• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,718 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Episode 13: Eggman's Revenge (Part 2)

Episode 13: Eggman's Revenge (Part 2)

At the Castle of Friendship, the Freedom Fighters had the Space Ship from an earlier adventure set up outside. Not every one of the Freedom Fighters were going, so they were taking a small group to go up to the Death Egg for their rescue mission.

"Alright, guys," Sonic said. "The ship won't fit all of us, and the kids, so we need to decide who's going and who's staying. I'm just saying."

"It actually makes sense," MC said. "That base must've have a huge power source to keep it in orbit. So that's why they took the Master Emerald."

"If the Master Emerald is up there, I'm going," Knuckles said. He then held out a shovel claw. "And no one is going to keep me from going."

"I'm going as well," Midpoint said. "Robotnik may be a smart guy, but I got the tech mind to take down his equipment."

"Of course, Tails and I are in," Sonic said. "Twilight, you in?"

Twilight walked towards the ship and said, "No way I'm gonna let my kids be held captive by the man who tried to take over the kingdom. I'm going."

"And we need one more," said Sonic. "One who can cause high damage to the place." Then everyone there looked at MC, who replied with a smirk.

"Oh... yeah," MC said. He then held out his left hand, and bared his claws. "No one does carnage like me."

"Okay, guys," Sonic said to the other Freedom Fighters. "We're heading up there. Let's show Eggman that no one messes with good creatures for no reason." Then Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, MC and Midpoint walked into the space ship, the others looking at them as they were heading in. Then the ship they were in headed up into the sky, heading towards the Death Egg.

On the Death Egg, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were locked up in another cell, this time, there were special collars on the foals who had horns, which were Sweetie Belle, Nyx, Joshua and Dinky. Nyx was still unconscious from sending her classmates back to Equestria.

Joshua was trying to wake up Nyx by shaking her. "C'mon, Nyx. Wake up."

Dinky wrapped her arms around Joshua and said, "It's okay, Joshua. She's just exhausted. It happens to any unicorn that uses too much magic."

"I definitely would," Sweetie Belle said. "But now, we can't do anything about it. These collars will shock us if we try to use our unicorn magic."

"Ah don't think so," Apple Bloom said, reaching for the collar on Nyx's neck, but then a shock came to both of them, waking Nyx up.

"WHOA!" Nyx said after the shocking stopped. "What the heck just happened?"

"That hurt... so much..." Apple Bloom said, her mane and tail fried and electricity coming from the split ends of her mane.

"What?" Nyx looked around. "Where are we?" She then felt the collar on her neck. "What is this?"

"They put these collars on us so we wouldn't be able to use our magic to escape," Dinky said. "But you were exhausted using your magic to transport all the others back to Ponyville."

"Which you didn't have enough magic to teleport all of us," Diamond Tiara said. "I guess even alicorns have their limits."

"My magic isn't strong as before I became Nightmare Moon," Nyx said. "But, at least my magic is getting stronger."

"Seriously, though," Silver Spoon said. "Did you really teleport to an alternate Equestria?"

"I had to," Nyx said. "I was sick, I accidentally sneezed Joshua into another dimension, got better two days later, learned teleportation magic from Twilight, and went to an alternate Equestria. Although, it was hard to wait a couple days just to teleport back to Equestria. The Blueblood of that dimension almost killed me."

"Yikes," said Diamond Tiara. "He's so cruel! In any dimension."

"How long until it takes until we can be found?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not sure," Nyx said. "I just hope we can be saved by Twilight."

"Don't forget the Freedom Fighters," Apple Bloom said. "They handled bad guys like Robotnik before."

"Yeah, yeah," said Nyx. "I just hope they can get us out of here."

In the spaceship, Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Midpoint and MC were looking up at the Death Egg. MC looked around for certain switches.

"Where are the switches for stealth mode?" MC asked. Midpoint sighed and reached over, flipping a few switches, which caused the spaceship to activate stealth mode. MC then looked over and asked, "How did you do that?"

"Let's just say I know my way around these things," Midpoint said. "Okay, by the looks of these plans, the Death Egg is very similar to the Death Star from Star Wars."

"Not everyone is a fan of those movies," MC said. "In fact there are a lot of popular movies that certain people don't like."

"I guess that's true," Twilight said. "Not everything is likable to everything. Now, how are we going to get to the kids?"

