• Published 17th May 2021
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 19: Beijing's Martial Arts Tournament

Episode 19: Beijing's Martial Arts Tournament

The Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the lab in Knothole. They were all looking at a holographic globe. They were recapping on what was going on.

"Okay," Twilight said. "Here's what we know. Doctor Julien Robotnik, a brilliant scientist yet psychopath planned on taking over the world with his robots attempted to take over Equestria."

"But by our hands, he was stopped," Sonic said. "But apparently, he has teamed up with a group of hairy creatures that apparently work for someone called the Storm King."

"Eggman's mechs and the Storm King's creatures has stolen the remains of the Storm King, the Staff of Sacanas, and the machine that turned Cozy Glow back to her organic form," Twilight said.

"And the only way to power the machine is by a Chaos Emerald," Sally said. "So, we need to find the last four Chaos Emeralds before any of them find them."

Later, in the Freedom Fighters Space Ship, there were Rarity Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Rotor, Cream, Cheese and Knuckles. The space ship landed right outside of the city, and they all walked out of the spaceship.

"Alright, guys," Rotor said, holding the red Chaos Emerald. "We're here to find the Chaos Emerald that's here. We have to look everywhere for it."

"That won't be necessary," Knuckles said. "You're lucky I tagged along. I know a guy here in Beijing. He told me he has one of the seven Chaos Emeralds stashed somewhere. We find Hawk, we find the Emerald."

"That shouldn't be a problem then," Rarity said. Then she looked at the city. "But this city is beautiful. The decor, the fabrics, the beauty!"

The others were deadpanned at Rarity's speech. Knuckles then asked, "Is she always like this?"

"You have no idea," Sweetie Belle responded. "Now, how do we get to this... Hawk guy's place?"

"According to this letter, we just have to find the returning address," Knuckles said, pulling out the letter. "If only I read Chinese." Fluttershy then grabbed the letter and read it. She then walked over towards one man.

"Duìbùqǐ, xiānshēng. Nǐ néng gàosù wǒmen hǎidiàn qū zài nǎlǐ ma?" Fluttershy asked. What she said was translated. "Excuse me, mister. Can you tell us where the Haidian District is?"

"Lí zhè tiáo lù zhǐyǒu shí gè jiēqū," the man replied. Fluttershy then walked back to the others.

"He said that it's ten blocks down the road," Fluttershy said to the others.

"Fluttershy!" Rarity said in shock. "You speak their language?"

"It's really not that different than Chineighse," Fluttershy said. "Anyway, we should get going."

"Wow," said Rotor. "Okay, Fluttershy is our translator."

"Is she a linguist?" Knuckles asked.

"She might as well be since she can understand animals," Sweetie Belle said. Then they all followed Fluttershy through the capital of China.

The group stopped at one building. Fluttershy looked at the address, seeing if it was the place.

"Well, this is where the return address is," Fluttershy said.

"Alright, guys," Knuckles said. "Wait here. I'm going in to go talk to Hawk." But as soon as he was about to head into the building, there was the sound of something pounding on metal. The group looked towards the pounding. They all headed around the building and saw a dumpster, and something inside was pounding the side of it.

"What's in there?" Fluttershy asked, nervously.

"Only one way to find out," Rotor said, walking up to the dumpster. He then opened the dumpster and looked inside. "Hey, guys! There's some dude tied up in here!" The others looked into the dumpster and saw a man tied up and gagged.

"It's Hawk!" Knuckles said after gasping. Then they pulled Hawk out of the dumpster. Knuckles ungagged Hawk and asked, "What happened?"

"Knuckles!" Hawk said. "When I heard you were coming, I went to get the Chaos Emerald from my hiding place. But when I got back here, some dirtbags ambushed me and took the Emerald."

"What?!" Knuckles shouted, angrily. "How could someone just take it for their own personal purpose?"

"I don't know!" Hawk said. "I didn't get a good look at the guy." He then saw the group. "Interesting friends you have."

