• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,163 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

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Chapter 5: The Welcome Back Committee

Author's Note:

Well, Shiva managed to handle meeting the Mane Six with maturity and grace. Now, let's see how she handles meeting the more spoiled nobility of Canterlot. :ajsleepy:

Another huge thanks to truenorth14 for Skippy; I'm really enjoying the role the character is getting to play in this, and appreciate all the help I've gotten.

Please let me know if there's anything that could be improved. And above all, I hope you enjoy. Thanks again for reading. :twilightsmile:

Dear Princess Celestia,

It took us some trials and tribulations, but the Howlite Howler is returning to Canterlot with us.

However, I wish she was coming back under more pleasant circumstances: while we were negotiating with her, some pony appearing as Cadence appeared, claiming Shiva had imprisoned and tortured her. Shiva denied these accusations, but our guards were unconvinced. Whoever is posing as ‘Cadence’ slipped away during the resulting ‘argument,’ and we believe she is on her way back to Canterlot.

Princess, part of me prays the Howlite Howler is wrong, but according to her, the imposter is a changeling. I didn’t want to believe her, but Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy vouch for her, and it’s hard to see why she would lie about this.

If the Cadence who left us is indeed one of the changelings, please use extra caution around her. I understand that you have fought changelings in the past, and they have likely come looking for revenge, both for your actions and Beast Breaker’s more recent actions against them. Shiva and I are on our way, and Shiva intends to assist us in any way she can.

I look forward to seeing you again.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.


Princess Celestia re-read the letter again, just to make sure she had understood it. She was used to getting scrolls bursting with friendship lessons from her faithful student at all hours of the day, but this was something new: a warning against a foe Celestia had assumed learned their lesson against invading Equestria. Nearly dropped into her morning coffee, of all places. Just as she reached the part about Cadence, she glanced up and darted to the balcony outside. The pegasus-inherited vision aided her, and she saw the pink alicorn entering her city. The pink alicorn was flanked by two guards, and looked rather beaten down, but the light in her purple eyes was indeed far different from the Cadence Celestia had seen grow up and earn her place as an alicorn.

“Luna,” Celestia called, turning from the balcony and returning inside. Her sister raced in, spotting the scroll as Celestia hovered it to her.

“News of the Howlite Howler?” Luna asked. Her eyes were skimming over the paper before Celestia could respond.

“Well,” Celestia said, even as Luna’s eyes narrowed, then widened. “It seems your fears of Shiva attacking were greatly over-exaggerated. The Howlite Howler is not the one we need to worry about right now.”

Luna looked up, her eyes wide with shock.

“I-Is this true, sister?” she asked. “Changelings? But you defeated the last Changeling Queen ages ago.”

Celestia grimaced. “I had hoped that an offer of mercy, combined with the injuries she already suffered at my hooves, would teach her that attacking Equestria was folly.” She gazed sadly down as ‘Cadence’ was approached by other nobles, who all seemed distraught at her ragged appearance. “It is a lesson that she appears to have forgotten.”

Luna followed her gaze, watching as a guard in the elaborate armor of a captain shot forward, practically blasting the ponies out of his way to get to Cadence. The two cupped each other’s faces before resting their heads together. Faintly, Celestia swore she could see green mist leeching off the captain and into the alicorn, but the effect seemed lost on the crowd. Luna hummed at the sight, only to grimace as she recognized Blueblood among the crowd. The alicorn and guards’ conversation with him was far from audible, but the meaning was clear, especially when Cadence repeatedly pointed outside of Canterlot.

Blueblood’s eyes narrowed in triumph, and he grinned up at the alicorn sisters before darting towards their castle, followed by Cadence, the guards and half of the nobles. Celestia shut her eyes with a sigh.

“Sister,” Luna said worriedly. “You are certain that Shiva had nothing to do with the changelings’ sudden burst of confidence, yes?”

Celestia turned away from the balcony, making her way to the throne room like she was heading for battle.

