• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 10,830 Views, 616 Comments

Through the Eyes of Nightmare - Mister E-Nonymous

A boy from an orphanage in New York has had a tough life. He lost his parents when he was four, he got picked on by bullies in school, he got kidnapped and forced to steal a diamond, and now, he ends up in Equestria as a filly Nightmare Moon. Oh boy.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... June 6th... 9:50 AM...

Twilight and Moonlight were waiting for the royal chariots to arrive outside the Golden Oaks Library. Moonlight was nervous to be outside. She was afraid that ponies will punish her for things she didn't do. She stuck close to Twilight for protection.

Spike arrived with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and a whole lot of luggage that Rarity insisted on bringing. Spike was having trouble keeping the stuff balanced. He was carrying at least 20 bags.

"I thought I told you to tell the girls to pack light," Twilight said to Spike.

"I did," Spike said, dropping the bags. "Most of this stuff is all Rarity's."

"We all packed one bag, but Rarity insisted on packing a lot of things," Rainbow Dash said, crossing her hooves.

"It took... an hour... and a half... just for her to pack her own version of essentials," Applejack said. "Rarity, ya really should know how ta pack light."

"Oh, dear Applejack," Rarity said. "We are going to Canterlot! A place full of high dignitaries and sophistication. I will not be known as an unsophisticated pony with no style and manners." Apple Bloom was eating an apple at the time, and then she belched out after Rarity finished that last sentence. "Exactly."

Applejack sighed, angrily. Just then, two pegasus-drawn carriages came down with two pegasi in golden armor strapped to them. The pegasus guards saw a lot of bags.

One of the pegasus guards groaned and said, "The Princess said to pick up some guests and escort them to Canterlot, and have them pack light. That... does not seem light."

"Told ya," Applejack said to Rarity, making her grumble.

"Rarity, just pack stuff for a small visit," Twilight said. "We're only going to be gone for two days."

Rarity sighed and said, "Fine." Rarity then started unpacking her bags, and started filling one bag with what the others were bringing. Moonlight didn't bring all that much because she didn't have any things.

As soon as Rarity finished, and put her left over stuff inside the library until they get back, they all got onto the chariots, and Twilight called out, "Alright, boys. We're ready."

The royal pegasus guards nodded, and started running, and took off into the sky, heading towards Canterlot.

Twilight and Spike's Old Home... Canterlot... Equestria... June 6th... 10:30 AM...

The Pegasus Guards dropped off Twilight, her friends, Spike, Moonlight and Apple Bloom at the place Twilight and Spike used to live in before Princess Celestia gave them the assignment in Ponyville. Twilight headed for the door and opened it up.

"And this... is where I used to live," Twilight said, showing the others the place. The other girls were amazed by how big it was.

"This... was your old home?!" Rarity asked. "It's so... big!"

"Yeah, Twi," Rainbow Dash said, looking around. "This place is just about twice as big as the library in Ponyville."

"Could ya really afford a place like this?" Applejack asked.

"Well, I didn't really buy it," Twilight said. "Princess Celestia just gave me this place for my studies."

"Wow," Pinkie said. "I've never seen so many books! It's almost like the library!"

"Wait until you see the library here, or the Canterlot Archives," Twilight said.

Moonlight caught something in her sight, and saw a book under a stool. She lowered herself, reached under the stool, and pulled out the book. She read the cover out loud.

"Perfection: The Impossible Pursuit."

Spike walked over towards it and picked it up. "Huh. I didn't know Twilight had a copy of this book." He then opened it and inside was a library card. He then checked the check in date and said, "Uh oh. Twilight! This book has to go back to the Canterlot library by noon today!"

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted, teleporting towards Spike. She checked the card and said, "Oh, boy. I got to get this book to the library as quick as possible!"

"You know what, I'll take it there," Spike said. "You go to your parents's house while I take this book to the library. I'll meet up with you at your parents house." Spike then headed out the door, taking the book with him.

Twilight smiled, looked down at Moonlight and said, "Thank you for that. I always return my books to the Canterlot Library. Which was why I was the Best Book Borrower there."

Rainbow Dash scoffed and said, "Like that's a real thing."

"Oh, it is," Twilight said. "They even have a picture to the pony who has the best borrowing of a library book by the check out desk."

Rainbow Dash was wide eyed at that statement, but then she shut it, did a facehoof, and groaned. She then said, "You are such an egghead."

"Whoa," Apple Bloom said. "That's a big hourglass."

Twilight walked up towards Apple Bloom and said, "Yes. Yes it is."

"How much did that thing cost?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Don't know," Twilight said. "It was here when I moved in. Alright, everypony, leave your stuff here, and then we'll get to unpack tonight."

"So, where are we heading?" Pinkie asked excitedly. "The castle?! The Opera House?! Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?!"

Twilight shook her head, giggling. She then said, "Nope. We're going over to the housing complex where my parents are living. Spike said he'll meet us there. So we should get going."

"But, what if the ponies here see Moonlight and want to do something bad to her?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy has a point, sugarcube," Applejack said. "We need a way ta keep Moonlight protected from those who want ta hurt 'er."

"Of course," Twilight said. "While on the way here, I thought of that, and I had Spike send a message to the princess just for Moonlight's protection. Somepony who can trust me, somepony who knows where my parents live just as much as I do, and somepony who is really protective, no matter who he can protect."

"Who are you talking about, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"The captain of the Royal Guard himself," Twilight said, smirking. "Shining Armor."

"You know the captain of the Royal Guard?!" Rarity asked with her eyes sparkling. "How could you possibly know the captain of the Royal Guard?" Then there was a knocking at the door, making the group look towards it.

