• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,686 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 15: Mysteries of the Creepy, Old House

Episode 15: Mysteries of the Creepy, Old House

On a dark and stormy night, somewhere in the US, there was an SUV driving down a road. Inside were MC, Fluttershy and the Young Six. MC was driving the car.

"Wow," Fluttershy said. "This really is one nasty storm."

"Yeah," MC said, "This storm isn't letting up anytime soon."

"Yona really is freaking," Yona said, looking out the window.

"Don't worry, Yona," MC said. "We're 10 miles out of Green Hills. We'll be home in no time." Just then, the engine started sputtering. "Oh, no. Bad timing." MC then pulled the car over. "You all stay here." He then headed out of the car. He popped the hood and checked the engine. He then sighed and got back into the car. "Well, we're gonna have to wait until a repairman comes." He then pulled out his cell phone. He then got angry. "Great. No cell phone service."

"Well, what are we gonna do?" asked Gallus. "We can't just stay here in the car. We need to stretch our legs."

"Gallus is right," said Sandbar. "We need leg room."

"Ooooh! How about we go up there and see if there's someone who can help?" Silverstream said, pointing at a creepy looking house.

Yona started shuttering and said, "Yona not too sure. What if that place haunted?"

"Oh, c'mon, Yona," Ocellus said. "There are no such things as ghosts. You should know that."

"Well, looks like we don't have a choice," MC said. "Let's go in there, see if there's a phone, and call for some help." MC and Fluttershy got out of the car, the Young Six following. They headed towards the house, unbeknownst of the sound of creepy laughter coming from inside.

MC, Fluttershy and the Young Six headed for the door. There was a huge door knocker on the door. MC grabbed it, and used it to get the attention of someone inside.

"Sheesh, these are big knockers," MC said. He then used the knocker again. "Hello?! Is anyone there?! We need to use your phone!" Just then, the door opened slowly. The group looked inside, Yona was holding onto Ocellus, Silverstream and Smolder in fear.

"Yona! Can't... breathe...!" Smolder said. Yona then loosened her grip. Then they all headed inside. MC looked over at the door, but there was no one standing there to have opened the door.

"Okay, that's creepy," MC said. "Who opened the door?"

Fluttershy then held onto MC, just as afraid as Yona. She then said, "What do you think caused it to open?"

"I don't know," MC said. He then looked around. He then saw a phone by the stairs. He then looked to the right and saw a den. "Alright. You all go wait in the den. I'm gonna make a call." He was about to move to the phone, but Fluttershy was still holding onto him. "Fluttershy, could you please let go?"

"Sorry," Fluttershy said. She then headed for the den with the Young 6 following. MC then walked over to the phone.

Fluttershy and the Young 6 looked around the den. Ocellus wiped her finger on a table, seeing it was covered in dust. She then said, "Wow. Somebody must really be lazy. So much dust."

"Like we can clean this place up for the person, or people living here," Gallus said.

"Well, it would give us something to do," Sandbar said.

Smolder then walked over to the fireplace, placed some wood into it, and then she used her fire breath to ignite it.

"Oh, yeah," said Smolder. "That'll warm us up." Then Fluttershy and the Young 6 started cleaning up the den. MC then walked into the room.

"Bad news, everyone," MC said. "The mechanics are all off duty tonight. Looks like we're stuck here for the night."

"Oh, that's too bad," Fluttershy said. "Are you sure that this place is safe for us to stay?"

MC started smelling around. He then said, "By the smell of it, it smells like no one has been here for years."

"Well, who opened the door?" Smolder asked.

"The door must've been unlocked the entire time," MC said. "Let's see if there are any rooms here that we can sleep in for the night." MC then headed out of the den, Fluttershy and the Young 6 following. The group walked upstairs to see some bedroom doors and bathrooms.

"So, where do we sleep?" Fluttershy asked.

"No one alone," MC said. "I'll be with Gallus and Sandbar. "Fluttershy, you go with Yona and Ocellus. Smolder, Silverstream, you two stay in one room." The group nodded, and they split up into other rooms.

Smolder and Silverstream walked into the room they were going to share. Smolder and Silverstream took a look around the room.

