• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 10,858 Views, 618 Comments

Through the Eyes of Nightmare - Mister E-Nonymous

A boy from an orphanage in New York has had a tough life. He lost his parents when he was four, he got picked on by bullies in school, he got kidnapped and forced to steal a diamond, and now, he ends up in Equestria as a filly Nightmare Moon. Oh boy.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Streets of Ponyville... Equestria... July 28th... 1:00 PM...

Twilight, Spike and Moonlight were in the streets of Ponyville. Spike had a rock on his head, a leaf necklace, and a stick in his left hand, holding it like it's a cane. Twilight then used her magic and used transfiguration magic to change the rock into a top hat, the leaf necklace into a tuxedo, and the stick into a cane. But Spike was too distracted by something.

"Eyes over here, Spike!" Twilight said.

"Uh, sorry," Spike said.

Moonlight then looked over towards where Spike was looking and she saw Pinkie Pie, ducking under every cover she could get under. She was also wearing an umbrella hat.

"What is Pinkie doing?" Moonlight asked. Twilight then looked over at Pinkie, and got confused at her antics as well.

"Ugh, never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie," Twilight said.

"Super-extra Pinkie Pie today," Spike said, which the stuff he had reverted back to their original form. Spike was trying to keep himself balanced with the rock on his head.

Pinkie looked up into the sky. Then she looked at her tail, which was twitching. She then said, "Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch." Then Twilight, Moonlight and Spike started walking up to her.

"Pinkie Pie? What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?" Twilight asked.

"Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!" Pinkie said, showing the three of them her twitching tail.

"Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea," Twilight said, not sure what Pinkie was talking about.

"The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling!" Pinkie explained. "You three better duck for cover."

"Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain," Twilight said. "Why, there's barely even a cloud in the..." Just then, a frog just came down, landing on Twilight's muzzle.

The frog croaked and Pinkie said, "He just said "nice catch" in Frog." The frog then croaked again.

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry," Fluttershy's voice came from above. She was flying with a cart full of frogs that was somehow level. "You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bog."

"Of course you did," Twilight said, a little annoyed.

Fluttershy then had a basket of frogs in her mouth, and she said, "Bye-bye!" She then flew off.

Moonlight then asked, "What was up with that?"

"I have no idea," Twilight said. "Why don't you head on home? I'll bring home a pizza for dinner."

"Okay," Moonlight said. Moonlight then headed off somewhere.

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... July 28th... 1:15 PM...

Moonlight arrived back at the Golden Oaks Library. She was still confused by how quiet it usually is. She was expecting Stan to come towards her and lick her.

"Hello?!" Moonlight called out. "Stan? Are you here?"

Moonlight then started walking all over the library, looking for Stan. She was getting worried and headed back for the front door. But on the door, Moonlight noticed a note. It read:

"Dear Moonlight,

I thought I'd take your dog on a walk around Ponyville. Might even introduce him to my family's dog Winona at the farm. Come by to see how much they get along.

Apple Bloom."

Moonlight smiled and then headed back out, heading over to Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres... Ponyville... Equestria... July 28th... 2:00 PM...

Stan was playing with Winona, the Apple Family's dog. The two of them were having a good time together. Both of them were being supervised by Apple Bloom.

Granny Smith walked up to Apple Bloom, smiled and said, "I see that Winona has found herself another dog ta play with. Ain't that nice."

"Actually, that dog happens ta be Moonlight's dog," Apple Bloom explained.

"Moonlight?" Granny Smith asked. She then started to think. "Ain't that that filly with the glasses and enjoys making sweets?"

"Nah, that's Twist," Apple Bloom said. "She's... well... the filly that looks like Nightmare Moon."

"WHAT?!" Granny Smith exclaimed. "No, I will not have you hang around that filly!"

"But Granny!" Apple Bloom complained. "Moonlight's not Nightmare Moon! She just looks like her! She was a completely different creature before she came here! Applejack will tell ya the same thing!"

