” he asked. “The whips?”

Fluttershy’s eyes shut. “Only later,” she whispered.

The others gathered around the yellow mare.

“Fluttershy, you did what you had to do,” Twilight insisted. “Shiva may have been hurt, but she could’ve really hurt me. You stopped her from doing something she'd really regret.”

“But I couldn’t stop Beast Breaker,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I couldn’t stop him from hurting all those poor creatures in the first place.”

"Come now, darling, that’s hardly fair,” Rarity said. “You didn’t even know who he was or what he was doing.”

“I still can’t wrap my head around what he was doing,” Pinkie admitted, half-heartedly stretching her head for emphasis. “Ponies are supposed to be the good guys. Why would good guys do bad guy things like that?”

Twilight grimaced. “His name was Beast Breaker,” she admitted. “Maybe…”

“What?” the others asked.

Twilight flinched, like the answer hurt to say, but she continued. “Maybe Equestrian society isn’t as perfect as we want it to.” She looked down at her flank, where her cutie mark sat. “Maybe someone can get a cutie mark in something cruel and unjust.” She looked at Fluttershy. “An opposite to what you do best.”

Fluttershy bowed her head. “I…” she started to say.

But before they could continue, an ominous rumble shook the floors beneath them. The others struggled to keep their balance, as the entire castle shook. As if the mountain was trying to throw the castle from its perch.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash demanded, jumping into the air.

“S-S-S-Something’s g-g-going down!” Pinkie exclaimed. “T-T-The ground’s s-s-shaking like I do when s-something’s a-about to fall!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “D-diamond dogs,” she muttered.

Struggling to stay on their hooves, the group raced for the outside, stumbling past equally shaking guards and nobles. However, as the ground shook and rumbled from the battle below, the girls quickly found the ground to be the least of their problems.

For as they managed to stumble to the outside, they found the skies blackened with changeling drones, dive bombing straight for the city.

“Holy Celestia,” Rainbow Dash stammered. “W-Where did they all come from?”

“Never mind that,” Applejack said. “Where’s the princesses!?”


“I’m sorry!” Luna screamed as Luke wailed on her barrier. “By Faust above, I didn’t realize she was surrendering…”

Luke cut her off with a howl of rage. The diamond dog was shimmering with her magic, but his magic didn’t allow him to bust through her barrier. Further across the battlefield, Celestia had finally given up on peace talks, and reluctantly blasted diamond dogs further down the hallway, aided by her guards and an equally reluctant Cadence. Despite the magic Shiva had given them, none of them were managing to put a hole in the barriers the alicorns had put up, and the guards had a passion to their fighting that their alicorn commanders lacked.

“Alpha Male!” one of the Shield Dogs screamed. “We must fall back.”

Luke fumed in helpless rage. Despite Luna raising her hooves meekly, he glowered at her with absolute hatred.

“I’m sorry,” Luna whimpered.

Luke punched at her barrier again, his anger only increasing as he found the glow around him dimming; the magic slowly leaving his body. With one final punch, he propelled himself off Luna’s barrier and returned to his pack.

“Destabilize the supports structure,” he ordered. “Send their pathetic castle into the lake!”

“No!” Celestia ordered, but the shield dogs protected themselves from her beam, and held fast as the iron paws raced back into the mine. “This is not what Shiva would have wanted.”


Luna wilted, the fight utterly gone from her, as the shield dogs formed a barrier against them. However, destruction of an Equestrian capital wasn’t going to be as easy as Luke hoped. Just as he and his iron paws raced into the mines, ready to carve into the stone walls… they found more ponies rushing in to box them in.

Luke swore and fired a blast of his slowly receding magic. But it glanced off an oddly bright green shield.

At the same time, the princesses raced in, horns aglow and ready to defend their castle. Whimpering in both anger and fear, the dogs turned back to the alicorns just as the guards raced at them, pushing them towards the princesses.

Yet, as the diamond dogs tried to fight their way out of the structure, Luke found himself in a shield lock with a pony… and gasped as the ponies’ eyes glowed bright green.

“You seem to be in a spot of trouble,” the changeling noted beneath his disguise.

Luke snarled at him. “Why are you helping them?” he demanded.