Twilight smiled, walked towards the door and said, "Believe me. I've known him since I was born." She then opened the door, and standing there was a white unicorn stallion with a mane that was a mix of different types of blue, and was wearing purple guard armor.

"Hey there, Twylie," the stallion said.

"Shining!" Twilight said, hugging the stallion.

"It's barely been a week and you already miss your big brother?" the stallion known as Shining Armor said.

"Big brother?!" the others asked, shocked.

"Now that actually makes sense," Applejack said. "She's known him since she was born, which is a clear sign that she's the younger sister to him."

"Princess Celestia assigned me to this task, and since it involved my sister, I just had to take it," Shining Armor said. He looked down at Moonlight, almost glaring at her. Moonlight stepped back, not knowing what she did wrong. Shining then sighed and said, "But if Twylie trusts Moonlight, there's no reason why I can't find a way to trust her. As long as she doesn't try anything worthy of a certain punishment."

"Shining," Twilight said, bumping Shining's shoulder. "Moonlight isn't Nightmare Moon. She just looks like her just because of a cursed Equestrian artifact found on the world where she came from. It turned a different intelligent species into an age equivalent of Nightmare Moon."

Shining looked back at Moonlight, and then he sighed. He then said, "Alright, Twylie. I'll trust you. Let's get going to Mom and Dad's house." Then he, Twilight, her friends, Moonlight and Apple Bloom headed out of there. Shining looked back at the group and asked, "Where's Spike?"

"He's taking a library book back to the Canterlot Library," Twilight said. "He'll meet us there."

Shining Armor chuckled and said, "Good call, Twylie." They then continued on towards the housing district of the city of Canterlot.

Canterlot Library... Canterlot... Equestria... June 6th... 11:59 AM...

Spike rushed through the doors of the Canterlot Library, heading towards the desk where an old mare was sitting there. She saw Spike coming towards her. Spike jumped up onto the desk, out of breath, trying to speak.

"I'm... here to... return... this... library... book..." He then fell onto his back, holding the book up. The old mare took it in her hoof, adjusted her glasses and read it.

"I take it that Twilight brought this book with her to where she was for the past few days?" the old mare asked.

"Not... exactly... Dusty... Pages..." Spike said, trying to get his breath back. He then inhaled as big as he can, and let out an exhale. "We found the book under a stool back where we were living before we moved to Ponyville."

"Ponyville?" Dusty Pages asked. "Oh, that's where the Summer Sun Celebration was being held this year." She then thought of something. "The Princess said that Twilight Sparkle has found a filly Nightmare Moon and is taking care of her. Is that true?"

"Technically, I found her," Spike said. "Turns out, she's not really Nightmare Moon. She was a completely different species that happened to find a cursed Equestrian artifact that can transport the holder of it to the Castle of the Two Sisters under the light of the full moon. But it was banished from Equestria because it transforms the one using it into a monster that's the exact age that the creature was before the transportation. Guess this time, that monster was Nightmare Moon."

Dusty Pages breathed out in relief and said, "Well, as long as she doesn't do any harm. Well, as long as you're here, I'd like you to give a message to Twilight." She then whispered into Spike's ear as she was telling him.

Twilight's Parents's House... Canterlot... Equestria... June 6th... 12:05 PM...

The group arrived at a house in Canterlot. Twilight walked up towards the door and knocked on the door. Soon, the door opened and standing there was a blue unicorn stallion with a darker blue mane. He was surprised to see who was standing there.

"Twilight?" the stallion asked.

"Hi, Dad," Twilight said smiling. "How have you been doing?"

"Get in here," Twilight's father said, pulling her in for a hug. He then noticed the others. "Ah, these must be the friends I heard about." He then noticed the two fillies. "And the princess explained about... that little black filly. Come on inside, all of you." Then the group walked inside.

"Girls, meet our father, Night Light," Twilight said to her friends, Moonlight and Apple Bloom. She then looked back at her father and said, "Dad, these are my new friends." Twilight's friends nodded in response as Twilight said their names. "We have Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Applejack's little sister, Apple Bloom..." She then pulled Moonlight closer to her. "And this... is Moonlight."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all," Night Light said. He then called out to somepony else. "Velvet, honey! They're here!"

"I'm coming!" came the voice of another mare. A light gray mare with a striped purple and white mane came into the room. She was Twilight and Shining Armor's mother, Twilight Velvet.

Twilight's Parents's House... Canterlot... Equestria... June 6th... 12:45 PM...

Twilight's friends, Apple Bloom and Moonlight were checking around the place. Shining Armor was showing them personally. Although, he was trying his best not to try to attack Moonlight in anyway possible, no matter if it was physical or emotional. Spike eventually arrived there and stayed with Moonlight in case she needed comfort.

Twilight, on the other hoof, was talking with her parents about Moonlight.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?" Velvet asked.

"She was an orphan before she arrived here in Equestria," Twilight said. "I want to help her as much as she needs it. Wouldn't you do the same thing?"

Velvet and Night Light looked at each other and smiled. Night Light than said, "Alright, Twilight. We're so proud of you wanting to take the initiative. Although... it feels like you're doing things out of order."

"I know," Twilight said. "But, a filly like Moonlight needs a loving family. I'm gonna be the pony who's gonna give it to her." Just then, her stomach growled. Her face turned red in embarrassment.

"Haven't had anything to eat since breakfast?" Night Light asked.

"That's okay, Twilight," Velvet said. "In fact, we were just about to head out to the diner. Why don't you and your friends join us?"

Twilight looked over to her friends, Spike and Moonlight. She then looked back at her parents and nodded. They were going out for lunch.

Author's Note:

Next time:

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