“Twilight’s letter said that Shiva means to help us fight these invaders,” Celestia said, striding into her throne room. “The Elements of Honesty, Kindness and Laughter have vouched for her, and she is coming back peacefully.” She smiled. “All things being considered, I’m inclined to believe her intentions are good.”

Luna took her place at Celestia’s side as the sun alicorn settled on her throne.

“I hope you are right,” Luna said. “But the path to redemption is not an easy one.” She bowed her head. “Your love and care for me were of great importance when I came back from being Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia smiled. “Luna, my loving sister,” she cooed, stroking her sister’s mane. “You are my flesh and blood. My family. I will always be there for you.”

Luna smiled softly, though her smile faded as she turned to the door, where soon Blueblood would rush in with petulant demands and taunts.

“It worries me that Shiva does not have some pony like that,” she said. “Some pony that… isn’t a diamond dog.”

Before she could continue, Blueblood burst inside, followed by his entourage. Cadence was practically foreleg in foreleg with the guard captain, whom Celestia recognized as Shining Armor. Despite wanting to groan in resignation, Luna and Celestia quickly wiped their faces clear of emotion as Blueblood stormed in.

“I knew there was reason to fear,” Blueblood was ranting. “I warned you of the dangers. Princess Celestia; if you needed any more proof that the Howlite Howler is a monster and a beast, just…” he stuttered for a minute before whirling towards Cadence. “Look what she did to one of your fellow princesses!”

Cadence limped forward, and sunk into a bow. Celestia just narrowed her eyes at her; if the changeling queen she had fought was there, she was far better at disguises than she was at combat.

“My fellow princess,” Cadence whimpered, looking up at her. “The Howlite Howler kept me imprisoned. She tortured me for what ponies did to her. You can’t trust her.”

Blueblood smirked. “You see, Princess,” he repeated. “I told you that creature couldn’t be trusted.”

“This… Howlite Howler did this to my fiancé?” Shining Armor stammered in anger.

“It needs to be punished!” another noble mare said. “Banish it to the sun!”

“BANISH IT TO THE SUN!” echoed across the crowd.

But Celestia simply fixed them with her special glare of disapproval. A few indignant mutters rang through, but Celestia patiently waited for every pony to go silent. She once again looked at Cadence, but the mare kept her head bowed. It was hard to see her eyes flicker with disgust and anger from her inclined head.

Celestia rose, stretching her wings leisurely.

“Well,” she said. “In order to banish the Howlite Howler, I’d have to have her brought back to Canterlot.”

Blueblood tried to protest, but Celestia talked over him.

“And, as it is,” she continued. “My personal student, Twilight Sparkle, is currently heading back with the Howlite Howler right now.”

“Twily?” Shining Armor stammered over the cheers of assent from the nobles. “She’s with that creature?”

“As are the other Elements, and plenty of guards,” Celestia reassured him, though her eyes focused on the two that had escorted Cadence. “Though, it appears that her division is short two guards.”

Shining Armor put the math together faster than the others. He whirled on the two with a righteous fury. “You left my little sister with that beast?!” he almost screamed.

The guards flinched down. “W-Well, sir,” one of them whimpered. “We had to get Princess Cadence back.”

Shining Armor’s eyes darted to his future wife, and he was left mouthing out words in conflict. Before the nobles could re-organize themselves, Luna strode over to the nearest stain glass window.

“Oh, look,” she declared. “Here they come right now!”

The nobles perked and rushed for the door, shoving the guards ahead of them in an attempt to form a shield against the beast they feared yet were eager to see punished. Cadence was the last to leave, allowing Celestia to catch the venomous glare she shot her just seconds before the door shut.

Celestia sighed. “An excellent distraction, Luna,” she declared, only to see Luna still staring out the window.

“It was no distraction, Tia,” Luna replied, nodding to the outside. Celestia came to her side, and sure enough, a train was heading towards Canterlot. And in one of the windows of the train, Celestia could spot the Howlite Howler, her chin on the window sill, looking like she’d rather jump out of the train rather than complete the journey.

