• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 10,828 Views, 616 Comments

Through the Eyes of Nightmare - Mister E-Nonymous

A boy from an orphanage in New York has had a tough life. He lost his parents when he was four, he got picked on by bullies in school, he got kidnapped and forced to steal a diamond, and now, he ends up in Equestria as a filly Nightmare Moon. Oh boy.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... July 18th... 8:00 AM...

Twilight, Spike and Moonlight were eating breakfast. Today was the day that Twilight was going to get Moonlight a dog. But for her to do it right, she has to get Moonlight to do some flying lessons with Rainbow Dash. Twilight looked over at Moonlight, who was finishing her pancakes. Just then, there was a knock on the front door. Twilight got up from her seat and headed towards the front door. When she opened it, outside was Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Twi!" Rainbow said. "Is everything ready?"

"Yep," Twilight said. She then turned towards the kitchen door. "Hey, Moonlight! Can you come to the front door?" Moonlight then came out of the kitchen and walked up to the two mares. "Moonlight, I think we should get you flying. After all, you've been doing so much with your magic and your hooves, I think it's time for you to get some flying."

"Are you sure?" Moonlight asked, a little nervous.

"It'll be fine," Rainbow said, waving a hoof. "After all, you'll be taught how to fly by none other than the best flyer in Equestria." She then laid down for Moonlight to get on. "Now, hop on. I've already set a course for you to start flying training."

Moonlight then looked up at Twilight, a little nervous. Twilight motioned her head, telling Moonlight to go with Rainbow, and then Moonlight sighed. She then got onto Rainbow's back.

"Hang on tight, kid," Rainbow said. "It's gonna be a windy ride." Rainbow then took off into the sky. Twilight was watching as they were going through the sky, Rainbow Dash leaving her signature rainbow trail as she was flying. As the two were out of sight, Spike came up to Twilight, with a backpack on his back.

"Okay," said Spike. "Got everything we need."

Twilight then looked towards a bush and asked, "You ready to go?"

From the bush, Fluttershy peeked her head out, smiled and said, "Yes." She then came out of the bush, and then the three of them headed away from the Golden Oaks Library after Spike locked the door.

Animal Shelter... Canterlot... Equestria... July 18th... 10:00 AM...

Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy walked into the animal shelter in Canterlot. They headed into the area where they kept the dogs, and the three of them were looking at all of them.

"According to Princess Celestia, this place is where the dogs are kept under the best care," Spike said.

"This place has so many dogs," Twilight said. "How are we going to find the right one for Moonlight?"

"There are so many dogs to choose from," Fluttershy said. She walked towards one cage and saw one dog starring at all of them.

Fluttershy smiled and then she looked towards Twilight and asked, "What about this one?"

Twilight and Spike took a look at the dog. Spike then said, "I just hope that this dog is easily trained."

Then one pony in the shelter walked up to them and said, "Oh, he's very well behaved, and is good with foals." Then she got a good look at the two mares. "Say, aren't you two the ones with the Elements of Harmony?"

"Yes we are," Twilight said. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Fluttershy."

"Oh, I heard of you, Miss Sparkle," said the Shelter Pony. "I heard that you adopted a filly that looks like Nightmare Moon. Is it true that she only looks like her and isn't really her?"

"She's just a foal who needed a good family, and not be treated badly," Twilight said. "She had it worse before she came to Ponyville."

"Well, if she only looks like Nightmare Moon and isn't really her, I hope that nothing bad will happen because of her," said the Shelter Pony. "I'll have this dog out, get you the papers, and collar and a leash for this dog. I'm sure that your little filly is going to love him."

"Yeah," Twilight said. "She deserves something that would be there for her when she's down."

"Yes, dogs are known for that," the Shelter Pony said before walking away. Later, she came back with the paperwork, a leash and a collar for the dog. Since the Shelter Pony was a unicorn, she levitated the papers and a quill for Twilight to sign. Twilight took the quill in her magic and signed the paper work, officially adopting the dog. The Shelter Pony then let the dog out, and the dog ran right towards Twilight, licking her.

"Hey!" Twilight said as the dog licked her cheek. "Easy, boy!" Twilight then petted the dog and smiled. "Well, let's get you to Ponyville so you can meet my foal." Twilight then used her magic to hook the collar and then hooked the leash to it. Then she handed the leash to Spike. "Alright. Let's head on home to Ponyville." Then Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and the dog headed on out of there.

As soon as they left the animal shelter, Twilight heard a voice very familiar to her.


Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy looked towards the left and saw Twilight Velvet walking towards them. She had a smile on her face, seeing Twilight again.

"Mom?" Twilight asked. "What are you doing here in this part of town?"

"I just wanted to get some fresh air," Velvet said. Then she noticed the dog. "Let me guess, getting a dog for Moonlight?"

"Yep," Twilight said. "We haven't named him yet."

"We're thinking of letting Moonlight name the dog," Spike added.

"That's a good idea," Velvet said. "Well, I hope that Moonlight will enjoy this dog." Velvet patted the dog's head. "One of these days, Night Light and I will have to come down to Ponyville to see how she's doing."

"I'm sure that Moonlight would enjoy having a dog," Twilight said. "She deserves one. Even if she wasn't originally from here."

"I'm sure that you're doing the right thing, Twilight," Velvet said. "Be sure to get a lot of stuff for the dog. And make sure he has a lot of loving times." Velvet then rubbed her hoof up and down the dog's neck.

"I will, Mom," Twilight said. "And I'm sure that Moonlight will enjoy this dog as well. We better get to Ponyville. Moonlight will love having a dog to play with."

Velvet nodded and said, "Well, it's been nice seeing you again."

Twilight nodded, and then she, Spike, Fluttershy and the dog headed on to the train station.

