• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 10,858 Views, 618 Comments

Through the Eyes of Nightmare - Mister E-Nonymous

A boy from an orphanage in New York has had a tough life. He lost his parents when he was four, he got picked on by bullies in school, he got kidnapped and forced to steal a diamond, and now, he ends up in Equestria as a filly Nightmare Moon. Oh boy.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Canterlot Castle... Canterlot... Equestria... August 15th... 8:30 PM...

Above the entrance to the castle, there was a construction mare was working on something. She was installing some doors onto a brand new section to the castle.

"Hopefully Princess Luna will be satisfied with her new room," said the construction pony. She then looked down at the Grand Galloping Gala. "Must be some event."

Meanwhile, downstairs, Twilight and Moonlight were standing over by Princess Celestia. Just then, Moonlight's stomach growled.

"Oh, boy," Moonlight said. "I got to get something to eat."

Twilight then levitated a bag of bits towards her. Moonlight took it in her magic, and Twilight said, "Go over to Applejack's stand and get you something. And get me an Apple Pie while you're there." Moonlight nodded, then started walking off. Then Twilight called out, "And watch your back!"

Moonlight then looked around for any pony that could hurt her. She then headed outside to find Applejack's stand. She then rushed towards the stand. Applejack then looked down at her and smiled.

"Howdy, Moonlight," Applejack said. "What brings you 'round here?"

"Just... getting something to eat," Moonlight said, looking around nervously.

Applejack got confused and asked, "Somethin' wrong, sugarcube?"

"It's... well..." Moonlight said. She then looked around, feeling like somepony could attack her at any moment.

"C'mon," Applejack said. "Spit it out. It's almost like yer afraid that somepony is out ta get ya." That made Moonlight clench her teeth. Applejack then went wide eyed and asked, "Somepony's out ta get ya?"

"Yeah, but I don't know who," Moonlight said.

"Don'tcha worry," Applejack said. "Ya don't have ta worry 'bout a thing. As long as we're here, we won't let anythin' happen ta ya. Now, why don't ya get yerself somethin' ta eat."

"Alright," Moonlight said, looking at the sweets. "I guess I'll take an Apple Fritter, and a pie for Mom."

"One apple fritter and one apple pie, comin' right up," Applejack said. "Two bits for the fritter and three for the pie." Moonlight then levitated the bit bag up to Applejack. She shook out the right amount of bits and gave the bit bag to Moonlight. Then she handed Moonlight the sweets. "Don'tcha worry 'bout a thing. There are guards 'round here. Ya'll be fine."

"I really hope so," Moonlight said, before walking off with the sweets and Twilight's bit bag.

Right after Moonlight walked away from Applejack's stand, Rarity and Blueblood walked up to the stand, but not with Blueblood looking over towards Moonlight, hiding his glare from everypony around him.

Moonlight then returned to Twilight and Princess Celestia. Twilight smiled and took the pie and the bit bag with her own magic. She then said, "Thanks, Moonlight." She then kissed Moonlight's forehead. She then took a bite out of the pie, and Moonlight did the same with the fritter.

"This is really good," Moonlight said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "Some hors d'oeuvres are good, but nothing's better than something that you can really enjoy. Especially something made by one of your friends."

"Sounds like you've been doing fine in Ponyville," Princess Celestia said, smiling.

"Yeah," Twilight said, smiling. "Things have been going good with my friends." Just then, there was the sound of a loud crash coming from somewhere. Twilight, Moonlight and Princess Celestia looked at each other, then ran over to the room where the crash came from. They saw that the room was a complete mess. Rarity was covered in cake, Rainbow Dash got cut on a statue fallen over, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie were a mess. "Well... it can't get even worse."

Moonlight face hoofed and said, "Something bad always happens when someone says that." She then looked around and asked, "Hey. Where's Fluttershy?"

Then the doors leading outside slammed open with a bunch of animals going inside. Fluttershy followed in, a complete mess, and shouted, "You're... going to love me!"

The ponies in the room started screaming and running around. Princess Celestia then leaned her head towards Twilight and said, "Run."

Twilight then whistled to her friends, which all of them started heading out of the room. But as Moonlight turned around, she was yanked back, screaming.

Twilight looked back towards Moonlight who was being pulled back. She called out, "Moonlight!" She then ran back, following Moonlight, the rest of them following them.

They stopped when Moonlight was taken to the stage. But there was a unicorn stallion walking up, his horn glowing, with the same aura surrounding Moonlight. That stallion was Prince Blueblood.

"You... you're responsible for everything bad that's happened tonight!" Prince Blueblood said to Moonlight, angrily. "You must pay for all of your crimes, Nightmare Moon!"