“Helping them?” the changeling laughed. “I’d much rather help you.” He glanced around as several dogs gave up and charged the princesses. Celestia caught them in bubbles with a sigh, while even Luna looked reluctant as she knocked them across the caverns with beams of magic.

“Do you really think you’ll get away with sending the castle into the drink?” the changeling tempted. “How about something easier. Something simpler.” He smiled, showing his fangs. “Join us. And together, we can take them down.”

Luke gazed one final time around. Skippy had vanished. Shiva was apparently dead. The mothers and pups were nowhere to be seen. And his dogs were being caught and subdued one by one. They couldn’t win without help.

Luke sighed, and looked back at the changeling. He gave a reluctant nod.

The changeling’s grin widened, and he launched himself over Luke, blasting Cadence with a beam of green magic.

“What the…?” she stammered, before her eyes widened in horror. All around the ponies that had boxed in the diamond dogs, green fire blazed in the shadows and changelings joined the party. Some shifted into diamond dogs, lunging into the guards and barriers. Emboldened by the success, the original diamond dogs lunged with them, driving the guards and even Celestia back.

“Changelings!” Cadence screamed. “Diamond Dogs, you have changelings in your ranks! Stop and…”

But the diamond dogs didn’t care. One channeled his magic into a gem and hurled it at Cadence. The pink alicorn was knocked to the ground as the gem exploded like a grenade, sending shining shrapnel in every direction.

Luna dove into the new enemies with a roar, forcing changelings from their disguises and throwing them around with a look of utter contempt.

“Thou art the true villains!” Luna declared, more to herself than the others, stamping changelings down in fury. “Thou turned dog and pony against each other!”

“Luna,” Celestia cried. “For the love of Faust! Will you just…!”


The ponies gaped in utter horror. Cadence began to tremble. Luna froze mid-flight, jaw agape as Celestia tumbled forward, her back glowing green and webbing reaching to pin her to the ground. Standing behind her, horn alight and grinning in triumph, was Queen Chrysalis herself.

Cadence sunk into the shadows, trembling in fear.

“No… not again,” she whimpered. “Not again…” Suddenly, she felt the poke of a paw on her side. She spun to see Skippy, motioning her into the shadows. Glancing worriedly at her fellow princesses, Cadence followed him out of Chrysalis and her changelings’ sight.

“Hello, Princesses of Equestria,” Chrysalis mocked. “It’s been a long time.” Chrysalis preened herself with her holed hoof. “I’m sure you remember this differently, yes? Back when you were the one on top?” Despite her coy tone, her eyes were cold with anger and hate. “Humiliating me? Violating me? Breaking me into a scared little whelp?!”

Luna lunged at Chrysalis with a scream, only for half a dozen changelings to knock her off course. Celestia tried to rise to help, but Chrysalis had caught her off guard, and easily webbed up her horn, rendering it useless. Luna, however, was not as easy to subdue, and blasted the changelings aside with a sweep of her magic.

“Foul Queen,” Luna snarled. “You won’t get away with this!”

“Because only you can get away with cruelty?” Chrysalis hissed. “You let your precious subjects abuse my workers.” Luna and Celestia quivered as her words hit them like daggers. “You let them cage and whip my subjects for the crime of just being who they are!”

Luna and Celestia couldn’t keep the guilt off their faces. Chrysalis smirked, briefly glancing at Luke.

“But now, your time has come,” Chrysalis declared. “With your power, and the power of the Howlite Howler by my side… Equestria will be MINE!”

She let loose with an evil cackle that made Celestia sigh. Luna flared her horn.

“No matter your reasons,” Luna said. “The Howlite Howler will never join you."

Luke glowered at her. "You made sure of that, didn't you?" he snarled.

Chrysalis' eyes widened, putting the pieces together from their expressions. Her ears flattened, and her eyes narrowed in rage before she gave Luke a new look of glee.

"Then," Chrysalis declared. "The diamond dogs might like what's going on above ground," she noted.

Luna faltered. She and Celestia looked at each other. Luke found himself smiling at the fear in their eyes.

“Iron Paws,” he barked. “Whatever the changelings are doing above... Help them!”