Pegasus Flight Training Grounds... Ponyville... Equestria... July 18th... 11:30 AM...

Moonlight was being trained how to fly by Rainbow Dash, starting with gliding. Moonlight was tired, having her wings spread out, her wings too sore to move.

Rainbow Dash flew down and said, "Hey, you did very good for your first try."

"I'm... sore..." Moonlight said. Rainbow Dash then picked her up by her scruff.

"It's alright..." Rainbow Dash said with a mouthful. She then placed Moonlight on her back. "I think we should do some training every two hours every Saturday." Just then, the sound of Moonlight's stomach growled. "And we'll get the training done right before lunch. That way, you'll be getting some food in your stomach."

"Lunch sounds good right now," Moonlight said.

"I'm gonna take you to a Hayburger for some grub," Rainbow said.

"Hay-Burger?" Moonlight asked. "Is that like a hamburger?"

"Hamburger?" Rainbow asked. "Humans are meat eaters?"

"Meat is supposed to be in a human's..." Moonlight was trying to think of a word.

"Diet?" Rainbow asked, guessing the word.

"Yeah," Moonlight said. "That's it."

"Hey, I get it," Rainbow said. "But now, your diet is completely different. You went from omnivorous to herbivorous. You're still gonna have to get used to living here as a pony."

"Especially one that's... a girl," Moonlight said.

"Hey, just because you weren't born a girl doesn't mean you have to grow up like one," Rainbow said. "It's your choice whether to grow up in your own way." Then Rainbow started walking towards town, heading to go get something to eat.

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... July 18th... 1:00 PM...

Moonlight arrived back at the Golden Oaks Library, tired from the training she's been through. Twilight opened the kitchen door and saw Moonlight heading towards the stairs.

"Oh, hey, Moonlight," Twilight said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Moonlight said. "Just a little sore."

Twilight walked over to Moonlight and nuzzled her. Twilight then said, "You have been having a hard life. So, I thought something like this would cheer you up." Twilight then looked towards the kitchen door. "Spike, bring him out!"

Then the dog that Twilight got ran out of the kitchen, and headed towards Moonlight, licking her face.

"Hey!" Moonlight said, giggling as she was being licked. "St-stop that! That tickles!"

"Moonlight, I got you a dog to get your spirit rising," Twilight said. "We haven't named him yet."

"Why not?" Moonlight asked, looking up at Twilight.

"We decided you should get to name the dog," Twilight said, looking down at Moonlight. "We got him for you."

Moonlight smiled and looked at the dog, face to face. Moonlight then said, "I think I'll name him... Stan."

"Stan?" Twilight asked. Spike came in, also confused on the name.

"Is that a name from your world?" Spike asked.

Moonlight nodded. She then said, "I'm sure that Stan will enjoy his name. Right, boy?" The dog then barked to reply. The dog then licked Moonlight's cheek, making her giggle again.

"That's sweet," Twilight said. "I hope you will enjoy having a friend that can be with you that knows you're a little down."

Moonlight smiled, looking up at Twilight, and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Moonlight," Twilight said. She then kissed Moonlight's forehead. Then Moonlight headed upstairs with Stan following her.

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... July 18th... 7:30 PM...

Twilight, Spike and Moonlight were having dinner in the kitchen, and Stan was watching them eat. Spike grabbed the pepper shaker, but Twilight also grabbed it with her magic. The two of them were fighting for it.

"Spike!" Twilight said.

"I had it first, Twilight!" Spike said, trying to pull away the pepper shaker. But then, the lid of the pepper shaker popped off, spilling the pepper all over Moonlight.

"Ah... Ahhh...." Moonlight was about to sneeze.

"Wait, Moonlight!" Twilight said, reaching out. "Don't sneeze!"

"AAHHHH-CHOOOOO!!!!" Moonlight sneeze, sending out a magical blast from her horn. It ricocheted off the walls

"Look out!" Twilight said, pulling Spike and Moonlight under the kitchen table. Just then, the blast went towards Stan, making him whine.

"Stan!" Moonlight said, looking towards Stan, hoping she didn't hurt the dog. Then the three of them went towards Stan, checking to see if he was okay.

Twilight did a magical scan to see if Stan was okay. She then said, "He's okay. I just hope that nothing bad affected him."

"I didn't even know I could do that," Moonlight said, rubbing her nose with a hoof.

"It's okay, Moonlight," Twilight said. "Whenever a unicorn or an alicorn sneezes really hard, they accidentally shoot out a magical blast, making them do unpredictable things."

"At least Rarity didn't do something like that when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie pranked her," Moonlight said.

"Well, that was just a small sample of sneezing powder," Twilight said. "Now, why don't you feed Stan?" Moonlight nodded and headed for the dog bowl and dog food. Stan recovered and looked towards Moonlight, panting and wagging his tail in excitement.

"I guess Stan is feeling alright," Spike said.

"That's good," Moonlight said. She filled up the dog bowl with dog food. Moonlight was about to put the bowl down, but the dog was trying to climb her to get the food. "Hey! Down, Stan!"

"Oh, just give me the kibble already!" came a voice, which was coming out of the dog's mouth. Twilight, Moonlight and Spike were surprised that the dog spoke English.

"Did he just... talk?" Twilight asked.

"Wait... you can understand me?" Stan asked, looking towards Twilight.

"He did it again..." Spike said, astonished.

Twilight, Moonlight and Spike were staring at Stan with dumbfound expressions... for the next hour. Stan was laying on the floor, waiting for his food to be put down in front of him. Just then he broke the silence.

"So, are you gonna feed me, or am I just gonna just lay here all night?"

Author's Note:

So, the magical blast that made contact with Stan allowed him to talk. All I can say is one thing.