"Well, we can still find the Chaos Emerald using this one," Rotor said, holding up the Chaos Emerald. "All we have to do is go when it's brighter."

They walked through the entire city. As they continued walking, they noticed that the Chaos Emerald was getting brighter.

"Looks like we're getting closer," Rotor said. But then a Chinese kid ran past them and headed in somewhere. They looked and saw the Forbidden City. "Whoa! The Forbidden City!"

"Forbidden?" Rarity asked.

"It's an ancient city turned into a museum," Rotor said. "But... I don't know why people are coming in like this."

"Maybe it has something to do with that," Knuckles said, pointing at the banner over the doors.

Fluttershy walked over in front of the gates to read the banner. She then said, "It says, 'Forbidden City Martial Arts Tournament. Grand Prize, one Chaos Emerald.'"

"Seriously?" Spike asked. "All we have to do is fight in a tournament for the Chaos Emerald?"

"That Emerald was stolen from me!" Hawk said. "We have to get it back."

"Hawk's right," Knuckles said. "We have to get it back."

"But how?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We don't have a lot of fighters on our group."

"Who all can fight?" Rotor asked. "Raise your hands if you can."

Knuckles, Rotor, Spike and Hawk raised their hands. The others looked over at Spike and Rarity asked, "Spike? You've learned how to fight?"

"Yeah, MC and Bunnie have been teaching me martial arts," Spike said. "Twilight wasn't too fond with me learning fighting styles."

"Then, we'll just have to fight," Knuckles said. "Let's go in and sign up. Then we'll fight for the Chaos Emerald."

Then the group walked inside. As they went in, the group headed for the sign up table. Fluttershy helped Knuckles, Spike and Rotor sign up, due to the sign up sheet was spelled in Chinese. As soon as they went in, they were guided to the locker rooms.

"Okay, it says that the fighters are allowed in there," Fluttershy said.

"We'll be cheering for all of you," Rarity said as she, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Cream and Cheese were escorted to the seating area for the people to watch.

As soon as they were seated, an announcer came from the temple. The announcer then called out to everyone in English, since a lot of people spoke English.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Beijing Martial Arts Tournament! As you all know, the winner will receive an interesting prize!"

"A stolen prize," Rarity quietly said, making the others nod.

"Now, before we get the tournament started, let us introduce our sponsor, from the new continent of Equestria, Mr. Gladmane!" Then coming from the stairs was Gladmane, with a smirk on his face.

"Not him," Fluttershy said, a slight scowl on her face.

"You know him, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

"We've met when Applejack and I had to solve a friendship problem in Las Pegasus," Fluttershy said. "He was causing friendships to end just to keep his resort running, and those ponies from leaving. He even split up Flim and Flam so they wouldn't take over the resort."

"Well, if this Gladmane is somepony we should be careful of, we should be on guard around him," Rarity said. The others nodded.

"Now, let's get this tournament started," Gladmane started.

The tournament started off with Knuckles fighting a Chinese teenage fighter. Then it showed Rotor pushing down one more fighter. Then It showed a montage of other fighters. Then it showed Spike, tripping a fighter with his tail. Then it went to the final match, where Hawk was going up against someone with a red bodysuit, a red coat, and a red mask.

"Okay, everyone," said Gladmane. "This is the last match in the first round. We have the clumsy Hawk verses the mysterious red ninja."

"Clumsy?!" Hawk shouted. "Says the guy who stole the Chaos Emerald from me to use as a prize!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, my good sir," said Gladmane, before doing his signature laugh. "Now, let's get this final match started."

Then the red ninja charged at Hawk. Hawk countered by throwing his fists at the ninja very quickly. The ninja blocked all of Hawk's attacks with swift blocks.

"The red ninja is blocking Hawk's attacks!" the announcer called out. "What precise blocking!"

The group was watching from the audience. Knuckles then said, "This guy is good."

"I've never seen anyone move so swiftly," Rotor said.

The red ninja then did a sweep kick, and knocked over Hawk. The ninja's foot pinned Hawk to the ground.