"Apple Bloom, don't go tellin' me lies like that!" Granny Smith scolded Apple Bloom. The filly whimpered under the gaze of her grandmother. "Now, you take that dog back ta her before she comes here and casts a curse on our farm!"

"You think I would do that?" came the voice of Moonlight. The two apples looked towards the entry and saw Moonlight standing there. She was hurt that an old mare thought of her like that. "I would never do that. I'm not a threat to anypony!"

Granny Smith then stomped towards Moonlight and said, "Don'tcha ever come over here again! If Ah ever see you with mah granddaughter ever again, Ah'll..."

"Granny Smith!" came another voice. The three of them looked towards the voice, and there was a furious Applejack. "How could ya say that?! She's not Nightmare Moon!"

"And how would you know that?!" Granny Smith asked, angrily.

"Because Ah was there when Princess Celestia inspected the filly 'erself," Applejack explained. "She ain't a threat ta anypony. There was an ancient gem that would send something ta the Castle of the Two Sisters. But it came with a price. Becomin' an age equivalent of a monster of Equestria."

"You're... not jokin'?" asked Granny Smith. "She's... a victim?"

"She had a crummy life before comin' here," Applejack said. "Her birth parents, dead. Bullied in school, and even foalnapped ta steal a diamond, which was that same gem that sent 'er here."

"That's... that's..." Granny Smith tried saying that it couldn't have been true, but knowing that Applejack wasn't a liar, she knew that she was being totally honest and defensive about Moonlight. Granny Smith then looked over at Moonlight and said, "Ah'm sorry, li'l one. Ah shouldn't let yer looks judge who ya are on the inside."

"It's... okay," Moonlight said. "I... I forgive you."

"Hey, Moonlight!" Apple Bloom said, walking up to her, with Stan and Winona following her. "Sorry 'bout takin' yer dog. Ah just thought that he and Winona would get along."

"It's okay," Moonlight said. "I'm just glad he isn't hurt." Stan then walked over towards Moonlight, and licked her face, making her giggle. "Stan, stop it!"

"Why don't y'all go on inside?" Applejack suggested.

"Nah, I gotta get Stan home," Moonlight said. "I'm supposed to wait for Mom. C'mon, Stan. Let's go home." Then the two of them headed out of there, passing Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Moonlight. Hey, Stan," Pinkie said as they passed each other. Then Pinkie looked over towards Applejack and said, "Hey, Applejack. Whatcha doin'?"

"Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar," Applejack said. "How 'bout you, Pinkie? Whatchu doin'?"

"Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing," Pinkie said, making Twilight peek her head out of a bush, surprising both Moonlight and Stan.

"You mean you knew all along?!" Twilight said, coming up to Pinkie angrily. She had wraps around her forelegs, scratches on her hind legs and head, and her eye was bruised. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Pinkie giggled and said, "Silly, that would've spoiled the secret!"

Twilight groaned angrily and Moonlight and Stan walked up to her. Moonlight then asked, "What happened to you?"

Spike came up to Moonlight, saying, "Let's just say that Twilight was trying to study Pinkie's Pinkie Sense, and she got hurt. A lot."

"Like what?" Moonlight asked.

"Earlier today, Pinkie's nose was itchy, meaning there were angry bees coming," Spike said. "And that was at the schoolhouse down the road."

"Speakin' o' which, it's almost time ta get Moonlight registered fer school," Applejack said.

"Noted," Twilight said.

"Then later, Pinkie did her combo which meant watch out for opening doors," Spike said. He then pointed towards a cellar door. "Twilight fell into that door."

"Don't remind me," Twilight said, angrily.

"Then there was when Pinkie's tail detected stuff falling out of a moving trailer that was above us," Spike said. "A potted plant, an anvil, a bunch of hay bails and a piano."

Moonlight was wide eyed at that and said, "That would've killed someone... er... somepony. Still gotta get used to this way of speaking."