"I can use my enhanced senses to find the kids scents," said MC.

Knuckles then looked towards the Death Egg, and then he sensed the power of the Master Emerald. Knuckles then said, "You guys do whatever you want. I'm going for the Master Emerald."

"I'll go with you," said Midpoint. "There has to be a lot of robotic guards around the Master Emerald." He then pulled out his bow and a trick arrow. "I'll take care of attacks from a distance."

"You really think arrows will be strong enough to stop an army of robots?" Knuckles asked.

"Oh, I know they can," said Midpoint. "Not everything is focused on muscles alone. You also need to use your brains."

"You think you can outsmart this guy?" Knuckles asked. "He has a bunch of PHDs."

"Do you know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world?" Midpoint asked. "A lot of people take you for granted."

"Everyone, buckle up," Tails said. "We're about to enter the Death Egg." Then Tails piloted the ship into the landing bay of the Death Egg. The ship landed, but it activated the alarm.

"Shoot," MC said. "We've been detected."

Then a bunch of robots came into the room.

Some of them have guns, some had shields, some had bazookas. They were blocking the only door leading in and out of the ship. The group looked out the window to see them aiming their weapons at the door.

"I got this," Midpoint said, readying a trick arrow. "Do you know what's the worse thing about robots?"

"They try to rise up against their creators?" Sonic asked.

"Well, that could happen," Midpoint said. "But they're also..." The door cracked open from MC opening it. Midpoint released his arrow, it heading to a wall. "...magnetizable." The the arrow activated, pulling all of the robots towards it. Then Midpoint fired another arrow, and when it made contact with one of the robots, all of the robots exploded.

"That was pretty smart," Knuckles said.

"Using a small electromagnet to bring the robots together, and using an explosive arrow to blow them up," Tails said. "That's genius."

"I know," said Midpoint. "C'mon. Let's go." Then the six of them left the space ship, and headed down the halls of the Death Egg. But their movement did not go undetected. Sleet and Dingo were watching the security cameras. Well, Sleet was. Dingo was reading a comic book.

"Yeah, right," said Dingo. "Like six magical ponies can take down a giant, power hungry centaur with friendship. Who would believe that?"

"Will you focus?!" Sleet shouted. He then pushed a button. "Doctor Robotnik, we have a problem. It would seem that Princess Twilight Sparkle, three of the Freedom Fighters, the Guardian of the Master Emerald and Alex Lynol have found their way here."

Back with Twilight and the others, they stopped at two hallways going in separate directions. They didn't know which way to go.

"Which way do we go?" Twilight asked.

MC then started sniffing around. He then looked towards the left hallway and said, "I got the scent of the kids." He then sniffed some more. "Along with Sleet and Dingo."

"So it was Eggman that hired Sleet and Dingo to get the Master Emerald," said Sonic. "Because he needed it to power this giant space station."

"I sense the Master Emerald," Knuckles said, looking down the other hallway. He then looked at Midpoint. "Let's go."

Then Knuckles and Midpoint went down the right path when the others went down the left. MC was leading Twilight, Sonic and Tails to where the kids were. They went down a prison hall, looking (and MC smelling) for the kids.

"Nyx? Joshua?" Twilight asked. "Where are you?"

"So, you think you can come into my secret base, and try to stop me?" came the voice of Doctor Robotnik, surprising the four heroes in the room. "You'll never stop me. You all ruined my reputation."

"You ruined your own rep, Eggman!" Sonic said. "You attacked us for no reason!"

"You took away my power, Twilight Sparkle," came Doctor Robotnik's voice. "So, I decided to take something of yours. Prepare to receive your punishment!" Then coming from the hall was metal footsteps. The group looked over down the hall and saw something coming their way. What they saw they didn't expect.

"What is that?!" Twilight asked.

"A robot duplicate of Sonic?!" Tails asked. "No way! How is that possible?"

"This, my greatest creation!" came Doctor Eggman's voice. "He is the instrument of your demise! Metal Sonic, attack!" Then the engine that was in the robot's chest started whirling, and the robot charged at the heroes. Sonic and MC went against the wall while Twilight and Tails flew up and over when the robot rushed right through the hall.

"Metal Sonic, huh?" Sonic asked. "Oh, Eggman, flattery won't get you anywhere with me."