"The red ninja takes victory!" the announcer proclaimed. "We're moving onto the next round!"

Then it showed a montage of more and more rounds. Knuckles, Spike, Rotor and the red ninja were moving up the tournament. Just then, it showed the results in the quarter finals. Knuckles facing a guy with a Mohawk, guy with a headband taking on a bald kid, Spike facing a Mobian Red Panda, and Rotor facing the red ninja.

"And we have our quarter finalists!" the announcer called out. "We have Knuckles the Echidna taking on Chao Xiao! And we have Baihu Wen going against Dashan Wu. And we have the little dragon, Spike, going against Bao. And lastly, we have Rotor the Walrus going against the mysterious red ninja. Which one of these eight fighters shall win the prize?"

It then went to the locker room. Knuckles was coming out of the shower, wiping off the water off his head. Knuckles then sighed. Just then, he was blocked off by Gladmane.

"I'd hate to be a bother, my good creature," Gladmane said. "You mind if I have a quick chat with you?"

"Not interested, bud," Knuckles said, walking past Gladmane.

"Now, now," Gladmane said, trying to stop Knuckles. "You don't understand. I saw that you were hanging out with that pony, Fluttershy."

"I'm only helping her and the Freedom Fighters get the Chaos Emerald to keep them away from Doctor Robotnik," Knuckles said. "Plus, I heard what you've done. You're not getting into my head."

"You don't understand, my good sir," Gladmane said. "Fluttershy ruined my business."

That made Knuckles stop. He then turned his head and looked at Gladmane. He then asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I was trying to help my employees to help them with their individualities," Gladmane said. "I was wanting to see what they would do separately to see if they can show my guests a good time. And that mare and her country friend ruined it for me and my business."

"You're saying they made everyone in your casino hate you for an untrue reason?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't know why they've done it, but I want to be cleared of my name for what they done to me," Gladmane said. "You help me with this, and reveal what she has done, then I'll just give you the Chaos Emerald."

Knuckles then put his hand to his chin, and said, "I'll have to think about it." He then walked out of the locker room.

Gladmane smirked and said, "Seed planted. He's all mine." He then walked out of there in the opposite direction of where Knuckles was going. But then, coming out of invisibility, the red ninja appeared.

It then went back to the fighting arena. It showed Knuckles fighting his next opponent. Knuckles pounded the ground in front of his opponent, sending his opponent out of the ring.

"And Knuckles moves onto the semi-finals!" the announcer called out.

The heroes in the audience called out, happy that Knuckles won the match. Knuckles looked over at them. He then humphed and turned his head.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were confused, and Rarity asked, "What was that all about?"

"I don't know," Fluttershy said. "Is that normal?"

"We don't know much about Knuckles," Rotor said. "All we know that he's the Guardian of the Master Emerald."

"Wait, then who's watching the Master Emerald?" Rarity asked.

Meanwhile, back on Angel Island, Omega was standing guard of the Master Emerald. He looked around, looking after intruders.

Back in Beijing, Spike just defeated his opponent. The announcer came up to Spike, pulled up his hand and called out, "And Spike moves on to the semi-finals!"

Spike then ran off the stage, unfolded his wings, and flew to his friends. Rarity then said, "Good job, Spike. But there is the fact that you have to face Rotor in the next round."

"That is... if Rotor wins against the red ninja," Fluttershy said.

"And now, it's time for the last battle of the quarter finals!" the announcer called out. "Rotor the Walrus vs the red ninja. Who shall be the winner and move onto the semi-finals?"

Then coming onto the stage was Rotor and the red ninja. They faced each other and got into a battle stance. Then the sound of a bell going off started, and the two started fighting. Rotor tried blocking the red ninja's attacks and kicks. But then she sweep kicked Rotor, having him fall down to the ground. The red ninja then pinned Rotor down with a foot.

"It's over," the announcer called out. "The red ninja is going to the semi-finals."

"Whoa!" Sweetie Belle said. "Rotor lost."