"N-no!" Moonlight said. "I'm not Nightmare Moon!"

Princess Celestia walked through the crowd, angry at what Blueblood was doing. She then said, "Let her go, Blueblood. She didn't do anything wrong."

"You still believe that this filly isn't Nightmare Moon?" Blueblood asked, angrily. "You're clueless, auntie. Am I the only one who sees the evil within her?!"

Moonlight was whimpering when she was being held up like that. Twilight then tried running up to the stage, shouting, "Let her go!"

Prince Blueblood looked down at Twilight and said, "Be quiet, peasant!" Blueblood then shot a spell at Twilight, putting a force field around her. Not only that, but Twilight was feeling... heavier.

"Wha... what's happening?!" Twilight asked, trying to stay standing.

"Twilight!" shouted Twilight's friends.

"Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!" Moonlight shouted.

"You can't command me, monster!" Blueblood stated towards Moonlight. "You have no real royal status! You're going back to the moon where you belong!"

"ENOUGH!!" boomed another voice.

The booming voice shook the entire castle, which made the construction pony shake on the platform that was hanging from the side of the castle. She shouted in fear, almost falling off the platform. She was then hanging from it.

The crowd looked towards the source and saw... none other than Princess Luna walking towards the stage. "Blueblood, you have no right to treat a foal that way. She is not Nightmare Moon."

"Are you that blind as well?!" Blueblood stated. "Look at her! She's nothing but a monster! That's evidence enough!"

"No, it's not," Princess Luna debated. "She has caused no trouble throughout her time here."

"No trouble?" Blueblood asked. "No trouble?! How is taking over your body, kidnapping your sister, and letting Equestria fall under an eternal night no trouble?!"

"Because... I take full responsibility for the actions I caused as Nightmare Moon," Princess Luna stated. "It was my anger and jealousy that caused me to become Nightmare Moon in the first place. The foal you have in your magic aura is of a young one who had been transported here due to an unstable transportation gem. We had to get rid of them all and hoped all of them were destroyed. It would seem that one survived. And that foal is proof."

"Don't you dare try to take credit for the actions of Nightmare Moon!" Blueblood shouted. "Don't you see? She's already in your heads. Trying to convince you all that she's an innocent filly!"

"She's not the one who's treating a pony like a criminal and keeping the mother of that pony from rescuing her," Princess Celestia stated. "Blueblood, let both of them go!"

"You know this has to be done!" Blueblood stated. "And if you're not going to, I'm going to have to do this myself!" Blueblood then started running out of the castle, taking Moonlight with him.

"MOMMY!!" Moonlight called out.

Twilight heard Moonlight's cry of help. She then started pushing herself upward, then she lit up her horn, teleporting out of the force field. She was panting heavily after teleporting out of the field.

"I can't believe I fell for that stallion," Rarity said, complaining about Blueblood.

"Let's focus on tryin' ta save Moonlight," Applejack said. Then the six mares and the two princesses started chasing Blueblood.

Prince Blueblood then got out of the castle, but his path was blocked by both of the princesses, who landed in front of him. Prince Blueblood stopped, then he turned around, only to get cornered by the Mane 6.

"You are all not thinking clearly!" Prince Blueblood said. "It's because of this monster why you're all not thinking clearly."

"My daughter is not a monster! You are!" Twilight shouted at Blueblood. "Your actions towards her are proof of that!"

"My faithful student is correct, Blueblood," Princess Celestia agreed. "You have done lots of harm towards Moonlight."

"She isn't who she says she is!" Blueblood debated. "And I'm going to do what you're all too soft to..." Just then, the construction mare came down, landing on top of Blueblood. Making him drop Moonlight. Moonlight then ran over towards Twilight and the two hugged.

"Oh, boy," the construction Mare said. "That was close."

"You incompetent mare!" Blueblood shouted. "You just let one of Equestria's most dangerous monsters get away."

The mare looked at Blueblood, glaring. She then asked, "What did you call me?" She then got off of Blueblood and got a good look at him. "Oh, I remember you. You're that Prince who has no concern for anypony but himself, and think he's the most important pony in the world. You've been a real jerk to everypony who's met you, and everypony knows it."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Blueblood shouted at the construction mare.

"I agree with that mare!" Rarity stated. "I was hoping you were a true gentlecolt tonight. But you have been thinking nothing but yourself. You even spat out sweets made with the best Apples in Equestria."

"I don't believe you," Blueblood stated. "I am the most liked of the royal family." He then saw Moonlight. "Hey!" He then grabbed her with his magic. "You are to be punished for your crimes!"