"I should have calculated for you to jump out of the way!" Doctor Robotnik said. "Never mind. Metal Sonic, take care of the intruders going after my Emerald!"

"Oh, jeez," MC said. He then pulled out his communicator. "Midpoint, Knuckles, you two got company coming up towards you. A robotic duplicate of Sonic."

"Thanks for the warning," came Midpoint's voice. "We'll be careful around this bot."

MC then sniffed around. He smiled and said, "I got the scent of the kids." He headed over to one cell. He then punched it open with his left fist, and the door hinges broke off with the door falling over. But there was no one inside, but a rising platform. "Shoot! They're going up!"

"C'mon!" Twilight said, heading down the hall. Sonic, Tails and MC followed. "Hang on kids!"

Midpoint and Knuckles were near the core of the Death Egg. They saw a bunch of robots guarding the Master Emerald. Midpoint pulled out another Electromagnetic arrow, and fired it at a metal beam, causing the robots to be magnetized to it. Then Midpoint fired another arrow, making them blow up.

"Neat trick," Knuckles said.

"Thank you," said Alex. Then the two of them jumped down from the platform they were on, and landed on the platform in front of the Master Emerald. Then the two of them headed for the Master Emerald.

"Alright, let's get the Master Emerald out of here," Knuckles said, starting to walk up to the Master Emerald, but was stopped by Midpoint.

"Wait," Midpoint said. "Do you hear something?" The sound of an engine whirling came in. They looked over and saw Metal Sonic coming towards them. The two of them jumped out of the way.

"A robotic hedgehog?" Knuckles asked.

"So unoriginal," said Midpoint. He then pulled out another arrow, and fired it at Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic grabbed it and threw it to a wall. Knuckles and Midpoint's jaws dropped. But then Midpoint smirked and said, "Seriously? He fell for that?" He then pushed the button on his glove, activating the electromagnet on the arrow, pulling Metal Sonic towards it.

"So what do you do with someone who's not robotic?" Knuckles asked.

"Blind 'em with a flash arrow," Midpoint said, preparing another arrow. When he aimed the bow and arrow at Metal Sonic, the robot was gone. "Where'd he go?" Then Midpoint was pushed off the platform by Metal Sonic.

"No!!" Knuckles shouted.

Midpoint was falling down the pit, but he grabbed another arrow, attached a cable from his belt to it, and fired the arrow straight up, the arrow hooking onto a railing on a platform lower than the one Knuckles was on. Midpoint then twisted a nob on his belt and he got pulled up to that platform. He got onto that platform and headed for a ladder.

Knuckles was trying to fight Metal Sonic, but the robot was too fast for Knuckles to get a hit. Knuckles then shouted, "Stand... still!"

Metal Sonic was about to counter strike, but his right arm got stuck to the railing on that platform. Metal Sonic looked at what was keeping it from moving, seeing bands wrapped around the arm and the railing, the bands coming from an arrow.

Knuckles looked over at Midpoint, surprised. He then asked, "You're... you're alive?"

"Yeah," said Midpoint. "Now hit him."

Knuckles smirked, and then he started punching Metal Sonic, causing damage to the robot's face.

Back with the other heroes, going up some stairs. As they got out of the stairwell, Twilight fell down to her knees, crying out. Sonic, Tails and MC stopped, then MC went over to check on her.

"What's wrong?" MC asked.

Twilight was panting hard. She then said, "It's Joshua. Something's happening to him."

MC then put Twilight on his back and said, "Then c'mon. We don't have time to waste. We need to get to the kids. And fast!" Then Sonic grabbed Tails, then him and MC used their super speed to get to where the kids were.

They went into one room and saw a giant cylinder with glowing lights. Joshua's voice was screaming from inside the cylinder.

"NO!!" Sonic, Tails and MC shouted.

"What? What is that thing?" Twilight asked.

"The Roboticizer!" MC said. "It turns organic creatures into robots! It was because of this machine that Bunnie has a robot arm and robot legs!"

"No! Joshua!" Twilight ran over towards it. She started banging on the cylinder.

"Get away from there!" Sleet's voice came. The four looked over towards the control console, and saw Sleet, Dingo, the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Sleet then looked at the controls, and got confused. "What? Why isn't the roboticization happening?!"

Then MC jumped over towards him, grabbed Sleet in mid air, and threw him towards a wall on the other side of the room. He then punched Dingo in the gut, making him fall over.