His Iron Paws obeyed, and jumped off the shields of their shield dog brethren, smashing into the roof and carving through like an upside-down pool.

“No!” Luna stammered, before looking to Celestia again.

“Help our subjects!” Celestia ordered, yet her tone was cold, and held a silent, “Do not mess up again!”

Nodding once, Luna propelled herself after the diamond dogs, smashing through the rock with a blue shield. Chrysalis watched her go with an amused hum.

"Still have faith in her, Celestia?” Chrysalis asked, stroking Celestia’s face. “Despite all the mistakes she’s made? Such loyalty. A shame it will all be for nothing.”

She stepped over the alicorn, grinding her hoof into Celestia’s mane for emphasis, before sauntering over to Luke.

“Now,” Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed. “What, exactly did they do to the Howlite Howler?”

Luke bowed his head. “She's gone,” he growled. “Because of her.” He jutted his head at Celestia, who was being bound in a cocoon and dragged off for whatever nefarious purpose the changelings had for her.

Chrysalis watched her with contempt before giving Luke a pitying glance. A glance that turned manipulative when she saw the last bits of magic dancing across his fur.

“Then let us see her avenged,” Chrysalis proclaimed, her horn glowing as she rested it on Luke’s head. “Let us see these ponies pay for the pain they inflicted.”

Luke’s gaze hardened, and he nodded in determination, turning back to his shield dogs.

“For Shiva,” he declared.

“For Shiva!” they bellowed, shaking their shields and stamping their spears, as they followed Chrysalis and her changelings towards the upper ground.


Shiva’s eyes fluttered open. At first, she wasn’t able to tell what was happening. Darkness blocked her vision and made her wonder if her eyes were still closed. But she could feel the sharp stones of the mine beneath her, jarring her from sleep.

At first, Shiva’s heart started to hammer; her entire body was numb, and her mouth tasted like something had crawled down her throat and died. But as her scent glands woke up, she was comforted by the scent of Skippy, coming out of the shadows and kneeling by her side.

“Skippy…?” Shiva mumbled.

“I’m here,” he assured her, his voice soothing on her ears. “I got you, Alpha. You’re going to be okay.” He turned to the shadows. “Over here. Please hurry!”

“Skippy,” Shiva croaked. “What happened?”

Skippy looked down with a whimper.

“Chrysalis outwitted us,” Skippy said, his head bowing. “Shiva, I… I’m so sorry.”

“Why?” Shiva breathed. She struggled to force herself into some semblance of focus. “Luke?”

“He’s okay,” Skippy said. “Chrysalis is using him to take over Canterlot.”

Shiva’s ears flattened. Her tail tucked up to her chest. Her claws dug into Skippy's shoulder, but not from anger; more from a need to ground herself on something.

“But…” she stammered. “The Princesses…”

“Chrysalis snuck up on Celestia,” Skippy explained. “Luna’s trying to protect Canterlot. And…”

“Luna… did this to me…” A thought made her face contort with fear. “She’ll do this to Luke!"

“We’ll stop it,” Skippy assured her. “But we need you back on your paws.” He turned to the darkness. “Cadence, come on!”

Right at that moment, Shiva became aware of the other form in the shadows. Cadence walked towards Shiva, covering her mouth in horror.

“You poor thing,” Cadence whispered.

However, upon seeing her, Shiva tried to scoot back.

“No,” she whimpered. “No more ponies. Get them away.”

Skippy clung to her paw. “Shiva, it’s okay,” he tried to assure her. “She’s going to help you.”

Shiva still shook her head as Cadence knelt next to her. “No more ponies,” she whimpered. “All they give is pain!”

“Not me,” Cadence insisted. Her horn glowed, and a soft pink glow settled over Shiva, chasing away the numb feeling and replacing it with relief. “Your pack mate helped me. Now I’m going to help you.”

But Shiva was only half aware of her words, the magical relief from her wounds only sharpening her mind to the reality of the situation.

She had failed! Chrysalis was taking Canterlot as they spoke. And she had Luke with her. Shiva wanted to kick herself; Luke had needed her, and now he was relying on some temptress. How long would it be before Chrysalis gave up her game and made him and the rest of the pack her slaves? Who’s to say she hadn’t already caged some diamond dogs already?!