"Meh, not bad," said Smolder.

"This room is fascinating," said Silverstream. "Let's see what other secrets this room has."

"Meh, you do what you want," said Smolder. "I need to use the toilet. Hopefully, there's still working plumbing in this old place." She then left the room.

Silverstream walked over to the closet and opened it up. She then saw something in there and said, "Hey! What is that thing? It's kinda creepy, yet funny." Then she heard the sound of children laughing coming from around her. "Who... who's there?" She then looked back at the thing in the closet, but she then started backing up in fear. "No. No! Get away from me!" She then screamed.

In the room with the boys, Sandbar was looking at a gramophone. He then said, "Hey, guys. Check out this gramophone." MC and Gallus walked over towards Sandbar to look at it.

"Oho, I've seen one of these in some antique stores," MC said. "These things are really old. Which some evolved into a record player, which then evolved into a CD player. I wonder if this thing still works." MC then turned the crank on the gramophone. There was the sound of cranks turning, but no sound was coming out. "Huh. Guess it's too dusty to play music." Then Sandbar started to stick his head into the horn. "Wait, Sandbar. Don't put your head in..."

Then came a puff of dust from the horn, making Sandbar get his head out of it and coughing. Then music started playing from the record. Which was from the song, "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie." MC then pulled out the record and started blowing away the dust.

"Remind me never to do that again," said Sandbar.

That made Gallus laugh. MC then looked around the room to see something in a glass case. MC then walked over to it and asked, "What do you boys think of this?"

Sandbar and Gallus walked over towards it. It was a talisman that looked like a stone hourglass. Gallus then asked, "What is it supposed to be? An hourglass?"

"If it was an hourglass, it would be made of glass and full of sand," said Sandbar. "Do you think it has anything to do with magic or something?"

MC opened up the glass case and inspected it. He then said, "Weird. I sense some kind of energy emitting from it. It could be an ancient relic." Then Fluttershy came into the room. MC looked over at the door and asked, "What is it, Flutters?"

"It's Silverstream! She's missing!" Fluttershy said.

"What?!" MC asked. Then he and Sandbar headed out of the room.

"I'll stay here!" said Gallus, staying in the room.

MC, Fluttershy and Sandbar met up with Smolder, Ocellus and Yona in the hallway. MC then looked at Smolder and asked, "What happened?"

"Okay, Silverstream wanted to inspect the room," Smolder said. "But then I had to use the bathroom. But when I got back, Silverstream was just gone. I then tried to look for her all over the place, but she wasn't anywhere."

MC then went into the room, and smelled around. "I smell her coming in, but not going out. She's just... gone. Oh, crackers. Sparkles and Queen Novo are gonna kill me. Figuratively, since I have a healing factor, I can't die."

"We need to find Silverstream!" Ocellus said. "We can't just let one of our friends be lost here." She then looked around. "Hey, where's Gallus?"

"NO! NOOO!! STAY AWAY!!" came Gallus's voice from the room. The group ran into the room and saw Gallus being pulled into a wall. "HELP ME!! GHOSTS!! REAL GHOSTS!!" He then disappeared into the wall. MC headed over to the wall, but the wall went solid and MC bounced off.

"Okay, this is officially weird," MC said.

"Did griffon just say... g-g-g-ghosts?" Yona asked, getting nervous. Fluttershy hugged her and the two started shaking in fear.

"There are no such things as ghosts!" Ocellus said. "We don't know what caused Gallus to go into that wall. Perhaps it's how Silverstream disappeared as well." Sandbar then grabbed the talisman.

"There are a lot of spirits out there that get trapped in the living world," MC said. "It could be possible that there are ghosts here." Then the sound of children laughing came from around them. The group stuck together and MC asked, "Smolder. By any chance, did you hear the sound of children laughing?"

"Well, I did hear some laughter right before I came walking into that room," Smolder said. "It could be that..." She was then interrupted when some white faces came from the walls.

"What the heck is that?!" Sandbar asked. Then white arms came out of the walls, heading for Sandbar and Fluttershy. "WHOA!" Sandbar dropped the talisman as the white arms grabbed Fluttershy and Sandbar. Then the two screamed as the two were pulled into the wall.