Tails then went to the controls and deactivated the Roboticizer, and the cylinder opened up, revealing Joshua, not as a robot. He then checked himself.

"Hey!" Sleet shouted. "How isn't he a robot?!"

"I guess Sombra's curse is good for something," MC smirked.

"How's this good for something?" Sleet asked, pulling out his remote and aiming it at Dingo. Sleet then pushed the button on the remote, and Dingo transformed into a giant serpent. He then charged at the heroes.

"He just had to be a snake!" Twilight said, flying out of the way. Dingo was about to bite Twilight, but was pulled away by MC. MC then slammed him down on the ground, multiple times.

"OW! GAH! OH! NNGH! GOH! GAH!!" Dingo cried out in pain. He was then thrown straight at Sleet, making Sleet drop the remote, it heading towards MC.

"So, this little doohickey transforms Dingo into anything," said MC, smirking. He then aimed the remote at Dingo. He then pushed the button, Dingo transforming into a mouse.

"Hey, what's the big idea!" Dingo's voice came from the mouse, only it was high and squeaky.

"Let's see if the same happens to you," said MC, pointing it at Sleet.

"NO! No no no no no no!!" Sleet shouted, right as MC pushed the button at Sleet. Sleet then transformed as well. Sleet was turned into a mouse with the same purple cape on. Then in a squeaky voice, he said, "Ah, dang it."

MC then used his powers to forge a mouse cage, and then he put the two bounty hunters turned mice into the cage. MC smirked and said, "Seriously, that was too easy."

Twilight went over to Joshua and asked, "Are you alright, Joshua?"

"I'm alright, Mom," Joshua said, looking at his body. "What was that thing supposed to do?"

"Remember Bunnie's robotic arm and legs?" Sonic asked. "It was because of that machine that she got them."

Joshua looked back at the machine in worry. He then said, "Oh, boy."

"Good thing you weren't Roboticized," Sonic said. "Let's get them home."

"I got this," Twilight said. She then lit up her horn, then all seven Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were teleported out of there. "Okay. I teleported the kids back to my castle."

"Good," said MC. "Let's go stop Robotnik." Then the four of them headed out of the room, going to find Doctor Robotnik.

Back at the core, Knuckles and Midpoint were fighting Metal Sonic. Both of them were struggling.

"This guy is tough," Knuckles said. "How do we take something like this down?"

"I got this," Midpoint said, preparing another arrow. Metal Sonic charged at Midpoint, who jumped out of the way. Then he fired the arrow at Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic caught the arrow. Midpoint then smirked and said, "Sucker." He then activated the arrow tip, which was another Electromagnet, bringing Metal Sonic to the nearest wall. Then Midpoint quickly grabbed an explosive arrow, and fired it at Metal Sonic, which then exploded.

"Good job," Knuckles said. "Let's get the Master Emerald out of here." Knuckles and Midpoint headed over to the Master Emerald.

Back with Twilight, Sonic, Tails and MC, the group made it to one large room. The group looked around.

"Are you sure Eggman's in here?" Sonic asked. "This room is totally empty."

"This is where his scent leads," MC said. "I smell him in here." But then, a giant robot came from above and landed away from the entrance, surprising the four heroes in the room.

The four heroes were shocked. Twilight then pointed a finger and asked, "What is that?!"

Then the head of the robot opened up and there was Doctor Robotnik, who laughed and said, "This is the instrument of your demise! This Death Egg Robot will crush all of you completely!"

"You've got to be kidding me!" MC said.

"Begone!" said Doctor Robotnik as the robot head closed, and the robot about to punch the group.

The four heroes jumped out of the way of the punch from the Death Egg Robot. Tails grabbed Sonic, and they flew up higher in the room. Twilight followed when she was flying, and MC was climbing the walls using his claws.

"You can't get away from me that easily!" Doctor Robotnik said. Then the Robot jumped up, chasing the four heroes.

MC looked down, seeing the robot chasing him and the other three. MC smirked and said, "Time to cause carnage." He then started slashing the walls around him, the debris falling down on top of the robot.

"Hey! This space station is brand new!" Doctor Robotnik shouted. "Stop causing damage!"

"Make me!" MC shouted.