“Oh, dear,” Celestia mumbled. She hurried to the door. “I should keep things from getting too ugly out there.”

“Sister,” Luna said quickly. “I was serious about Shiva. If her attempts at redemption are only met with suspicion and hostility, she will go right back to enemy hooves.”

Celestia gave her an intrigued look. “Are you proposing to be her friend?” she asked teasingly.

Luna looked away, rubbing at her hoof.

“I-I know not, sister. It is likely she holds contempt and distrust towards me for my attempts to defend Equestria from her.”

“But think of the fear and isolation that must plague her mind,” Celestia pointed out. “It must be far from foreign to you.”

Luna sighed, but nodded. “I will not deny, if her heart is true, I may be able to comprehend and sympathize with her.” She grimaced, but forced a smile. “Very well, sister. Should she truly wish it; with all her heart; I will aid her in her path to redemption.”

Celestia nodded, but another look at where the nobles had gone made her face fall. She touched her sister’s shoulder.

“Stay in the castle for now. Let me handle Shiva. And when the time is right… then speak with her.”

Luna nodded. “I understand, Tia.” She smiled softly. “Thank you.”

Celestia glanced back again, but thankfully, no angry shouts sounded. More important, there was no hum of magic spells being charged.


“Thank me by guarding the castle,” Celestia said, enshrouding herself in golden light. “If Blueblood provokes Shiva into an early regression, or the changelings have other plans in motion… I shudder to think of the battle that will follow.”


Shiva shuddered as the gates of Canterlot came up, like the maw of a great marble beast. It still disgusted her that she had to return to this pit of cruelty hidden under self-righteous pomp. Then the thought of what Chrysalis might do to her diamond dogs once she had the power these spoiled ponies wielded crossed her mind. With it burning in her imagination, Shiva pushed forward, her face set in determination.

“Come on, no long faces, Sugarcube,” Applejack encouraged. “We’ll be right by your side.”

“All of us,” Spike promised. “And once the changelings go down, there’s no way people can say you’re bad.”

“That’s right,” Pinkie cheered. “We’ll have a proper ‘Welcome-To-Equestria-Sorry-For-Thinking-You-Were-A-Bad-Guy-Party.” She rubbed her hooves in glee. “Oh, I’m certain I can make a cupcake you’ll enjoy that time. I can’t wait to try!”

“Oh, Shiva,” Fluttershy whispered. “I think I’ve got it this time.”

Shiva still winced away from the yellow mare, only to pause and do a double-take. The mare had donned a pair of dark sunglasses, shielding her azure eyes. Shiva still couldn’t look fully at her, but it was a lot better than seeing her eyes fully uncovered.

“Is this… a little better?” she asked. “I can’t completely cover my eyes, but… it’s better than nothing, right?”

Shiva sighed, but let her tail wag. “I appreciate your efforts, Fluttershy,” she said. “Thank you.”

Fluttershy still didn't smile, as Shiva said it with her back to her, but she nodded at the progress she made. While Rainbow Dash and Rarity still stayed far from the wolf. Twilight glanced between them before cautiously moving over to Shiva.

“So…” Twilight ventured. “That… magic link you had with your pack? Is it…?”

None of her business,” Luke growled from below. “Don’t let her know we’re down here.”

Trying to be down here,” Skippy corrected grumpily. “It’s hard work keeping up with that train.”

“Oh, don’t lump yourself together with us actual workers, runt,” another diamond dog grumbled. “You’re not even doing any digging!”

I better break that up,” Luke said, as the sound of their barking faded to background noise. “Just remember…”

“Strike my paw on the ground, and you’ll come up and strike down whoever earned my wrath.” Shiva said to the pack, though what she said to Twilight was. “Strength of the wolf is the pack.” She shrugged. “My magic has always revolved around that phrase; empowering my pack, quick communication through thoughts instead of words…” She quirked an ear. “Don’t you guys have anything like that?”