Skippy was right. She had to get back on her paws. Her pack needed her. She reached out and grabbed Cadence by the horn.

Cadence faltered, nearly pulling back as her magic began to pour into Shiva. Forcing any broken bones back into place and pumping her body with adrenaline.

“Shiva… easy…” Cadence whimpered, her cutie mark flickering as Shiva rose to her paws.

Skippy reached out. “Alpha, stop! That’s enough!”

But Shiva turned and grabbed Skippy. He yelped as some of the magic poured into him, forming a stable pack link. But Cadence didn’t get that luxury. Her face rapidly went from concerned to fearful as Shiva yanked her magic from her.

“Shiva, stop! Please!” Cadence begged.

But Shiva did not stop. My pack needs me, she thought. And I need this!

“Alpha!” Skippy protested. But then Cadence’s cutie mark faded from her side. She barely avoided falling, her legs trembling as they barely managed to support her. Skippy stared down at her with horror, while Shiva stalked out of the cave, her injuries healed and her fur glowing white with a soft pink tinge to it.

“Shiva…!” Skippy tried to protest, but when Shiva turned to him, he backed up at the furious light in her eyes.

“I’m DONE playing nice,” Shiva declared. Her voice silenced Skippy, and his gaze turned to behind her as the sound of buzzing emanated.

Shiva turned the source, glowering as two changelings appeared, grinning down at her.

“There she is!” one of them noted.

“Huh,” the other said. “Luna's magic didn't do that much damage. She looks better than before…”

Before he could finish, Shiva lashed out with tendrils of light, catching the changelings like Applejack catching apples with a lasso. The changelings screamed as their magic was drained from their bodies. The pink tinge around Shiva’s fur became highlighted with green, and the changelings dropped to the ground, withered and dead-looking, as Shiva stalked past them, Skippy watching her go fearfully.

“Skippy?” Cadence asked. She tried to flare her horn, but only managed to produce a feeble spark. Skippy turned back to her.

“Stay behind me,” he ordered. “Shiva’s likely going to head for the surface. When she gets there, use your authority as princess. Get every pony you can as far away from her as possible.”

Cadence nodded; despite the lack of magic, she still had energy to walk, and she and Skippy followed after Shiva as she stormed into the cavern.

They didn’t get far before finding another surprise; several changelings weaving the final touches on two cocoons, containing – Shiva’s breath hitched – two of her diamond dogs.

The changelings didn’t get the chance to breath before Shiva’s tendrils ensnared them and drained them of their magic.

Her stance strengthened, and her energy returned, while the changelings withered and moaned their agony to the ceiling.

Shiva’s fury faded by a fraction upon turning to her dogs. Lashing her tendrils again, she smashed the dogs from their cocoons, setting them gently onto the ground and shrouding them in pink, green and white light.

“Duke, Joey,” Shiva asked, cupping the dog’s heads as their thoughts gave her their names. “Are you two okay?”

Duke blinked bleary blue eyes, while Joey shook her dark head.

“Shiva…?” she mumbled, before blinking. “Alpha Shiva!”

Both dogs yanked Shiva into a bear hug, Shiva smiling softly as she hugged them back.

“We thought you dead!” Duke whimpered. “Alpha Luke going with Changeling Queen. Taking Canterlot.”

“Then we’re going to get him back,” Shiva said.

“And the ponies?” Joey asked.

“Nothing stands in our way,” Shiva declared. “Not ponies, not changelings, and certainly not alicorns. We’re getting our pack back…”

She was cut off as buzzing once again emanated. A bigger horde of changelings rounded the corner.

“The Howlite Howler!” the biggest one said. “Get her!”

But as the changelings shot for her, Shiva lashed out with her tendrils. The changelings were caught, and in seconds, were reduced to withered husks. Skippy stepped back as Shiva grew larger, her aura mixed with green. Her gaze was cold as frozen steel.

“And we’re going to destroy anyone who stands in our way,” Shiva growled.

Author's Note:

Looks like Shiva's embracing her inner Tirek. :fluttershyouch:

Hope you guys enjoy. As always, be sure to let me know what works and what could be improved.

Thanks again for all your support, and I look forward to hearing what you think.