Then the Death Egg Robot's arm extended, about to punch MC, but Twilight grabbed MC, and teleported the two out of the way of the attack. They all came to an even bigger room which was at the top of the pit.

"Thanks, Sparkles," MC said. Sonic and Tails headed over towards Twilight and MC.

"Okay," said Sonic. "How are we going to stop Eggman when he's in that machine?" Then the power went out. Then some red lights turned on.

"Looks like Knuckles and Alex got the Master Emerald," MC said. "Let's get out of here!"

"You're not going anywhere!" came Doctor Robotnik's voice. The Death Egg Robot came up to the floor and attacked the group. The group jumped out of the way.

"This thing is enormous!" Twilight said. "It's like fighting Lord Tirek!"

"Then we'll just go for his weakness," MC said. He then charged at the Death Egg Robot, who was about to punch MC. MC jumped onto the arm, and headed for the robot's shoulder. "Chaos Claw!" MC then slashed off the shoulder, which caused the arm to fall off.

"Talk about being disarmed," Tails said.

"Good thinking, MC!" Sonic said. He then did a spin dash up the wall, and then he came down, cutting off the other arm.

"You little...! You little...!" Doctor Robotnik's voice came from the robot.

MC then cut off the head of the robot, and ripped the head off of the robot, revealing Doctor Robotnik.

"Oh, no!" Doctor Robotnik said. But then he was lifted into the air by Twilight's magic. "Let me go!"

"Doctor Robotnik, you're going to jail," MC said. "For all the despicable crimes you've done over the years. Experimenting on creatures without their permission, kidnapping, stealing a powerful gem, conspiracy, fraud, and a whole lot of other stuff."

Later, at Angel Island, it was beginning to rise from the ocean. Knuckles was standing at the Alter of the Emerald, happy to have the Master Emerald back where it belongs.

Then it went over to the Pentagon. Twilight, Sonic, Tails, MC and Midpoint escorted Doctor Robotnik, Sleet and Dingo, the two bounty hunters back to normal, towards the guards there. The guards took them in. Some of them saluted to the five Mobians, who they responded by saluting.

"Okay," said MC. "Robotnik is going away for a long time, the Master Emerald is back where it belongs, and the kids are safe. All that's left is dinner with the president."

That made Twilight gasp and said, "The President!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," came the voice of the President. They looked over and saw the President walking up to them. "You all stopped a public threat to all kinds of creatures on the planet."

"That's the last we'll see of him in a while," said MC.

"Mr. President, I'm sorry, but I haven't fully prepared the dinner," Twilight said.

"It's okay," said the President. "We can postpone the dinner until tomorrow. Will that be okay with you?"

Twilight looked at the others and said, "Sure. That will work."

The President nodded.

Back in Equestria, Twilight finally arrived home, heading for her bedroom. She checked the rooms of Spike, Nyx and Joshua, seeing them all asleep. Twilight smiled, and headed for her own room. She took off her jacket and her shoes, and just went into her bed, falling asleep.

The next day, Twilight prepared the dinner for the President, her friends, and the Freedom Fighters to come over. Twilight smiled and said, "Today's the day."

Then coming into the room was the President, Twilight's friends and the Freedom Fighters.

"You all made it," Twilight said, smiling.

"After the day we had yesterday, it'll be nice to have a nice relaxing day," Sonic said.

"No disasters, no kidnapping, no problems at all," MC said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "Now, who's up for dinner?" Then all of them headed over towards the table. Then it showed a montage of those who helped. In San Francisco, Midpoint took Cozy Glow mini golfing. Cozy Glow got a hole in one on the first hole. Midpoint patted her back before putting his ball down. He then hit his ball, and it also went into the hole on the first hit.

Then it showed Knuckles cleaning the Master Emerald with some rags. He was sweating as he was cleaning it. Then it showed Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Maud and Mudbriar at Maud's place, having a fun time together. Then it showed the Cutie Mark Crusaders over at the house that belonged to Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents, having a fun time together. Then it showed Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Filthy Rich having a nice dinner at a restaurant.

Then it showed Doctor Robotnik, Sleet and Dingo, all in individual jail cells, all of them were upset.

Then it went back to the dinner of the Mane 6, Spike, the President of the United States and the Freedom Fighters. All of them were clearly enjoying the dinner that was prepared. After what went on the previous day, it was nice to have a relaxing dinner.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
A Cruise is What We Need