Twilight blushed. “Well…” she admitted. “We still have secrets we don’t wanna share. Even between friends. T-The mind can be a terrible thing to read after all.”

The others gave Twilight startled looks. “Something being too terrible to read?” Pinkie repeated, before narrowing her eyes. “Who are you and what have you done with Twilight?”

Shiva’s tail tucked. “Not really friends if you don’t fully trust em,” she pointed out.

“Oh, come on, I was joking!” Pinkie said. “We’re friends with you, and you still have secrets.”

“Friends is a pretty generous description of what we have right now.”

“A generous diamond dog?” Rarity chuckled. “Now there’s something I’d love to see.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled with her, only for both to flinch at the collective glares everyone else in the room shot them. Rarity cleared her throat.

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

Shiva sighed. “Stay close, guys,” she murmured into her pack link. "I may need you sooner rather than later."

“Just for the changelings, right?” Pinkie whispered in her ear.

It took all of Shiva’s fortitude not to jump out of her fur in terror. She spun back to Pinkie, who just grinned at Shiva.

She proceeded to mime zipping her lips, locking them with a key, burying the key and building a house on top of it, before bouncing away from Shiva’s side. Shiva still stared at the pink mare, dumbfounded. She only looked away when Spike pat her arm.

“Sorry,” he said. “Just Pinkie Pie being… well, Pinkie Pie.”

Shiva didn’t reply. Her back fur was spiked like a porcupine. It didn’t help as the door opened, and she found every guard on the wall glowering at her in a manner that made them seem to want heat vision.

“Are… all these guards just for her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She did cause a heckuva ruckus getting out,” Applejack admitted, before turning to Shiva with a sheepish grin. “No offense, sugar cube.”

“Some taken,” Shiva said with a shrug, glancing up at the guards. “I would say it’s a little overblown. It’s not like I’m going to hurt any pony.”

“We’ll still be right by your side,” Fluttershy promised. “The nobles of Canterlot aren’t as… nice as we are.”

Shiva glanced her way, smiling in appreciation at Fluttershy’s hidden gaze, though her smile only lasted so long, and she could only manage a faint nod at the yellow mare's expense.

"Let's get going," Shiva declared.

“Right,” Twilight agreed, herding the group along. “We need to get to Princess Celestia, before…”

She paused, catching sight of a familiar entourage sauntering down the street.

“…before exactly that happens,” Spike mumbled.

Shiva stiffened, following his gaze; Blueblood was at the head of the entourage, strategically placing himself behind a wedge-shaped formation of guards, his eyes locked on Shiva with a mixture of disdain and fear. At the very back, ‘Cadence’s head poked out from the back. Her eyes widened as they landed on Shiva, and she slowed her pace even more, only for more nobles to drag her along.

“Nothing to fear, Princess,” they soothed her. “That thing can’t hurt you anymore.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, and started to move forward, only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight of the guard at the very head of the entourage.

“Shining?” she asked. “What’re you…?”

“Twilight!” Shining exclaimed, racing forward. His horn flashed, and Twilight was lifted away from Shiva and into her brother’s embrace. “By the Princesses, I was so worried for you!”

“Shiny, it’s okay, I’m fine,” Twilight mumbled, her voice muffled b his armor.

“No pony’s fine as long as that creature’s around,” Blueblood insisted, pointing a hoof at Shiva.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike reflexively moved closer to Shiva, though none of them seemed to be sure whether it was for Shiva’s protection… or the nobles. Shiva glowered at them with a hatred that outclassed any disdain they could have shot her. But Shiva forced her gaze past Blueblood and his spoiled nobles, and focused on Cadence, who tried to scoot further back.

It would be so easy, Shiva thought, glancing down at her claws. A quick bolt to reveal the truth; just expose her as a changeling right in the middle of that crowd. The magic works based on what I want; I know it can work for this.

“But what if your shot misses?” Skippy barked, reading her thoughts. “What if you hit one of the guards instead?”