"We only have two more rounds to make it to the finals," Spike said. "I can't believe that I have to face that ninja next."

"Something about that red ninja is familiar," Cream said.

"Chao chao," Cheese said.

"What makes you say that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The moves the ninja did remind me of someone I know," Cream said.

Rotor then came up to them and said, "Sorry, guys. I thought I had the ninja there, but man was that guy fast."

"Where's Knuckles?" Rarity asked.

"Who knows?" Rotor said.

Knuckles then walked over towards the restroom. But then he was stopped by Gladmane, blocking his path.

"Now, boy, I'm glad you're moving on to the Semi-Finals, but why didn't you try to convince those guys to drop out?" Gladmane asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'd rather win that Chaos Emerald on my own," Knuckles said. "So Rotor got eliminated by the red ninja. I can handle some ninja on my own. Plus, it wouldn't be fair for anyone to see you give away the Chaos Emerald before the finals of the tournament."

"Fair? What's fair about anything?!" Gladmane asked, getting angry. "I lost everything to those pathetic bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I want them to get what they deserve. Nothing. Now, I want you to get those Equestrians kicked out of my tournament so I wouldn't give them that Chaos Emerald I fairly stolen from that pathetic human known as Hawk."

Knuckles then walked around Gladmane, heading into the bathroom and said, "There are some actions that come with consequences. You should know that." Knuckles then headed into the bathroom, moved his eyes back to look back at Gladmane, smirked and quietly said, "He fell for it."

He then flashbacked to when he was talking with Fluttershy.

"Seriously?" Knuckles asked. "That guy will do anything to get what he wants?"

"Yes," Fluttershy said. "He's very manipulative. He deliberately causes arguments between his employees so they wouldn't leave and have them do what he wants."

"So, what are we going to do about him?" Knuckles asked.

"Here's what we're going to do," Fluttershy said, before she started whispering something into Knuckles's ear.

It then went back to the present time. Knuckles walked over to the others. He then held out a recording device and handed it to Rotor. He then smirked and nodded. Rotor did the same.

Then later, in the first fight of the Semi-Finals, Knuckles had knocked his opponent out of the stage.

The announcer calls out, "And with that, Knuckles moves onto the finals!" That made the crowd cheer for Knuckles. Knuckles then headed out of the stage, walking past Spike and the red ninja. The announcer then called out, and here comes the two contestants of the second match of the Semi-Finals. Spike the Dragon, and the red ninja! Who shall win this match?!"

Spike then held out his right hand and said, "Let's make this a good match." Spike smiled at the ninja. The ninja had its right arm extended, and the two shook hands.

"What respect!" the announcer called out. "Now, let's see where this match will lead!" Then Spike and the red ninja let go and stepped back. Then the sound of a bell rang while the announcer called out, "And, begin!"

Then the ninja charged at Spike. The ninja jumped and was about to do an aerial kick.

Spike thought to himself, "Okay, Spike. Remember what MC taught you. When you see an aerial kick, watch your opponent's movements, and divert their kick." Spike then moved the ninja's leg, making the ninja move in mid air, almost falling off the stage.

"Whoa!" the announcer called out. "Spike had dodged the ninja's attack. How will the red ninja react?!"

The ninja then started backflipping towards Spike, and landed on Spike's shoulders, him calling out, "Hey! Get off me!" Spike then started moving away to get the ninja off of him.

The ninja then jumped off, and tripped Spike. The ninja was about to pin Spike down with its right leg, but Spike unfolded his wings, and flew up towards the front of the ninja's torso, taking the ninja into the air.

"Whoa!" the announcer called out. "This match has gone sky high! Literally!"

The ninja then kicked Spike in the crotch, making him drop the ninja, and him grabbing his crotch. He then called out, "AAAAAAHH! That hurt!"

"Oooooh!" Fluttershy, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Rotor, Cream and Hawk said in unison.

"That's gotta hurt!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Spikey Wikey!" Rarity called out. "Use your fire breath!"