"Still have doubts about ghosts, Ocellus?" MC asked.

"I didn't know!" Ocellus shouted. "We need to get out of here!" Then more white arms came out of the walls, grabbing Ocellus, making her scream. Smolder then grabbed Ocellus, but she was pulled in as well.

"Whoa!!" Smolder said as she and Ocellus were pulled into the wall. Then more white arms headed for MC and Yona. MC then grabbed the talisman and held it out to the white arms, which stopped. Then the ghosts headed away from the two of them, heading towards the window, heading to a hedge maze behind the old house.

"That... was messed up," MC said.

"Where Yona's friends?" Yona asked. "Are we only ones left?"

"I don't know, Yona," MC said, looking out the window. He could see a few purple flashes coming from the center of the maze. "But I think we're gonna have to go to where those ghosts went to get our friends back. We'll go in the morning."

Back in the car, MC and Yona were asleep in the car. The Talisman was sitting on the dash of the car. MC then woke up and looked around. He then moved his seat back to it's original sitting position. He then shook Yona.

"Yona," MC said. "Wake up."

Yona woke up and looked around. She then asked, "Why Yona sleeping in ponyless cart?"

"Remember what happened last night?" MC asked. "The ghosts."

"GHOSTS?!" Yona shouted. She then gasped. "Yona's friends!"

"C'mon," MC said, grabbing the talisman. "We got to get them back." MC and Yona got out of the car and headed back to the house. They then went towards the maze behind the house. Then the two of them reached the center of the Maze and saw a pedestal at the center of the clearing.

"What is this place?" Yona asked.

"Odd," MC said, walking over to the pedestal. He then looked at the pit in the center of the top of the pedestal. Then there was an inscription on the pedestal, which he read out loud. "'Appears under the moon, disappears under the sun.' Interesting." He then looked at the bottom of the pedestal. His eyes then went to a glowing golden aura color. "Okay. There we go."

"What is it?" Yona asked.

"There's a staircase under this pedestal," MC said. "C'mon, give me a hand." MC then put his hands on the pedestal. Yona followed with her hands. Then the two moved the pedestal away, revealing the staircase. "Okay, so this is where the ghosts hide during the day." MC then picked up the talisman. "Let's go."

"Wait!" Yona said. "Yona can't go! Yona scared."

MC then put a hand on Yona's shoulder and said, "Hey, I get it. Fear is a natural thing. But we have to face our fears to save our friends."

"But... But..." Yona said. She then thought about her friends. She then sighed and said, "Okay. Yona will go. For friends." MC nodded and the two of them headed down the staircase. It was getting darker and darker as the two were going down the stairs. Yona then asked, "Isn't fox scared of what's down there?"

"Everyone gets scared," MC said. "But to protect my friends, my fear just goes away. I just have to focus on what's important, and forget the fear. Hopefully, the others are still alive."

Meanwhile, in an unknown void, there laid Fluttershy and the rest of the Young Six. All of them were unconscious. There were a bunch of ghosts floating around them. Along with a much larger one.

The smaller ghosts were laughing in a much more creepy laugh.

Back with MC and Yona, the two reached the bottom of a staircase. Yona then said, "It's too dark. Yona wish we brought a unicorn pony."

"Hang on, I got this," MC said. Just then, his left hand started glowing in a golden aura. He then held it up. "There. That's better, ain't it?"

"How you do that?" Yona asked.

"It's a power I had," MC said. "It took me a while to master simple tricks like that, then again, I was only eight at the time." He then started smelling. "Hey, I got their scents. Follow me."

Just then, the sound of the ghosts laughing came into the room. Yona got closer to MC, hugging him tight. She then said, "Ghosts coming!"

"Yona... I need personal space!" MC said as his body was crushed. Then they saw the ghosts coming up towards them. MC then held out the talisman. "Hold it, ghosties. Stay back!"

The ghosts stopped and looked at the talisman in fear. Then they headed back down the hallway, screaming in fear.