Shiva’s fist clenched as the voices of the guards registered.

“Why isn’t the creature in chains?” Shining Armor demanded. “Why isn’t someone stifling that glow?”

“Where’s Princess Celestia?” a noble demanded. “She should banish it to the sun before it tries to enter our beloved kingdom.”

Shiva’s ears perked.

“Now, wait just another minute,” Applejack said. “Shiva ain’t here to start more fights.”

“Yeah,” Spike agreed. “We got a serious problem, and she’s gonna help!”

“The only ‘help’ that beast can offer is letting itself be banished!” Blueblood declared. “Or have you peasants forgotten what happened to Beast Breaker and his brave fellow ponies?”

“Brave?” Fluttershy growled coldly, the power of the Stare in her voice. Shiva shuddered, and several of the nobles took several steps back.

“Y-Yes, brave!” Blueblood insisted. “They took on cruel and destructive beasts of…”

“They caged up and tormented several innocent creatures,” Fluttershy hissed, trembling where she stood.

“Innocent?!” several nobles cried, followed by a round of laughter.

Fluttershy began to tremble with barely suppressed fury. Despite her own anger at the ponies, Shiva took a big step back from they yellow mare, nearly bumping into Applejack, while Rainbow Dash nervously fluttered down to the mare and started trying to calm her.

“Are dragons innocent?” Blueblood demanded. “Are changelings ‘innocent?’”

“Why don’t you ask the one behind you?” Shiva growled, her gaze aimed straight at Cadence. Several nobles turned, more confusion than fear in their eyes. Cadence’s wings flared, and her eyes very briefly flashed green before narrowing in anger.

“How dare you!” she snapped. “First you hold me against my will. Then you accuse me of being one of those... well, those…”

“Tell me,” Shiva said with a grin. “How will Queen Chrysalis punish you if you bad-mouth her?” Cadence paled. “She zapped one of you just for moving out of your spot. How will she react to a direct insult?”

“SILENCE!” Shining Armor snarled, jumping between Shiva and the crowd. “How dare you speak such horrible lies about my fiancé.”

“But… wait, fiancé?” Twilight stammered.

"You're getting married to her?!" Pinkie demanded.

The others were equally stunned by the phrase, allowing the nobles to jump in.

“Don’t listen to this creature, Princess,” they said. “It's an untrustworthy monster.”

“Enough of this nonsense,” Blueblood declared. “Guards!” he ordered. “Arrest this filth for the Princess!”

Several of the guards moved towards Shiva, and the diamond dog rose to her hind legs. Magic crackled in her paws, and the guards all hesitated, fear flashing in their eyes.

“Shiva, don’t!” Spike pleaded. “Attacking them will only make things worse.”

“She’s right there, guys,” Shiva insisted, her gaze still on Cadence. “She’s right there!”

“I know,” Applejack said. “But they don’t care!”

“It’s going to attack!” Blueblood was shrieking.

“Guards, destroy that monster immediately!” several of them cried.

Shiva growled at the guards, who desperately turned to Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike.

“Girls, get out of the way,” one guard mumbled, in a voice that begged them not to.

“No way,” Applejack growled. "The lot of you unicorns've always been spoiled. Well, this is one thing that ain't gonna go your way!"

"Yeah," Spike said. "You wanna get to Shiva..."

"You gotta go through us!" Fluttershy growled.

Shiva's tail wagged at their loyalty, and at the resulting argument it sparked. A cacophony of demands and arguments launched into the air, the mares and the nobles screaming over each other. Past all the commotion, Shiva saw Cadence turn and try to stride away. But in the process, she was giving Shiva a perfect shot.

Shiva got ready; a jump off Applejack’s back, a bolt to the back, and she’d be exposed.

“Shiva, be careful!” Skippy pleaded through the link.

I can do it!

She got ready to jump… just as a burst of sunlight silenced everyone in the crowd.

Except one.