"Oh, right!" Spike said, recovering. He then fired a burst of fire, aiming it at the red ninja. The red ninja dodged it, and then kicked Spike between the shoulder blades. "Gah!!" Spike then fell onto the ground, he tried getting up, but was pinned by the ninja's right leg.

"It's over!" the announcer called out. "The red ninja shall take on Knuckles in the finals!"

The ninja then picked up Spike and carried him over towards Fluttershy and Rarity. They took him and Fluttershy put an ice pack on Spike's back.

"Ooh!" Spike said. "Okay, that stings."

The red ninja then turned around, walking towards the stage. Knuckles was watching from high in the stands, looking at the ninja walking away. Knuckles then walked away.

Later, the announcer then called out, "Ladies and gentlemen! Here we are! The finals of the martial arts tournament is about to begin! We have our favorite echidna, Knuckles!" The crowd then cheered for Knuckles, making him smirk. "And our other finalist, the red ninja!" The crowd also cheered for the ninja.

Just then, Gladmane walked onto the stage and called out, "Alright, everyone! Now that we got the finalists on stage, let's show them what they've come here to fight for." He then pulled out the grand prize.

Gladmane held out the purple Chaos Emerald, showing it to the finalists. Knuckles then looked over towards Rotor and nodded. Rotor nodded and pushed a button, and all of the speakers started buzzing, and a recording of Gladmane was coming out of the speakers.

"Fair? What's fair about anything?! I lost everything to those pathetic bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I want them to get what they deserve. Nothing. Now, I want you to get those Equestrians kicked out of my tournament so I wouldn't give them that Chaos Emerald I fairly stolen from that pathetic human known as Hawk."

That made the crowd gasp, and everyone looked at Gladmane. The announcer then called out, "You stole that Chaos Emerald? How could you do something so cruel?!"

"How could those guys have...?" Gladmane asked before he was interrupted.

"You seriously didn't think I'd fall for that, did you?" Knuckles said, smirking and his arms crossed. "I got information on you before you tried to make a deal with me."

Gladmane growled at Knuckles, then shouted, "You unforgivable creature!" He then jumped on Knuckles, trying to choke him. "I'll make sure you will never walk out of here!"

Gladmane was trying to choke Knuckles, who was trying to get up.

"I'll make sure that you shall be... a worthless echidna!" Gladmane said, but then he was kicked in the back by the red ninja. "Gah!" Gladmane looked back at the ninja and shouted, "You're gonna get your punishment for doing that!"

"I don't think so," came a girl's voice from the ninja. The ninja removed the mask, and revealed to be Olive, Cream's big sister. "You shall be the one who receives punishments."

"OLIVE?!" Cream shouted.

"What?!" Gladmane exclaimed. "Who do you think you are?"

"I am Olive the Rabbit, agent of GUN," Olive said. "And you're under arrest."

Gladmane then tripped Olive, and headed out of the Forbidden City, taking the Chaos Emerald with him. Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Rotor, Cream, Cheese, Knuckles and Olive were in pursuit. Rarity then used her magic to move a trashcan in front of Gladmane, making him trip over it, and falling into garbage.

Gladmane got his head out of the garbage, and looking up at his mane, seeing it was a mess, shouting out, "My mane! It's so messy!"

Then Olive came up to Gladmane, and put handcuffs on his wrists, saying, "You have the right to remain silent." She then reached into the garbage and tossed it over to Sweetie Belle, who caught it. "I'll take this guy to GUN and have him placed behind bars."

"Thanks, Olive," Cream said.

"Chao chao!" Cheese said.

Then Hawk came up to the group, saw Gladmane, and then slapped him in the face. He then said, "That was for robbing me of the Chaos Emerald that I was going to give to Knuckles and his friends!"

"Well, we got to go," Knuckles said. Just then, his stomach growled. "After we get something to eat."

"Hey, I know a great place that makes some good stir fry," Hawk said. "My treat."

"I could eat," Knuckles said. Then the group followed Hawk, leaving Olive and Gladmane standing there. Olive then dragged Gladmane away.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Trouble From Down Under