"I agree," Twilight said. "With both of those statements. I'm surprised I'm still alive after that."

Just then, Pinkie started vibrating. Twilight, Spike, Moonlight, Stan and Applejack were looking at the pink mare as she was shaking.

"Oh no! What does that one mean?" Spike asked, worriedly.

"Dunno, never gotten any like it before, but whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy," Pinkie said. Something you'd never expect to happen is gonna happen!" She then started vibrating again. "And it's gonna happen... at Froggy Bottom Bog!"

Applejack gasped and said, "That's where Fluttershy's headed!"

"Oh no! Is it about her?!" Spike asked, worriedly.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Pinkie replied.

"We better go and make sure she's okay," Applejack suggested.

"Calm down, everypony," Twilight said. "All we know right now is that Pinkie Pie just got a case of the shivers. That's all."

"Mom?" Moonlight asked, getting Twilight's attention. "What if something bad is going to happen to Fluttershy?"

"Well, we're going to go see that everything is alright with her," Twilight said. "You, on the other hoof, are going home with Stan. Stan, make sure she doesn't leave the library."

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... July 28th... 5:00 PM...

Moonlight was getting worried. She was worried that Twilight and Spike didn't get home. She decided to head downstairs to go out and find them. But when she was about to head towards the door, Stan rushed in front of her and started barking.

"Whoa! Stan!" Moonlight said, worried. "I'm just gonna look outside to find Mom."

"Oh, no you don't," Stan said. "Your mom tasked me on keeping you in until she and Spike get home. So that's what I'm gonna do."

"Stan," Moonlight complained. "I just gotta know if Mom is alright."

"Not under my watch!" Stan said. "Nothing's gonna stop me from..." Stan stopped when something caught his attention. And by his attention, I mean sense of smell. "What's that? Is that..." He then sniffed again. "I know that smell anywhere. It's pizza!"

Then the front door opened, and Twilight came in with Spike on her back. And he had boxes of pizza in his claws. Twilight then said, "We're home!"

"You're home!" Moonlight said, running up to Twilight. "I was getting worried for a moment."

"Well, you didn't have to be worried about me, Moonlight," Twilight said. "When me, Spike, Applejack and Pinkie went to Froggy Bottom Bog, we were attacked by a hydra."

"A hydra?" Moonlight asked. "You mean one of those creatures where you cut off one head and more heads pop out of where it's been cut?"

Twilight and Spike had their eyes widened, and then Spike asked, "That's why they have more than one head?"

"I did not know that," Twilight said. "Wait, how do you know about that?"

"It was on a movie I watched back in my world," Moonlight said. "The name of the movie was called Hercules."

"What are those guys doing to your education?" Twilight asked.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time we get Moonlight registered," Spike said.

"Oh, yeah," Twilight said. "Good call. As soon as it's time for registration, we're gonna get Moonlight registered for school."

"Hopefully, I won't get teased with," Moonlight said, thinking about her past experiences at school. "Like this one time at my old school, Kyle O'Rama. He knocked my textbooks out of my hands and stuffed me into the trashcan."

"Why didn't you tell the teacher or principal?" Twilight asked.

"I did," Moonlight said. "It didn't help when the bully happens to be the principal's son. He never gets in trouble at school." She just sat on her haunches and sighed. "I wasn't anything but a pathetic little kid."

Spike got off of Twilight's back as Twilight walked over towards Moonlight, and then she hugged her. Twilight then said, "You're not pathetic. You're anything but pathetic. You don't have to worry about that bully anymore. And if anything goes wrong, you can tell the teacher or me."

Moonlight gave teary eyed smile to Twilight. She then nuzzled Twilight. Then Moonlight's stomach growled.

Twilight giggled and said, "C'mon. Let's get to eating dinner." Then they all headed into the kitchen, so they would eat their dinner.

Author's Note:

It's getting close. Moonlight's time to go to school. Hopefully, things might be different than when she, as Nick, had back in New York.