"Okay, that was weird," MC said. "Usually, it's the ghosts who scare the living. Not the other way around." He then looked at the talisman. "Or perhaps it's this stone hourglass." He then inspected the talisman. One side had a sun while the other one was a moon. "Appears under the moon. Disappears under the sun. If this thing has anything to do with the ghosts, we're gonna have to go deeper into this place." Then the two of them headed down the hallway.

Back in the void, Ocellus was coming to. She looked around, seeing the ghosts around her. She then looked up and saw the largest ghost. She then tried backing up, but her body was too exhausted to even move back.

Back in the hallway, MC and Yona stopped at a dead end.

"Where ghosts go?" Yona asked.

"Ghosts are intangible, meaning they can pass through walls like light through glass," MC said. He then started smelling again. He then looked over and saw a smaller staircase, leading to a door. "There!" Yona turned her head towards the staircase and saw the ghosts going through a wooden door.

The two headed for the door. MC then kicked the door open. The two of them walked in, looking around for their friends. The two of them saw that they were in a small room with a small shelf in a wall.

"I don't get it," MC said, looking around. "This is where their scents lead. But they aren't anywhere in here."

"Gallus! Smolder! Any of Yona's friends in here!" Yona shouted. MC then covered Yona's mouth. Just then, they heard a voice coming from above.

"MC! YONA! Up here!"

The two looked up and gasped. They saw a skylight, showing the void. There in the middle of it was Ocellus, pounding on it.

"Ocellus!" MC shouted.

"Hurry! Get us out of here!" Ocellus shouted.

"Hang on, Ocellus, I'm coming!" MC said, about to unleash his claws. "Time for the Chaos Claw."

"Hold on!" came Ocellus's voice, but this time, it was a little different. "It won't work like that!" MC and Yona looked up at Ocellus. "The only way to get us out is to use that talisman you have."

"How stone thing gonna get you out?" Yona asked.

"Take that stone over towards the shelf on the wall, and place it on the shelf," Ocellus's voice said. MC paid attention to Ocellus's words and her lips. But that didn't stop Yona from taking the stone to the shelf.

"Hang on, Yona," MC said. "Something's not right."

"What fox talking about?" Yona asked.

"I hear the words, but her lips ain't matching the words," MC said. "I can read lips."

"It's an optical illusion!" came Ocellus's voice. "Yona, please. Put the stone on the shelf with the moon side facing upwards."

Yona looked at the talisman's sides. She then saw the moon side and started putting it on the shelf. MC then got angry, looked at Yona and shouted, "NOOO!!"

Yona put the talisman on the shelf. But then, a blue light emitted from the talisman, but then a blue light came from the ceiling. MC and Yona covered their eyes. When the light cleared, a bunch of ghosts came, including the big one.

"I knew something was up!" MC said, angrily. "Which one of you was impersonating Ocellus?!"

"Thank you, Yona!" the big ghost said in Ocellus's voice. Then he and the other ghosts started laughing.

"Who are you?!" MC shouted. "Or is it who were you?"

"I am King Boom Boo! King of the ghosts!" the big ghost said. "But in life, I was the original owner of this house. In life, I was a wealthy millionaire who had the good life. But ever since they built a school across the street from my house, I've been troubled by little kids, every Monday through Friday from Autumn to Summer. So I decided to try to scare them off. Using real ghosts."

He was flashbacking back to his past. He was a human man, reading a book on black magic.

"But when I got everything for it, not only did I summon real ghosts, I was transformed into one as well. And as for the children, it would seem that they've became the same ghosts I summoned."

It then went back to the present.

"That explains why the ghosts had the laughter of children," MC said.

"I can't find a way back to the living, but I will live on and take you all for myself!" King Boom Boo said.

"Never!" MC said, getting into a defensive stance in front of Yona.

"Oh, really?" asked King Boom Boo. "How about this?!"

Then a blue light came from the ceiling, and out came Fluttershy and the rest of the Young 6. Yona was about to walk towards them, but MC stopped her.

"Hang on," MC said. "Why would he let them go like that?"

Just then, Fluttershy and the others woke up, but they had the eyes and the teeth of the ghosts. That made Yona shout in fear. MC then had his fists glowing.