"You're accusing a little filly of horrible crimes?!" the construction mare exclaimed. "That's it!" She then pulled out one of her tools and whacked Blueblood, knocking him out.

Moonlight then ran back to Twilight, crying into her chest. Twilight then tried shushing Moonlight, making sure that she'll be alright.

Doughnut Shop... Canterlot... Equestria... August 15th... 9:15 PM...

Spike was sitting at the counter of the doughnut shop, drinking hot chocolate and scarfing down some doughnuts, having being ditched by the others.

"Hey, Pony Joe. Another donut," Spike ordered.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Pony Joe asked.

"Another donut! Extra sprinkles!" Spike demanded. He then gave a sad face, placing his elbow on the counter, and his fist to his cheek. Just then, the bell over the door ringed.

"Twilight Sparkle, ha ha! Long time no see," Pony Joe said, looking at the door. Spike turned around to see the Mane 6 and Moonlight at the door.

Spike then got off his seat, ran towards Twilight and asked, "Hey, how was the Gala? How was your best night ever?"

"Not exactly," Twilight said, looking down at Moonlight. She was still shaking about what happened.

"What's wrong with Moonlight?" Spike asked.

"Let's just say that not everypony in Canterlot has accepted Moonlight for who she is," Twilight said. "Somepony accused Moonlight on being Nightmare Moon and tried giving her a proper punishment himself."

"Yikes," Spike said. "That does sound bad."

"And basically, it didn't go well for the rest of us," Rarity said. "The stallion I was trying to get aquatint with was a total jerk who thinks of nopony but himself, and treated me like a servant. And, he was also the same pony that tried to hurt Moonlight."

"He also trashed mah food," Applejack said. "Even though I made two sales before him. One was Moonlight, and the other one was one o' the Wonderbolts."

"Who asked me to join them for a chat, but they were too busy to even talk to me," Rainbow Dash said.

"I really thought that the Gala would be a great place to party, but it was all too bleak and boring," Pinkie said. "I tried to make things interesting, but it seemed to annoy them."

"And the animals wouldn't even come near me," Fluttershy said. "I just wanted to get to know them."

"Yikes!" Spike said. "That sounds like the worst night ever!"

"It was!" the Mane 6 stated.

"But, right now, Moonlight is upset that she was attacked," Twilight said. "Must've been worse than when she was kidnapped when she was still human."

"Well, she won't have to worry about that anymore," came an elegant voice. The group looked towards the door to see Princess Celestia walking towards them. "For his actions, Blueblood has lost his royal status, and is sentenced for life in the dungeon. No special treatments for him. Especially when it comes to attacking a filly." She then looked towards Moonlight. "You won't have to worry about Blueblood anymore, Moonlight."

"I just don't want to be treated that way ever again," Moonlight said.

"You won't," Princess Celestia said. "I'll make an announcement in the morning. Now, you should all head on home to Ponyville. School will be starting soon for Moonlight."

"Yes," Twilight said. "We're going to have to get some school supplies before she officially starts school. Saddlebags, pencils, notebooks, and some colored pencils. But, I'm sure that we can get all that stuff back in Ponyville. Let's go home."

Then the six mares, Moonlight and Spike headed out of there. Princess Celestia said, "I shall pay the bill for the donuts you have all ordered."

Golden Oaks Library... Ponyville... Equestria... August 15th... 11:30 PM...

Twilight, Spike and Moonlight arrived back at the Golden Oaks Library. Moonlight was fast asleep on Twilight's back. Then they all headed up to the bedroom, where Stan was asleep besides Moonlight's bed. Just then, his legs started moving like he was running. Just then, in his sleep, he got up, and started running, only to hit his head into the wall, waking him up.

"Ow," Stan said. Just then, the sound of Twilight and Spike snickering came to his attention. He then sniffed them and asked, "Bad night?"

"You have no idea," Twilight said. She then used her magic to get Moonlight off of her, and then she removed the dress that Moonlight was wearing, and got the headband off of her. She then wiped off any small trace of makeup that Rarity put on Moonlight. Then she put Moonlight into the bed, and then she kissed Moonlight's forehead. "Tomorrow, we're gonna do something that will lift her spirits." Twilight then got out of her dress and removed the make up on her face. She then got into her own bed. Spike was already passed out on his bed. Stan had gotten up onto Moonlight's bed, and then Twilight fell asleep, hoping that the next day will be better for Moonlight.

Author's Note:

Thanks for the votes. Blueblood got what he deserved, and hopefully, Moonlight will be alright.

And what I had Stan do, I got the idea from this.