“And then I said ‘Oatmeal? Are you crazy…!’” Pinkie was ranting at the nobles before noticing the light. “Oh! Oops.”

The light faded, and Celestia came to a landing, gently setting herself down between the guards and the ponies guarding Shiva.

“P-Princess,” Applejack stammered, sinking into a bow. “I- We can explain.”

Celestia just raised a wing, and motioned. Applejack gave Shiva a sad look, but the dog just nodded in understanding. Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike reluctantly stepped out of the way, leaving no one between Shiva and Celestia.

“Ha!” Blueblood crowed in triumph. “Our hero, every pony. Prepare yourself for the sun, foul beast! You’ll be…!” Celestia silenced him with a look.

Shiva still felt her magic spell trembling in her claws. But Celestia was right in front of her. It was impossible for her to get a clear shot now. Yet, when Celestia turned to her, there was kindness in her pink eyes.

“Welcome back to Canterlot, Shiva,” Celestia said. “It’s unfortunate the circumstances are not better.”

The nobility was staring at Celestia expectantly. It wouldn’t be long before they started yelling again.

“Did you get Twilight’s message?” Shiva asked. “There are changelings in Canterlot. One of them’s behind you right now.”

“Liar!” Cadence screamed, but even she went silent as Celestia regarded her. Nobles were still packing her in, making it impossible for the imposter to move.

“Changelings?” Celestia mused. “Well, that is unfortunate.” She turned to her guards. “Guards, round up these nobles, and have them thoroughly checked.”

Blueblood gaped in indignation. “Y-You’re going to take the word of a…” he tried to protest, but Celestia spoke over him.

“Changelings are no laughing matter, my dear prince,” she said. “If they didn’t learn from the first lesson I gave them, then it’s important to ensure the lesson sticks this time.” She nodded to her guards, and the guards obeyed.

“You honestly think we’re changelings?! Don’t you dare…! Guards, if you dare…” several nobles protested as the guards herded them away.

Though Shining Armor went straight to Cadence. The two took each other’s hooves, and Shiva got a bad feeling that Cadence was going to get special treatment for this scan. Before Shiva could give her opinion, though…

“Shiva,” Celestia declared. “With me. Please.”

Before Shiva could respond, Celestia’s glow encompassed them both. With a flash of gold light, the streets of Canterlot vanished from Shiva’s sight.


Meanwhile, below Canterlot, Luke felt the link with Shiva flicker.

“Shiva?!” he asked. “Shiva, are you still there?” He turned. “Skippy, what do you…?”

But the brown diamond dog was gone. Even his link was barely there.

“Skippy?” Luke asked.

“Don’t worry,” his voice assured the diamond dog. “I’m just doing some… recon.”

“Recon?” Luke asked, before noticing the tunnels behind them. Something blue glowed in the darkness for a second before blinking out. Luke backed up towards the iron paws, glowering at the darkness.

Seconds later, however, a crumbling sound from the front of the tunnel drew their attention. The digger dogs burrowed out into a cavern. All around them, crystals and gems gleamed like mirrors, giving the dogs reflections of their excited expressions.

“The mines!” one whispered.

“Gems!” another whimpered, pointing out the rare metals.

“HOORAY!” they all cried as one.

Luke pat at his Iron Paws. “Get everyone inside and get a perimeter started,” he ordered. “If something ain’t a diamond dog, it doesn’t get through this tunnel.” As they moved to obey, Luke gave one last look at the shadowy tunnels where the blue eyes had watched him. “Don’t get yourself killed, Skip,” Luke added. “It’s bad enough Shiva is up there with those ponies. Now, we gotta worry about the changelings too.”


Further down the tunnel, a changeling watched the diamond dogs from the shadows, as they scurried into the abandoned mines. The changeling looked back as more drones and workers scuttled forward, careful not to give their position away. But as they scurried past the changeling’s hiding spot, he came out, blending instantly into their horde.

Yes, Luke,” Skippy thought. “You'll have to worry a lot.”