"Don't resist!" said the possessed Fluttershy. "It'll only make this worse for you two." Then the six possessed creatures started charging at MC and Yona.

"Run," MC said. Then the two of them started running around the room, trying to get to the door, but they were blocked by ghosts. "Oh, shoot!" Then the two of them were surrounded by the ghosts. "Talk about a dead end." He then looked around. "Sorry, bad choice of words."

MC and Yona were standing in the center of the room, looking around. MC then saw the talisman. He then thought about something.

"Appears under the moon. Disappears under the sun," MC said. He then got a realization. "That's it! That's their weakness! Yona! Get the talisman, and flip it over!"

"What?!" Yona asked. "Are you sure about this?!"

"Just trust me!" MC said. He then fired golden blasts at the ghosts, but the blasts went right through them. The ghosts were laughing. But then MC was tackled by the possessed creatures. "Do it!"

Yona then grabbed the talisman, and flipped it over. When she placed it back on the shelf, a yellow light came from the ceiling, making all of the ghosts scream in panic. Then the ghosts popped out of Fluttershy and the rest of the Young 6.

Gallus coughed and said, "That was horrible." He then looked down at MC, who was still tackled. "Oh, sorry, MC."

"You guys have five seconds to get off of me," MC said. Then the ones on MC got off of him. MC then rushed around the room, creating a small whirlwind, all the ghosts getting caught in it.

"Why you!" King Boom Boo said. Then MC charged at King Boom Boo, then punched the large ghost in the stomach, him heading towards the wall.

"Yona, get the talisman!" MC shouted. Yona then grabbed the talisman. "We're getting out of here!" Then MC, Fluttershy and the Young 6 ran out of the room. From the rumble, King Boom Boo came out, angrily.

The gang reached the staircase that lead outside. Fluttershy then said, "I have to admit. That big guy was the ugliest of all the ghosts."

"You got that right, Fluttershy," MC said. Just then, the sound of rumbling came from behind them. The group stopped and looked back. They saw King Boom Boo coming right towards them, destroying the floor on the way. "Man, this guy just won't quit. Let's go!" They all ran as fast as they could. As they reached outside, Smolder, Gallus and Sandbar pushed the pedestal back over the staircase. MC then grabbed the talisman from Yona's hands, looked at the sides, and then he placed the talisman on the pedestal.

Then a huge burst of sunlight came over the entire area. Then all of the ghosts from the entire place came out of the ground, heading up into the heavens, screaming in fright. Including King Boom Boo. Then they all vanished from sight. Then there was a small earthquake.

"Run!" MC said. They all started running, but the ground caved in. But luckily, Gallus grabbed Sandbar, Smolder and Silverstream grabbed Yona, and Fluttershy and Ocellus grabbed MC. They all flew back to where the car was.

"That... was crazy," MC said. When they landed, they saw a mechanic's truck parked in front of the car they came in.

"Alright, the car is all fixed," the mechanic said. "That'll be $150." MC then pulled out his wallet and payed the man. Then later, the group were all in the car, continuing their way back to Green Hills.

"Okay, that was crazy," MC said.

"When we get back to Equestria, let's get our story straight," Fluttershy said. "We had some traffic trouble."

"Sparkles ain't gonna fall for that," MC said. "We're just gonna have to tell her what happened. No matter how crazy things sound."

"Yeah, you're right," Fluttershy said. "I just hope that we won't have to worry about those ghosts again."

"I wouldn't worry about it," said Ocellus. "If those ghosts went up, they can finally rest in peace."

"Hopefully, you're right," Smolder said, smacking her lips. "I can still taste ghost slime."

"Yeah, that's ectoplasm," MC said. "All ghosts have it." Then the ones who were possessed smacked their lips. MC then used his rear view mirror to look at Yona. "Well, at least we're the only ones who weren't possessed, eh, Yona?"

"Ghost slime must be gross," Yona said.

"You have no idea," said Gallus. They kept on driving back to Green Hills. Hoping they would never have to deal with things like that again.

Author's Note:

Next Episode: